#yeah i deleted the other one and remade them smaller What About It
vcrnons · 1 year
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mingyu's naked shoulder: several dead, many injured, at least 3 in critical condition.
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wcamino-confessions · 4 years
Pretty sure KS means killing stalking, but even if it doesn't, it reminded me of the hell of being smaller and trying to set up boundaries. I tend to be a long talker, so sorry about this and I know no one asked, I just got to thinking smh
(Mods, please put a killing stalking TW, abuse ment TW, Transphobia TW, and possibly a yaoi ment TW because I know some people don't like to see that mentioned either!! qwq)
I had a girlfriend that put a lot of trauma on me, she was huge into yaoi and was super into sexualizing anything that was even slightly about mlm/gay men. Imagine her excitement when I came out as trans, and she was like "well, you're still gay because you a girl physically" despite that... not being the case if I was a man dating a woman but ok. 
Any time I did anything, she'd tie it back to yaoi, and even started giving me nicknames she got FROM those manags. Yeah, not exactly nice since she would always make me the "uwu small bean boy" despite me being much stronger than her, having defined muscles and being taller than her?? Like I was clearly masculine but ok.
Anyways, long story short, the one she was more aggressive with was Killing Stalking, and she would even pose me in poses from the manga and it just 👁👁 traumatized me heavily (not mentioning all that happened because I am a ✨minor✨ but anyways that one stuck really heavily)
SO on the topic of WA, because that's where I was going with this, I was just newly out of the relationship, and I still was super sore and allowed people to walk all over me from the abuse that I had suffered that totally destroyed my confidence. I decided to make a "do not interact/follow if" post since I saw those on twitter and tumblr and wanted to set up my boundaries.
I said "if you read/support killing stalking" as one of the things I didn't want, and mentioned how it came from my trauma, and then also mentioned "if you read/support yaoi" also tying back to my trauma.
When I say I angered people- Boy oh boy.
I was attacked by multiple users with thousands of followers (I had MAYBE 800-1000 followers) and they were persistent in telling me I had no right to judge others on what they watched "Just because I was abused" 
One of which was a DramaClan lt member. (I can't remember if this was in 2017 or 2018, so please don't go blaming anyone in particular since I DON'T remember the name, and I don't want to witch hunt them.)
Coincidentally after the DC lt member commented, I got flooded with comments telling me that what I went through wasn't enough to alienate people of my following. That makes me think it was shared in the chat for the clan, or at least between friends. I got into a fight with the DC lt member and they kept going at me until I eventually deleted and remade the post to remove yaoi and killing stalking from the list.
Then the comments stopped, and no one attacked me. I almost left WA because of that, I was so scared my entire growing account was going to be slandered and accused of just being "too sensitive" and I cried a lot for about a week straight since I tried so hard to make the person understand where I was coming from, and in that effort I reopened a lot of wounds and relived a lot of my trauma.
I was openly 14-15 years old, just a young user doing their best to feel comfortable on their own page and posts, but I was beaten down by people much more popular and known than me, and it took me until 2020 to redo my post and stand firmly on my boundaries. I'm 17 years old now, and I find no one really put their fists up like when I was younger and smaller.
My point is that killing stalking isn't just a comic/manga to everyone, and if someone tells you/make a comment that it's not appropriate to have on WA (full of children) when it romanticizes abuse, murder, and stalking (as well as follows the yaoi gay stereotypes of them being fucking PASTY white boys) maybe... just maybe don't attack them and listen for a minute.
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