#yeah i don't have eclipse on my system anymore
cinnamonwolfy · 1 year
so i decided to try out programming in kotlin for a change of pace, and after getting eclipse set up and then getting a build error for not having the main function even though it was right there in the source file, i remembered why i extremely dislike anything more high-level than c that isn't ruby or rust
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missterious-figure · 2 months
Part 2
Sun was staring at something, but you couldn't hear or see anything out of the ordinary in your yard... whatever it was that was bothering Sun was definitely coming from beyond the wooden fence. You listened silently, hoping for some clue or indication as to what had the mer so on-edge. The faint rustling of leaves from the other side of the fence caught your attention. You heard a few deep grumpy mumbles, followed by a lighter-voiced angry retort, and your heart nearly stopped.
You recognized those voices. The first one was your dad's, the second belonged to your mother. And by the sound of it, your dad was being told to climb the fence. Instant panic flooded your system and you shoved Sun back into the pond. Of course the mer was quite confused as to why you were now pushing him away. He tried to swim back to you, gurgling, but you quickly put a finger over your mouth. He seemed to understand, as he shut his mouth mid-squeak.
"Sun, be a good boy and hide, okay?"
You said frantically as you stood up and tried to shoo him back underwater. Still quiet as a mouse, he tilted his head.
"You know, hide? Dive! Go back under until I come get you, okay?"
He finally got it, and disappeared under the murky water. Just in time! Your father poked his head over the fence, leaves and twigs sticking in his hair. You turned to face him, using all your might to stop yourself from giggling. You knew he would yell at you if you did. Before you could even get upset at him, he barked in a rather unpleasant tone,
"Who were you talking to? I heard you talking to someone."
"Who said you could climb over my fence? And when did I say you could come visit me?"
He scowled at your remark.
"I'm your father, I don't need permission to visit you."
You decided to make things short. You already didn't what to deal with him any longer.
"So what do you want? If you're going to ask me to come back, I'm not."
He glared angrily, and you could tell that's probably along the lines of what he wanted to talk to you about.
"You owe me and your mother everything! We are your parents! And we certainly didn't raise you to be such ill mannered and arrogant brat!"
Growling, he began to heave himself over the fence.
"One way or another, you will come back, even if I have to drag you myself! Now come on, the car is still running and I won't argue with you anymore!"
You stepped back, terrified. Was your crazy fuck of a dad really trying to kidnap you? You hurriedly scrambled to get your phone from your pocket and dialed 9-1-1. The look of terror on your on your dad's face was quite evident, as he froze, then began to climb back down the other side of the fence.
"Y-yeah that's right I'll- I'll call the cops on you!"
He quickly disappeared and you heard a car door slam. Tires screeched as and drove off into the distance, until they faded away.
Wow. Fuck. That was fast. You were lucky your father was so afraid of getting caught by the police (mostly so his reputation wouldn't be ruined, you thought to yourself) that the mere mention of you dialing 9-1-1 was enough to send him packing. Hopefully, your parents would keep believing the whole "I'll call the cops" ruse. If not, you weren't sure how else you would make them leave you alone. Deep down, you knew you could never actually call the police. What if the cops found out about Sun somehow? What would they do to him? And his brothers, Moon and Eclipse?
You didn't what to think about that. You shook the thoughts from your head and collapsed onto you knees next to Sun's pond. This whole situation was a headache to think about, and your parents were getting more pushy and forceful. You couldn't take another one of their visits. You had no idea when, but you had started crying. Streams of tears trickled down your face and your nose became runny. You buried your head in your hands. This was all to much...
Sun slowly bobbled his head up to the surface, his big round eyes staring intently.
Your dropped your hands to your knees quietly. You took a better look at his face. There was clearly a look of concern on his face. He probably saw the whole situation, from under the water. He slowly pulled himself ashore, his face now inches from yours. After a few moments of the two of you staring at each other, he gently pressed his closed mouth onto your tear soaked cheek. You sat there stunned for a moment, completely caught off guard. Did he just... give you a kiss? You couldn't help but smile, a few more tears, happy tears, slipping from your eyes.
You slammed yourself into Sun almost sending both of you back into the water. He wasn't sure what to do at first, but he quickly caught on. He wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back. He gurgled and cooed in a soothing way, as if he was actually talking words of comfort. Even though he was wet and a little slimy, you were grateful for this. Even if you hadn't known him very long, he was more loving than your family had ever been during your whole life time.
"Thank you, Sun."
Link to part 1 below
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eziojensenthe3rd · 15 days
Midnight Gaming: Long Live Eggbug
So last night I played Atari 50th anniversary collection, checked socials later to find.... cohost will shut down by the end of the year... aww..
So Atari is a company thats been around for a long while in the gaming industry, all the way back in the 70's with pong and asteroids, leading to the atari 2600 or vcs as it was called and finally leading to thier last console, the atari jaguar which flopped hard. It was a console that was advertised as a true 64 bit console even though it was really just 2 custom 32 bit processors, making it difficult to make games that run well, in the same decade that has the playstation and the nintendo 64. Yeah, "do the math".
Never really got to experience much of Atari when they were a contender in the scene, heck I wasn't even a year old when the Jaguar was launched so it wasn't really a part of gaming that I had a hands on experience with but I have heard of them. In my general interest in all things gaming in my youth, Atari was brought up sometimes in some gaming mags and online media, AVGN is probably for many people how they heard about Atari as he covered some games on the 2600, even did an episode on the failed 5200 and the Jaguar consoles.
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So Digital Eclipse (not to be confused with digital extremes, the warframe folks) has done a 50th anniversary collection that has various games from atari's history, including some unreleased games. Naturally since these games can be easily emulated, a collection of old games wouldnt mean much but theres more to this than just that. You also get a bunch supplemental material such as artwork, behind the scenes documents and videos of interviews with several employees and key figures in atari's history, talking about various things. Cliffy B is there too for some reason.
For me its damn fascinating to follow along a timeline of events, looking at various media and playing some games, getting a feel on Atari's journey over the years. You do learn a few things about the company and how it ran at the time and uhhh.. it certanly looks a bit familiar. Developers having to work overtime, upper management ignoring concerns from thier employees, games being marketed beyond what could actually be delivered leading to consumer backlash, employees losing their jobs in mass. Yeah those problems are still around nowadays huh. 50 years later and nobody has really learnt anything, still making the same mistakes that one time led to the most infamous market crashes in history. Funny thing tho, while the games market did indeed crash in 83, leading to several businesses going bankrupt, for the average 2600 player it was just an odd time in which new 2600 games werent made. Because the 2600 had such a massive install base, eventually new 2600 games got made again, even during the time when the Sega Master System and the Nintendo Entertainment System were leading the console scene. To quote one Garry Kitchen "No one told consumers that there had been a crash. No one went to their house and said "You don't like video games anymore"".
Digital Eclipse also did some other games in the documentary style, the art of karateka and llamasoft. I wouldn't mind checking those out as I feel a documentary that covers a particular subject sounds fascinating to put the lenses of an interactive game, though I suppose it does veer a bit close to "edutainment" territory.
So now with that done, lets move onto the.... news. Cohost is announced to be closing down at the end of year with it converting to a read only format in October. I genuinly enjoyed my time on cohost even if it was short. From looking for alternatives to Tumblr, I stumbled onto it and found a chill sort of site that I felt comfortable browsing, chatting with peeps and sharing posts. It was a site that had an independent vibe that was unique and humble compared to some of its contemporaries. Tumblr weared the mask of being queer friendly despite nuking the odd trans blog every now and then, twitter is a cesspit run by that nepobaby bastard, discord seems to have issues with power tripping mods and creeps. A lot of social media seems to either be.full of techbro crypto ai weirdos or algorithmic data-harvesting software or both! But cohost had the vision of a place that didnt had user-unfriendly practices, instead of just making a site that demands engagement from the user for the sake of profit, the team made the site comfortable to browse and post on, letting people build up communities to hang out and chill in. Sadly that ambition wasnt sustainable due to the issues with both work and finance and in the end, it'll all be shut down.
I'll still be posting Midnight Gaming on Cohost until October as well as on tumblr until I find another site to host this series. Maybe I'll try that dreamwidth place I heard about, maybe i'll actually make a neocities site. We'll see what the future holds.
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Until then, Rest in Piece Cohost. Hug your local eggbug today.... oh yeah james earl jones passed away too... awful lot of death lately, an old friend on my fathers side recently lost thier wife too. September what the hell you doing?
Hey whatever happened to those prizes that were won during the Swordquest contest?
Thats all for today, see you tomorrow. Feel free to leave any game suggestions or feedbacks. Anons are currently on.
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reaper-bloodmoon · 7 months
TSAMS Continuity AU: ....Where'd The Body Go?
[Teek is seen standing over the pod that previously held the W.I.P. Eclipse body, their eyes wide as they couldn't believe that the pod was empty.]
Teek: Where....where'd the body go?? It wasn't even complete yet, it didn't have the right arm yet!! Or a completed leg for that matter!
[Teek then presses the side of their head, calling Crescent Moon in a panic.]
Teek: Crescent Moon!! Pick up, pick up!
[The line is picked up, though it's followed by Crescent Moon screaming and the sounds of Eclipse, Solar, and Moon chasing him down.]
Crescent Moon: Kind of busy getting chased here, what is it??
Teek: The body's gone! I came into my workshop and our new Eclipse's body was gone! My hard work, stolen!
[Teek cried dramatically as Crescent Moon got nearly tackled by the currently unfinished Eclipse.]
Crescent Moon: Yeah about that, that body is running around and trying to pin me down, and apparently he has all his memories!
Teek: WHAAAT??? Oh no no that just won't do, he isn't even complete yet! You have to knock him out or something so I can complete him!
Crescent Moon: I would if Solar and Moon weren't also chasing me!
Teek: .....Oh dear....well don't lead them to my base!
Crescent Moon: Excuse me?!
Teek: I can't have them finding out about me yet, dear Crescent Moon! Besides, along with the previous information of Clipsy having all of his memories, that means that the cloud down here works!
Crescent Moon: Well he isn't at your beck and call anymore, I had to install that programming previously from a drive!
Teek: A drive that I still have, Crescent Moon.
Crescent Moon: What are you insinuating?!
Teek: Oh simple really! ....I no longer have a true use for you, dear Crescent Moon. It's really disheartening because you were such a good maintenance man for my security systems but I suppose I can go back to doing those myself~.
Crescent Moon: YOU FUCKING BASTA-!!
[Crescent Moon gets hung up on then tackled to the floor and held up by Solar, being kept in a vice grip.]
Solar: I got the little edgelord, thank whatever god.
Moon: You again...I thought I taught you a lesson last time but you just had to come back and try harming my family.
Crescent Moon: Heheheh...are we not family, Moon?
Moon: No, and we never were.
[Eclipse approaches Crescent Moon with that wide, unmoving grin on his face.]
Eclipse: Why....why did you make me, hm?
Crescent Moon: ....I didn't do it alone, you know. I...I just took care of your programming, backed up your memories in a cloud. I didn't think it would work. Teek's the one who made your body and any backups they have just in case. Your current one isn't complete as you can see.
[Crescent Moon has a nervous smile on his face, his orange eyes flickering.]
Solar: So that's why you wanted my arm so bad...
Moon: Crescent...who the hell is Teek?
Crescent Moon: Oh that's funny, you think you would know since you and Sun replaced them as the DCA!
[A silence falls over them as Crescent Moon reveals that bombshell to them...]
Crescent Moon: Oh lemme guess, Fazbear really did wipe all traces of them out of their systems like they claimed.
Solar: There.....there was a DCA before you and Sun?
Moon: Guess so...if he's to be believed.
Crescent Moon: C'mon, I can tell you all about it, you just gotta let me go!
Moon: Not happening.
[Crescent Moon's smile falters before he starts releasing his hallucination mist. It seems to effect Solar right off the bat as he suddenly lets Crescent Moon go, a fearful expression on his face as he started seeing his worst fears happen in front of him.]
Solar: No, no, I can still be useful, no-!
Moon: Solar!
[Moon doesn't seem to be as effected, coughing as they went through the mist and grabbed onto Solar's hands.]
Moon: Solar, pay attention to my voice, the damn kid's just using his hallucination mist catnap ability thing!
[Solar seems to somehow be holding back tears as he seems to shiver, the hallucinations somehow getting to him even more. Eclipse, meanwhile, hadn't been effected at all seeing as his mind was already so broken from coming back again. They went and chased Crescent Moon through the hallucination mist that was enveloping the area, searching for him.]
Eclipse: Come out come out, wherever you are so I can tear you apart!
[Eclipse then laughed maniacally, which startled Solar as he was still suffering from what the hallucinations presented.]
Moon: Solar, it's going to be okay, I'm here, I won't leave you like this.
[Solar can't even speak, clinging onto Moon in a hug, his stiff rays creaking as they shrunk into his head a slight bit. The hallucinations seemed to get worse and worse until the mist finally dispelled now that Crescent Moon had properly escaped...though now Eclipse was holding a piece of Crescent Moon's body in his hand, specifically Crescent Moon's left arm, which was somehow still functioning.]
Eclipse: Couldn't tear the little shit apart more...but I managed to tear this thing off that could help with finding out more about my other creator...
[Eclipse presented the arm to Moon and Solar, though looked annoyed when he realized Solar wasn't going to respond.]
Eclipse: Tch, what's his deal? Can't handwe a wittwe hallucination mist?
[Eclipse laughs while Moon gives Eclipse that glare, holding Solar closer to his body.]
Moon: Shut. Your mouth.
[Eclipse raised his hands in mock surrender while Solar just keeps clinging onto Moon, not fully recovered from being forced to witness the manifestation of his fears appear in front of him. Moon keeps Solar steady while he yanks the arm from Eclipse.]
Moon: The fact it's even still functioning is a miracle, now to just copy whatever is on this thing.
[Moon, with Solar still clinging onto him, manages to go over to the desk computer and starts copying the data into it. Solar still hasn't said anything, which does worry Moon.]
Moon: Solar, hey, you okay?
[Solar clings onto Moon tighter in response, burying his face away, not wanting to remotely look anywhere else in the moment.]
Moon: And that's a no...now I have even more of a reason to tear that wannabe apart.
Computer: Data upload complete.
Moon: Lovely! So, what exactly was on there?
Computer: Journal entries, audio files, and backed up information on Teek Gator. This backed up information seems to have been decrypted and copied before, Moon. I can also see some scrapped security footage on Teek within the backed up data.
[Moon lets out a long, exasperated sigh.]
Moon: That's the third Gator sibling I've heard Monty has that's just great...
Computer: Would you like me to read out the information here on Teek, Moon?
[Eclipse impatiently taps their foot, wanting to know about their other creator, though not wanting to admit it.]
Moon: Yeah sure go ahead.
Computer: Teek Gator was made long before you, Sun, Monty, Millie and Terry as it appears. It does state that they were the original attendant but was due to be...scrapped....because they became too expensive to maintain.
Moon: Too expensive...? Computer, how was it too expensive to maintain them?
Computer: It appears that they had....glitches, bugs, and viruses constantly show up in their systems as stated in this backup data. They also had a night mode that was the most infected, it seems...
Moon: That's not...not really a good excuse to just scrap a living being, they could've fixed it if they just installed anti-virus software on Teek but I guess that was too much for Fazbear.
Computer: Fazbear sucks.
Moon: Yes, yes it does. Anyway, what about that security footage? What's it of?
Computer: I...personally watched it while the rest of the data was being copied into my systems. It's not pretty, Moon. I can give you a basic summary.
Moon: ...Summarize away.
Computer: Teek was in their infected night mode and...killed a Fazbear employee with several children asleep nearby.
Moon: ....Well shit.
Computer: I'm sorry...do you want me to keep going?
Moon: Yeah just....just tell me if it mentions how they planned to scrap Teek.
Computer: It says here that they were going to send a prototype to do the job, which they did...but it states here that the prototype was never found and neither was Teek.
Eclipse: Well they've still gotta be around if I was made and woke up here, no?
Computer: You are...not wrong.
Moon: At least we know they could still be here, we've just gotta find out where they are exactly. Oh, by the way, keep that data safe in your systems, I think Monty's gonna need that later if we end up telling them about their older sibling.
Computer: Already done.
Moon: Thanks...Eclipse you can go hunt Crescent Moon down if you want I don't really care...I'm gonna just...focus on Solar and tracking Teek down.
Eclipse: Heheheh...well then...goodbye for now, Moon.
[Eclipse finally leaves the daycare and goes after where they saw Crescent Moon go after tearing his arm off. This left Moon and Solar alone in the daycare behind the desk. Moon starts using the computer to try and find Teek like he said he'd do while also trying to be a comforting presence for Solar since they still weren't doing well from the previous ordeal.]
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khaosgaming22 · 3 years
Expunged Part II
Drifter hefted his coat up over his shoulders as he fired up his ship from The Derelict where he transmatted Guardians in for his Gambit. It was tattered and scratched from the last time he wore it. On that cold, desolate hellhole planet with the shadows that snuffed out his crew's light. As for the rest of them well... only one came back to tell the tale. He activated the communications. "How you doin down there Moondust?"
"I've told you numerous times to refrain from using that nickname of yours Germaine." She said back through the crackled radio. The icy moon had a blisteringly cold atmosphere and an almost perpetual cycle of snowstorms.
"Any idea where this friend of ours might be hidin?" He asked and the ship jettisoned from its hangar toward Europa.
"We don't even know who sent the signal let alone what it is. They simply said that they mean to show us something." Eris says stumbling over a pile of snow laden with orange streaks encased in the ice.
"Okay well meet me in this clearing. Storm's too heavy where you are for me to land." He clicked on autopilot and sat back in his chair maneuvering his jade coin around in his hand then setting it ablaze. The ship sat down eventually and Eris walked up to it having crossed the field of ice and snow. She removed her shawl from around her mouth and watched as Drifter got out and stepped onto the moon. He was not two steps on that they heard a low hum coming from the north. They looked and saw a sparrow rounding a glaicer in the distance and speeding towards them. The sparrow disintegrated and the stranger jumped off. Drifter put a hand on his revolver. He turned to her.
"So. You must be this stranger we've been hearin about, the one who sent that signal." The stranger nodded and they saw what she was. Metallic.
"You're an Exo." Eris notes out loud. The stranger nods but does not speak. She walks past them and looks off at the distance.
"Good spot to land." Her voice sounds English with the reverb that always comes with Exos. Drifter and Eris look out at the horizon. A pyramid ship wedged into the surface like a chisel. This is what I brought you here to see."
Kenneth and Drake flew to Europa immediately after hearing of what they found. Ken got the signal from the Drifter and Drake from Eris, they knew full well the danger of the situation, Europa was not Vanguard approved, still they piled into Ken's ship
"This ship is a dump. What happened to your old one?" Drake asked looking around at the interior. It wasn't as cozy as Ken's usual one. No Golden Age relics.
"You think I'm gonna fly my good one in this far out? And risk never getting it back? Hell no I took the junker." Drake sighed and sat down in the cockpit next to him after swiping off the dust.
"Are you certain that this flying scrap is going to survive Europa?" He asked and looked out the window as they ascended off Earth and jolted into lightspeed. Ken was hesitant.
"Do you want the nice lie or the cold hard truth that you probably shouldn't even pick it's really not worth-"
"....maybe." Drake got up from the chair and grumbled to himself.
"I'm going to walk around." He said halfheartedly and exited the cockpit to find another hopefully not-too-disgusting place to sit and think. He found a broom and began to brush off a place for himself to sit and meditate on the last time he had gone out this far. Eve buzzed around him, she could tell something was troubling her Guardian but ever since his encounter with his father she had been quiet. He thought about calling Torra but he didn't want her to worry anymore.
Drake still felt ashamed for the events of that day. It was idiotic to think he could take on his father alone. He didn't want to involve anyone else because he didn't want anyone else to fix what he thought was his mess. It wasn't his mess. It was his father's, but none of that mattered now and not just others, but his own lover got hurt. When he woke up he saw Torra over him, he remembered the tears down her face. She had taken her hood off to try to get through to him, a fruitless attempt. As he contemplated what had happened he heard the door open and Eve quickly returned to her bag.
"We're here." Ken announced. His gear had changed drastically from his Last City garb. His hood was white as snow with a glow from his Solar Light running through it, he had a thermal mask over his face along with a wolf insignia on his chest piece. His arms had armoring around them and his boots were gray with pipes running through them. Probably some sort of heating system, it looked appropriate for the surroundings but jerry rigged together in classic Ken fashion.
"I was wondering when you would change." Drake said standing up from his spot on the floor. "You were gonna freeze to death in...whatever you had on before."
"For your information I got that from The Nine. But yeah no that ain't gonna stand up to the temperature of this place." He said fiddling with his Hunter knife.
"Right. Well then we should get going now." Drake looked around the ship then turned to Ken. "Where exactly is the exit?"
"Right there." Ken pointed with his knife to a small round hatch that looked about the size of a trash can.
"...on second thought, transmat me out Eve."
Eve did so and Drake was dropped into the white powder below as the ship flew off to find a suitable landing zone. He looked around through his hood and got hir bearings before summoning his sparrow and sidearm. The wind howled around him and he had to use thermals and the location point to guide him through the terrain, but eventually he came to where an glaicer collided with another creating a flat field of ice where he saw both the ship and where the signal came from.
Drake took his sparrow up over the cliff and onto the ice meeting up with Ken and speeding off toward the camp that was set up against the glaicer. The storm was not as bad here as the cliff blocked the bad weather so he could make out three figures. Eris was sitting by the fire, Drifter was standing and fiddling with a radio and another hooded Exo that Drake had never seen before was leaned up against the tent. She had a pulse rifle slung across her back.
"'Sup Drift? How's it goin." Ken asked and got off his sparrow. Drifter waved to him not moving from his place by the fire. Drake understood why, whoever this hooded stranger was was an Exo, with no feeling for the blistering cold, Eris was Awoken and Drifter was human.
"Aside from the storms that come up over the ridge every now and then, not too bad." Drifter answered and took a swig of something in his canteen, Eris said otherwise.
"We have much to talk about." She said gravely and the stranger walked forward to greet the Hunter and Warlock.
"Greetings." She said in a metallic voice. Ken recognized it was modeled after a posh British accent and along with her frame she would be eye candy for any interested Guardian. "My name is Elsie Bray and like Eris said, we have a lot to explain."
The pyramid ship, Elsie's origin and why they were here already were heavy subjects, but then she told them why they needed them here so urgently. Drake was astonished at all of it. He had studied the records left on Mars' Braytech facility before The Eclipse, Elsie was Ana's sister but not from their timeline. Instead she somehow was able to move through the Vex Network using her weapon as an anchor point. Fascinating. He would have numerous questions for Elsie, but those would have to wait.
"You have an Exo friend yes? He's a Titan." The two thirds of a strike team nodded. "He is here. But... he is lost to something. He's gone on a rampage destroying everything in his path in blind rage." This concerned Ken greatly. Drake couldn't believe it.
"No. No those days are over, Chao reset himself he is a different person now there's no way-" Ken put his hand on his shoulder and pointed to the ebony pyramid looming behind them. Drake lowered his head and stood up. "Where is he now?"
"He is almost here, but I know how we can help him. He's an Exo, we can use my bastard father's laboratory to reset him again and hopefully that will calm him down. Ken shook his head.
"No. Nu uh no way absolutely not, we are not resetting our friend he will lose everything he knows about us. We'll break his corruption just like we did Drake." Elsie nodded but did not look as sure of herself.
"Come with me, he's just up the glaicer. The storm will have moved on by now."
The three of them took their sparrows up to where an old communications satellite dish laid in ruin from both the weather and their corrupt Titan friend. Ken pulled up his hood that had blown off from the ride up and took out his handcannon from its holster. Drake readied his sidearm and Elsie followed suit with her weapon while they braced themselves. They could hear the crushing of metal coming from the radio tower and soon it would no longer hold, fallong over onto the outpost with a crash. On top of the building was a Titan in armor that was black as soot and looked like a knight. His armor had changed. He was breathing heavily.
The Titan turned his head and saw the three of them, then he did something that Drake nor Ken had ever seen. His chest exploded and his fist became encased in ice, he ran off the building jumping up and slamming it into the ground. Drake was so baffled at this that he had to be woken up by a shout from Ken.
"Drake get your head in the game man! We gotta take him down!" Ken shot rounds of his Sacramento at Chao but he slammed the ground and more ice shot up and the shots hit it instead. Then the Titan slid into them and they shattered into shards that exploded out and at Ken and Drake. This was not normal ice, it was sharp and tough as a rock crystal and it embedded itself into Ken's leg. He yelped out in pain.
"Agh- Son of a bitch that hurt! Drake! Don't let them hit you!" Drake ran over to Ken and put his healing rift down but it would only do so much and the Titan was not stopping to let the Hunter go through rehab. Chao slid into Drake and landed a punch knocking him off his feet and over Ken as he clutched his chest in pain. Elsie helps Drake up.
"I've called for Drifter and Eris, they'll be here shortly. Kenneth! Can you keep him busy?" Ken dodged out of the way of one of Chao's attacks and pulled out the shard with another scream.
"Yeah I can keep him busy but where the hell are you going?!" Elsie summoned her sparrow once she heard Drifter and Eris coming up the ridge.
"The Drifter and Eris are coming to help! I'm taking Drake somewhere where we can even the odds! We'll be back soon!" With that she and Drake sped off.
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And here it is everyone! Part 2 of Chao's story here on Europa. I know this is like 2 seasons late and we're almost to Splicers (which looks really cool btw definitely look out for stuff around this new season) Hunt was the worst season for me and the burnout hit quick, I played enough of Chosen to hear all the voice lines of my favorite blonde mechanic during Battlegrounds and took down Caital's champ in the tank. Long rambling short: It's almost summer and I'm ready to write more stuff as the longest and hardest school year finally starts to wind on down. And as always I hope you enjoy! (Art was done by the Magnificent @scout-fang check out her stuff if you haven't but you probably have already lol)
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