#yeah i gotchu!!!
omentranslates · 2 months
Trigun Maximum Chugai Grace Cafe Collaboration - I Translated the Website :3
Hi I saw someone on twt wanting this to be translated and that's literally all it takes to get me moving anymore so!
Anyways I translated all the food and drinks, I found the references they chose really cute except for the evil one lmao and I also included the unbelievably small print drink ingredients if you wanna try mixing them yourself!! 🫶
Also also, if you know how to use a proxy, there is actually some stuff here that overseas fans can get our hands on!! Under the cut to keep the dash clean!! Hope it helps!!!!!
Edit my dumbass forgot the original announcement link sjshsk IT’S HERE!!!
So, the menu
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Going from left to right we've got
"Battle Sausage Spaghetti"
"As Many Salmon Sandwiches You Want"
"Love&Peace Donuts"
"Banana Sundae"
and on the bottom row
"The Perfect Meal Plate: Vash's Handmade Fried Rice and Salad" ((´༎ຶོω༎ຶོ`) o k )
"Particularly Wonderful Udon"
"Mille-feuille with Ceylon Tea" (i believe the first part specifies gateau mille-feuille but I went to episode one and checked the subs for what they had her say officially and they left the gateau off so I did too)
"Latte with a random character art"
Character Drinks!!!
The Bride Soda, which comes with a double-sided postcard of the sworn friends (very common nickname for Vash and Wolfwood in JP fandom and ig official uses it too)
So the soda is their proprietary thing, it doesn't say what flavor it is or if it has one, but the shotglasses come with a little bit of smoked oak syrup and black ceylon tea and you're meant to fill the rest of the glass with soda and drink it that way. And then the rest of the text is just information and disclaimers for customers that plan on taking the bottle home (I guess it breaks really easily that’s So. lmao).
Vash's Drink <3
strawberry syrup
carbonated water and lemon juice
yellow candied cherries (drained cherries) and ice
Wolfwood's Drink
crushed coffee jelly and cafe ice (ice made and flavored with concentrated coffee and fruit juice)
brewed iced coffee and gum syrup
blue curaçao syrup and carbonated water
experimental ampules filled with blue soda
the cigarette is full of light brown sugar you're meant to mix in before drinking
Knives's Drink
apple juice and round sliced apples
mint and ice (it looks like mint leaves but full disclosure they have blurred that kanji to all hell I have no idea)
Legato's Drink
blue curaçao syrup
grapefruit juice
carbonated water and a mint cherry
a lemon and ice
Collab Merch
(Overseas pay attention here!!!!!! ChugaiOnline is opening these to online orders so we can get them with a proxy, I'll leave their link at the end of this section!!!!!!)
I've also listed all the prices in yen here so you can convert them to your currency, and all of these are the prices including the listed Japanese sales tax. If you want to see the price without it, it’s just the other number on the image!
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So they've got
Two way acrylic figure stands (the main stand comes with a ball chain, you can reference these on Amiami for what this kind of product looks like I'm prettyyyyy sure like they're called different but it looks like they go together the same way). Anyways this is a set of 6 and 1650 yen each, it looks like you get to choose which one you want but they don't have a deal listed for getting all of them.
Next to it are the buttons (also called can badges idk which one is more common over here), set of 12 (6 are regular and 6 are glittery variety). They are 550 yen per button AT RANDOM, THEY WILL GIVE YOU A RANDOM ONE, or a box with one of each all 12 for 6600 yen.
Below that is the polaroid collection, it's also a 12 piece set and you can get A RANDOM ONE, THEY DO NOT LET YOU PICK for 330 yen each or a box with all of them for 3960 yen.
The same exact deal with the plastic (like a vinyl material) postcards underneath, they're double-sided and come one for 660 yen each at random or the whole set for 7920 yen.
The calendar is for 2025 and is 1980 yen probably obvious but y'know
I would be so shocked if a proxy actually let you ship the Kuroneko sama cookie discs lmao but hey wtf they're 1080 yen.
The Bride soda is listed here because this is the same merch that will be sold in the shop but they specify elsewhere that it's not available for online order even in Japan you have to go to the cafe ;-;
Also this is just personal experience but a lot of proxies will not let you get like blind or random stuff like the buttons they don't let you pick which one, some of them will only let you get it if you're getting the whole box.
Annnnnnd online order special gifts!!
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For every 3000 yen spent in merch (including tax) you will get a random postcard from this set!! There are 15 to collect, they are NOT divided into halves of the event, you can get any of them at any time or all at once!! However, you can't combine orders made at different times/by different people to get more and if they run out that's it. Altho fwiw I have never seen an event run out of these lol
The online order period will be from Friday, May 24th at 11 am to Sunday, June 16th at 11:59 pm (both JST) and items will begin to arrive (within Japan, proxies will have to handle our own shipping ofc) from August 2024 on a first ordered first shipped basis.
Ok, this last bit is relevant to the in-person cafe experience so it's just for if you're curious about other cool things going on or you have a hobby of watching JP mercari like a hawk and wanna know what to expect!
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Guests who reserve places at the cafe online will get copies of some of Nightow sensei's most prized sketch pages, they'll get 3 random ones! Like with the special gift postcards, there are a limited amount and this event will end when they're all gone.
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And these are the coasters, guests will get one with every item they order off the food or drink menu at random (while supplies last)! The variety you can get is split between the former and latter halves of the event so there's something new to come back for even if you've already been once! (The first 12 days is on top and the last 12 days is on bottom)
They're also doing a wallscroll campaign!
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They'll have these decorating the venue, and when the event is over a raffle will be held where the winners get to pick out a scroll of their choice!
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shima-draws · 4 months
how did u get into sanlu/lusan ???! im ever so grateful u did bc oohohhoho my god, ur sanlu content FEEDS MEEE 🤞‼️
It’s funny you ask that bc I kinda already answered that with the last ask?? LOL
TLDR basically it’s become almost habit at this point to ship my favorite characters together (if they are compatible ofc) and Sanji and Luffy ended up becoming my favorites after watching OP for a bit so. It was inevitable 😂
I actually started out as a Zolu shipper (I still am just to a lesser degree now!) so really I think it began there—when I get into something I usually scour the AO3 tags for fics so I was on the hunt for some good Zolu writing. Zosan, being the most popular ship in the fandom (according to AO3 stats with over 10k fics. Holy shit) was also often included with Zolu fics making it a poly ship, so I was like oh hell yeah? I’m totally on board with that. So I got to see a lot of really fun dynamics with the three of them, and I started to get invested in the Sanlu side of things. As this was happening I was also watching OP at the same time and Sanji was quickly rocketing up my list of faves to take one of the top spots (Luffy had already become a favorite from the get go). And my brain was just like
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so I was like okay alright. Considering. And then after that I was fucking DONE for. They got me in a vice grip and rotted my brain so thoroughly that I’m utterly ruined for any other Luffy or Sanji ships now. I can even pinpoint the EXACT date it happened bc I posted about it lmao here’s my “realizing Sanlu is the ship of all time” post from early December, the day my life changed forever /j
Anyway they just have a really good dynamic and me being the idiot I was decided not to blacklist spoiler tags so I kept seeing stuff about WCI and how it was THE Sanlu arc so that probably doomed me even further. An arc focusing on my favorite characters and their very not homoromantic relationship with each other? I started binging OP nonstop just so I could speedrun to WCI and this was back when I was on like. Episode 300 something. I was soooo impatient I was desperate to get to WCI as fast as possible so I could Suffer LMAO
So um yeah the Sanlu hyperfixation has me by the throat and doesn’t plan on letting me go anytime soon. Sorry for the rant. I can’t shut up about them Ever
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seoz-seoz · 1 year
Note: temporarily closed, thank you everyone, I will reopen with more slots soon!
💥💥I'm opening emergency commissions!!!💥💥
❤️ Please reblog and consider ordering a commission from me!! I am in a really really tough spot now. (You can read under the cut if you're curious as to what's going on.) ❤️
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5 slots are open for now!!!!
These are *emergency* commissions, so prices are REDUCED and you can now get 2 CHARACTERS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!! (That means the listed prices are for 1-2 characters. For three or more characters, add 50% of the base price for each.)
Please email me at [email protected] if you're interested! You can also DM me with questions.
Line art
$ 15 head/bust
$ 25 waist up
$ 35 full body
Greyscale or Flat Color
$ 20 head/bust
$ 35 waist up
$ 50 full body
Full rendering
$ 30 head/bust
$ 55 waist up
$ 80 full body
✨️ What I'm offering right now is simplified due to the urgency of my situation. i.e. no complex details or backgrounds. PLEASE READ THE TERMS OF SERVICE & THE HOW-TO SHEETS ABOVE! There is alt text for all the images. ✨️
Context below if you're interested 🧡
This past year has been very very hard for me. I am physically disabled, I have chronic pain, and i have had numerous new health issues. And the last year alone I had to have 3 major surgeries on both of my hips. The surgery costs are insane, plus paying for the long hospital stays, all my different meds, my doctor appointments, etc etc... Basically it’s been a lot of medical payments. So I have been very limited physically, in a LOT of pain, crazy medical bills, and most importantly- unable to work for pretty much this whole year.
My future is very uncertain right now.. the person that has been my caretaker (and letting me live with them/helping with food costs) can no longer afford to take care of me or let me live with them. I have to move out as soon as possible. But as of now I have no where to go, no money, and no job, and severe physical limitations and pain. I have been in the process of applying for benefits but here it usually takes over a year to get it, if you're lucky.
So, I'd really appreciate if you'd share this or think of buying a commission!
Thank you for reading <3
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just-null-cult · 6 months
heeeyyyy.. hii...
judgingfrom ur recent posts, i noticed you might be drifting away from yandere!noritoshi, but your yan!toshi is sooo good ... please oh great froggy one bless us once more with he...
but frfr, im not drifting from it! as ive said in a previous post, ive just gotten busy. Ive got some yan posts in my drafts but they're pretty beefy...! so it'll take me a bit longer to get those out. ty for your patience and dw I will be posting more of that freak bc I love himsm..
the previous froggy posting was just to show that I was alive!
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idyllcy · 6 months
Hi, I hope I'm doing this right since I don't really request, but I wanted to do a matchup for your milestone event. Congrats on 1K!! <3333
Personality: I'm shy at first but when others start conversations I can speak up and gain confidence. I'm sometimes bubbly and just really happy in general, but I can be either really loud or just quiet. I also have anger issues. Age: 15 Ideal Date: Late night walks, bookstores, or just staying at home and watching something Ideal Type: Someone who I can sit in complete silence with and it isn't awkward or uncomfortable but also someone you can rant to about the things you like (sorry if this wasn't what you meant by type but this was the first thing that came to my mind and I couldn't really think of anything else). MBTI: ENFP Sun Sign: Aries Physical Features: Dark brown eyes and hair (they both look black, but you can kind of see the brown in my eyes), and im 5 ft tall
Random Headcanons please! And I'd like for it to be batfam, thank you!!
And congrats on 1k again!! <333
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You lay on Jason's lap as you stare at the ceiling, a comfortable silence coating the both of you as the clock ticks in the background. Jason looks at the book in his hand and then down at you, yawning.
"It's been a while." Jason hums. "Still tired?"
"Euthanizing me could fix me."
"That's not very smart, love." Jason rolls his eyes.
"It's fine. Nothing you haven't been through." You mumble.
"I'd prefer you alive. One of us has to warm the other up during winter." He hums. "And I'd prefer it to be you."
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lots of quiet dates in the apartment where you two just lay there in silence not even napping just soaking each others' presence up
Loves listening to you rant. Sometimes he calls you at like 3am to listen to you ramble because he can't sleep
Please never piss both of you off at the same time... ticking time bomb and will commit a war crime if both of you are pissed at the same time
lots of sitting on rooftops in Gotham and staring at the skyline when the two of you are too tired to do an actual date
Book exchanges!! You swap books with Jason once a month and give each other updates on what you've been enjoying.
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joshuamj · 2 months
just pulled an all nighter, but instead of it being for any academic or otherwise productive purpose, I learned how to crochet to make this little fella :)
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i love this little guy sm, he may be slightly scuffed, but he was definitely made with love <3 (and maybe a dash of sleep deprived mania)
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kaputzz · 2 days
Finally, finally got some news about my car accident from 6 months ago. At first it was bad news and then it was good news! I feel such a weight lifted off me that I didn’t even realize was there 🥺
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i-bring-crack · 4 days
Hana Twilight AU lol.
Haein was brought up in another country most of her life but suddenly her mother had sent her and her sister to live with her father which meant they would have to go back to Korea and familiarize with another culture as fast as possible. Joohee manages to adapt well in her school environment, but Haein never got along well with others nor did she try. She worries her elder sister might go through some bullying when Haein accidentally starts a school fight with Kanae, who's said to be really popular in school and has a close connection with high profiles. Haein had ended up winning by dodging, Joohee thinks that the other might try to get her revenge.
One day Joohee watches terrified as the truck is about to hit her when all the sudden it stops. She doesn't think to even look at the person who saved her sister as Joohee runs to help Haein up, her only thoughts are the hospital and any injuries that she could be bleeding out of, but Haein stops her and shows her that she is fine. She is in pure shock Yeah, but otherwise she hasn't sustained any injury.
At night Haein can only think about Kanae saving her out of nowhere, despite her wearing layers of dark Haein could easily remember those dark eyes of hers. And now they only keep haunting her as she goes back to school. Every moment they seem to pass Haein could feel a lingering stare only to find Kanae somewhere around the room. Her presence was hard to avoid, especially in sports, so Haein got used to it. Although the more she kept spend with Kanae the more clear it became just how inhumane she acted. Apathetic, obsessive, brash, wary. Always staying past midnight, never liking the sun. Starving, always starving. She smelled nice though, Haein thought, among all the humans she wanted to drink her blood the most.
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kibblekandae · 1 year
ALRIGHT hello this is Wolfie for anyone wondering who the heck this was. Yes the Wolfie from the askblog days. The Wolfie from the old mindcrack/isle of cake days. Yeah the black/white dog with the inverse 3D glasses.
I was one of the ones who retreated to Twit during that whole nsfw fiasco years ago and well...yall can see from afar that Twit's been nonstop on fire so... I'm gonna use this as a backup place for my art. Except, not technically here, but on one of my many empty sideblogs I have. I know I told folks on my twit to follow this page, but it just doesn't feel right suddenly posting art on here after about what...7 years? and jumpscaring old followers/friends/mutuals with sudden suggestive furry art LOL so yeah, gonna use a sideblog. SO for those who followed me here recently from my twit, follow kybsyourbits instead. I'll start posting stuff there very soon once I gather up which pieces I can actually put there [seeing that I'm a nsfw furry artist WHOOPS]. This account I'ma keep as a personal one, as it as been for the 12 years I had it, but maybe I can post a few stuff from my sfw account here every now and then so yall can see what I've been up to!
BUT yeah! Quick recap for how I've been these past few years: I've worked at a vet clinic. Left that job cause I was supposed to move to CO. Covid happened. Still vibing in GA instead. Been traveling a lot these past few years. Currently been doing art as a living since pandemic, saving up money to move out again. Ryder's still chilling [he's 13]. Bella's still chilling [she's 11]. They're both old. We got a new puppy in the household [he's 4 months]. Idk what's going on anymore but I'm still gay and internally suffering. Yeeeah that's it for now ✨
And yes, my /me tag is still around to help make your day a bit better~
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
this fic is literally just 2k words of setup for a banger ending lmao
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masonsystem · 4 months
also thinking abt tht one person on here who posted before abt seto being selfish/yandere-esque bc of whats written in novel 8 but it turned out they never even read novel 8 like huhh 😭😭
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worlds-okayest-acnh · 2 years
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Broffina’s anticipation station!
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aerie-stims · 10 months
i can do 10 more boards in like 4 days right ? yeeeeaaaah we’ll be fiiine
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kiwibirdlafayette · 1 year
yooo origins x mianite someone should do something with that ide- *car crashing noises* *vine booms* *amogus bass boosted*
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godwithwethands · 2 years
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– So. Limos, huh? – Don't start. – Hey, I'm not the one lying to my mother. – She hears what she wants to hear. I don't disillusion her. – Yeah, right. Maybe she hears what you tell her. – Whatever I tell her is never good enough anyway. It's always been that way.
COLLATERAL (2004), dir Michael Mann
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Despite the fact that I am an artist doing a degree in Fine Art, when I type the word "Art" on my phone the first thing autofill suggests is "Garfunkel" and I feel like this says a lot about me as a person.
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