#once I finish those I’ll open up comms again
seoz-seoz · 2 years
Note: temporarily closed, thank you everyone, I will reopen with more slots soon!
💥💥I'm opening emergency commissions!!!💥💥
❤️ Please reblog and consider ordering a commission from me!! I am in a really really tough spot now. (You can read under the cut if you're curious as to what's going on.) ❤️
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5 slots are open for now!!!!
These are *emergency* commissions, so prices are REDUCED and you can now get 2 CHARACTERS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE!! (That means the listed prices are for 1-2 characters. For three or more characters, add 50% of the base price for each.)
Please email me at [email protected] if you're interested! You can also DM me with questions.
Line art
$ 15 head/bust
$ 25 waist up
$ 35 full body
Greyscale or Flat Color
$ 20 head/bust
$ 35 waist up
$ 50 full body
Full rendering
$ 30 head/bust
$ 55 waist up
$ 80 full body
✨️ What I'm offering right now is simplified due to the urgency of my situation. i.e. no complex details or backgrounds. PLEASE READ THE TERMS OF SERVICE & THE HOW-TO SHEETS ABOVE! There is alt text for all the images. ✨️
Context below if you're interested 🧡
This past year has been very very hard for me. I am physically disabled, I have chronic pain, and i have had numerous new health issues. And the last year alone I had to have 3 major surgeries on both of my hips. The surgery costs are insane, plus paying for the long hospital stays, all my different meds, my doctor appointments, etc etc... Basically it’s been a lot of medical payments. So I have been very limited physically, in a LOT of pain, crazy medical bills, and most importantly- unable to work for pretty much this whole year.
My future is very uncertain right now.. the person that has been my caretaker (and letting me live with them/helping with food costs) can no longer afford to take care of me or let me live with them. I have to move out as soon as possible. But as of now I have no where to go, no money, and no job, and severe physical limitations and pain. I have been in the process of applying for benefits but here it usually takes over a year to get it, if you're lucky.
So, I'd really appreciate if you'd share this or think of buying a commission!
Thank you for reading <3
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liloinkoink · 8 months
hey! i'm opening commissions for writing and editing!
if you don't recognize my URL, i'm driflew and skelew on ao3. my most popular current work is the Lamplight AU on skelew, which is the account i’ve been using the most recently, but i've got quite a few works around. take a look at those links for examples of my work and the tone/content i'm best at!
💀 slots:
i've not done this before and am testing it out, so to start i'm only going to have three writing comm slots. if all goes well, i'll probably open them again once i finish, but i don't have a timeframe for how long this will take
i'll also do three editing slots, but those might refresh sooner
💀 price:
writing comms, the rate i'm thinking is 5 cents a word.
(that's $5 for 100 words, $25 for 500 words, and $50 for 1000 words)
editing comms, the rate i'm thinking is $5 for every 1000 words read
💀 what i'll write:
for fandoms, i'm definitely open to write for third life, one piece, and magnus archives. i'd be willing to hear out other fandoms i'm familiar with, like blue exorcist or certain webcomics, but might refuse if i'm not as familiar
for content, you can assume i'm willing to write something similar in content or tone to anything i've already posted. i'll write fluff, angst, character death, and i'd be willing to talk about some amounts of horror / gore, certain romance/ships
if you have questions about specifics about what i'll write, just ask!
💀 what i won't write:
poetry, nsfw (i just don't have the skillset for it), super heavy gore, ships i'm not into (as a general rule i'm not interested in incest or adult/minor)
....pretty sure this wont come up but im not writing any academic essays for you people either
i also reserve the right to just say no because i don't want to
if you have questions about specifics about what i won't write, just ask!
💀 how this works (writing):
DM me here at @liloinkoink or over at @asexualzoro to let me know what you’re thinking. we can talk out the prompt you want written and figure out a word count range of the lowest and highest word count you want, and i’ll aim to fulfill your prompt within those numbers
💀 how this works (editing):
what i'm offering is help with both copy editing and content editing.
DM me here at @liloinkoink or over at @asexualzoro with a summary of the piece you want edited and what specifically you want help with, and i'll do my best to help! if you want content editing, i'll be sure to help with as much advice as i can
you can assume the rules about what i will and won't edit are roughly the same as what i will and won't write
💀 payment:
payment'll be handled through paypal invoice
i won't ask you to pay me anything until the piece is done. i won't give you the piece until you've paid me
if you want to be nice and throw me a bone, my kofi is driflew
writing: open, 3/3 available!
editing: open, 3/3 available!
thanks for reading all this! ♥️
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doctorsiren · 4 months
Hey! Just a heads up, my Etsy shop is open for the summer! I know I already said this, but I’m realizing I may not have enough for my housing payments that I have to start making in July because I Do Not have a job while at home for the summer because my job is on campus back at my university in a different state
Even if you don’t buy anything, spreading it around would be a big help! And once I finish my application portfolio work (which is due in the middle of June but I will have it done before then), I’ll have time to finish my current comms, and then I’ll be able to take those again! So sorry for telling y’all about dumb financial stuff!
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cinnamonsly · 6 months
It's once again the same anon that asked about your DNI, I promise I will come off of anon when we finish redesigning our system aesthetic. I just want to tell you I absolutely love that art you posted today. I love the glowing stars!!! aughjhh!!!!!
Do you know when you plan to open your commissions back up?
hey there!!! and no worries at all :-)
and THANK U!!!! i appreciate that!!! i still got 2 comms left in the queue, but after those + probably a little break for personal art, they will be back open!! so hopefully soon, im gonna try to start taking them more consistently!! i’ll keep y’all updated tho!!
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kalevalakryze · 1 year
For Bo-Katan Week Day 7: Free Day
Prompt: The Niteowls Pairing: Bo-Katan Kryze/The Armorer, Bo-Katan Kryze & ‘Original Female Character’ & The Armorer Characters: Bo-Katan Kryze, Axe Woves, Koska Reeves, Other Niteowl Mandalorian Characters Warning: Children of war, canon typical violence, grief, accidental child acquisition Notes: I was rewatching guns for hire and started thinking about the way the fleet was looking at Bo when she walked up a little too hard. Also, I want alien and disabled Madalorians idk. This is also my first attempt at writing a zabrak Armorer too. Also, accidentally made an original character, and We’re going back to Skira as The Armorer’s given name ( making note of that bc I’ve been avoiding it in some of my more recent works ). Summary: “not a drop of Mandalorian blood,” Axe Woves had once said, as if his fellow Niteowls were not comprised of foundlings brought into their aliit across their travels. As if the woman to his right had not been found by Lady Bo-Katan a decade prior, and trained by the Mandalorian who cared too much. “Selfless and uncaring,” They’d called her, unknowing that those who bore the sigil of the Niteowl had each been foundlings of her own. Uncaring that she had trained each and fitted ill-fitting armor to their bodies, that despite the lack of the Living Waters, they had all taken their creed under her care. Word Count: 2,224 AO3 Link: Here!
“Easy, easy,” Bo-Katan called to the waking child. The Zabrak’s eyes blinked ope, before widening as she took in her surroundings. Blue and grey armored warriors stood around her, with her head pillowed in the rigid armored lap of a redhead, whose helmet rested on it’s side in the dirt. Grime and debris smeared across her face, brows pulled into a knot of worry, though relief shown clear in yellow-green eyes.
“Lady Kryze, we are running out of time,” The man to her side called. All their armor was damaged and covered in grime, like the smell of burnt plasma and sulfur hung thick in the air around them.
“I know,” She snapped when her head turned to him, causing the young girl to shift uncomfortably at the venom in her tone. She relaxed her features the moment she’d felt the discomfort, a small frown passing onto her lips. “Hey kid, we need to get moving, can I carry you?”
The girl shifted her weight again. “I can’t feel my legs,” She grumbled, voice low and hoarse.
When she tried to look down, a gentle hand grabbed her chin and turned her gaze back to the redhead. “Don’t,” The command was soft, more of a plea than a direct order. “Not right now,” The girl nodded her head, before she raised her arms. With a little bit of shifting and a dull pain in her hips, the Zabrak was soon wrapped around Bo-Katan’s neck.
The city was in ruins, masses of bodies strewn across the fallen debris of buildings. Stormtroopers, warriors in blue, and townspeople alike, fallen along the landscape. The child hung onto the strange redhead, allowing her head to be tucked close to the humans neck. Gentle fingers brushed against the back of her head, near the horns protruding from the top of her head in a comforting manner. The other blue soldiers walked close together, weapons at the ready as they blocked whatever view she could have with the closed in formation.
“Koska, could you…” The redhead started as they approached a ship landed in a clear part of rubble.
“On it,” One of the female soldiers brushed past before the woman could finish speaking. The sound of the ramp creaking open filled the crackling silence.
“Axe, Ka, Asun, can you three collect the fallen?” She turned on the ramp to face the small squad behind her.
“Yes, Lady Kryze,” The child couldn’t see who spoke, but he had a kind voice, if not a little stuck up sounding.
“Keep comms active, I’ll have Koska return us to the fleet before she returns,” It sounded more of a suggestion than an order, but the blue soldiers nodded their heads in agreement before three sets of feet started away from them.
They pushed further onto the ship, where the child was lowered into a pulled out cot behind the cockpit. “It’s going to be a bumpy ride,” The redhead frowned. “I am Bo-Katan, of Clan Kryze, we’re Mandalorians, and we're here to help,” She started to explain, digging through a medpack for something to do.
The small Zabrak on the cot stared, not just because of the real, living Mandalorian before her, but also because she’d seen a glimpse of the legs she’d been told to not look at yet. The lack of pain made sense, then. Yellow and black limbs had been mangled by the debris that had knocked her out. The memories had started to come back, then. The air raid sirens, Imperial patrols flooding the streets and shooting anyone who’d been outside, to the smell of jet fuel and the sounds of jetpacks landing all around.
The world was shaking a lot before she’d lost consciousness, she couldn’t remember anything past her home shaking and creaking with the explosions. “Hey,” Bo-Katan’s voice pulled her from the war zone that had been her life, a hand resting on her shoulder now and a look of understanding in her eyes.
The girl’s lip quivered as tears stung her eyes, until she was once more throwing her arms around the humans neck. The armor on her chest was cold and hard, but not entirely unpleasant as she sobbed into her chest, while the woman rubbed her back in a comforting manner.
There was an awkwardness to the woman holding her, a stiffness to her actions, but enough of a combined understanding that she rolled with what she’d thought was right. Not once did Bo-Katan shush the girl, or try to quiet the sobs that wracked her small frame. “Koska, can you engage autopilot and give me a hand?” She called softly to the pilot.
There was a bit of rustling and the sound of controls being hit, before the woman from earlier approached. “Get some Bacta around the wounds we treated earlier, everything looks clotted, but I’d rather be safe. Once we’re back to the fleet we can get the droids up,”
The other woman, Koska, did as she was told. The child couldn’t feel any of it though, aside from the pressure around her hips where she was able to feel.
Staying hidden in the offered safety of Bo-Katan’s arms, the overwhelmed child quieted at last, only the sound of their heaving breaths passing dry lips. One of the woman’s hands moved from her back at last, her upper body shifting and a quiet grumble following her actions, in some language she didn’t understand, until she was being gently forced away from her chest.
“Here, take a drink, nice and slow,” The small metal canteen was pressed into her hands, when they raised it to their lips, the woman helped her take slow sips. “There we go,” When the water was depleted and the ache in her head went away, she became briefly aware of the ship jostling. “We’re just docking with the fleet now, then we’ll see what we can do. We’re safe, here,”
The canteen was left on the bed, forgotten, as Bo-Katan once more urged the child’s arms around her neck and picked her up. The capital ship they boarded from the starship was old, and had a lot of the imagery her father had showed her from the Clone Wars emblazoned on the walls as they passed. Crates were stacked along the halls, full of more blue warriors, and even armored people not wearing blue, but reds, greens, yellows, it became a plethora of color once they passed through one of the larger halls.
The pair got odd looks every so often, though the child could not tell, only the blue people seemed to take off their helmets. There was a challenge in Bo-Katan’s eyes however, her head held high and her chin jutting out as they walked.
“Hey, did you get my comm?” She questioned after bouncing the toe of her boot off a doorframe once it slid open. Inside, a golden helmeted warrior stood surrounded by medical supplies.
“I have, the droid is prepared,” She gestured to the 2-1B series med droid standing idle by one of the many cots in the med wing. “Who is this?” She seemed rather attentive to the small Zabrak in Bo-Katan’s arms, causing her to shift anxiously.
“Hey, kid, this is The Armorer,” A pause, as the two exchanged a look. “She’s my Riduur, er.. my partner, The correction came quick as the Mandalorian reacquainted herself with basic’s term of a life partner. “She’s probably the safest person on this whole ship, and that’s hard to do with these guys,”
The child nodded before she’d finally allowed Bo-Katan to lower her into the cot by the droid. “My name is Staqi,” She finally spoke in a quiet voice, timid with anxiety and fear now that she was released from the secure hold of the first woman.
“I was once called Skira,” The Armorer shared. Stagi assumed this was some grand gesture, with how Bo-Katan’s eyes had widened and her lips had parted. Skira settled on one side, while Bo-Katan came around to the other to take her hand again.
“You don’t have to look,” Bo’s voice was soft when her eyes drifted to watch the med droid. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” The redhead’s hand squeezed around her own as yellow-green eyes shifted to the work on the lower half of the cot, her own nose crinkling at the sight.
“I don’t want to,” Stagi admitted, where upon her admission, The Armorer shifted from her perch on the side of the cot so her broader shoulders covered the procedure.
“You are doing very well,” The Armorer reassured her as she settled into place, her hand that wasn’t grasped in Stagi’s reached across the child to rest on Bo-Katan’s leg. A silent look was shared between the two, unreadable to the child who did not understand their unspoken language.
“I’m alright, Cyare,” Bo-Katan finally spoke aloud, her hand reaching to brush along the rim of the golden helmet. “Bumps and bruises, truly,” She’d promised in that same soft voice, with a kind smile pulling on her lips. It reminded Stagi of her parents, before the Imperials had come.
The Armorer seemed to take this answer as acceptable, as her attention shifted back to Stagi. For the remainder of the operation, the three passed stories, told each other about themselves, and kept the child’s mind occupied, far away from the operating table, somewhere almost nice.
Even when Stagi had fallen asleep, the two women did not leave her side, though she had a brief moment of wakefulness, when the gold of a helmet had been set down on the bed near her head. Her eyes had been blurry when she’d looked around, though she thought she saw Bo-Katan curled up in Skira’s side in one of the chairs beside the cot. Her skin was as red as the stories of Dathomir’s skies, with inky black markings outlining her face. The hair that tufted out around small horns seemed soft, and Stagi had fallen asleep with the thought that it was probably as soft as it had looked, as she’d tucked the golden helmet into her arms and fallen asleep hugging the cool metal.
When she woke up again, the helmet had been removed from her arms, though it had been replaced with the blue and white owl painted design, wrapped tight in her arms. Neither woman was around, but the med droid that was checking her over promised they’d only be gone a short time.
Curious, the Zabrak lifted the blue Niteowl helmet and slid it over her own head. It was comically large, though her horns pressed against the top in just the right way so she could see out of the dark visor.
It was awkwardly shaped enough that she couldn’t see out of the entire visor, however, so when knuckles rapped against the durasteel door frame, the girl had jumped, her head snapping to the side to find Bo-Katan, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest and a smile pulling at her lips. “Good morning, The Armorer needed her helmet, so I figured I’d slide in a replacement,”
“It’s so cool,” The child finally pulled it off of her head, going to hand it back to Bo-Katan, who’d just shook her head.
“It’s even cooler when you find all the buttons,” The redhead perched on the side of the bed once more, taking the helmet and holding it in a way so Stagi could see the buttons. “So this one engages the rangefinder, here, put it back on, we’ll see if you can see out of it,”
A guiding hand helped lower the helmet back onto Stagi’s head, before the weird stick on the side was lowered. Peering through the transparent glass, the room lit up with the heat seeking optic. “Woah!” She exclaimed as the rangefinder was raised and set back in place.
“Then, if you press this,” Fingers fumbled along the side of the helm, before smoothing over a button and reaching for Satgi’s hand to guide her to the button. When the child pressed it, a bright light lit up from a headlamp. She pressed it again shortly after powering it on, since it seemed hard for the redhead to see with the bright light in her eyes.
The Armorer returned, and the morning continued much like the night before. The Mandalorians had given her the ability to search for surviving relatives, though when none were found, there was no question about where she would go.
In the coming months, it had been clear that Skira had more familiarity with children than Bo-Katan, though when it came to learning how to use her wheelchair and learning how to fight despite it.
Navigation on their home planet of Mandalore had been tricky, though The Armorer and Stagi had worked together to engineer easier access all around. She’d even been able to help make her own armor, learning alongside The Armorer and her apprentices. Bo-Katan, who’d taken up her mentorship, had helped her carefully paint the Niteowl sigil and the combined sigil of the two women who’d raised her over the years. Stagi became one of the many Niteowls personally trained by Bo-Katan Kryze, and after the loss of her ‘clan’, she’d been readily accepted into Clan Kryze, along with the Mandalorian way of life.  
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suprgamr66 · 10 months
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Writer’s comment: This all originated from a weird dream that I adapted into an infinite watch story so if things feel like they’re a little weird just know I tried to make sure that there was reason for things happening but yeah. I can’t guarantee this addition to the infinite watch chronicles makes 100% sense.
The infinitewatch chronicles:Timelines collide part I
An alarm is blaring as two lines start merging near the ends.
“Infinite!”, a man calls out, “you’re going to want to see this!”. A man in all black armor from head to toe with a grey V shaped visor and a yellow line glowing in the visor, and a power core with the energy of the infinity stones coursing through it with a dark purple crystal in the middle of the power core.
“What is it,” infinite says, his voice distorted by the helmet he wears
“The timelines. They’re merging”
“Which ones, when in their time are they merging, and what phase are they in?” Infinite asks.
“The timelines are the attack on Titan timeline and owl house timeline, the attack on Titan timeline is projected to finish merging as eren is running towards Zeke but before he gets decapitated, the owl house timeline is merging as belos is on his way to the heart, and they’re currently in phase 1 of merging. Phase 2 will begin in an hour our time, phase 3 will begin in an hour and a half, and phase 4 will begin in 2 hours.”
Another man, a similar armor to infinite’s but with rodan’s wings on his back, Godzilla dorsal plates on his arms, and one of king kong’s teeth on each hand all shrunk to human level of size. He says, “Infinite, lemme handle this. I’m able to keep the timeline’s safe. My armor is built to handle titan class organisms.”
Infinite says, “No. I’ll handle it for now, Titan. You may be the leader of the Titan division but you’re still new to the position you haven’t even seen a timeline merger before. Once I’m sure events in the timeline won’t change or cannot be stopped from changing I’ll call you in to help.”
Titan argues, “but my armor will let me grow to the size of a colossal titan. Maybe even Eren’s founding titan with more experimentation. If you go in you won’t die but if a titan tries to eat you and you kill it how can we be sure it wasn’t going to do anything else on the timeline.”
Infinite responds, “Killing one titan won’t lead to the timelines dying or getting destroyed.” He turns to the other man who warned him of the timelines merging. “Get the rift open. I’ll keep comms open incase things go south.” Suddenly, a machine starts sparking to life. A crack in reality opens up and infinite steps through. He enters shiganshina and curses under his breath realizing how far he jumped. He saw Eren’s titan vaulting the edge of the building preparing to fight the armored titan. He went to eren’s titan and reached the head, “Eren yager!” Infinite said. “Listen, I don’t have time to explain but I need you to come with me!” Infinite knew it would be too late to stop the timelines from merging so all he had left to do was recruit those who could help infinitewatch’s mission of keeping the Omni verse from being destroyed. Eren didn’t respond. He only continued walking forward as parachutes were falling from the sky and a ball of glowing lighting sparked in the sky “here we go,” infinite said. He considered calling Titan on the comms to get him to help but he decided he could take them on. “EREN YAGER!” Infinite tried screaming again, “JOIN US AND YOUR ISLAND WILL BE SAFE!!” Eren paused he nodded, however he created a bow and arrow out of a crystal like material that shined in the sunlight. Infinite mumbles to himself, “so he has the warhammer’s abilities. It’s the only explanation for his Titan hardening abilities to be this heightened.” But before he could prepare the timeline began breaking worse and he heard a loud roar. “FUCK!!!” Infinite screamed. Suddenly golden lightning began appearing in one area and titans began appearing everywhere. Infinite out of rage let out a burst of purple lighting that suddenly turned green which resulted in nearly everything being frozen in time. Eren’s Titan looked confused and suddenly they see a giant ape like Titan rise, also looking confused. “The beast Titan,” infinite muttered. Infinite says, “You can come out of your titans. I won’t attack you.” The beast Titan walks over as Eren yager exits his titan. He asks, “how did you do this?” Infinite responds, “I don’t have time to explain, all I can say is I’ve managed to freeze this timeline but I can’t hold it for long. I can’t hold it for long. I need you to go and retrieve Reiner Braun, Porco Galliard, Piek Finger, Levi and mikasa acherman, armin arlert, and only if you see the warhammer Titan, Laura tyber. Eren responds, “Laura is dead and why are we getting the armored, jaw, and cart titans.” Infinite says, “this timeline is doomed. We can’t save everyone. But if we can save powerful warriors then they can help prevent or make events like this less likely. I’ll explain when we get back to home base. I can’t keep this up for long, look over there.” They at one of the walls only to realize it’s starting to fall apart ever so slowly as the timeline begins to unfreeze, caused by a giant skull with a giant crown shaped house hovering above it. Titans within the walls begin to move ever so slowly but are slowly picking up speed. Eren nods and moves to go retrieve the people infinite requested however zeke is still skeptical. Infinite tells him, “look, you can either die here along with your plan or you can help me and live another day. Make your choice.” Zeke reluctantly agrees and leaves to go find them. Infinite says, “whenever you retrieve one of them, bring them back here. When all of them are back we’ll go back to my home base. Remember, the journey from here on out isn’t going to be easy. In fact it will likely be harder than anything you’ve ever experienced or what you were ever meant to experience. But when left with no choice, we fight on and continue the mission.” Eren and zeke nods as infinite begins straining himself more to freeze the time for longer so that the others can be retrieved. He knows he’ll have time later to recruit soldiers from the owl house universe but will need to get back to home base before a recruitment can begin. After some time, everyone infinite had requested was brought to him.
However, there appeared to be a couple of extras that zeke brought. “Who are these two?” Infinite asked. Zeke responded, “I won’t leave them behind. Colt here was meant to be my successor.” He pointed at the taller of the two. “And that one is his brother, Falco. Colt won’t leave here without him. He’s a warrior candidate. I’m not sure if you have something similar to what we had but he would be able to take on anything similar to gaining the abilities of the armored titan. Infinite who knows there isn’t enough time says, “fine. But he better be a good fighter.” Infinite radios his home base to send them back. A crack opens in reality behind infinite and they walk through, beginning the recruitment.
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elthadriel · 11 months
writer ask meme: 13 + 29?
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
It really depends on the length of the fic but I always do some. For shorter fics it's often bullet points of the beats I want to hit and the longer the fic the more in depth those will get. With very long stuff, <20k, the planning process is a whole thing. I make tables and charts breaking down thematic plot lines and how they relate to each other vs the driving plot.
I don't have a good one to share just now, but once I finish my big bang I might share the outline for it.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
Have the opening 800 words from the Fox/Thorn fic that I started almost two years ago and just never seem to have the time to crawl back to.
Thorn comm’d Fox about two minutes form his office, which was enough time for Fox to send a reply that Thorn would ignore, Fox to realise he was being ignored, send a second, ruder message that Thorn would also ignore, and finally resign himself to his fate.
The office wasn’t locked when Thorn arrived, and he let himself in.
“I brought you a present,” he announced, placing the bottle down on Fox’s desk, finding space between a stack of filmsi, two data pads, and five empty cups of caf. At least some of the caf looked like it had been sitting for a while and Fox hadn’t downed it all in the last couple of hours.
How much did Fox need to piss?
“You know, when a senior officer comms you, you are expected to read and obey them,” Fox drawled, somehow eyeing the bottle up suspiciously even through his helmet.
“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t understand the message?” Thorn sat in the seat across from Fox, wondering if Fox would be genuinely annoyed if he put his boots up on Fox’s desk or just pretend to be.
“You’re right, this is my fault. I forget you were trained by Alpha-31. I’ll use smaller words next time. Is asshole still too long for you?” Fox hadn't put his work down, but he had lent back in his chair and Thorn could hear the smile in his voice even if it was hidden by his helmet.
“I don’t know, Sir, maybe if you attach a picture?”
Fox snorted and Thorn beamed. Success.
“Seriously though, the drink, Fox. I had to pull rank on a whole squad of troopers to get it for you.” All he’s actually said was that Fox might like the last remaining bottle and all competitors had abruptly lost interest; they were a good bunch.
“What is it?” Fox asked, still not reaching for it.
“Not a clue, some fruit based soda. It's very popular on [planet]. The senator’s nephew gave us a crate.”
“Uh huh.”
Thorn sighed, plenty loudly enough for Fox to hear.
Fox glanced back down at his datapad and there was no way Thorn was letting that fly. He popped the seal on his helmet and pulled it off, dumping it onto the ground by. Checking Fox had looked up again he pulled the tie from his hair letting it fall around his shoulders. It probably looked awful, it had been tied up all day and was still half holding that shape.
Fox didn’t move, except a slight lift of his head and Thorn wished he’d waited until Fox had removed his own helmet.
His hair was very much not regulation and if any other CG officer tried it Fox would hold them down to shave it off himself if he had too. Thorn worked his hands through the loose curls, trying to pull his hair back into a half decent shape.
“It’s against the regs for a member of the Guard to remove his helmet while on duty—“
“Not on duty,” Thorn pointed out.
“—Or otherwise representing the Guard including but not limited to wearing other pieces of his armour or in areas under CG jurisdiction.”
Thorn rolled his eyes, a big obvious motion. Fox never mentioned his hair length though.
“Report me if you want, I know the man in charge and he’s a little bitch,” Thorn said and, stars, he could picture exactly how Fox would be smirking at the challenge.
“Need me to come over there and spank you, Commander?”
Thorn’s mouth went a little dry. He wasn’t even into that shit.
“Big talk for a man too scared to drink a soda he hasn’t heard of,” Thorn said and decided Fox would probably only pretend to be annoyed and placed one boot and then the other up onto Fox’s desk.
Fox lent back in his chair, tossing his datapad onto his desk. Thorn tallied that up as his second win.
“Thorn, the last food you brought me gave the worst shits of my life, the time before that was, according to Prayers, literally poisonous,” Fox pointed out.
“I had both just fine,” Thorn said, “It’s not my fault your delicate constitution can’t handle anything with more flavour than a purple ration bar.”
“You know that excuse won’t hold up when your dragged in front of a tribunal for murdering a superior.”
“There’s just so few chances to advance my career, sir.”
Fox snorted and rolled his shoulders in a way that suggested he’d been sitting still for far too long.
“How was I supposed to know it would make you sick? They told me it was a delicacy.” Thorn had certainly enjoyed it.
“To [aliens], sure. To humans it’s a chance to explain to your medic that trusting you doesn’t require brain damage and regular stupidity will do the job just fine.”
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book-of-baba-fett · 3 years
Passing Time - Hunter x Fem!Reader
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In between jobs on Ord Mantell, you meet a mysterious man named Hunter who’s more than willing to help you kill some time.
AO3 link
Warnings: 18+ SMUT, bar hookup, oral sex (fem receiving), thigh riding, vaginal and anal fingering, light degradation, light spitting, light biting
Notes: hit 99 followers on the same day as The Bad Batch finale so I thought of a little Hunter smut as a treat. This was my take on@delusionsxfgrandeur ‘s Redefining smut challenge!
Word Count: 2.2k
Cid’s bar is as seedy as ever, with grime covering every surface including the glass you’re drinking from. You examine the glass, twirl around the brown liquor, then pour it down your throat figuring the alcohol must work as a disinfectant. You just finished a drop off for Cid and are hanging tight while your astromech works on some maintenance for your ship. The droid was going to comm you once everything was flight ready for your next job, but for now you’re trying to to find the best way to way to kill time. And the ache in between your legs reminds you that you can’t even remember the last time you had a good fuck.
Scanning the room, you realize there’s not much to work with. Just a weequay and an ithorian, both obviously intoxicated as they argue over a game in the corner. Otherwise the place is empty, except for a man sitting on the other edge of the bar. By the Republic issue armor he wore, you could assume he was a clone but he was unlike any clone you had seen before. There were some basic facial similarities, but he wasn’t identical to is countless counterparts. He had long dark hair, that curled to his neckline, kept away from his face by a red bandana. What captures your eyes is the skull tattoo covering half his face; you can’t help but lick your lips when you wonder how far it goes down his body.
“Hey Cid,” you wave down the Trandoshan. “Another round for me, and a drink for the man down the end of the bar too.”
“Huh, Dark and Broody?” Cid questions you, a confused and judgmental look on her face. “Sheesh, kid, I guess everyone has their own type but fine.”
Cid hands the drink to the man, who looks around the bar surprised until his eyes found you. He cocks a brow, and he lifts the drink up to you. You mirror his movements and you each take a sip at the same time. He slowly rises from the seat and stalks his way towards you.
“So you must be Dark and Broody?” You extend your hand to him. The man let’s our a soft chuckle.
“Did Cid tell you to say that?” His low and husky voice asks before he properly introduces himself “It’s Hunter, and I must say you don’t seem like Cid’s usual clientele.”
“Well, I’ll take that as a compliment.” You smirk at him. He must be another bounty hunter under Cid’s employment, you think as you notice how armed he is. He leans on the counter next to you, and you don’t fail to notice the way his eyes drift up and down your body. If he’s in your line of work, maybe he’s in the same need for some relief as you are. You shift in your seat, painfully aware of your growing arousal as you and Hunter make small talk. You had your fair share of lovers, but there was something about his magnetic ruggedness that intrigued you. That and the fact that he seems reluctant to give you any information about himself, but that wasn’t too uncommon in your line of work. But you don’t need his life story, you just need him to satisfy your itch.
“So how’s the men’s room here?” You ask.
“I’m sorry, what?” Ahh, it seems you’ve broken his tough guy facade to earn a flustered look on his face.
“The men’s room,” you repeat. “The last time I was here the women’s door wasn’t working properly and when you closed it you were locked in or you had to keep the door open. And I’m really looking for some privacy and no interruptions, so I’m curious if the men’s room will work.”
You down the rest of your drink, licking your lips as you finish, carefully keeping eye contact with him as you do. You watch his face process your words, his pupils expanding in his dark eyes and the corner of his lips on his tattooed side rises as he realizes your meaning.
“I think it’ll do just fine, I can show you the way?”
“What a gentleman,” you tease, taking his hand.
Your hands are on each other the second the door closes behind you. His grip on your plush ass, pulling you tighter to him. Yours find their way through his curls, tugging his hair as his mouth meets yours in a needy kiss. His large hands travel up your curves, until they reach your head and cup your face as he pulls back from the kiss.
“Such a dirty little thing aren’t you?” He rasps out. “Going into a filthy bar bathroom with a man you don’t even know?”
“What can I say? I like things a little messy.” You glance at him through heavy lashes as you grind against his codpiece.
“Open your mouth.” He orders, the deep tone in his voice going straight to your core, where you already feel your arousal dripping from you. You follow his command, just for him to spit in your eagerly awaiting hole. He groans as you close your mouth and swallow it. You bring your lips back to his as you make out with him again.
One of his hands leaves your face so it can trail down your waist and under your top, roughly groping your breast. You let out a soft moan into his mouth as his thumb flicks over your nipple. You feel him smirk against you, as he adjusts his ministrations so he’s lightly pinching your pebbled nipple. Your head involuntarily tilts back at the please and his mouth connects with your now open neck, his teeth nipping at your sensitive skin.
You stumble backwards under his exploring hands, your back hitting the bathroom door behind you. Hunter uses this to his advantage, and grabs hold of your hip with one hand while the other continues its squeezing of your breast. He brings a leg in between yours and presses it against the apex of your thighs. You cry out as you finally have some friction against your aching core. You instinctively grind on his thigh; the crease of his armor and the seam on your pants combining to rub against your clit in the most addicting way that you can’t stop yourself. Your hands reach to his shoulders as you balance yourself against him.
Hunter watches, eyes blown out in lust, as you use him to chase your own needs. The hand on your hip assists your movements, making you gyrate faster and faster into the man. Moans are rolling off your lips, and your head snaps back against the wall as you feel the tightening coil of an approaching orgasm in your stomach.
Hunter bends down to nibble at your earlobe, his warm breath panting against your skin as he whispers, “Such a sexy thing, riding my thigh to get yourself off. You’re almost there, aren’t you? Dirty little slut. “
You whimper against him, your eyes shutting so you can focus on your impending climax. A harsher bite on your neck makes you yelp, and your eyes snap open to see Hunter staring at you.
“I asked you a question, be a good girl and answer me."
Your mind stutters for a moment before his harsh gaze reminds you of what he asked you. “Yes... I’m so close!” You gasp out at him, as you continue humping his leg. He smirks as his smoky eyes stay locked your face, watching every reaction as you build to your peak.
“Go on them, cum for me.” You cry out on his order, and his mouth clamps down on yours so he can muffle the sound to avoid being discovered by the few patrons in the bar. Your orgasm rolls through your body, your hips unrelenting in their thrusting on Hunter’s thigh as you ride out the waves of bliss. Once your movement slows, Hunter pulls back from kissing you to examine you in your post ecstatic state. Chest heaving, cheeks flushed and eyes drooping; you’re the sexiest thing he’s seen in a long time. And he wants to make you do it again.
He removes his gloves as he shifts his thigh out from under you, making you slump against the wall. You sigh, feeling him drag a hand over your covered center. He groans, feeling the wetness seeping through your pants from your previous orgasm. His fingers fumble with your buttons, then he roughly pulls the pants down and over your ankles. He presses his face against your panty covered mound, inhaling deeply as he’s intoxicated by your arousal. Looking back up at you, he licks a long strip over your panties, circling around your hidden clit. You moan from the overstimulation as you grip the door handle behind you, your legs still feeling like jelly and struggling to hold you up.
Sensing your predicament, Hunter slides your panties down your legs and removes them, tossing them in the pile with your pants. He then props one of your legs over his shoulder and presses a hand against your abdomen to hold you upright.
His warm breath wafts against your sensitive skin as he separates your folds with two thick fingers. His tongue slowly peaks out, teasing your swollen clit with delicate flicks. You groan as you feel the warm wetness of him lapping up the release of your previous orgasm. Once he’s sure you’re past the point of overstimulation and ready to go again, he attacks with more fervor.
Your head snaps to the wall again as he starts devouring you with a renewed intensity, his lips closing around your clit as his tongue rapidly circles and flicks it. He switches up the rapid movements with broad, strong strokes against your pussy, making your hips arch into his face to push more pressure from him. He hums into you as you moan above him, the vibrations adding to the euphoric sensation of his tongue against you. He’s a quick study to your body, following any hitch of your breath or moan to follow what you like and return to those sweet spots over and over again as he enjoys you.
You feel a prodding at your entrance as he pokes one large finger into you, your hips keening against him as you allow him to push deeper into you. With a gasp, you feel him add a second finger into your tingling pussy. He groans, watching your cunt grip his fingers as he pushes them in and out of you.
“So wet for me, mesh’la.” He growls dipping his head back to lap at your clit while he fingers you. Matching the pace of his hand and mouth, you feel the tension of another orgasm building up. His fingers crook inside you, pressing against that hard to reach spongy spot inside you.
“Yes, right there!” You cry out, begging him not to stop. He focuses on hitting that spot with every thrust of his hand. He brings his other hand around to your ass, squeezing your cheek and bringing you closer to him to ravage. Your breath leaves your body in wanton moans as he brings you closer and closer to the edge again. The hand on your ass slides inward, until you feel a single finger circling around your other entrance.
“Hunter!” You yelp as the finger pokes in, teasing along your sensitive entrance. Your head flops down so you meet his eyes, a devilish, lustful darkness taking over them as he continues eating you out while fingering both of your holes. His pace in in your cunt increases, finger bending and stroking you just where you need him as he wrenches your orgasm out of you.
Toes curling, head snapping back, and eyes rolling into your head: you cry out. Your body tenses, your legs quake and you would fall over if it were not for him holding you up. Your pussy pulses as you release, the waves of ecstasy overpowering your body. Hunter works you through your release, removing the hand from your ass to keep you steady. He softly laps at your folds and slows the push of his fingers in you until he feels your walls stop pulsing then he removes them.
He rises off his knees to kiss you, his mouth glistening with a mixture of your release and his own spit. You lean into the kiss, one much softer than the ones that started you escapades. You curse to yourself when you notice your comm going off.
“That important?” Hunter grumbles against your skin, his lips dragging along your cheek.
You groan, realizing it’s your droid letting you know your ship is ready to go. “Sadly, it is.” You had wasted to much time before starting your next job. You look at him with apologetic eyes, your previous experiences with men leading you to think he might be angry about your lack of reciprocation. To your surprise, he grins and holds up his hands as he steps away.
“No worries, I get it. Duty calls.” He hands you your pants from off the ground, you mumble your thanks, looking around for your underwear when you realize he’s twirling them in his fingers. He smirks at you before he sniffs them and places them in a compartment on his belt. “Hey, if you want these back you’ll just have to find me next time you’re back on Ord Mantell.”
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Could you please write Jason and Y/N (Father of Mine Universe) with prompts 48, 31, and maybe 30? could go either way.
Even if you choose not to write this, thanks for creating Father of Mine, it's one of my favorite fics!
Father of Mine
48. Using your body to shield them from attack.
31. Hurriedly checking for their pulse.
30. Performing CPR when they stop breathing.
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Jason and Y/N were walking along the water after getting dinner.
Most of the harbors in Gotham were run by one crime lord or another. Which meant that there were very few areas on the water for civilians to enjoy – or feel safe. 
But Jason knew of a strip that was under the radar.
There were a few other couples with the same idea. And random groups of kids and teenagers hanging out and messing around.
Jason was relaxed.
That was his first mistake.
Jason had immediately clocked a random middle-aged man who was covered in sweat and was visibly trembling.
Being far too familiar with the sight, Jason assumed the guy was another unfortunate addict. 
But then he noticed the man was carrying a backpack.
Jason had all of 5 seconds to realize what was about to happen.
He shielded Y/N with his body while screaming as loud as he could, “Get down!”
Jason knew he couldn’t save everyone, and Y/N would always be his number one priority.
The next second, the bomb exploded.
The impact knocked Jason unconscious.
For how long, he had no idea.
He was disoriented from the explosion, his ears ringing from tinnitus and his vision struggling to focus from the vertigo. Yet, somehow he could still hear the beating of his heart in his eardrums. 
People were screaming in pain around him and others were crying as they looked down at their loved ones. Half the harbor was on fire from the explosion. Cement and debris was everywhere. Jason’s hair was grey from it.
He blinked and then panicked.
“Y/N!” Jason screamed when he realized she wasn’t anywhere near him.
He jumped to his feet and whipped around in every direction looking for her.
“Y/N!” He screamed even louder, his throat burning from the effort.
Then he realized when the explosion when off they had been standing next to the railing that blocked off the water. The railing that had now been blasted away and into the harbor.
Jason sprinted to the edge and looked down at the black water below.
Without hesitation, he dove into the depths.
It was almost impossible to see anything.
But just seconds later, he found Y/N unconscious and completely submerged.
Jason had never swam faster in his life.
But when they breached, Y/N didn’t gasp for air.
She was completely unconscious.
Jason’s eyes darted around, trying to find their escape.
By some miracle, there was a rusty ladder that led back up to the pier from the water.
Jason put Y/N’s body over his shoulder as he climbed the ladder, silently praying that the metal didn’t break under their combined weight.
When they reached the top, he gently laid her down and his fingers shot to the pulse point at her neck.
“No, no, no,” Jason mumbled. “Y/N. Come on, baby. You’re not doing this to me.”
He found his Red Hood comm in the pocket of his jacket, and put it to his hear.
“Contact Bruce,” he commanded the AI as he started performing CPR on Y/N.
“What is it?” Bruce answered with slight panic. 
Jason had never called him like this before. And therefore Bruce knew immediately something terrible happened.
“Get the fucking jet here right now,” Jason growled.
“What’s happened?” Bruce asked, but it was obvious he was moving around already to leave.
“There was an explosion. She doesn’t have a pulse and she’s not breathing,” it was all Jason was capable of giving him. “Just get the fucking jet here now!”
He didn’t have time to explain more and hung up. And he didn’t have to say Y/N’s name for Bruce know who he was talking about. There was only one woman in Jason’s life that would have him sounding so panicked and desperate.
Jason continued his CPR, fully focused now that he knew Bruce was on the way.
Still nothing.
He did another round of compressions.
Jason’s eyes started watery as his mind began to believe that Y/N wasn’t going to make it.
He wouldn’t survive.
Y/N had changed his life. She made him better, made him good, made him want to worker harder – do literally anything to become the man she deserved and to continue to be deserving of her love.
“Please,” Jason whimpered. “Please don’t leave me.”
But then Y/N’s eyes shot open and she immediately turned over and started coughing up water.
“Holy fuck,” Jason gasped in relief at the sight.
Y/N continued coughing until her throat was scratched and dry.
Jason rubbed her back, trying to comfort her without preventing her body from getting all the water out of her lungs.
After she finished, she was shaking from being freezing cold and from the shock.
Despite him also being wet, Jason put his coat over her shoulders.
“Don’t ever fucking do that to me again,” Jason begged Y/N as he pulled her into his arms. 
He kissed the crown of her head and hoped his body heat would be enough to warm her up.
“What happened?” Her voice had never been raspier and it was now quivering.
“A bomb went off. I thought I shielded you from it, but the impact must’ve thrown you into the harbor.”
“I’m OK,” she tried to tell him. But her shaking voice was unconvincing. 
Jason wasn’t letting go of her anytime soon.
It was only 5 minutes later that the batplane touched down on what remained of the pier.
Jason looked up to see Dick, Tim, and Damian jump out and immediately start helping the injured.
But Bruce, dressed in his Batman uniform, was walking straight to Jason and Y/N.
“She needs to go to a hospital,” Jason called out when Bruce was a few yards away. “Her heart stopped beating and her lungs took in too much water.”
Jason knew Bruce wouldn’t argue with taking Y/N there immediately.
Bruce was clearly relieved at seeing his daughter alive and conscious. But that didn’t mean she was in the clear. Nearly drowning still had its risks. If her heart stopped beating, she was in danger of brain damage or pneumonia.
“I’ll take her. You help the others,” Bruce ordered as he stepped forward to take Y/N from Jason’s arms.
“Like fucking hell I am,” Jason growled as he stood up with Y/N in his arms.
Bruce was about to fight him on it, but then he met Y/N’s eyes. Her skin was pale and almost had a blue tint to it. She looked so small and vulnerable in Jason’s arms. Not like the strong and grown woman that had first strutted into Wayne Manor.
“I’m not leaving her,” Jason added for good measure.
Bruce finally sighed and nodded. “Take the jet. You know where to go. I’ll meet you there.”
Before Jason could carry her away, Y/N whispered, “What about the others?” 
Her eyes tried to look around her boyfriend’s broad shoulders to see the other victims.
“B is going to help them,” Jason gently told her. He even angled his body to block her line of sight. She didn’t need to see any of it. 
“We already have ambulance and firemen on the way,” Bruce added, hoping it would convince her further not to worry herself. 
There was nothing she could do for them anyway. 
Then Bruce locked eyes with Jason. “Go. Get out of here. Take care of her.”
“Always,” Jason muttered quickly before hurrying Y/N to the jet.
Y/N woke up to two low voices clearly having a serious discussion, but trying to keep their voices down.
When she opened her eyes, Y/N realized she was in a hospital room. But it wasn’t just any room. It seemed like a five-star hotel with how fancy it was. It didn’t have that sterile smell or those harsh fluorescent lights that caused headaches.
“It was a turf war,” Bruce told Jason quietly. “Carmine has jurisdiction over the harbor the two of you were at tonight. But Farrelli wanted it for himself. He forced his latest victim to bring the bomb.”
Jason crossed his arms. “So, the guy was dead either way, Farrelli just thought he’d put him to some use before he murdered him.”
Bruce nodded. “And kill five more people with him.”
“Five people died?” Y/N burst out without realizing it.
Both men’s heads whipped in her direction.
“You’re awake,” Jason sighed and immediately rushed to her side.
“What hospital am I at?” She mumbled, looking around again.
“Gotham General,” he told her as he sat on the edge of the bed to face her.
Jason gently grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. But he had no intention of letting it go, keeping a tight hold and rubbing his thumb back and forth across her skin.
Bruce was slower to join them as he walked with his hands in his pant pockets.
“This isn’t Gotham General,” she commented with a suspicious gaze. 
Jason scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Yeah. Well, as soon as Bruce arrived, they realized that you’re Gotham royalty by blood, and brought you to a special suite.”
Then Y/N’s eyes slowly moved to her father. “Five people died from the explosion?”
She needed to know. But she also knew that both men would try to protect her from possible survivor’s guilt.
So Bruce just nodded.
“How are you feeling?” Jason asked, trying to distract her by changing the subject.
“Tired. And my throat is sore,” she admitted with a light shrug.
Then she looked up at Jason and really took him in.
There were dark shadows under his eyes – the eyes that were still a bit bloodshot. 
Had he been crying? She hadn’t registered that. 
His hair was a mess, probably from drying haphazardly after jumping into the water to save her.
“Are you OK?” She asked.
It would be right on brand for Jason to risk his life saving her, but ignore any and all injures that he’d received from the same life-threatening travesty.
“I’m fine. Always am,” Jason reassured her too quickly.
Bruce chimed in,“We were all just worried about you, Y/N.”
Both men knew her next question was going to be about the well-being of Damian, Dick, and Tim.
“Can we go home?” She asked softly.
Y/N had always hated hospitals. And once her mother got cancer, Y/N absolutely despised them. Now all she had attached to them was bad memories that constantly threatened to trigger her. 
“They just need to get a scan back, make sure everything’s good,” Jason tried to comfort her. “Once that’s good, I’ll take you home.”
He knew her distaste for hospitals and was prepared for her to want to escape at the earliest opportunity.
“Scan?” Y/N questioned.
“You didn’t have a pulse,” Bruce explained. “You have a concussion. We need to make sure there was no brain damage or any lasting side effects.”
“Right,” she mumbled, trying not to sound worried.
“You’re gonna be fine,” Jason reassured her as he cupped her cheek.
“Perhaps you should stay at the manor for a few days,” Bruce offered. “You can relax and not be bothered.”
“She can not be bothered in our apartment,” Jason interrupted, giving him side eye.
“Jason…” Y/N warned gently.
She knew the signs of Jason getting worked up. The fire in his eyes was always something Y/N could read – more than anyone else.
Bruce wasn’t offended by Jason’s little snipe. He was used to his temper. But his gaze did turn rather serious. 
“Could I talk to you outside for a moment?”
Jason was about to refuse, not wanting to leave Y/N’s side. But he knew that would just most likely lead to an argument. And Y/N didn’t need to hear or see that. She was already exhausted and recovering. The last thing she needed was to witness was her father and boyfriend going at it – especially over her.
So Jason just nodded and stormed out of the room.
The quicker they got this over with, the better.
As soon as the door closed, Jason was sizing Bruce up.
“What exactly is your next move?” Bruce questioned.
“I’m going after Farrelli,” Jason rumbled, as if it was obvious.
No one put Y/N in danger and got away with it. Jason had already come up with a plan on how to seek his revenge. 
It was going to be gruesome and dirty, but nothing less than what the bastards deserved.
Bruce clearly had expected this answer. “So do you plan on doing that while you take care of Y/N?” And he tilted his head as he challenged Jason.
“Are you really trying to stop me?”
Bruce took a step forward. “No, Jason. I’m trying to protect you from yourself. You get blinded by vengeance. And I let you get away with it. But now your actions don’t just effect you…they effect her, too.”
Jason blinked.
“Y/N needs you right now. Even though she will act like she doesn’t.” Bruce inhaled. “If you’re going to put revenge over her wellbeing, she should stay at the manor.”
This was a somewhat of a warning – an opportunity for Jason to do the right thing before he could make his mistake.
Jason’s head hung low now. “I can’t let him get away with it. She almost died, Bruce.”
“And he won’t. But we’ll take care of it,” Bruce promised.
Jason thought it about a moment, before he finally nodded slowly. “I think the manor would be good. But I won’t leave her.”
“I never said you had to,” Bruce corrected.
Jason nodded again and made his way to the door of Y/N’s room again.
“Jason?” Bruce called.
He turned around with an eyebrow quirked.
“Thank you for saving her life.”
Jason tried not to roll his eyes, but took a few steps back to Bruce. 
“You have your opinions about me and her, I’m sure. But I want to make this is clear: I’m always going to protect her. Always. What happened tonight is never going to happen again. I’d die protecting her.”
Jason didn’t wait for Bruce’s response before turning back around. 
But just as he opened Y/N’s door her heard, “I know, Jason. I’ve always known.”
Jason was able to convince Y/N to stay at the manor.
And she surprisingly agreed – as long as he came with her.
Alfred spoiled her rotten with all of her favorite meals. He was constantly bring her tea or coffee. 
Damian ordered all of his pets to keep her company and cuddle with her. To the point where Jason was annoyed because there was literally no space for him.
Tim downloaded a hundred movies for her to watch. 
Dick sent flowers and chocolates. 
Even Clark stopped by when he heard what happened. 
Unbeknownst to Y/N, all the boys and Bruce were working on taking down Farrelli. 
If Jason was the man from just a few years ago, Farrelli’s corpse would already be rotting somewhere in Gotham. But he had changed. Now they had to do things the right way.
Jason stuck to Y/N’s side like glue. He hovered, watched her like a hawk, wouldn’t let her do anything on her own.
After of a few days of this, Y/N finally had enough.
“You gonna talk to me anytime soon?” She asked him in bed on their third night.
Jason broke their eye contact.
“Jason. Please?” She whispered.
Silence filled the room.
“I can’t do it.”
Her brow furrowed. “Can’t do what?”
For a split moment, she thought he was about to try and break up with her. 
“I can’t watch you get hurt again. I just…I can’t.”
She cupped his cheeks. “But I’m right here. And I’m fine, Jason.”
“When I…” He hesitated. “When I died. I knew it was coming. I saw the bomb counting down and I knew there was no escape. I accepted my fate. I knew I was going to die. And I was scared.” 
Jason shook his head and took in a deep breath, “But Y/N…that was nothing compared to what I felt when I was convinced I’d lost you. I’m never been so fucking terrified in my life.”
Y/N smothered him with her embrace. “I’m so sorry for scaring you. But I’m OK. Please just focus on that. Please.”
“I can’t lose you, Y/N.” Jason whispered into her hair. “This place was hell before I met you. And I have no fuckin’ interest in fighting it without you.”
Y/N wished she could promise Jason that she would never leave him. But she was the child of a mother who passed far too soon. She knew life and death could be so cruel, ripping the loved ones away with or without warning.
No, she didn’t die this time. But who was to say something like this wouldn’t happen again? And maybe next time, she wouldn’t be so lucky. They lived in Gotham after all.
“Fate may have other ideas…But I never plan on leaving your side, Jason. I love you too much to do anything else.”
Jason actually laughed. “I can fight fate.”
He’d done it once before.
I have a few more of these prompts for bonus material. But let me know what you think 🤗
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tlcwrites · 3 years
A birthday gift for @paper-n-ashes
Summary: When you steal the Supreme Leader's sweater, there are... repercussions.
Word Count: 3483
Tags/Warnings: Kylo Ren x Fem Reader. NSFW, 18+. MINORS DNI; PIV sex, unprotected sex (no glove no love), oral sex (m receiving), fingering, heavy dom/sub dynamic, praise kink, breath play, I'm probably forgetting other kinks but I finished this at 3AM last night and I'm not even sure that I used real words let alone remember what I wrote so if I missed any let me know and I'll update the tags, smuuuuuuut for daaaays, canon what's canon The Rise of Skywalker can go fuck itself mostly except for that beautiful white set of rooms on the Steadfast.
Author’s Note: It's my hetero lifemate @paper-n-ashes' birthday today (at least in my timezone for a few more hours so IT COUNTS sorry Sarah at least you got to read it yesterday) and she has been waiting SO patiently for me to finish this damn fic. I started writing it back in like November? Maybe even October? and have struggled so fucking hard with finding the mojo to finish it. Then out of the blue this week, said mojo came back and I figured Sarah's birthday was the perfect deadline. So, voila. And don't forget to go tell her how awesome she is.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY SISTER IN THIRST AND SHAMELESS HOEING. I couldn't actually get you Kylo so I got you this instead. #throne room hair is the best hair forever the end
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You’re perched on the sofa, open book on your lap, when the comm chimes. You can’t help your soft smile; it’s finally that time of the day cycle.
You don’t bother answering the comm, since it’s an alert, not a call. Closing your book, you rise and return it to the bookcase set into the wall of the lounge. With a gentle press, the hatch closes, and the bookcase disappears into the stark white expanse of the rest of the room, precious cargo hidden. Books are an expensive indulgence, even for the Supreme Leader.
Or whomever he choses to share them with.
You cross to the base of the stairs that lead to the chamber’s entrance and open a small compartment, also a part of the structure of the room. You toe off your slippers, setting them carefully inside the cubby. Your soft leggings pants are next, folded carefully. You start to remove your sweater as well, but hesitate. It is chilly. For all of the technology the First Order has amassed, you’d think they’d have figured out how to keep their Destroyers at a comfortable temperature.
You leave the sweater. He’ll definitely have an… opinion about it.
Now bare but for the sweater and your bra, so scant it hardly deserves the term, you take your place at the base of the stairs. The hem of the sweater brushes your thighs. Standing tall, feet together, hands clasped loosely behind you, you wait. You keep your eyes on the blast doors.
When the doors finally open, you smile softly. “Good evening, Supreme Leader.”
His cape billows behind him as he descends the stairs (he’s clearly inherited his family's flair for dramatics). As he reaches the bottom, you respectfully drop your gaze. His boots stop in front of you, your bare feet looking so small compared to his. But then again, everything looks small compared to him.
He raises a gloved hand and strokes the back of a finger down the collar of your sweater. “What’s this?” His voice is throaty and deep. As usual, it sends a thrill through you.
You keep your eyes downcast. “A sweater, Supreme Leader.”
“Clearly.” His finger continues down from the collar of the garment, caressing the soft rise of your breasts. “Perhaps I should rephrase my question.” His finger catches your nipple, and you can’t help but gasp. “What is my sweater doing on your body, when your body doesn’t have permission to be wearing anything?”
You finally risk a glance up. His face is impassive, but there’s a glint in his eyes. He’s amused.
You raise your chin. He loves when you’re confident. “It was cold.”
“Cold.” The finger continues to tease your nipple through the fibers. “In space.” The tease turns into a flick, and you barely smother your gasp. His lips twitch. “Imagine that.”
He’s in a good mood. You decide to toy with him. “Perhaps I simply need something substantial to keep me warm, Supreme Leader.”
One eyebrow raises, ever so slightly. He’s going to play along. “Do you find my care unsatisfactory?”
“Of course not, Supreme Leader.” His finger has shifted to your other nipple. You take a shuddering breath. “I would never dare to question your wisdom.”
He shifts almost imperceptibly closer to you. “And yet-” He brings that accursed finger back up your sternum, tracing up your neck and ghosting over your jaw. “-is that not exactly what you’ve done by ignoring my directive?”
He passes the leather-wrapped digit over your lips, stroking the soft skin. “Nothing to say, pet?”
You drop your eyes again. “My most sincere apologies, Supreme Leader.”
His hum of approval reverberates in your chest. “I imagine they will be.” He applies the barest hint of pressure to your lips. “Open.”
You comply immediately, opening your mouth enough to allow his finger entrance. The leather tastes so different from his skin. He presses the thick digit inside, and doesn’t have to say a word as you begin to suck obediently. He adds a second finger and you can’t stifle your moan.
“Good girl.”
Two words. Just two words, hummed in that honeyed voice, and you can practically feel your arousal dripping down your thighs. You glance up once more.
He’s watching you, his pupils blown wide with arousal. Maker, you love his eyes. You can always read him through his eyes. He tries so hard to bury his emotions, but nothing can be hidden in their cinnamon depths. And right now, his eyes say that he’s about half a standard second away from losing what’s left of his famously little control.
Hmm. Time to have a little more fun.
You deliberately graze his fingers with your teeth, the leather of his glove supple under your bite.
His cheek twitches and you know instinctively he’s chewing on it. “You’re playing with fire, sweetheart,” he warns you.
Pulling your mouth off his fingers with a ‘pop’, you smile serenely up at him. “Whatever do you mean, Supreme Leader?”
“You know exactly what I mean,” he purrs, dragging his spit-soaked fingers along the edge of your jaw, his own clenched as he tries to keep himself in check. “Careful you don’t get burned.”
Your smile becomes less teasing, and more sincere. It’s okay, you think, knowing he’ll be able to feel your emotions. You never guard yourself around him. I trust you, Master.
There’s a split second when his eyes search yours; for permission, for acceptance, for confirmation of that trust that you hold in him and that he holds in you. It’s a breath of a moment, but he leaves his raw self exposed.
He’s affection starved, your Supreme Leader, even if he’ll never admit it. Deep inside, where even his former masters couldn’t reach, is that little boy he once was; still desperate to please and be praised by those too focused elsewhere to pay attention, and terrified of disappointing those who do. It breaks your heart that he’s spent his whole life feeling so alone.
Your dynamic fills that void in a way he feels safe with. It’s on his terms. He needs your adoration; needs your worship. He craves the affirmation. No more abandonment and fear from those he should be able to trust most; no more abuse and gaslighting at the hands of those who are supposed to guide him.
Just trust, and love. Pure, unconditional love.
He presses his lips to yours.
You whimper into his kiss, pressing a hand against his massive chest to steady yourself.
In the next moment, he scoops you up, pressing you against the window and hooking your legs around his waist. You yelp at the coolness of the transparisteel against your back, even through the sweater, but he swallows your cry as he plunders your mouth.
“Kylo,” you whimper when he lets you up for air, but he ignores you, sucking a line down your neck to your collarbone.
“Get this off,” he growls, tugging at the neckline of the sweater. “Or I’ll take it off for you, and it won’t survive the removal.”
You let go of his shoulders, grasping the hem of the top and practically ripping it over your head.
His mouth is on you in an instant, those plush lips teasing one nipple at a time through your lacy scrap of a bra.
“Maker!” you gasp, flinging the sweater in the general direction of the floor and bringing both hands to grip his hair. Frantic fingers twist his dark waves. You could write sonnets to his hair. “Kylo!”
You feel the clasp of your bra come undone. He rips his lips from your breasts, and with one barely-there flick of his fingers, the undergarment is on the floor next to the sweater.
“Did you just-” It’s next to impossible to smother your giggle when you realize what he’s done. “I can’t imagine the Force is meant to be used for that.”
Kylo ignores you, although you’re positive you can detect the barest hint of a blush on his ears. But then you’re not paying attention to his ears, as he’s sucked one of your nipples back into his mouth and is grazing it with his teeth. Your moan turns into a shriek when he hooks his arms under your legs and hefts you higher against the wall, so it’s easier for him to feast on your flesh.
He shifts your weight to one of his massive arms, that paw of a hand gripping the opposite flesh of your rear as he brings his other hand back up to your mouth. “Open,” he commands once more.
You take the two still-gloved fingers as deep in your mouth as you can, gagging slightly as he presses on the back of your tongue.
His dark chuckle is breathless. “Such an eager whore,” he murmurs against your chest, your answering whimper going straight to his cock. Pulling his hand back, he nips the skin at your collarbone at the same time he drags the fingers you’ve just drenched straight through your swollen folds below.
“Do you even deserve my fingers, Pet?” He smirks as you drop your head back and moan. “Such a wanton little thing you are.” He teasingly traces a circle around your clit with just a fingertip, satisfaction growing at the sound the movement elicits from you.
“Master,” you gasp.
Without warning, he twists you away from the window, carrying you with ease to his desk. When he drops into his chair, he’s unable to suppress a sharp intake of breath as he settles you on his lap and brings your core into direct contact with his cock, hard and throbbing beneath his trousers. The contrast of your nudity with his still-clothed body is intoxicating. He guides your hips to roll against him again, your moans simultaneous as your cunt makes slick the leather stretched taut over his arousal.
Already closer to his breaking point than he'd prefer to admit, Kylo clamps his teeth down on the inside of his cheek hard enough to break the skin, the pain working as usual to allow him to refocus his energy and reclaim control of his passions. Unhinged as his reputation is, there is part of his life the Supreme Leader rules with meticulous care- you.
He knows you love him, and you’ve declared time and again it’s unconditional and without reservation. Your submission is a gift he knows he will never truly be worthy of. Maker knows he adores you with every part of his long-shrouded heart. But the fear never leaves him. Decades of distrust and broken promises means he lives in terror of the day his tenuous temper snaps, and he horrifies you or, stars forbid, truly hurts you.
That dark voice lurking at the back of his mind teases him with a possibility somehow perversely worse than fear or injury: abandonment. That you’ll inevitably see him at his most honest; broken, contemptible. Unworthy.
He loathes himself all the more, because he knows if it comes to it, he couldn’t survive letting you go. He isn’t strong enough to endure the loss of the only light he still has.
Unaware of his internal torture, you grip the front of his gambeson and try to rock your pelvis against him, whining as you’re foiled by his hands still gripping your hips. “Master, please.”
Your voice jerks him back to reality, and your begging makes his cock twice as hard. “Something you desire, Pet?” he purrs, grateful you were too wrapped in lust to notice his momentary lapse.
“You, Master.” You can’t help a frustrated whimper as you try once more to undulate against him and are again prevented from doing so. “Please, Kylo, let me please you.”
He reburies his anguish, and smirks at you. “Very well.” He releases your hips. “Please me.”
As soon as he lets go, you’re sliding off his lap and on to your knees, scrambling to unhook his belt. He obligingly helps you open his trousers. You make quick work of the placket and draw out your prize, salivating as you pump his already-leaking cock.
He hisses as your mouth engulfs him. “Yes, just like that. What a good, good girl you are.”
A lewd moan escapes around his length as he fists his hands in your hair.
He doesn’t need to say another word. You can read it in his eyes, every filthy, dark thought as you bob your head on his shaft. How good it feels when you take his cock in your throat; that he knows exactly how hot and wet it makes you when he fucks your mouth; how knowing you’re waiting in his quarters to be used as his personal whore is the only thing that gets him through the day. You moan again, and one corner of his mouth twitches.
You know him well enough to recognize it as a smirk.
“As delightful as this is, Pet,” he finally sighs, a slight waiver to his voice the only indicator of how close you already have him to release, “there’s a different part of you I desire at this moment.”
Releasing his cock with a ‘pop’, you continue to stroke him with your hand as you beam up at him. “As you wish, Master.”
Your mouth and chin are wet with precum and spit. He drags his thumb through the mess and brings it to your lips, his cock jumping in your grasp as you wrap your tongue around the digit.
“Up,” he snaps.
Rising immediately, you can’t help your squeak as he spins you to face the desk and pulls you back onto his lap, impaling you on his cock with one hard thrust. You gasp, unable to cry out as all the air is expelled from your lungs. Your arms are wrenched behind you by invisible bonds, the posture thrusting your breasts out. You hear his low chuckle as he tweaks both nipples while simultaneously bucking his hips, eliciting a shriek from you.
Thick fingers twist into your hair, pulling you back until you're flush with his chest. His breath is hot against your ear as he snarls two words that have your cunt clenching in anticipation: “Ride me.”
No further encouragement is necessary. He works your body over as you rock in his lap, reducing you to a burbling mass of arousal. Releasing his grip on your hair, his hands make their way down your body, the leather feeling so kriffing good as he caresses every inch of you.
Plush lips drag against your jaw as he leans forward, pressing his chest closer against your back. He trails his fingers up your thighs while simultaneously dragging his teeth along your earlobe. The noise that escapes you is undignified at best, and positively libidinous at worst.
The bastard’s smirk is obvious against your heated skin. “My beautiful Empress,” he murmurs, licking a stripe up your neck.
You can’t suppress your panting as he nips at the sensitive spot just below your ear. “I’m not your Empress,” you manage, your voice breathy with arousal as you continue to move.
“Mmmmm.” Kylo hums as his right hand trails up your abdomen to gently cup your left breast, those elegant fingers plucky at your nipple and making you moan. “Not yet.”
“Oh.” You squeak as he latches on to your pulse point, his teeth scraping over your skin as he marks you. His other hand drops to your core, fingertips stroking your folds as deftly as a musician plays a hallikset. You cry out as he deliberately ignores your clit, but your cry becomes a gasp as he abruptly slaps the inside of your thigh. “Kylo!”
“Feel how wet you are, little whore.” He pulls his hand from your cunt and wipes your slick across your cheek. “Only the most depraved whores drip like this.” When he wraps the same hand around your throat, you sob in euphoric bliss. His chuckle is low. “Look at you, reduced to a needy slut who wants nothing more than to be filled by her Master.”
You can’t help but moan as he tightens his grip, the other hand on your breast squeezing hard.
“Speak, Pet.” His order is hissed in your ear, his breath hot on your skin. “Tell me how much you want my cock.”
“Need you, Master,” you gasp, deliciously light headed from the lack of oxygen. “Need you to- oh, Maker!- need you to fill me, need you to fuck m-me oh!”
A squeal erupts as he abruptly thrusts up, hard, and proceeds to set a brutal pace. Helpless to do anything but take what he gives you, all you can do is wail and enjoy the desperation in his movements.
When he stands and surges forward, shoving you against his desk while still buried in your swollen heat, it’s just enough to send you over the edge and you crash into your climax with a scream.
Over your shoulder, you hear Kylo tsk in admonishment. “Oh, princess,” he chides, as you feel your Force bonds tighten even more, “you know better than to cum without permission.”
With that, he shoves you forward, pressing your chest flat against the thermoplastic and using his knee to spread your legs. You willingly comply, relishing in his hiss as he pumps into your wet, waiting warmth. He finally releases your throat, and the sensation of your cunt clenching as you cough is too much for him. His pace becomes blistering, each thrust sending your pelvic bone into the edge of the desk; speech is now beyond your power, incoherent babble all that remains as he obliterates your cunt.
The lewd symphony of your coupling is punctuated by his growls and your cries. You can already feel the crest rising anew and you beg for salvation. “Master, please!”
He grips the back of your neck, anchoring your head, snarling as he takes you with rapid, deep thrusts. “Do you think now you'll be able to follow instructions?”
You nod frantically, trying desperately to stave off your orgasm. “Yes, Master!”
His voice is deeper than ever, trembling slightly as he uses your body to chase his own end. “Tell me, my little slut; who owns you?”
“You, Master!” You can’t hold back the shriek that erupts from your lips as you feel that subtle tickling of his powers against your clit.
The sounds you’re making have him right on the edge. “You’re mine, all mine,” he sneers as you cry out once more. “Say it.”
“Yours, Kylo,” you gasp. “I’m yours!”
“You need to cum again, sweet little Pet?” When you frantically nod, he fists your hair and yanks your head back. “Do it,” he hisses next to your ear. “Cum for me. Now.”
You explode around him, screaming your pleasure. His echoing roar is your only warning before he slams into you a final time, ripping himself from your heat and snatching your body off the desk. You land on your knees just in time to receive his spend, splashing across your face and chest as he pumps his length.
It takes several moments before you can even start to become aware of your surroundings once more. In that time, Kylo has bundled you in your favorite cozy blanket, and cradles you in his lap as he smooths your hair back and murmurs sweet words of praise. His seed still decorates your body, and you preen as you feel his hands, finally ungloved, gently rub it into your skin as one more claim of his ownership.
Your contented sigh is what alerts him to your consciousness, and he can’t help his proud smile as your eyes slowly flutter open, or the chaste and caring kiss he presses to your temple. “How are you feeling, princess?”
A beaming smile is his reward. “Wonderful,” you sigh, and then giggle. “And filthy, in the best possible way.”
“As requested,” he slyly teases.
You notice that sometime during your torpor, he’s shed his gambeson and trousers, replacing them with soft lounge pants and  the stolen sweater. Hooking your fingers over the neckline, echoing his own earlier actions, you tug gently. “Thief.”
He laughs, your favorite sound in the galaxy. “The Jawa calls the Ewok short.” Your answering eye roll elicits another chuckle and another brush of his lips. “Happy birthday, love,” he murmurs against your forehead.
“Thank you, Supreme Leader.” Your smile is soft as you raise your face, content when he understands the overture and leans down to press his lips to yours. A/N: Alexa, play "I Want Kylo Ren To Rail Me on a Desk" by Beyoncé or someone.
Likes and reblogs feed my dirty, dirty soul. I always want to tag mutuals but then I feel like that would be super presumptuous even though I love being tagged, so IDK I guess send me an ask if you want me to tag you in new writings?
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mlm-writer · 3 years
The Kappa Situation (Ray Palmer x GN!Reader)
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Pairing: Ray Palmer (The Atom, LoT ver.) x Gender Neutral Metahuman Reader Rating: Explicit Words: 1915 Summary: You get injured, you get some flashbacks, Ray is a darling angel. Sexy times. Note: Mashed two requests together, then changed some wording to make it gender neutral since gender is sometimes so unnecessary. Uhh reader has the power to manipulate magnetic fields. Oh and a Kappa is a creature from Japanese folklore.  Tags: flashbacks, love confessions, idiots in love, oral sex, and hinted sub!Ray... ok it is kinda there. OH AN NO BETA BECAUSE I AM LAZY 
The ring moved slowly parallel to the metal bar it was around. With brows knitted in concentration, you manipulated the magnetic micro fields around it to move it to the finish without it touching the bar. You just passed your personal record. A smile formed on your lips as you moved it further. That was until the door to your room opened and the sound disturbed your concentration. The edge of the ring touched the bar lightly and a loud buzzer hurt your ears in punishment. 
“Dammit! What do you want?” You turned around to find Ray in the door. He looked at you like a kicked puppy. “Ah Ray… Can this wait? I am in the middle of training.” He frowned. Normally he would have gone already and given you your space. 
“I feel like you’re kind of avoiding me. Did I do something wrong?” He tilted his head. It was so cute. You tore your eyes away from him and grabbed the energy shake off the side table. That puppy look was exactly what you were trying to avoid. Dammit there were fairy godmothers and elves and whatnot wandering the timeline. There was no time for your dumb crush. Lives were at stake. 
“No, not at all, don’t worry about it. I just have been concentrating on improving my microfields. You know that if I refine it I could generate electricity right? That skill will be necessary eventually and I don’t want to be the idiot who did not train enough to get us out of regular Legends shenanigans.” You sat down on your bed and took a good swig from the shake, concealing your face with the bottle. 
“Oh… oh yeah ok,” Ray replied and you thought for a moment that he was going to leave you alone. However, he did not move from his spot. You kept on drinking, side-eyeing him. Your eyes raked over the perfect-fit jeans and the dark red sweater he wore on top of it. Oh how he was a champion of hiding his perfect body. When you came to his head, he had his eyes on you as well. You lowered the bottle and cleared your throat. “Can I uh…” Ray started, “God… I just want the truth. I don’t like people not liking me, especially not if I like them very much.” He ran his hands through his hair during his mini-ramble. The dark brown locks stood up in all directions now. 
“I like you too, Ray. I promise, I am not upset with you.” You chose your words carefully as you rose to your feet. Ray caught on your words. He was used to realising that your ‘better’s never meant ‘good’ and your ‘no lies’ did not mean ‘full truth’ either. You wondered when he had learned your loopholes so quickly. 
He walked inside, the door whooshing close behind him and the situation suddenly felt so intimate. “Not upset then… Perhaps disappointed?” You sighed and shook your head. He kept coming closer. “Then… Sad? Are you sad?” You chuckled and shook your head again. “Furious?” Another shake of the head. Another step closer. He stopped walking when there was half an arm’s length between you. He was talking, but you could not take your eyes off his perfect lips. You were so smitten. Dear Lord, have mercy on your soul. 
Inhibition slipped you as you finally looked up at Ray. Your intense stare shut him right up. “Ray Palmer, I have been avoiding you because I’m super into you. Now please leave me alone or kiss me.” No one could shut up Ray Palmer like you. The boy scout with so many words turned into a gaping fish at your words. Since he was not jumping at the opportunity to kiss you, you pointed towards the exit, but he took a gentle hold of your wrist. 
“No, no, I choose kissing… just… can we wait with that? I am pretty sure my breath still smells and I wouldn’t want our first kiss to be… gross… not that… I mean, ha, I am into you too, super into you, super duper…” 
You did not kiss that day. The memory was cut off with a dull ache in your chest. You opened your eyes, squinting at the ceiling. “Where am I?” You mumbled to yourself. There was shuffling and suddenly your boyfriend was in your vision. He was rambling. How typical. “What happened?” You, very intelligently, inquired, cutting through the words with only two of your own. 
Ray blinked at you. “You saved my life, don’t you remember?” As he stared at you with concern, you frowned, trying to remember. 
The kappa ran between the trees and the bushes. Ray was hot on its tail, his smaller size allowing easy navigation through the highly vegetated area. It was a wonder how Japan from the future had dense forests within the city serving as a park. You moved into position near the park’s entrance. You saw the green creature run right past it and you started running parallel to it. The sidewalk was full, even at this late hour. People yelled at you as you pushed them aside. You were just in time to see Ray change back to his normal size and make a jump to catch the kappa. 
He rolled over the sidewalk and right into the street. You sprinted as you spotted a hover car coming right at him. “Ray! Move!” You exclaimed, totally forgetting about your comm. You stopped in the middle of the crossroads and stretched out your arms. The magnetic field repulsed the hover car, slowing it to a stop right in front of Ray. You let out a sigh of relief, before you found yourself off your feet, right before everything went black. 
“Ah yeah, a car. You’re welcome, by the way.” You held your arm out and Ray took it to help you up. He helped you out of the medbay. Apparently you were all good, just bound to be sore with some minor injuries to your rib that Gideon could not fix for you. “Where are the others?” 
Ray was the perfect gentleman as he guided you to your new, shared room. “Still taking care of that kappa. We took it almost to the waverider, but it got away before the hatch was fully down.” You sighed, making a joke about how they were hopeless without you. Once in your room, Ray pulled you close and let you lean against him as he undressed you. You smiled as you smelled the mixture of his deodorant and grime of a long day. You helped him minimally, letting him undress you like a doll. Once you were down to nothing, he pushed you down onto the bed. “Don’t lie down yet. I’ll clean you up a little so you can sleep comfortably.” 
You hummed and let him take care of you. Ray returned shortly after with a bucket of water and a small towel. He was methodical and careful as he wiped down your skin. You closed your eyes and let your head hang back. The second he was done, you carefully lowered yourself down onto the bed, legs still hanging off the edge. Ray walked over to your dresser to get you some underwear. You whistled at him. He looked over his shoulder at you, an unspoken inquiry on his face. “I am naked on our bed and there is no one on the ship. Don’t you want to make use of that?” You winked at him, making him laugh. 
“As much as I would love to - for the record I really, really want to - I don’t think we should have sex with your injuries.” You pouted at him and trailed a hand down to your sex, rubbing yourself slowly, teasingly. “Uhm, uh…” You smirked when Ray was clearly having doubts about his righteous decisions. You saw his eyes follow the path of your fingers. “Just oral? I can do that, you can just lie there.” You failed at suppressing the grin that spread over your face. As he gestured to your body while suggesting you’d just lie there.
You chuckled and beckoned him over with your fingers. “I’ll take anything from you, but please lose your clothing as well.” Ray pulled his black shirt off in one smooth motion. He then unceremoniously pushed his jeans and underwear down together. Ray dropped to his knees like a man about to worship a god. He put your legs over his shoulders, removed your hand and got to work with his tongue. He lapped over you with languid strokes. Your eyes closed and your head fell back onto the bed. A happy sigh left you as his glorious tongue licked up your taste. 
“I love doing this,” Ray announced between licks as if you were not awfully aware of how happy he could be from just servicing you with his mouth. He teased you with only the tip of his tongue, before going back to those slow, long licks. You sighed and put a hand through his soft hair, pulling a little so he would put his lips around your most sensitive parts. Just one tug was all it took for Ray to drop the teasing and just get to work with sucking and licking and moving his head like he would die from a lack of your pleasure. 
You moaned at the sudden spike of pleasure. Your back naturally arched off the bed and you winced at the pain that stabbed through your ribcage. And just like that, the pleasure stopped and Ray was looking you over with saliva still dripping down his chin. “Are you ok? Are you in pain?”
“Yes and yes… You are so adorable,” you sighed as you shifted. “Sorry, could not help myself from moving. Having you suck on me like that is just very good.” You smiled sheepishly at him. Ray nodded and stroked your cheek with his thumb. He told you to relax as he went down again. He put your legs over his shoulders and you were expecting him to go back to what he was doing before, but instead you felt his tongue circle your hole. “Fuck Ray, please,” you whimpered at the idea of his tongue inside you. 
Your boyfriend was nothing if not obedient. He gently pushed his slick tongue inside, fuckign you with it. The pleasure was just as good, just less intense. While it was previously like bullets of pleasure through your body, this was like a continuous stream of pleasure that would slowly send you overflowing. You removed your hand from his head to touch yourself, your fingers gliding easily over yourself with Ray’s saliva still there. You allowed to let all the soft sounds escape you, being free in your expression of pleasure. 
Ray was a champ, who did not stop until he heard you gasp and then a hand landed on your abdomen to steady you as his tongue slid back up to replace your hand. An exclamation of pleasure left your lips, the feeling overruling the slight ache of your injuries protesting against the muscles tensing from your orgasm. You were panting as much as you could once the pleasure subsided. Ray rubbed your thighs for a hot minute, until he got up again. Your eyes were unfocused staring at the ceiling until they eventually closed, your body giving in to the exhaustion. 
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mystery-star · 3 years
Waiting for you - Spock
Pairing: Spock x reader (gender neutral)
Warnings: mentions of injury and death
Words: 1838
Star Trek universe: AOS
A/N: Just a lil thing I wrote because I haven’t written (at least for Spocko) in ages. And didn’t feel like writing on a series.
“She’s here. She’s here” you heard someone shouting beside you and looked around and finally you could see the Enterprise approaching in one of many tunnels above you. You smiled and stepped forward a little and waited for the crew to dismount. When you saw the first of them, your smile got broader and you got onto your tiptoes to look out for your husband. Not many people of the Enterprise had someone waiting for them and those who did seemed overjoyed. It made you look down for moment because you had a feeling that Spock wouldn’t greet you like others greeted their loved ones. Finally, you could see him and slightly raised your hand, hoping he’d see you. When he did, he came straight towards you, stopping half a meter in front of you
“(Y/N)” he said “What brings you to Yorktown?”
“I’ll give you three guesses” you replied and just threw yourself around his neck “I’ve missed you, Spock” you breathed against his skin and he hugged you back slightly.
“Am I therefore right to conclude that you came here in order to see me during my shore leave?”
“Right” you let go of him but only that you could kiss him. He cupped your face and kissed you back. At some point his hand found yours, slowly stroking his first two fingers against yours. But then he pulled away from you all of a sudden, just holding your hand. You turned around and saw two older Vulcans behind you.
“Commander, might we have a word? Alone?” you wanted to ask why you couldn’t come when Spock threw a glance at you and squeezed your hand
“Do you mind?”
“Just be quick” you pecked his cheek “I’ll be waiting for you, okay?” you handed him a keycard of the hotel where you had booked a room for you both. He gave a nod, then let go of your hand and followed the two men. With a sigh you looked after him and returned to the hotel, knowing he would be clever enough to find it when he was done.
But he only came when it was dark and you were already in bed, reading a magazine on your PADD.
“Have you been waiting with sleeping until I return?”
“Well, you got some days of shore leave, then I won’t see you for another two years. I want to use every minute with you that I can” he gave a nod and sat down on the bed, placing a device on the nightstand. “What did they want?”
“I will tell you in the morning”
“Alright” you put the PADD aside and stretched yourself a little before sitting up, crawling closer to him and wrapping your arms around him again, kissing him. “We now have better things to do, don’t you think?” he kissed you back and placed one of his hands in the small of your back, pulling you closer while he ran his other hand over the side of your face. After the kiss he leaned his forehead to yours and you bumped his nose with yours. “Did you have fun out there on the mission?”
“I have written and called you three times per week, as we have agreed on, and informed you about what you call ‘adventures’ and have also answered each question concerning them I was allowed to answer”
“Well yes but your last message was two days ago. I need a recap of the past two days. Or retell me your favorite mission. Doing it face-to-face is much better” you pecked his lips. He gave a nod, pulled you into his lap and started telling you how the Captain had attempted to make peace between two species that didn’t work out as planned. Then he went on to their arrival to Yorktown and suddenly his communicator beeped “Tell me that’s your private comm”
“It is not” he leaned forward to get it and you just wanted to stop him but let it happen with a sigh. Placing you back on the bed, he gave your hand a squeeze, took the comm, opened it and left the room. With a sigh you fell back on the bed, glancing to the PADD and considering if you should continue reading but then looked at the ceiling, repeating everything you had planned to do with Spock in the following days in your mind. Soon Spock returned and you sat up with a smile but his words ruined it “I must go”
“Go? Go where? Aren’t you on shore leave?”
“I am. However, there is a matter that requires my assistance”
“What is it?”
“I cannot tell you much but I must leave Yorktown”
“You’re shitting me”
“I do not joke”
“But… but… will you at least get that time off later on? How long will you be gone?”
“I suppose it should not take longer than 36 hours”
“Oh well…. Then you owe me yet another debriefing upon your return” he gave a nod, came closer to put his comm on his nightstand and pecking your forehead.
“Please make yourself a pleasant day tomorrow”
“Okay. And then I’ll be waiting here for you… again”
But Spock didn’t come home the evening or morning after he had left, so you decided to make yourself another nice day exploring another area of Yorktown. In the late afternoon, you suddenly heard how the station went on alert and after looking around you saw that a swarm of tiny ships tried attacking Yorktown. Around you everyone was in panic, screaming, rallying kids and running away while you stood there frozen, staring at the many little ships on the other side of Yorktown.
“We have to leave. Come. Now” someone next to you shouted, pulling on your arm
“Can we go somewhere safe? Like a… bunker?”
“A bunker on a Starbase?” the man started laughing slightly and shook his head.
“Or can we do something? Something to help? Is there a defense station or militia? Or help evacuate people?”
“That’s Starfleet’s business” as if on cue, there was an announcement, informing the public that there was an attack and that you should not panic. You let out a snort and watched how the people around you seemed to panic even more. You looked around and finally saw a security, officer, going over to him.
“Excuse me, Sir?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll all be safe, just stay calm and…”
“No, I wanted to ask if I can help something.”
“Yeah. Weapons, evacuate people or something” he looked at you, considered it a while then said he’d have to check it out. But before he could return, they managed to somehow blow up all the small ships. Somehow you couldn’t believe that this was everything and sure enough, there was another announcement informing the public that a great part of the ship had been destroyed but that three of them had gotten into Yorktown but that they still had the situation under control and would do everything to stop them. For some reason, you found that three ships hand entered Yorktown almost worse than the initial attack. Because you knew there probably wasn’t much you could do unless the ships came to that part of Yorktown, you sat down in a café, ordered a drink and watched the news on the big screen that gave a permanent update on the situation at the other end of Yorktown. Not even 15 minutes later, you heard that everyone was out of danger and the intruders had been rendered harmless. After a sigh, you finished your drink and then returned to the scene of the action, maybe there now was something you could help, like tidying up damage or helping the wounded. You stayed there and helped until it was dark and the volunteers were sent home, so you returned to the hotel. But you didn’t get far and the receptionist called you over.
“You are (Y/N) (Y/L/N), right?”
“That’s me, yeah”
“I have message for you, from a doctor Leonard McCoy”
“I know him. He’s the doctor on the Enterprise. What is this message about?”
“He lets you know, that your husband… Commander Spock will spend the night in Yorktown hospital”
“Ho-hospital? They’re back? What does he have? Is it bad? Can I visit him? When did they get back?”
“He only told me that so you know where your husband is and in case you wish to see him. I don’t know anything else” you nodded and with a thank-you you ran out of the hotel, to the hospital, where you had brought a few people earlier today. You went to a visitor station to register your visit and once you knew where your husband was and that he currently could be visited, you rushed to the elevator and then to his room. When you saw Spock lying in bed awake, you let out a deep breath and moved closer.
“Spock” you breathed, not sure what to say and having a hundred questions at the tip of your tongue. "How are you?” was the first you asked
“I am well, (Y/N). The doctors insisted I stayed the night to ensure that my condition does not become worse” you nodded and came closer, taking his hand, pressing a kiss to it as you sat down on the edge of the bed. To your delight, he squeezed your hand.
“What happened? To you, I mean?” he explained how on the mission his side was impaled by a piece of metal and that McCoy didn’t have the correct equipment to properly treat him. “At least you’re safe” you ran your free hand through his hair. “When did you even get back?”
“4.2 hours ago”
“That was… that was when the attack happened” he agreed and said it was them who played a great role in stopping them. “Oh so that big ship that destroyed the central plaza was you, the Franklin?”
“And what about the Enterprise?”
“She has been destroyed”
“Oh no. What about the crew? Are they safe?”
“We have not yet been able to ascertain who has survived the attack on the Enterprise and who lost their life, however, I am certain that at least 350 people have survived”
“Out of 428 that’s still a lot that could have died”
“Besides, I also know of at least 16 casualties from the crew” you gave a nod
“And what now? I mean is your mission over? The Enterprise is gone”
“We do not know yet but it is certain that we will remain her for longer than the originally scheduled 12 days of shore leave”
“Well, then we got more time to do something as long as we’re here. And I get to see you longer. Ha that visit was worth it” you leant down to kiss his forehead. “Now we just gotta make sure you’ll be on your feet as soon as possible because I have lot planned for the next days”
Taglist: @softsapphicideals
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wandaromanova · 3 years
“And I... Am...” [2]
A Natasha Romanoff x Gn!Avenger!Reader story
warnings: fighting, little bit of violence, angst, death (let me know if i should add any!)
A/N: Ahhh, here’s the final part of this very brief series. i hope you all enjoy and if anyone would like me to write something else my asks are open. thank you for reading! <3
tagging: @username23345
summary: 5 years ago, the avengers lost. half the world may have been taken away, but Y/N’s entire world faded to nothing in their arms. they would do anything to bring everyone back, most especially the love of their life. whatever it takes.
Part 1
Word Count: 3.7K words
(gif is not mine)
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5 years. 5 years without seeing her bright, pearly white smile. 5 years without her sarcastic comments and snarky remarks. 5 years without her messy red hair sprawled across her pillow as she sleeps peacefully beside you. 5 years without her warm hugs as her lavender scented perfume invades your senses. 5 years without long nights of cuddling in each other’s arms as you watched the cheesy romcoms of your choice. 5 years without waking up to her playfully kissing your face. 5 years without her standing by your side during missions. 5 years without your little dinner dates that you both decided to go on whenever you both had the time. 5 years without her teasing kisses against your neck that made you laugh as hard as ever before. 5 long, long years without Natasha Romanoff.
Everyday without her was agonizingly slow. Every part of your shared apartment a constant reminder of your failure. Your failure to protect the world, the failure of protecting your world. Natasha always ensured your safety and protection when you needed her most, and the time she needed you; you astronomically failed her. Your heart ached every night as you fell asleep, even more so in the mornings. The mornings were the worst as you would reach over to her side of the bed, expecting to feel her peaceful form breathing steadily next to you, but you are only met with the cold white sheets of your once shared bed. The cold sheets a heartbreaking contrast to her warm body.
You didn’t get a single night of uninterrupted rest, as the memory of Natasha fading to nothing in your arms would replay over and over like a song stuck in your head. You cried the first time you returned home on that fateful day. The walls of your apartment holding the memories of happier times, when she was still alive. Her coffee cup that she never washed and left on the counter every morning still sitting where she left it that very day. You didn’t have the heart to move it. You didn’t dare to move any of her things, leaving them where she had placed them. You wore all of her hoodies though, as they still held her scent. However, you went through all of her hoodies quickly, her scent fading away just like she had. You considered not staying in the apartment, the memory of her making it hard to breathe within the confines of your shared space. But, you didn’t have the heart to leave it either. Leaving your home felt like leaving her, although your true home was her.
You tried to hold out hope though. Every single day you would go to the Avengers Compound and oversee any occurrences. You would communicate with any avengers that were not in New York or simply not on earth such as Captain Marvel, Rocket, Rhodes, and Okoye. You got consumed by your need to compensate for the failure that changed your life and absolutely wrecked your self-esteem. Although you were stuck in the past, some of the other avengers tried to move past it. Tony and Pepper brought a beautiful daughter named Morgan into the world, you were so happy for them, albeit a bit envious. Steve joined a support group, Clint was.... somewhere doing lord knows what. But you remained in the compound, constantly ignoring your own well-being, unable to stomach the failure and desperately trying to find something to hold out hope. However, your stubbornness was not for naught, as one day, while Steve visited you at the Compound, Scott Lang appeared at the front of the Compound. As he explained about Quantum Physics and the possibility of time travel, hope made its way back to you full force. You could all quite possibly make things right again. This spark of hope didn’t ignite within you only, but it also coursed through the remaining avengers when they were informed of the insane, but good idea of time travel.
Time travel. That’s our only hope of restoring what used to be. It sounds absolutely insane, but it’s the only option we have. Just the fact that there even is an option, is a miracle. Tony took a little bit of time to be on board with the idea, but he came around and now all the avengers stand together on the platform. Clint and Rhodey were set to go to Vormir. You, Tony, Banner, and Steve were to go to New York. Nebula went to Morag, Thor and Rocket went to Asgard while Scott stayed behind. What felt like hours for the team, was only a minute in real time. As you all made it back to the present, you looked around at the entire team. “Did we get them all?” You turn to your right and look at Banner. “You mean to tell me this actually worked?” You asked with a wide smile. Suddenly, a thud is heard to your left.
The entire team looks at Rhodes, he is soaked and it is then you notice Clint’s absence. “Rhodey? Where’s Clint?” You ask nervously. Rhodes just looks up at the team with sorrow evident in his eyes. The whole room knew what that meant as it fell silent, you dropped to your knees. You were as close to Clint as Nat was, given he was your girlfriend’s best friend. Your soul was absolutely crushed by the news, and the fact that someone would have to tell his family about his sacrifice to bring everyone back was heart crushing. However, Clint’s death only fueled the motivation to get this over with once and for all. No one had time to truly mourn as now that the team retrieved the stones, the stones just needed to be placed into the gauntlet.
However, this was not the hardest part, no. The hardest part was figuring out who should actually snap their fingers. Thor, Tony, and yourself offered to do the snap, but Banner immediately intervened. “It’s gotta be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos. It almost killed him. None of you could survive.” He said solemnly. “How do we know you will?” You asked him seriously. “We don’t, but the radiation is mostly gamma. It’s like, I was made for this.” He finished off, and everyone in the room begrudgingly agreed. Unfortunately, before Banner could even put his hands on the gauntlet, the compound was attacked by a huge explosion, sending everyone flying in different directions, some knocked out by the impact and buried beneath rubble.
You wake up with a groan, you entire body is aching. You slowly open your eyes and take in your surrounds. You are buried beneath the concrete of the compound. The once magnificent architectural building, now a destroyed foundation. You look to your right and notice that water is flooding into the area where you, Rhodes, and Rocket are trapped. You noticed that Rocket and Rhodes are both trapped under a piece of cement and you use your powers to lift it off of them before dropping it back onto the ground with a grunt.
You speak into comms, “Is anyone there? We’re trapped and are unable to get out of here. I can hold off the water, but I can’t get us back to the surface.” Your powers are strong, but it will take a great deal of energy to get yourself, Rhodes, and Rocket out of here. You have no clue how deep you guys are below the surface. But you could at least hold off the water until someone is able to save you all. Scott replies and says “I’m on my way, I’ll get you guys.” And you mumble a “thanks” before asking another question, “How on earth did this happen?” you ask this as you use your powers to form some sort of blockade to keep the water from drowning you all. Scott suddenly appears, going back to his regular size and says “Nebula was compromised. You guys better hang onto something,” as he turns into a giant and breaks you all out of the concrete cage you were held in.
As you all return to the surface, Scott places the three of you on the ground. You take notice of the state of Steve, Tony, and Thor. They are badly beaten as Thanos cowers over them. Your eyes widen as you notice the ships approaching behind Thanos, along with his army of thousands. You, Rocket, Rhodey, (and Gamora??) together, ready to attack. You have no time to question Gamora’s sudden seeming resurrection as you notice Banner is the only one missing from the bunch, nowhere to be seen. You turn to everyone as you point at the gauntlet in Gamora’s arms and speak “Protect that gauntlet at all costs, don’t let him get to it. As soon as Banner is spotted, give it to him so he can do the snap and end this, once and for all. Understand?” Everyone nods in acknowledgement at your words.
A sense of deja vu hits you as you turn to face the impending battle. Once again you all are drastically outnumbered, you all must stand and fight against Thanos once more. The only differences being that you all are 5 years older, half of the universe’s population is gone, and Natasha is not by your side. The entire team is angered that this happened in the first place and the desire and will to defeat the mad titan is as strong as its ever been. You all failed to protect the world and your loved ones once, you all refused to lose this battle again. You all have something to fight for. You all attack and after what felt like hours of fighting Thanos’ army, you notice Scott running with the gauntlet, and your eyes widen as Thanos makes his way towards Scott. You quickly throw the enemies you were dealing with, with the flick of your hand and rush for the titan head-on.
Using your vibrant blue powers, you strike Thanos with a powerful beam of energy. Thanos tries to block himself but is a little too late as he’s sent flying back. “You took everything from me.” You say angrily and with a vengeful conviction as your eyes turn blue and your blue powers waver across your hands, levitating you a few feet off the ground. The titan stares at you as he stands and says “I don’t even know who you are.” You look at him and tilt your head, and reply with a dangerous calmness, “You will.” You then end up encasing Thanos, holding him up high in the air, your powers acting as blue hands. You squeeze him with all the strength you can conjure up and start to rip off his armor without laying a finger on him. “Rain fire!” The titan exclaimed to his servant. “But sire, our troops.” “Just do it!” Thanos screams. Unfortunately, you were so caught up in your rage that you failed to notice what Thanos was saying. You were soon knocked out with a powerful blast from a ship above you. Your grip on Thanos no more as you flew across the field and were knocked unconscious.
You wake up and groggily try to take in your surroundings. Your entire team beat to the ground. Banner, Scott, and Clint are unconscious, and the rest of the team are too weakened to move. Captain Marvel was also here, when she got here? You have no idea, but that doesn’t matter as she was knocked out as well. However, at least the giant ships and Thanos’ army had been taken out. You guys did impressively well considering how outnumbered you all were. You look away from your battered teammates beside you and you feel panic wash over you. Above you, the massive titan stands, placing the gauntlet on his hand. No. He CANNOT get that gauntlet, you think in a panic. However, your body is too weak to get up, you still try to stand with every ounce of strength that’s left in your body, but to no avail. All of a sudden, you feel a tingling sensation from your hands that you have never felt before.
You look at your hands and notice little sparks of electricity forming. This has never ever happened before, your powers are a dark blue and are more like laser beams than sparks. What is happening? As you stared at your hands, you failed to notice Mjölnir rising beside Thor. Mjölnir abruptly launches itself into your hand, and you suddenly feel a surge of electricity flow through your veins, giving you a spark of energy. The people who are still conscious are shell-shocked as they had all tried and failed to wield the mighty hammer. You yourself had even failed to lift Mjölnir all those years ago before the Ultron situation, but now here you were, worthy and determined to win this battle. As you attempt to stand once more, Thor joyfully exclaims “I knew it!” At Thor’s words, Thanos stomps on Thor, successfully knocking the Asgardian God out cold.
You rise to your feet, the only thing on your mind being that you need to bring Natasha back. You charge at Thanos, rising off the ground as your dark blue powers mixed with the lightning of mjölnir radiate off of you. You struck the titan with a powerful, concentrated hit with Mjölnir before using up the most power you ever have. You manage to do damage to Thanos, but with the gauntlet on he manages to use the stones to fight against your own powers. As he hits you, he fails to notice you exchange the gauntlet with the stones, with another gauntlet that he failed to notice lying on the ground. As your body is flung like a ragdoll across the floor, you look up as Thanos says “I... am inevitable.” And he snaps his fingers, but nothing happens. He, along with everyone else looks confused as he does this. All of them were puzzled, except for you.
You get on your knees and place the real gauntlet on. The energy so powerful as it courses through your veins, it’s an intense burn as if your blood was made of fire, pumping through every part of your body. You look around at the team, the people you have grown to love and call a family. You know that this will be the end of you, but you are content with that. What better way to go than saving the world and bringing the love of your life back? The team seems aware of your fate as well, the sadness evident on the faces of the broken down avengers. It hurt them, but they knew it had to be done. They couldn’t stop you, even if they tried. You already had the gauntlet on and you had made up your mind. After one last glance at your family, you focus back on Thanos, who stares at you in shock. A human wielding the stones, that was a sight for sore eyes. The snap almost killed Thanos the first time, imagine now? You have powers of your own, yes, but you’re still a human. You take a deep breath, your mind is racing as it is taken over by thoughts of Natasha. How you’ll never get to see her red hair and green eyes sparkle again, how you’ll never hear her raspy laugh that warms you up inside, and how you’ll never have the future you both had always wanted together. But you remind yourself that this is all for her, and that was the final push you needed to follow through with this plan.
You stare Thanos dead in the eye again as you shakily say “I... Am...” you envision Natasha and her big bright smile as you finally say “an Avenger.” And with the snap of your fingers, a bright light consumes your body and radiates across the field. All you hear is the ringing in your ears and all you can focus on is the burning of your charred body. The conscious team members gather around you, they are all speaking to you but you can’t fully hear what they’re saying. They sound far away even though they’re right in front of you. You watch as Thanos and his little servants disappear into dust, just like half of the population did 5 years ago. You release a heavy sigh of relief at the sight.
You look back to Steve who’s directly in front of you. He reaches into his pocket and dials a number, and when he turns the phone towards you, you notice the contact name; Natasha. Steve’s eyes widen as the redhead actually answers her phone, it worked. He however, tried to swallow his shock as he let’s her know that you’ll be put on the line. He doesn’t have the heart to inform her of your condition. You use every muscle in your body just to reach out for the phone and grasp it in your hand. “Hello? Y/N, baby?? Where are you?? What happened??” You smile widely at the sound of her deep, raspy voice as your eyes slowly start to close. The team panics as they try to convince you to keep your eyes open just a little longer, Natasha’s voice sounding more concerned and alarmed at the coaxing of the team. We did it, we really did it... she’s okay... it’s okay... is your final thought as your eyes close even further. The darkness is so tempting and you find yourself falling deeper and deeper into it, until you’re consumed by it. Never to see the light again.
2 weeks later
At your funeral, Nat was suspiciously devoid of emotion as the ceremony commenced. It was so weird for the team to see and they were genuinely worried. Natasha was always sure to not make her emotions known, it’s how she was trained as an assassin, but to show no emotion after losing the love of her life? Definite cause for concern. After the beautiful ceremony and burial, the team all returned to Tony’s cabin, he let the team know that there was something he needed to share with them. Tony stands before the team in his living room and places his iron man helmet on the mantle. He clears his throat before he begins, “Before the time heist, Y/N approached me and asked me a favor. They borrowed my iron man helmet and asked me to play this recording if things went south. So, this is me fulfilling their final wish.”
You appear as a hologram, sitting on a chair in your time heist suit. “So, if you’re watching this.. that means that I’m... yanno” and you make a throat slicing motion with a little laugh. You then realize that the people watching this will most likely not find humor in your little joke and immediately stop laughing. “I hope that in watching this, that means that we succeeded in bringing everyone back. It’s all we have been hoping and praying for, for the past 5 years. And I pray to God... or to Thor... that it worked out.” You actually laugh at your terrible attempt at a joke. Everyone in the room laughs at your corniness with tears in their eyes.
“If we did win, that must mean that you’re here Natasha.” You pause and take a deep breath. At the mention of the redhead, the room falls silent as Nat watches intensely, desperate to hear what you have to say to her. You proceed, your voice wavering as you were overcome with emotion, “I’m so sorry that I had to leave you so soon. I’m so sorry that we’ll never have the chance to get married and have little rascals of our own running around a little farmhouse of our own in the middle of nowhere like we always dreamt of. But, the day you left me, those 5 long years ago, a part of me left with you. And I would do anything to get you back, and I’m sure I’ve proven that to be true if you’re seeing this.” You take another break as your voice starts cracking, as Natasha finally let a tear escape.
You suddenly stand up, and move over to the camera, staring directly into it with an intense gaze. “But Nat, baby, you have to listen to me when i say that this is not the end of the world. It may feel like it, but I promise you it’s not. Those 5 years without you, I felt as though I was drowning in grief and despair, but then hope made its way into my life when Scott suddenly appeared on the steps of the compound. And I promise you that you will have hope again, not for my return, but for happiness in your life again, without me.” At your words, Natasha shakes her head furiously as silent tears steadily fall across her pale cheeks.
You giggle “I know you won’t believe me right now, but you will one day my love. You were wrong that day in Wakanda. You WILL survive this. You must move on eventually, as impossible as it sounds and as much as it kills me to say. Please do not give up on the world, don’t push everyone away, but let them in. I gave my life up so you could live yours, and I know you wouldn’t let my life go to waste.” You stop and look down at your watch. “I have to go now, if this time heist thing goes to plan, then everyone who vanished will return. God, I hope so.... I love you Natalia Alianovna Romanova.” You look down at your hands, and back up at the camera and say your final words.
“Remember...” you begin while moving closer to the helmet, “You could never lose me moya lyubov... I’m yours forever.” You smile tearily and the recording ends. Those last words were what finally did it for Natasha. All the emotion she was keeping bottled up broke loose and she had no control of the wheel of her emotions as she slammed head first into a breakdown. Natasha cried in sorrow as she mourned the possibilities that are no longer possible and screamed out in anguish for the unfulfilled promises of a happy, long life with you by her side.
The world had won, but Natasha had lost her world.
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
Three Favorite Words
Telara fic inspired by how much fun Tel had with the Syndicate Infighting weekly. (right up until he, uh, didn’t 😂 This is Tel we’re talking about) I’ve missed these two, I’m glad they piped up again.
Adrenaline still buzzed in his veins just as strongly as when he’d stepped off the taxi. He nudged at the helmet(again) so he could see and shot a glance toward the Black Sun thugs crumpled at the far end of the room. No signs of life. With that confirmation, he plugged the security spike into the console in front of him and got to work. He’d been leading from afar for too long; he missed the thrill of actually participating in missions like this. Adrenaline had him bouncing on his toes as he waited for the download to finish, the files mixed inconspicuously with the data already on the computer. And Elara thought I’d run into trouble. The spike went back in its pouch and he headed for the door. 
One more stop oughta do it....
The shadows were getting longer, starting to creep across the floor and desk. A tint of orange and purple was fading into the golden-pink of Coruscant’s sky. Elara tried to ignore it, to concentrate on her datawork and not glance toward the wall chrono. She didn’t make it long. Her nose crinkled as she noted the time. Tel was overdue checking in, and knowing her husband, the reason would be neither innocuous nor simple.
Her holo beeped, displaying Tel’s comm code as if in response to her fretting, and Elara answered with a small sigh of relief. “Oh, there you are, darling.”
“Hey, Els. ...You get an excuse to say your three favorite words.”
She frowned at the static roughing his voice. “I don’t need an excuse to say I l-”
“Not those three,” he coughed, raspy and winded. “...’Told you so’.”
Elara’s datapad went skittering across the desk as she bolted to her feet, fully alert at the--unfortunately familiar--rasp. “Telcontar, where are you?!”
“Almost back, so don’t come looking or anything, sweetheart.” Tel coughed again, muttered a curse under his breath. “I just wanted to let you know...”
“And now that I know, I’m going to need you to stay on the line with me,” she returned, moving toward the medkit she’d brought along. Just in case. (Because this was Tel and just in case had a high frequency of happening.) “When you say almost back...”
He grunted. “Five minutes?”
“I’ll be ready.” She shook off a wave of worry. If he was capable of returning under his own power, it couldn’t be that bad. Still... “Do not hang up.”
Tel huffed what was probably meant as a laugh. “Yessir. I think I’m outta danger anyway...”
She’d be demanding some explanations once they were face to face. For now, Elara put her focus on getting set up as best she could in the tiny kitchen of their rented apartment, since it had the best light.
It was seven minutes before the door slid open and Tel stumbled in. He’d lost the helmet from his Black Sun disguise, and flashed her a sheepish, lopsided grin, red mark blossoming along his cheekbone. “What’s a gorgeous gal like you doin’ in this part of town?”
Elara rolled her eyes as she dragged him further in. “My husband takes me to the most interesting places,” she retorted dryly.
“Dunno... if I’d call the slums of Coruscant interes-”
“Sit.” She jabbed a finger toward the chair. He may have lost the helmet, but the large white patches on the Black Sun armor he still wore made a stark background for the blood smearing around the hand he held pressed to his ribs. “What happened?!”
Tel sat gingerly, streaking blood across other parts of the armor as he tried to help with the clasps. He only relented when she smacked his hand away with a groused ‘Hold still’. “It went great all the way ‘til the end, is what--mmmh--happened.”
Elara arched a brow, unhooking the catches to ease off the armor’s chestpiece.  “Really?” She’d had her concerns about a plan so light on details (even if that was how he worked best), that largely banked on members of a paranoid criminal syndicate not getting suspicious of a lone figure traipsing up to multiple security consoles. Tel had sworn it would be fine. 
“I was smart about picking targets--ow--and actin’ like you belong goes a long way.” He winced and coughed again, shifting as she peeled up his shirt where the blood had plastered it to his skin.
“And yet, still fell short, apparently,” she said tartly. She didn’t like that cough. Or the angle of the narrow wound low on his ribs, bisecting an older scar that bore witness to this being a habit. She started cleaning away the blood, handed him another cloth to clean his hands.
“Nah, things went to hell for an entirely different reason,” Tel deadpanned. He grit his teeth against the sting of the antiseptic. “I didn’t double check all the nearby hallways before I started planting the fi--nnngh--files.” His hand, resting on her shoulder to be out of her way, unconsciously clenched, his fingers digging into her arm.
Elara rolled her shoulder to bring it to his attention and he immediately relented with a mumbled apology. “You know the drill, dearest,” she said, examining the deep puncture with rising dread. “What were you stabbed with?”
“...Vibroshiv,” he hissed through clenched teeth. He made a halfhearted attempt to clean the blood off his hand. “But he made the hit franging count.”
“I’ll say,” she returned dryly, reaching for her diagnostic scanner as fresh blood trickled from the wound. “He missed your kidney by centimeters, darling. And I suspect--” the scanner beeped, confirming her theory. “He nicked your lung. Tel, you should have gone to the medcenter!” she scolded, rifling through her medkit for the larger kolto injector. Was he pale? It was hard to tell in the harsh light.
“No,” Tel grit out, fingers trembling against the urge to clench on her arm again.  “That would mean a datatrail for some promotion-hungry underboss to fi-ind. The whole point is to get the criminal organizations all pointin’ fingers at each other. And we haven’t been allied back with the Republic for long.” He tensed and then relaxed with the rush of combined kolto and painkillers when she pressed the injector to his side. “Dunno how they might feel about the Alliance running an op like this right under their noses without so much as cluing them in.” He coughed again, but this sounded more embarrassment than injury-related. (A distinction she felt over-qualified to make.) “‘Specially considering who set it up...”
“Ah, yes.” Elara checked his vitals again, relieved to see most things falling back in normal ranges. Just because she knew he’d survived far, far worse than this didn’t erase the danger. Since the shiv hadn’t hit anything vital--close as it had come--there wasn’t much more she could do for now. Just keep an eye on it til tomorrow, when she could strong-arm him to the medcenter if need be. She selected a bacta patch and carefully secured it over the entry wound.  “I’ll have some words for Agent Balkar when next we see him.”
Tel laughed, the rasp starting to fade even if it did end on a grimace. “Fun as that would be to watch, don’t go biting Balkar’s head off, Els. He just handled the logistics here; got me a disguise and found a cheap place for us to rent.” He glanced at the crimson trailing into the kitchen and staining the edge of his chair. “Not so cheap if we can’t get the security deposit back ‘cause I bled all over the place, huh?”
“Likely not,” Elara said, She pushed to her feet and ran her fingers through his hair to comb it back from his forehead. “So. Who do I need to take to task for my husband almost getting killed?”
“You could start with your husband,” Tel deadpanned, catching her hand and pulled it close to kiss the inside of her wrist. “For being a reckless idiot who didn’t confirm there weren’t patrols before doing something that took all his focus.”
I told you that was a risk. She cocked her head and arched a brow. “Tel.”
“Alright, it was Theron’s idea,” he caved, gingerly working his ruined shirt the rest of the way off. “But. I still picked Coruscant, so it’s not his fault either, sweetheart.”
Elara gave a small, reluctant laugh as she started repacking the medkit. “It’s very sweet of you to dive on the vibroblade for your friend like this, darling. I’ll make sure to tell him.”
“First of all, he doesn’t know how terrifying you can be when you’re mad, so he wouldn’t fully appreciate my sacrifice,” Tel said with grin, draping the shirt over the back of the chair. “Second, sweet nothin’. I snagged Coruscant when we were divvying up assignments so I could watch him an’ Vette fight over who got Nar Shaddaa versus Tatooine.”
Any lingering irritation she felt at him for nearly getting himself killed (again) vanished in her giggles. “You’re horrible.”
“And yet, you still love me,” he rejoined, still grinning. 
Elara hummed an agreement, smoothing a smaller piece of medseal over a shallow cut she’d just noticed near his hairline. “And because I love you, I won’t say I told you so. I’ll just be quite firm with my medic’s orders you take it easy for a few days.”
Tel scowled. “But-”
“No buts Commander,” she cut him off with a finger against his lips. “You are very lucky, twice over, to be alive. You need to rest. Reclining, but still somewhat upright, ideally. So the kolto and your body have time to heal what needs healing.” She cradled his face in her hands, made him meet her eye. “The blade nicked your lung, dearest. A couple millimeters more and-”
“I get it, I get it,” he sighed. “I bow to your superior wisdom in the matter, oh, best damn medic in the galaxy. I just... had plans.”
“Well, now those plans have changed to sitting on the sofa to watch holovids with your wife,” Elara said lightly, leaning in to kiss his forehead. And I still hold that title is highly subjective. But she knew better than to argue that point. He hadn’t budged on it yet.
“Mmm, and there’s my three favorite words,” Tel relented with a grin. 
“What, go watch holovids?” she teased, helping him to his feet.
“No, ‘with my wife’.” Tel corrected. He kissed her temple and let her help support him once he stood. Maybe he hurt more than he was letting on. “Will you actually be watching with me, or be doing work with them as background noise?” 
“Most likely alternate between the two,” she conceded as they made their way to the couch. She wanted to keep an eye on him, but he was hardly on death’s door at the moment. And she needed to get the Iokath assignments finalized by the end of tomorrow. “Though it does depend on what you elect to watch. And I need to finish cleaning up before I join you, so don’t let that influence your first pick.”
He nodded and very slowly eased himself down on the couch, sitting still unprompted to let her arrange pillows and cushions in the most supportive manner. “Duly noted. Els?” He caught her arm as she started to head back to the kitchen. Tugged her close again to kiss her knuckles, then the back of her wrist. “Thanks, sweetheart. That’s another one I owe you.”
He was joking and she knew it, but Elara still shook her head. “You owe me nothing, dearest.” She leaned in to kiss him.
Tel must have sensed something in either her voice or the kiss--maybe she was a little too needy--because he raised a hand to cup her cheek. “I’m alright, Elara,” he said softly. “I know this could have been bad, but I’m okay. Thanks to you.”
Elara nodded and kissed him again. “I know.” Another, longer, kiss and she cleared her throat upon pulling away. “Let me get you a clean shirt.” She flashed a mischievous smile as she trailed her fingers over the freckles dusting his collarbone.  “So you aren’t quite as much a distraction while I tidy up.”
He retaliated with a devilish smirk. “If that’s really what you want.”
She rolled her eyes. He was definitely fine. “I did say you need rest, Tel.”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you’re implying, Captain Airen,” Tel grinned, all faux innocence.
“Of course not.” Elara retrieved one of his shirts for him and set about cleaning the kitchen as best she could while he started a holovid. Once finished there, she joined Tel on the couch, snuggling in close to the soft grey t-shirt so his heartbeat sounded in her ear, not really caring what he had chosen to watch.
Her datapad stayed, forgotten, on the desk. It would be there in the morning.
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wanderinginksplot · 3 years
One-Shot: Sev + Motto
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Sev x gn!reader fic, features the rest of Delta Squad as supporting characters.
Word Count: 1400 or so
Warnings: reader receives minor injuries (burns) on a mission
"Play di’kutla games, win di’kutla prizes."
If you had heard Sev say it once, you had heard him say it a thousand times.
Working with Delta Squad was normally fine. Honestly, it was outright entertaining on a regular basis. As an expert in untraceable comms, you were often partnered with commando squads. Infiltrating enemy planets was a norm in your job, and you made sure the squads could communicate with each other and nearby GAR ships regardless of which side controlled the planetside communications systems.
Delta was one of your favorite groups. Fixer was direct and to-the-point, efficient beyond all else. Scorch was side-splittingly funny, even in the middle of an intense battle. Sev was funny as well, though his humor was darker and full of wickedly clever observations. Boss was a natural leader, and he never felt the need to throw his authority around to make a point. More importantly, Delta Squad accepted you as one of their own, and your work with them was seamless in a way it wasn’t among other commando squads.
Of course, that also meant that you were subject to the same treatment as any other member of Delta Squad.
“Watch your fingers!” Fixer warned. “Heat gloves are standard issue for a reason.”
“Does it look like I have time to put on gloves?” you demanded. “Focus on covering me, and I’ll get this done.”
Two minutes, forty-seven seconds later, you had finished setting up the tower and taken a major step toward establishing communications on the Separatist-controlled planet. You would never admit it to Fixer, but you had thoroughly burnt several of your fingers on the superheated durasteel of the communication diverter’s inner core.
Crawling back through the brush to avoid enemy detection was awful. It may not have been so bad, but the burns were scattered across both of your hands and they were already beginning to blister.
You made it back in good time, despite the injuries you were trying to hide. Boss and Scorch had been the other team, going to plant detonators in the appropriate spots. Despite the comparative complexity of your task, you and Fixer were the first ones back. Sev was there to greet you, scowling at the pair of you.
“Took you long enough,” he grumbled.
“Excuse me, are we not the first team to finish?” you asked, satisfaction clear in your voice.
“Yeah, but if you had been faster, we would have an update on Boss and Scorch by now,” Sev countered. “You know how Scorch gets around too many thermal dets. He may have blown himself up by now and we missed it.”
“Considering how many detonators he had, I’m sure we would have seen the explosion from here,” Fixer told him.
You laughed at the solid point - half because Fixer was funny when he wanted to be and half to release the anxiety and adrenaline of a successfully completed stealth mission.
Fixer leveled an unimpressed look at you. “Besides, some of us could spend this time treating the injuries we’re trying to hide.”
“You got hurt?” Sev asked, frowning at you. From any other squad, it might have sounded like concern, but you immediately spotted it for what it was: a vague irritated belief that you would slow them down.
"Barely," you snorted. "Minor burns, nothing to worry about."
"Until the blisters pop and leave you open to infection," Fixed countered, already taking over the observation post Sev had been manning. "Oh-Seven, take care of it, please? I'm not up to playing medic right now."
"Oh, so I have to?" Sev griped.
You stood up, throwing a look of disgust at the pair. "I think I'll patch myself up, thanks."
You had barely cracked open Delta Squad's first aid kit when heavy footsteps warned that someone had followed you. You ignored Sev's red-streaked armor as he stepped up behind you, focusing instead on spreading bacta gel across the tender burns on your hands.
"Here, just- Would you let me do that?" Sev asked impatiently, taking the gel from your hands.
"I could do it myself," you told him, a little pointlessly, since he had already taken over.
"I know you could, but it'll be faster if you let me."
Sev had removed his helmet, and he had the stubborn set to his jaw that warned that he wasn't going to let this go. Rather than waste both of your time, you rolled your eyes and stuck out your hands. He knelt in front of you, the kit open beside him, and started to apply the bacta gel.
He worked in silence for a few minutes, callused fingers oddly gentle against your skin, until you couldn't take it anymore. "Go ahead, say it."
"Say what?" Sev asked, looking up at you with a frown on his scarred face.
"What you always say," you explained with a frown of your own. "Come on, it's basically your motto."
"I don't have a motto," Sev told you slowly. "I'm not some idiot with a motto. I'm not Scorch."
"Okay, but you can't think of a single phrase you repeat often?" You pressed. "Especially when someone gets hurt doing something you think is stupid?"
"Not really," Sev denied, clearly puzzling it over.
You watched him, aghast at the idea that you had been making up his insulting phrase. As he turned his attention back to your burns, you caught a glimmer in his eye and you nudged him with your foot.
"That's not funny, Sev!" you tried your best to sound furious, but the way you were laughing detracted from the effect. Sev chuckled along with you. "I thought I was going insane!"
"I wouldn't say it to you," Sev said, finishing the last bandage.
You stared at him. "Yeah, of course not. It isn't like you've said it to me multiple times in past missions."
"Well, those, you actually had done something stupid and you got what you deserved," he told you mercilessly. "But this time, you got hurt trying to complete a mission."
"Yeah, but I wasn't wearing the proper gear," you countered.
Sev didn't look impressed, picking up one of your carefully bandaged hands as he spoke. "I know burns, and heat gloves wouldn't have saved you here. Maybe the burns would have been less intense, but we would also be picking melted synthweave out of your hands."
You squeezed Sev's hand since it was still wrapped around your own. "Thanks for making me feel better, Sev, and for taking care of my hands."
"Well, I have to make sure my favorite comm specialist is willing to work with us again," Sev told you, helping you to your feet.
You had never taken a step away, and from your position standing close to Sev, you stared up with a dumb grin spreading across your face. "I'm your favorite comm specialist?"
"You're my favorite anything specialist," he told you and you beamed at him. To your complete shock, he returned your smile, his handsome face glowing with the quiet happiness of the moment.
You began to speak, though you had no idea what you planned to say. Unfortunately - or fortunately - you were interrupted by the arrival of Sergeant Boss and Scorch. Delta Squad's leader was supporting Scorch, who limped along making exaggerated noises of pain.
"Scorch, what happened? Are you okay?" you asked, horrified that he had been hurt.
"I didn't bring enough fuse," Scorch answered, immediately dropping his pained attitude - though his limp didn't change a bit. "Had to run from the site and I twisted my ankle."
"Well, play di'kutla games, win di'kutla prizes," Sev told him sourly as you shot him a disbelieving grin.
"Yeah, yeah," Scorch muttered. "This team doesn't appreciate my talents."
"Talents," Fixed scoffed.
"Of course!" Scorch replied, sounding offended. "It takes talent to get hurt this often and not die."
"The Kaminoans may have bred us for tenacity, but I don't think that's what they had in mind," Boss told him. "There's something to be said for learning from your mistakes."
"Isn't anyone on my side?" Scorch complained, eyeing you pointedly.
You sighed, but threw him some sympathy anyway. "I'm on your side, Scorch. I'm glad you're okay."
Fixer cut short Scorch's gloating. "That's only because you weren't the only one who was injured doing something stupid today."
Scorch gave you a commiserating nod. "Did Sev give you the speech, too?"
You glanced up at Sev. The scarred commando was watching you as he tried to bite back a smile. You shot him a subtle wink and said, "Yeah, something like that."
A/N - dedicated to myself, because I say "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" way too often for someone who is usually the one playing the stupid game. Feel free to visit my masterlist for other one-shots and series, or make a request!
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“Maybe if I punish you it’ll help you remember who you belong to next time.” with Bucky hunting down reader after she tries to run away after she breaks up with him
Pairings - Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count - 1706
Warnings - kidnap, forced drug use, oral (f receiving)
A/N - thanks to the wonderful @buckyownsmylife for beta reading this and just being an all round sweetheart. Thanks also to @dreamslikeaheartbeat for the prompt, if you don’t already go follow her she’s so talented. If you are under 18 then please shoo
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You feel the crunch of the leaves under your feet as you run, the twigs ripping through your soft skin as you push forward. It's quiet, too quiet.
Working at the tower was everything you’d ever wanted, you’d worked so hard to get where you were and developing tech with Shuri and Peter was your actual dream. You started out small, working on comms, it didn’t take long for you to advance and under Shuri’s watchful eyes you amended the arm of a certain super soldier. He came to the lab once a week so you could test new ideas and he was always so helpful, even bringing you coffee and occasionally books you two had discussed.
It had been three months since you first worked with him and for two of those he wanted to work with only you. Shuri agreed it would be good for you to have a little freedom and handed over his files. Bucky was funny, sweet and charming, not the impression you were given of him from Peter, who was still a little scared of him after the airport incident.
One afternoon he arrived and looked a little nervous, producing a bunch of flowers from behind his back you looked at him curiously. “Hey, come out with me tonight, Sam told me about this place a few blocks from here. You’re always cooped up in here, let me thank you for making my arm even better.” Your cheeks warmed up at the thought of spending time with him outside of the tower but he caught it. “Is that little smile you’re trying to hide a yes?” He pressed, trying to make eye contact with you.
You nodded and looked at him. “That would be nice, thanks Bucky.” He relaxed and handed you the bouquet. “I’ll pick you up at 7.” He turned and walked out, you watched as he went round the corner before running to beg for the rest of the day off.
You hear the knock at your door at exactly 7oclock and chuckle to yourself at how punctual he was. Opening the door and stepping aside, you let him in and watch as he immediately surveys your apartment for exits. “I'll be a few minutes just make yourself at home,” you say before quickly moving to your bedroom to finish getting ready. You hear him in your front room, shuffling around and when you come back he’s looking through your bookcase.
“Wow doll, you look stunning, give me a little twirl.” Biting your lip at the compliment, you turn on the spot and try to calm your heart as he whistles at you. “Don’t know how I got so lucky to meet you.” You quickly take a drink of the wine you left on the side finishing the glass when you start to feel a little dizzy, stumbling into his arms. “I’ve got you, looks like you had a little too much. Let me help you.” The room suddenly goes black.
Waking up, you don’t know how long it’s been but you’re in an unfamiliar room, your head is pounding and you’re laying down on a bed. You try to sit up and realise your arms are secured to the posts. “Hey, you’re finally awake, don’t mind the rope, I had to tie you up to keep you safe.” You look around to see where the voice is coming from but you don’t see him anywhere.
“Bucky?” you manage to croak out, your dry throat making it near impossible to speak. He rushes over to you and strokes your cheek to soothe you, unaware that it has the opposite effect. “Bucky can you undo me please, I need to use the bathroom.” He nods and pulls the rope off, walking you to the bathroom but stopping you from closing the door. Looking up at him confused he glares at you, daring you to challenge him.
Washing your face, you keep watch from the corner of your eye. “I know you're watching me, doll.” Stalking over, he takes a deep breath, inhaling the scent of your hair. “You looked so good tonight doll, I didn't want to share you with the rest of the world.” Looking at you in the mirror. “You want that too, don’t you? I see the way you look at me, at this arm.” He wraps his hand around your throat gently but leaves you no room to move.
You watch his face as it warps from the Bucky you know to something else entirely. “Bucky, what are you doing?” He grips tighter and leans in, growling in your ear. “No questions, do as you’re told and we can be very happy.” Holding your breath, a tear rolls down your cheek, he smirks and swipes it away, licking it off his thumb. “Mmm so sweet doll, we are going to have so much fun.” With that, he leaves and closes the door behind him.
You take a deep breath, almost hyperventilating from the fear coursing through your body. Looking around for something to use as a weapon, you notice he's cleared the room, the window is bolted shut. You are trapped.
You leave the small room and hear him calling you from somewhere in the house. Following his voice you find him making pancakes in the kitchen. You can’t see any knives or much of anything really to help you, surveying the room around you, it quickly becomes clear that you’re in some sort of cabin.
Outside the windows all you can see is trees, the sun is up too, just how long were you unconscious? “I’m making breakfast, you must be starving. There’s some pain relief on the counter, I'm sure you’ve got a sore head.” You nod and pick up the pack, inspecting it for any tampering. “Come on, doll! We’ve already established that if I want to drug you, I can do that very easily.”
Your heart pounds and he chuckles to himself. “Calm down, I can hear you from over here.” You take the pills with a glass of orange and sit down at the table while he serves you up a plate. “Eat up, you’re going to need your energy”.
The next week goes by in a blur of ‘domestic bliss’. You’re playing along, observing his daily pattern and making a plan. He doesn’t sleep at night, preferring to watch you rest, he does have a nap everyday but it usually only lasts around 30 mins. Each day you work on a different window, slowly pulling out the nails without leaving any marks before pushing them back in so he doesn’t suspect anything.
Getting a call from Steve later that week, he goes to the end of the garden so you don’t hear him, taking your chance you run. Rushing through the trees, you can’t see anything that looks like freedom so you push forward.
You haven’t had anything that even closely resembles shoes the whole time you’ve been held captive and each step you take shoots more and more pain through your soles. Seeing a lake up ahead, you charge towards it, leaping over a tree trunk when you’re caught mid jump. “Oh hey, doll, leaving so soon? We haven’t even begun to have any fun yet. Did you think I wouldn’t notice all the windows and doors had been tampered with?” Throwing you over his shoulder and he began marching back to the cabin.
You struggle as he throws you on the bed, ripping your clothes off and tying you up. “Where did you think you were going? I’ve told you already, you belong to me now.” He cups one of your breasts before painfully pinching and stretching your nipple. “I could make this feel very good for you, all you have to do is ask”. You shake your head and squeeze your eyes shut, gasping out when he slaps your face. “Look at me you, little bitch.” Looking up at him, your eyes get blurry from the unshed tears that form.
“Just be a good girl for me and we won’t have any trouble.” You nod at him, terrified, and try to move away when he moves lower down your body, his nose nudging around your curls before spreading you open and licking your juices. “Mmm... you taste so good doll, I know you want this, you just have to relax.” Your back arches off the bed as he sucks your clit into his mouth, flicking at it with his tongue. Your orgasm builds higher and higher, your body feels as though it's on fire but he stops and you moan out in frustration. He smirks up at you, pushing one of his vibranium fingers into you and curling it just right. “Say the words and I'll make you feel good,” echoing his words from earlier.
You shake your head again and screw your eyes shut, trying to regulate your breathing and calm yourself down when you feel his mouth on you again. “No please, I can’t,” you practically scream out at him as he expertly takes you apart again, taking you to the brink but not letting you fall over.
“Say it, say you’re mine and I'll let you cum doll, it's simple.” You sob fat heavy tears, your whole body feeling sensitive. Shaking his head at you, he dives back in, you clench your fists together, trying to command your body to let you finish before he stops but he already knows you too well and he stops once again.
“Please Bucky, I’m yours I swear I’m all yours.” He smirks and slowly rubs a finger on your clit, your body responding to the touch, your back arches and your toes curl. You're close, so fucking close it almost hurts but he pulls back and slaps your pussy hard.
“Maybe if I punish you it’ll help you remember who you belong to next time.” He spits in your face before turning his head and welcoming Steve. “This is the girl I told you about, she’s ready,” he says with a sense of pride in his voice. You turn your head and sob when you see Steve beginning to undress and walk towards you grinning.
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