#yeah if anyone tried forcing the mask of cecil off of ven
lanternlightss · 1 year
also. i need you all to know horribly venti is going through it in stwbk because, like. damn.
they have no sense of identity. they have been putting up an act for so so long that it is horrifically difficult to tell where cecil ends and venti begins. even when they’re alone, they keep the act up because they truly, honestly have no idea who they are without it.
sure, they’re a little more vibrant than cecil. they have their own way of wording things, too, being far more casual than cecil ever dreamed of being.
but it’s just… it has gotten to the point where there’s almost no “them” left. it has gotten to the point where they still remain in cecil’s shadow. cecil’s mirror.
and it sucks, because this is not what cecil wanted at all. they wanted venti to be happy with who they were, because that person is very very important to cecil, and very dear to them.
it’s just… hard, when the only person who truly remembers venti is dead.
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