#yeah sure i believe men BELIEVE theyre thinking about the roman empire. but they dont know her like i do
finelythreadedsky · 1 year
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men think about the roman empire, women think about celebrities and their friends and families?????? amazing work, send it to print!!!!!!
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dr-gloom · 6 years
Year After Year (It’s The Same Routine)
Day 13! (I wish it was Friday the 13th omgp) This is for @sanderssidesspook‘s Spook Month!
Prompt: Friday the 13th
Fandom: Sander’s Sides
Words: 1,203
Summary: Patton loves many things, but Friday the 13th is not one of them. 
Tags/Warnings: superstition, cute poly boyos, Patt’s not all that into religion because lots of ppl use it as an excuse to hurt others, but he doesn’t have a problem with ppl being religious, cute phone contact names
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Patton loved Halloween, and October, and black cats, and children’s Halloween movies, and candy, and-
Patton loved a lot of things.
One of these things, however, was definitely not Friday the 13th. Patton had always been very superstitious, even going out of his way to avoid cracks in the sidewalk so he wouldn’t break his poor mother’s back! Needless to say, he did not like Friday the 13th. At all. It was especially bad if it was in October, and this year it was! He’d already decided that he’d stay inside all day, not use the stove or oven, and stay to the couch as much as possible.
It was only Monday.
Patton had sent a text through the group chat to let his boyfriends know that he wasn’t going to be available on Friday, due to his plans to not leave the couch for anything short of a life-or-death situation. It had taken 45 seconds for the texts to come pouring in; Logan’s confusion and exasperation, Roman’s promises to slay any threat that may befall them, and Virgil’s slightly-sarcastic support and kneedling.
Patton tried to reassure them, telling them that it was okay, he just didn’t want to risk anything. Logan assured Patton that superstition held no standing in the real world, and that scientifically, most - if not all - superstition was improbable or impossible. Patton knew that, but there was just something about it that resonated with him, and despite what others said he would always believe it. Just like religious people believed in God, despite most of them not able to tell you where The Big Man even was.
Rosen Bridge: Patton, religion and superstition are not the same thing.
Patt-ernal Love: I mean… They are???
Patt-ernal Love: Religion is based on old books that people just kind of assume have to be true just because other people wrote the same thing
Patt-ernal Love: And I get that! But that doesnt mean the stuff theyre writing about is right, or that were interpreting it right
Storm Cloud <3: can we not do the religion thing today pls
Roman Empire: i promise my love, i shall protect you from any and all harm!
Patt-ernal Love: I know you would, baby
Patt-ernal Love: But I still dont think its a good idea
Storm Cloud <3: then y dont we just come ovr
Storm Cloud <3: movie night
Storm Cloud <3: sleepover
Storm Cloud <3: watevr
Roman Empire: magnificent idea, johnny wept!
Storm Cloud <3: 2/10
Storm Cloud <3: poor presentation
Rosen Bridge: Roman, Virgil, please. We are adults.
Storm Cloud <3: try again
Storm Cloud <3: wow logan way to cut a guy off thats totally not rude
Rosen Bridge: I do apologize, Virgil, but you were both getting off-topic.
Roman Empire: right! i think a sleepover is a terrific idea!
Patt-ernal Love: Yeah! Lets do it!
Storm Cloud <3: so wat r we doing
Storm Cloud <3: coming ovr thursday night or
Patt-ernal Love: Sure!  
The conversation continued for another twenty minutes like that, the four men planning their Thursday/Friday hangout until Virgil had to go to class and Logan had to get back to work. Patton figured he should probably head to school too and pocketed his phone, grabbing his keys and leaving his apartment.
The rest of his week passed by both achingly slow and too fast, and before Patton knew it, it was Thursday. He got through his classes with jittery legs and ecstatic smiles, heading home in the early afternoon and rushing around to get his apartment cleaned. He knew Logan and Virgil were going to be early at the very least. Logan because he liked to be punctual, and Virgil because he was always anxious about being late to anything so he set alarms on his phone for at least thirty minutes before he really had to leave. Patton had just sat down when the doorbell rang, and he hopped up to his feet to answer it. He opened the door with a smile, the smile growing when he saw Virgil on the other side with a backpack slung over his shoulder, gripping one of the straps. He gives a lazy wave with his other hand, smiling just slightly.
“Hey, Pat.”
Patton throws himself at Virgil, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. Virgil stumbles, surprised, and awkwardly pats Patton’s back. “P-Pat… Can’t breathe…” He wheezes. Patton lets go, smiling sheepishly. “Oh, sorry Virge!” Virgil shrugs it off and enters the apartment, sitting on the couch. Patton joins him, and Virgil almost immediately cuddles close, worming under Patton’s arm. He doesn’t mind; he loves cuddling with his boyfriends! He kisses the top of Virgil’s head and puts on Scary Godmother.
Logan came not too long after, Patton letting him in with the same smile and bone-crushing hug that he’d given Virgil. He pulled Logan into their cuddle pile, Virgil now sandwiched between two of his boyfriends (not that he was complaining). The three cuddled together for the next hour until Roman showed up, letting himself into the apartment with a flourish and confidently striding into the living room. He flops onto the couch, throwing himself across the others’ laps. Patton cards his hands through Roman’s hair. Logan gently massages Roman’s calves. Virgil rests his arms on Roman’s back.
Once Scary Godmother was over, Patton got up (with much complaining from Roman and Virgil) and made them all some popcorn, handing each person their own bowl and sitting back down. The next few hours passed like this, with the men watching Halloween movies and chatting or commenting on the movies. Virgil is the first one to fall asleep, head resting on Logan’s shoulder and mouth slightly open. The others make sure to speak quietly and turn down the volume on the TV so they don’t wake him, and it isn’t long until Patton is asleep as well, his hand stilling in Roman’s hair.
Roman looks up at Logan, who’s staring at the TV without really paying attention to it. Roman whispers, “What’re you thinking about, Specs?” Logan looks over at him, blinking tiredly.
“I am simply confused as to why people believe their actions hold a direct causation to something as unprovable as ‘luck’.” Roman blinks, smiling. “Well you don’t need to understand it to support him. I don’t get it either, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s ‘our happy-pappy-Patton’.” He says with a smirk. Logan smiles slightly and nods. “I suppose you are right. Perhaps we should get some sleep, it is rather late.”
Roman nods, grabbing the remote and turning the TV off and falling asleep soon after.
The next day, Patton wakes up surrounded by his boyfriends. The four of them have a quiet breakfast indoors, then settle in the living room for more movies and a gaming marathon (read: Mario Kart), broken up by lunch and snacks. Nothing at all substantial or scary happened - unless you count Roman shrieking when he entered the kitchen to find Virgil sitting on top of the fridge - and the day passed with little fanfare, just like any other day Patton spent with his boyfriends.
He guessed he could learn to love Friday the 13th too.
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