#yes i did read the whole article. it is in fact that stupid
finelythreadedsky · 1 year
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men think about the roman empire, women think about celebrities and their friends and families?????? amazing work, send it to print!!!!!!
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lemotmo · 2 months
one thing i'm a bit worried about as we got into season 8 is that there are a lot of fans talking about buddie like it's an inevitability and saying things like "buddie canon confirmed" because of the bts stuff we've seen.
it feels like people are setting themselves up for being disappointed and mad if buddie doesn't end up going canon (and honestly, it's kind of their fault for reading so much into fun little posts from the cast when the only way they'd ever confirm buddie is in an episode).
i really want buddie to be canon, but I'm keeping my expectations low because I don't want to be disappointed and it feels like people should be prepared for that potential outcome.
All right Nonny, here's the thing...
I get it. I completely understand what you are saying. I have been in the 911 fandom since season 1 (not so much on Tumblr) and when season 2 happened I hopped onto the Buddie train (on Tumblr).
I have been there, season after season after season. I saw people building up a lot of hope only for that hope to end up in disappointment. And I felt some of that disappointment as well. Although I have to admit I was always on the sidelines. I never really thought it would ever go canon. I hoped for it, but I had very low expectations.
After all, both men were canonically straight. Even though we could all see the queer-coding, fundamentally nothing ever changed. Buddie got closer than ever, but they still had girlfriends and relationships.
So yeah, I didn't have high expectations and I was happy just chilling in my little Buddie corner, speculating and reading/writing fan fic. Just genuinly having a good time.
But then season 7 happened. The show got cancelled by FOX at the end of season 6 and ABC picked it up. The first thing ABC did was put Ryan and Oliver front and center, having them freely talk about Buddie. I couldn't believe my eyes when these interviews happened. Articles were written, not just by smaller click bait sites, but actual reputable magazine sites. I watched all of this with wide eyes, not sure what to think of it. 'Would they? Could they?'
Then another bomb went off when 7x04 happened and Buck came out as bisexual. I was floored. For the first time in 6 seasons, I started entertaining the idea that the show might just go there. If they made Buck bisexual, surely they wouldn't ignore the highly popular Buddie aspect of it? Would they?
Let's not get into the whole Tommy debacle that happened afterwards. Because in the end it's not important for this answer. Tommy has been set up as a narrative device to help Buck out of the closet. He isn't even a factor in the overspanning Buddie arc we've seen progressing over 6 seasons.
I also want to add that it's crazy that we know for sure that it was actually supposed to be Eddie who would come out of the closet (first).
The end of season 7 gave us an Eddie who told Kim that he is broken and he can't be fixed. Chris left and now he's all alone. No more Chris, Marisol or any other distractions. He is on his own now. Lots of time to reflect upon his life and relationships. His arc will be built around his emotional journey and his personal growth. And we all know who will be by his side for all of it. It's a given at this point.
Then we have Ryan doing these interviews, saying things like:
“The character has been established now, we kind of know what to expect with the vibe. Now it’s just kind of falling back in old rhythm. The only thing different now is where the character’s head is at and where he is going.”
Next to that we have new looks for both Ryan and Oliver. A new beginning perhaps? That moustache has some clear queer symbolism attached to it as well. Something we cannot ignore, because the show knows that its fans aren't stupid and they also know that they have a solid queer fanbase.
And yes, Ryan and Oliver seem happy and relaxed on set these days, while especially Oliver didn't seem all that happy at the end of season 7. In fact, Oliver has completely ignored the Tommy aspect of his new 'canon' relationship. He speaks more about Buck's bi journey and ignores the Tommy factor as much as possible.
So Nonny, if you read all of the above information (and I'm sure I forgot a bunch of stuff) how can you not become more hopeful and a lot more positive that there is a high chance of Buddie happening in season 8?
I'm all for protecting yourself from possible disappointment, but when you are constantly wrapping yourself into a protective cocoon so you don't get hurt in the process, you might just miss the best (and most fun) part of being a shipper: the experience of your slow-burn ship finally becoming canon.
I admit it! I too strongly believe Buddie might just happen in season 8. I'm almost completely sure.
And yes, if Buddie doesn't happen, there will be disappointment and there will be people who choose to express that disappointment through anger. But honestly?
They would kinda have a point.
Because no, it wouldn't be the fans' own fault for getting their hopes up if Buddie doesn't happen. During previous seasons I would have said 'yes', but not now. Not anymore. Now I would definitely say that they are right. It's the show itself that has gotten our hopes up by the consistent Buddie promo, the many Buddie scenes, the whole Eddie being in every part of the BT arc thing, the bts and all the other things they've thrown at us. They know exactly what they are doing. They are hyping Buddie up to the max.
I don't actually believe there will be disappointment though. This is truly the first season where I have been pretty confident that Buddie is in the works. I've never had that feeling before and I've been here forever.
Now that being said, complete certainty doesn't exist for a shipper. if, for some reason, Buddie doesn't happen? There will be disappointment (for me as well) and anger (for me not so much), but in the end that emotion will fade and Buddie will become just another great fandom experience with a bad ending. We've all been there before. It happens.
That is just the nature of being in fandom: 'You win some, you lose some.'
However... this time? With Buddie?
I really think we're about to win big. Sorry Nonny!
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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i-cant-sing · 2 months
Also I adored pt 8 , and it was so SO good
I am not familiar with Islam so the names and some of the things you talk about confuse me a bit , but google knows everything so I did some research
This has nothing to do with the story , but interesting fact: I live in greece so the ottomans are considered ' enemies ' or some shit, and you can really notice that though our history and religious books in school
Like everything is so against the religion and the nation it's stupid
I remember reading about Islam on our theology book and it was something from the koranio(I can't remember how it's called in English , but that's how we call it in greece) (I do not remember it exactly and it might not be a real translation so yeah)
The point of the two sentences that were given with no subtext were that Allah was promoting defending the Islam even with blood or something
And I specifically remember our teacher going on and on about how many deaths have been cause due to Islam (as if christians are any better). And I just stood up and told her that it is not Allah who did those things but the people who misinterpreted the book
Side note im not muslim , but I am very attracted to the religion and wanted to start some research about it and all . I dont know why but I have always felt a strange attraction to it and I wanna pursuit more
"And I just stood up and told her that it is not Allah who did those things but the people who misinterpreted the book" you get it nonnie! Smart cookie! i completely forgot about the whole greeks vs ottomans and then i remember hearing they had animosity and i was like??? because i thought they shared all the beauty and attarctive appearances of the whole world so it wouldnt make sense for them to fight? but like yes- at least from my skimmed articles, the way ottomans treated greeks was very un-islamic. all of yall have to remember that it is strictly FORBIDDEN in islam to force someone to convert.
u should definitely do some research, religion and history are always so interesting. i think i got into history due to my interest in Greek mythology (lol i played Hermes in a school activity) and i was EATING it up. It was sooooo fun to learn about all these immortals being so chaotic😭
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mondscheinprinzessin · 5 months
random Niko/Joel shortfic
“…fight for power when one singer wants the spotlight more than the other- I can’t read this anymore.” Niko said in a loud voice, obviously annoyed, ripping Joel out of his daydreams. “This is stupid, what do they know about us? We’ve had our fights yes, but never about who wants to be the front person - there is no main singer in this band, when will they understand this and stop writing needless articles about our possible future break-up, none of these scenarios will happen.”
Surprisingly well-aimed, Niko threw the magazine in the bin next to the small table under the TV, and with a big sigh fell backwards on the bed behind him.
Joel, who had been following the end of the scene with his eyes instead of that random instagram reel on his phone, had to smile a little. It wasn’t the first time they had this talk within the band, and while Joel was known to go on rants on every topic possible, Niko was right behind him in getting furious when the media outlets speculated about their dynamics and “sudden” band accomplishments.
Also, Joel couldn’t deny that it was hot seeing Niko spitting flames. His long hair in waves around him as if controlled by his voice, green eyes lightning up, and his body size doubling with heated words.
With one long stride, Joel lay down next to Niko, the small hotel bed not giving the chance to leave much space between them, but Joel was happy enough about this fact since it gave him the perfect excuse last night to fall asleep on Niko’s chest.
Right now though he perched his head on his own hands, watching Niko’s face, holding back words in favour of smiling at him. Red cheeks were luring his fingers to stroke them but he retained from touching his boyfriend for the minute.
“What?” Niko asked, less upset now, but with a crease between his brows still. “What’s so funny about it? All they want is to see us fall when we’ve worked so hard for this. But no, they want to watch us ripping ourselves apart as if we’re lions trapped in a cage for the amusement of everyone around us.”
Not able to hold back any longer, Joel half fell, half rolled onto Niko and kissed his path up his neck to his mouth.
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” He said and dodged the hand that wanted to slap him away.
“Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not! I just gave you a compliment.”
Niko grumbled but then his face softened. “You’re right, they can all kiss my ass. They don’t know how happy I am, and it’s sad that’s all they can write about us.” His green eyes found Joel’s and one of his hands lifted to slip his hair behind his ear, lingering to trace a finger down his jaw. “I never want to fight you about our position, you know that right?” His voice was soft now as if afraid to broach the subject again.
Joel was aware that everyone in the band knew about this insecurity of his because it did spark conflicts in the past, but not because Niko really did try to shove Joel out, but because Joel was afraid it could happen eventually after he failed too many times. Over the time he had learned and understood and accepted that none of the guys wanted to do this without him, and particularly Niko wouldn’t try to vote Joel out. After all, he loved him.
That’s why Joel answered assured, “I know.”
“I don’t feel like a whole person without you anymore. I don’t fucking care what anyone else would say about that. You’re part of who I am now, the most important piece of me.”
Now that’s the Niko Joel knew. The poetic, love declaring man that still managed to make Joel blush with his words and left him speechless, which was not easy to achieve.
Joel buried his face into Niko’s neck to hide his face and grin of happiness, a warm feeling spreading through him, and he would’ve loved to stop time to prolong this moment, to let go of the knowledge that they would have to go up soon for soundcheck. Right now he only wanted to bathe in Niko’s love, stay in their little bubble a while longer.
“Don’t say something like that.” He said nevertheless, still embarrassed whenever Niko directed such lovely words towards him no matter how much Joel enjoyed them. He just couldn’t get used to it and didn’t know how to behave.
“Too late. I love you, nothing you can do about that.”
“We will see about that.” Joel replied, the grin having turned into a smirk, his hands slowly creeping up Niko’s side and his fingers immediately tickling over his skin once he saw his chance.
“Don’t you dare!” Was all Niko could bring out before he was lost in laughter and tried to fight Joel off.
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xsweetcatastrophe · 6 months
You Broke Me First
Part 11
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Zoe spent the next hour fielding calls and texts from everyone she knew.
Cillian, on the other hand, sat next to her enjoying a cup of tea with the newspaper opened to the crossword puzzle.
Cillian and reminded her before she started answering anyone that she couldn't break and tell them the truth; she had to keep up the facade that they were. in fact, dating.
"Well.... that might be a problem" Zoe said, wairly. "I already told my sister"
Cillian rolled his eyes and sighed.
"But that's not fair. I tell Jen everything. And she won't say anything. She has mom brain. I promise. You don't get it, she's my sister.. just trust me" Zoe said defensively.
Cillian smiled. "I get it. I have a brother and two sisters. I tell my brother everything. It's fine... but just know that if it gets out, Hannah will have YOUR head, don't drag me down with you" he said, turning back to the puzzle.
Zoe's phone rang again. Zoe groaned. It was the fourth time she called, she had to pick it up this time.
"Hi, mom" Zoe said upon asnwering.
"Please tell me why I'm seeing your name all over the internet" Zoe's mom said.
"Depends.. are you reading one of my articles?" Zoe replied hopefully.
"Zoe Jane."
"Jeez, lighten up Ma" Zoe said.
"Why do I have to find out THIS WAY you're finally dating someone? Who is this man? Where did you meet him?"
"Where did I meet him?" Zoe said loudly, hoping to catch Cillian's attention. She completely forgot what the said agreement was. Cillian mouthed the word "Party" to her.
"It was a party a couple months ago" Zoe said, very monotone. Zoe then decided to make the bad decision to put her on speaker, so Cillian could hopefully help out faster with answering questions if she needed him.
"A party?"
"what were you wearing? How did you do your hair? I hope you left it down, I think your hair is so pretty and I hate when you tie it in that low bun you do" Zoe's mom went off.
Cillian looked up and raised his eyebrow.
"really mom?" Zoe said, staring off into space and rolling her eyes, sighing.
"I'm just saying, I've bought you such pretty sundresses and they're just collecting dust in the closet. You have such beautiful hair and you don't take care of it. I would kill for hair like yours, you have no idea how beautiful you could be-"
"Well I guess I wasn't that ugly since i left with him, didn't I?" Zoe snapped.
Cillian's eyes went wide and his eyebrows shot up, now biting his lip to hold back a laugh.
"Zoe Jane, that's inappropriate"
"Alright Ma, what are you calling me for? to find out details to gossip to your friends about, or to actually see how i'm doing? because I have things to do. Apparently a whole lot of hair to take care of and sundresses to dust off" Zoe said, wanting to wrap up the phone call.
"Of course I'm calling to see how you're doing! You think i'm so horrible. I just wanted to see who this man was and if I was ever going to meet him"
hopefully, never. Zoe thought
"Is he coming to the party?"
shit. the phone's on speakerphone. Zoe glanced at Cillian, who was now looking at her.
"I don't know. I gotta go. I'll keep you posted. love you" Zoe said, anxious to hang up.
"Love you bunny. tell this man-"
Zoe ended the call before her mom could finish. She dropped the phone on the counter and let out a sigh.
"Good thing you have a degree, your acting sucks" Cilian mumbed.
"Listen.. my mother is... she's a force to be wreckoned with" Zoe said, taking a sip of her now cold coffee.
"Very concerned with what you're wearing" Cillian replied.
"Oh, always. Beauty might be on the inside, but beauty on the outside reels them in" Zoe said, mocking her mom.
"What party was she talking about?"
"Just some stupid birthday party" Zoe said, mind racing trying to think of something to say to change the subject. "Are you stuck on one? I'm good at crosswords" Zoe came up with, pointing to the newspaper laid out in front of him. Cillian stared at her for a second, then looked down and furrowed his eyebrows together, almost forgetting there was a newspaper there in the first place. "oh.. uh, yea. 8 Down. 'Magician's expertise'. 8 letters. Thought it was vanishing or disappear but those don't fit"
Zoe thought for a second.
"Illusion. It's illusion"
Over the course of the next 2 weeks, Zoe and Cillian fell into somewhat a routine that worked for them. And, if we're being honest, Zoe was starting to look forward to seeing him.
Zoe had gone back to the office, but now people whispered about her as she walked past .People knew, and they thought it was real. More people were saying good morning to her than usual, and it seemed like people were generally more chatty with her. But she could still hear the whispers behind her.
Cillian came over at least 3 times a week, days always being different except Sundays - he always came over Sundays with dinner to watch the next episode of Succession. The other days, they would just hang out at her apartment, she would cook or they would go out to eat. Zoe was getting used to the cameras when they found them, and she began to feel a lot more comfortable around Cillian. It was like she was hanging out with one of her friends, where she could completely be herself and not worry about saying the wrong thing.
She learned Cillian and her had a lot of similar interests when it came to movies and TV shows. Cillian (politely) listened to her ramble off about her love for old architecture and old cemeteries, and her dream of owning an old house with old crown moldings and old gold doorknobs - don't get her started on antique doorknobs. Cillian tried to teach her about "good" music, and made her playlists and almost had a meltdown when she listed to the playlist he made for her on shuffle. "It's in that order FOR A REASON" Cillian had said.
They haven't, however, kissed since that night outside her apartment building.
Zoe spent many nights overthinking this. okay, we kissed that one night, and I'm convinced if our phones didn't ring an interrupt us we would of kissed that day at his house the article dropped.He makes time to make me playlists and listens to me and pretends to be interested in whatever i'm talking about. maybe deep DEEEEEEP down he likes me? and then reality would hit her that this is all one big lie and she would feel horrible about herself.
It was Sunday, and Zoe just let Cillian in. He kissed her on the cheek and said hello, and walked past her. That's... new. Zoe thought.
"I got that rigatoni bolognese you like. I got penne vodka for myself but we can switch if you want," Cillian said, putting the bags of food on her end table in front of the couch. "Wine tonight?" He asked.
"No wine for me. My head already hurts. I'm just having water" Zoe said, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and heading to the couch with napkins an forks. She'd be lying if she said she was dressed lazy but didn't spritz herself with perfume and added some blush to her cheeks before he got there.
"Aw man, really? If you want to go to sleep, I can leave the food and go-" Cillian started to say.
"what? no way! I'm fine. I just took an excedrin. I'll be good. And it's the season finale tonight, we're not missing that for anything!" Zoe said, plopping down on the couch and grabbing one of the pasta containers.
Cillian laughed and sat down next to her. "Okay good"
Zoe and Cillian opened the containers and alternated between the both of them, sharing the food. It was a comfortable routine that they fell into, and Zoe hoped he enjoyed it as much as she did.
Zoe leaned back into the couch and picked her feet up and curled them under her. Cillian leaned back as well, placing his arm on the couch behind her. That's new too... Zoe thought. Her heart started racing.
"Kendall's such a little bitch" Cillian said, sighing.
"That's what happens when you try to live up to your father's expectations I guess" Zoe said.
"If I did what my father wanted me to do, I'd be a lawyer" Cillian said, half laughing. "What about you?"
Zoe froze. Her dad will always be a sore subject.
"I AM doing what he wanted me to do, but I guess he never got to see it" Zoe said.
"He's proud." Cillian said confidently.
"How would you know that?" Zoe said. "You saw one picture of him and it was of his back"
"Why wouldn't he be? Why wouldn't anyone be?" Cillian said, calmly. "I know I'm proud of you"
"Stop" Zoe said, rolling her eyes.
"I'm serious. How you're handing all of this, how you acted during our interview, you kept it professional yet it felt like I was talking to a longtime friend. I've done a lot of interviews and yours will always stick out"
"Gee, I wonder why" Zoe shot back, hand gesturing between the two of them.
"No, not because of this. If that would of never happened I still would of remembered you" Cillian said, looking at her. "Going home with you was just a nice bonus"
"I think you're just being nice" Zoe said
"I think you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You're an amazing girl, Zoe. and you deserve to know." Cillian said as his arm dropped from the couch to her, thumb rubbing soft circled on her shoulder.
Zoe was silent.
"Do you ever think about that night?" Cillian said, quietly.
"I would, but honestly I don't remember much" Zoe replied, just as softly.
"Me too. I remember laughing with you. Something I haven't done in a long time. I remember you hugging me, your hand rubbing my back and your face in my neck. I wished I remembered more..." Cillian said, shifting his body towards her.
Zoe weighed her options. On one hand, there was a part of her that was frozen there. Don't make a move, let him do everything. That's the part she normally listened to.
The other part, the devil on her shoulder, told her to grab him and kiss him.
Nothing was normal about this situation. Nothing at all.
Devil it is.
Zoe took a deep breath, turned her body towards him, put her hands on his face and kissed him. She could tell he was shocked, but began to kiss her back almost immediately. His hands rubbed up and down her arms, moving to her waist to pull her closer. Her arms wrapped around his neck and depened the kiss.
Okay, this is good. I should make the first move more often. Zoe thought.
The kiss began more intense, and she slowly pulled him towards her as she laid back, pulling him to lay on top of her. They finally broke the kiss, foreheads still pressed together, heavy breathing just staring at each other.
"you're so pretty Zoe" Cillian whispered, rubbing his thumb against her cheek.
Zoe could get used to 3 more months of this.
Zoe smiled and pulled him in for another kiss, only to be interrupted by the phone ringing.
They both shot a look at the phone on the table, lit up with the words SISTER flashing across the screen.
Cillian sat up, smoothing back his short hair.
"I don't have to answer..." Zoe said, still laying down, hoping he'd get the hint and resume his position.
Cillian smiled. "Answer it, it's fine" He said. He cleared his throat and started bringing the food containers into the kitchen.
Ok, that's... weird. Zoe thought.
By now, the phone stopped ringing. about 15 seconds later, a text message came up on the screen.
"Soph wanted to say goodnight. and I hoped you booked your plane ticket!!"
Jen had accompanied the text with a picture of Sophie in her pajamas.
"Hey uh, I better get going" Cillian said, putting his shoes on.
"Wait.. what? why?" Zoe said, confused. "Succession isn't even over yet"
"I know, I'm just... really tired. I'll see you this week, ok?" Cillian said, stepping towards her, as if he was about to kiss her. He stopped, hesitated, then just reached out to squeeze her arm. He opened the front door and left without another word.
Zoe stood there, in the middle of the living room, all hot and bothered and confused and angry and hurt and embarrassed. She was so sick of being walked all over like this. So tired of mixed signals, tip-toeing around, walking on egg shells with people. What happened tonight was just like what happened at the bar one of the first times her and Cillian hung out. it's like Jekyll and Hyde, and he does a 180 in an instant.
She doesn't know where it came from, but something inside of her said she had enough. All those years of getting walked over, are done. It's time she took control and let people know how she felt. She wouldn't be walked all over again. "Fuck you" she yelled at the front door, as if he was still standing there.
She turned to the TV. "You're not the only one acting like a little bitch tonight, Kendall"
tags: @lau219 @wolfieellsworld 
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ahfrickenfrick · 2 years
buzzfeed unsolved: The disappearance of Jason Todd
This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved we will be discussing the disappearance of Jason Todd-Wayne, which has had updates as recently as last week.
Wait last week? Ryan, if we disappear because of this episode imagine how cool it would be. Maybe we hang with our good pal Jason.
I don’t have time for you being stupid. I have to get this right, because let me be honest. I have a man crush on Bruce Wayne, and if he ends up watching this and you’re being stupid I’ll never forgive you.
Okay, sure. Cause Bruce Wayne is searching the internet for every little thing posted about his dead son.
We don’t know if he’s dead! And that’s what I’m here to talk about today.
Jason Peter Todd was born August 16th, 2000 in Gotham City, New Jersey, to his mother Dr. Sheila Haywood and his father Willis Todd. However only a few months later did Willis Todd marry Catherine Johnson, forcing Dr. Haywood to have to relinquish custody.
If I ever have a kid-
-they would all have your big head and I’d feel sorry for them.
Ryan. I listen to you ramble about murderers and ghosts. Let me tell my spiel.
Right, sorry.
If I ever have a kid with someone, I think I’d be really upset if they just kinda made me give my kid to a stranger.
Here’s the thing to that! No one has heard or seen from Dr. Sheila Haywood since, like after her son was born. The only thing that might link back to her is an illegal botched surgery, but most of it was sealed off, and I don’t feel like having the Gotham City Police Department call me up
(ring ring)
Hi yes, are you that idiot from that show? You will be arrested immediately! Batman and his group of… misfits?? I don’t know, but they are on their way!
Moving on from your weird role play, like all the families that live in Park Row, what is deemed “Crime Alley”, the Todd family did not have money.
You could not pay me to go to a place called Crime Alley.
We were actually going to Gotham, scope around, maybe get a selfie with Robin-
-Which one?
I need to do an episode trying to figure out how many Robin’s there actually are… I think there have been five?? Six?? I don’t know… stop distracting me with Batman! We ended up scraping the visitation part because apparently this time of year Arkham breakouts are common, and I don’t want to get fear gassed.
Jason did decent at school, until he stopped showing up, school records are really spotty after third grade. Apparently he was reading and understanding college level stuff, but that’s really all we got on it.
Not a lot on this guys younger life it looks like.
No there isn’t, not any social media posts, or news articles, or anything if that sort about Jason until a few years later in 2012, when Jason became the ward to the one and only, Bruce Wayne.
Ah, Bruce Wayne, you love him, I love him, uhm- I actually don’t know much about Bruce Wayne other than the fact he’s one of the few rich people who give away a shit ton of money.
Bruce Wayne is a billionaire CEO, with a heart of gold, and some say he sleeps around, but as long as he’s not hurting anyone. Also! He’s a dad! Bruce Wayne is a trusted person within the Foster Care over in Gotham. He takes in the extreme cases that would probably leave the kid with a bunch of trauma.
Well, with what I’ve heard about Gotham, he must have like a billion kids with just a bunch of trauma
Let’s see what I remember from research, cause I did not write anything down for this. His first ward was Richard Grayson, who goes by Dick, was taken in after he watched his whole family fall and die on the trapeze.
As I said before, Jason was brought into Mr. Wayne’s custody after the death of both his father and his step mother. His father’s death was unknown, and his step mother died from a drug overdose… in front of Jason.
Uhm- Tim Drake? His was more interesting to watch unfold because there’s a whole other multimillion almost billion dollar company that Tim’s parents owned, and there was a lot covered up by lawyers and stuff, but Tim ended up with the Waynes
Then there’s the only female in the place, Cassandra Wayne, she is selectively mute, and overly protected by her adoptive family, nothing was shared with the media about where she came from.
Damian Wayne is the only blood son to Bruce Wayne, he didn’t even know about the kid until… like last year? Two years ago? Again, not a lot that I remember.
And then there’s been rumors of him taking in another kid, but nothing for sure yet.
Jesus, Ryan take a breath, and go back to Jason, because now I’m hoping I believe your theories about him being alive cause what this family didn’t need is another death.
Look, Shane. I’m going to be straight with you here. There are three possible theories I think could be plausible. So let’s jump right into them.
Theory one, is that Jason Todd is alive and in hiding from The Joker. This is the second most popular idea, and one I hope is true. There really isn’t anything else to this theory, besides a picture of someone that looks a little like Jason in the middle of Asia.
Doppelgänger, probably. Lemme see. I don’t know… this kinda looks like someone edited it.
Yeah, like it looks really distorted. I don’t know if I think it’s real, but it’s what people online were talking about.
Crazy, that people online would doctor fake photos of a kid who had died.
Exactly, which is why people think he’s alive, cause who would do that?
Theory two is that Jason Todd died as his family said he did, looking for his birth mother. Apparently he was in the Middle East, found his mother, but then both were found dead in an explosion caused by the Joker.
So the Joker, who is Gotham’s Prince of Crime, was somehow in the Middle East? I don’t buy it
I didn’t either, until I looked just a little deeper, and found that the next week Superman and Batman stopped the Joker from murdering the United Nations. So he was in the area.
Oh my god. If.. I know on this show I try to goof off, but it’s hard when it’s a kid. How old was Jason?
Only 15. He just got back into the swing of things at school, getting all A’s, he was in the Drama program and the Poetry club. If you scroll down a on Dick Grayson’s Instagram you can find a selfie of Dick and Jason, Jason being in his school uniform only a week before he died. The two seemed to be really close, with how much Grayson posted of the two of them, and then it was radio silence from the man until a year after Jason’s death, where he made a memorial post, along with Bruce Wayne, who made the Jason Peter Todd Memorial Foundation, which helps families in Crime Alley.
Look, not okay with the kid dying, but it makes me kinda smile to see that his family got together to do something like this in his name.
I don’t think you understand the length of what this fund does. It provides special housing for single mothers, has opened up two clinics that help with drug abuse and addiction, and keeps kids in warm clothes and in school.
That’s- wow. Okay, you are making this “he’s dead” thing seem like it’s the only thing that happened.
Well, theory 3, is that he died-
Wait what?
He died, and came back to life.
This, I think, is worse than you saying ghosts are real.
We live in a world where someone can run at the speed of light! Yet you draw the line at ghosts and maybe hopefully someone who isn’t dead.
Yeah, but that’s science. Okay whatever where’s the proof of him being alive.
Okay, looking at the timeline. Jason Todd died at 15, in 2015. And the Wayne’s kinda were quiet for a year and a half, besides the foundation they set up, even with Tim, nothing really new was happening.
And then things seemed to go back to normal, they all frequented gala’s again, and all the other social stuff they did-
Yeah, nice choice of wording there
Shut up, anyways, in 2018 a picture appears, not even the front page, of Dick Grayson walking and laughing with someone who looks a lot like if Jason Todd grew up for a few years, and then decided to dye his hair.
Listen, Ryan. People have doppelgängers. We just saw the other picture and it’s clearly fake- Jesus Christ that looks exactly like Jason.
Exactly! And I started looking around more, finding pictures of the Wayne family around Gotham from news sites, and every once in a while, that guy pops up. Never in the picture, but always somewhere in the background like he wasn’t wanting to be seen. Like i mentioned in the beginning, there was a picture from a week ago that looks exactly like him.
Wait, is this a theory from the internet or something you came up with?
Both, kind of? I saw someone make a bad joke about it, and then it kinda stuck in my head as I looked for more information. Apparently there is a mythical pit that could bring someone from the dead.
Okay, yeah. Mythical revival pit. As if any living person wouldn’t be all over that.
Look man, that’s just the information I found. But I really really hope that Jason is alive somewhere safe, or resting peacefully.
The most believable for me is that he did pass away. But I’d love to be wrong.
That being said, I got really sad looking through all of Jason’s life, I felt like I was being more invasive than usual. So I talked with the crew and Buzzfeed, and we are donating all revenue from this video to the Jason Memorial fund in Gotham.
But the mystery of Jason Todd, still remains….
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theycallmebecca · 2 months
And she just got called out directly by someone else and that makes me so fucking happy.
The idiot in question is my sister’s sister-in-law who we spend a lot of holidays, birthdays, etc. with and I’ve trying to not call her a stupid bitch all morning and keep it cool, calm and collected.
And someone just came on her Facebook and told her to do some fucking research and I’m here for it.
I shared the facts. She fucking posted an article that lays out all the facts and why people are getting it wrong like it was a fucking gotcha moment towards me but it just further proved what an idiot she is being on the whole situation.
I’m proud of how I’ve conducted myself in this whole situation, but did I cheer for the person when I read their comment? Fuck yes.
She deserved to be called out on her stupidity.
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I love your writing. I love how vulnerable you allow the characters to be. I love how you make ugly things beautiful and pretty things holy and reverent. I am extremely thankful for you and all that you do.
But I'm curious:
Are there any writers/works that you would say have had an influence on your style?
crying and crying. honestly yes! ugliness is very beautiful to me it’s very human & vulnerable & good to be ugly & i think life tends to be very imperfect & messy but we can be very beautiful (and yes, holy) inside of it.
hmm so first thing is that i’m mostly a poet & i came to that in my usual way which was deciding one day to teach myself how to Poetry. i figured it could not be very different from math and lo & behold it was not very different from math
i grew up using recitation of poems as a calming technique so those certainly influenced how cadence occurs to me, patterns of language (some poems were as gaeilge). some of the poems i memorised growing up were Dulce et Decorum Est by Wilfred Owen; Ode to a Nightingale by Keats; a whole bunch of Dickinson & especially Persimmons by Li Young Lee. the waste land by ts eliot too. i did adore shakespeare & how easy it was to commit to memory in iambic pentameter.
but then when i was 16 i decided to ‘git good’ at poetry (i was, in fact, very bad at it for many years to come) so i picked up Ariel by Plath & a load of Anne Sexton. Richard Siken too. and i read those books about 50 times each. could never read them too many times.
realised that poetry should be kind of like eating good food or having good sex. an experience that bears repeating.
so yes Sexton & Siken especially i think are explicitly influential to my style. also recently have learned a lot from Ocean Vuong (Night Sky With Exit Wounds but also please read ‘Not Even This’. listen to Ocean perform it) oh & also very recently impressed with Hull by Xan Phillips, & Danez Smith’s ‘don’t call us dead.’
language was made for puncturing & those poets know how to turn a sentence, a stanza, a turning of thought into a lung collapse, a harpoon.
i do firmly believe that it’s pointless to mimic style. it can happen that other words bleed into yours but it should be an accident, like the mirroring of language that forms the basis of so many interpersonal movements. language IS an exchange but we all bring something to the table.
& again it’s food - personal and cultural and loving and it’s about need and want and desire and death (food & death so tenderly intertwined in so many cultures). so i think reading good writing lends you instinct; the ability to look at what you make and know if it is good or at least true and therefore ‘getting there’ and therefore beautiful in the attempt regardless of imperfection.
i believe in purple prose and also Just Saying Things & i really think (i teach creative writing sometimes at uni) that i can bring out beautiful writing from anyone. it’s not always about skill it’s about heart, and then skill creeps up on you. i can always tell when someone is just performing writing and when someone has a story to tell.
so like!! the #1 thing that has influenced me is learning to love the way that writing makes me feel (powerful, stupid, profound, unoriginal, death-defying, mortal). i think reading so so much & just internalising different language-textures helps a bunch! i get so much inspiration from reading textbooks, wikipedia articles, random journals & i think poetry even if you are not & don’t wanna be a poet is very good at showing you the bones and sinews and connective tissue of meaning.
i am also so influenced by sci-fi & fantasy. particularly the Book of the Ancestor by Mark Lawrence (more gay nuns lmao) & N.K. Jemisin with The Broken Earth trilogy. 'the slow regard of silent things' specifically by Patrick Rothfuss (not a person to learn pacing from but astounding at sentence-level). also i am very influenced recently by This Is How You Lose The Time War. as a kid by Garth Nix (particularly Lirael, Sabriel) & artemis fowl.
of course on that note it’s usually the non-literature things that inspire actual writing from me. it’s principles in physics or math or thinking about Voyager 1 or philosophical questions that actually produce the sort of rabid pursuit of meaning that writing is. truly immersing in curiosity is an excellent way to approach making art. it's about reaching out & touching for a moment the fabric of everything - & you might find it is wet & sticky or dry and dusty or soft or that it hurts your hands to touch, but the chasing of meaning is worth it, & making meaning is divine.
i hope that is (somewhat) of an answer
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dongzhou3kingdoms · 2 years
Lesson learned from previously i.e the need to include a keep reading otherwise a whole bunch of text walloping into people's sight. Previous posts
Will split response into 2 for sake of length
Post 1
"Except that's not what happened. He was talking about the events in the GAME, not history."
For his initial post? Sure and generally with me he did, others he did not. So was my responses for quite awhile. They covered the game (with a bit of history throw in to show what game is working from) and that included the analysis thread on the concept
For example, the first response. "None of those. Literally none of those factions won"
It isn't (just) history or novel that claims Jin win. It is, since DW7, the franchise. They literally say Jin won, they have Sima Zhao calling for the overthrow of Cao Wei. To quote the game "Thus the three kingdoms of Cao Cao, Sun Quan and Liu Bei all eventually conquered under the rule of the Sima clan"
Or any of the other quotes I recently brought up.
It isn't just hints: the faction name, the colours, the separate character selection, stages where you fight Wei, fighting and bringing down the Wei Emperor. It is the game literally says Jin won. Yes, the game does expect you to look at it's ending just like TV expects you to watch the final episode of a season or an author read the last chapter of a book.
When the game literally says Jin won. Wei fell, it is not "Wei won in game, Jin won in history", it is Jin won in game+novel+history. To claim otherwise is to see the direct lines of the game telling you so and denying the reality. When people tell you Jin won in the game (or the three did not win), they are saying Jin won in the game becuase that is what the game says "You purposely spreaded lies in order to vilify him by pushing unrelated factoids as a source of cheap "gotcha" moments"
Only you haven't shown a lie. Indeed I have linked to the threads so people can see them. You generally seem reluctant to do so
You say gotcha, literally the game says Jin wins. Is Wu in the game wears red a gotcha moment? Are basic facts like the games says Jin gotcha moments now? "Just because he had negative opinions on Shu, which, when you actually look at them from the game’s narrative, is not that far fetched."
Have you met... anyone in the 3k community. Half the people here, including me love to tease Shu? I have been very open about my own anti-Shu times down the years, including in recent twitter threads. Here's the problem, the narrative swordmaster has set out is Shu are, in game, facists and neo-nazi's
Yes, yes it is far fatched to claim Shu in game are neo-nazi's. Unless
You think the game-makers are extremely stupid and would choose to sabotage themselves like that
2. You think the message and character of neo-nazi's is benevolence, virtue, kindness and not abandoning people in time of crises.
Now if you think neither of those is true, it is really hard to see how Shu in game are portrayed as neo-nazi's
"You instigated the idea that Sw0rdmstr and Corrupter view Cao Cao as a patron saint but they did no such thing, that was you making things up and telling people your lies."
Yes, my mind control forced people to see what I demanded. Nobody else is capable of reading and coming to judgement when they see such things. I mean what was even more impressive is I don't actually know one of the posters swordmaster insulted yet apparently I mind controlled them.
On views of Cao Cao:
How could anyone think that !
Apart from several people, who have seen those sorts of claims before and recognized the problem. When people saying positive things about Cao Cao that aren't actually true, setting him as this heroic altruistic figure and Shu as neo-nazi while backing an article even the writer says is wrong, yes they are backlashing.
Funnily enough, you interpret people being able to read for themselves and checking what was said, then coming in with their own views, as my evil lies. When Corrupter is cuaght (and by cuaght, I mean openly says something that isn't true) making false accusations, you say nothing
"Instead, the former simply categorized the video game's interpretations and aligned them to his own opinions"
They literally called a faction they disliked neo-nazi's and fascists.
They also did later tried to claim the same was true in history
"Labeling Shu as “fascists” likely stems from the fact that, for allegory sake, they resemble not so differently to groups like MAGA and Proud boys, wanting to “Make the Han Great Again” and such."
He could have gone with conservatives or traditionalists. Not neo-nazi's and fascists. He chose nazi's and fascists. That is on him. "Wu, on the other hand, were just sitting in the sidelines while the actual plot between Shu and Wei were continuing on, but ultimately good natured as they don’t actively express any maliciousness throughout the games"
I don't disagree with that
"Wei, while Cao Cao was no saint, was by far the most successful of the three factions, and games (as well the movie) interpret him as starting from villain to more a rare anti-hero with actual noble intentions."
I don't think most would disagree here. Or at least it is different impressions (and more direct about his moral failings)
"Jin, when it comes to the games, is as they said, just “Wei: Part 2″ as DW7, 8, and 9 do not actually cover the Jin dynasty but instead simply lead up to it’s creation"
Only in 249, the Wei court were accusing Sima Yi of treason. The state of Jin, as a Dukedom, is created before the game ends. Meanwhile, the game, as it does for many factions, does indeed start earlier then "they existed" (bad narrative otherwise) and they represent them by faction screens, character lists, own story and colours.
Which is what Jin gets.
Jin is knitted into Wei's story certainly but that is being used to ignore all the things the game does to differ.
"It’s like how the Wei campaign isn’t referred to as Wei but actually Han, as Cao-Wei didn’t become a thing until Cao Pi seized the throne."
Actually Wei became a thing when Cao Cao took the rank of Duke. Of course in practical terms, Cao Cao being different from the Han was awhile back
The game has always referred to Cao Cao, Dian Wei and co as Wei, as the Wei story. I feel I am missing a point your trying to make here?
"While historically, Cao Mao may have been too young to be a benefactor in the rebellions, the games interpret Cao Mao as part of Wei’s corruption, and that Sima Zhao’s character arc in DW7 centered around him dealing with the fact that history will remember him as just an evil killer, similar to Cao Cao, and similar to the former Wei leader decides to deal with it. In DW, the Jin characters aren’t treated as “anti-Wei” but actually Wei’s next generation."
Apart from where they help bring down Wei and where the game says Jin overthrows Wei, Jin win.
What DW does is have Wei and Jin "ideals" as similar to each other and uses Jin coming from within Wei to make similar but different enough. Like I said, they do it skilfully bar the one bit I found a bit questionable
"But YOU misinterpeted his post as some “novel backlash” when in reality he was talking about the games."
Shu neo-nazi's
Also novel backlash has long come into game talks. Or things like this !
I mean this novel backlash could be used as a poster example: blaming the novel for a historical misdeed of Cao Cao and for the reputations of the two warlords. With insults when someone pointed out the reputation was from before the novel
"In history and the novel, Jin wins, but in the games, Jin doesn’t exist yet so therefore Wei becomes the victor as Jin won’t exist until after the fall of Shu. Jin serves as just the “Book Ends” trope as Wei, since DW7, acts as the first campaign you are expected to play, with Jin being a return to Wei in the era’s final moments."
Of course. When koei says Jin wins, they keep mistyping. It is all a horrible horrible accident. Also the moon is made of green cheese and your wishing things were so will soon gain you that flying pig
"Sw0rdmstr realized that talking to you was like preaching to a brick wall thus why he blocked you"
and blocked so many others
I accept that "Wu surrendered to Jin" might be too complicated for him to understand.
"You just couldn’t be nice and try to understand what he was talking about and instead made him into your boogeyman like the average SJW."
I was nice to him. I tried to reach out and gently explain things even as he embarrassed himself.
Funny though you seem to have issue with me being transparent, providing links and evidence so people can judge for themselves is lies. I'm mean for not pretending the game said what he wished about (hey, Yuan Shao and Turbans are both yellow, are DW saying they are the same?). This makes me a SJW? No quote of me talking about social justice, just a random insult to make yourself feel better as you humiliate yourself and your friend.
swordmaster uses neo-nazi's, accuses someone of being triggered for disagreeing with them
called people idiots
of being a prick
questioned mental competence
more insults
He signed off with swearing at people. My evil mind controlling SWJ reply. I literally provide him historical sources in that thread to help him (since the one he used was disowned by it's writer), I was not rude.
and you say nothing about what he does. While trying to conspiracy theory why people told your friend they were wrong
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httpdabi · 3 years
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The Game
Genre: Smut
Summary: Playing a game made for couples with your best friend wasn’t such a bright idea. Or was it ?
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: 18+ (Minors, leave me and my blog alone), spanking, mention of daddy kink, cream pie, rough, dom!Dabi, praising
,, Can you hurry up already ? ‘’ Touya yelled from the living room as you were getting ready. ,, We are only going to buy groceries, we ain’t going to Met Gala for fucks sake’’ he hissed, once he realised that you ain’t answering him.
,, Give me a second’’ you screamed, as you were putting on your mascara carefully.
,, I gave you a whole fucking hour, woman’’ Touya snapped back, rolling his eyes playfully. He had to stress around a bit. Thinking about it, the two of you looked like married couple, yet you were nothing more than two best friends and roommates.
Once you were done, you made your way toward the shopping center that wasn’t that far away from your apartment. There wasn’t any specific reason the two of you were going there, you only needed some groceries to get, and you could literally get that in the store near your apartment. But the two of you decided to go out a bit, since both of you were pretty much focused on the studies last few days.
You and Touya know each other since you were little kids. Your mother and Rei were childhood best friends, so you and Touya grew up together. It was one of those forced friendships, that would have some huge development later on. As you were getting older, you started realising that you actually liked spending your time with him.
,, I hate this.. When I have money, there is nothing nice to buy, but when I’m broke as fuck, every dress is looking beautiful’’ you rolled your eyes disappointedly. Every time you don’t have much money, the stores around are having such a beautiful collections.
Of course, being your best friend, Touya always bought you clothes you had your eyes on, as a small surprise after you had a long and hard day at uni. You really loved him. Not only because of that, but simply for being him. Everyone knew how damn grateful you were for having him and your life and you really never tried to hide that.
,, Let’s go see if they have some board games, maybe we can buy something and play tonight’’ Touya suggested, grabbing your hand as he took the lead. Every time Touya would hold your hand, your heart would skip a beat. Probably because of the fact that you had one big and fat crush on your best friend.
You were not sure when did it start. Maybe when he pierced his nose, or when people started thinking that the two of you are couple, or maybe the feeling was always there, but you kept it somewhere buried in your mind. Hiding it from everyone and especially from him.
,, Oh, I always wanted to play thing game’’ Touya said, holding a small, black package in his hands. You tried to grab it away from him, but unsuccessfully.
,, What is it ? Show me’’ You squeaked excitedly, hoping it’s something fun.
,, It’s Drunk in love’’ He said, waving the small package in the air. Confusion and jealousy washed over you as you looked at the back of the package. You’ve heard about that game, it’s one for couples.
,, Should we buy it ? I really want to play it’’ He asked. Only confusion was left in your body once he asked you that.
,, Isn’t that a game for couples ?’’ You asked him back.
,, Yeah, but it really isn’t something special, after all everyone is mistaking us for couple, so i don’t see a problem here’’ Touya said, winking at you. ,, Unless you are scared’’ he added fast. You knew that he was just trying to tease you a bit, it was how he always got things his way.
,, You know very well that I ain’t scared. But Touya, that’s not something we should play’’ you said honestly. Sure you would love to play that with him, but you didn’t know what kind of game that really is, so it gave you mixed feelings.
,, Trust me, the game is not a big deal. It’s just fun.’’ He said, looking down at you, hoping you’ll agree with his suggestion. ,, Trust me doll’’ he repeated, and the moment you let a deep breath out and rolled your eyes, Touya knew that he won, making his way to the cashier immediately.
,, Let’s buy something to drink at least’’ you said, hoping that the game won’t be so bad at the end.
,, We have to, it’s a drinking game anyway’’ Touya laughed, placing one arm around you, as the two of you walked to the store with alcohol.
The two of you bought a bottle of vodka, before you made your way home. Not wasting any time, Touya helped you put the groceries in the fridge, before he opened the small package. He took two small glasses for shots, and placed them beside the deck of cards that were already on the table in the living room.
You took two normal glasses and orange juice, in case the vodka might be too much. Touya was already waiting for you, searching for some music on YouTube, as he sat on the floor.
,,Here’’ Touya offered you a cigarette, once you sat on the other side, placing one pillow under your ass. You gladly accepted the cigarette, as you enjoyed the music he found.
The two of you drank few shots of vodka, before you started to play. You weren’t sure what to expect of that game, but if you were being honest, the alcohol was helping you, even tho it was just a little bit.
,, Imma go first’’ Touya said, taking one card. ,, Describe your worst hookup ever or drink’’ he read it out lout. Okay, that wasn’t something so bad, after all, you’ve already talked about it with him.
,, Ehh, that one time I slept with Kai.’’ You said rolling your eyes as you thought about it.
,,Ah, that time when you though he’s still fingering you ?’’ Touya asked, laughing a bit.
,, Yes Touya, his dick was that small’’ You laughed, feeling a little bit more comfy about the stupid game. ,, My turn’’ you added, taking one card.
,, Reveal your biggest sexual fantasy or drink’’ You read it excitedly, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
,, Yeah, no’’ Touya laughed, taking a shot without thinking twice, leaving you all disappointed. ,, Pull another one’’ Touya said, closing his eyes because of the strong taste of the alcohol.
,, Give your parter a piggy back ride around the room or drink’’ a big smile formed on your face as you read the sentence.
,, Easy peasy’’ Touya commented, standing up. The moment he turned around, giving you a sign to hop on his back, you did it. The two of you looked like children, running around the apartment like crazy.
,, Drink if you’ve ever faked an orgasm’’ Touya said, placing the card on the table. Of course you had to drink, thanking God you didn’t have to take a shot for every orgasm you faked.
Card after card, and shot after shot, the two of you were getting tipsier and the cards were getting spicier.
,, Blindfold your partner and make them guess which body part they’re touching or drink’’ Touya read the sentence, glad he was the one who found it first. ,, Yeah, you gonna chicken out ‘’ he teased.
,, Shut up and close your eyes’’ You said thinking about what part you should let him touch. Everything was way too easy to guess. At one point you were almost sure that there was a typo on the card, and that you should touch yourself and he should guess which part, but Touya was 100% sure that he was supposed to touch you.
Taking his hands, you decided that it would be the best if he would touch your collar and breast bones. At your surprise, he was tracing his fingers lightly over your skin, furrowing his eyebrows confusingly as he tried to understand what part of your body he’s touching.
,, Collarbones’’ He said opening his eyes immediately. ,, Ok, you’ve lost, drink’’ he commanded with a smirk on his face, as he took another card.
,, Take one article of clothing or drink’’ Touya placed the card on the table, leaning back onto the lower part of your couch. When he took of his shirt, showing of his perfectly toned body covered with various different tattoos, you realised that the card was referring to both of you. Since your shirt was a bit oversized, you decided to take of your pants.
Trying to ignore the small situation you found yourself in, you took another card fast.
,, Let your partner spank you or drink’’ you read it confusedly, trying to understand what the fuck is happening. Once you understood, you started shaking your head in disbelief, following with one loud laugh. What the fuck did you get yourself into ?
,, Come on doll, come to daddy ‘’ Touya joked, spreading his arms over the couch, as you took the shot of vodka anyway, before you made your way toward him.
Not giving you much time, Touya pulled you down, bending you over his lap. ,, You have no idea how much I wanted to do this’’ He confessed, as he pulled your shirt just enough to show your ass. You couldn’t even focus on his small confession, since you were trying to prepare yourself on the upcoming spanks.
Instead of spanking you, Touya decided to take his time with you, tracing his fingers over your hips and playing with the ends of your panties, pulling them up, forming a thong with them. You were glad that some alcohol was in your system, because you were pretty sure that sober you would never survive that.
,, Now doll, be a good girl and take every single spank for daddy’’ Touya whispered, before he connected his palm with your ass cheek, making you yelp in pain. With every spank he gave you, the pain was getting intenser. But you didn’t mind, after all, isn’t that what you wished for ?
,, Such a good Girl’’ He prised, caressing the red marks he left over your ass. Once you got back on the other side of the table, both you and him started laughing hysterically.
,, Lick your partner below the waist or finish your drink’’ Touya said, smirking widely once again. ,, There’s no way I’m finishing this drink’’ He added, grabbing your arm and pushing you toward him.Touya pushed up on the couch, as he started licking your legs slowly.
You couldn’t believe what the fuck was happening. Both of you half naked, playing some overly sexual game, which led him to licking your legs. You weren’t sure what was driving you more crazy, him licking your legs or his erection that was showing under his grey sweatpants.
Touya placed his hand on your tight, giving in one strong squeeze as he was placing wet kisses on your right inner tight. You could feel his lips getting closer and closer to your private parts, but you didn’t dare to say anything.
,, Wanna know what my fantasy is ?’’ Touya asked, kissing and biting onto the skin around your panties. All you could do is nod your head quietly, lost under his touch and soft kisses.
,, You, you are my biggest fantasy. I want to have you all for myself’’ Touya said hovering over you. ,, I want you to be mine’’ he added, looking you directly in the eyes, before he started leaving soft kisses all over your face.
,, Wanna be mine ? Just you and me doll’’ He asked, biting your lip.
,, Yes’’ You answered him so fast. Fuck yes you want to be his, He didn’t even have to ask you that, you were always his.
Once he heard you say that, Touya pulled his sweatpants and boxers down, letting his hard dick jump straight up. Not breaking the kiss, he started rubbing the tip of his dick around your entrance.
,, Doll, tell me if I’m too rought’’ He said, entering you slowly while he sucked onto your neck, leaving wet love bites. You couldn’t manage to give him a proper answer, hoping that simply nodding your head was understandable enough.
Once he was fully inside of you, he gave you some time to adjust to his size before he started rocking his hips into you. He wasn’t doing it slow, and the position you were in wasn’t the most comfortable one, but you didn’t care about that. All you could think of was the pleasure he was giving you at the moment, mixed with pain.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he rammed into you recklessly, breathing into your neck as his moves were getting stronger and stronger.
,, So tight for me’’ Touya groaned, enjoying the warm feeling your walls were giving him. It felt like you were made just for him. Placing one hand on your hip, and other one on the edge of the couch, he increased his speed, fucking you stronger and deeper than before. With every move he made, he was hitting your g spot, making you moan louder and louder. You were pretty sure that your neighbours were able to hear the two of you, but none of you gave a single fuck.
Both of you were about to cum. His groans were getting louder, and he was fucking you ever harder, while your walls were getting tighter and tighter around him, making it even more enjoyable for him.
,, You can cum inside’’ You managed to say somehow, moaning his name and squeezing your eyes shut once you reached your high.
,, I was planning to ’’ He groaned, fucking you through your orgasm, making it even better for you. After few thrusts, he spilled his seed deep into you. Moving few more times as he made sure to fill you nice and good, not wasting a single drop of his sperm. Once he was done, he collapsed on top of you, fighting for his breath.
,, I love you so much Doll’’ he said, connecting his lips with your own.
,, I love you too’’ You answered him, smiling widely into the kiss.
That night he took care of you, cleaning you, and taking you to his room, making sure that you are alright and that he didn’t hurt you. That night he made sure to clear some things out, he made sure that you wouldn’t think this was some sort of misunderstanding. Telling you how he actually always wanted to ask you out, and how that game was just a chance for him to get him where he is now. With you in his bed, locked between his arms.
That night you understood that your crush was never one sided, and that you were the reason why your best friend never dated anyone else.
Who would have thought that such a dirty game could bring people together ? Would lead them to confessing to each other. You sure didn’t think so, yet there you are, instead of daydreaming about it, you are enjoying the warmth of your best friend, roommate and lover.
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gatheringbones · 3 years
["At the end of August in 1981, I found myself in a small town in Arkansas, where I knew no Lesbians other than my new lover, Lynn. I wanted it that way. We were living in hiding from my armed and vengeful ex-lover who had abused me for four years and had threatened both of us with deadly harm. This was five years before the publication of Kerry Lobel's ground-breaking book, Naming the Violence: Speaking Out About Lesbian Battering. I knew I had been battered, but I did not understand how deeply I had been injured.
I only knew that I seemed to have saved my life at the cost of my sanity. I jumped at loud and not-so-loud noises. A frown from a stranger could reduce me to tears. I was afraid to bathe if I was alone in the apartment. I relived every word of every fight in relentless flashbacks. I had blocked much of the unbearable pain of the previous four years out of my consciousness at the time, in order to cope with immediate danger. Now that I was "safe" it all came flooding back. To escape, I watched TV compulsively, avoiding anything violent—nature shows were my favorites—and I read science fiction. Having lost faith in women as well as men, I was a serious candidate for a species-change operation.
Luckily, at some point in that bleak winter, I read a magazine article on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Vietnam Vets, and I recognized all my symptoms. I had a name for my suffering, and 1 knew I was not "crazy." I'd felt so much guilt and anger towards myself for not being okay, that is, my old self, since I was "free." Now I knew healing would take time and effort, and I gave myself permission to not be normal right away. Also, seeing how much my condition resembled that of war survivors helped break down some of my denial about the hell I'd been through.
Still, I had no guidance on how to recover from PTSD. I followed only the dimmest instincts. First, I began to read accounts by survivors of any serious trauma. These people became my invisible support group. I found myself drawn especially to stories of political prisoners and concentration camp survivors. Although my experience was not like theirs, these were the people I felt would understand how my will had been sapped and my strengths twisted, how the smallest acts of resistance and mere endurance had needed all my wits and courage. Bruno Bettleheim in his chapters called "Behavior in Extreme Situations" (The Informed Heart) finally answered the question I'd put to myself every 44 hour since my escape: "How could I have been so stupid?" He made me realize that under abuse, especially the combination of intermittent threats, unpredictable violence and constant psychological torture, everyone responds differently, but everyone changes fundamentally, and everyone has their breaking point.
One day as I sat reading at the kitchen table, I looked out the window at the small yard beside our duplex apartment, and I began to imagine growing a garden there in the spring. It seemed like a highly improbable idea: the area was very small, steep, bare of everything but gray shale and orange clay, and the house shaded it part of the day. But the notion of a garden took root strongly. For the first time in several years I had something pleasant to anticipate.
I wrangled my landlady's permission to put in a garden. Then I mailed off postcards for seed catalogs. I persuaded an acquaintance who owned a truck to bring me a load of cedar slabs discarded by a local sawmill, and I used these to construct two frames, about four feet by six feet, and two even smaller ones, just three feet by four feet. By this time Lynn and I had saved enough money to buy a very old VW bug, so we drove to a nearby creekbank and filled bushel baskets with rich bottom dirt, which we dumped into the frames to make raised beds about four inches deep.
To supplement the tiny growing space, Lynn scavenged large cans from the cafeteria of the hospital where she worked. I painted them a hopeful green, filled them with soil and placed them along the sidewalk below our porch. Old-timey "Corn-row Beans," originally bred to tolerate the shade of cornfields, grew up strings tied to the roof and bore prolifically.
I didn't have much money from my SSI income to spend on garden gadgets, so I made do. I wove a trellis for my peas from six-pack rings liberated from a liquor store trash bin. (I can testify that this plastic never biodegrades—the pea fence survives to this day.) I got some more bushel baskets from the local grocery, painted them with non-toxic preservative and lined them with garbage bags after snipping a few drainage holes in the bottom. Placed around a small stone patio above the garden, these became containers for large plants.
The garden rewarded me before the first mouthful of early spinach was harvested. It moved me out of the gloomy apartment and into the sunshine, watering can in hand. It motivated me to interact with people and to occasionally risk asking for help. I found out they would usually say yes. My attention was now focused on the future, not the bitter, unchangeable past. At night when the flashbacks threatened to roll, when I dreaded the dreams I might have, I put myself to sleep with 45 detailed plans of my next crop rotation. I found out I could learn a major new skill, a little at a time. I could do things right, even come up with ingenious solutions to seemingly impossible difficulties. And when I did things wrong, plants were most often forgiving. The plants themselves were a tremendous source of inspiration. Talk about survivors! They defied every book written about their needs, often thriving with too little sun, too little water, and too little soil. At the end of a year, I could easily stick my shovel in the dirt up to the hilt, where only four inches of top soil had previously existed; compost and the action of the roots had created friable loam out of shale and clay.
When I experienced failure with gardening, it was never the kind of disaster I'd grown to associate with mistakes. We didn't go hungry, because other crops outstripped our expectations. My lover didn't beat or berate me, but sympathized and helped. The garden was important to us economically, because we'd both lost almost everything we owned in our escape. Luckily, in southern Arkansas, it's possible to garden yearround. The garden gave me precious, desperately needed tastes of success. Disabled, unemployed, I still felt like an important contributor to the household. I even had food to give away sometimes, and that was a delicious feeling.
Gardening was not the only factor in my recovery, but it was an important one. I didn't grow up with abuse, but battering and similar traumas can expand minutes into hours, years into decades, until four years feel like most of a lifetime. At the end of a year and a half of gardening, I no longer felt as if I'd spent the majority of my life in a battering situation. Healing had acquired a new definition for me: I didn't insist on having the old me back; I'd mourned her long and well. I accepted the fact that some injuries are too severe to be made whole, that I might never be the same again. But I began to actually like and trust the me I am now, scars and all. As my garden taught me, I must make do with what I am. I have discovered that my flaws are not fatal and my successes are greater than I'd hoped for. So far I have not gone hungry, and I even have something to offer."]
Amy Edgington, Gaining Ground, from Garden Variety Dykes: Lesbian Traditions In Gardening, Herbooks, 1994
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bluebirdslove · 2 years
so today i was at the DWD screen in mexico. well it's something that everyone knows but the movie is too simple i only liked 3 scenes (the best of the whole film) so i'll give my opinion here.
1. the dinner (which literally we all already saw it bc youtube) is very good the healing of Chris and Florence, it's one of the important scenes of the movie and as someone said it doesn't make sense that miss cockburn post it before when it literally was the best scene lol
2. after dinner (lol) when they are about to escape and Harry starts with "i'm sorry", "fuck" HIS BEST SCENE! it was amazing just like everyone else who has watch it already he does it greats and i loved him!
3. not a scene but the visuals the eye games and all stuff (thanks matthew libatique) was great.
the movie is very predictable and just like everyone else. there is no female power at all let alone female pleasure😭 the sex scenes appear the first 20 minutes of the movie lol.
and just like everybody what the fuck with Olivia. she has more screen time than Chris Pine himself!!!?!? 😭 i mean like when chris was talking and they put O's face 🤣🤣? or when gemma was giving the speech and they switched to O? man... be serious🥴 plus Gemma and KIKI (especially)!!! they deserve a lot. personally thanks to kiki the plot of the movie is unleashed. and the fact that they didn't give her that much credit.
and yes there are a lot of scenes where harry is in and you shouldn't laugh but you do laugh it's unavoidable. Especially when they appeared in reality 😭 my poor baby (honestly we all laughed. the whole room laughed every time those scenes came up like 3-4 times).
honestly it's boring, if i was from GP and had read all the articles without knowing anything i would be so disappointed (as some who have seen it already are lmao) it doesn't entertain you, it's simple, predictable and boring i feel sorry for florence and harry.
also when harry dances 🫶🏻 he looked so cute i loved that scene! and i also took him as a puppet you know? he was frank's puppet he was dancing bc frank told him. even though he's guilty for what he did to alice and even though he felt bad (it just seems but we know jack really is to blame for everything) yk he kept doing that to alice (kidnapped and non-consensual stuff) and listening to frank and blah blah (don't pay too much attention to me on this i just saw it that way hajshaha)
another thing i don't like that florence is supposed to wake up with jack dead... like we DON'T KNOW what happened 😭 we only know that she wakes up (bc it's obvs) but then what, what happens to the other women? what does she do next with jack's body, does she help the other women? they free themselves? or is gemma the one who takes over now? but now with woman power (i think). because when she kills chris she says "stupid man, now it's my turn".
well anyway that's all. maybe it's repetitive because many of u have already read or watched it on so many screen she has done lmfao but i just wanted to say my opinion :)
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chil2de · 3 years
hi yes the benimaru fic i mentioned earlier— fire force fandom will you let me in please??🥺🥺 i don’t know what i’m dealing with fanbase wise mmfldjfj sometimes it feels like i’m head over heels for bens by myself so... i’ll drop this here for now.. see how it goes and i’ll continue w/ a second part if ff isn’t dead
nsfw themes throughout, so please read my disclaimer if you’re new. enjoy :)
w.c: 1.7k, characters: 9.6k (incl spaces)
there’s a certain sluggish quality that plagues your movements. it’s not fatigue or incompetence. or so benimaru would hope.
his mix matched gaze glosses over your unnecessary movements. that extra exhale you hiss, the additional bat of your eyelashes and the excessive perspiration that drips onto the earth below.
“stop.” he commands, tone low and stern as it pierces through the open air.
“huh? captain shinmon, i’m fine. we can keep going.” you huff through laboured breaths, pausing to gasp and drink in the plentiful oxygen around you.
“it’s one thing if you’re overworking your muscles. it’s another if you’re running a fever. go inside.”
“b-but captain-“
benimaru shoots you a dead stare, keeping his statement rooted deep where he stands.
judging by the bruises that adorn your knees, you know better than to disobey the captain.
“waka! have you seen (l/n)?” konro lingers in the doorframe of the main communal area, gaze scanning for one of his colleagues.
“she’s in her room. why?”
“her room? she has a few errands to run. is she feeling okay?”
“she’s running a fever.” benimaru exhales, shifting to get up from the table. he lightly scratches the back of his neck, adorning that usual aloof facial expression.
“in the middle of summer? how’d that happen?” konro chuckles through a small glimpse of bewilderment. of course he’d be concerned for one of his best recruits.
“hell if i know. what do we need? i’ll head out.”
if anything, benimaru is probably the sole reason why you’re running a fever. why he subjected to railing you underneath water that felt like it was nearing sub-zero was beyond you. it’s not like he’s about to admit he enjoys fucking his special little fire soldier. how he relishes and engrains the sight of your fucked out facial expression deep into his head, burning the image into his retinas. shit, you wouldn’t be surprised if the reason why he sometimes spaces out is because of you.
it’s always been blatantly obvious that you’re the captain’s favourite, no matter how much he denies it and how many glares he shoots at the people from other companies. you’re always left apologising for his behaviour, attempting to keep a straight face.
for the one time you dragged him out to patrol with you, and the amount of incessant whining, complaints and bribes you offered your captain, after a full month of lovely slow burn he decided to come along with you. he just up and left, had the audacity to turn around and ask you why you’re still standing there. benimaru always kept his distance to yours close, in fact the separation was almost minimal. you could feel his shoulders ghost over you.
every time he noticed someone staring at your figure for a little bit too long to be deemed appropriate, he hissed a scoff of distaste. at around the third or fourth person, you were already forced to deal with his short temper.
“what the hell are you gawking at? mind your damn business.”
but sure. apparently you’re not his favourite.
he can scoff and complain all he wants, but that won’t stop him even now from lazily snaking his hand around to his favourite baby girl’s waist. to him, this seems like the most normal thing.
“how else is she going to stand upright? she’s all stick and bones, the wind will knock her right over.”
okay, benimaru. you keep telling yourself that. even when his fingers feel an itch every time they’re not touching a part of your skin. he tends to get a whole lot more mouthy and irritable every time you’re not around, too.
hell, even his own townsfolk pick up on the fact that he’s out and about more. rounds that he always left to the lesser important underlings became more commonplace, especially with you by his side.
but the things that go on behind closed doors?
his peppermint red eyes that haunt your mind, infiltrating your very thoughts. you could be minding your business, going on about your day until you get an abrupt flicker of his mundane tic-tac-toe gaze staring up at you from in between your thighs.
you could be taking care of hinata and hikage, entertaining their antics when you feel the weight of benimaru’s stare burn holes into your uniform.
you could be doing your daily sparring with the captain. in the zone, breath held and blood stream steady until you remember the feel of his hot tongue trailing along the side of your neck. for someone who seems to be stuck in a perpetual state of sadness, you always catch the arrogant smirk that pulls at his lips.
“thinking of something?” he’ll cock his eyebrows, using the distraction to take a jab to your gut.
you groan, stirring around in your bed. you hate him, hate that stupid half lidded gaze of his. you hate how soft his wavy jet black locks are. the way the strands tug and bend whenever you try to yank his face away from your cunt. you run your fingers through your hair in a valiant yet futile attempt to free your thoughts from your captain. it’s only three o’clock in the afternoon, and you haven’t done anything but reminisce about your lover for the past hour and a half.
a meek and uneven sigh hisses from your lips. your eyes screw open and you flinch at the hard sunlight that pours in from the window. as you use the inner portion of your elbow to shield your gaze, you catch glimpse of a very familiar figure in the doorway.
“captain shinmon?” you inquire, propping yourself up onto your elbows. he closes the door behind him. you’re certain that you looked like a loyal dog sat panting and wagging its tail upon discovering the return of their owner.
“excited to see me?” he remarks in a flat tone, opening the grocery bag he’s carrying before setting a few things down onto your nightstand. it’s mostly medicine, though he snags a few of your favourite snacks and drinks. there’s also one of those fascinating green tea bottles that you buy at the vending machines, except they’re served piping hot.
“how’re you feeling?”
“i told you i was going to get sick if we had the water that cold.” you huff, averting your gaze in a fit.
“not my problem you can’t take a little temperature difference”
“a little? that shit was freezing! how the hell can you take water that cold?”
“how can you not?”
you chuckle a little, shifting to stare up at the ceiling.
“don’t you have paperwork to do?”
“you know i don’t do paperwork. sure as hell not gonna start doing it now.” benimaru huffs, kicking his boots off by the door. you can hear his clothes rustling and your head snaps to face him. he shoots you a glare, as though to scold you. it’s dripping on his face. ‘really? you’re so eager.’
“move up.” he cocks his head to the side, motioning for you to move over. you shift up, room spinning a little too much for your tastes. the mattress dips with his weight and his right arm (our left) reflexively hangs in the air for you to dip your head into the crook of where his shoulder and collarbone meet. he discards his navy kimono, the article of clothing hangs on one of the hooks at the back of your door. it’s probably not much comfort for him to be relaxing in a bed with half of his uniform still on.
you squish your face against his hard chest, head rising and falling in time with his breathing. the said arm relaxes and his hand rests against your shoulder. subsequently, you realise this is the first time you’ve seen him fully without his kimono on. at the very least, he’d still have the other sleeve on.
benimaru notices your blatant staring at his other arm. he can’t comprehend why you’d gawk at it now, since he’s used it plenty of times to choke you.
he hums a small ‘hm’ in question, asking you what you’re so fascinated about. you can feel his voice thrum and rock against his chest, it sends small shivers licking your body that he doesn’t miss.
“you look so funny without your kimono on. why don’t you wear it like this more often?” you drag your nails softly against his biceps. there’s a small groan that hisses from him. as you await his response, you outline a large vein that runs from his upper arm and trails down all the way to his wrist.
“i get cold easily.”
“then why did you take a shower with me?”
“are you hearing yourself?”
surely a little bit of his body temperature was enough to sacrifice. even if it meant he was sneezing a little bit and shivering afterwards.
“seriously? you can take a tranquiliser but you can’t stand a little cold?”
“you’ll make a shitty wife if you can’t even keep me warm.”
“beni!” you hiss at benimaru in appaul, craning your face up to guffaw at him. the manners on him sometimes are despicable.
you pout, shifting your upper weight to flick benimaru in between his eyebrows. he screws his face in mutiny, lips curled into a scowl.
you and him both know that if it were anyone else flicking him like that, they’d be sent crashing through six different blocks of houses down the street.
“oi.” he warns you, tutting.
“konro come by and work some voodoo magic bullshit on you? ‘cause you’re testing your luck by pissing me off. you’re such a menace when you’re sick, it’s unbelievable.”
you hum in awe, inching your face closer towards his. there’s a wave of mockery that paints your face green and you can only laugh at the unrest that swirls in benimaru’s eyes.
he won’t have his pet talking down to him like that. no, no. that just won’t do.
“oh? really? you want me to do it again?” you flash him a cocky smirk, digits curled into a flicking position. you rest the bridge of your middle finger against benimaru’s forehead, slicking some of his charcoal stained locks out the way.
his left hand flies to catch your hand in an instant. with just two of his fingers, he can wrap himself around your wrist. his touch is assertive, firm. he can drag you the fuck away from him as he pleases, but there’s no real malice or force behind him just yet.
“yeah? try me.” he barks, peering down at you through his lashes.
you just might.
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Yey! I missed prompts so much!😍
❝  i don’t feel like a whole person without you anymore.  i don’t fucking care if anyone else would say about that.  you’re part of who i am now.  the most important piece of me.  ❞ niko/joel
“…fight of power when one wants the spotlight more than the other- I can’t read this anymore.” Niko said in a loud voice, obviously annoyed, ripping Joel out of his daydreams. “This is stupid, what do they know about us. We’ve had our fights yes, but never about who wants to be the front person - there is no main singer in this band, when will they understand this and stop writing needless articles about our possible future break up, none of these scenarios will happen.”
Surprisingly well-aimed, Niko threw the magazine in the bin next to the small table, and with a big sigh fell backwards on the bed behind him.
Joel, who had been following the end of the scene with his eyes, had to smile a little. It wasn’t the first time they had this talk within the band, and while Joel was known to go on rants on every topic possible, Niko was right behind him in getting furious when the media outlets speculated about their dynamics and sudden band accomplishments.
Also, Joel couldn’t deny that it was hot seeing Niko spitting flames.
With one long stride, Joel lay down next to Niko, the small hotel bed not giving the chance to leave much space between them, but Joel was happy enough about this fact since it gave him the perfect excuse to fall asleep on Niko’s chest last night.
Right now though he perched his head on his own hands, watching Niko’s face, holding back words in favour of smiling at him.
“What?” Niko asked, less upset now, but with a crease between his brows still. “What’s so funny about it? All they want is to see us fall when we’ve worked so hard for this. But no, they want to watch us ripping ourselves apart as if we’re lions trapped in a cage for the amusement of everyone around us.”
Not able to hold back any longer, Joel half fell, half rolled onto Niko and kissed his path up his neck to his mouth.
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” He said and dodged the hand that wanted to slap him away.
“Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not! I just gave you a compliment.”
Niko grumbled but then his face softened. “You’re right, they can all kiss my ass. They don’t know how happy I am, and it’s sad that’s all they can write about us.” His green eyes found Joel’s and one of his hands lifted to slip his hair between his ear, lingering to trace a finger down his jaw. “I never want to fight you about our position, you know that right?”
Joel was aware that everyone in the band knew about this insecurity about his because it did spark conflicts in the past, but not because Niko really did try to shove Joel out, but because Joel was afraid it could happen eventually. Over the time he learned and understood and accepted that none of the guys wanted to do this without him, and particularly Niko wouldn’t try to vote Joel out, after all he loved him.
That’s why Joel answered assured, “I know.”
“I don’t feel like a whole person without you anymore. I don’t fucking care what anyone else would say about that. You’re part of who I am now, the most important piece of me.”
Now that’s the Niko Joel knew. The poetic, love declaring man that still managed to make Joel blush with his words and left him speechless, which was not easy to achieve.
Joel buried his face into Niko’s neck to hide his face and grin of happiness, a warmth feeling spreading through him, and he would’ve loved to stop time to prolong this moment, to let go of the knowledge that they would have to go up soon for soundcheck. Right now he only wanted to bathe in Niko’s love.
“Don’t say something like that.” He said nevertheless, still embarrassed whenever Niko directed such lovely words towards him no matter how much Joel enjoyed them. He just couldn’t get used to it and didn’t know how to behave.
“Too late. I love you, nothing you can do about that.”
“We will see about that.” Joel replied, the grin having turned into a smirk, his hands slowly creeping up Niko’s side and his fingers immediately tickling over his skin once he saw his chance.
“Don’t you dare!” Was all Niko could bring out before he was lost in laughter and tried to fight Joel off.
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sundaysundaes · 4 years
Lee Donghyuck/Haechan X Reader | Vampire AU, Roommates AU | Smut, Fluff, Humor, Romance
Summary: Dating a brat is exhausting. Dating a bratty vampire is even more exhausting so you wonder, why did I even agree to this?
It’s a continuation of Love Bites but can be read separately because it’s really just 12k long of vampire porn with no real plot.
Warnings: Vampire sex, bondage, oral sex (69), overstimulation, unprotected sex, fingering, implied public sex, a little bit of dom!hyuck and a little bit of exhibitionist!hyuck, blood sucking (plenty of that) 
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Not once in your life did you ever imagine yourself dating a vampire. And certainly, never thought about living together with that so-called vampire boyfriend of yours. You never know what to expect from a situation like this but maybe it’s better not to think too much about it anyway since Lee Donghyuck always manages to exceed your expectation.
Before you became his personal midnight snack, Donghyuck had to search for his own food which either meant he had to buy blood bags from the cheapest hospital around or pick up girls with low self-esteems downtown to have kinky and messy—like really messy, blood everywhere, you don’t want to imagine—one night stands with them to fulfill both his needs for blood and sex. He often complained about it, grumbling with his lips turning into this adorable pout as he told you how he wasn’t fond of his way of life or the effort he had to make just to survive.
So now that he has you as his personal walking blood bag, Donghyuck is having the time of his life and he’s enjoying every minute of it. He’s one hundred percent happy all the time that it annoys the heck out of you. It’s not that you don’t want him to be happy—of course, you want your boyfriend to be happy—but happy Donghyuck means he’s gonna get all clingy and playful, and him being clingy and playful means hell.
“Yes, baby?”
“I’m trying to do my laundry.”
“I’m aware.”
“So, can you get off of me for a second, please?”
“For a second? Sure.” He untangles himself away from you but only for a second, literally. “Second’s up!” The way he giggles is almost like a child, circling his arms along your waist and buries his face in the crook of your neck again, nuzzling up to you while chanting, “Cute, cute, cute, you’re so cute. The cutest girl in the whole universe!” 
Donghyuck is clingy as fuck. He can’t go through the whole ten minutes without, at least, ruffling your hair, poking your cheek, or pinching the bridge of your nose. You’ve known for a while that he’s fond of skinship more than anyone you’ve ever met and it was bearable before since he only did it when he was flirting with you. But ever since you’ve become official, he just literally couldn’t get his hands off you.
So, how on earth would you get any of your work done?
The second the sun sinks below the horizon, Donghyuck will come out of his room with the biggest smile on his face and his arms spread wide, “Baby, I’m awake! Come here and get your daily dose of Hyuck’s loving!” And if you don’t respond to him in the way he wants to—which is by embracing him and kissing him for a good half an hour or so—he will make sure you won’t be able to pay attention to anything else but him for the rest of the evening.
He follows you around like a puppy, humming the same Michael Jackson’s song over and over again as he waits for you to finish washing the dishes, his feet tapping against the floor to match the beats in his head.
“Don’t you have something else to do besides waiting for me?” You ask, scrubbing the rest of the barbecue sauce off your plate. 
“I do have something to do.” And he suddenly pops up behind you, blowing air to your ear. “You.”
And you raise your silver spoon in the air, forcing him to run to the other side of the room, whining, “Baby, that’s not fair!”
Whenever you’re busy reading a book, Donghyuck will snuggle close and insist for you to sit on his lap. You’re not complaining in the slightest because it does feel nice and he rarely does anything weird since he also enjoys spending his time watching tv with his chin placed on the top of your head and his arms circled idly around your waist. It’s you who tends to get distracted with the way his chest is pressing against your spine, his laugh reverberating straight to your skin whenever something funny is playing on the screen. And when you get distracted, your heart races, and when he hears your heartbeat increasing, he chuckles lowly, leaning in to nibble at your earlobe while whispering, “If you’re horny, you can just tell me, baby.”
And you smack him in the head with your book.
Today is a bit different. Today, you have dedicated yourself to switch your role and be the one who teases the hell out of him instead. But since he’s too sly, always a step ahead of you whenever you make a plan to humiliate him, there’s only one way you can win this game: ignoring him.
So that’s what you intend to do. When the night takes over and Donghyuck comes out from his room with a bird’s nest on his head and a cheeky grin on his face, saying, “Baby, I’m awake and I’m ready to hear how much you’ve missed me during the day,” you just sit there on the couch, flipping another page of your novel. “Hey, Hyuck,” you simply greet him.
“Hey, Hyuck?” He repeats, appalled and disgusted with the way you said it. “What kind of treatment is that? Is it that time of the month already?” He takes a whiff of the air. “No, it’s not. I can smell it.”
“For the sake of our relationship, please refrain yourself from smelling my scent to know my menstruation cycle in the future, thank you.”
“How? You want me to stop breathing?” He laughs to himself. “Just kidding. You know I don’t breathe.”
You want to roll your eyes and bury your face in your hands—ashamed of the things he said—but you realize that you have to play it cool and give him the cold shoulder.
Placing hands on his hips, he questions with a huff, “So I’m not getting any hug around here?” 
“I’ll be with you in a moment.” 
You move away from the living room, doing literally anything else but giving him what he asks for. Donghyuck sighs and follows you too, as expected, leaning his back against the kitchen counter as he waits for you to finish making yourself a cup of coffee.
“Did I do something that upset you?” He asks, scratching his cheek.
“No, of course not.” You smile, giving him a squeeze on his arm. But then you walk away, leaving him confused and bitter.
Ignoring him is both fun and hilarious because you can see him stealing glances at you even when he tries to act cool about it. He tries to distract himself by playing video games but he keeps on losing so he presses his fingers a little too hard to the controller, nearly breaking it in half.
“Careful,” you warn. “I borrowed that thing.”
“Whatever.” He throws the controller away, scoffing. “It’s stupid anyway.”
To know that his happy self can be reduced to this grumbling mess just because you’re ignoring him makes you feel elated and you wonder, am I a sadist for enjoying this so much?
Hours have passed and you still won’t give in to him, which is really something because he’s doing things that almost make you crawl back to his lap. Donghyuck knows how hot he is, knows how his eyebrow raise and half-lidded eyes do wonders to your heart and mind. So it’s not a surprise when he walks out of the bathroom with his wet hair pushed back, showcasing his temple and his perfect eyebrows. Droplets of water are sliding down from his bare chest to his v-lines, with his white towel hanging dangerously low on his hips. He doesn’t head back to his room right away, and instead, takes a seat on the coffee table, right in front of you.
You promise yourself inwardly that you will not take a fucking glance at him when he’s like this. “Hmm?”
“I know you’re trying your best to ignore me but your heart is beating like crazy.” He’s raising his eyebrow. You know it. You’re not seeing it but you know it. “Isn’t it time for you to give up your stupid little prank and make-out with me already?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” This time, you open your MacBook, busying yourself with typing words on your keyboards.
Donghyuck walks over—still in his fucking towel and nothing more, for God’s sake—and leans closer from behind the couch. He looks over your shoulder as you browse the internet to find something to distract your thoughts. He snorts loudly when he sees the article you’re reading.
“Chalamet?” He jeers. “Who’s Timothee Chalamet? What kind of name is Timothee Chalamet?”
“He’s an Oscar nominee and he’s barely twenty-five. He’s cute.”
“So? I’m cuter than Timothee Chalamet. Way more beautiful too. Just FYI, they invented the term ‘beautiful’ to describe me actually. Happened a long time ago. It’s a fact.”
“That’s great,” you blankly respond, typing another name of a celebrity on the search bar. “I know there’s another term they invented for you.”
“What, ethereal?”
“Cocky-Ass Bitch.”
He gasps and he’s not even breathing.
And when you keep denying his protest, he pushes your MacBook away from your lap and tackles you down to the couch.
“I can’t believe you’re looking at some other dude when you have me paying you full attention,” he says, wetting his lower lip as he peers into your eyes, his body hovering dangerously close above yours. His eyes are gleaming with both desire and affection which still makes the knot in your stomach tighten to this day but you’re a tad better at controlling your expression this time. A droplet of water drops from the tip of his hair to your cheek.
Wiping it off with a slide of your thumb, you comment, “You’re wet.”
“So are you, ever since you’ve met me.” He winces at his words when a few seconds pass by in silence. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that.”
You tap his cheek. “As long as you’ve learned your lesson.”
He pouts as he heads back to the main topic. “Your prank is going too far, Sweetheart.”
“What prank? I don’t do pranks, Hyuck. I’m not you.”
“So, why have you been ignoring me then?”
“Is it really that weird for me to just have some time for myself?”
“Well—I—” It’s the first time he ever seems lost for words. “I just—”
“What, are you thirsty?” You flatly ask, telling yourself to not let your eyes wander to the muscles in his arms and stomach. “Don’t tell me you want to drink again. It’s only been a day, Hyuck.”
“It’s not that!” He whines, pouting with his eyebrows knitting in a frown. “Can’t I snuggle with my girlfriend?”
“That’s literally what you’ve been doing all this time.”
“Yes, but you haven’t been focusing on me properly!” He sighs loudly, letting you go, and throws himself down on the other end of the couch with a loud huff. “You know what, I think we really should talk about this.”
“Talk about what?”
“About how you’re not really cute these days!” He blurts out, hands moving animatedly as he speaks. “You used to be all fidgety and shy, blushing all the time whenever you see me—”
“In your head, maybe. I don’t recall ever doing that.”
“See, this!” He throws his hands in the air, exasperated. “This is what I’m talking about. You’re mean to me now! Not cute at all!”
“Is this our first fight?” You ask, yawning a little which makes your boyfriend gapes in disbelief. “Are we really fighting over the fact I’m not cute anymore? Seriously?” But when he becomes more upset, you break out in a grin. “I’m just messing with you.” Still laying down on the couch, you tug at his hand. “Come here.”
He crosses his arms on his chest. “No.”
“You don’t want your daily dose of my sweet, sweet loving?”
He shakes his head, his lower lip protruding. “Why should I be the one who needs to crawl over to you? This is your fault. You come here.”
You exhale loudly but on the inside, you can’t help but squeal he’s so fucking cute.
You’re not usually aggressive during make-out sessions—well, at least not with Donghyuck anyway. With Mark, you had to take a lead or else you’d just end up watching TV until you both pass out on the couch. But you decide to step up your game today because just as much as he likes to tease you, you also like to tease him.
“Fine,” you say, crawling over to the other side of the couch and settle yourself on his lap. You lay your hand on his shoulders, massaging the tense muscles. “Better?”
Donghyuck is still glowering at you in response so you decide to take a step further. “You look so hot without your clothes on,” you praise him, thanking God that your voice doesn’t stutter. Your fingertips draw a line from his Adam’s apple down to his chest. “But I guess you already know that seeing how many times you’re doing this on purpose.”
He scoffs, swatting your hand away before he crosses his arms in front of his chest. “Don’t touch me. I’m still pissed at you.”
You chuckle. “Ah, so no Hyuck’s loving for me tonight?”
“No Hyuck’s loving for the whole week.”
“You sure about that?” Toying with the buttons of your shirt, you wiggle your eyebrows seductively at him.
He hears the sound of your button being popped open but gives his best effort to keep his eyes away. “What are you doing?”
“Undressing myself.”
“Because my cute vampire boyfriend is upset,” you pause to stand on your knees, tugging the rest of your shirt out from your skirt before you discard it to the floor. “And I know this would please him.”
He instinctively turns to you, his nose almost grazing your bare stomach before he quickly looks away again, albeit tempted to suck bruises on the supple skin. Donghyuck’s eyes move to stare at the ceiling, gulping at the sound of you pulling down the zipper on your skirt to loosen the fabric before you push it up to your hips, giving him the chance to stare at your thighs when he wants.
“Hyuck,” you move your hips slightly, giving him enough friction to entice his mind. “Baby.”
Donghyuck tries his very best to avert his gaze to anything else besides the part that connects you to him. “No,” he repeats, clenching his jaw.
“But Hyuck…” You realize you’re practically moaning his name now and it’s both embarrassing and exciting that you can play the role of a seductress and having that kind of effect on him. Hooking a finger around your bra strap, you pull it down, exposing the joints between your neck and your shoulder. “Don’t you want me?”
He suddenly whines loudly, throwing his head back with his teeth gritting against one another as he murmurs “You’re unbelievable,” bitterly into the air but you can hear his confidence wavering. It only takes another grind of your hips against him before he snaps. 
You’re suddenly thrown back to his bed before you know it. He was moving too fast for your eyes to process that you could only felt being carried for a split second before you have your back pressed against the sheets.
He’s hovering on top of you, your hips trapped between his knees. “You do realize,” he begins, “That I never just look at you as an object of sexual desire, right? You’re more than that to me.” He bends down, one hand curling against the front of your neck, his thumb tracing your beating vein. “Way, way more than that.”
His sincerity and serious demeanor catch you off guard. “Yeah, also as someone to fill your midnight cravings.”
“Of course not—”
“I’m kidding, I know.” Your playful gaze is replaced with a tender one. “But you always react like this whenever I tempt you that way so I couldn’t help but tease.”
He scrunches up his nose. “You’re not cute.” But the way he slots his mouth against yours speak nothing but praise and adoration. “You’re not cute at all.”
Surprisingly, Donghyuck is gentler after your first sexual encounter with him. Maybe it’s because he feels sorry for sucking too much blood and went a little rough when it was your first time on everything. You always try to convince him that it’s fine and it doesn’t hurt at all during the time you have sex with him—because the chemicals in his saliva triggered an endorphin rush, pumping pleasure all over your body—but seeing how you could barely walk on the next morning, Donghyuck decides to restrain himself.
You still remember the second time he decided to take a step further, about two weeks after your first intimate session with him. Donghyuck was at his very best behavior that night—making you dinner, listening to you complaining about your work, and swaying his body with you to the soft music he played in the background. Being in such close proximity, you couldn’t help but wonder why he never laid a hand on you again. He did drink from you, once every two days, but he always acted so rigid, so jittery when he held you to his chest, drinking from the side of your neck. You were awkward too, not sure how to place your hands or say something to break the tension. You could hear him swallowing, once, twice, taking a big gulp each time and you could feel yourself drowning in refined pleasure, losing track of the world from his bite.
Speaking of that, you notice one thing. This endorphin rush you feel every time he sinks his teeth into your skin also affects your sexual desire. You didn’t realize that before because you were having sex the first time he bit you. You finally understand why those slutty girls he brought home loved having their blood sucked by vampires. Sex with a vampire itself is transcendent, so having your blood sucked during sex? A dangerous, erotic, and lovely bliss.
But Donghyuck never touched you that way, that was the problem. Every time he finished drinking, he’d retract his fangs back, making you whimper at the loss of his effects on you and leaving you dizzy with blood loss. He’d wipe his mouth clean, tilt your face to check on your condition—which you always responded with a goofy smile as you reeled on the lingering sensation of his bite—and say, “I’m sorry that you had to do this for me. I’ll carry you back to your room. Hold on to me.” And you’d allow him to do just that, secretly hoping that he would join you in bed but he never did. 
Was the sex not good? Were you too loud? Too whiny? Too docile? Were you too shy? Does he prefer his partner to take control in bed? Be more aggressive? These questions ran back-and-forth in your mind to the point that you began to have trouble sleeping.
So when two weeks had passed after that bathroom incident and nothing happened, you decided to bring the matter down to the table. You were craving for his touch, even more so when he looked so fucking good with his hair slightly pushed back, his shirt doing nothing at hiding the muscles in his arms, his face hovering just a few inches away from yours as he led you close in a slow dance. You just needed to ask before you went crazy.
“Why won’t you touch me?”
Donghyuck blinked. “What?”
“Why won’t you touch me?” You repeated, heat rising to your cheeks. “After that night in the bathroom, you never… made a move on me.”
That question should’ve triggered something sinful coming from his mouth, probably like, “Oh, so you want me to touch you? Enlighten me, Sweetheart, just how much do you want me? Where do you exactly want me to touch you?”
But Donghyuck actually just stood in silence with conflicted eyes. You had to call his name to force him to speak. “I don’t want to hurt you again.”
“You won’t hurt me—”
“No, you don’t understand.” He cupped the side of your face, thumb rubbing soothingly against your cheekbone. “Drinking your blood already makes me want to do crazy things to you. You’re so alluring, so…” He wetted his lip, his eyes going down to take in the shape of your mouth. “Intoxicating.” He moved his thumb to trace the smoothness of your lips. “I’m just afraid that I won’t be able to control myself when we take a step further than this. I don’t want to hurt you again like I did the first time.”
It’s funny how he mentioned the word intoxicating because that was how exactly you perceived him. His whole being was intoxicating, turning every sound in the room into a whisper, every bit of your surroundings into a blur. The world did not matter when you were with him, as it solely revolved around him.
So you yanked him down by the collar of his shirt, slotted your mouth against his, lips parting to taste a hint of the coppery flavor of your blood on his tongue. Donghyuck instinctively reacted by enclosing his arms along your waist, pulling you close until you breathed heavily against his mouth. He was a man of passion, burning like the sun, lips scorching as he met yours in a searing kiss.
He tried to break away, holding your wrist in the air. “Wait, stop—”
“I have an idea,” you immediately said, kissing him once again just because you couldn’t hold yourself away from the temptation. “I have an idea we can try, so—” Another kiss, but he was the one who initiated it this time. He pushed you against the wall, gentle but dominating, his knee slipping between your legs, pushing up the fabric of your dress. You moaned against his mouth, fingers fisting against his shirt, desperate for support. He slid both hands down your thighs, silky smooth against your skin, and lifted your legs in the air, forcing you to tangle them around his waist to maintain stability.
“Fuck,” you cursed under your breath, reeling in the way he peppered kisses from your jawline down to your neck, tongue lapping at a speck of dry blood on your marked skin. “Let’s go—ah—let’s go to your room—Hyuck—”
He was busy having his hand under your shirt, splaying his fingers on your stomach before they found their way up to your breast, but he heard your order. He carried you back to his room, lips never leaving yours and you found yourself pressed against the sheet the next time you blinked your eyes. 
“Those handcuffs,” you gasped out between his smothering kisses. “Those handcuffs of yours that you keep in your closet. Use them.”
Donghyuck abruptly stopped, tugged himself away. “What?”
You were breathless and lightheaded, chest heaving up and down. “It upsets me to say this,” you confessed, “But I remember that time when we haven’t started dating, I found a pair of handcuffs in your closet and—”
“You went into my closet?”
“To clean your stuff. You had your clothes scattered all over the place so I had to fold them up and when I was about to put them back in, I saw them. I thought it was probably one of your kinks so I just shrugged it off. You honestly didn’t realize how clean and organized your closet was that day?”
“Well, I was never messy to begin with.”
“That’s bullshit and we both know it.”
He pouted, sighing. “Right, so you knew about my bondage kink. You’re telling me you want us to use it?” He gave you a look. “You had sex one time and you’ve already found yourself a kink? Seems like I underestimated your sexual curiosity, woman.”
“It’s not that.” You rolled your eyes. All of this rambling did not fuel your arousal, at all. “I want you to wear it.”
Donghyuck actually looked disgusted. “I like to tie my women, not being tied up, thank you very much.”
“You said you were scared of losing control, right? If you’re tied up, you won’t be able to hurt me.”
He snorted. “A cheap handcuff like that won’t be able to hold me down, Sweetheart.”
“But at least it serves as a reminder.” You laid your hand on his chest, drawing lines on the cold skin. “I mean, I’m fine whether you wear it or not. I just want to be with you.” You pulled him down into an innocent hug, but the way you were grinding your hips against him was anything but that. “But if you feel this,” you palmed his length through his jeans, forcing him to emit a groan from the back of his throat, “can make you lose control then maybe we should try my idea. I don’t want us to stop, Hyuck, and I don’t care if you break me.” You leaned in to bury your face in the juncture of his neck, whispering, “I just want to feel you inside me again.”
“Fuck.” He groaned loudly against your shoulder, fingers twisting against the sheet. “Okay, where’s that fucking handcuff—” The way he tumbled down the bed—a century-old vampire tumbling down the bed—makes you giggle, even more so when he frantically rummages his closet, throwing clothes here and there, muttering, “where is it, where is it, come on, come on, come on, where’s that fucking thing,” to himself, until he finally hooked his fingers around a pair of handcuffs, shouting, “YES, I FOUND THEM,” to the air. 
He hurriedly went back to the bed, looking breathless when he wasn’t even breathing, and crawled on top of you again. He chased after your lips and your laughter soon reduced back into gasps and moans before he finally broke away, asking, “Okay, tie me up. Hurry.” You’d think that being alive for more than a century would’ve taught him some self-control, but Donghyuck was eager and desperate, way more than you were.
He flipped your body before you could prepare yourself so you yelped in surprise, landing on his chest as he laid himself down on the bed, his head nearly knocking against the headboard. He offered you his wrists, saying, “I’m all yours, Sweetheart.” And you gulped hard, heartbeat blasting through the roof, heat rising to your cheeks. 
The handcuffs were made of steel, cold to the touch and you secretly thanked the Lord that they weren’t one of those furry ones you saw in porn movies. You were secretly drooling at the sight of your usually dominating boyfriend lying helplessly on the bed, waiting for you to take the lead; his broad chest displayed under your hands, with you straddling him by the hips. His shirt was slightly pushed up, showcasing his v-lines and his navel that usually stayed hidden underneath. You followed his happy trail, disappointed when it disappeared behind the hem of his jeans.
“Stop being so blatant about it.” His voice was velvety, thick with seduction. “You’re gonna make me blush.”
“I—I wasn’t staring.”
“Never said you were.”
It was annoying how easily he could make you feel all hot and flustered. “S-shouldn’t you take off your shirt first?”
He held back a smile. “I can fuck you just fine with my shirt on but sure, I’ll take it off.” There was something in the way he grabbed the back of his shirt before he pulled it over his head that made you blush, averting your gaze but managed to sneak a peek at the way the muscles on his abs were contracting under the movement.
“Baby?” He snatched you back to reality when a few seconds had passed in silence. “If you don’t tie me up now, I’m gonna tie you up and have my way with you.”
You blushed. That… actually doesn’t sound so bad. You shook your head. That can wait. With shaky fingers, you place one of the handcuffs around his wrist and tied the other one to his headboard. He tried to yank his hand free, testing the strength of it. “I can break this in a split second,” he commented, “But I guess it does work as a reminder.”
“Do you have another pair that I can use to tie your other hand?”
“Leave my other hand free,” he demanded, eyes gleaming as he gazed at you. “I want to touch you.”
You breathed heavily. “O-okay.”
“So,” he smiled, awkward and amused. “We’re doing this?”
You bit your lip, slowly nodding. “W-we’re doing this.”
“Aaw, nervous?” His laughter sounded light in your ears. “How cute.”
“Shut up.”
“Then, come here,” he invited, gesturing you to come close with one hand. “Kiss me.”
You didn’t waste a second longer. 
His kiss was slower this time, almost shy as if it was the first kiss you shared with him and it somehow made your heart beat even faster. You could hear him chuckling against your mouth, probably noticing your heart rate and you slapped his chest playfully to stop him from hearing things he wasn’t supposed to.
“Ah, you’re cute, so cute,” he kept saying, tracing his tongue along your lower lip, begging for entrance. His kisses gradually became deeper, harder, and his muffled laughter was replaced with soft groans. His praise was reduced to your name and you sighed in pleasure when you felt his lips moving down your neck, grazing your beating vein.
The position felt a bit awkward but possibly because you had never done it with him before. You were lying on top of him, your body pressed hotly against his chest and although he was already half-naked, you were still fully clothed. You weren’t sure whether you should undress yourself or let him do the work, but could he do it with one hand?
You remembered the time when he ripped your camisole and bra at the same time with only his fingers.
Yes. Yes, he could.
But Donghyuck seemed to be aware of what you were thinking because he ordered you to, “Take your clothes off.”
“I’m—” Flabbergasted, you pulled away, sitting straight on his stomach. “C-can’t you just take them off for me?”
You could tell he was trying to hold back another smirk from breaking upon his face. “But baby,” he cooed, raising his free hand in the air. “I only have one hand.”
“You practically ripped my undergarments with one finger before.”
“Did I?” His smirk grew prominent. “I forgot.”
“You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“What, being straddled by my girlfriend as she tries to undress herself while I’m being tied up to the bed?” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Meh, it’s not bad.”
“Why you little—”
Donghyuck’s laughter was contagious when you tickled him on the sides of his stomach that you ended up smiling at him too but it soon faltered when he curled his fingers around your locks, bringing your head down to smash his lips against yours until they were red and bruised. You became nervous once again when he tugged on your shirt, silently ordering you to take it off.
“Okay,” you said, sitting on his stomach, fingers trembling slightly as they were fiddling around the top of your dress. “Can you… look away, please?”
“Because you’re making me nervous.”
“Baby,” he tittered, “Just in case you weren’t aware of this. Being your boyfriend means that I’m allowed to enjoy the sight of my girlfriend taking her clothes off.”
“M-maybe later in the future. Can you just look away now?” When he was still adamant about it, you added, “Please?”
He sighed. “Fine, but in the future don’t blame me if I ask you to strip-tease to make up for this.” He closed his eyes, lips pouting. “Also, this is the only time I’ll allow this to happen.”
“Two weeks in our relationship and you’re already ordering me around.”
“It’s not—” He groaned loudly, opening his eyes again to make sure you knew that he was glaring. “It’s not that. I just really want to look. There’s something sexy about girls taking their clothes off.”
“I mean, you, baby. Only you.”
You gave him a flat look. “Whatever. Close your eyes.”
He jutted out his bottom lip but followed your command, while quietly repeating your line, “Two weeks in our relationship and you’re already ordering me around.”
“I heard that.”
“I heard that,” he mocked and you flicked him on his Adam’s apple until he whined.
Dating a brat was exhausting. Dating a bratty vampire was even more exhausting, but Donghyuck could also be charming and mature when he needed to be so you forgave him for that.
Seeing how he kept his eyes closed, you reached the end of your dress and pulled it off your head in one try. Strands of your hair were caught in the zipper, tugging at your scalp when you tried to unravel them in a hurry. Clicking your tongue in annoyance, you gave better effort to disentangled them with more patience.
“Need a hand, Sweetheart?”
You jolted, a squeak fell off your mouth. When you turned around to see him, your boyfriend was staring at you with a bratty grin on his face.
“Hey!” Flushed, you slapped him on the chest. “I didn’t tell you to look.”
“You told me not to look when you took your clothes off. You didn’t say anything about me staring at my cute girlfriend having the biggest crisis of her life.” His little laughter was just as annoying as it was charming. “Come here, I’ll help you.”
Your pride wouldn’t let you but you had spent minutes trying to break free from your stupid dress with no satisfying result so, with a heavy heart and a prominent scowl on your face, you bent down, leaning close to him until he could let his hand roam along your locks.
“This is so stupid,” you grumbled.
“I think it’s cute,” he chuckled, carefully unwinding the strands from your zipper. “This is the cutest you’ve ever been to me.”
You blushed slightly. Trying to avert your attention away, you began to focus on the sight in front of you. Pressed against his chest, your face was almost buried in the crook of his neck. You took the chance to press soft kisses on the cold skin, running your fingertips down from his collarbone to his navel. 
“There, done,” he said, tossing the dress away without a care. He sounded a bit breathily when your teeth grazed against his neck. “Let’s not waste any more time. Come here, I need you.” The way he tugged you toward him by your elbow was firm but not forceful. And no matter how much you had kissed him already, he still loved the way you moved your lips against his and never wanted it to stop.
Being on top of him didn’t necessarily mean you were in control. Even with one hand tied, Donghyuck knew how to lead, whispering guidance here and there, sometimes in the way that made you blush from how specific his orders were. Before you knew it, you were both fully naked, with you sitting on his thighs, stroking at his length as directed.
Donghyuck shivered under your touch, his eyes half-lidded in pleasure. “You—” He had to nip on his bottom lip to contain his groan when you swiped your thumb along his slit. “You don’t happen to have any lube with you, do you?”
You were so captivated by the way he looked, all needy under your fingers, that he had to call you by your name to gather your focus back to his question. “Oh, n-no. Why?” You stroked him faster, curling your fingers a little bit tighter around his length.
Donghyuck threw his head back, eyebrows adjoined in the middle. “Fuck,” he hissed, eyes glazed and when they peered back into yours, they were glowing brightly in topaz—almost golden, and brighter from the dim lighting of his room. “Well then,” he heaved, wetting his lip. “I guess, we’ll do it the old school way. Turn your body around for me.”
“I want to be romantic and use pretty words, but desperate times need desperate measures so get your ass over here,” he gestured with his hand for you to come over to his face, “and your face over there.”
Steam practically came out of your ears from how ashamed you were. “What?!”
“I need to make you wet and you need to coat my dick with saliva so it won’t hurt when I get inside you.”
He wasn’t joking when he said he wasn’t going to be romantic about it. How the fuck can he say something like that so easily?! “I—I can’t,” you were practically wheezing, “It’s too embarrassing—I—”
“If you don’t want to suck my dick, you can just spit on your hand and—”
“I’m more worried about sitting on your face—”
“Oh, no need to worry about that.” He gave you a reassuring smile which somehow upsets you even more. “It’s actually something I’ve been imagining to happen—”
“Oh my God—”
“Would you stop freaking-out and listen to me, please?” He was laughing and you were having a seizure. “Babe, relax. Trust me, it will feel good.”
You had no doubts about that but still, it didn’t suddenly make it easy for you to just naturally sit on his face. But to be honest, the thought of it was as exciting as it was embarrassing and with Donghyuck being relaxed about it—not making this into such a big deal, unlike how Mark reacted when anything sexual occurred—you couldn’t help but succumb to your own curiosity.
“Okay,” you pressed a hand against your chest. “Just let me calm myself down a little.”
He suppressed a smile. “You’re having a crisis again?”
“Shut up.”
No matter how much you tried to compose yourself, you couldn’t. You became even more nervous, and you thought that wasn’t possible. The naughty twinkle in Donghyuck’s eyes gradually turned tender and he reached out a hand. “Here, let me help you relax.” 
You let him take hold of your wrist, bringing it to his face. He kissed your inner palm before he dragged his lips down to your wrist, his eyes peering into yours as he did it. You could feel his lips turning into a faint smile as they grazed your skin but on the next second, he bared his teeth, extended his fangs, and punctured your skin with them.
“Hyuck—” You yelped from the pain but soon began to lose yourself to the ecstasy of his bite. You could feel all the knots in your body started to loosen one-by-one, your mind becoming hazy with bliss. 
Donghyuck didn’t sink his teeth too deep and didn’t drink too much, only a gulp and nothing more even when his eyes were glowing bright, gravely needing another taste of your blood. He lapped at the wound, kissing the bite mark he made on your skin. “How do you feel?”
“I’m…” Your eyes began to droop, blinking slowly. “Great…. I feel great…”
He chuckled at your words. “That’s good to hear,” he said, “Now turn around and lower yourself on my face.”
You could barely hear him but you got the picture. As if hypnotized, you felt your body moved even before you could finish your thought. Donghyuck’s free hand was placed on the inner part of your thigh as you hovered above his head, spreading your legs apart. “Come down here, Sweetheart, I don’t bite.” You couldn’t see his face but you could tell he was smirking, and if you weren’t this intoxicated, you would’ve smacked him with the nearest pillow over his poor choice of words. But the effects of his bite and the rush of endorphin that were still coursing through your veins made you follow his commands without further question.
You were balancing yourself with your hands on his stomach as he ran his tongue along your folds, tasting you just a little bit but you already shivered at the sensation. “Hyuck…”
He hummed in response, sounding like he was having the time of his life, pushing your thigh further apart so you could lower yourself more, his tongue dipping into your heat this time.
You were going insane, you could feel it. Breathing heavily, you decided to focus on a task at hand. You curled your fingers around his length, thumb brushing against the slit again because you knew how much he liked it before, and you could feel him moan before you could hear him.
You gave a tentative lick on the head, kissing his tip before running your tongue along the vein. Your fingers were stroking the area your tongue didn’t cover and you could hear him purring in content. After a brief second of self-preparation, you parted your lips and tried to go down on him in one try. Donghyuck threw his head back against the sheet, groaning loudly between a train of expletives, so sexy and obscene. 
Hearing his moans encouraged you to do better so you tried to swallow him whole again. You could feel his tip hitting the back of your throat, making you tear up a little bit from the discomfort but you hollowed your cheeks and swallowed around him.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Donghyuck swore, his grip around your thigh grew tighter that it made you flinch but you continued with your ministration, bringing your hand into the game this time. It was so exciting, the sensation of having him dissolve into a groaning mess under your touch so you stroked him faster, sucked him harder, and continued even when he was practically whimpering in ecstasy.
As an act of revenge, Donghyuck licked his way deep into you with his free hand pumping a finger inside you and adding another one soon after. When you moaned around him, it urged him to go faster, his digits were now scissoring inside of you.
You were practically crying by the time he told you to stop, urging you to turn around to face him because “I want to see your face when you come.” You positioned yourself on top of his length, cheeks bright red from all the passion and lust you have swirling inside your chest, and slowly sank yourself down.
Donghyuck’s handcuff was rattling against the headboard as he reeled in the sensation. His fangs were extended once again, his eyes glowing almost dangerously as he gazed at you from behind his bangs. “Fuck, you’re so—“ he hissed, his eyes going down to the part where you were connected to him. “How can you be so sexy without trying—”
The way he twitched inside of you made you quiver, and you tumbled down to his chest, your face closing in on him. He met you halfway when you sent him a signal to kiss you, smothering you with his lips, wet with tongues and painted with both desperation and urgency.
“Move,” he ordered, his voice suddenly turning low and perilous. “Baby, move for me, please.”
You granted his wish, wincing at the feeling of him growing larger inside you. The friction still burned so you tried to muffle your cry with his kisses, but after a few shallow thrusts, you could finally feel yourself relaxing, adjusting to his length.
“Faster,” he urged, unconsciously tried to hold your hips with both hands and groaned loudly when his handcuff pulled his hand back to the headboard. “Dammit. Baby, please, move faster.”
“Be patient,” you said between small gasps. Your nails were almost sinking to his chest. “It’s only my second time, Hyuck. Let me do it at my own pace.”
He initially groaned in protest, eyes tightly shut with his eyebrows furrowed but when he managed to collect himself, he apologized, "You're right, I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm so hasty, you just make me feel so—" His jaw hung low when he felt you move, and by the time you began to clench your walls around him, he took his bottom lip between his teeth, leaning his head back against the headboard, relishing the moment.
As you steadied yourself with your hands on his chest, grinding your hips against him, you admired the details of his profile—his sultry half-lidded eyes, his plump lips, his cute front teeth that peeked out when he parted his lips in a silent moan, the tiny moles on his jaw and neck. He was both handsome and cute, and you were lucky—so damn lucky—to be able to witness these details with your own eyes.
“Fuck, I can’t—“ His voice startled you, snapping you out from your reverie. “I can’t do it like this. I’m gonna go crazy. Can you get off for a second?”
You were frowning but his urgency made you follow with a nod. You let him slid off of you, wincing slightly at both the pain and the loss of him. Donghyuck shifted his body until he was sitting on the bed, his spine pressed against the headboard. “Okay, come here,” he said, patting his thigh twice. You crawled over to his lap as requested, sitting on your knees as he held his length in one hand, positioning it over your entrance. You lowered yourself down, adjusting to his size once again and wrapping your arms around his neck for support.
“I can never get used to the feeling of you taking me in like that,” he murmured against your ear. “You’re so fucking tight.”
The new position allowed you to embrace him properly and you took advantage of it, meshing your lips with him as you bounced up and down, your breasts pressing against his chest. His free hand was urging you to move faster, nails sinking into the skin and you complied, trying to move as fast you can. “Yes,” he moaned, mouthing against your shoulder. “Just like that. You’re so good.”
The sounds he was making were so erotic that they made you weak. When he felt your movements gradually became slower, he began to buck his hips forward, thrusting into you hard while holding you firmly with one hand. 
He nearly broke his handcuff from how desperate he was in wanting to hold you tightly with both hands, fucking you senselessly like how did with you before in the bathroom. But the way the steel was nearly sinking into his skin reminded him of the sole purpose of having it around his wrist. Feeling restrained only made his thrusts grow even more frantic, pushing your hips down to meet his at such a quick pace.
“Wait—” Taken by surprise, you clutched your arms tightly around him. “Hyuck—”
He suddenly sank his teeth on the skin under your jaw, between the earlobe and the collarbone and you nearly jumped out of your skin. For half an instant, it was agonizing. Painful and horrible. And then, just like that, the pain disappeared. He swallowed twice, moaning against your skin, his thrusts going out of rhythm. 
The rush of endorphin helped to push you to the brink, clouding your thoughts and you couldn't tell where your body ended and his began but it didn't matter. That was how you always wanted it to be anyway. Donghyuck's lascivious grunts tugged on your heartstrings and with a couple of his hard thrusts, you began to shake. "H-Hyuck, I think I'm gonna—"
His mouth was still on your neck, now sucking bruises with his cuspids threatening to puncture. "Come, baby."
You came undone, body trembling with the biggest orgasm you’d ever felt. Donghyuck moaned your name against your ear when he felt you clenching and shaking around him. “God, that felt so good,” he said, still moving his hips, not caring if you were still sensitive after your orgasm. “You feel so good around me. Fuck, I want to do this again and again—I want to feel you more—I want to break you—”
And when his hips began to stutter, you knew he was close. He pulled you into a messy kiss where you could taste copper on his tongue but you didn’t mind and bounced faster on his lap, driving him to the edge.
You were startled by the sound of him breaking free from his handcuff with a hard yank of his wrist, but before you could react, he was pushing you off his lap, forcing you to stand with your knees on the bed, facing the headboard. Still reveling in the aftershock of your orgasm, your legs almost gave out on you so you placed both hands on the wall for support. "Hyuck—"
He was almost growling when he placed both hands on your hips and pushed himself back in a way that was so forceful, you ended up having your upper body pressed against the wall. He brought your hips closer to his, his tongue trailed against the dip of your spine, and you begged him to, "S-slow down, I just came—" but all that he did was the opposite. He snapped his hips forward, knocking the breath out of your lungs with each pound while murmuring, "Just a little bit more, baby," with so much lust and avidity. You gritted your teeth, curling your fingers against the railing of your headboard as if you were hanging on for dear life. Everything felt so good, so fucking good that you began to part your mouth in a silent scream. 
With his head dangling forward, glowing eyes covered with his fringe, and your name tumbling down his lips in a soft, throaty moan, he came.
“How are you feeling?”
Dazed and completely fucked-out, you thought, but only answered with, “Tired.”
“Are you hurt somewhere?”
You shook your head.
“Thank God,” Donghyuck pulled you closer by the waist, both of your naked bodies were buried under the blanket. “I kind of lost control at the end.” He sheepishly chuckled at himself. “You were so hot when you came.”
“Shut up.” But that only made him laugh a bit louder. He pried your hands away before you could bury your face in them and cupped your cheek so you could do nothing but stare back at him.
“Is it too fast to say I love you?” He asked and his eyes were sincere but you were too embarrassed to respond properly so you pushed your palm to his face, pushing him away.
“Of course, it’s too fast. We’ve only started dating for like what, two weeks?” But the way your heart almost leaped in joy betrayed you. You turned away from him, focusing your gaze on the bed lamp on his nightstand instead of his face. “If you tell me in like a year or something, maybe I’ll believe you.”
His laughter was warm, a stark contrast to how his skin felt under your touch. He leaned close, lips brushing against your hair as he embraced you close to his chest. “Then I’ll say it every day until you say it back to me next year,” he said, voice gentle and sincere. “I love you, baby.”
“Ugh, you’re gross.”
“There you go, playing hard to get again.” He whispered the next words with his lips brushing your earlobe. “Your ears are going red, though.”
“I’m going to kick you.”
“Well, I’m going to love you.”
But you kicked him anyway. The playful punches and kicks under the blanket managed to ease the tension, and before long, you were back to exchanging nonsensical banters with him again. The sunrise was still three hours away and even though your eyes were a bit heavy with sleep, your body exhausted beyond belief, you tried to keep yourself awake to spend a moment longer with him. You didn’t have any schedule the next morning anyway, so you could sleep to make up for the time you spent.
“There’s… something I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while but I couldn’t since I felt so embarrassed about it.”
“Oh? It’s not often you’re honest like this.” He smirked, pushing the bangs out of your eyes. “What is it?”
“Did you…” You cleared your throat, trying not to be awkward. “Did you get to come when we had sex the first time?”
He blinked twice, startled. “Oh… I didn’t, actually.” He timidly smiled. “You kind of passed out during that time and I didn’t have the heart to continue so I just carried you back to your room.”
With cheeks turning scarlet, you squeezing his hand. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be.” He pecked you on the nose. “It was my fault anyway. I shouldn’t have taken so much of your blood.” He gradually grew more serious. “I guess I’ve never thanked you for that, huh?” He tucked some strands of your hair behind your ear. “Thank you for giving me your blood. You’re literally the reason why I’m still alive to this day.”
“You’re welcome.” You mirrored his smile. “I have two other questions if you don’t mind.”
“Can vampires actually come?” You had to look away, noticing how stupid your questions was and added, “I mean, like, properly? Like humans do?”
“What, you didn’t feel it when I came inside you just now?”
You blushed madly. “I was too dizzy from the bite to notice.”
“Right, you passed out too. Again.” And before you could shout out your protest, he muffled your lips with his. “Of course, we can, Sweetheart. What, are you interested in making me come again?”
You gulped. “M-maybe later.” When you noticed him raising an eyebrow, you mentally slap yourself in the face.” I-I mean, not that I’m suggesting we should have sex again after this—”
“Oh? I was willing, though.” His godforsaken smirk should be banned from this world. Earning another punch to his stomach, he asked with a wince, “What’s the other question?”
You were still pouting from before but you asked, “Can vampires impregnate humans?”
“So eager to have my baby already? Two weeks in our relationship? Really?”
“Do you want to be punched again?”
“By your lips? Yes, plea—Aaw, hey, that hurts!” As he tried to soothe the pain away from the punch you landed on his chest, he added, “To answer your question, no. We don’t breed that way. Vampires are turned, not born.”
“How can you be so sure?”
He laughed. “Trust me, if vampires could get humans pregnant, then I would father hundreds of Hyuck babies by now.”
The thought of him having sexual relationships with other women in a way that was probably much hotter than yours made your heart drop to your stomach. There was an unfamiliar pain in your chest, pumping jealousy and resentment to your veins, clouding your thoughts with images of him lying in bed with naked women.
You turned away to face the ceiling, not saying a word. Donghyuck seemed to notice the way you got all tense and rigid so he laced your fingers with his, bringing your knuckles to his lips. “There’s only you now, you know that, right? For me, there’s only you.”
 You nodded but only so slightly, still felt uneasy. You knew that it wouldn’t be fair to be mad at him about this—it’s not like he was cheating behind your back. And he’d lived for more than a century, of course, he had plenty of both romantic and sexual relationships. You were just upset because he was your first and that meant the whole world to you, but you weren’t even included in the top 10—or 100, even.
Donghyuck eyed you in concern and carefully wrapped an arm around your stomach, fingertips trailing around your navel. “Did you realize that,” he began, voice soft and tender, “a few months before we started dating, I stopped bringing girls to our apartment? I switched entirely to blood bags to the point I had to spend all my money. Do you know why I did that?”
You turned to him, snuggling close but still wasn’t brave enough to make eye contact. “Why?”
He had his lips brushed against your temple as he spoke. “Because it felt wrong. Every time I got together with someone, I thought about you. When I drank their blood, I thought about how your blood would taste like in my mouth. When I held them, I thought about what kind of face would you make as you writhed underneath me. When they moaned out my name, I thought about how hot would it be if it tumbled out from your lips instead. You, with that cute voice of yours.”
You blushed from ear-to-ear. “I-Is that so…”
He smiled a little, probably noticing how loudly your heart was thumping inside your chest. “I had to stop entirely when I accidentally moaned your name during sex. Man, she was so pissed.”
You nearly fainted from the sheer embarrassment. “How can you say these things so nonchalantly?”
“I’m actually pretty shy about it.” And this time he did sound sheepish. He lowered his head down, lips lingering close, nearly grazing the vein that beats faintly under your neck. “So don’t think about my past too much, because I’ve been thinking about you—only you—for a while now.”
You shivered, his lips ghosting over your skin. “Cool.”
Donghyuck pulled away, scrunched up his nose. “Cool?”
“I literally just poured all my feelings out to you, embarrassingly so, and your response is cool?”
You gave him your signature ignorant shrug. “Well, I’ve known for a while that you had a crush on me. I’m flattered. Thanks.”
“You’re so—” He attacked you with playful pokes and tickles, hands fumbling all over the place until you both ended up falling from the bed, laughing against each other’s mouth.
“Babe, you ready?”
You push your door open at the sound of his call, still struggling with tidying your bangs so they can frame your face perfectly. You’re about to go on a date with your boyfriend and this is the first time he actually asks you out properly. You’ve gone out many times with him before but it was always either to shop for groceries or have dinner in the cheap Chinese restaurant nearby.
So you kind of dressed up all the way, curling your hair and tying it up in a perfect ponytail—because you know just how much he likes seeing your neck exposed—wearing minimal make-up but with bright red lipstick, and a matching red off-shoulder dress that highlights your collarbones. 
“Do you think this is too much?” You ask from the bathroom, still busy trying to put on your earring. When you’re done, you walk back to the living room, approaching his spot. “You haven’t told me where we’re going so I’m not sure what to wear—” You catch the way he’s looking at you, wide-eyed with lips parted in awe. “W-what is it? Are you thirsty again?”
He blinks himself awake. “For blood? Nope. For you?” He’s not subtle at all with his staring, eyes going up and down your body, committing every feature to his memory. “Parched.”
“If you’re gonna be this embarrassing the whole date, I’d choose to stay home, thank you very much.”
“What, can’t a man appreciate his girlfriend’s beauty?”
“Sometimes just a simple, you look nice, is enough.”
He chuckles softly, closing the space between you and running his thumb along your cheekbone as he cups your face. “I want to kiss you and ruin your lipstick so badly,” he murmurs, eyes almost glowing. The way he brings his lower lip between his teeth as he stares at you in a daze makes your stomach flip in delight. “But you look very beautiful right now and it would be a waste. I’ll wait until the end of our date. Then, I’ll savor every bit of you.” He leans in to whisper close in your ear, his smirk grazing against your earlobe. “In any way possible.”
You yank him by the hand, pulling him towards the door. “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go.”
You can’t wait until your date is over.
Donghyuck reeks with charms and allures. You notice that, certainly, but unfortunately for you, so do other people because he is gathering attention from every woman he passes by on the street—even some men. He’s just walking along the pavements in his black ripped jeans and denim jacket, but he makes it look like a fashion show. He’s deep in concentration, thumb sliding on his phone’s screen as he searches for the location of the place he’s planning to take you. His brooding look makes you swoon but you try to be subtle about it, unlike those females who pass by, practically undressing him with their eyes.
You’re uncomfortable and jealous but you try to keep yourself composed. “Is it far from here?”
“Just a couple of blocks,” he answers, smiling as he tucks his phone back. “Are you hungry? Do you want to stop by and grab some dinner before we go?”
You’ve lost your appetite. “I’ll eat on our way back.”
“You sure?”
You respond with a nod but he seems worried. You notice some people whispering behind your back, questioning with a mocking tone about your status with this God-like male in front of you and you couldn’t help but to sigh. “Can we go now?” Your tone sounds a bit cold even to your own ears, and you feel sorry because this is not how you planned your date night to go.
Donghyuck must have noticed the silent chatters, or at least, the hurting look on your face. Taking a hold of your wrist, he pulls you forward until you stumble to his chest and kisses your lips. You swear you could hear people gasping at that, but you don’t care. You don’t care that he’s kissing you in public, on the side of the street, with his hand secured tightly around your waist. You don’t care if your lipstick is ruined, though he kisses you softly to make sure it stays intact. And you don’t care if people are questioning his sanity for dating a girl like you because Donghyuck belongs to you and he’s proud of showing that to the world.
When he lets you go, your lips are curving up into a grin, cheeks reddening both from the cold and his touch. “You have lipstick on you,” you say, tiptoeing on your feet to brush the stain off his lips with your thumb, and Donghyuck, with that sexy, mischievous twinkle in his eyes, parts his lips, playfully placing your thumb between his teeth just a second before he lets it slide away. Your head is about to explode from how sexy he just looked and he chuckles at the sight, pecking you on the forehead once. “Let’s go, baby.” He strokes your hair before he lets his hand slide down to your waist again, walking next to you with your body pressed close to his side.
It turns out your boyfriend is taking you to a photo studio which is quite huge for a normal photo shoot. As you see so many staff, models, and photographers around you, walking back-and-forth in the studio to make sure everything is in order, you begin to realize. “Are you—”
“Yep,” he beams at you, proudly. “I’ve got a modeling gig.” 
Your eyes grow wide because by the brand logo that you see plastered all over the place—on the back of the chairs, the doors, embossed in articles of clothing—it’s one of the top designer brands in the country. “What—how—” You’re flabbergasted. “How did you get this job?”
“I got cast on the street.” He simply shrugs. “It’s a one-time gig though, so nothing serious. But it is my first time so I’m pretty nervous about it, which is why I brought you along.” He swats the bangs out of your eyes, looking apologetic. “I’m sorry. This is probably not how you imagined our date night was going to be.”
“No, but this is better.” Your eyes are scanning the place. “Look at all these models! They’re so beautiful—Oh my God, I know him!” You almost jump on your feet at the sight of a famous model getting his hair fixed by his stylist. “Isn’t he the one who was on the cover of W Magazine last month? Oh my God.”
“Hey, hey, hey, hey,” Donghyuck pulls you back by the fabric of your dress. “I didn’t invite you to ogle at another man’s body.”
“It’s not his body, Hyuck. It’s his face, look at him!” You gesture toward the man with a sigh. “Look at those cheekbones, sweet Lord. His jawline has me feeling like sliced bread.”
Donghyuck snorts loudly. “Are you an idiot?”
“Might as well be. Can you get me his autograph?”
“I’m leaving.” And he really walks away, just like that, with his hands tucked inside the pocket of his jeans, and a scowl on his face.
“Wait, I’m sorry,” you hurriedly say, taking a hold of his arm. “Good luck with the photo shoot. I know you’d be amazing.”
He’s still not happy when he looks at you but he sighs, patting your head. “Thanks. You can wait for me in the hall. I think they have snacks and stuff.”
“Can’t I just linger around here?”
“To see me or to see him?”
“To see you, of course.” There’s no hesitation in your voice. “Seeing him is just a bonus. You’re my number one, Hyuck.”
He leers at you with suspicious eyes, still not one hundred percent pleased or convinced. “Well, I have to go. I need to change and get my make-up done.”
“Wait.” you hold him back again. “Do these people here know you’re, you know, not human?”
“No, and I intend to keep it that way. So, if you could just not mention it again, that’d help.”
You nod but when he’s about to part ways again, you reach out to him once more. 
“What?” He whines, groaning. “I really have to—”
You stand on your toes and interrupt him with a kiss, hands winding around his neck. It’s just your lips meeting his for a few seconds and nothing more, but it’s still painted thickly with passion and desire.
“Good luck,” you whisper with a shy smile. He’s left a bit dazed but eventually nods his head. When he walks away, he rubs his nape, a gesture he tends to make whenever he’s flustered. You grin proudly to yourself. He’s wrapped around your fingers just as much as you are around his.
After half an hour has passed, you see Donghyuck walking back into the studio in a new outfit that makes him look so goddamn attractive that it literally steals your breath away.  He’s wearing all black, from his turtle neck shirt, his khaki pants, his suit, even his hair looks somehow darker. He’s absolutely gorgeous, even the male photographer has to stop and stare for a good few seconds before he remembers to adjust his lenses.
Donghyuck poses naturally in front of the camera and it startles you how a simple pose could look so beautiful when it’s done by him. He unbuttons his suit, lets it falls off his shoulder, his eyes half-lidded as he stares into the camera—everything that he does reeks masculinity and femininity at the same time and you don’t know if that’s even possible. You’ve known that his body proportions are insane but this outfit just highlights every inch of his body that needs to be appreciated. 
A staff hands him a rose and he brings it close to his face, his lips grazing against the petal—making him look like a painting. His usual cheeky grin has vanished without a trace and the way he stares back at the camera—both enchanting and challenging—sends shivers down your spine.
Fuck, how is he so hot?
Two hours long photoshoot feels like a minute to you and you’re feeling a bit dazed when it’s over. Donghyuck walks over to your spot, pushing up his long sleeves to his elbows. “Hey,” he says, smiling a little. “Sorry, did I make you wait long?”
“Oh… Umm…” You’re blushing and you don’t know why. You’re just suddenly overwhelmed with his presence. “Y-you were…” Fantastic. Breathtaking. Absolutely gorgeous. Please take me home and have me as dessert. “You were good.”
“Good?” He raises an eyebrow, making you gulp. “That’s it?”
“I…” Your fingers are curling against the fabric of your dress. “You were great.”
Donghyuck seems a bit amused until he realizes something. He leans close, making you flinch when he takes a sniff near your neck. “Why do you smell like you’re…” A smirk creeps up his face. “Aroused?”
Yes, okay, just kill me. Kill me now. “I’m not—”
“Seems like someone is enjoying this photoshoot too much.”
You’re about to combust into flames. “Are you done? Can we go home now?”
“You want to go home? And do what?” He bites the corner of his lip as he tries to contain his grin. “Enlighten me, Baby.”
He’s seducing you, torturing you, and he’s enjoying every second of it. “Fine, then. I’ll walk home by myself.”
But as you turn around on your heels, Donghyuck grabs you by the wrist and pulls you forward to match his step, going in the opposite direction of where you were planning to go. “Wha—where are you taking me?!”
He shushes you quickly and makes a turn, barging into one of the changing rooms that models often use to get prepared for the photoshoot. The room is bright with fluorescent lights, though not as spacious as you’d thought it would be, but the only thing that matters now is that it’s unoccupied. 
Donghyuck kicks the door closed with his feet before he pushes you against it, lips meeting you in a searing kiss as he locks the door behind you. “Your scent,” he breathlessly says against your mouth, running his tongue along your lower lip. “It’s so thick with lust.” If it’s as thick as the teasing tone in his voice, you’re so doomed. “Are you okay, baby?”
“Shut up.” You kiss him, fisting the fabric of his shirt before you pull it off his head. Your hands immediately go down to his chest, caressing his stomach before they circle his neck again. “If we’re gonna do this then hurry up and fuck me.”
A small laugh reverberates from his chest. “So aggressive. And to think you were so shy yesterday.”
“Shut up. Does sex usually involve this much talking?”
“With me, it does.” He purrs against your ear, tugging your earlobe between his teeth. “Because then I get to see more of your expressions.” His tongue feels hot and dangerous on your sensitive skin. “You’re so fucking cute when you blush, but you being aggressive like this isn’t too bad.”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up.” You’re already dying from shame and his unnecessary comments only fuel it even more. “Are we really—” you gasp when he pushes you up the wall, and you quickly tangle your legs around his waist for balance, the back of your red heels pressing against his spine. “Are we really doing this? Here?”
“Of course, we’re doing this.” His hands are sliding dangerously along your thighs, pushing the fabric of your dress up your body until it pools around your waist. “I’ve been wanting to do this ever since you laid your eyes on him.”
“What—” You throw your head back, making a soft thud when it meets the door. Hopefully, no one catches that. “You mean that model? I was just kidding—”
“Kidding?” He slips two of his fingers inside his mouth, coating them with saliva and it’s so sensual, the sight of him, that only seeing him do that already makes you feel sinful. He slides his hand down between your legs, wet fingers immediately finding their way to your heat from the side of your lingerie. “I don’t think it was funny.” He inserts his first digit, making you sink your nails into his shoulders. “Do you, baby?”
You’re breathing hard, temple pressing against his. When he feels you stretched enough, he adds another one. “Baby, I asked you a question,” he chuckles, scissoring his fingers inside you. “Do you think it was funny?”
“No.” You shake your head, a sob nearly escapes your lips.  The mixed feelings of being dominated, teased and pleasured at the same time make you feel lightheaded, and he hasn’t even drunk from you yet. “I-I’m sorry.”
“Aaw, but I’m not mad,” he coos, kissing you softly on the corner of your lips. “I’m a bit pissed-off but certainly not angry.”
His words are doing very little in reassuring you but you’re too busy focusing on the way he’s pumping his fingers in and out, his thumb rubbing fervently against your clit. “Hyuck—”
“Sssh.” He perks up, his movements stop abruptly. “Someone’s here.”
You mouth What?! in horror, about to shove him away so you can land back on your feet and fix your clothes and hair but he keeps you still. He presses his body harder, one hand holding the back of your thigh while his other one still lingers near your lingerie. There’s absolutely no way you can fight his superhuman strength.
Within the next few seconds, you can hear the clicking of heels meeting the marbled floor and you hold your breath, fingers shaking but the rest of your body is still. Donghyuck keeps his gaze on you, his eyes unwavering as he tries to read the situation.
“Hey, it’s locked. Why is it locked?”
“I don’t know. It wasn’t locked before.”
Two female voices can be heard from exactly behind you and you’re about to break out in a cold sweat. If you breathe just a little bit harder, they probably can hear you. Donghyuck notices the way your breathing tatters and with a gleam in his eyes, he smirks.
And moves his fingers again.
Your hand immediately shifts from his shoulder to his wrist, trying desperately to keep it from moving. Your eyes are throwing ice daggers as you mouth don’t you fucking dare to him but his sly grin only gets wider. He leans in to pepper sultry kisses on your jawline, up to your ear, whispering, “Keep your voice down.” And though he speaks reassurance, his fingers are not.
He slides one between your folds, tentatively pressing into your heat before he drags it back, heel continues to add pressure to your clit. It’s when he inserts the digit back into you that you begin to flinch. He helps muffle your voice down with his kisses first but when you truly need to be silenced, he pulls away, enjoying the view of your cheeks turning scarlet, bangs sticking to your temple with sweat, and adding another finger into your warmth.
“So cute,” he whispers, his eyes are starting to glow. You notice that their color changes depending on what he’s feeling.  They glow when he’s thirsty, that much is obvious, but there’s also one other condition. The more he’s aroused, the brighter they get, almost turning topaz entirely, and soon his cuspids will follow, extending to take a bite. He still has his fangs retracted, but his eyes are gradually gleaming brighter as he takes in your expressions. “So pretty…” The way he praises you is almost like he’s in a haze. “I love seeing you like this.”
“What to do? My purse is inside.”
“Shall we ask around for the key?”
You’re so scared, terrified beyond belief and Donghyuck is savoring every moment of you trying to contain your moans. “Aaw, they’re going to open the door,” he murmurs against your ear. “What do you think we should do, baby?”
Fuck if I know. Your eyes are closed shut, your fingers curling against his nape. He licks a stripe up your neck, moaning softly from the desire to fill his mouth with your blood. “I know one thing for sure,” he swallows, wetting his lip. “I need to make you come first.”
Donghyuck always lives up to his promise. He knows what he’s doing and it feels extremely pleasant having his fingers deep inside you but you can’t give yourself into the pleasure entirely from the fear of being caught. But as he goes faster, now focusing more on playing with your clit, you feel fire coursing through your veins, loosening the knot in your stomach, and out of panic, you bite him hard on the part where his neck meets his shoulder, muffling your moan as you come onto his hand.
You can feel him flinching, a low grunt erupting from the back of his throat but you’re too dazed to notice. When the aftertaste of your orgasm starts to decrease, Donghyuck lets you down to the floor. You have to keep your hold on him as your legs wobble under your weight and when you look up, you see him with his fangs fully extended, his eyes glowing as bright as the sun.
“Hyuck—“ He bites into your skin without permission, and he does it fiercely, sloppily, that your blood begins to taint your dress. You’re grateful that it’s at least in the same color as your blood so a few drops won’t be noticed. The rush of endorphin calms your nerves, almost leaving your senses dull and you slide down to the floor, your spine still pressed against the door.
When he pulls away, he lets his tongue runs along his lower lip, wiping it clean from your blood. His eyes are strictly golden.
“My turn now.”
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Here you go, you all knew it was coming.
And no, this is not just because of me on record being a huge fucking simp for him.
In defense of Shanks given chapter 1044:
Since english translation is out I'm going to talk about it. Spoilers below:
I don't think he's a rat or at least in the way twitter is framing him out to be.
I don't believe in the "Shanks was actually evil this entire time" theory either, Oda has made some pretty stupid writing decisions before but I refuse to believe he would actually do something as predictable and stupid like that until I see it.
The most I see him being IF we're going down this road is him being an antagonist and not a villain; think of Buggy who was the main antagonist in his own introductory arc then kind of chilled out and was an ally once Impel down/marineford happened vs someone like Doflamingo who given every single one of his interactions he's had in the story just kind of proves himself that he's a villain and he has no interest of changing not when he can have all of this power he thinks is his birthright and his birthright was wrongly taken from him and he wants the entire world to burn for it.
Now, we know basically only tiny scraps of information about Shanks. Now while this point can be used on both sides of the argument I'm going to use what Oda has made a point to show about him in my defense - that being Shanks has been shown to be very thoughtful, reasonable, and that the fucker is always planning and thinking about the future. He has motives, which granted we don’t know much about, in almost every single serious interactions we see him in and because it's Oda we're not getting a full entire picture leaving us to speculate but I think there's an Oda twist in here somewhere where at a base level things don't appear as they seem (think of the whole Oden dancing in the streets thing) but I don't think the twist here is going to be, again, something very predictable and in my opinion cheap as the "Shanks was evil the entire time" thing, personally I think it's going to be more interesting and unexpected than that, like maybe build up for the whole Shanks is Rocks' son theory which maybe deserves it's own post 👉👈
But anyway, break down time on each point twitter is throwing a hissy fit over:
I really don't think if he told the Grousei where Luffy is so they could send cp0 out to kill him he wouldn't said this shortly before he set off to see the Grousei, alone on a beach, just reading the newspaper, if he just thought Luffy would be easily taken out by CP0:
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I mean come on the same newspaper article was saying how's he's a "fith emporer" even if he did tell the Grousei where he was I think there's an entirely different motive behind it at least in his eyes that he's still very sure that he and Luffy will see each other again.
Do I think he knew the true nature of Luffy's fruit at the very start? Yes. Do I think "Oh he just wanted for himself to become joyboy to make Roger proud" like some people on twitter are saying? Absolutely fucking not. This fruit, Joyboy, in the world government's eyes is absolutely fucking dangerous to them and their hold on power and the fact THEY had it makes it even more dangerous because they can just give it to Im and have them who is just living in the shadows of Pangaea Castle, the person that most likely only the grousei know about - and that's it the fruit never to be seen again unless I'm eats it and who knows what would happen next but surely nothing good but reassuring the world government's power. However, does Shanks know about Im? We don't know but still I think even if he doesn't and he knows about that fruit he can simply put two and two together that if the world government gets their hands on it that could be really really really bad and therefore he that's why he steals it.
But why the gum gum fruit thing? Simple, the grousei wants no one besides themselves to know about Joyboy so why not twist the truth of the fruit and call it the gum gum fruit so the marines/cipher pol who they hire to find it thinks nothing of it and just "Oh its just rubber powers? Ok, weird but let's go find it I guess?" and safely securing the fruit that way so no one "wants it" and so Joyboy's name can be completely erased.
How does Shanks know about it? He traveled on Roger's crew and even if he and Buggy didn't go to laughtale I still think it's perfectly reasonable for him to learn about Joyboy somehow after Roger's death, I mean Kaido knows about it, and again there's a really big blank periods with Shanks so perfect flashback material.
But why didn't he tell Luffy at the start? Luffy, who was 7, a child who wanted to become a pirate just like him, just ate the most dangerous fruit to the government's eyes - the fucking Nika fruit and expect him just to drop everything and tell him, a 7 year old, how the government is going to want him more than dead because a fruit he accidentally ate because he was hungry and crush his dreams? Nah, just tell him the lie and let him figure out on his own he'll get stronger that way. And I mean with how blunt Luffy is and how he declares who he is and what devil fruit he has I mean... it sort of helped out in the end because I'm very sure the grousei would have been much alert to the fact way sooner if he was declaring every fight he had the model Nika fruit every fight instead of the rubber fruit.
So what was Shanks' intention with his meeting with the Grousei? I still 100% the pirate Shanks went to talk about is still Blackbeard, it makes sense, even if the other two Yonko are allied with one another the two yonko in question are Kaido and Big Mom, even if they destroy the government like planned when it comes to the one piece there is absolutely no way they would ever share and even if they could get to that point, it's Kaido and Big Mom they would absolutely destroy one another over one small disagreement and that leaves of the balance then just; the world government, the warlords, and two emperor's: Shanks and Teach and it seems that Shanks is the only one that's not underestimating Blackbeard, because Teach too is a crafty planning individual and you know the moment Kaido and Big Mom fall he's going to use the fact there's two empty places of the Yonko to his advantage and act just as the world goes into hysterics over their defeat. He did it at marineford and he can easily do it again given the opportunity and that opportunity is soon coming. I fully believe the Red Haired pirates are definitely one of the strongest pirate crews, even with their small size and I'm pretty sure (as of right now that Oda has made clear and I really hope it stays this way) not a single member of his crew has a devil fruit and yet they've reached Yonko crew status - if you really think about it in comparison to the other big heavy hitting crews that's fucking insane, and it proves Shanks picks quality of quantity and it fucking works. However. This. Still. Isn't. Enough.
So here's my guess/prediction of how that Grousei meeting came to be/how it turned out:
Shanks needs allies if he even wants a chance to stand against Blackbeard given how the payback war turned out for the remains of the Whitebeard crew, which I'd like to think at the time he offered his full support to help fight in but Marco and the rest of the Whitebeard crew probably declined with something lines of: "This is a family matter." and he let them go on their own against him that time, but now things are different since at the time of the payback war Teach wasn't a Yonko just yet (I think?) and now he is and he's been relatively quiet ever since the beginning of the timeskip and that's concerning especially with this whole thing with Big Mom and Kaido kicking up. However, right now Shanks finds himself in a corner when it comes to allies - the Whitebeard crew retired and spread out, the other two Yonko are batshit and are currently fighting each other and even if they weren't Shanks clashed with Kaido before Marineford and it's implied he either won or convinced him to turn back and Big Mom... is Big Mom. Highly doubt either of them would help him out or even take Blackbeard seriously. How else does he has? Maybe reinforcements from his territory islands? Who else? I highly doubt Luffy because I don't think he'd call for Luffy to help him because he doesn't want to drag Luffy out of his own thing, especially now given Luffy's basically a phantom fith emporer that's now getting involved in both Kaido and Big Mom's business? Mihawk? Mihawk's dealing with the abolishment of the warlord system and has marines ships he has to cut up so he's unavailable? Who else?
The government.
With the marines and the cipher pol and all the shit they have just to pull a buster call is an official just as much steps in shit on island he doesn't like, the government xld very well be the last and only chance to actually fight against all the crazy shit Blackbeard has. Does Shanks like the government? No probably not, he is a pirate - an emporer at that - and out of anyone I'm pretty sure he sees its corruption and all but I think he still recognizes its power (why it's so dangerous teamed up with its corruption) but that power can be very useful in this situation where he feels need to go talk to the Grousei himself most likely with agreed he bring no weapons but given he being the most reasonable out of the Yonko is why the Grousei let him up to talk to them.
Now, if he told them everything - Luffy having the Nika fruit and his where his current location is: on wano, is it possible that maybe this could be sort of a way trade? Shanks giving Luffy's information in exchange for the Grousei sending marines, most likely the admiral, after Teach? Shanks, again very sure of himself that he'd see Luffy again soon, giving the information to the government because Luffy's already way proved his skills in order to challenge the Yonko that even if the government sends their cipher pol goons after him that they're going to be no match for him, afterall Luffy's true challenges now is knocking the Yonko themselves off their feet, yes and that even includes Shanks himself, but I really don't think he minds that much and what will make Shanks' fight differentiate from the others is the intention of it; like a challenge to be steel edge in proof of how far Luffy has come since their days together in Fuisha.
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No this all is just my prediction of how Oda is approaching this but if he does it's up to him if the Grousei (more like Im's choice) take up their end of the deal or not but it's clear they've used Shanks word to their advantage to target where Luffy is now... but I highly doubt their going to get farther than that.
Now, everything I've said in this post could be wrong and that would be okay. Again, the most I see Shanks being is an antagonist and for reasons we just haven't been clued in about because Oda hasn't given that much information about him yet, given his entire role in the story since the beginning with that promise that Luffy will return that hat when he has become a great pirate - something clearly speaking for the end of the story, and personally I don't even think then he's going to accept the hat back given the whole theme of inherited will and all, meaning he's probably going to want Luffy to keep it so he can pass it along to the next generation and so on.
Oh and just the idea of evil Shanks is fucking, AGAIN, predictable as some shit you'd predictable in the early chapters of "Look at him come back and be evil and entirely different than how Luffy remembered him." is just fucking stupid and cheap and wouldn't match up with what Oda has shown and if he does go down this road I'm sure me and a lot of fans, especially EARLY EARLY fans here from the very beginning would be very disappointed with that outcome and I really hope this isn't the case and Oda can make that wait all the more interesting and worth it.
Tldr: It's okay to speculate, it's what I've been doing this entire post. But quit spreading your automatic dramatic assumptions and your "I knew he was going to be evil this whole time." bullshit about a character with as much of importance as Shanks out of here when it's fucking Oda writing the story. Just wait until he himself addresses the whole thing again with further context and hold your tongue with that or you'll risk the chance of just looking stupid.
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But I've said it in a previous thirst post: I'm a ride or die for this red haired idiot no matter what so ✌😅✌ we'll have to see where this goes.
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