#yeah there's context itll get here eventually
iknowicanbutwhy · 2 years
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box-architecture · 8 months
I discovered that Communication Knife AweSamDrunz have Children Now today, and I’m loving everything I’m reading so far.
Also that they hang out with Sapnap, Philza, and Techno. Was not expecting that, but yeah, Dream would want to reconnect, wouldn’t he? Even if it make Sam Uncomfortable and Punz Salty.
aaaaaaaaa I'm glad!!! The kids are sort of separate from the main au in that they're not really the main focus, they're just something that occasionally makes me happy to rotate in my mind. Healed, happy characters who are extremely neurodivergent, with their weird neurodivergent children, able to exist contently.
also, yeah!!! I realized a while back that I haven't really talked about the relationships and conflicts or Anything with real consistency on this tumblr. I'm used to interacting with people in the discord who've already had to listen to me so many times yell and rant that I've forgotten that I. might need to give context actually to other people who have showed up to a person on a soapbox spouting nonsense.
short answer: yeah, theres a Lot of complicated feelings, but by the time the children are in the picture its been like a decade and peace has been made with most things. No one has forgotten, of course. Shit was fucked. But events keep happening, characters keep developing, and Dream cradles his happy ending with the people he got to keep so very close to his chest.
So its like! Techno will support Dream through thick and thin and be civil with his partners, Punz and Sapnap had some rough moments but are buddies, and Sam will never talk to Dream's friends about anything deep, but after years of him genuinely trying to be a good partner, Techno and Sapnap are no longer five seconds away from trying to murder him.
Long answer: I'm trying to pull together some posts that will give detailed explanations of this entire thing. Itll take a bit, but its infinitely easier than the full fic I was trying and failing to write. I'm pulling this timeline from an old post so it might not be completely up-to-date even with my edits, but this is some skeleton stuff I can give that will make things easier for Understanding probably. I'm very sleepy. Here you go.
Timeline for My Own Damn Convenience:
Shady Dubcon Prison sex w/ SamDream
Prison Escape
Gentle Recovery sex w/ Drunz
Dream decides he has major control issues and is going to fuck Sam to prove he isn't traumatized. Punz thinks this is a terrible decision.
AweSamDrunz sex, complete with a rulebook of things Sam isn't allowed to do (including giving or receiving kisses)
Quackity kidnaps Drunz similar to in the one cut lore thing, offers to let Punz go if they torture Dream (they stab Quackity instead)
Sam rescues them (without Q finding out) and then kidnaps them, where he ties up Punz and gets Dream kisses until they all eventually pass out (Dream gets mild medical attention)
Dream wakes up and unties Punz
SamDrunz has a talk and decides Sam is allowed kisses again
many kinks are discovered
Sam tries (and fails) to get a hobby
Sam builds +30 prisons/boxes/sex dungeons around the server, of various usefulness
Sapnap finds out about the Torture, sees the sex tape, assumes Dream can't consent to the relationship considering Sam was his warden and Sap thinks Punz betrayed him, and takes Dream to a cottage away from everyone to try to protect him. After Sapnap yells at SamPunz, Dream gently informed Sapnap he's going to continue the relationship, and they have an emotional reconciliation that leads to weeklyish meetings between Dreamnap where they can just sit and talk
The Snow Incident
Sam Recovery From The Snow Incident
Oh God The Egg Is Back (Sam locks up Punz and Dream in a bunker for a month out of terror, and doesnt tell them why because he knows it will stress Punz out and Dream could be an idiot and get himself Egged. Punz is pissed but can't argue with that) (Dream could have fixed this all with his admin abilities good god)
They actually deal with the Egg
An Incident Happens (but its like several incidents actually, including Tubbo finding out that Ranboo was working with Dream the whole time)
Failed Finale
Eventually grow old and live in a nice little lush cave house called The Box that Sam made
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marisol124 · 6 months
I need lore for Zorua Carmine pls? :0
I apologize in advance for how long of a read this may be Its a copy and paste from when i was explaining the whole thing to a friend on discord so sorry if theres a bit of context missing from some parts- This might be around 1k words im so sorry. I am not normal about the kitakami siblings.
warning for drowning and child death (Y E A H)
The au starts with The Drednaw Incident™ (I can't go into detail about it currently, but for now... lets just say that itll be explained on the rp blog i run 👁️)
Carmine still feels so horribly guitly for the whole thing. she feels she was responsible for the whole mess. for her mothers death.
and kieran, he too is so torn up about it. he doesnt WANT to blame his sister, but hes an emotionally torn apart like 6 year old, i dont think young kids aremature enough to realise what is or isnt someones fault
SO, one day, the siblings are having their usual arguements. but it just keeps escalating, getting worse and worseeventually it gets to the point where its like WAYYY too far. carmine says something bad and then kieran claps back with "WELL, maybe if you didnt *kill* mom then, then i..."
he IMMEDIATLY knows he fucked up bad, but its not like he can undo it
carmine just. just stands there in shock for a bit. She knows its true, but nobodys ever said it outloud. its the first time. and from her *brother* off all people, the one who her horrible mistake affected the most...
She just stands there for a bit, then looks down at her hand. she sees it covered in blood, like in her nightmares
it just. replays for her. the nigihtmares where SHES the one killing her mother
Kieran goes to hold her shoulders, to apologize because yeah he said the most out of pocket shit ever
but it just scares carmine. her anxietys so bad she starts to run. she doesnt know where shes going but she just knows she needs to get far away
she ends up back at the timeless woods, to the spot where they were attacked
she runs to the little pond in there, for some reason like searching for a drednaw, hell even a chewtle. something to kill her i guess D:
she runs so fast that she accidently trips far into the lake. and the silly thingis. she never learned how to swim so :3
also, her grandparents and kieran are trailing behind her, but since carmine had a lot of a head start- they kinda lose her once they reached the woods
she starts to drown in the lake, unable to get back up. she regrts everything, she only now realises how much of a coward she is to die. she doesnt want to die here
but she also thinks, maybe shes just such an idiot that she deserves to drown here in a small pond, never to be found again.
eventually after a bit of running around, kieran reaches the pond and looks down it, just in case. then yep, there she is. carmine looks at him and tries to feebly reach her arm out, but both of them are too small to reach each other at all
he yells for his grandparents to get over there, right now, and eventually their grandfather reaches them, jumps in to get carmine, and bring her back to land
however shes just. swallowed and breath in too much water at this point. they try to get it out, but its useless. it wont come out
the last thing she sees before dying is just. the horrified look in all of their faces. kiki is staring directly at her, everybodys eyes are full of tears. it wasnt supposed to go like this
finally, her eyes go from looking back into kierans to just... nothing. her eyes still open but there was nothing behind them. the light in them had faded. her body had gone completely limp
their grandparents keep trying and trying, but eventually they have to admit that shes gone now. there was nothing they can do about it.
now its KIERANS turn to feel disgustingly guilty. he said the thing that set her off in the first place. whoospie
so yeah... they go back home. they grieve. they do all that stuff...
however, unbeknownst to them, a bit after her death, her spririt, her guilt, her regret, it solidified itself and turned into... a little zorua
i wanna take some inspo from pkiki for it... like a sort of fuzzy memory... not being fully aware of herself but knowing she used to be a human..
she spends so long just wandering around the wilds, aimless but knowing there was something missing, making the zorua feel so empty
shortly after she wakes up she meets a friendly trevenant
it takes pity on her, for it also remembers seeing her and her mother back during the drednaw incident
it cares after her while she has no idea what she's doing as a pokemon, she just feels so much body dysmorphia and doesn't know why
he tells her stories of back when he was a human as well, guides her through this whole thing
though he does recommend for her to stop trying to get her old life back...
as he has tried before too and it lead him into horrible mental states that lead to nothing. just a bunch of worrying over nothing...
he's not being malicious doing this btw, he just doesn't want her going through the same usless pain as he did
but carmine is a strong and persistent spirit, so it doesn't deter her much. just makes her hesitat a bit and accept her more feral side eventually...
she and the trevenant grow very close, the trevenant reminds her of someone she used to love so much.. someone who was always there for her..
But, one day...
also dw about the trevenant. he's just looking out for her in a way that's not helpful for her 😔
like. like think of a mother being afraid of letting their child do something a bit risky
but they know their child wants to do it so bad, so they set aside that nervousness to help them achieve their goal. that's kinda how trevenant and carmine r
Going back to Kieran in this story, he ended up picking up mask making as kind of a coping skill, his grandpa being his mentor
SO, he and his grandpa end up going to the timeless woods one day, to cut down a few trees for more materials
-ough maybe she likes to illusion herself into a phantump... it makes her feel a bit closer to the trevenant and the slightly more humanoid pokemon feels just a bit better than a zorua..........-
ok so when Kieran and his grandpa are at the forest, grandpa chops down a tree, and then hands the ax to Kieran to try
So Kieran goes to cut a tree down.. but it's actually the trevenant sleeping (I like to think they're a bit nocturnal, zoruas too)
this angers him and so he then gets up suddenly, scaring the shit out of the two people
They've been through this before. They've seen how aggressive the pokemon here could get. They knew the dangers of this forest and. they. were scared. they would be the next fatalities in this cursed woods
The trevenant attacks Kieran, it scares him so bad, BUT THEN
carmine sees it going to attack and just.. she feels something so strong looking at the two. she can't put her finger on it but she knows they are what she's looking for
so as trevenant attacks, she jumps in front of Kieran to take the attack
the force throws her into a rock, she looks a bit at the shocked faces of kieran and his grandpa before quickly fainting
this is the first times she's fainted btw. the sudden pokemon attack gives her bad flashbacks too
trevenant is shocked by this, he didn't mean to hurt her at all
he figures that if she jumped out to save them, then she doesn't want them killed so he won't attack them anymore..
grandpa has some pokemon stuff on hand, intedned for their own pokemon but when you find a pokemon in need you gotta help them out right
he gently gives her a revive, waking her up again
She's really freaked out when she gets back up, panicking from the attack still
she notices the two and trevenant and while trevenant expects her to go to him for comfort, she instead leaps into kierans arm for some reason
it catches him off guard, the sudden lunge scaring him and making him drop her
when she hits the floor she looks back up at him kinda hurt, trying her best to communicate she wasn't bad and she wanted to go with them, it all came out as growls and barks though
his grandpa though is a bit experienced with pokemon so he gets it though, telling Kieran that it's not going to bite
the two decide they should leave and head back home, but the zorua refuses to let go of kieran so, they end up just agreeing to bring it with them. it was a bit injured after all, and could probably use some medical attention
carmine looks back at the trevenant, he just stands there and in a silent type of way wishes her the best
kinda a sweet goodbye for them
so then they head back home... heal her up a bit more. they were going to release her back into the woods but it refused to leave, so yep to them it's like they found a silly little stray and now that's a new part of their family
though they do find it a bit strange that when they offered to catch it, it absolutely refused lmao
I like to think kieran reached out his hand with a pokeball in it as an offer, and then she just slaps it out of his arms hehhe
so after like the first night of having her in the house, they start to introduce her to their other pokemon, just to like start incorporating her into the family
the first one they introduce her to is kierans sentret, since its usually out of its ball roaming the house. HOWEVER they find it really... unnatural that the sentret immediately ran towards her in a concern type of way, it seemed to sniff her and realize something, chipping a lot at kieran, as if trying to say something...
the other pokemon don't really know who she is but, they just have the slightest of feelings that it's someone kieran used to know
so yeah the pokemon are kinda all over her, but they do make quick friends with her :D
this is were the "finding herself" arc begins jehdudhjf
she spies photos of her sometimes around the house and just... looks at it intently
there's something about that girl that she just... can't understand what it is about her
I think.. the silly thing I'm doing with this au is symbolizing her humanity with her headband :3
since it was such an important thing to her, they kinda uh buried it with her
so as she slowly starts to remember herself more, she ends up wanting to illusion herself back into a human again. to be able to show Kieran and her grandparents who she is
but the key to doing that is the headband...
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psychemoss · 3 years
hey I hope y'all are ok. I just saw Jack's new callout and it's very stupid, they're like "I'll censor the names of the minor" but literally names you Moss like 3 pictures in lol? and it falls to that age-old callout cliche of putting the least important things at the top, like the beginning points are such reaches it's unfathomable how anyone can buy it. also blatantly lies about things which is a strange decision since the accompanying pics expose those lies immediately
yeah. this entire situation grew wildly out of hand and was filled with exaggerations and blatant lies, taking things out of context and shuffling around dates and incidents, mixing and matching events that didn’t go together and claiming them as fact. im surprised anyone who read it start to finish thought it was anything comprehensive, so many of their claims conflicted with themselves and they ended up just upping the severity of the accusations any time someone asked. the entire incident was built on a foundation of a petty grudge, and that’s heartbreaking. its heartbreaking it got this far.
ive been taking a break from most social media for the time being. since this incident destroyed most of my support systems i really dont have anything to turn to and its really having a toll on me, especially with knowing someone we thought was a friend was going behind our backs and feeding the fire. i mean, really, what do you say to that? how do you respond to when your worst fears and paranoias end up to be true?
i hope everyone who took part in this is proud of themselves. i hope theyre proud in what theyve done here. i hope they go on, and i hope theyre happy, genuinely. i hope they got the outcome they were looking for so that this can be over. i hope we’re done beating this topic into the ground. i hope theyre happy to keep me blocked. i hope people are done sending anons that stoke the flames. i hope people stop trying to drag unrelated blogs into this drama. i hope this situation can end, and maybe one day theyll know where they were wrong, or maybe they wont, and thats okay.
i was distraught at first. i didnt understand how or why this was happening. i didnt get how jacks crew ever thought they were in the right with this, especially in calling out a servers community they werent part of. but im not mad anymore, truly. im just disappointed. im disappointed in the immaturity which governed this discussion. im disappointed in the constant exploitation of my existence that points made. im disappointed that they took jokes between friends and accused them of being grooming or worse. im disappointed in how people used the most underhanded fearmongering, paranoia-inducing, manipulative tactics to get their point across. but im not upset, not anymore. now im just tired.
this incident was a hard reminder that empires are made to fall. and yeah, itll hurt, itll sting like hell and itll raise questions of whats next, but at the end of the day im sure that those who have lost something here are going to find new footings eventually and find a new community where they can feel safe or at home.
eventually, things will be okay.
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missfinefeather · 6 years
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TG: what is this place anyway TG: what are you doing TG: i can see your whole damn house here if you want to get filled in or something im sort of the guy with the big picture here 
I wonder what Rose’s world is like... I guess we’ll find out eventually.
GG: so how does it feel to be a BIG TIME HERO GG: mister braveybrave mcheropants TG: it feels like TG: i am in sports TG: all alone TG: and i am the star TG: its me TG: and then the big man comes 
It’s been so long since I’ve seen Dave interact with anyone, I forgot it was her thing to pump up his ego! xD
GG: i installed the game! GG: im connecting to you as the server player TG: oh man TG: this is ridiculous TG: i just set this shit up with rose and now i got to do like TG: some double duty thing TG: i mean i own at the game and all but cant i just relax for half a second GG: dont worry! GG: you can keep playing with rose while i just set up a few things GG: i figured id get a good head start to avoid all the drama you guys are always getting into 
Yeah, Jade don’t want to waste any time right now. I like this proactive approach.
GG: such a bunch of drama queens!!! TG: what TG: look i was getting my ass handed to me by my bro on the roof for like an hour and a half TG: i got served like a dude on butler island GG: (DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA) 
xDD where did this sass come from?
Then I remember John did the same thing in the previous conversation.
TG: wait does this mean theres a big meteor coming soon GG: yes! TG: when you activate the thing will it start the countdown and summon the meteor GG: itll come when it comes regardless of what we do GG: the timer really just lets you know when its coming TG: are you totally sure about all this GG: yes look here it is! 
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The bot can take pictures of the the dream realm?
TG: how big is this thing GG: it is REALLY REALLY big TG: like the size of rhode island or texas or what TG: i need some context to know how much crap i should be shitting into my pants GG: ok i dont actually know :( TG: well as if like one the size of a bus wouldnt kill me anyway 
This conversation again? xD
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youmeanlove · 5 years
could you talk more about ur s/i dr pepper? im curious abt him and i wanna know how he interacts w wilson
HEH. im gonna use third person pronouns for him bc its easier in this context but!!!
hes pretty much how i see my future if i succeeded professionally but epic failed in the emotional and mental department LOL! he’s a heart surgeon (?? maybe i havent decided on a specialty yet bc theyre all sexy) thats just tha tone tumblr post that says “the fact that i am constantly saying strange and unpleasant things is just part of my charm.”
for now unless i think of something better him and james were close in pre-med and medical school that they attended together! different specialties but they were able to talk enough to get rly close to each other and just have that classic gay academia friendship yknow? at that time in their lives they were both pretty..apathetic i guess? driven about their careers, but rly just floating along in other facets of life like their relationships and opinions and all that stuff! it was fun for a friendship but when you start getting gay for your bro and neither of you have the emotional capacity or strength to confront it things start to get a little messy lol...
james at that time was still the kind of veiled selflessness that he is when hes older but he was definitely very much aggressive about umm acting as if he had a complete sense of self and knew who he was/where we was going! it frustrated him that his good pal boston pepper had a habit of questioning everyones motives and feelings out loud which i slike so annoying boston please stop. and so eventually after enough of boston half-trying to place all the weight of their gay feelings on james and james completely ignoring it they kind of got into the ‘i like you and i dont want to so i am going to make myself hate you’ fight! it absolutely didnt work but they did both see it as a mutual agreement to back off and stop talking to each other as much : (((
so they moved on w their lives got jobs separate but close to each other and boston just watched as james got himself involved in 3 whole failed marriages and a ton of other girlfriends like :((( homie im sorry but ur gay.... boston wasnt doing much better tho he became even more like eeuuuuuuu world is a fuck born to say random thoughts that ocme to me in the middle of interactions and push everyone away because im ~~~weird~~~~...if that makes sense???
anyway they started working closely again around the time a year or two before house gathered up his first diagnostician team! it was very awks to see each other again but honestly neither of them rly tried to escape the situation bc like..hi old friend i love you so much lets sadly catch up over coffee....
writing this is making me realize i still havent figured out how we actually end up datingKJHFSJF is this just pining forever???? im not sure but!! their personalities are similar to how they were in college but with more intensity and more aversion to conflict. aka even more skirting around issues!
one thing is that boston is very umm..i guess it would seem to a lot of ppl hes someone that needs to be helped (not to say he isnt but he doesnt exactly like to be seen like that) which is just emotional candy for jamesKFHJFD he definitely worked more to insert himself into bostons life and habits and all that - partly as a way to just enter his life again and stay friends and partly bc he cannot hold back from trying to ‘fix’ ppl. boston was like okay yeah ill roll with this bc i miss my bro even tho it annoys me and makes me hella paranoid
im kind of losing the point here but! over time despite the fact that they both knew their reasoning for acting they way they are isnt really the best At All it did help to foster a friendship again and they do just act gay and kiss each other and dont talk about itJKFHSJ but dont worry itll be talked about it will.....
okay yeah i really got off track what i mean to say is. james likes to hover over boston and offer way too much attention under the guise of just wanting to be a friend and help the guy out! boston knows how wilson is and knows he wants to help boston to help himself and its a compeltely self-destructive selflessness but he wants to pretend he doesnt care and that this is all for friendship! they really offend each other a lot because of the different ways they care and interact but they do share similarities in how they finally Do talk about situations... when they both reach a certain point of frustrations theyll be completely honest tho it can all be a bit aggressive and DRAMATIC.
but no matter what dr pepper is a weird disconnected little man that cares about his patients but not himself (similar to wilson in that way) and all he wants to spend his time doing is sitting on the couch with wilson and complain about the news (which they do often)! 
i guess at this point in the story in my head theyre very clashing in thier personalities but theyre so endeared and in love they just need to find a way to get past their inner issues and how they act in relationships and then boom! gay time! also they need to stop dating ladies theyre gay therye fucking ggay
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