#yeah we're doing the boy wonder debut jump!!!
jesncin · 4 months
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Let's make history today! A book about a moon boy's journey with diaspora angst, finding a queer family, and figuring out what it means to truly belong, is finally OUT! Not long ago I believed queer Indonesian representation like this couldn't even exist in my life time, but here we are! To celebrate, we got a book cake and nasi tumpeng. Culturally tumpeng is eaten to celebrate life milestones.
If you see Lunar Boy in a bookstore or a library, please take a pic and tag me or send it my way! It's my dream to see my book out there, but I likely won't see my book in my home country. Thank you :')
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
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🤍 Summary: One of the hardest parts of secretly dating a K-Pop idol is getting shipped with the wrong member of the group.
🤍 Word Count: 2,700 words
🤍 Pairing: Reader x Kang Yuchan (Chan) / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Kang Yuchan (Chan); Kim Byeongkwan; Kim Sehyoon (Wow); Lee Donghun (Donghun); Park Junhee (Jun);
🤍 Rated: E / Warnings: None? Cute kisses that make me feel so painfully single / Genre: Fluff and minor Angst
🤍 A/N: Thank you so so so much for requesting! Also I struggled with the name for so long and it's kind of lazily named but I guess that's what happens when I write for three and a half days straight, huh?
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It's been about five years since you became friends with Kim Byeongkwan. Four years since you first met Kang Yuchan. Three years since they debuted with A.C.E. And two years since you started secretly dating Yuchan.
It has never been a secret that you were friends with the A.C.E members. Choice, generally, never minds that you're that you were friends with the boys. In fact, most of Choice loves you. They usually point out when you showed up in videos and VLives, saying "There's Y/Nie!" and often joke about you being the sixth member of A.C.E and even their bias, since you hung out with them so much.
To everyone, you're publicly A.C.E's best friend. No one knows you're dating Chan, except for the members and staff. You and Chan made that decision together to keep your relationship a secret from the fans, at least for now. You agreed that at some point, you'd tell them, but agreed, two years ago, that it was too early.
And it isn't terrible. You've grown comfortable in your role as A.C.E's friend. You have a lot of fun despite not being open about your relationship. And everyone, for the most part, loves you.
But there are, of course, cons to secretly dating an idol. You can't go out on public dates and have them be such obvious dates. Thankfully, you're close enough with all five members that you hold all of their hands and hug them all, so no one finds it strange when you hold Chan's hands. But that means no kisses or anything unless you're inside of a building, in a room where no one unwanted can see. But you don't mind as much.
One of you and Chan's biggest supporters is Byeongkwan. One of your best friends. Even after you and Chan started dating, you and Byeongkwan spent a lot of time together. You and Byeongkwan often go shopping together, get ice cream together, mess with each other during filming and tease each other during VLives. No wonder you two are more shipped than you and your actual boyfriend.
That's right. You've skimmed through the YouTube comments beneath Behind videos. Read through the chat under VLive replays where you showed up. You've even seen the chats live yourself. More than half of the viewers ship you with Byeongkwan.
At first, you didn’t mind. You would laugh about it with Chan and Byeongkwan, because you guys knew that what the fans say don't affect how much you care about and love Chan. But it's been about a year, and it feels kind of weird. You have no idea how Chan feels about it. You don't really talk about that with him.
You're sitting between Chan and Byeongkwan during a VLive right now, all on the floor of the practice room. Chan, who sits to your left, is talking intensely with Sehyoon about something funny that happened yesterday, and you're peering over Byeongkwan's shoulder to look at the phone, which has the VLive playing. The chat, as usual, is filled with fans.
'Chan looks cute today,' one fan says.
'Sehyoon, why are you always so handsome?' asks another.
'Aww, Byeongkwan and Y/Nie always look so cute together.'
You and Byeongkwan make eye contact and start snickering. You are cute friends. Even Chan says you two are cute friends. But when the fans say it, it means they think you two are dating.
"What are you two kids giggling about?" Sehyoon asks, eyebrow raised.
"Nothing!" you and Byeongkwan say at the same time, before giggling again. No wonder everyone ships you two. It really shows that you're close friends. Since you and Chan keep most of your relationship off-camera, it sometimes almost looks like Chan is the member you're least close to. Of course you'll be shipped with Byeongkwan instead of your actual boyfriend.
You look from Sehyoon to Chan, who is smiling at you softly. Teasingly, you stick your tongue out at him, and he laughs.
"What's the chat saying?" Chan asks curiously. He looks over at the phone for a minute, reading,  then laughs. "I see."
He resumes talking to Sehyoon. Now they're talking about their thoughts on recent comebacks that they've seen and upcoming comebacks that they're excited for.
The VLive ends, and all four of you stand up. You take Chan's hand in yours and squeeze it. He kisses the back of your hand and continues to hold it as the two of you leave the room.
"Chan," you say, walking with him down the hallway, hand in hand.
"Yes, Baby?"
"How do you feel about the fans shipping me with Byeongkwan?" you ask.
He thinks for a moment, stopping you two in the middle of the hallway. You lean against the wall, his hand in yours as he looks you in the eyes.
"I don't love it," he says with a sigh. "But that's what comes with us secretly dating, isn't it? We knew this was going to happen when we decided to keep our relationship a secret. And it doesn't change how much I love you, Y/Nie."
You smile, your cheeks feeling warm, and you look down. "I love you too, Chan."
"And Y/Nie--" You look back up at him. "--if you are thinking about maybe telling the fans about us, we can talk about it. And we can talk to management to see if we can do that. Okay?"
"Good." He pecks a quick kiss on your lips, and you smile softly. You hug him closer so that your noses are brushing against each other as you giggle against each other's lips.
"I love you, Yuchan."
"I love you more, Y/N."
"No you don't. I love you more."
"Ya!" Chan pulls away from you in surprise and you see that Sehyoon is standing nearby, laughing. "The hallway isn't your space to make out, kids. Go make out in a room somewhere else."
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"Two strawberry smoothies, please and one strawberry banana," you say. After you pay, the person behind the counter hands you the drinks. You hand a strawberry smoothie to Byeongkwan and the strawberry banana one to Donghun, keeping the second strawberry one for yourself.
It's been a day since the VLive. Today, Chan is busy doing something that's work related with Jun and Sehyoon, so Donghun and Byeongkwan decided to take you out for smoothies and a walk in the park.
The three of you walk together, Donghun on your left and Byeongkwan on your right, chatting about the going-ons of your lives. Since you're dating Chan and are best friends with Byeongkwan, you already spend most of your days with the members. But hearing about what the other boys are up to when you're alone with Chan or at work is nice.
"Anyway, Chan's still our youngest and he's still a baby," Donghun says after explaining something silly Chan did yesterday. Something that Chan already told you about, but hearing Donghun and Byeongkwan's sides of the story is funny as well.
"Y/Nah," Byeongkwan says. "When was the last time you guys went on a date."
You frown, thinking. You and Chan haven't gone on a one-on-one date in a long time, since if you were to go on dates just the two of you in public too often, it would risk your relationship being exposed before you wanted it to be.
"Last time we went out together might have been two weeks ago," you say. "He came over to my home a couple days ago. And I went over to the dorm last week. But us going out . . ."
Donghun nods. "You two should be able to go on a date today after he's done working with Jun and Sehyoon. It won't be suspicious since you went out with us today."
"Yeah, we were planning on going to a coffee shop," you say. "And then maybe going back to my apartment to hang out. Maybe snuggle."
"Cute," Donghun says.
"Yes, they are so cute!" Byeongkwan hugs you and pinches your cheek. You laugh.
Suddenly, Donghun's phone makes a loud notification sound, and he nearly jumps in surprise. He takes it out and smiles at you. "Perfect timing! Sehyoon just texted to tell me they're done with working."
You, Donghun and Byeongkwan get back to the building and find Jun, Sehyoon and Chan sitting in the recording studio. You lean Chan's chair, over his shoulder, and kiss him on the cheek.
"What're you guys working on?" you ask.
"We're working on ironing out some schedule conflicts that came up," he says. He kisses your cheek, and then the corner of your mouth. "You want to go out on our date?"
You nod, humming. Someone clears their throat, and you and Chan look at the other side of the room, where the four other members are staring at you two.
"Please go on your date," Sehyoon sighs. He's clearly tired of seeing you and Chan kissing in every other room in the building over the course of the past two years.
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You and Chan walk to the coffee shop nearest to your home, hand in hand as you two talk about your day. On the way, you tell him that you got smoothies with Donghun and Byeongkwan and that you had a good day, and he smiles.
"Good to hear that you had a goof time," he hums, squeezing your hand. You want to kiss him on the cheek, but since you're out in public, you can't. You pout inwardly. You hate that you can hold his hand in public but not kiss him.
You reach the coffee shop and order your drinks. As you two wait for your drinks to come out, you check your Twitter for the current things going on. Someone is preparing for a comeback. Someone injured themselves.
After a moment, you see your own name. Someone has posted a picture of you, Jun and Byeongkwan getting smoothies together. Byeongkwan, in the picture, is hugging you and pinching your cheek as you laugh at him. The comments beneath the photo are all saying similar things.
'Oh my gosh, they're so cute together!' someone says.
'I wouldn't be surprised if they were dating,' another person says. 'They'd make such a cute couple.'
'Weren't they friends predebut?' another Twitter user asks. 'That would be so cute if they've been dating since then.'
"Y/Nah, what's that frown for?"
You look up at Chan, who's smiling at you softly, eyebrows knitted with concern. You shake your head.
"Nothing," you say.
"That's not true. I know when you're lying, Y/Nie," he teases. You show him your phone, and he reads through the tweets slowly.
You watch his face for a reaction, but he's almost unreadable. "I see," he says. Then he smiles at you. "Let's talk more later, okay?"
You collect your drinks and walk toward your home. You think about how everytime you go out with Byeongkwan, the fans talk nonstop about how you're so cute together and you'd make such a great couple. But whenever you go out with Chan, there are very few people who react the same. It's not that you hate being shipped with Byeongkwan. He's great and it one of your best friends. When the shipping started, you found it funny. But it almost feels like the fans want you to be with Byeongkwan, and you worry that if you and Chan were to announce your relationship, the fans would be disappointed.
You both arrive at your apartment, and as you enter, Chan sits down on the couch. He beckons you over, and hugs you close when you sit down.
"Do we want to talk about it?" Chan asks. You nod. "Okay, then."
"It just stresses me out," you say. "I feel like I'm your secret. And I want to tell them, but at this point I'm scared they'll be disappointed that I'm with you and not Byeongkwan."
"Y/Nah." Chan takes your face in his hands, cupping your cheeks and squishing them so that your lips stick out a bit. "The fans love you so much that they won't care if you're with me or Byeongkwan or anyone else. They'll be happy and support you--support us--either way. I trust them that much. And hey, if they don't, who cares? I love you so much that it wouldn't matter. Okay? It's okay."
He kisses you, and you giggle, kissing him back. After a moment, you pull away and take his hands in your own.
"You don't care that they ship me and Byeongkwan so much?" you ask. "You're not jealous?" Chan shakes his head.
"Not really, no. Because I know that Byeongkwan is your friend, and I trust you both," he says. You hum happily and kiss the tip of his nose, which makes him smile softy.
"Chan," you say after a moment. He raises his eyebrow curiously. "I think I'm ready to tell them."
His smile widens, and his eyes twinkle with excitement. "Really?"
You nod, squeezing his hands. "Really."
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"You guys are going to reveal it with a Twitter selca?" Donghun asks. You and Chan look at each other and nod.
You had talked with management this morning, and all agreed that you didn't want to make a huge statement about it. Chan will post a picture with you on Twitter, somewhat casually announcing that you and him are together. Beat Interactive will post a short statement confirming your relationship, stating that you've been together for two years and are very happy together.
"About time!" Sehyoon yells from the other side of the room. "Does this mean you'll stop making out in the hallways and studio and finally go on dates outside instead?"
"Probably not," Chan says, and Sehyoon laughs, amused. He seems to have accepted the fact that you and Chan will continue to be disgustingly cute, whether in public or in private.
"Are you going to take the picture today?" Donghun asks. You nod.
"Of course they are!" Byeongkwan says. "Y/Nie dresses up nicely today! This is their favorite shirt. Do you guys want us to take the pictures for you?"
"No thank you," you say. "We wanted to take them ourselves."
"Good luck!" Byeongkwan says, giving you a tight hug. After he pulls away, he gives you both a thumbs up. "They'll support you two. I know it!"
"Thank you, Byeongkwan," you say.
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Chan posts the photos later that day. Two photos, taken in the practice room One in which you and Chan are making a heart with your hands together, both of you smiling at the camera. The second photo is almost the same, except Chan is kissing your cheek. The caption, written by Chan, reads 'I love you very much Y/Nie!! And I trust and love Choice, too!!'
You and Chan read through the comments together while leaning against the wall of the practice room, smiling the entire time.
'They're so cute! Chan always looks at Y/Nie with so much love!' a commenter says.
'Y/Nie is so lucky! And so is Chan! They're perfect for each other!' says another.
'They're always so cute together. You can tell they love each other very much. I'm so happy for them," another fan says.
As you and Chan read through the positive comments, you feel very warm and happy inside. You give Chan's hand a squeeze and he smiles at you. He knows what you're thinking, and you know he's thinking it too. The fans love and support you and Chan, and you were both right to trust them.
"I love you, Yuchan," you say, snuggling closer to him. You really enjoy the feeling of not feeling like a secret. And you know that the next time you go out with Chan, you'll be more confident, now that you're going to be able to kiss each other and call each other pet names.
"I love you too, Y/Nie."
"You two are disgustingly cute," Sehyoon says from where he's sitting with the other members. You wrinkle your nose at him teasingly, and he laughs.
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