#yeah? there is?? i dont care??? i do have double standards but also please refer to systemic misogyny and women continually being placed in
lanayrutower · 9 months
ALSO does no one find it even a little weird how the old Zelda games firmly state that it's Hylia who built/was the first ruler of Hyrule (the king is just. sort of there), and then totk comes in and is like ahaaa no it's actually rauru who's so special and godlike actually. yeah, his wife was actually his priestess who once served him and then died stupidly because she wasn't paying attention. mmhm, she was also the reason ganon was able to take over hyrule and be super duper evil btw. uwu.
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hexedwinchester · 17 days
How come u dont love Sam protecter and older brother Dean🥹
By Sam own words Dean raised him, a-lot of the good qualities that Sam has he got from Dean. Yeah Sam childhood wasn't the best, but he was deeply loved by Dean, i believe this love helped overcome many obstacles in his life.
In fact again by Sam own words, Deans love and protection is the only thing he could always count on.
I am not saying Dean is perfect, but who is ? To say that Sam needed protection from Dean sounds odd, where Dean is literally his home and the only place he feels safe.
hi @rosedark88
Interesting question and perspective you have offered.. this would be fun to analyse 😊
Before I start, let me be honest: I'm not Dean's biggest fan because I find a lot of his actions to be problematic. Please proceed with caution: you may not like the answer but I'll break it down as logically as I can. (Please remember, this is not a hate post)
Yes, I agree Dean has been Sam's protector (but only until early seasons. I'll explain what I mean) and he did raise him but time and again Dean has confessed if not to others, then his own subconscious that he hated having to carry that burden. He has let it slip that he is bitter about having to raise Sam (which I can understand, it wasn't fair) but I've seen him pretends otherwise which is two-faced IMO. (He confesses this in S03E10 Dream A Little Dream of Me when he is facing himself, in case you are looking for a reference.)
He is also a hypocrite with repressed emotions. He says he admires his dad but deep down he too resented him but he still gave Sam shit about him because Sam was just more blunt about his opinion of John unlike Dean. Again, in the same episode he says "my dad was an obsessed bastard. All that crap about keeping Sam safe was his crap." See what I mean?
Continuing on the hypocrisy, his whole agenda of "what's dead should stay dead" is gone for a toss when he makes that deal the first time to save Sam in S2. He gave Sam a lot of shit for trusting Ruby because she's a demon (unfortunate for Sam she had bad intentions) but Dean trusted Benny, Gadreel, Crowley and Cas when all of these guys have broken his trust later. But we don't see Sam bringing that shit up like Dean tends to.
Let's also not forget that Dean berated Sam for getting Charlie killed over the Book of the Damned but apparently no one cares that his manipulation got Kevin killed too? Do you see the double standards here?
Speaking of saving Sam, every single time he has done something apocalyptic to save Sam, it was for selfish reasons. The main reason is because Dean struggles to let go, to move on. He'd rather drag a zombie Sam around than let the man die. Even you have to agree there's some truth in that.
Dean hated that Sam left for college and it wasn't because he was afraid something might get to him. No, it was because he saw that as Sam's betrayal. That Sam picked college over him.
Now, coming to your question about why Sam needs protection from Dean his apparent 'savior'? Yes, Dean is willing to do anything to "save Sam" from every evil thing out there but that's the whole problem. Why even Billie doesn't like the Winchesters because these guys are willing to risk the destruction of the whole world to save each other which isn't right.
let's look at those grave "save Sam" moments and see what's wrong with those pictures:
Sam's first death in S2: Dean bought himself one way ticket to Hell to bring Sam back because he didn't want to keep doing this without Sam (he confesses this in his monologue to Sam's corpse and also in the Croaton episode when he finds out Sam is infected and doesn't leave). Dean is literally nobody without Sam and I'm not saying this. This is who Dean is. Sam is Dean's essence for survival. So Dean saved Sam for himself putting Sam through the same ordeal that John put Dean through. Dean passes on his trauma to Sam like a hand me down.
Sam's detox: Bobby tried to knock sense into him that it's probably the cold turkey thing that's killing Sam. I know Dean was trying to help him but I doubt he knew the right way to do so. Even when he realised his method would kill Sam, he was okay letting him suffer like that until he died (because then at least he dies human). I'm sorry that's not how you deal with someone with addiction problem. Despite everything, Sam is still willing to work with Dean but he can't get over Sam choosing Ruby and calls Sam a monster.
In season 6, the brothers realise something is off about Sam. At the end of the episode 'You Can't Handle the Truth' Sam comes clean that he felt different since he was brought back and he needs help to figure it out and how does Dean help him? By beating him unconscious, tying him to the chair like he is a monster? The way he talks to Sam in that scene: "you better hope he (Cas) can diagnose you. he asks, you answer and then you shut your cakehole". So Sam isn't allowed to talk about his own body? Oh wait I know, he's not, not when Dean said so.
In Season 8, he impersonates Amelia, sending Sam SOS just so he can he rendevous with Benny? Amelia was a shore in his Sam's storm. He loved her and deeply cared for her. To let him think something happened to her was cruel. Especially given how Sam's past relationships ended up his beloveds dying horrifically. Who plays such sick mind games? And to your own brother??!
Season 9, my favourite, the one that completely dissolved the rose tinted glasses that the show created for Dean: Manipulating Sam into saying yes to be possessed by an angel (an angel you know nothing of) knowing Sam's history of possession, that was just sick. Sam wanted to die. He was ready. If Dean wanted to save him, the least he could do was be honest about it. Not manipulate him into saying yes. But he didn't. He resorted to manipulation because he knew Sam would rather die than be possessed. Something that people fail to understand here is 'the idea of possession' is a hard limit for Sam. But Dean has no regard for it because in his head "he did what he had to and he won't even apologize for that". I'm sorry, that's the biggest red flag to me. I don't care if you have raised me, protected me and kept me safe only for you to stab me where I'm the most vulnerable. You are no different than all those evil things out to hurt me. That's why I love Sam for standing his ground and not forgiving Dean for this. He was right to say he didn't want to be brothers. If my siblings betrayed me like that, I'd leave too.
And whenn in Season 9 finale, Dean wanted to go off to kill metatron on his own, Sam wanted to tag along but what's dean's response? Punch him into unconsciousness and leave him on the street like that? All vulnerable for any monster to attack him? Really?! How is this protecting? Ya maybe metatron won't kill him but something else still might!
Oh and in Season 15, Dean pulled a gun on Sam and mind you he under no dark influence. This was all him. I'm not even going to elaborate further on this.
I can list at least 10 occasions where Dean has hit, punched, beat up Sam but Sam hasn't fought back. And that's not even what bothers me the most. It's the fact that Sam doesn't look surprised (meaning Dean beaten him before and I so believe he has and it's a frequent, almost business as usual like) or he looks scared (I'll try to find that gif where Sam is on the ground putting his hands before his face to protect himself against Dean). Dean is abusive when he is angry.
Something you said in the ask that struck me odd. What qualities did Sam learn from Dean? Let's see some of Sam's core good qualities:
Emotional intelligence
Self awareness
Open mindedness
Dean is not known for any of the above qualities, so I disagree he learnt his good qualities from Dean. Dean has an emotional intelligence of a wooden plank. He holds grudges and isn't nearly as forgiving as Sam is. Compassion and empathy are not Dean's qualities either. Dean is selfish. His first thought is how to use someone to his advantage. He did that with Cas, Crowley, even Jack. I've seen Dean give up more often. His "I can't keep doing this", "why is it our job to save everyone", "who says I want to do this?" are all indicators of this. Self-awareness tends to dwell in his blindspot. I've said this before, Dean is black and white, Sam is grey area meaning Sam is more open minded than Dean. My favourite: nothing about Dean is original. His leather jacket? John's. His car? John's. His music? John's. His life motto? Also John's. Whereas Sam has been authentic, true to himself than Dean ever could. Did Sam learn hunting from Dean? Yes. Loyalty? Yes. But neither of these are Sam's core qualities. So I disagree that Sam's good qualities come from Dean. If anything, his good qualities are actually him trying not to be like Dean.
Sam can count on Dean's love and protection because he has been conditioned to since he was 6 months old. First by his father and then by Dean himself either through emotional abuse (he keeps reminding him about how his decisions always end up with someone dying or gaslighting him into guilt tripping on things outside his control) or downright physical beatings. The Winchesters have dysfunctional family and relationships. Again, remember Sam is the forgiving one in this relationship. In fact Sam is forgiving to a fault and that's what this is. It doesn't make Dean's actions right just because Sam has been forgiving them.
To summarise, here why I feel Sam needs protection from Dean:
Dean saves Sam only because he doesn't know how to live without him. That's not normal. He has done crazy shit to "save him" resulting in causing Sam more trauma
He quickly lashes out (often resulting in verbal or physical violence) because of his repressed emotions and poor anger management
He has verbally and physically hurt Sam either by calling him a monster or saying he doesn't trust him or by beating him unconscious on multiple occasions
he is controlling, bossy and threatening. "If didn't know you, I'd want to hunt you." Sorry, if I were Sam, I wouldn't feel very safe
Dean doesn't see the wrong in his action or worse, even when he knows he is wrong, he is too stubborn to apologise for that. Everything is shoved under "I did what I had to" or "I'm not apologizing for saving you".
Dean has manipulated Sam and gaslit him
His whole "this is a dictatorship" comes across as a red flag which takes me to my next point:
He never treated Sam as his equal. Don't see how that counts as love
Dean was mad at Sam in DSOTM because Sam's happy memories (that Sam wasn't in control of and the whole situation was probably rigged. I mean, Zachariah cosied up with Mary's image for god's sake) didn't involve Dean. The idea that Sam can have a life outside Dean has never sat well with him
He has locked Sam in the panic room on at least 3 occasions. Sam hasn't done that even once
Sorry, but Dean is not a poster boy for love and protection. When I look at a character, I not only analyse their actions but also try to understand why they acted the way they did. In Dean's case, the why has always been problematic.
Dean's intentions maybe good but his actions don't always align. His philosophy has always been "if the means justify the end" but I don't stand by it. This is what makes room for immoral, tyrant and corrupt actions and an excuse to hide you wrong doings behind those.
These are my views on why I feel Sam needed to be saved from Dean. You may or may not agree and it's fine either ways 😊
Damn! That was lengthy. But thanks for this interesting ask, it was fun! 😇
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ezragold · 6 years
With a Little Help from My Friends
A/N: Happy last-day-of-Pegoryu-week! Let’s celebrate by reading... day 2′s prompt... No one ever said I was good at preparing things, okay. AO3 link: [here]
Day 2: First Date
Title: With a Little Help from My Friends
Rating: Teen
Summary: Ryuji has successfully asked Akira out! Now if only he could figure out something special for them to do. All of his ideas just feel like their every day routine, and he’s pulling his hair out trying to come up with a way to make it special. All of the thieves seem to have their own ideas of the perfect date, 90% of which are entirely unhelpful, as Ryuji soon realizes.
[ THURSDAY, 6:50PM ]
crossbonez is online
crossbonez has entered The Dungeon of Unspeakable Acts
crossbonez: GUYS I NEED HELP
palette-cleanser: There’s no need to yell about it.
killerqueen: Futaba renamed it and I can’t figure out how to change it back. What’s wrong?
memejed: me! muahaha!!!! you’ll never figure out how to change it back!
memejed: boo makoto types too fast :(
palette-cleanser: Futaba, naturally.
palette-cleanser: Oh.
memejed: lmaooooo
crossbonez: ok ok is akira in this chat??
yougimmethecrepes: I mean technically
yougimmethecrepes: but I think he’s had this channel muted for like a month
killerqueen: Understandable.
crossbonez: o sick
yougimmethecrepes: OMG RYUJI
killerqueen: !
yougimmethecrepes: DID HE SAY YES??
palette-cleanser: My most heartfelt congratulations!
crossbonez: of course he said yes wtf guys
crossbonez: why wouldn’t he, i’m a catch
memejed: so’s a big ol slimy fish
memejed: its perspective
crossbonez: can we ban her?
killerqueen: She’s the room admin.
memejed: HECK how do u type so much faster than me????
palette-cleanser: something tells me you wouldn’t allow us the chance to do anything different.
yougimmethecrepes: go ahead Ryuji, what’s up?
crossbonez: i didn’t think about what we should do on the date so i kinda panicked when he asked and told him i had everything taken care of but i don’t
crossbonez: ive never taken care of anything in my life
crossbonez: please help yall know im not smart
yougimmethecrepes: omg THAT’S what ur worried about??? HOE ur best friend is a dating expert. I gotchu
crossbonez: lmfao ann youve never been on a date
yougimmethecrepes: maybe not
yougimmethecrepes: but i have seen so many romcoms
crossbonez: oooooo my god Kill me
crossbonez: wait holy shit have any of you even been on a date before
crossbonez: this is the worst i hate my life
yougimmethecrepes: yusuke if you say anything about painting my nude as a date i’ll block you
palette-cleanser: There was that time when Ann came to the old studio in order for me to paint her portrait.
palette-cleanser: It was already half-written when you sent that.
yougimmethecrepes: OHHH MY GOD
palette-cleanser: I didn’t want to just let the reply go to waste.
yougimmethecrepes: BLOCKED
palette-cleanser: :(
killerqueen: Okay.
killerqueen: I’ll DM you, Ryuji.
crossbonez: oh thank god
[ THURSDAY, 7:04 PM ]  
[ killerqueen has sent you a message! ]
killerqueen: Firstly,
killerqueen: good for you, asking out Akira! That was really brave. How did it go, if that’s not too intrusive?
crossbonez: fine I think?? morgana kept cockblocking me but he got bored of watching us watch bad movies and left so
crossbonez: i just kinda
crossbonez: asked
crossbonez: and he said yeah
crossbonez: so now im dead and going thru w the date is my hell
killerqueen: Okay, relax. Obviously he wouldn’t have said yes to the date if he wasn’t already interested, so you already have that going for you! The worst part is done.
killerqueen: All you have to do now is think of something special for the two of you to do together.
crossbonez: yeah that’s basically the part where my brain stops
killerqueen: Fair. What’s your budget?
crossbonez: uhhhhhh
crossbonez: uhhhhhhhhhhh
killerqueen: Ryuji.
crossbonez: is free an option
killerqueen: Oh, god. Okay.
killerqueen: I didn’t realize you hadn’t planned for this in… any capacity.
killerqueen: Message received.
killerqueen: I’ll see if there’s anything cheap going on in the city this weekend.
crossbonez: thank you ugh
crossbonez: was this a bad idea
killerqueen: Asking out Akira? No, of course not.
crossbonez: sigh
killerqueen: Lying to Akira about having the entire thing prepared and planned out? Yes, without a doubt.
crossbonez: COOL THANKS MOM 
crossbonez: GOD
[ crossbonez left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 7:29PM ]
[ palette-cleanser sent you a message! ]
palette-cleanser: Are you still taking advice for your date?
crossbonez: the answer is technically yes but i can’t say i’ve reached the point in my life where i’m ready to take dating advice from you
palette-cleanser: I shall try and keep my advice more general, then.
crossbonez: just don’t say the word beauty
palette-cleanser: You should consider the benefit of surrounding yourselves with beautiful things. I can only imagine a relationship increasing in intensity when the couple is surrounded by overwhelming beauty.
palette-cleanser: In my defense, my reply was half-written when you posted yours.
crossbonez: what the hell would overwhelming beauty even be man
crossbonez: am i sposed to find out which flower gives him boners like what am i doing here
palette-cleanser: that is up to you! And Akira, I suppose.
palette-cleanser: I was, of course, referring to your beautiful surroundings being up to you. Akira getting an erection is less-so in your hands.
palette-cleaner: …I did not mean for that to become a double-entendre but I suppose that’s also appropriate to your situation.
crossbonez: hoo boy you are this close to my block list lemme tell ya
palette-cleanser: Please don’t, my contact list is very short as it is.
palette-cleanser: Back to the topic at hand,
crossbonez: yeah plz
palette-cleanser: What are some things that Akira finds beautiful?
crossbonez: man i don’t know
crossbonez: uhh
crossbonez: good coffee
crossbonez: big ass cheeseburgers
crossbonez: cats probably
crossbonez: hes got a risette poster in his room but i think that’s less because shes hot and more because someone gave it to him and he was too nice to throw it out
palette-cleanser: None of that sounds particularly beautiful…
crossbonez: OH WOW DOES IT NOT
crossbonez: REALLY
palette-cleanser: There is no need to raise your typeface at me.
crossbonez: sjdjcickgmsoakfb
palette-cleanser: ?
crossbonez: nothing dont worry abt it
crossbonez: im gonna go see if i can buy something beautiful for ¥200 
palette-cleanser: Many beautiful things in life are free.
crossbonez: you got an example to go with that inspirational quote?
crossbonez: duuuude?
palette-cleanser: I appear to be losing connection
crossbonez: oh my god dude
palette-cleanser: I can hardly read what you’re writing
crossbonez: thats not how that would even work
crossbonez: i cant tell if ur trolling me or not
[ palette-cleanser has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 7:49PM ] 
[ yougimmethecrepes has replied to your message! ]
crossbonez: plz tell me ur just invisible
crossbonez: ur my one last hope and god is that saying something about how my standards have fallen
yougimmethecrepes: doing homework
yougimmethecrepes: you still peeing your pants over date night?
crossbonez: you still willing to give bad advice?
yougimmethecrepes: imagine me swiping all of my school work off my desk onto my floor because if my math grade didn’t ride on this I would have done that
crossbonez: aight
yougimmethecrepes: also my advice is fantastic shut up
yougimmethecrepes: okay, lets start easy. What’s the budget?
crossbonez: im in high school and not a part time model
crossbonez: my budget is negative
yougimmethecrepes: ooooh
yougimmethecrepes: got it
yougimmethecrepes: arcade? you can just use small change and stuff
crossbonez: we go there ALL THE TIME thats not a date
crossbonez: that’s like going to the ramen shop or something
yougimmethecrepes: uh……batting cages? Movie?
crossbonez: i cant ask him on a date and then just do shit we do normally! how is that a date???
yougimmethecrepes: How is it not a date?? You guys always have fun doing that, how is it less fun on a date
yougimmethecrepes: OH WAIT NO I got it
yougimmethecrepes: bathhouse
crossbonez: shut up no
yougimmethecrepes: hey, it’s not my fault you gave this absolutely no thought whatsoever
crossbonez: UGH I KNOW
crossbonez: WHY IS THIS HARD
yougimmethecrepes: YOU’RE MAKING THIS A PROBLEM
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 8:25 PM ] 
[ memejed sent you a message! ]
crossbonez: no
memejed: before you say anything
memejed: jdcjdjnfdkdkf
memejed: dammit how do all of you type so fast
memejed: it’s like I don’t even know myself any more
memejed: is it my tiny hands
crossbonez: i do not want dating advice from you
memejed: well then it’s a good thing I don’t have any for you then ISNT IT
memejed: I just wanted to tell you that Akira just got home and he’s smiling a lot and it’s gross and weird and most likely your fault, so
crossbonez: oh that’s
crossbonez: nice to hear thank you jhgjfyjuh
memejed: he just told sojiro about the date and sojiro offered to grab him condoms hahAHAAHAH
crossbonez: OH MY GOD
crossbonez: I HOPE SO
memejed: >:(
memejed: I don’t even get why youre so nervous he’s obviously out of his mind happy to go out with you
memejed: whatever you guys do he’ll be down
memejed: just don’t do any stupid shit like try and show off or act like a tool
memejed: which I realize may seem daunting for you
memejed: but I believe u may have it in you, maybe
crossbonez: I just have no idea what to do without us doing the same shit as always
memejed: whats wrong with doing the stuff you guys always do? Routine is comfy
memejed: comfort is the enemy of anxiety
memejed: well, comfy, and a good pair of sweatpants
memejed: *and valium
crossbonez: you dont think he would mind doing shit we do all the time?
memejed: oh my god are ALL boys as stupid as you??? how has the species survived for so long
memejed: just hold his hand or something and he’d let you push him in front of the subway!! Like, that probably shouldn’t be your go to option, but just
memejed: he ALREADY likes you. you don’t need to impress him or anything
memejed: consider yourself lucky, because like, idk how you swung that
crossbonez: I agree with you too much to get mad at that
crossbonez: wow
crossbonez: akira agreed to go out with me, you gave me advice that wasnt steaming dog shit
crossbonez: maybe i should buy a lottery ticket lmao
memejed: LMAO ur luck stat isn’t THAT high yet
memejed: see if sojiro comes through w the condoms first
crossbonez: okay and NOW im leaving
memejed: BE SAFE!!
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 9:22 PM ]  
[ HaruOkumura sent you a message! ]
HaruOkumura: Good, you’re still online! 
crossbonez: hahaha what happened to ur screenname?
HaruOkumura: The company’s social media adviser suggested I change it for professional purposes………..
crossbonez: lame
HaruOkumura: Yes apparently “BigBangIsPeople” is not an appropriate username for the incoming CEO of Okumura Foods.
HaruOkumura: I thought it was funny :(
HaruOkumura: But anyway! I’m glad you’re still online! Makoto texted me and told me about yours and Akira’s date and I wanted to say congratulations and I’m so happy for you!
crossbonez: thanks! tell makoto to quit snitchin tho
HaruOkumura: Will do! I just wanted to talk because Makoto said you were very stressed out and seemed sort of unprepared
crossbonez: im okay now i think
crossbonez: futaba helped me out
crossbonez: weirdly
crossbonez: i mean im still sweating all over myself and the idea of actually meeting up with akira for the date in question makes me want to gag but :) im fine
HaruOkumura: oh my :o
HaruOkumura: Have you decided what the two of you will do?
crossbonez: yeeaaahhhh i got some ideas i think?
HaruOkumura: I do as well!! Would you like to hear them?
crossbonez: hey i am always up for not thinking
HaruOkumura: That’s great!! Okay, what is your budget currently?
crossbonez: gkhskdfkjlghlrihvoirhgiu
crossbonez: kjghsiuergtiughpijiuprughtuislrhgiulth
HaruOkumura: Uhm?
HaruOkumura: Oh youre welcome! Let us know how it goes!
crossbonez: yeah sure if i dont die first!
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ SATURDAY, 02:41 AM ] 
[ JokersWild sent you a message! ]
JokersWild: Hey
JokersWild: I know youre probably asleep because it’s like fuck o clock in the morning and why wouldn’t you be
JokersWild: But I cant sleep because I made myself some antianxiety coffee when I got home haha
JokersWild: (futaba calls it estresso but I can’t call it that because it’s so clever it makes me mad I didn’t think of it first)
JokersWild: but I had a really good time tonight
JokersWild: and you seemed kind of worried all night so I wanted you to know that
JokersWild: and idek if you were worried because of us(?) or if there was something else going on and now I just seem like kind of an asshole for assuming it was about me
JokersWild: but whether it was or it wasn’t I had fun
JokersWild: and
JokersWild: I’m really happy you asked me out
JokersWild: and just…… you don’t need advice from anyone on how to like
JokersWild: woo me yknow?
JokersWild: I had notifications turned off but the number of messages in the group chat kept ticking up so I lurked for a second
JokersWild: I don’t know what anyone ended up telling you but you didn’t need it
JokersWild: you don’t have to impress me. I ALREADY like you.
JokersWild: so, that’s that
JokersWild: this coffee is very strong and obviously my inhibitions are non existent right now so I’m going to bed before this turns into a confession
JokersWild: or more of one
JokersWild: lets, like, do this again? I want to keep doing this with you
[ JokersWild has left the conversation. ]
 [ SATURDAY, 02:54 AM ] 
[ JokersWild sent you a message! ]
JokersWild: also oh my god thank you for not freaking the fuck out when that condom fell out of my jacket I SWEAR TO YOU I did not put it there and when I find out who did I am going to unmake them
JokersWild: okay goodnight
[ JokersWild has left the conversation. ]
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