#yeahhhhhh they were not interesting in s2 at all im sorry
“Signals” is still the funniest episode of She-ra.... frankly it embodies the strengths and weaknesses of the show at this stage...  
Rebellion story: Ridiculous scooby doo shenanigans. It turns out the GHOSTS were HOLOGRAMS!!!!!  Everyone realises their friendship is the thing that mattered. Bow misinterprets an incredibly plot important signal for a glitch on his tracker pad. This glitch is interpreted correctly as a signal later... entirely offscreen. 
Horde story: Threatening political intrigue as Catra claws her way to power, is at constant risk of death, and gets accidentally usurped by a sunshine gremlin with no self preservation instinct. How? She was the only one brazen and dumb enough to tell the Evil Supreme Overlord that his electronics were below the standard of a middle school student. Somehow this is an incredible plot twist with huge implications for the rest of the story and for Catra’s psyche. 
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