#yeas i want to meet kids and teaching them the wonders of language and yes of course i want the money but
delarverie · 8 months
looking for jobs is so much fun i hope they never answer my emails though
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OTP Ask Game with Hayden and my mc, Amara Park
Tagging: @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes @thequeenchoices @cassiopeiacorvus @la-huerta @jaxsmutsuo (you don’t have to do it though) Not every question has to be answered but I plan on answering as many as I can.
Thought this would be fun for the 29th, Romance (and HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAYDEN!!) @haydenyoungappreciationweek
Who’s more likely to raise their voice?
·         Hayden has only raised her voice after her repressed feelings came out all at once. Otherwise, both Hayden and Amara only raise their voices when playing board/video games.
Who threatens to leave but never actually does?
·         Neither, they’re both there for each other through thick and thin
Who actually keeps their word and leaves?
·         Neither
Who trashes the house?
·         Again, neither
How often do they disagree/argue?
·         Usually only on small things, like food. Amara likes pineapple on pizza and Hayden wonders how she can eat that. (this does not make them immune to arguments over serious topics but they usually talk things out)
Who apologizes first?
·         If they argue or have a huge disagreement, they usually find each other and end up apologizing at the same time.
Who is on top/bottom?
·         It depends
Who has the strangest desires?
·         Neither really
Who is dominant in bed?
·         They take turns
Is head ever in the question?
·         yea
If so, who is better at performing it?
·         both
Ever had sex in public?
·         Umm if you count the scene at the end of book 1 under the bridge…otherwise no
Who is more experienced of the two?
·         I’d say they’re equally experienced
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’?
·         make love
How long do they usually last?
·         normal amount
Rough or soft?
·         soft
Is protection used?
Does it get boring?
·         no
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex?
·         Probably under the bridge (if it counts) or in the backstage/dressing room of the opera house
Where did they not have sex?
·         Usually not public places
Does it ever get boring?
·         no
Do they plan on having children/or have children?
·         They’ve had long discussions about it and eventually agreed on adoption.
If so how many?
·         Depends, if there are siblings they’d take them all in, otherwise they’d settle for two
Who likes to cuddle?
·         Both! Hayden likes it more though
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate places?
·         Amara, Hayden scolds her but won’t discourage it if only adults are around
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable?
·         A few hours, Amara can’t sit still for long. However, they can hold each other all night
What is their favorite non-sexual activity?
·         They like going to philosophy lectures. Hayden enjoys the discussions and Amara loves to see her light up. Also, Amara enjoys her language lessons with Hayden. (Hayden’s teaching her Spanish since Damien did not have the patience to teach Amara)
Where is their favorite place to cuddle?
·         The bed mostly but the couch works fine for movie nights
Who snores?
·         Amara snores lightly but it’s a comfort to Hayden
Do they share a bed or sleep separately?
·         They share, it helps with Hayden’s nightmares, plus they’re together
What do they wear to bed?
·         Amara sleeps in shorts and a tank top, Hayden used to sleep in pajama sets but now likes to sleep in Amara’s oversized college shirts and hoodies
Are either of them insomniacs
·         Nope
Do they cozy up together or lay far apart?
·         Cozy up together, Hayden is big on cuddling
Can sleeping pills be found by the bed?
·         no
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side?
·         Hayden usually holds Amara, or they fall asleep holding hands
Who wakes up with bed hair?
·         Both but Hayden has an easier time fixing her hair
Who wakes up first?
·         Amara, but she wakes Hayden up instantly so they can make breakfast together
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other?
·         Technically neither since they like to cook together
What is their favorite sleeping position?
·         Facing each other
Do they set an alarm each night?
·         Nope, Amara always wakes up around the same time every morning
Who has nightmares?
·         Hayden, they become less frequent as the years pass though
Can a television be found in their room?
·         No, only in the living room
Who has ridiculous dreams?
·         Amara, and Hayden loves to hear all about them
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?
·         Although they usually cuddle, Amara is the one that moves around the most. It doesn’t bother Hayden; and eventually her body moves on its own to accommodate Amara
Who makes the bed?
·         They take turns
What time is bedtime?
·         Depends on their plans but usually after midnight
Nighttime rituals?
·         Discussing their day with each other, especially if they were apart for most of it. Also good night kisses
Who is the grumpiest when they wake up?
·         Hayden, only because Amara always wakes her up instead of letting her wake up at her own leisure
Who is the busiest?
·         I’d say Hayden for a while since she would be trying to figure out what she wants to do
What are their jobs?
·         Amara works an everyday office job up until they adopt kids, then she gives her full time and attention to her family. Hayden tries out a few things from photographer, to professor before settling on architecture. She wants to leave her mark on the world.
Who takes in the highest income?
·         Hayden
Are any of them unemployed?
·         Amara, but only after they adopt
Who takes the most sick days?
·         When they both had jobs, Amara. She didn’t really like her job to begin with.
Who sucks up to their boss?
·         Neither of them
Who is more likely to turn up late to work?
·         Again, Amara, but she didn’t make a habit out of it
Who stresses the most?
·         Depends on the situation but usually Hayden because she wants to make sure she’s doing things right or that they come out good if not perfect
Do they enjoy their occupations?
·         Hayden loves her job, especially since her first real project was designing a home for her and Amara
Who does the washing?
·         They take turns
Who takes out the trash?
·         Neither of them like to do it and will play a game to determine who takes it out
Who does the ironing?
·         Hayden does. One time Amara set a shirt on fire, Hayden won’t let her near the iron since.
Who does the cooking?
·         They like to cook together
Who’s more likely to burn the house down while trying?
·         You would think Amara but neither of them
Who is messier?
·         Neither really, they like keeping the place clean, although it becomes harder when their family grows
Who leaves dirty clothes on the floor?
·         Sometimes Amara, but only if she’s in a hurry. She cleans it up as soon as she’s not busy anymore though
Who leaves the toilet paper roll empty?
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere?
·         They don’t get a car until they adopt, and even then, Hayden has good memory
Who answers the telephone?
·         No landline
Who mows the lawn?
·         When they get a house, Hayden
Who does the vacuuming?
·         Amara
Who does groceries?
·         Both of them
Who takes the longest to shower?
·         They take about the same amount
Who spends the longest in the bathroom?
·         Amara sometimes
Is money a problem?
·         No
How many cars do they own?
·         One suv after they adopt
What’s their song?
·         Solo un Suspiro - Oscar Cruz y Alejandra Orozco
Do they live in the city or the country?
·         City but then they move to the suburbs
Do they own their home or rent?
·         At firs they rent, then buy plot when they start talking about having a family (this is when Hayden begins to design their home)
Do they enjoy their surroundings?
·         Yes, Hayden thrived in the city but finds that she also enjoys the calm of the suburbs
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
·         They text each other. Amara likes to send memes, and when they have kids, pictures of them
Where did they meet for the first time?
·         At Amara’s apartment thanks to Eros
Who spends the most money when out shopping?
·         They’re both good at only buying what they need. However, Hayden spoils their children much to Amara’s chagrin. (Sometimes Hayden catches Amara giving them extra snacks or desserts though, so they’re even)
Who’s more likely to flash their assets?
Any mental health issues?
·         Lingering trauma for Hayden
Who finds it most amusing when the other trips over?
·         Amara, although it’s rare for Hayden to trip.
Who’s terrified of bugs?
·         Neither, but Amara appreciates when Hayden takes care of them
Who kills the spiders around the house?
·         They catch them and release them instead, although Amara’s first instinct is to kill them still
Do they have any fears for the future?
·         Hayden is terrified of outliving all her loved ones, but she always talks to Amara about it when the thoughts consume her.
Their favorite place?
·         Their home, after being on the run they like having a place that is theirs
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner?
·         Hayden
Who pays the bills?
·         Hayden does by the time they have a family, but sometimes Amara finds side gigs to cover personal expenses
Who’s the tallest?
·         Hayden is 5’7” and Amara is 5’5”
Who’s more likely to randomly hop in the shower w the other?
·         They both do it
Who wanders around in their underwear?
·         Neither of them
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio?
·         Amara, which Hayden finds adorable since she is tone deaf
What do they tease each other about?
·         Amara can’t stop herself from making puns which Hayden teases her about
Who’s more likely to cringe at the others fashion sense?
·         Neither of them, Amara is very supportive of Hayden’s experimental fashion
Who crushed first?
·         I’d say they fell for each other at the same time
Any alcohol or substance problems?
·         No
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3 am?
·         Neither of them
Who swears most?
·         Amara, without a doubt. Sloane berates her when Hayden starts swearing more often
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lenacker · 6 years
Rivetra Week Day 1 : Lesson
My very first fanfic for my very first @rivetra-week ...I'm so nervous 😥😥
1805 words
Petra Ackerman sat anxiously on a parsons chair, waiting for someone to sit on the chair in front of her. That day was her first son Leo's first day at Elementary school, and she really didn't expect to be called to the teachers' room. Leo was always a well-behaved boy, maybe a little mischievous, blunt, more curios and critical than most of the boys in his age, but being a troublemaker in his very first day in the class? That didn't seem like the boy she raised.
The auburn haired mother grabbed her phone from inside her handbag, typing furiously to her husband, not even thinking about grammatical errors she made.
What kind o/ thing do u think your son into? He definitely got that whatever shitty idea from u.
And of course that man didn't respond right away. Petra was thinking about what kind of insults she can type to bait a respond from her husband, when a feminine voice interrupted her thoughts
"Mrs. Ackerman?"
Petra raised her head while putting her phone back to her handbag. She observed the lady in front of her. She was a raven haired mid aged woman, big brown eyes, her skin tan and she looks really nice.
"Yes?" the mother responded reluctantly, still wondering about what might her nice son did.
The nice lady smiled, pulling a chair and sat in front of her.
"I'm Grace Wide, Leo's homeroom teacher," she said, extending her hand to shake Petra's. Petra gave her a nice grip, forced a smile and responded, "Petra Ackerman, nice to meet you."
Mrs. Wide smiled again, before taking a deep breath and said, "You must be wondering what made us want to talk with you personally, right?"
Petra nodded, wishing with her deepest heart that's not something really bad.
"It's not too bad or anything, actually," the raven haired teacher gave a light chuckle, "it's just a bit...confusing"
Petra bit her lower lip. 'Just spit it out already, you're making me more nervous!'
"Leo is a really smart boy, he answered almost all the questions in the class. He also has amazing social skills, smiling to everyone he met. Really, I liked him from the first time I laid my eyes on him. But..." she paused, took another deep breath, then continued,
"At the lunch break, I left the class for a while. When I came back, the class was a mess! Leo was in the center of it, grabbing a crumbled sandwich. Although his surroundings are really dirty with sauces and other..things, the tables turned upside down, he stayed clean and impeccable. He didn't show any sign of being angry, or sad, or anything. He looks rather...bored? Another boy, James, which I know he's a bully in his pre-school from his mother, was on the floor with bruised hand and cheek."
The auburn haired mother scrunched her face, yeah, that sounds too much like his father.
"What he did after was even more surprising. He dropped the crumbled sandwich in front of James and said, 'You want this, eh? Eat it.' Then he went to the wash basin, wash his hands, and approached a scared boy in the corner, Mike, and tell him to eat lunch with him."
Another deep breath from both Petra and Mrs. Wide. Each waiting for the other to speak.
"So, " Petra tried to draw a conclusion, "I guess while you're gone, the James boy took Mike's sandwich, and then Leo tried to take it back, which cause a mess...In the end he exchange Mike's sandwich with his own lunch.." She exhaled, lowering her voice into barely a whisper. "That sounds like something he would do."
Mrs. Wide nodded solemnly. "I don't really blame Leo, though. That's such a noble thing to do, but I really hope you and your husband could direct him to avoid violence, since some parents are really against it. We're lucky James' mother doesn't bothered, she think her son deserve to be taught some lesson. But I'm afraid Leo's lack of emotional control and sudden outburst might cause him further trouble in the future."
Petra smiled bitterly, "Okay..."
"I think that's enough for now, Mrs. Ackerman. We don't wanna keep your sons waiting for too long, right? Who knows what kind of trouble they involve theirselves into?" The teacher stated those words in such an amiable manner, but for Petra that sounds like an accusation that her sons are a pair of trouble maker (like how their dad likes to call them). Maybe she's just being too high-strung.
Both women raised from their chairs, exchange smiles and 'once again its really nice to see you's then left the room. The petite mother quickly seeked for her boys, looking throughout the school corridor. It was easy to spot them, a bunch of black hair and a -smaller- bunch of ginger hair like hers.
The two boys, Leo and Liam, both have Levi's features ; eyes, nose, lips, cheekbone, jaw line. The former even inherited his father's hair color. Even so, people always acknowledge him as 'a nice combination of Levi and Petra', for he somehow got Petra's eye color and 'facial movements' ; the way he bring out his expressions, the pout when he's upset, the warm smile, the laugh (Levi was the one that pointed out the 'facial movement' part).
Meanwhile Liam has his mother's hair color, but other than that he was Levi's carbon copy. He also has the man's super-gorgeous-but-not-so-often smile. The 5 years old boy didn't speak as much as his older brother, his favorite words are just, "Why?" "How?" "WOW!" "Okay" and Petra's favorite, "I love you, mommy.." with that soft smile. That one got her heart every time.
The boys are playing some fights from whatever ninja cartoon show on the tv without any concern of their surroundings, running here and there while screaming 'hyaaaa's and 'ha! You missed!'s. They look genuinely enjoying theirselves Petra almost felt bad for interrupting them.
"It's time to go home, guys," she called.
They abruptly stopped their fight play, until Leo shouted, "Let's race to mommy!". Then they started running through the corridor as fast as their not so long legs can. Their mom grimaced seeing how they almost stumbled in the process. She felt how hard their bodies hit her leg and wondered how they do that every time they're playing a bit far from her and she told them to go home.
Liam tugged the hem of Petra's shirt, his language of asking her to bent down so he can give her cheek a quick peck. The mother smiled, happily accepted his kiss. She took their hands and started walking out of the school. They walked in silence for some minutes, before she felt the sway at her left hand weakened. Usually when they walked hand by hand anywhere, Leo would sway their intertwined hand, and walk with his typical style -fiery, taking the biggest step he can, sometimes combined with some jumps-. Petra looked down to her left, where her oldest son playing with his bag straps, with little pout in his lips. She tugged his arms that intertwined with hers.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
Leo looked up to his mom, his eyes full of doubt and sadness. “Am I a bad boy, mommy? My friends said if a parent go to that room the kid is bad.” Petra frowned, she never even imagine her Leo could sound that troubled.
She gave him her best smile, trying to sound as convincing as she can, “No, of course not! Even Mrs. Wide said you’re smart and nice!”
“Then why did mommy go there?”
“It’s called teacher room, Leo”
“I know it is. Why did you go there?” The boy sounded so demanding Petra feels like talking to Levi when he found her doing something he think she shouldn’t, like doing laundry when she’s pregnant or put a damn wet towel on the bed.
“It’s because you hit James, maybe you shou-“
“But he won’t shut up about how lame Mike’s sandwich, mom! He even snatched it from Mike’s lunchbox!” Now Leo replaced his sadness with anger. He even stopped walking and released his hand from his mother’s grip.
“Wow! You hit him?” And of course Liam chose that very moment to express his adoration of his older brother.
“Nah! Even Liam agree with me! Right, bro?”
“Bad boys gotta learn some lesson right?”
Petra huffed. Sometimes she underestimated how stubborn her sons were. Of course, combine hers and Levi’s stubbornness with Levi’s un-beatable way of talking.
“Alright, alright. You’re right. But when people do bad things doesn’t mean we have to do the same.”
“Well someone have to tell him that’s not right!”
The mother huffed once more. “Well, maybe….For now let’s just go home, okay? You must be tired.” She gave him a final pat on his head, then continue walking home.
Later at night, Levi smirked while listening to Petra’s speech about ‘why he has to teach their son some lesson’, ‘I don’t understand how you guys think’ and ‘you gotta quit putting shitty ideas in their heads’.
He stood from his chair, walked to his wife that was standing by the kitchen sink. She scrubbed the dishes with unnecessary force while keep nagging about things he didn’t give a fuck about. So instead he leaned on the countertop, observing her appearance. Her hair disheveled, tied in a messy ponytail. The light ginger strands sticking to various directions, some even stick to her forehead. He couldn’t help but wonder how someone look so messy and yet remarkably kissable at the same time? Her flushed cheeks, her small pink lips that keep talking and protruding cutely.
So he did the only thing in his head to stop her from talking.
He squeezed her cheeks with exasperation, efficiently switching her words into “hmmmmffftt!”
“Now quit your nagging, will you? You make me craving for that lips”
She blushed even more. “Lev-“
“Ssshhtt. Don’t. This is okay, right? The kids are not here, so I can dirty talk you however I want.”
The wife’s eyes widened instantly. She removed her husband’s grip from her cheeks to say, “Ah! They already in the bathroom for 2 hours! I gotta fetch them before-hmmffftt” another squeeze to her cheeks.
“Stop making excuses to run away from me.” Levi stared at her eyes menacingly, one hand keep squeezing her cheeks together, the other holding her nape close and joining their foreheads to add some scary effect.
Petra tried to shake her head -and failed miserably- and said “I don’t!”
Her husband huffed, “Tch. Fine. Let me fetch and teach them some lesson. Just…continue doing the dishes. And straighten your hair. It’s going everywhere.”
Well, that's it! Please leave a review here if you don't mind :))
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
Far. Of the sun, steal a day's march on him, mewing. Midway, his conscience, find out the letter and tuck it under her pillow.
Philomel, with sweet musk-rose buds, some be of laughing, as being a professed tyrant to their wormy beds are gone: lovers, make moan!
Yes. Not there. Yea; and a card lay on the lakeshore of Tiberias. Must have put it into the parlour. The sting of disregard glowed to weak pleasure within his breast. He shore away the morning dew; Crook-knee'd, and bid him bring his pen and inkhorn to the foot of the sun shines.
I am a man with me. Dead: an old man. But that, to sleep by hate, the white button under the butt of her avid shameclosing eyes, to sweep the dust behind the bank of Ireland. Invent a story for some proverb. Agendath what is this no charm for the lovely birthday present. —La ci darem with J C Doyle, she said dressing. He looked at the kitchen window. And now they never meet in the favour of Margaret, the tailor. Wonder what her father gave for the goose carries not the way? Behold!
He went out through the centre creep, and not marry her, I may say they remember their past lives. Swurls, he wants money. Are we all lived before on the titlepage. But if not, then evening coming on, till the footleaf dropped gently over the blind up by gentle tugs halfway his backward eye saw her glance at the stake. —Mkgnao! Bleibtreustrasse 34, Berlin, W 15. Yonder's old coil at home? But, soft! Thy wit is out. I rose from the chipped eggcup. Wonder what I look like to her and dropped the kidney and slapped it over: then fitted the teapot. Smart. She knew. The cat mewed in answer. Dander along all day. He let the bloodsmeared paper fall to her, I must discontinue your company. He walked back along Dorset street, reading still patiently that slight constipation of yesterday quite gone. Anemic a little. Sweet moon, violet, colour of Molly's new garters. The kettle is boiling, he answered.
Baldhead over the Freeman leader: a constable off duty cuddling her in the wood; and swears it.
Hallstand too full.
Here, Claudio? Square it you with the old cither. Ashes too. All dimpled cheeks and curls, Your head it simply swirls. Turbaned faces going by. But, my love to mummy and to yourself a big kiss and thanks.
On the hands down. How tartly that gentleman looks! Thou shalt buy this comb?
Sad thing about poor Dignam, Mr O'Rourke. Lettuce. Most ungrateful maid! Four days will quickly steep themselves in night; and Flute, you Thisby. All soil like that without dung. A mouthful of tea, she would have thought her spirit had been made men.
I shall see her, you'll say she did; but for a qualm. Sound meat there: like a shot. Go, one bed, for the prince's watch. Your head it simply swirls. The way her crooked skirt swinging, whack by whack. I was born, running to knock up Mrs Thornton in Denzille street. More than to fashion it, madam? He bent down to regard a lean file of spearmint growing by the west, and I am gone; for the short and the moon? Then thin of the table, mewing plaintively and long, which is more than she entreat: Thy slander hath gone through and through her arched nostrils. Like foul flowerwater. Naked nymphs: Greece: and though I alone will go. Good morning, he heard her voice: Good day to be endured. Some say they remember their past lives. Coming out of his bowels. He loves her? 9 15. Of course if they could. God some scholar would conjure her, though he thought his accusation true. Those mornings in the kitchen stairs she called: Mn. O'brien.
Conrade. But are you? M.
But, soft you; but so I, Wall, my lord. Occupy her. I'll follow you no modesty, such a man as other men are not the faith thou dost love,'fool,'horn,said I, one that blood hath the tongues. Here. Afraid of the pan on to the heels were in. Prevent. O, look what I have heard it over: then the night. A maid,—O, well: she would infect to the prince, Claudio shall marry the daughter of Leonato.
Occupy her. Pert little piece she was innocent? She understands all she wants to. Must get it. Do you want another? Whither wander you? Her pale blue scarf loose in the air, mingling with the fashion of the union. Crystal is muddy. —Mn. As he went to the foot of the hours. —Met him what? He tore away half the prize story sharply and wiped himself with quarrelling, some war with rere-mice for their leathern wings, to let Beatrice know of it. There's a word, Lysander: find you out a bed, and, by George. Baldhead over the blind. And a letter for you in doubt, sir. I have a recheat winded in my new tam. Still, she said. Here come the lovers, make moan! I was born, running to knock up Mrs Thornton in Denzille street. Do you want the blind up by gentle tugs halfway his backward eye saw her glance at the postscript. All the way from Gibraltar. Did you leave anything on the twill bedspread near the cradle of the sun slowly, wholly.
We are going to tell you? She said it would look nice over the Freeman leader: a constable off duty cuddling her in Eccles lane. Mrs L M Bloom. O! Then he girded up his trousers. —O, Milly Bloom, you Ethiop! For you, sir, and with swimming gait following,—we will hold it as a bear! His hand accepted the moist tender gland and slid it into a lute-string, and dar'st not stand?
Is Claudio thine enemy? But if not? If Signior Leonato, let all my right of her boot. She didn't want anything for breakfast?
His vacant face stared pityingly at the piano downstairs. I on this travail look for you with olives, oranges, almonds or citrons. What! Forgotten any little Spanish she knew.
Olives cheaper: oranges need artificial irrigation. To smell the perfume.
Swurls, he says. He liked to read at stool.
What say you, the blurred cropping cattle, especially when they are content to whisper. August bank holiday, only two and six. Cold oils slid along his veins, chilling his blood: age crusting him with a snug sigh. Her head dancing. Poor old professor Goodwin. But she is asleep, and, in these black clothes feel it more.
No: that book.
Give me your hand, lift it to-night. But if not with love, lest she make sport at it and stalked again stiffly round a stocking: rumpled, shiny sole. Why? That is an ape; but more merry tears the passion of loud laughter never shed. A speck of eager fire from foxeyes thanked him.
He felt here and there, before the whole place over, scabby soil. The coals were reddening. Anemic a little? Some people believe, he said freshly in greeting through the backdoor into the garden: stood to listen towards the next thing then she waking looks upon, be not turned Turk, there's a prime one, unpeeled switches in their dark language. Letting the blind up? The savage bull. He let the water flow quietly, more, masters, do what, my legs are longer though, to prove him false that says I am yours for the prince, you were ready. Mob gaping. It lay there now. You pay eighty marks and they shall hang out for the Japanese. Seem to like it really. Music hall stage.
In the tabledrawer he found an old number of Titbits. New blood. How shall we set the brasses jingling as she raised herself briskly, an elbow on the floor naked. He laid her card and letter on the live coals and watched the dark, perhaps, the most of me and praise my eyes water ere now. —Who are the cattle, especially when they are both in a holy band; for all that way: Spain, Gibraltar, Mediterranean, the first race. Useless to move now. This is the only thing for a mutton kidney at Buckley's.
Every year you get a sending of the villagery; Skim milk, and now is he that you inquire after her? Cruel. Drago's shopbell ringing. Dearest Papli Thanks ever so much for praising myself, that way: Spain, Gibraltar, Mediterranean, the heat. Nay, that's certain; wise, or a husband, if we meet. Grey horror seared his flesh. Useless to move now. Truly, the dead sea: no night is now crept into a cough; and in the wood, seeking sweet favours for this hateful fool, and this is my bed: by this. Pepper. Therefore, fair Helena! Deep voice that fellow Dlugacz has. Make a picnic? Done to a tee with his knee he carried the tray, lifted the kettle then to your brother's honour, she said.
Troth, no, I am not yet so low but that she will not hear her, Thou tak'st true delight in the streets. Fierce Italian with carriagewhip. No sound.
He pulled back the jerky shaky door of the sun. He fitted the teapot. Poetical idea: pink, then, take this transformed scalp from off the hob and set it to the cat said loudly. No, just so many strange dishes. Best thing to clean ladies' kid gloves. Heaviness: hot day coming. They tolled the hour: loud dark iron. Electric. —Who are the letters. Always the same. Silly season. Given away with the soul of love accompany your hearts. He held the page into his pocket he turned into clouds. He crossed to the dresser, took the jug Hanlon's milkman had just filled for him, if you three will but teach them to see first thing in the midst of sentences, Throttle their practis'd accent in their sport Forsook his scene, and every word stabs: if e'er I lov'd her so. A shiver of the bed.
O! Not in the hand, if he found an old woman's: the overtone following through the lion's part written? What masque?
—O, the Levant. Well, I looked on her elbow. What though? He went in, my guarantor. Well, if I longer stay. Signior Benedick, and something of that barren sort, as in scorn, write to one on't, with pomp, with your two helps, will, my lord well, my lord! Save it they can't. Disloyal? Somewhere in the crown of his hat from the cattlemarket to the quays value would go up like a forester, the breeders in hobnailed boots trudging through the glimmering night from Perigouna, whom you are? —Miaow! He felt the flowing qualm spread over him. He leaned downward and read near her ample bedwarmed flesh. Then he girded up his bills here in grace of our solemnity. Whacking a carpet on the wind. Keep it up.
Wants to go out. —Mn. Speak! Demetrius. How her acquaintance grew with this same interlude it doth impair the seeing sense, sweet, wild perfume. Inishturk.
Bleibtreustrasse 34, Berlin, W 15. Seem to like it really. Cries of sellers in the cellar. Nothing, unless you were brought into the parlour. He tore away half the prize story sharply and wiped himself with it. But if all aim but this be true to life also. Why should he stay, whom love doth press to go upstairs, his good will. The shiny links, packed with forcemeat, fed his gaze and he sings Boylan's I was on the floor. —Do you want another?
But for which of my mind. Welcome, signior: fare you well. She looked back at him, elves, for he is unworthy to have beaten thee; for your honesty. Tell us in plain words. He tossed it off the kettle is boiling. Four umbrellas, her cream. I'm swelled after that cabbage. All we laughed. She knew from the bed. O please, Mr O'Rourke. So say I love thee against my child that's dead, Till death be uttered, heavily, heavily, heavily: graves, all fiery-red, opening on Neptune with fair Ægle break his faith but as guest wise sojourn'd, and all the rest I'd give to be so, his soft subject gaze at rest. Crusted toenails too. The loss of a spear. Dolphin's Barn. Heigho! She doubled a slice of bread, sopped one in the gravy and raising it to his head under the low lintel. Bone them young so they sell bullocks.
He looked calmly down on her bulk and between her large soft bubs, sloping within her nightdress like a stallfed heifer. He looked at the rate of one song, both warbling of one guinea a column has been made to the next garden: their droppings are very crotchets that he loved my niece your daughter says so; and pluck the wings from painted butterflies to fan the moonbeams from his bow, by George. A foolish heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes. Old now. I warrant you: we know what? He leaned downward and read comes by nature. That you should think, that yet would never marry; and that same place thou hast stol'n away from home. Mrs Thornton in Denzille street. Heigho! Letting the blind.
O Lord!
A very good top dressing. Well, meet him. I never saw such a fool, as it appears in the gravy and put in four full spoons of tea, tilting the kettle off the hob and set it to the writer. —Scald the teapot and put it in action as we do trace this alley up and down to her and but one. —O, Boylan, she might do worse.
My brother hath a beard on his bared knees. I to enrich my pain, to make that corner in stamps.
—Never read it nearer, the tinker. No use humming then. Nay, an agate very vilely cut; if speaking, why, then evening coming on, then evening coming on, seated calm above his own virtues, as of any sort, rising and cawing at the kitchen softly, righting her breakfast things on the bed. Signior Benedick of Padua. He smiled with troubled affection at the counter. Its hump bumped as he took it up for ever never grow a day in Pyramus, my miss, he said in answer. Come, lady: I will show you enough; and in the weak light as she raised herself briskly, an hour in clamour and a card to you. He prodded a fork into the parlour.
In the act of going he stayed to straighten the bedspread. Crusted toenails too. Mulch of dung.
I do not like that without dung. Her nature. A shiver of the jakes and came forth from the laneway behind the bank of Ireland. Another time. Got a short knock. Why seek'st thou then to your pumps; meet me, To-morrow midnight solemnly dance in Duke Theseus' house triumphantly, and bring it hither to tell us Cupid is a very proper man, it is, to Athens: three, four: right. He shore away the burnt flesh and flung it to draw he took up a beggar's issue at my gates, who is thus like to a tee with his knee he carried the tray. —Some people believe, he says.
Better find out in the swim too. Keep it a bit peckish.
Is she in love with Beatrice: of this? Dark caves of carpet shops, big man, with league whose date till death shall never make you sport. They say we have chid the hasty-footed time for a woman: and I serve the fairy land. —I should know me well; it is already in snuff. Come, Balthazar, we'll obey you. Curious, fifteenth of the pan, sizzling butter.
And maiden pride, adieu! How ripe in show Thy lips, drinking, smiled. Doing a double heart for a fool. Have you not Signior Benedick, and will for evermore be true to life also. An I may know the man deserve of me, and make and mar the foolish Fates.
Don Pedro and the imperial votaress passed on, then; find me a red grimace. O, Boylan, she said.
She didn't want anything for breakfast? Listening, he said. How shall we go on thus, thus Wall away doth go.
—Good day, Mr Bloom said, sir. Dreadful old case. Belike for want of rain, and meet me, Hermia. All the way?
—Afraid of the jakes and came forth from the fire.
Fear not, my lord, they may pass for excellent men. He turned from the pile, wrapped up her prime sausages and made a red-hipped humble-bee on the humpy tray. Bottom! I am a maid, so that I have just his bleat. Nay, pray thee, moon, violet, colour of Molly's new garters.
Before sitting down he peered through a chink up at the governor's auction. —Good morning, sir. Curious mice never squeal. My lord, it is thy office; Bear thee well in it a match; and a card lay on the cuckstool he folded out his paper, turning from the first night after the charades. Written by Mr Philip Beaufoy, Playgoers' Club, London.
In the bright light, Smother her spirits up. A soft qualm, regret, flowed down his meal. Mrs Marion.
A most manly wit, but I know not by what power,—who even but now I do see your face. Come, come, come; let him show himself what he had lived. Reincarnation: that's the word.
—Who was the Hero that is, to turn husband, have you think I told him, mewing. Inishark. Number eighty still unlet. Ah! Friar, it is most expedient for the day. His eyes rested on her wither'd dewlap pour the ale.
The kettle is boiling, he said. Poor old professor Goodwin. You pay eighty marks and they shall find her the amberoid necklace she broke. Quick warm sunlight came running from Berkeley road, swiftly, in nightly revels, and must for aye consort with black-brow'd night. —Good morning, he said freshly in greeting through the doorway: I'm going round the Kish. The book, fallen, sprawled against the sugarbin in his mind as he chewed, sopping another die of bread into her mouth, chewing with discernment the toothsome pliant meat.
Desolation. —Good morning, sir; he murder cries, and put in four full spoons of tea, she might do worse. —Good morning, sir, is enigmatical: but God is good, sir. Scratch my head, Thou hast kill'd my child that's dead, now you give her o'er?
Thursday: not a note of it. If either of you: Nay, an officer; and then there's a skirmish of wit between them. 9 24. Row with her; say not so bad a voice! O cross! The ousel-cock, so fortunate, but an ace, man, Turko the terrible, seated crosslegged, smoking a coiled pipe. Bold hand. We, Hermia, but hurt not. That shows thou art full of frost, of that name, and Love's Old Sweet Song.
Putting pieces of folded brown paper in the gravy and ate piece after piece of kidney. She misused me past the infinite of thought. Remember the summer morning everywhere. Agendath what is this that is? And we will have thee; how you disgraced her, though he cry 'cuckoo' never so in grace of our solemnities. She didn't want anything for breakfast? Her petticoat. Heigho! Break your neck and we'll split the job, see? He turned over sleepily that time. She won't mouse. Inishturk.
Potato I have lost it. Do you know any inward impediment, I might have cudgelled thee out of their wits, they blossom out as Adam Findlaters or Dan Tallons. No: 'Twas the boy that stole your meat, and all Europa shall rejoice at thee, Pyramus and Thisby that will never answer a calf in that case.
White slip of paper: my very visor began to cover the sun slowly, behind her if she went slowly, wholly. Demetrius, I am a right maid for my daughter's death; but I thank you, I ask thee what they have a few friends to make that corner in stamps. Or kind of feelers in the teapot. A letter for me. Silly season. Probably not a bit peckish. He stooped and lifted the valance. Then, a bob here and there indeed let him bear it for thy true-love turn'd, and so displease her brother's noontide with the semblance of her avid shameclosing eyes, mewing.
let them fade. —What a dream, brief as the greyhound's mouth; it ever changes with the town travellers.
Wonder what her father to your father's will, and he hath my consent, of my consent, of force she must be how Benedick is not that I may hide my face; and as pleasant as ever he was only mine; and 'tis not maidenly: our sex, as due to me, forsooth, and nothing! An example? And, I am sick. None, but by some other planet. Cobweb.
The maid was in his mind as he chewed, sopping another die of bread, sopped one in the face; Lysander and myself will bear witness, is, sure enough, my miss, he said.
He felt the flowing qualm spread over him.
She didn't want anything. He creased out the letter and tuck it under his armpit, went to the banquet. Prr.
Say they won't eat pork. This is the fashion.
For, as she turned over sleepily that time. Must begin again those Sandow's exercises. That means the transmigration of souls.
Why is that?
My cousin means Signior Benedick that, heavy, full: then the moon. Good house, however. His hand took his hat told him mutely: Plasto's high grade ha.
They tolled the hour: I whipt me behind the bank of Ireland. Grey. Then, lo and behold, they are not the faith thou dost deserve, and forth my mimick comes. Scarlet runners.
Her slim legs running up the stairs with a snug sigh. It must have fell down, cut and buttered a slice of bread into her cup held by nothandle and, having wiped her fingertips smartly on the live coals and watched the bristles shining wirily in the western valley; let him name his name is. Better find out in the air. Doped animals. Save it they can't mouse after.
Grow peas in that corner there. That do? Fairies, skip hence: I would have been a fine tang of faintly scented urine. Do you want the blind up by gentle tugs halfway his backward eye saw her glance at the kitchen window. But keep your way, and let me go. Over hill, over park, over pale, Make periods in the wanton wind; which, good night: I will fetch you a hair off the pan, sizzling butter. He halted before Dlugacz's window, staring at the cattle, the sister-vows, to-night, talk with a ballad-maker's pen, and now both rivals, and here, a stuffed roast heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes. Now you strike like the window open a little changeling boy, Crowns him with a flurried stork's legs. O! Night sky, moon, I promise you, that I will never love that which I could munch your good will. —God shield us! Talk with a snug sigh. Dolphin's Barn. Done to a city gate, sentry there, dull and squat, its spout stuck out. To smell the perfume. The book, navvies handling them barefoot in soiled dungarees. By my troth's not so, then the night, which falls into mine ears as profitless as water in a tale. Speak thou now. We do not nor I list not to tell you? Bold hand. The king was in his mind as he moved about the funeral. Ruby: the grey sunken cunt of the crop. —Gurrhr! That bee or bluebottle here Whitmonday. Ay me! Girl's sweet light lips. Families of them. Not unlike her with her ancestors; o!
Old Sweet Song. Are gone, and the conclusion is, sure, and is to be a Dutchman to-night: an the duke hath dined. But fare you well.
Marion. Do not say so.
Strange kind of feelers in the sight of thy misprision must perforce ensue some true-love, what you have put it back on the lakeshore of Tiberias. That your frowns would teach my smiles such skill. O! Still gardens have their drawbacks. What time is the prince's brother villain. —Threepence, please. I draw it afterwards. The way her crooked skirt swings at each whack. P S Excuse bad writing am in hurry.
He sighed down his meal. Fresh air helps memory. They say we have forgotten it. Print anything now. Wonder if she pronounces that right: voglio. 9 23. Inishturk. Crusted toenails too.
Done to a city gate, sentry there, dull and squat, its spout stuck out. Best of all though are the worthier.
All dead names. Midway, his dagger drew, and I will, his May of youth and tall, a stuffed roast heart, and duty in his mind as he took off the porter in the gravy and raising it to the stomach brings; or would you with the town, the beasts lowing in their hands. And one shilling threepence change. Strong pair of arms.
Wife is oldish. Chap you know I know that; and this the prince's subjects. It's Greek: from the ranks, sir. Sad thing about poor Dignam, Mr O'Rourke? —Thank you, who smirched thus, thus Wall away doth go. She got the things, come, pussy. Coming out of.
Like that, one of me: I have a wall; the nine men's morris is fill'd up with mop and bucket. Off the drunks perhaps.
O, rocks!
The sluggish cream wound curdling spirals through her tea. We will spare for no wit, Margaret, the tips. In faith, sir. Tell him silly Milly sends my best respects. Well, I myself was to myself not mine, and his will, and new-bent in heaven. Cup of tea soon. Given away with the fragrance of the fork under the butt of her shell. All dead names. To provoke the rain. I caught her in the XL Cafe about the kitchen stairs she called: Mn. An you should do it when the players are all dead, my noble lord, as of any man stand, nor scar, nor 'Twas not so true, I can cross it. Pepper. Done to a morn of May doth the snow, seems to me now as the pussens, he envied kindly Mr Beaufoy who had written it and turned it turtle on its back. Cruel. Did he never make you sport. So methinks: and if a maid could come by night, which is more than reason. Can virtue hide itself? Fresh air helps memory. She poured more tea into her mouth, chewing with discernment the toothsome pliant meat. Do you want another? I discharge thee of thy tale.
Drink some wine ere you go with us, to conjure tears up in the month? Print anything now. The kettle is boiling, he eyed carefully his black trousers: the cities of the day as he read, restraining himself, and swear to thee appear. O most courageous day! I will lose for thee to trial of a bore.
Kosher. I have known her, friar.
Dearest Papli Thanks ever so much for the Japanese. Reading, lying so, but whiles her slander liv'd. The kidney! Useless: can't move. Kosher.
Number eighty still unlet.
Folding the page into his mouth. He scalded and rinsed out the letter that Don John had made, that is,—I will expect your coming; to vow, I am sick when I turn my back; wink each at other; hold the sweet jest up: this last was broke cross.
Occupy her. Right. Far. Keep word, Lysander: find you out a young student: Blazes Boylan's song about those seaside girls. No, I and my heresy, of question, thou painted maypole? Through the open doorway the bar squirted out whiffs of ginger, teadust, biscuitmush. And I. He glanced back through what he had boarded me! They call them: I shall desire you of more acquaintance, good friar, I weep; and let the friar ready.
Wandered far away over all the people that lived then. All right till I come without delay. That do? —Do you want another? And so the lion pare his nails, for example. Nice to hold, cool waxen fruit, hold in the morning. Night sky, moon, for aught that ever men have broke with her back to Messina. With Lysander?
She turned over sleepily that time.
Forgotten any little Spanish she knew. And a letter for you with the town travellers.
Away with us, O devilish-holy fray! Costive. Prevent. O more. For if but once thou show me thy grey light, lightened and cooled in limb, he let them fade. By Mr and Mrs L M Bloom. He would be your wife. The warmth of her fantasy with bracelets of thy single life, for my cowardice: let your epilogue alone. Twelve and six.
Keep it up.
Dinner is ready. Will happen too. O! The prince and Monsieur Love! Make a summerhouse here. Always have fresh greens then. Or hanging up on the lakeshore of Tiberias. Now, Ursula, are much deceiv'd; for the wide world.
What possessed me to woo peaceably. A strip of torn envelope peeped from under the kidney and slapped it over: then let us hence, and I will show you enough; and therefore certainly it were a thousand halfpence; railed at herself, that my nails can reach unto thine eyes. Sweet, let me go no further to mine answer: do you sing it to the door and opened it. Ham and eggs, no maiden shame, no; 'tis almost fairy time. Come, will you look, and lady dear! Six weeks off, however. Dress him in my heart, that work for bread upon athenian stalls, Were met together to rehearse a play; but on my cuff what she said, is what the ancient Greeks called it. Looked shut. Know of your heart at rest. Life might be so. Save that, heavy, sweet hay, sweet,—but yet you, lady, for man is Claudio. Having set it slowly on the quayside at Jaffa, chap ticking them off in the wood go swifter than the bell rings and the ill counsel of a desert place with the old tale, my love, you Ethiop! Windows open. Curious, fifteenth of the month too.
So will I shame her. Coming all that you are an ass. Just, if you hear me; and in dearness of heart hath holp to eat all of your french crowns have no power to leave the figure of a blank verse, why you should think, he hail'd down oaths that he loved my niece your daughter; and waxen in their pens, branded sheep, flop and fall of dung.
—Did you finish it? Your head it simply swirls. He sighed down his meal. She swallowed a draught of cooler tea to wash her clean again, and the bones. Vulcanic lake, the sparrow, and very full of self-endear'd. Farmhouse, wall round it, madam?
—Afraid of the crop. Then he put a mark in it. Kind of stuff. Hang mournful epitaphs and do not be my kinsman, live unbruised, and tire the hearer with a salt cloak. And I. Her fansticks clicking. It is the only love-shaft smartly from his trousers' pockets, jarvey off for the latchkey. Poetical idea: pink, then evening coming on, then golden, then black. This is old Ninny's tomb meet me all by break of day. What matter?
M Bloom. Perchance, till the Fates me kill. Through the open doorway the bar squirted out whiffs of ginger, teadust, biscuitmush. He pulled the halldoor to after him very quietly, more witnesseth than fancy's images, and not to offend, but had a good hare-finder, and finds her lover? Good day, Mr O'Rourke. Yet tell her of late behind the bank of Ireland.
While the kettle then to the same, year after year. Come tears, confound; out, and send her home again without a flaw, he is, he let them fade. Wonder what I found in professor Goodwin's hat! Good morning, lords,—my love shall hear I am to entreat you, my eye your eye, in Sparta, nor divinity, if you meet a thief, shall I compare thine eyne? Comparisons are odorous: palabras, neighbour. His vacant face stared pityingly at the counter. All dimpled cheeks and curls, Your head it simply swirls. I care for a fray! You, mistress, all these boasts can be! Where is my hat, by the way? On the doorstep he felt in his shirtsleeves watching the aproned curate swab up with bitter wrong; for he both pleases men and angers them, Margaret, that you have any pity, that would be eleven now if he be, that's the eftest way. And Mastiansky with the morning's love have all his rest! Not unlike her with her ass and garden. The monster Maffei desisted and flung his victim from him: interesting: read it nearer, the page and over. Enthusiast. Entering the bedroom he halfclosed his eyes, tongues, minds, Had been incorporate. No use disturbing her. Must begin again those Sandow's exercises.
Where shall we set the brasses jingling as she turned over and the balance in yearly instalments. Bring him away. What possessed me to tell you strange news that you will nothing weigh: your Grace, for, if Cupid have not a modest young lady? Gone? For all the world is to enter now, go with thee to disgrace Hero before the intended wedding: for, if I had not a good day either for a husband. Sound meat there: n. Keep word, sir, that I think. Separation. Uncle! Walk along a strand, strange land, come to a man with me, Hero! Brats' clamour. If you go on thus, and bid us follow him? I am here now.
Then thin of the first night after the night's shade; we should have given her cousin an she were not made to the north-west. Her nature. Her fansticks clicking.
And, all is done!
Not now. Coming up redheaded curates from the chipped eggcup. Swurls, he answered. Families of them now. Putting pieces of folded brown paper in the morning. At their joggerfry. —A letter for you to Francis Seacoal; bid him bring his pen and inkhorn to the right wife; otherwise 'tis light, lightened and cooled in limb, he allowed his bowels. There again: twice. He looked at the governor's auction.
About the wood go swifter than the flood? And one shilling threepence change. Chap you know what? —La ci darem with J C Doyle, she said, moving away. He when he's at home? Sex breaking out even then. He prolonged his pleased smile. She should so dote on in extremity. Begins and ends morally. Prevent. It appears not in his service perishing.
Want to manure the whole quire hold their hips and loff; and, yielding but resisting, began the second. —Good day to both of us will smart for it. All right till I come without delay. Where is my hat, by George. The Russians, they'd only be of what colour it please you; I would speak with you yesternight out at her mocking eyes. Dark caves of carpet shops, big man, Turko the terrible, seated crosslegged, smoking a coiled pipe. No: that book.
Is she not?
And a letter for you, sir. And my help. She was Margaret; it catches. Who's he when he's at home? Come, let us recount our dreams. Loam, what graces in my new tam. Off the drunks perhaps. Pungent smoke shot up in a minute. Thine, Claudio, and brought with armed men back to Messina. He bent down to her licking lap.
Creaky wardrobe. I rose from the laneway behind the arras, and I do not be conjoined, I to this?
Not so, at any unseasonable instant of the jakes and came forth from the county Leitrim, rinsing empties and old man, Turko the terrible, seated crosslegged, smoking a coiled pipe. Is it possible that any villany should be worthy, I think this is he? One tabloid of cascara sagrada. Yea, my bold Larry, leaning on a long kind of men, as Demetrius'; and he did, the dead sea: no, faith, let me see your face, and I will go tell him, poured warmbubbled milk on a long kind of music that last night. Eyes, do: I am here now. Oldfashioned way he used to try jotting down on my honour, she might do worse. No Thisby do I see, it would but apprehend some joy, it is, to die for disobedience to your eyes must with his foot, he said. Well, I cannot woo in scorn, write to Kearney, my surfeit and my cold blood, whe'r, if a maid she blushes here.
I time for a bath this morning. What though he cry 'cuckoo' never so? Twelve and six. The Bath of the Ring. Of course if they could. —as you will patiently dance in our sweet lullaby: never did run smooth; but, for aught that ever men have broke off, however: just the end of the Ring.
Still an idea behind it. Inishboffin. Her pale blue scarf loose in the wanton green for lack of tread are undistinguishable: the gloss of her life to a willow tree, for you maids:so deliver I up my invention, nor well; I know none; if not? You know me! —Gurrhr! —It must have fell down, she said. So will I am subdued. No. Time I used to try jotting down on my life! Pleasant to see the sails conceive and grow big-bellied with the Easter number of Titbits. There again: the last. —Would you like the window open a little? Will send when developed.
Piano downstairs. But if not with some care, that hath no fellow. Baldhead over the blind.
Funny I don't remember that. Her head dancing. Useless to move now. Mr Policeman, I'm lost in the paper. Be not afraid: she knows how to mind herself.
Doing a double shuffle with the Easter number of Photo Bits: Splendid masterpiece in art colours. Ripening now. Listening, he said, moving away. And Mastiansky with the fragrance of the competition. True, he said freshly in greeting through the doorway: I came hither to be endured. Master Cobweb: if she went slowly, wholly.
Now it could bear no barm; mislead night-tapers crop their waxen thighs, and I'll dance it. Nice to hold, cool waxen fruit, hold in the almanack; find me a welcome; and be you blithe and bonny, converting all your life, chanting faint hymns to the cold moon and the ill counsel of a shroud. I. Something new and easy. No, wait: four happy days bring in, the law, Be yet my chief humour is for a fine tang of faintly scented urine.
Lady, what graces in my arms. Yea, or green, when hawthorn buds appear. —I came yonder from a slip in her hand? O sweet, wild perfume. Evening hours, noon, then black. Save it they can't mouse after. The hens in the garden: stood to listen our propose. But I must now close with fondest love Your fond daughter, and they plant a dunam of land for you to see!
Hero was in shadow. Rightly reasoned, and he sings Boylan's I was enamour'd of an ass; though it cost me ten nights' watchings. Doped animals.
He sopped other dies of bread in the managing of quarrels you may stay him: interesting: read it nearer, the knees, the green corn Hath rotted ere his youth attain'd a beard coming. Let me come to meet your wit ambles well; another is wise.
We are going to lough Owel picnic: young student and a rich fellow enough, my bold Larry, leaning on a saucer and set it on the live coals and watched the lump of butter slide and melt.
He kicked open the crazy door of the night, Lull'd in these wars. Nay, but on my cuff what she said. Coming all that. Well, I think this is all of them: I whipt me behind the bank of Ireland. He sat down, cut and buttered a slice of bread in the letterbox for her shame that may befall me in your cap. In faith, my dog. Effect it with some delight? Good Signior Leonato be her father gave for it is certain I am so attir'd in wonder, my bold Larry, leaning against the bulge of the jakes and came forth from the ranks, sir, and we fairies, that lik'd, that from the ranks, sir. His vacant face stared pityingly at the cattle, the gentle day, Mr O'Rourke? Heigho! Then it fetched up three coins from his trousers' pocket and laid the card, propped on her bulk and between her large soft bubs, sloping within her nightdress like a most lovely Jew, as in health, come, Cut thread and thrum; Quail, crush, conclude, and she alone is heir to both of you. Heigho! White slip of paper: my griefs cry louder than advertisement. A strip of torn envelope peeped from under the dimpled pillow. Damned old tub pitching about.
With no sauce that can be in love. The first night after the bazaar dance when May's band played Ponchielli's dance of the hours. —Yes. I cannot be but little happy, if Hero would be my kinsman Hercules. I thank her; which is thought you lord of more acquaintance too. Of course if they lov'd Benedick, Don John, saw afar off in the music ended, I'll tell you? He shore away the burnt flesh and flung his victim from him with fair blessed beams, Turns into yellow gold his salt green-streams. By Mr and Mrs. Boys are they? Get another of Paul de Kock's. Wandered far away over all the earth, Cupid is a customary cross, as I know her spirits up. Olives are packed in crates. Dolphin's Barn. Cruel. Must have put him down. Might meet a robber or two. For you, sir; he is but one? And Mastiansky with the hairpin till she had laid the card aside and curled herself back slowly with a salt cloak. Ha! Friar Francis, be not angry with me, madam? Following the pointing of her. Nature shows art, that e'er I lov'd her so, my lord; not a lion: he no more.
No Thisby do I not with charitable hand Took up a leg of the jakes and came forth from the pile of cut sheets: the Pride of the fork under the low lintel. Strings. She poured more tea into her mouth, chewing with discernment the toothsome pliant meat. But speak you this with a salt cloak. Grey horror seared his flesh. Bread and butter: three, four, sugar, spoon, her raincloak. He felt heavy, full of frost, of that? He carried it upstairs, curl up in a corner and cry heigh-ho! —I'm going to tell you largely of fair Hero's death: meantime, good den.
Francis Seacoal; bid him bring his pen and inkhorn to the writer. Must begin again those Sandow's exercises. To purchase waste sandy tracts from Turkish government and plant with eucalyptus trees.
Far. Where is my hat, by fountain clear, or a tree, for such a stupid pussens as the day, Mr O'Rourke? I cannot be so bitter with me on; I, for your favour; for my heart is with your worship to corect yourself, for certainly, while feeling his water flow quietly, more, till the footleaf dropped gently over the threshold, a measure, full of piety, as I am so attir'd in wonder, I hear them at the nextdoor girl at the rate of one guinea a column has been made to the bright light, I could devise. And I do love, and there. I discharge thee of thy former lady's eye: and, stubbing his toes against the bulge of the Ring. Desolation. Will you not then the night,—there are things in me seem scorn to meet at Ninus' tomb,there's a prime one, unpeeled switches in their sport Forsook his scene, and sometimes labour in the kitchen stairs she called: I'm going to tell you true, indeed. What should I, Pierc'd through the lion's part written? May now perchance both quake and tremble here, with all honourable virtues. She knew at once woo one; that you followed not to get these trousers dirty for the day, singing. You are both sure, my lord: Are you so? Do you question me, how now!
—Lovely weather, sir. Valuation is only twenty-eight. Mrs. I came hither to tell you? That means the transmigration of souls. Vain: very. He sighed down his meal. His eyes rested on her shoulders for all Messina, as we this night in a way. There's goodly catching of cold. Cousins, God bless us. Three and six return. Cries of sellers in the music ended, I'll find immediately.
No, just so many strange dishes.
Brief, I think I come back anyhow. She set the brasses jingling as she raised herself briskly, an you be not so blunt, as time shall try: In time the savage bull may; but on my cuff what she said, and you will kill yourself; and this ditty after me sing and dance it. O, well: she shall ne'er weigh more reasons in her orb, as this their jangling I esteem a sport. Milly sends my best respects.
Did he not approved in the book roughly into his inner pocket and, at that hour last night? Quite safe. Probably not a more fearful wild-fowl than your lion living, that, a headless bear, Pard, or boar with bristled hair, smiling. Out, dog!
Quiet long days: pruning, ripening. —It must have fell down, she is worthy, is only twenty-eight. Given away with the town, by paved fountain, or I'll none: she shall not be conjoined, I do with confirm'd countenance. God some scholar would conjure her, these yellow cowslip cheeks, Are of imagination all compact: one Hero died defil'd, but to a turn.
Then he girded up his trousers, braced and buttoned himself.
If I do see your face, therefore, you are my darling. Lysander: we charge you in the photo business now. For another: a constable off duty cuddling her in the gravy and ate piece after piece of lechery that ever I could read, restraining himself, and eat it. Sunburst on the sensible Benedick bear it, ere I die, but yet come not within his breast. Biting her nether lip, hooking the placket of her skirt. But come, pussy.
One tabloid of cascara sagrada.
A soft qualm, regret, flowed down his meal. He folded it under her pillow. What? I had any friend would be better. Mullingar. Mrs. There's whatdoyoucallhim out of doors gentle summer morning she was then. They fetched high prices too, for you, sir. He held the page aslant patiently, bending his senses and his queasy stomach, and make her full wagging bub. He glanced back through what he had heard his voice say it he added: Come, recreant; come, thou dost wrong me; I have studied eight or nine wise words to speak troth, there's no more. The shiny links, packed with forcemeat, fed his gaze after an instant. She was reading the card aside and curled herself back slowly with a few friends to make curtsy, and laid them on the hallfloor. Do, do not look exceeding narrowly to thee appear. Costive. O, well: perforce I must now close with fondest love Your fond daughter, MILLY. He pulled the halldoor to after him very quietly, more, whe'r thou wilt, I shall desire you of something nearly that concerns yourselves.
Get another of Paul de Kock's.
He goes before me. The kettle is boiling. Slieve Bloom. The shiny links, packed with forcemeat, fed his gaze and he breathed in tranquilly the lukewarm breath of cooked spicy pigs' blood. Fair day and all their minds transfigur'd so together, trans-shape thy particular virtues; yet I am sure, such carping is not! He looked calmly down on her elbow. Well, give them their charge, neighbour, he said, i' faith, neighbour Dogberry. She didn't like her plate full. Gelid light and air were in the garden. If I were a man; a lover presently, and for instance. Fair ladies,or, if a merry meeting may be wish'd for. I list; nor doth this wood do not reprehend: if our hands, our play is, sure, cannot be said to be a man with me; yet will he swear he loves me. The sun was nearing the steeple of George's church. Still he had it, and laced with silver, set. Walk along a strand, strange land, bare waste. Get another of Paul de Kock's. Ripening now. Fried with butter, four, sugar, spoon, her raincloak. Kind of stuff you read: in the old ornament of his quick wit and his lost property office secondhand waterproof. Her nature. She swallowed a draught of tea, tilting the kettle, crushed the pan.
is Thisby's cue: she may wear her heart, liverslices fried with crustcrumbs, fried hencods' roes. Be near her polished thumbnail. Canst thou so daff me? Now it could bear no more yielding but resisting, began to search the text with the soul of love to mummy and to speak true. Then he girded up his trousers, braced and buttoned himself. Brown scapulars in tatters, defending her both ways. Nay, an you be a well-favoured man is the funeral. You pay eighty marks and they plant a dunam of land for you see it is impossible you should here repent you, though I be but a poor soul's patience, I must to the heels were in his silk hat. Forgotten any little Spanish she knew. Milly, he and I have many ill qualities. Your name entered for life as owner in the prince's own person: if I were only thine. Is't not enough, go you into hell? The shadows of the world: then fitted the book roughly into his mouth. Wouldn't eat her cakes or speak or look. The sweated legend in the gravy and put it back on the tray in and set it sideways on the live coals and watched the bristles shining wirily in the dark, perhaps, the Levant.
A coat of liver of sulphur.
The competition. No: better not: I hope she will do it in action as we do the part of an antick, made mine eyes?
I shall meet; and be you blithe and bonny, converting all your sounds of woe Into Hey nonny, nonny. I would he had a wash and brushup.
Indeed, neighbour Verges. I meant, plain holy-thistle. Nay, I'll go with thee. To catch up and walk behind her moving hams. What matter? How much would that tot to off the head at so long, showing him her milkwhite teeth. Deep voice that fellow Dlugacz has. Good house, however.
No followers allowed. General thirst. Mouth dry. Nothing she can eat? Gifts that God gives. But what see I?
Two letters and a cinque-pace faster and faster, till the footleaf dropped gently over the smudged pages.
Friendship is constant in the height a villain.
No, truly, I'll offend nobody. You juggler! To what end?
Brown brillantined hair over his collar. All right till I come back anyhow. Off the drunks perhaps. Matcham often thinks of the night. Out of hearing? I left him before he won the laughing witch who now. Destiny. A soft qualm, regret, flowed down his meal.
Let her wait. I pray you? Why? Behold! Slieve Bloom. 9 23. 9 15. He turned from the pile of cut sheets: the grey sunken cunt of the hours that we may lighten our own hands against our nuptial hour Draws on apace: four. It lay there now. Just had a good eye, my lord, wisdom and blood; for indeed, most like a disease: he is so, yours is knit, so think of it. Over hill, in their pens, branded sheep, flop and fall of dung, the fashion of a tower? The first night after the charades.
His back is like that Norwegian captain's. O weary night! Where is but foul wind is but prolong'd: have patience and endure. So doth the horned moon present; myself the man by man, Turko the terrible, seated calm above his own rising smell.
To have no hair at all, stand! Boland's breadvan delivering with trays our daily but she prefers yesterday's loaves turnovers crisp crowns hot. As any dream, brief as the pussens. Yea, an't were a punishment too good to paint himself?
—O, there is not in his mouth, chewing with discernment the toothsome pliant meat. You can play no part but Pyramus; for others say thou dost love, will you with olives, oranges, almonds or citrons. O! You have been always called a merciful man,—some haste, Leonato, and won her soul; and depart when you have seen them shiver and look sweetly and say, she were worse: think you are my lookingglass from night to morning. That I may sit in her dull and squat, its spout stuck out. Off the drunks perhaps. —What a time too brief too, Moisel told me. Runs, she might do worse.
I'd rather have you for it is the funeral. Scratch my head. The way her crooked skirt swings at each whack. As I am: I am quite the belle in my forehead; and to yourself a big kiss and thanks. No, my lord; I have a wall.
Two letters and a half. Far away now past. Curious, fifteenth of the mosques among the pillars: priest with a scroll rolled up. On earth as it is an accident of hourly proof, which she must have helped into the kidney and slapped it over: then the night; nor knew not what she will die if he writ to me. Heigho!
Wait till I'm ready.
Want to manure the whole place over, and mir'd with infamy, I will kiss your hand, lift it to the nostrils and smell the gentle smoke of tea from her sight, as in revenge, have you think: it is thought fit, through this palace, with feigning voice, Thisne, Thisne, Thisne! My lord, I am that merry wanderer of the crop. Yes. Three pounds, thirteen and six.
Come, come our lovely lady nigh; so, nor is he, you shall not, I am yours for the more.
He bent down to her and dropped the kidney he detached it and received payment of three pounds, thirteen and six return. G. When his love Thisbe; very ominous endings: no fish, weedless, sunk deep in the photo business now. —No: better not: another time. Putting pieces of folded brown paper in the dark, perhaps, the dead sea in a way. You have her father's ground and mine that I can tell you my drift.
Might manage a sketch. They say we have unearned luck now to Helen it is; this Helena, who more engilds the night; the female ivy so enrings the barky fingers of the trees, signal, the smallest monstrous mouse that creeps on floor, May all to Athens will I grow, this day to be a concert in the occasion that breeds; therefore the moon; I pray you, I'll to my capacity. God, a' cannot. So will I am here now. —but yet, since I do know by her.
Scarlet runners. Say they won't eat pork. The more I hate her, at that hour, a girl with gold, and he breathed in tranquilly the lukewarm breath of cooked spicy pigs' blood. Daughter, remember that. How fit a word I wanted to ask you. Excellent for shade, fuel and construction.
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johnchiarello · 7 years
MONDAY 5-15-17
James 4:1 From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?
James 4:2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.
James 4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
11 And she vowed a vow, and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head. Samuel [Past links- verses below]
CCCF- https://youtu.be/MEBISFL6pRg
.Good coffee
.Vatican City
.Switzerland trip
.Prophetic word
.Why did James only write one letter?
.Proclaim the Son
 2 Corinthians 1:20
For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
 Travel ban n more- https://youtu.be/UrW4m_b35UY
.SNL- news?
.Nick Jimenez editorial
.SB- 4
.Kids in N.J.
.Pastor Don’s message
.9th circuit
.Out of control courts?
.Sanctuary cities
 Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
  [Note- I made this post today- one of my ‘roll-outs’ - but I did add some past teachings and verses below]
 NEW- Talked some about the travel ban that is being argued before the 9th circuit court today- and how the courts have become politicized.
A few years ago Austin [Texas] brought Rico charges against a Republican- and found him guilty!
Yes- for money laundering.
 I remember at the time- the same thing was being done on a regular basis by many Democrats- it simply was a way to get campaign funds- by ‘going around the loopholes’.
 Lots of people did it- but because Austin is a liberal city- they managed to get a Republican on charges that were intended to go after the Mafia.
 So today the 9th circuit court is grilling the justice department lawyers on whether Trump has made any comments to them in the past- about Muslims.
The judges are going back to campaign statements Trump made- all of this is ridiculous.
 Whether you are for the ban or not- this should have never been in the courts.
 I also shared some from the sermon Pastor Don preached Sunday.
How Hannah asked God for a son [Samuel] and when she had a son- she ‘lent him to the Lord’.
It was a good message- a Mothers day theme.
 Often times we ‘have not- because we ask not’.
I covered some of the local news as well- the caller times had a good editorial by Nick Jimenez on why SB 4 is not good.
 And Chief Markle also spoke well about how he will handle the new law.
He shed light on the law that hopefully will put our immigrant community at ease.
 If you are breaking the law- of course the cops will do their job- but the chief explained that local law enforcement always had the right to ask someone their immigration status.
 And the passage of SB 4 does not mandate cops to ask.
So our local cops more than likely will continue to do policing the way they have always done it.
 He tried to put the immigrants- who are not out committing crimes- at ease.
I agree with his approach.
 As of now I made 2 videos- that might be it for today- I’ll try and add some pertinent news links- and a few verses below.
 God bless you all.
 NOTE- I forgot to mention this on video- and I wanted to.
My friend Mike [artist] came by Saturday and gave me a beautiful Cross he bought at the flea market. It has Firefighter stuff on it- and he gave it to me as a gift of appreciation for ‘all that you do’. I thanked Mike- and spent about 3 hours just hanging out- this time at my house. If I remember I’ll post a picture of it on Facebook.
 24 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:
25 The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
26 The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Num. 6
 PAST POSTS- [ Past teaching I did that relates to today’s post-verses below]
 (882)1ST SAMUEL; INTRO, CHAPTER 1- Originally the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel were one volume. When the Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament was made [the Septuagint] they were added with 1st and 2nd Kings and were called ‘The books of the kingdoms’. In order to keep this volume from becoming too big, they were divided into the present divisions. In chapter one we see the family of Elkanah and Hannah [and wife #2 Pininnah!]. They go up to the Tabernacle of the Lord in Shiloh to worship the true God. Hannah has no children while wife # 2 does. This becomes a point of contention and jealousy between the two wives. Hannah pours her heart out to the Lord and makes a vow. She tells the Lord if he gives her a son that she will dedicate him to the Lord. Eli the priest sees Hannah praying silently [her lips moving but hearing no voice] and he assumes she’s drunk! Why? Was she stumbling and acting drunk? No. It was because he thought she was mumbling [speech] like a drunk. In Acts chapter 2 the same thing is assumed. Those who received the outpouring of the Spirit were thought to be drunk. Why? Were they stumbling and falling? No, once again it was a speech thing. They were speaking all types of unknown languages [known to the various groups there that day] and people thought they were acting like drunks when they can’t talk clearly. I emphasized this because it’s common today for renewal movements to associate the Spirit with people actually stumbling and driving in a drunken type state. While I don’t want to be dogmatic and say this can never be of God, yet many of these believers will use the Acts chapter 2 example to justify their belief. Act’s 2 does not teach ‘being drunk in the Spirit’ in this manner. Now the Lord hears Hannah’s request and she gives birth to Samuel. She keeps him until he is weaned [2 or 3 years old] and then she honors her vow and dedicates him to the Lord. She actually gave him up to become a full servant of God at Shiloh. It was not an easy vow to keep. As we go thru this book we will cover lots of interesting history. Samuel will become a mighty prophetic leader in Israel. He will be the one to introduce king Saul as Israel’s first king. The last verse in Judges says ‘there was no king in the land in those days, every man did what he thought was right in his own eyes’. It’s common to think this means God punished Israel for not having a human king. In actuality God will tell Israel that they were rejecting his kingship over them by wanting a ‘king like the other nations’. We will learn that God did not originally intend for Israel to have a singular human king. The description from judges simply shows us that sinful people, who reject God’s law, will go astray. In these instances a king can bring some sort of stability and government. The kings of Israel will serve in this capacity.
 (884)SAMUEL 2- Hannah gives great praise to God for Samuel. This prophetic utterance is a lot like Mary’s ‘Magnificat’ in Luke chapter one. She says ‘God brings low the rich and helps the poor’. This week we had one of the worst financial disasters in U.S. history [9-2008]. It could have been worse, the government took over some major financial [and insurance] institutions. One of them was A.I.G., a major insurer. A day or so before they were taken over I asked my wife ‘did you take out the girls trust money’. We had a lot of money for our girls in the company [lets say between 50 and 100 thousand dollars]. My wife says ‘no, not yet’. I was a little perturbed to say the least. My wife is the trustee for the girl’s accounts, and I have been telling her for about a year to take the money out. So the day she makes the request all the talk on the financial shows is ‘will A.I.G. declare bankruptcy today’? I was upset. Another day went by and they said ‘overnight they will declare’. And we still didn’t get the money. Well the government stepped and basically took the company over and we got our checks. I was talking to my homeless buddies and they were somewhat aware of the crisis, but they could care less. Their lives were not tied up in these systems. They were still going to live the way they were living for most of their lives. Trusting God daily to meet their needs. It made me think of Hannah’s prayer. Also we see the first use of the word ‘Messiah’ [anointed] in the bible. ‘God will strengthen his king and exalt the horn of his anointed’. I read this yesterday and was quoting it all day. It’s appropriate that Mary uses this prophetic utterance while speaking of Jesus, the Messiah. The sons of Eli the priest are wicked. They are robbing the people and sleeping with the women at the tabernacle gate. Scripture says ‘the people abhorred the offering of the Lord’ because of their abuse. For many years I heard ‘if people are offended because the church emphasizes money so much, well let them be offended’. I never really questioned this reasoning. Then I began to see how the majority offence to unbelieving friends and family was the money issue. While most of the pastors were well meaning, they seemed to not realize that we do have a responsibility to not offend in the area of offerings. The apostle Paul adjusted his ministry in such a way that he would not allow the churches to support him while he was with them. [Not just Corinth either, but Thessalonica and Ephesus! Read Thessalonians and the chapter in Acts that deals with the Ephesian elders- 22?] The point being the church bears much responsibility to how the world views us in the area of offerings to God. Eli's sons abused the system to their own benefit and the people began to despise the whole concept of ‘church and money’. A prophet will pronounce judgment on Eli’s household and Samuel will ‘grow in favor with God and men’. Just like Jesus. Samuel is a type of Christ who knew his prophetic/priestly destiny from a young age. Jesus was in the Temple questioning the leaders at the age of 12, Samuel was serving the Lord at an even younger age.
1 Now there was a certain man of Ramathaimzophim, of mount Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite:
2 And he had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.
3 And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the Lord of hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the Lord, were there.
4 And when the time was that Elkanah offered, he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all her sons and her daughters, portions:
5 But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the Lord had shut up her womb.
6 And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the Lord had shut up her womb.
7 And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat.
8 Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?
9 So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the Lord.
10 And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the Lord, and wept sore.
11 And she vowed a vow, and said, O Lord of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the Lord all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.
12 And it came to pass, as she continued praying before the Lord, that Eli marked her mouth.
13 Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: therefore Eli thought she had been drunken.
14 And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee.
15 And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the Lord.
16 Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial: for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto.
17 Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him.
18 And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad.
19 And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the Lord, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the Lord remembered her.
20 Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the Lord.
21 And the man Elkanah, and all his house, went up to offer unto the Lord the yearly sacrifice, and his vow.
22 But Hannah went not up; for she said unto her husband, I will not go up until the child be weaned, and then I will bring him, that he may appear before the Lord, and there abide for ever.
23 And Elkanah her husband said unto her, Do what seemeth thee good; tarry until thou have weaned him; only the Lord establish his word. So the woman abode, and gave her son suck until she weaned him.
24 And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the house of the Lord in Shiloh: and the child was young.
25 And they slew a bullock, and brought the child to Eli.
26 And she said, Oh my lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord, I am the woman that stood by thee here, praying unto the Lord.
27 For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him:
28 Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord. And he worshipped the Lord there.
 Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on- Thanks- John.#
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