#yeeted everything under a cut bc i ramble a lot lmao
sinsofsinister · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I got tagged by @lastwiish!! This was a super fun one. I liked looking through my stuff and going ‘hey yeah actually I like this, this is good’. I’mma tag @exowarlock, @sotc, @commanderwilloh, and anyone else who wants to do it :>
“I’m giving you a good story here. Pay attention!” (gifset) - When I first saw this scene I was like ‘hell yeah hell yEAH look at my gremlin son fuckin GO’ and I literally just made the set bc I wanted to be like *will smith pose* I love him. I’m also just lowkey fond of every K Project set I do bc the show is so naturally fucked with it’s default gradient that tweaking the colours sometimes makes me wanna yeet my PC out a window.
“Am I cursed to lose everyone that matters!?” (gifset) - I made this set back before the recent filesize increase so getting all these down to under 3MB without making them look like absolute trash garbage was a fucking mission and a half. I love the first gif. Rufus Caligula is such a cool enemy design fr.
Mitsu (drawing) - I recently decided to pick up art a bit more seriously so I thought it’d be fun to try and draw my FFXIV characters to practice. I thought my Au Ra would be easy aside from the horns, which don’t look like any of the in game ones. I was horribly wrong. Scales are torture when you aren’t actually Good yet. Still, I think it’s cute.
ACNH Island Rep (drawing) - This is actually a redraw of the same thing I made like two weeks ago when I finally decided to draw more, which I only ended up doing bc I hated the hair in the first version lmao. This was the one where I discovered how to do those coloured lines by complete accident and it’s vastly improved my own opinion on my doodles.
Friends to Enemies Speedrun (video) - I hadn’t sat down and properly edited anything in a long time and I learned some new things while making this, so I’m really fond of it. Not as much to say here compared to the others, haha. I just really like making these.
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BONUS MENTIONS: x | x | x | x | x | x
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attackatosh · 5 years
beat  New Vegas for the first time.
Fuckin’ ridic amount of spoilers under the cut for basically everything that came to mind. Also putting it under a cut bc it got LORGE.
Basically just set down the controller and went to write this.
I went independent, of course – save logged about 112 hours, final date 5/1/2282. I suppose that makes sense; I did a lot of fucking around between Vegas and DC procrastinating on finishing For Auld Lang Syne and the rest of Yes Man’s quests. Forgot to off Caesar before starting the 2BOHD, but I have a post-game mod. This ride never ends, especially since I have about 5 years of stuff I need to fill between NV and 4. (Perks of carrying the same dude across 3 games, ah?)
I played with Dexter, my old Lone Wanderer – thank god for Tale of Two Wastelands (seriously, worth the 2hr+ install time). Picked up Arcade way at the start of the game, toted him around and got his likes up as I explored. We saw the Vertibird, we saw HELIOS one… the Van Graffs, even. Every time he stopped me with something that let slip a bit of his past, I always lowkey had Dex in the back of my mind, mentioning something about his adventures in DC. It’s really all he can remember – Benny’s little bop on the noggin took his eye and most of his memories of the Mojave area. If I knew how to make a companion in NV (I used to make ‘em all the time in Skyrim, but with TTW + custom voices…) I could make his boyfriend, my friend’s take on the Courier (albeit with a modified backstory to fit in with Dexter’s days as the Lone Wanderer, haha). Even if the dialogue options wouldn’t let me talk to him about what Dexter really knew, it still made me wish that FO4’s affinity system was a thing in New Vegas. I spent waaay too much time just running around and talking to random people. Julie Farkas sounds kind of like Serana, do they share a voice actor?
I did the DLC completely out of order, lmao – I did Honest Hearts first, right after whacking House upside the head with a golf club. Graham’s interesting to talk to, though once you get to the core of his behaviour it’s apparent he hasn’t changed a bit – sure, he got the yeeting of a lifetime, but he’s only thought he’s changed. I suppose that’s how it goes when your entire life goes up in smoke and you’re left to deal with whatever remains.
Old World Blues was absolutely phenomenal – I think I spent the most time here, trying to make everybody happy, with the best result I could. I played this part with my girlfriend – she did some googling while I played and we found out that Dr. Klein is voiced by Doug Dimmadome… who also voices Mannimarco in ESO. (Then again, Arcade is Shazam. Should I be surprised anymore?)
I never ended up grabbing every companion like I thought I would – Boone stayed in the Dead Wife Dinosaur and Cass is probably still getting shitfaced at the outpost. I found Lily though, while running through For Auld Lang Syne; my friend gave me a mod that let me keep Arcade after completing the quest, so I figured procrastination time was finally over. Marcus was cool to see! I haven't been to Broken Hills in FO2 but now I have even more reason to go, especially since I've been writing a story about this playthrough that happens to involve my Chosen One.
I suppose over the course of the journey, I felt like Dexter and Arcade grew closer, sort of like how it is when you do something a companion likes in 4... course, I dunno how he'd work affinity-wise (though it's something i've thought about writing down before)
I love 3 and 4, but... Damn. New Vegas' ending is having the same impact on me as Oblivion's did. I still think personally i have a slight preference to 3 (thanks to that one Many a True Nerd video and buying it for myself propelling fallout as a whole into the special interest hell it's been for the past... god knows how many months)
I'm not really sure where i'm going with this anymore. I just kind of wanted to ramble about my thoughts on New Vegas (and i guess about my character...) but this wall was a bit too big for Discord.
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