Loverboy- Fushiguro Megumi x Reader ☁️💫
▪︎warning(s): none!
▪︎genre: fluff!
▪︎pairing(s): Fushiguro Megumi x Reader
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The flower garden that Tsumiki used to take Fushiguro to as a child, was a place that he never really took interest in.
Other than the fact that he met sweet Y/n there, there wasn't any sentimental value to this place.
So why did he come back here?
He looked around the garden, realising how different it looked. Seeing how almost everything changed except for the swing underneath the oak tree, he could barely recognise this place.
Y/n sat on her knees as she weaved a bunch of flowers together to form a flower crown. It's a beautiful place with lots of memories for her.
She missed the days where it was just her, Megumi and Tsumiki, playing together without a care in the world.
This place was truly stunning. Rows and rows of beautiful flowers that grew healthily with its fluorescent colors brightening this place.
She waved her fingers in the air, signalling Megumi to come over.
Placing the crown she made effortlessly onto his head, she giggled in delight.
"You look really pretty Fushiguro." Her eyes creased up to form her iconic eye-smile that never failed to make his stomach flip.
Blushing at her words, he nervously smiled and thanked the girl.
Cupping his cheeks with both her hands, Y/n pressed her forehead against his. Almost closing the gap between the two, she smiled, "you look really cute when you smile."
As she leaned in further to meet his lips, the same pink cheeks that was on Megumi's spread to Y/n's. It was as if she caught on an illness of his.
Well maybe she did catch the love-flu from him.
Pulling away from the kiss, Fushiguro admired the girl as she continued to smile innocently.
She's truly beautiful.
Realising that everything started here, the first time they met, the many memories they made together and so on and so forth.
Maybe this place meant a lot to him.
The smile that formed on his face was enough to make Y/n's heart melt in awe. She held his hands in hers as she chuckled, "your smile really is the sweetest of them all."
She was madly in love with him. Falling more and more each second for him, she hugged him tightly to her chest as she watched the flustered boy hug her back.
"I think I like you." Was all he could mumble at that second. He could never grasp on the fact that the girl of his dreams felt the same way as him.
Even after being each other's for so long, being with Y/n was like a dream to him.
"I think I like you too," was all she replied, with her cheeky grin.
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A/n: i think I'm in love with Megumi
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Hand in Mine, Lips on Mine ☁️💫
▪︎pairing(s): Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
▪︎genre: fluff!
▪︎warning(s): none!
The Ushijima family is nothing like Ushijima Wakatoshi imagined. It was beyond his expectations. From a boy who lived with divorced parents, he had his very own and it was filled with love.
Not that he was being ungrateful to his parents in any way but, experiencing true love was something he never expected. Afterall, it wasn't his priority.
He's happy to have sweet Y/n as his wife. No, he was more than happy. Elated? Delighted? Overjoyed? Hm, these words don't really match up. But needless to say he was more than happy.
He is a simple man, volleyball, wife, family, food and practice always running through his mind. Nothing more and nothing less.
On the occasional day off, he would actually spend time with his family, not practicing his usual volleyball actually.
And today was one of those days, just him, his wife and children. All squished together on their bed. His wife, in his arms and their 2 children one by each of their sides.
As Y/n's eyes fluttered open from the sun rays that peaked through the curtain, she had a better view of her husband. How lucky she is to have an angel like him for a husband.
He has always been straightforward, not one to sugarcoat his words. And Y/n is really drawn to that about him. He's just built different and that's something to appreciate.
She gently stroked his cheek in circles, admiring how his chest slowly rises and falls accompanied with his soft snores. Brushing his hair out of the way to get a better view of his eyes, his beautiful lashes were all she could be captivated by.
A gentle kiss was planted on his forehead as Y/n made her way out of bed, tucking her other 2 children back in bed with their father. Her little bundles of joy never failed to make her smile.
The product of their love, shown in the form of 2 living things. It's just something that Y/n has always been so so fortunate to have. She loves her family dearly.
The lady tucked her hair behind her ears and started to get to work, pancakes are always a safe option for breakfast.
Whisking away as she started to heat up the pan, Saturday mornings are days she wished would never end. As she poured the batter it, the soft sizzle on the pan could be heard.
Her husband, making his way out of the room with 2 little kids clinging onto his body as he rubbed his eyes, making his way to his lovely wife.
"Good morning my darling," Y/n's voice was gentle and sweet, making the room feel whimsical and surreal. As opposed to her husband's hoarse voice, with him greeting back the same.
Y/n flipped a pancake as Ushijima sat down the two kids on their seats, also getting them their glasses of water. As the first rounds of pancakes were being served, the two children started to pick them up with their tiny hands.
"Woah there tiger! Slow down, the pancakes are still hot!" Y/n giggled as her son tried to gobble down a pancake. Ushijima helped him slice the pancake into smaller bite size pieces for him.
"Ahh," his daughter brought up her fork to Ushijima's mouth, signalling that she wanted him to take a bite. As he bit off the pancake, he thanked her and pat her hair gently.
Her eyes were like Y/n's, pretty and round. While her hair was the same olive shade as his. Unlike their son, who had his eyes but their mother's hair color.
After feeding the two, the children played in the living room together. Leaving the two adults in the kitchen alone.
It was Ushijima's turn to make the pancakes since Y/n has been up for a while. It would only be fair if they took turns. Y/n smiled at the tall figure in an apron, he's a handsome one.
Don't forget the fact that he has the body of a greek statue! His toned arm muscles flexed when he flipped the pancake with that amount of sheer force.
Okay Y/n may be exaggerating on that last part but the point is, her husband is super hot.
She made her way behind the man, hugging him from behind. Tip-toeing to place soft kisses on his cheeks, he smiled back at her. "My wife, shouldn't you sit? Aren't you tired?" How adorable, he was concerned about her.
The woman shook her head, "never tired my darling." Transferring the pancakes onto a plate, Y/n gave into her temptaions and gave him another kiss, but this time, on the lips.
She held onto his hand as his eyes widened in surprise. "My wife, how bold you are this morning." He interwind his fingers in hers, admiring her ( e/c ) orbs.
"Sorry haha, I just like it when your hands are in mine." Y/n giggled as she squeezed his hand a little tighter.
The man chuckled, "well I like it when your lips are on mine." He leaned in for another kiss. It never failed to make Y/n heart flutter all over again.
Mornings like this, she wished that would never end...
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Good Morning Love ☁️💫
▪︎pairing(s): Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
▪︎ genre: fluff
▪︎ warning(s): none!
Waking up to see her lovely husband, Ushijima Wakatoshi, has always felt so surreal. His toned back and defined muscles are a total snack. Let's not forget the fact that he has the nicest abs and the cutest hair. Y/n smiled and looked at the man as his chest slowly rose and fell as he breathed gently. As a peek of light shined through the curtains, it illuminated his defined muscles more.
Y/n placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and slid out of the bed. Suddenly, she felt Ushijima's strong arms wrap around her smaller waist. "Stay." He says, his voice sounded raspy and hoarse. Y/n turned around to meet the man, she whispered, "go back to sleep Waka-chan, you had practice til' late, I can fix us some breakfast."
Ushijima groaned as a response, "5 more minutes please?" Ushijima isn't usually so clingy or touch-starved but on his day-offs when he can be lazy, that's when he is most vulnerable.
Y/n chuckled as she sat back on the bed again. "Alright, alright. Five minutes won't hurt." She slid back into bed and laid next to him.
Wakatoshi wrapped his big, muscular arms around the girl as he faced her. Y/n placed a kiss on the tip of his nose and whispered, "you're cute Waka-chan."
People mistake Ushijima to be a scary, burly, unfriendly man. Well, there is some truth to that but, Ushijima is the sweetest person in the world. It's just that he can't express his feelings properly. But Y/n can always see through his "cold" and "unapproachable" demeanor. 
And that is why the two got married. The two have been deeply inlove ever since their first encounter and it has stayed the same even after all those years. Ushijima loves Y/n dearly. She's the only one who has been supporting him endlessly.
Even on the days he comes home late and has little to no time to spend time with him, Y/n has never complained. She was never upset or angry because she knew that because of his job, their time together would be a little strained. But that's okay because the two still knew that they still love each other dearly.
Plus, they would make up for lost time. Ushijima could have his day offs to spend time with his sweet wife.
Ushijima buried his head in the crook of Y/n's neck as he closed his eyes. "So comfortable," he thought to himself.
He is fortunate to have Y/n in his life. His parents marraige wasn't the smoothest and it ended up in a divorce which was confusing for a little boy like him to understand. Who could blame him? He was just a child.
Over time, he learnt to love with Y/n. He used to not understand why he felt so nervous around her or why his stomach would flip just seeing the mere sight of her laughing.
She changed him for the better.
And that's what he will be grateful for the rest of his life. He can't wait to have a family with her. Gosh, the thought of it makes him blush. Seeing his wife bare his children, the product of their love.
Y/n gently strokes his hair as he lulls back to sleep. He is a tired man, who could blame him? Training til' late and getting home really takes a toll on him mentally and physically.
As the two stayed like that for a long time, Ushijima fell asleep. But he woke up to the sight of his beautiful wife once more.
"Good morning love," Y/n chuckled.
"Mm, good morning Y/n."
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Tiptoe to meet Your Lips ☁️💫
▪︎pairing(s): Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
▪︎genre: fluff
▪︎warning(s): none
"Waka-chan, I'll never be as tall as you," Y/n sighed as she tiptoed so she could pretend to be as tall as the boy. Ushijima shrugged, "being tall is not that different from being short Y/n."
Y/n faked a cry, "so you're saying I'm short." The boy quickly waved his hands signalling a "no" to her. She giggled and hugged him, "I was kidding dumby."
The boy hugged her back as he placed a quick peck on her forehead. "Being short isn't that bad hm?" Ushijima stated. Y/n pouted, "yeah but it would be nice to be tall for a change."
Ushijima picked up the girl and carried her, "now you're tall." Y/n laughed, "I sure am but it's not going to be permenant hm?" Ushijima continued to carry her around the house, "I don't mind carrying you like this all the time. Plus people will know your mine."
Y/n smiled, "you're cute Waka-chan." She lightly pats his head from above, as an encouragement for him to keep going. "Y/n you're getting a little heavy," he deadpanned as he brought her down. 
"Ouch Waka-chan, am I that heavy," Y/n said as she stood next to him. "Nope, I was just getting tired," he lied, not wanting to hurt the girl's feelings.  The girl giggled, "it's okay, I'm not offended."
Y/n tiptoed to place a kiss on his cheek, but she ultimately failed because the boy moved. But instead her lips landed on his. Y/n blushed madly and covered her face, she mumbled out a soft sorry and hid in the crook of his armpit.
"Why are you apologising Y/n," the boy asked, he was clueless as ever. Y/n sighed, "I was aiming for your cheek." He pats her head reassuringly, "it's okay Y/n. You can always try again. And frankly I'm quite confused why you're all flustered."
"It's because-, uhm-, I don't know too-" she admitted. Wakatoshi cupped her cheeks and made her face him, "then you can try again right?"
Y/n tiptoed and whispered, "you're such a tease Waka-chan." He chuckled and looked at the girl in the eye, "I don't know what you're talking about."
And with that, a kissed was sealed between the two. "Maybe being short isn't all that bad hm?" The girl looked at him, filled with joy and love. Her heart fluttering, the feeling of falling all over again felt familiar yet strange. 
"Waka-chan, you moved again," the girl smirked, placing a quick kiss on his cheek. "Didn't feel anything, could you do it again?" The boy deadpanned. "Waka-chan did you lose your sense your touch or are you kidding?" Y/n was concerned. With how much of a serious boy Ushijima is, she can't tell if he is being serious somtimes.
"Well you have to do it again to find out," he said nonchalantly. Y/n tiptoed, "this is some kind of exercise your making me do Waka-chan."
"You could think of it that way Y/n," and another kiss was added. "When were you so bold Waka-chan?" Y/n teased.
"Only for you," he pecked her head. 
"Only for you."
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The Warmth of Your Smile ☁️💫
▪︎pairing(s): Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
▪︎warning(s): none!
▪︎genre: fluff!
A/n: Hair color = ( h/c ) :3
As the afternoon sun blazed through the classroom windows, Ushijima started to feel a little agitated from the glaring light.
He turned his head to the right to see the girl next to him, Y/n L/n. Y/n knew what was up so to distract him, she did a silly face.
"...Y/n what are you doing?" Ushijima asks as he deadpans. Y/n giggles as she flicks his forehead gently, "just trying to cheer you up dummy."
Her gentle, playful voice was music to his ears, the little things about this girl made Ushijima crazy about her.
Ushijima hummed as he looked back at the whiteboard in front of him. Y/n puffed her cheeks as she lied on her desk, listening to the teacher once more.
"Cute..." he thinks to himself as he side-eyes the girl, so he wouldn't get caught. His cheeks tinted a rosy pink color as he studied the pretty girl next to him.
Something about her is just so endearing but he can't put his finger on what it is.
Now, that day was just a mere memory to Ushijima. For some reason he can't forget about the girl who could easily bring a smile to his face and the girl that could make him forget about everything else around him except her.
The two, now on their seperate ways in life, never crossed roads. To Y/n, Ushijima was also someone quite unforgettable. The stoic looking, hardworking ( in volleyball ) and handsome boy was someone she sat next to in highschool. Always someone that was so serious, she can't miss the opportunity to mess with him!
It's so weird... they don't know each other too well but they are just so hard to miss and unforgettable it's astonishing to the two.
On the fateful day the two met again for the first time in years, it was a summer day, filled with sunshine and heat. Gosh, the sun is merciless.
Ushijima was walking at the side-walk looking around for somewhere to eat and suddenly a figure just caught his eye for some reason. It was so strange. The stranger felt somewhat familiar to him.
As the figure was slowly approaching him, he couldn't help but to feel a familiar stirring in his stomach. What was it? His hunger? No. That isn't it... could he be nervous?
He stopped dead at his tracks and watched as the figure walked passed him. "Wait!" He called out as he ran towards the person. Something's up but he can't tell what.
The girl turns around as the familiar ( h/c ) began to twirl against the quick breeze that was formed from her action. This felt a little déjà vu for Ushijima.
Y/n looked at the man as she sees him red in embarassment, she chuckles softly and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright? You seem really uneasy."
That voice... it can't be...
"Are you Y/n L/n?" Ushijima asks without hesitation. Y/n was a little stunned as she stared at him a little confused.
And then it clicked with her. That's Ushijima Wakatoshi! Her long time table mate and crush!
"Waka-chan! How have you been?!? It's been a million years I-" Y/n stopped herself as she realised how long it's been. God... she missed him.
Y/n smiled as she clasped onto Ushijima's hand gently. "I've missed you."
The warmth of the girl's smile was more than enough to make Ushijima's heart flutter all over again. Just like back then in highschool.
Ushijima nodded and smiled back, "I've missed you too." Ushijima regretted a lot of things. One of them being never telling Y/n his true feelings. So many times, he wished over and over again that he could go back in time just to say a few words of his love for her.
Now, his right hand is in her left and everything felt like it's starting over again.
As Y/n continues to talk, Ushijima felt the familiar feeling of everything else in sight, melting away except for her. The same voice from years ago still driving him as crazily as ever.
To Ushijima, Y/n felt like a sunny day. She never failed to be the light in his dark days and she never failed to bring a smile to his face.
"I'm not losing you a second time Waka-chan~"
Y/n leans on his shoulder and smiles as the two start a new beginning together.
It's starting over.
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Sunshine ☁️💫
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▪︎pairing(s): Tamaki Amajiki x Reader
▪︎warning(s): none
▪︎POV: yours!
▪︎genre: fluff! <3
You remind me of the sun. Warm and bright, though you've always thought that you were the opposite.
You're basically my source of energy, happiness. Though you are timid, shy and awkward, under all of that is a strong, smart and funny boy who's the sweetest you'd ever meet.
Sometimes I think that the name Suneater doesn't suit you, you're more of a Sunbringer or my Sunshine. You are brighter than anything in this world, the Sun, Moon and Stars couldn't even stand a chance against you.
As the breeze blew through our hair and the short little strands tickled our cheeks, I looked to you and smiled. "I love you," was all I could think about as I looked at your figure.
I saw how much you've grown. From a boy who could barely get a word out when introducing himself, to a man who saves hundreds and hundreds on a daily.
My eyes gleamed with pure affection for you, and you only. I melt everytime I'm in your presence, my heart never felt so full before.
My hand was in yours as you squeezed it slightly. I never want to forget this moment with you. You're someone I want to cherish for the rest of my life.
"I love you," slipped through your lips gently, like the swirling leaves that you were staring at.
Even after all this time, you always hesitate to say those 3 words. Not that it's a bad thing, but in fact, it's adorable.
It goes to show how much those 3 words mean to you, and how you'd never throw them around recklessly.
"I love you too," was all I could reply with, I smiled as I looked up to meet your eyes. It had a childlike sparkle to it that was so enchanting and adorning.
My sunshine, we've known each other for so long. I could never imagine life without you. Even for a second.
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On the Summer I fell for You 💖💫
▪︎pairing(s): Itadori Yuuji x Reader
▪︎genre: angst!
▪︎warning(s): mentions of death, read with caution!
On the summer I fell for you, I remembered the smile you wore effortlessly across your face. You gleamed with joy as the sky above you enveloped above you with it's warmth.
On the summer I fell for you, I remembered the first kiss we shared. It was sweet and soft. Just like your personality. You were never one to rush anything, you truly were the most gentle person I met in my life.
On the summer I fell for you, I remembered the words you whispered into my ear for the first time. The 3 words with 8 letters, "I love you." Your words were pure and sweet. Just like you.
On the summer I fell for you, I fell harder and harder. Everyday I found a new reason to love you. You taught me so much about life, yet so little about yourself. You were selfless, you were the world's darling. You still are.
On the summer I fell for you, I held your hand for the first time. It was warm and larger than mine, as if it were perfectly moulded to mine. I miss the way your fingers easily interlocked into mine.
On the summer I fell for you, you left the world and I was going to be alone. But I know I'm not. You gave me all these memories for me to cherish.
"Thank you Itadori," was all I could mumble as tears trickled down my cheeks.
On the summer I fell for you, I never stopped loving you even after it ended.
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A/n: sorry for the slow updates! School has been a little rough haha!
Love you guys <3
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Can't help falling for you ☁️💫
▪︎pairing(s): Ushijima x Reader
▪︎warning(s): none!
▪︎genre: fluff!
Sometimes the thought of Ushijima makes Y/n feel like she wants to run up to the guy and hug him with all her might. Weird to say outloud but hear her out!
The two have been relatively close for a really long time and gradually overtime, Y/n has been feeling a strange sensation in her like butterflies in her stomach or getting her tongue tied.
The boy never failed to make her heart do a straight 180 everytime she sees him. The feeling of having a crush on someone just being quite overwhelming sometimes but it's worth it!
The feeling of blushing to every small compliment or stuttering when answering a question. Embarassing but she can't help it one bit! It's not like she wants to but it just happens.
As the beautiful cherryblossoms bloomed, spring was in the air and it's Y/n's favourite season. The beautiful flowers she gets to see only for a short while before they wither away for the next 3 seasons. The flowers are beautiful and captivating to anyone's eyes. It would be a crime to not watch them bloom every year!
As the girl walked under the trees, on her way back home, she thought about what was going to happen after school. Should she go out to eat? Or be lazy? The list was endless.
The gentle breeze of the wind, tickling her cheeks ever so slightly as the sun was muted by the shade of the trees. It was a comforting feeling. Yet the weather was a little cold, her body felt nice and warm.
She waited under a specific tree since that's where she usually meets a certain someone. And that someone is none other than Ushijima Wakatoshi.
He is a stoic one but that's what Y/n likes most about him. A determined, hardworking boy that never fails to deliver. He is someome reliable and talented. Why wouldn't anyone fall for him?
As a petal gently gently fluttered down, landing on the top of her head, she was about to pick it up when she felt someone else doing it for her.
The girl was startled and jumped back slightly, unfortunately bumping into the man's chest. She hurriedly looked around to meet the eyes of Ushijima.
"Ah! Sorry Waka-chan! I didn't see you there!" She exclaimed as she did a quick bow.
The boy chuckled at her sudden reaction, "sorry, I must've scared you too."
Seeing the boy smile was a rare sight so that brought Y/n to a blush. The pink flowers complimenting her complexion too.
Ushijima looked at the girl as the pink color spread across her face like wildfire, he too, was captivated more by her beauty than the flowers itself. He swallowed his saliva thickly as he cleared his throat.
He looked away, not wanting the girl to see him because he was embarassed.
Y/n sprinted to be by his side as she asked, "shall we get going?" The boy nodded as he started to walk forward.
Truth be told, he didn't want to leave so soon. He wanted to stay a little longer to admire the rare season with Y/n. Sure, he could watch and stay himself but being next to her was all he ever wanted. Though that's what he wants, he could never say it outloud because he'd stumble across his words.
As the two took small steps together, admiring their surroundings, they felt a little sense of... familiarity? It was a feeling hard to describe but at that moment they both knew.
The two's hands would always brush againsts each others, making it a little awkward. "Do I just hold it? Or do I move?" Y/n contemplated under her breath.
Ushijima was quick to notice this and took his chance to bring his hand in hers. As he smoothly interwinded their fingers, that sent Y/n to cloud nine. As her chest felt like she was about to float away, lucky for her, Ushijima was here to save the day! ( a/n: wow that rhymed )
Y/n looked at the man confused, why would he do such a thing? She tugged a piece of hair behind her ear as she spoke, "w-what was that all about?"
Ushijima not fully processing his actions was taken aback. What did he just do? He looked down at his hand, seeing his and hers together. It was a cute sight to be honest.
Ushijima looked her straight in the eye, "your hand was near mine so I thought I'd just hold it."
Y/n chuckled to herself, "but we'd look like a couple. We aren't even together."
"Then let's make it happen then," he says in a blunt tone. Ushijima has always been a straight forward man but Y/n didn't think he would be this straight forward.
She hesitated for a while before she answered. Y/n tightened her grip on his hand and smiled, "alright then, it's official."
As more and more petals fluttered down the trees, gently dancing their way down, a feeling of just pure love and happiness was taking over Y/n's body.
Y/n looked to meet Ushijima's eyes, seeing him smile. The boy rarely ever smiles. He is different from other boys, he's someone that has always caught the girl's eyes.
Maybe that's why she can't help falling for him.
Y/n leaned against the boy's shoulder, "the flowers are beautiful aren't they?"
"Well you're a million times more beautiful."
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A/n: yeay!!! Ushijima is back!!! He's such a cutie I love it! Sorry he's a little ooc here butttt
I hope you will have an awesome day ahead of you! I love you all so so much and stay safe!
Bye bye!
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Angel ☁️💫
▪︎pairing(s): Miya Osamu x Reader
▪︎genre: fluff
▪︎warning(s): none
Y/n woke up, hunched over in pure pain. "Ouch..." she thought to herself as she winced in agony. Her cramps have been getting worse and worse, it felt so horrible. Y/n was on the verge of tears.
Osamu shuffled into the room, "Y/n ya' okay?" She sighed, still hunched over, Y/n tried her best to sit up. "No... everything hurts babe..." she leaned against his shoulder and hugged her stomach tightly.
Osamu pat her back gently, "want some warm tea? I heard that helps you. Or is there anything you need?" Ohohoh! Y/n was at an advantage! Miya Osamu, being the extremely talented chef he is, is basically any girl's dream boyfriend.
But right now, she was in too much pain to think of anything. Y/n nodded, "anything is fine." He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and stroked her hair, "I'll be right back sweetheart."
Y/n's heart melted as she pulled him into a hug, "thanks 'Samu." Before he left to make food, he got her a heat pack and some ice cream to nibble on while waiting. Ah! This man knows her best!
As Osamu went into the kitchen, he wondered about what he should get Y/n. Usually soup would be good so he decided to make that. He dilligently sliced and chopped all the ingredients and let them simmer in a pot.
While waiting, he went to check on Y/n. She was sound asleep again, however he noticed her wince every now and then. He felt bad looking at his lover at this state. How he wished he could share some of her pain so she'd suffer less.
Her period cramps have always been very painful, she has passed out from losing so much blood too! It was a terrifying experience for Y/n. But all Osamu could do was to watch... the poor girl suffered so much. This is the least he could do for his girl.
He snuggled next to her, wraping his arms around her waist, holding her not so tightly but not too loosely. He knows that she loves it when he plays with her hair so he brushed his fingers through her soft locks as she continued to nap.
Her soft snores filled the quiet room. She is a beautiful girl with beautiful features. Osamu could stare at her all day without noticing a whole day passed. His angel was sound asleep in his arms. He was so tempted to pinch her cheeks and shower her with a millon kisses. However, he did not want to wake her up because she needed to rest.
He was about to leave to check on the soup but someone was waking up. Osamu stood up, tucking her back in properly as he tiptoed away. Y/n sat up and reached her arms out, gesturing that she wanted a hug.
Of course Osamu had to oblige so he gave her a final hug. "Sorry darlin', I'll be with ya' soon. I just needa' check on the soup real' quick." He pulled away guiltily. "It's okay! And thank you 'Samu. I don't know what to do without you."
He smiled at the girl, patting her head before making his way back to the kitchen. Lucky for him. the soup was done so he quickly grabbed a bowl and filled it up to the brim. He also brewed Y/n's favourite tea and brought it back into the room.
He sat Y/n up and fed her. Y/n chuckled, "you don't have to feed me babe, you must be tired of taking care of me." He brought the spoon up to her lips, "nope, I ain't gunna leave ya' alone. And I ain't stoppin' til' this bowl is empty."
Y/n laughed, Osamu has been stubborn but she can't do anything about it. So she just did as he said. Y/n was so blessed to have him as her boyrfriend. If it weren't for him, she'd honestly eat a pint of ice cream herself as she cried watching a random show.
Stupid period hormones made the girl tear up, thinking about how fortunate she is to have Osamu. She hugged him tightly and thanked him, "thanks for loving me 'Samu."
"Anything for my angel."
He fed Y/n more and cuddled her while watching her favourite show. His precious angel is so muh happier and he wouldn't change that for the world. Osamu would spoil her a million times more but they didn't have the money too yet.
But he swears, once he has the money, he'll do anything. She wants a pair of new shoes? Okay! She wants a whole lifetime's supply of ice cream? He's got her back!
Point is, he loves her to death and he'd do anything to protect his angel.
"I love you 'Samu," Y/n cuddled him and snuggled in the crook of his neck.
"Love ya' too angel."
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Under this Tree, We found Love ☁️💫
▪︎pairing(s): Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
▪︎warning(s): none
▪︎genre: fluff!
Under this tree where Y/n met her first love. The smile he had that always captivated the hearts of many. The charming words he spoke that enchanted those same hearts.
Though he was a man with little words, on the rare occassions he spoke, all would listen regardless.
Under this tree, Y/n fell for the one that sweeped her off of her feet. The one that loved her regardless of her past or what she deemed as ugly. She fell for the one who held her dear, the only one that made her who she is today.
The petals that danced under the light breeze under that tree, swirling around Y/n. As the light that peaked through inbetween the tree's branches, it illuminated all of Y/n's best feautures.
As she waited there, earnestly to meet the one she loved so dearly once more, her heart beated quickly. Sending adrenaline throughout her body. The anticipation to see the one she cared for so much after all this time was exhilarating.
He was the same boy who sat next to her in highscool and the same man who is one of Japan's best volleyball players.
Him being the famous man that he is, time was never easy to come for the two. Having to keep their relationship a secret because of what they feared if what could come, both of them decided that this was the best.
Both of them being apart, however their love growing stronger every day. Their want to see each other never left their minds, keeping uo with each other when was the next meet.
Although they rarely see each other, they both still love each other dearly.
The pounding in her chest not stopping, Y/n looked around hurriedly, so she meet him once more.
Under this tree, it was where they both had their firsts. Their first confessions, first date and first kiss.
Their favourite spot being here, they made many more memories there. Good or bad, those experienced shaped them individually to be the strong yet sweet people they are.
Y/n turned around, smiling ever so sweetly as she whispered gently, "I've missed you, Waka-chan."
Ushijima's larger hands held onto Y/n's smaller ones. "I've missed you too, dearly." His sentence was short and sweet, easily making her heart melt.
A warm embrace was shared between the two, as they savoured every second together. How they have missed each other so, so much.
How they wished that they could just stay next to each other each waking second.
Going home after each wonderful day never got easier, some leaving them in tears.
Ushijima hating it more and more, he wanted to end this cycle of leaving his dearly beloved alone.
There was only one solution to that.
And that was to make her his and his only.
She is already his but, he wanted to take it a step further. One that made others realise that they couldn't do anything about it.
What was that you might ask?
That was to make Y/n his one and only wife.
Under this tree, they shared many experiences. They had all their firsts here. Now it was time to add another to the list.
Ass he got onto one knee, he pulled out a box with a ring that he spent hours choosing just for his one and only.
His words were simple and sweet, just like how he is himself. With determination and a smile, he took a deep breath and said, "Y/n L/n, will you be my wife?"
It was nothing special. It wasn't anything grand with champagne and a dozen red roses but, Y/n didn't need that.
This, his genuine words and love, pouring out of his very being. That was more than enough.
As tears of joy trickled down her cheeks, she chuckled out a yes with confidence.
Slipping the ring onto her finger, it was as if the ring was tailored for her. It was a beautiful plain band with Y/n's favourite gem in the middle.
Simple and sweet, just like her fiancé.
He swept her off of her feet, spinning her around under the tree as the petals synchronized to their movement.
"We'll finally be together, forever." Y/n smiled in ecstasy. Ushijima leaned her downwards, his face hovering above hers.
"I love you." His words, reaching straight to her heart, Y/n leaned in to close the gap in between them.
Before she sealed the kiss, she whispered. "I love you too." She kissed him, filled with love.
Under this tree, they met and grew together. They stayed with each other despite all odds. They pure joy the two are experiencing now could never compare to anything else they've felt so far.
Under this tree, they found many things. Be it friendship, comfort or joy. But under this tree, what they found most importantly was love.
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She's Mine! ☁️💫
▪︎ pairing(s): Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader ( slight Oikawa )
▪︎ warning(s): slight lime!
▪︎ genre: lime and a little fluff!
Best friend name = ( b/f/n )
"Ne! Ne! Y/n-chan, could you follow with me to the school gate after school? Oikawa-senpai will be there and I can't miss the chance!" ( b/f/n ) squeals as she folds her hands together, as if she was praying. Y/n nodded and smiled, "sure. I'm meeting my boyfriend there too anyways." ( b/f/n ) squeals in delight as she profusely thanked Y/n.
~ time skip to after school brought to you by Semi and Tendou! ~
"Y/n! Quick! I see him at the gate! Let's go!" ( b/f/n ) squeals as she drags Y/n to the front gate. Yes, she was physially dragged from the fourth floor, where her classroom is at, to the front gate like a rag doll being dragged by a toddler. Needless to say, Y/n almost died.
As the two finally got to the gate, ( b/f/n ) shrieks. "He's here! OH MY GOSH HE IS HOT UP CLOSE! Y/N! WE NEED TO GET A CLOSER LOOK!"
And with that, ( b/f/n ) held Y/n by her arm and naruto ran towards Oikawa. She ran a little further so she wouldn't look like a total creep but no one would buy that to be honest. Anyways, the two panted as they saw the beautiful, majestic, handsome Setter and Captain of Seijoh, making his way out of the gate.
Y/n had to admit, he is a pretty boy. But nothing could ever beat her man! Ushijima Wakatoshi! Ah yes, where could she begin about this man? His body? His adorableness? His beautiful smile? Those eyes? Ah! He is just so perfect!
As Y/n was day-dreaming about their date after school, Oikawa had a glimpse of the girl. He found her rather attractive. So, he made his way to the two girls not so discreetly.
"Y/N! LOOK!!! HE'S MAKING HIS WAY HERE! OHMYGOSHITHINKICANDIEINPEACENOW!" ( b/f/n ) squeals as her nose starts to bleed. Y/n blinked a couple of times, snapping back to reality, as she looked at her friend in confusion, "wait who doing what now?"
Before Y/n could process anything that was happening, Oikawa came over with his iconic smile. "Hello~" he greets in a sing-song tone. ( b/f/n ), looking like a train wreck did a 90 degree bow as she squealed, "HELLO KING OF SEIJOH!" as Y/n mumbled out a quick hey.
Oikawa smiled as he faces Y/n, "you're a pretty girl~" Y/n didn't know how to respond so she stayed silent. Oikawa looked a little stunned, no girl has ever ignored him before. "Not much of a talker are you?" He teases as he does a little smirk.
( b/f/n ) was dying in a corner so Y/n was left all alone. "I-I, u-uh, yeah?" She stuttered out awkwardly. Oikawa chuckled as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "are you tendou? Because you be looking like a ten though."
Y/n looked at him confused, "I-I, UHHHH, I have boyfriend yes?" Those were the words that managed to slip through her mouth. "Will I be your boyfriend yes? Was that what you asked? Aww~ I thought you'd never ask!" Oikawa totally dismissed her words as he hugged Y/n tightly, slightly squeezing her.
Unbeknownst to the two, Waka-chan saw the whole thing unveil before him. But because he is such an awkward, adorable bean, he just stood there. Coincidentally, Y/n was looking around, in hopes of spotting her boyfriend. "WAKA-CHAN WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU MOST?" She shouted internally.
Ushijima popped out of nowhere ( okay not really but to Y/n and Oikawa it sure look like he did ) and came behind Oikawa. He firmly placed a hand on Oikawa's shoulder as he said sternly, "you should've gone to Shiratorizawa."
Y/n giggled at the sight of her boyfriend. Damn! He is adorable yet weird! Oikawa looked at him and smirked, "can't you see my busy Ushijima-san?" Ushijima looked at Y/n, he had the "what do I say now" look plastered onto his face.
Y/n shrugged, signalling that she didn't know what to do either. So UshiWaka being UshiWaka, he decided to pull Y/n to him as he told Oikawa, "don't mess with Y/n anymore. She isn't yours. She's mine!"
Y/n sweat-dropped. REALLY WAKA-CHAN! WAS THAT THE BEST YOU COULD DO? But to be fair, it was pretty cute.
Y/n was now, once again dragged like a rag doll. Ushijima dragged poor Y/n back to her house without saying a word to her. "Wakatoshi? Are you alright?" Y/n asked, genuinely concerned now. Ushijima did not reply as he gripped her hand a little tighter.
Once the two reached Y/n's place, Ushijima hastily opened the door.
"Mine." He aggressively purred into Y/n's ears. Gosh, jealous Ushijima is really hot. He pins Y/n against the wall as he peppered kisses around her lips, trailing it down to her neck. He sucked on her sweet spot, recieving a moan from Y/n.
He moved back to her lips, slipping his tongue into her mouth, dominating her as a whole. Y/n smirked cheekily as she pressed her body against his broad, defined chest.
"This is all for you Y/n."
This was going to be a wild ride for Y/n.
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Cravings ☁️💫
▪︎ pairing: Miya Osamu x Reader
▪︎ warning(s): none
▪︎ genre: fluff
It was 3 a.m. and Y/n couldn't sleep a wink. Her buldging belly was in the way and she couldn't cuddle her husband. It also didn't help the fact that she was craving weird foods and Y/n could barely get out of bed.
She groaned in agony as she attempted to sit up. Keyword: attempted. It was frustrating for the lady and she wanted to cry as she ate a whole bag of chips. She tried to stay quiet because her dear husband was going to work at 5 and he really needs sleep.
Y/n stared at the ceiling as she thought, "what the hell am I going to do?" She turned 90 degrees to meet her husband. He was sleeping soundly as his chest was slowly rising and falling. How adorable! His hair was soft and Osamu was just a total cutie! There was no way she was waking him up.
She brought a hand to his head as she gently stroked it, she placed a kiss on his forehead and managed to roll out if bed this time.
She tip toed out of the room as she waltzed into the kitchen. Ah yes, what concoction shall she make this time? Peanut butter and pickles sandwhich? Chocolate sprinkles and milk? Chips and rice? The possibilites were endless!
Little did she know, her husband was awake for a while now too. He hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek a million times. "'Samu, you should go back to sleep. You have work soon!" She tried to push him off but to no avail. "How could I leave my baby hungry? I ain't 'Tsumu. Ain't leaving you starvin' Y/n." His voice was hoarse and dry.
"Sit down, I'll make you something." He instructed Y/n as she nodded her head. Y/n's eyes were getting wet. Stupid pregnancy hormones are acting up again. She tried her best to wipe away her tears as her husband was cooking up her food.
"Y-y/n yer alright?" Osamu asked in pure concern. He walked over and patted her on the back gently.
"Yeah I'm fine, sorry, stupid pregnancy hormones." Y/n chuckles while tearing up. Osamu placed a kiss on her forehead, "it'll all be worth it, we're gunna have a baby Y/n! A baby!"
Y/n looked at him confused, "we're having twins ya' know?"
Osamu's eyes lit up, "w-wha- Even better then! I promise to feed you well Y/n. Gotta keep those babies healthy." He smiles as he wraps his arms protectively around Y/n.
"'Samu I love you but... I'm starving." Y/n admitted. Osamu kissed her forehead, "alright, alright, I'll get on it."
"Love you 'Samu~"
"Love ya' too."
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☁️💫 Warm Sunny Days- Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader ☁️💫
The warm sand felt a little different from the usual concrete floors Y/n and Ushijima were used to. Finally, some alone time with Ushijima. Being next to him never failed to make the girl smile. He is such a precious cinnamon roll, of course she would engulf him in endless hugs and shower him with her love.
Ushijima never really understood the concept of love. His parents never had the most perfect relationship so he never really learnt love. That was until he met Y/n.
She was such an angel to him. She always supported him and went to almost every single match. She truly does love and care about him and that was something Ushijima has never experienced.
As the two were sitting on the sand, admiring the beautiful view of the ocean, Y/n leaned her head against Ushijima's shoulder. A comfortable silence fell between the two as they just sat there next to each other. It was a sweet moment that the two longed for for quite some time. Being cooped up at home got a little boring but being at the beach was something different.
As the sun was setting, Y/n got up. She reached out her hand to Ushijima, signalling him to get up as well.
After he got up, Y/n chuckled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling the man into a tight hug. He returned the hug as he brought his face close to Y/n's. Their noses brushing against each other as Y/n gathered the courage to close the gap between them.
"Strawberry." Ushijima stated. "What is it love?" Y/n asks in confusion.
"Your chapstick flavour is strawberry, my favourite," the man continues. He leaned back in to have another kiss, his lips were surprisingly soft and unchapped. Y/n giggles and whisperes a soft "I love you" to his ear as she continues to hug him tightly.
As the wind brushes through their hair and tickle the back of their necks, Y/n held Ushijima's hand tightly. "Ne ne Toshi, do you ever think we will meet in our next lives?" Y/n asks as she stares into the sunset. Ushijima stayed silent for a while. After he thought of his answer, he faced the girl and held her other hand. "I would like to meet you in my next life and the following ones. I would want to fall for you all over again."
He was surprisingly unfazed by his words, still looking stoic as ever. But he did smile a little, something he would never admit to but Y/n knew he was smiling.
"Hmm.. I really hope that happens Toshi. I hope that we will never get seperated." Y/n grinned as she placed a quick kiss on his cheek. The sudden action made Ushijima a little shock, making a bright scarlet color spread across his cheeks.
"You're adorable Toshi." Y/n says as she rubs the base of his thumb. Her soft skin massaging his larger rougher ones made his heart beat a little quicker. Even after all this time of being together, Y/n could make Ushijima fall head over heels for her all over again. It was like a spell he could never get enough of.
The comfortable silence fell back upon the two as they continued to stare at the vast blue ocean. The sunset never leaving their view as they held each others hands.
"I love you Waka-chan."
"I love you too Y/n."
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My Wife ☁️💫
▪︎pairing(s): Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader
▪︎ warning(s): none
▪︎ genre: fluff
It was a beautiful night. The sky was painted with stars and the moon was shining bright. "Hey..." Y/n's voice was soft and calm. She gently places her hand on Ushijima's shoulder.
He turns around to meet the girl as he smiles. It's rare to see him smile, it suits him. Y/n wraps her arms around his waist as she buried her head in his chest.
She looks up to meet his eyes. They're pretty, really pretty. She reaches out to cup his cheeks as Y/n smiles at him lovingly. As she tip-toes to meet him in the middle, she could feel his breath tickle her cheeks.
Y/n felt his soft lips against hers as she pulled back slowly.
"You're beautiful," he says as he strokes Y/n's hair. Y/n smiled as she hugged him once more, "and you're handsome."
Y/n holds his hand as they continued walking in the park. It was pretty, the moonlight was illuminating Wakatoshi's beautiful features.
As she leaned onto his shoulder and looks up into the dark sky, she whispers, "you know, I don't understand... I don't understand how I'm so lucky to have you."
Ushijima looks at the girl confused, "lucky? Y/n I should be saying that to you." He stops dead on his tracks as he stares deeply in her eyes. Y/n chuckles, "you're adorable dear. You make my days a million times brighter. Just like the sun."
Ushijima was stunned, he didn't know what to say. The man can't express his feelings well and Y/n would know that above all people.
Y/n shoots another sweet smile to him and it just melts his heart. "Toshi I love you a lot. I don't want a life without you."
There and then, Ushijima felt the urge to ask her something.
"Y/n would you then be interested to... to be with me for the rest of your life?" He asks as he scratches the back of his neck. He doesn't seem all that nervous but deep-down, he feared for the answer no.
Y/n's eyes widened as tears slowly trickled down her cheeks, "of course I would Ushijima Wakatoshi. I would always say yes to that in a heartbeat."
He pulled out a simple plain ring with a small diamond in the middle.
"Sorry if it's not a pretty ring," he says as he gets onto one knee. Y/n's eyes continued to stream down with tears, "you cinnamon roll! That's more than enough!"
He slipped the ring onto her finger and placed a gentle kiss on her finger. He got up as he gently pushed her head to his shoulder.
"So you're my husband now hm?" Y/n says cheekily.
"And that makes you my wife."
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Slow Dancing in the Dark ☁️💫
▪︎ pairing(s): kuroo x reader
▪︎ genre: fluff
▪︎ warning(s): none!
The two were standing under the night sky as he says, "put your hand on my shoulder. I'll lead." She smiles and complies. As the two stare into each other's gaze ever so lovingly, Y/n couldnt help but to chuckle. When was the last time they were thus close? It felt a little bittersweet. Where has the time gone?
How time has passed, the two used to be the best of friends and things slowly escalated to where they are today. As the two grew busy with work, time wasn't kind to the couple. They rarely ever had time for each other. But now, the two lovers, slow dancing in the dark, reminicing old memories together.
"I love you, you know?" He confessed as he continued to gaze at Y/n lovingly.
"Hmm, I love you too," she says as she smiles. A blush slowly creeped up her cheeks as Kuroo inched closer to her.
"I missed you," he confessed once more as he finally closed the gap. Y/n melted into the kiss as she slowly pulled back.
"Wow..." she stared at him in shock, it's been a while since they've been so initmate. "Yeah... I know..." Kuroo says as he chuckles softly.
"Where were we?" Kuroo asks as he reaches a hand out to Y/n. She grabbed it as he pulled her into a tight embrace. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck and Kuroo with his arms around her waist.
As they swayed from side to side in sync, Y/n took the time to admire her lover's features. "His eyes are pretty..." she thought to herself as she stared at him agape.
"You're staring Y/n~" he says teasingly.
Y/n blushed hard as she apologised. "No no, stare as much as you'd like darling~ I'm all yours tonight~"
Y/n flashed a smile as she placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, surprising the man.
"You're a cheeky one eh Y/n~"
"Only for you."
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Even If ☁️💫
▪︎pairing(s): Miya Osamu x Reader
▪︎warning(s): none
▪︎genre: fluff!
Y/n plucked the guitar strings as she sung her favourite song. She's loved this song since she was a little girl. Although the lyrics didn't make sense to her up until recently, she loved it more now.
Osamu entered the room as he watched the girl get mesmerised into singing and strumming away. He sat by her as he sung along to the song they both loved so much.
When the song ended, Y/n sighed to herself, "when I'm older, I won't be able to sing as high, or even play the guitar."
Osamu pats her head, "that's fine, I'll still sing with you."
Y/n smiled at his words as they continued to sing. As the joy of just them singing and sitting next to each other blossomed in Y/n, she felt so grateful and just so... happy.
Only one person and a song could make her feel ever so moved and touched. This is how she wants to live the rest of her life.
Even if wrinkles appeared on both their faces, that was fine. Because all she needed was him.
Y/n didn't need a stage or a performance with hundreds of people watching her sing. She didn't need the millions of people clapping their hands for her or millions of dollars flowing into her bank account.
All she needed was him.
Y/n's a simple girl. She never asked for more in her life and this was more than enough for her. Osamu was there for every milestone she overcame. He has always been someone she could rely on and love. Because of that, sometimes Y/n can't express her love for him.
But that's fine because he can still reach her heart.
The longer they stayed together, the more her love for him multiplied and multiplied. The same boy that she had a crush on, to the man that ran his own shop and still made time for her never failed to make her feel so loved.
As she continued to pluck the strings of the guitar, Y/n looked at Osamu, "thank you." Her voice was soft, slightly above a whisper so only he could hear.
Osamu cocked his head to the side, "what for?" The girl chuckles as she spoke, "I don't know... maybe thanks for always being someone that's been there for me."
He stayed quiet for a while, although her words didn't seem much, he knew that meant a lot to her. He smiles as he thanks her back for everything she's done.
Even if words can't describe his love for the girl, he'll try his best to show it to her. It doesn't matter how bizzare he may be at times or how simple his plannings are. It didn't matter because it was all for her and her happines.
Y/n heart melts everytime he does something so sweet or caring. It's okay if it didn't go as planned but it was the thought that counts.
"Even if we're reborn, even if our first meeting is a disaster; I'll fall in love with you again" Y/n sung as she closed her eyes. She chuckled remembering how horribly their first encounter went. It was so messy but who knew it would blossom into a wonderful, everlasting love between two people.
As the song ended again, the two stayed silent for a while. It wasn't awkward in any way, it was just something that felt a little bittersweet in a way. Words can't explain how the two felt at this moment but that's okay.
Because all they needed was each other.
Even if Y/n can't play as well when she's old, even if she couldn't walk or do anything as well. That's okay because her love for Osamu would never change.
"Darling, I love you," Y/n says to bring the silence to a halt. 
"I love you too."
Let's just say that this day ended with Y/n sleeping in his arms, feeling more loved than ever before.
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