maunderponder · 5 years
Hey I just wanted to know if you were okay! Me and my girlfriend love your fic a lot and it's not important in the midst of everything else you're working on, of course, but we realized you had posted a while ago about health problems and not to be weird but we kept hoping that you were alright! Really look forward to buying your book, I understand if you have a ton of other priorities, just wondering!!
oh my goodness thank you so much for your concern
Again, thank you so much for reaching out! It genuinely means a lot to me! xoxo
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maunderponder · 6 years
EEEEEKKKK Thank you so much for including Laughter Lines!! 
Klance Fic Recs [part 2]
let’s play pretend and hope it comes true by fevered_dreams ABO klance in which Keith is smooth and lance pretends to be a beta
I’m Afraid, But I Trust You by park_shae [NSFW] wow Keith is so good to lance. featuring aftercare
it’s not a problem until it’s a problem… by Lynn1998 ABO klance in which lance hates being an omega If I tell the world, I’ll never say enough by crisbarakart Lance is in love with Keith. Keith is in love with Lance. But Lance thinks Keith’s in love with James and Keith thinks Lance is in love with Ryan. They eventually realise their stupidity thank god! Holding Out For A Hero by lobelie [NSFW] FAIRYTALE AU YOU GUYS!! Keith’s a knight and Lance wants nothing to do with him  you’re my tin soldier, dear by scopacopia Klance runs away from Lotor, Lance’s ex Devoured by the beast by SnowPrincess (KyokoUchiha) [NSFW] Human Lance takes care of Werewolf Keith because Werewolf Keith is dumb Laughter Lines by maunder Single dad Lance meets kind successful businessman Keith Date Night by Anonymous [NSFW] ABO klance  Gaining Social Competence by sweet_rabbit 5 year old klance. Super cute super funny my heart did not survive
The Boys of Altea Studios by moe20112233 [NSFW] Pornstar Au… Surprise! We’re in Love! by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle Amnesia Lance think’s he’s dating Keith. He’s not…yet… Into You by DairyFarmer Everyon’s into Lance. How many people does Keith have to fight god damn it! This one’s so funny I love it! Jewelry and Silk by spirkylurkey [NSFW] Lance in Silk and jewellery?  Five Dates by hanbunnotsuki Lance has a crush on Shiro. Lance asks Shiro out on dates. Somehow he ends up dating Keith instead.  You poked my haawt! by cryptidsarereal IM JUST WEAK FOR BABY LANCE OKAY!! apparently Keith is too
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maunderponder · 6 years
Laughter Lines recently got a ton of new love (AND IT WAS REC’D BY ONE OF MY FAVORITE ARTISTS??? AHHHHHH THANK YOU!!!) and I realized I really owe everyone an explanation for where I’ve been and why the story hasn’t been updated in so long.
While there have been a few medical reasons (had issues with a gallbladder and needed to have surgery earlier this year and now we have baby #2 on the way! Pregnancy is exhausting LOL), the biggest contributing factor is I WROTE A NOVEL!!! With finishing the first draft, editing, and now preparing to self-publish, the book has completely occupied all my writing time. 
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A young adult fantasy, the book is about a seventeen-year-old named Alvis who possesses a gift of inexplicable strength. Raised in the slums by his genius-mechanic father, Alvis wants to use his strength to help people, but his temper gets in him in trouble instead. Level-headed Rae is a half-dragon, half-human hybrid called a Guardian. A wanted criminal, Rae carries with him the trauma from his time as a gladiator, when he was forced to fight against (and kill) other Guardians for the entertainment of the wealthy. Despite their differences, Alvis and Rae can agree on one thing: they fight best when they’re fighting alone. But when faced with the corruption in their homeland, Zen, one thing becomes clear- they’ll have to keep each other alive if they want to survive. 
It’s got magic, white-haired dragon boys, and a gay MC who has a thing for guys with biceps and strong jawlines, and is really bad at flirting with them. I wanted to share it today because I’ve gotten so much support for my Klance fic and thought it might be something of interest for those of you who enjoy my writing :)
The book will be released in summer of 2019. You can look at the indiegogo campaign here! I’ll also include a sample from Chapter 1 under the cut, and you can read the full first two chapters here!
I’m currently working on the next chapter of Laugher Lines in between writing book 2 of WtLDD. My goal is to have it up before VLD’s final season’s premier date (SOBBING) and then the final chapter up by Christmas, so keep a look out! :)
Alvis Witt was trouble.
He was almost always at the center of it, and when he wasn’t it was always close behind him. He was a dangerous boy. He would break your nose, perhaps your jaw, maybe even a few limbs for good measure, if you simply looked at him the wrong way. He grinned at the sight of blood, made deals with shady folks in dark alleys at night, and was once seen bullying a child to the point of tears.
At least, that’s what the gossiping old ladies in the neighborhood would have you believe.
Even though it was all complete bullshit.
(Okay, mostly complete bullshit.)
First of all, Alvis did not “grin” when he saw blood. In fact, it kinda made him gag sometimes, and it was annoying to get out of clothes.
Second, his dad would, without a single doubt, most definitely kill him dead if he caught a glimpse of Alvis hanging around with “shady folks”.
Oh, and that whole making a kid cry thing? That was one, big misunderstanding because- well, yes, Alvis did make that kid cry, but what actually happened was he accidentally knocked the kid’s ice cream cone out of his hand. Then he replaced the cone with the last of his paycheck, but of course that part conveniently gets left out of all those dumb rumors constantly spread through the neighborhood about his reputation.
As for the rest of the snarky gossip surrounding him-
Well, that stuff he had a much weaker defense against.
Still, Alvis Witt wasn’t dangerous; he didn’t get into all those fights because he wanted to (… most of the time). Whether it was because people believed those rumors and sought him out for a fight, or because some snotty rich dude thought he could treat someone like trash, he always attracted trouble. His dad kept trying to teach him about restraint, that he didn’t need to rise to every taunt or challenge someone tossed his way, but the lessons never really stuck.
Maybe one day they would, but, right then, all Alvis could do was dodge the oncoming fist, then respond with one of his own.
“You son of a bitch!” The beefy guy pushed himself up to his knees from where he’d slammed onto the ground, his bleeding nose dripping red into the disrupted snow. “You’ll pay for that!”
“Dude, you’re the one who attacked me for no reason,” Alvis said as he shook out his fist and smirked down at him. “Which is weird, considering what a weakling you are.”
The man let out an enraged cry and lunged forward, his movements sloppy and disoriented. Alvis sidestepped, then grabbed the man by his hair. He yanked his head down to not so gently meet Alvis’s rising knee.
The man fell limply to the ground.
Alvis watched the man’s stilled form for a moment, pausing to see if the fight was really over or not. When the man didn’t move even after Alvis nudged him with his foot, he heaved a sigh. He stepped over the guy to grab the lunchbag he had abandoned the instant he sensed a fist coming at him. Alvis’s hands shook as he picked it up, adrenaline flowing through him, making his fingers itch for more and setting his nerves on fire even through the biting cold. He glanced back, hopeful to see if the beaten man was still conscious- maybe even ready for a second round…
Okay, fine. Alvis did enjoy the fight a little bit. He was good at fighting. Probably the only thing he was good at. Sure, he could paint okay, and he was the most efficient worker when he wasn’t, you know, getting fired. But throwing punches, reading opponents movements, and knocking people onto their asses? That came naturally to him as breathing.
Because fighting was his heart pumping adrenaline into his veins. Fighting was knowing how to smile.
Fighting was a curse.
He really couldn’t call it anything else. Not when he dreamt of using his hands to create, and maybe help people, or even improve the world. But Alvis wasn’t good at fighting simply because it was a part of him; he had a gift life so graciously granted him since he was a child:
Incredible strength.
Maybe to others, his goals sounded simple and cliche, but for him, his strength made them unattainable no matter how hard he tried. He always went in with good intentions in mind, but somehow he failed, and then another rumor would start about the son of that genius mechanic who was tainting the family legacy.
Which… Alvis didn’t particularly disagree with, but he didn’t enjoy thinking about.
The morning bells in the distance pulled him out of his musings, reminding him he was about to be late for work. All need for a fight drained from his body as he took off sprinting, leaving his opponent behind in the snow.
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maunderponder · 7 years
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lance in the season 5 trailer
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maunderponder · 7 years
EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Thank you so much for including Laughter Lines!!!! \^o^/
In Your Shoes by lydiamartin 
[Ongoing|Chapters:10/?|Words:42,320|Teen And Up]
Hollywood did not prepare him for waking up in the body of a complete stranger.
Keith tried not to stare at this person’s junk in the full-body mirror. He did not know them, and no matter what Pidge might say, just because he’s Texan it doesn’t mean he was raised in a fucking barn like a savage. He would not act like a savage.
(Or, the one where Keith and Lance live in different cities but swap bodies – and angry love notes – multiple times a week.)
Of Booty Shorts And Injuries by Queerklancing 
[Completed|Chapters:4/4|Words:23,862|Not Rated]
Keith is sure that he’s having a heart attack. Or that he hurt his brain when he fell earlier. Because it’s simply not possible that the boy who’s sitting next to him is not a hallucination. How could someone so gorgeous just sit in an emergency room at night?“
Keith and Lance unexpectantly meet at the emergency room in the middle of the night.
Fanart for this fic
Laughter Lines by maunder
Once a homeless teenager, Keith is now a young, successful businessman who owns the most popular new gym in the state. Lance is a surrogate, single dad to his young siblings, and is doing his best to make ends meet. Neither has the time or desire to fall in love. Doesn’t stop it from happening, unfortunately.
“Surprisingly, no one wants to go out with the 23 year old dude with three kids under four and no time or money to treat them to fancy dates.”
“I do.”
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maunderponder · 7 years
Holy hell yeah actually, you mentioned people don't generally like ocs in that anon's ask but yeah your right, I usually don't but, boy oh boy do I love those kids of yours. The only ocs I've ever liked. They're mcfuckin fantastically written.
Yay!!! I love writing them, they’re so much fun! 😍
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maunderponder · 7 years
Hey hey!! Just wanted to say that your fic?? Laughter lines???? My favorite. FUCK dirty laundry. FUCK hdbrh. YOURS. YOU. The days it updates are the days I truly live and BREATHE. Keep up the great work!!!!!! 😝👍❤❤ I've re read your fic a million times which honestly, all jokes aside, I've never done for any fic ever. So yeah, your special, and wonderful, and doing amazing honestly.
AAAAHHHHHHHH!!! I’m so happy to hear it’s your favorite, and thank you for all of your compliments!!! Those are all so humbling!!!
And I love the other fics you mentioned and think they are awesome; it’s so neat to see such a big fandom come together to make so much amazing content! :)
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maunderponder · 7 years
I got a sudden increase in new messages WHICH MAKES ME SO HAPPY, but it reminded me that I haven’t updated you all on why the next chapter has been delayed.
I’m still having a lot of health stuff happen; I’ve been in out of the hospital a few times, and will be having surgery next month. Plus I’ve been on lots of meds, so focusing to write is pretty difficult xD 
I’m so sorry I haven’t had time for the next chapter yet, but I will work on it as soon as I can! I can’t give a date yet, but it’ll be a late Christmas present seeing as I was trying to time the chapters out to lead into the holidays BUT OH WELL OOPS.
Also THANK YOU to everyone who has still been reading and supporting Laughter Lines! I’ve gained a lot of followers and new people reading it on AO3, and it’s the best thing to hear whenever someone tells me they like this silly little family fic <3
If you heard about it from someone or somewhere, please let me know so I can go and send a thank you to them!
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maunderponder · 7 years
You are so important to me
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maunderponder · 7 years
Someday,,,,,,,, someday,,,,,,,,,,, someday,,,,,,,,,, everyone in this fandom will realize the power and glory of your fic. Soon.
This sounds so ominous but at the same time I appreciate it as a compliment I’M SO CONFUSED IN MY FEELS
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maunderponder · 7 years
Hey I really really really really really really like your fic. So much! So so much!! It's my favorite actually because I think you really nailed the characters personalities and how I think dialogue would play out between them. Not to mention, the kids? They're fantastic and realistic and wonderful and honestly??? I love Klance but the kids make a large chunk of this fix for me. They're important!!!! To me!!!! Your the best fic writer in the business babe. Keep it up!!!!!!! 😘😉😁😁
oh my GOODNESS THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! This made my day! I love writing the kids, but it’s always scary to have OCs in a fic, so to hear you say they’re realistic and you care about them makes me so happy! Knowing how many amazing authors are in this fandom, to hear you say you enjoy my work this much is very humbling! Thank you!
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maunderponder · 7 years
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I wanted to draw the Voltron fam doing a chicken fight and it got out of hand
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maunderponder · 7 years
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Klance Week Day Six: Quote
save him
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maunderponder · 7 years
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when adulthood hits you in space with three children
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maunderponder · 7 years
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tfw you try to be friends with someone but they keep doing shit like this
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maunderponder · 7 years
Hi, I'm just here to day that I just caught up to Laughter Lines, and it is really good! I can't wait for your next update, but I can wait for the angst... DX
AHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I was pretty nervous about this chapter, not gonna lie. I love mellow, character driven scenes which I know isn’t everyone’s taste, so I’m glad so many of you are enjoying it!! IM ALSO SCARED FOR THE ANGST, this was supposed to be a mostly angst free story but 13 chapters later here we are :) :) :) :) :)
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maunderponder · 7 years
Okay so when I said I was gonna upload the newest chapter on Sunday I lied ‘cause I finished it yesterday and I’m too excited/relieved it’s done to put it off. SO HERE’S THE NEWEST CHAPTER :)
A summary for those interested!
Once a homeless teenager, Keith is now a young, successful businessman who owns the most popular new gym in the state. Lance is a surrogate, single dad to his young siblings, and is doing his best to make ends meet. Neither has the time or desire to fall in love. Doesn’t stop it from happening, unfortunately.
“Surprisingly, no one wants to go out with the 23 year old dude with three kids under four and no time or money to treat them to fancy dates.”
“I do.”
Read Chapter 1 here!
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