#yeeting this into the void and changing my name lol
roguelioness · 2 years
pas de trois
Fandom: FFXIV Pairing: Aymeric de Borel/Alyzen Kaide/Estinien Varlineau Rating: E Words: 6931
(Read on ao3)
The water is hot, near-scalding, but Alyzen prefers it that way. It forms a steam shield against the blizzard outside currently ravaging Ishgard, and fogs up the windows that would inform her how brutal the snowfall it. Which suits her just fine - she wants no reminder of the journey she is to set off on.
She’d been annoyed that Count Edmont had planned a soiree on the eve of her departure. She hates socializing even at the best of times, even less so when there are missions to be undertaken. All she wanted was a quiet evening spent soaking in a bathtub, and that had almost been denied her – until Aymeric stepped in and offered the use of his manor.
A foolish move, to be sure. Though she might be the Warrior of Light, though she might be a ward of one of Ishgard's great houses, she is still an outsider, and the local populace would not take too kindly to the fact that she was spending the night at the house of one of Ishgard's most powerful (and sought-after) men.
"There is naught to fear," Aymeric had soothed with a smile, "I will be meeting with Estinien, and will spend the night with him. None shall know you occupy the mansion. Your privacy shall be guaranteed, I assure you."
A chance to be alone? Fully alone, in a place that wasn’t in the middle of some wilds, with amenities that offered a chance to unwind? Well, how could she turn down that offer? And so she's stretched out in a marble tub, soaking in water that will never turn cold – Garlond's new engineering marvel of course – the scent of incense and sandalwood heavy in the air.
Her eyes slide shut, and with a soft, luxurious sigh she slips deeper into the water, letting herself relax, pushing all the memories of the past into the background.
A quiet, quiet creak has her tensing.
Someone is in the room with her. She can sense their presence, that awareness prickling at the nape of her neck. The alarm that should follow is absent; considering none save one knows of her being here, it can only mean… "I take it your meeting was cut short, lord commander?" she teases.
"We came to an agreement sooner than I expected," is his casual, noncommittal response. The smirk threaded through the syllables has her alert.
"We?" she questions, turning at last towards the room's new occupants. Or intruder, as it were, for standing next to Aymeric is Estinien, his steel blue eyes glinting so sharp even in the muted light of the room. Both men are dressed casually, in soft breeches and loose-fitting shirts, their hair the kind of flat and mussed that comes from wearing a hat. They make a striking contrast standing next to each other - though both are tall and muscular, Estinien is lithe and wiry while Aymeric is broad-shouldered and sturdy. They’re both handsome men in their own right, and the sight of them together, like this, so comfortable and relaxed, short-circuits her brain for a few seconds.
Estinien’s mouth lifts up into a smirking half-smile. 
Her gaze narrows. "What is the meaning of this?" she asks, harsh and blunt, sinking below the level of the foam that covers the water's surface. Estinien's expression, though she cannot decipher it entirely, is unnerving, and ignites a lick of flame in her belly – though she'll never admit to it.
"I believe we have some negotiating to do."
"This hardly feels like the time or place for such a thing."
Aymeric’s voice is perfectly even, as though he’s commenting on the weather. "Not so for the proposal I have in mind."
She presses her lips together tight, teeth gritted together as she tries to avoid looking at Estinien. What could he possibly mean? "And what proposal would that be?"
The grin on Aymeric’s face makes her quirk her brow, so wide and satisfied it is. She’s seen his cat sport a similar expression  at mealtimes. His gaze is darker; there’s a glint of something baser, untamed, lurking in those cerulean depths. "You want to fuck Estinien."
The coarse word, spilled so casually from a man who is otherwise so elegantly eloquent, has her starting, the lick of heat stoking to a full flame. Then the rest of his statement catches up to her and her jaw drops. "I beg your pardon?" she stutters.
Aymeric moves towards her - prowls, really, his stride measured and slow, as though trying to keep from spooking her – and drops to his haunches by the side of the tub. Resting his elbows on the edge, he once again smiles at her, so calm and assured it has her stilling. "You do not have to hide from me," he murmurs. "How you look upon him has not escaped my notice.”
“I don’t know what you mean–”
“The signs are easy to miss, were I not actively searching for them. The stiffness of your spine, the way you clasp your hands behind your back. The flush on the tips of your ears–”
"That's– he frustrates me!” she sputters. “He's an annoying little shit sometimes–"
"Come now, that is not entirely true, is it?" Aymeric reaches out to wind a stray lock of deep copper hair around his finger, gives it a gently chastising tug. Lowering his voice, he adds, "Would it make you feel better if I told you he feels the same way?"
"What?" It slips out soft and strangled. Her face, already flushed from the heat, turns scarlet. 
“Estinien would like to bed you.” Again, it’s such a casual remark she gapes at him.
Finding her tongue, she scowls, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. “Am I to believe he so readily confided such a thing to you?”
“Believe what you’d like,” Estinien drawls, resting one shoulder against the doorway. His silver hair is illuminated by the lights in the bedroom and forms a kind of feathery halo – ironic, since he’s certainly no saint. 
“This is ridiculous,” her face feels like it could burst into flame at any second, “you can’t just waltz in here and– and– say something like that!”
“Why not?” Aymeric glides his fingers through her hair, gently untangling any knot he encounters. Aly’s keenly, intensely aware of the fact that he’s just inches away from her, and very clothed in contrast to her nude self. She’s not self-conscious by any means – a life on the road means that anyone she travels with gets the occasional eyeful – but it’s never bothered her as much as it does this moment.
With these two.
“What am I supposed to do with that information?” she gripes, though it doesn’t have as much heat as it could. 
“Ah, I’m glad you asked.” Aymeric leans in, presses his lips – chapped and cold from the wind outside – to her forehead. “Would you like to?” The emphasis on you is clear.
She’s not usually so slow, but this is– new and unexpected territory and she’s very, very apprehensive. “Would I like to what?”
“Fuck him.” Again, that small smile, that knowing look.
This must be some kind of trick. They’re clearly pulling a prank on her. “Aymeric. Be serious.”
“This is no jest, Alyzen.” When her eyes flick over to Estinien, he nods once, sharp and sure, his face carefully devoid of all expression – save his gaze, which is like that of a winter wolf in front of fresh meat.
Throat dry, mouth as arid as the Sagoili desert, she licks her lips, attempting to piece together a coherent thought. “Let me get this straight. Estinien wants to take me to bed, and he told you as much, and you’re asking me if I want to?” She shakes her head. “Why would you– is this some twisted Ishgardian way of ending–” she trails off, a deep furrow between her brows. What exactly is there between her and Aymeric? Neither of them have defined the boundaries of their relationship. “If you would rather not… not continue our tryst,” she says stiffly, hating him just a little for making her use the word tryst, as though she were a cheap and tawdry thing.  Her heart is a rapid hammer against her ribs as she continues, “then all you have to do is say so. You do not have to– to make a mockery of me, my lord.”
Aymeric makes a soft, distressed sound, his face clearly displaying his dismay. “No, no, you misunderstand me,” he begins, but is cut off by Estinien.
“What he means to say,” the dragoon unfolds himself and stalks to her side, crossing his arms and staring down at her. Even though she’s fairly well-concealed by the bubbles, she still feels vulnerable and too-exposed, and her fingers curl into her palms in the water. “Is that we would both be fucking you.” Alyzen chokes, coughing as she tries to steady her breathing once more. Estinien smirks, one brow arching into a pretty point. “Only if you’re amenable to it, of course.”
She glances from his face to Aymeric’s, waiting to see if they have anything more to add. Surely at any moment now, one of them will laugh, and declare it to be a fine joke. When the minutes tick by silently, their expressions unchanging, only then does she realize that they’re serious.
“I–” she sighs and sits up straighter. The slope of her breasts breaches the water’s surface. There’s a measure of satisfaction in the way Estinien’s gaze drops to them for a split second before returning to hers. She can’t deny she’s had indecent thoughts about Estinien, has wondered how it would feel to have him touch her. How it would feel to touch him. She’s seen the way he’s looked at her, out of the corner of his eyes, how it pulled something molten into the pit of her stomach. She should refuse – she should send them away, should be indignant that they came to her with such a proposal, but instead… “How would this even work?” she asks, internally groaning at the look of utter smugness on the dragoon’s face.
He was going to be insufferable.
“What are your concerns?” Aymeric’s hands, with those long, elegant fingers, rest on the rim of the bath. Alyzen finds herself distracted, remembering the way the calluses rasp pleasantly against her skin. He clears his throat, drawing her focus back to his face, and to his credit he doesn’t tease her for her wandering attention. 
“I–” she throws her head back and groans. “Twelve take you, Aymeric. This is most certainly not the place to have this kind of discussion. How am I meant to think when I’m naked and the two of you are not?” It’s said with the intention to shock and startle, to maybe bring them to their senses – herself included, because Nymeia help her, she’s actually considering this, which means there must be something wrong with her.
It doesn’t work as expected.
“That can be remedied easily enough,” Estinien smirks. His hands move to the edge of his tunic and in a smooth, fluid motion, he pulls it off, revealing an expanse of planes and angles and muscles that she desperately wants to map with hands and mouth. Aly lets out a startled yelp and turns away sharply, straight into Aymeric’s amused face.
“‘Tis too late to play the shy maiden,” Estinien drawls from behind here. “There’s naught here you have not seen before.”
“I beg your pardon?” she whirls towards him, outraged enough to forget her compromised circumstances. “What in the fucking void do you mean by that?”
“Only that you’ve surely seen a man in the nude. Or have you not been keeping the Lord Commander company?”
Furious, she makes to stand up, but Aymeric’s hand on her shoulder keeps her in place. “Fuck off,” she snarls, but before she can curse him out some more, he quirks a brow. “I believe that was the purpose of this discussion,” he smirks.
“Estinien.” Aymeric interjects, clearly exasperated. “Would it overtax you to be more diplomatic? As I recall, you did not hesitate overmuch when I spoke to you of this proposal.”
Baffled and as irritated as a clam loaded with grains of sand, Alyzen clears her throat, chooses her words with the utmost of care. “For all this… talking, neither of you have attempted to explain the intricacies of such an arrangement.” She glances from one man to the other, wishing she could read their minds. “I do not want any misunderstanding, nor would I want jealousy to get in the way of old friendships and working relationships.”
“Your forthrightness is most appreciated,” Aymeric says, a touch of praise in the way he speaks. 
She rolls her eyes. “The sooner we finish this discussion, the sooner I can get back to what I was doing.”
Aymeric smiles and brushes his lips across her temple. “Estinien and I are indeed old friends,” he says. “We do not begrudge whatever happiness the other might find; it would mean all the more if we were to share in each other’s joy.”
“You understand what you’re asking,” she says carefully. “We set out to travel soon. I’ll be away from you for days, weeks even, while he will be there–”
“And I trust the both of you to keep the other safe. Should you find pleasure in the cold nights, I will be glad of it.”
She stares at him, taking the measure of his response, trying to find the smallest ilm of hesitation. She finds none. He returns her searching gaze patiently, his expression open, the hand on her shoulder steady and sure. “You really do mean that,” she murmurs.
His palm moves to cradle her jaw. “I would not be dishonest, not with you.”
Catching her lip between her teeth, finding herself oddly shaky, Alyzen turns to Estinien. Bare-chested, with his arms crossed, his posture is guarded, and it makes her tense. “If I desired to spend my nights with Aymeric alone, would you be amenable?”
“Aye,” he nods.
“What of–” she hesitates. “Are the two of you truly comfortable with this?” She hates that she sounds nervous and uncertain, like an sheltered young maiden, but she must know. Most of her relationships – if they could even be called that – have been fleeting, a quick match struck at midnight, gone with a bare breath. This – whatever this is – is not love (not yet, her mind whispers) – but neither is it merely a kind of itch to be scratched. And while this proposal intrigues her – she’d like to know where it leads – she values their friendship and would rather not risk losing it.
Aymeric senses her struggle - she sees it in the tenderness on his face. “Were either of us discomfited by even the smallest degree we would not be here, I assure you.”
Nodding, she turns to Estinien, startled to see something fond and gentle on his features. “Aye,” he rumbles. “He speaks true.”
She huffs. “And if I had been offended by your suggestion?”
“We would have apologized with utmost sincerity,  spoken no more on the matter. and made no allusion to it.” Aymeric’s eyes twinkle with mischief, pulling a short sigh of laughter from her. “However, I confess I had every confidence you would be amenable, or I would not have made the suggestion in the first place.”
“Presumptuous,” she swats his chest. 
“But not incorrect,” he gives her chin a playful tweak.
Alyzen sighs. “What now?”
“Considering we are all in accordance, I see no reason to move forward with this arrangement,” Aymeric brushes his lips against her temple, smiling against her skin at her sigh.
“Hold a moment,” Estinien’s gravel tones are deeper than normal. “I have a concern I wish to have addressed.”
Alyzen tilts her head, waiting for him to continue.
Estinien’s eyes are warm with something she cannot unravel. “Can we agree that there shall be none but us involved in this arrangement?”
“Yes, of course,” Aymeric’s reply is surprised, as though he had not thought it needed to be stated.
“Well, yes, I would hope so,” she arches a brow. 
“Good,” the dragoon declares, then takes the two steps required to close the distance between them, drops to his haunches by the bathtub, and curls a hand around the nape of her neck.
Aly’s skin breaks out in gooseflesh.
Estinien leans in close to her, closer, so close their lips are but a hair’s breadth apart – but he doesn’t kiss her. His breath, warm and wine-scented, washes over her face, his fingers twitching against her skin. He waits, patient, his eyes sharp and focused. She’s pinned by the force of it, her breath caught in her throat, unable to look anywhere else, even as Aymeric presses a chaste kiss to her shoulder.
“Eager, aren’t we?” what was meant to be mocking comes out as a low, soft exhale.
His reply is a rumble in the space between them. “Would you rather I leave?”
She responds by closing the gap and pressing her lips to his.
Half a heartbeat of hesitation before Estinien plunders.
His kiss is greedy and rough, indelicate but in a way she likes, his teeth gently rasping against the delicate flesh of her mouth. Behind her, she can feel Aymeric shift, his hand moving from her hair down the side of her neck, his fingertips skimming over her collarbones, lowering beneath the water’s surface to seek out her breasts – and when his thumb grazes over her nipple she gasps into Estinien’s mouth.
Aymeric laughs softly, amusement curled in the sound, and repeats the action over and over. Aly blindly reaches out, grasping Estinien's shoulder with one hand, her other moving to cover Aymeric's as he strokes her breasts. She moans, pulling away from the heated greed of the dragoon's mouth, her head tipping back to explode the column of her neck.
Estinien wastes no time in taking advantage of this new expanse of flesh, pressing his mouth to the thin skin that covers her pulse, setting his teeth and sucking a bruise into her flesh that she will struggle to cover come the morn.  Aymeric’s hand slides lower, to her sternum, fingers lightly brushing over the smooth, raised chainlink scar there, down to her belly button, and even lower, till he’s at the cusp of her mound, before retracing his steps back to her chest. 
They’ve barely begun to touch her and already she feels like she’s wound up too-tight in her skin.
“I think she’s been in that bath long enough,” Estinien grumbles. “What say you, lord commander?”
Aymeric takes her mouth for a slower kiss; the taste of him beneath the spiced wine he’d been drinking heats her blood to magma. When he moves away, she follows with a soft sound of protest, and he gives in and kisses her again, making her feel like an expensive indulgence, something to be savored. She shifts, squirms, and when she starts to rise from the water Aymeric leans away, looking very satisfied with himself. “I believe you’re right, Estinien. Why don’t we help her out?”
No sooner than he says the words than Estinien slides his arm around her chest and under her knees and hauls her up with an ease that shouldn’t surprise her but does. Aly’s not a small woman by any means - an adventurer’s life means her muscles are dense from combat, but Estinien makes her feel petite, almost fragile. 
The cold air of the room swats at her, causing her to break out in gooseflesh. Thin, gossamer threads of fine white mist rise in in delicate trails from her skin. She shivers, and so does Estinien, his gaze drawn to the droplets of water dotting her body, lent a deep golden hue from the hearth’s flame. He leans in and touches his tongue to her collarbone, licking a stripe up the curve of it, nipping the place where it meets her throat.
“Estinien,” she grumbles even as she trembles from that caress, “I’m cold.”
“Forgive me,” he drawls. Striding rapidly to the bed in the adjacent room, she’s unprepared for how abruptly he dumps her onto the mattress; she gasps indignantly, moving to sit up on her knees. “You voidbitten ass, what was that for?”
“You said you were cold - surely you must be dry now.” The smirk at the corner of his lips is far too endearing for her to stay mad at him. Beside him, Aymeric sighs, tossing a large towel onto the nearby chair. “Could you not have waited a moment longer?”
“For someone who proposed this, Aymeric, I’m surprised you’re not more impatient.” Estinien might be talking to the lord commander, but his attention is on her, and Aly can’t help tucking her lip between her teeth as he starts to undo the ties to his breeches. When he catches her looking, however, he hesitates, fingers stilling on the waistband.
She doesn’t want that. She wants the assured, certain Estinien, the dragoon with the sharp tongue; she wants him to want her, and to know that he wants her - this reticence of his puts her on edge. Aly leans up, one hand on his shoulder, and moves to kiss him - but stops short of his mouth, acutely aware that Aymeric is right there. 
Suddenly, Estinien’s hesitation doesn’t feel so strange.
“Kiss him, cherie,” Aymeric orders, his voice husky.
She does. Slow and languid, she kisses him delicately, relishing the groaned whine he spills into her. Her hands move to his breeches, and she finishes undoing the ties but stops there - it’s his decision to pull them down, to let them pool around his feet, to step out of them and onto the bed.
Alyzen breaks away from his lips and turns to look at Aymeric, keenly aware that Estinien is settled next to her, that his broad fingers are splayed against her sternum, that his silver hair falls over her shoulder. “Meric,” she says softly, calling to him, calling for him; his face lights up in a fond smile, his cobalt eyes aphotic and coveting. He undresses quickly, precisely, placing each article of clothing across the armrest of the couch to keep it from wrinkling, before joining them on the bed, the mattress sinking further to accommodate him. Cradling her jaw between his hands, he takes her mouth, his nails lightly digging into her scalp as he sinks his fingers into her hair.
She trembles, and Estinien laughs, a dark, greedy sound, before he starts to feather kisses down the column of her neck, skimming his lips over her tattooed shoulder. She lets them move her to their liking, till she’s trapped between them. They work in tandem, a strange kind of coordination to how they caress her; Estinien’s welcome roughness has her arching into Aymeric, and his meticulous touches have her melting into the dragoon. The two extremes send her head spinning, render her skin sensitive, every nerve alert and receptive. Heat builds up in her flesh, a familiar ache between her legs, and she can tell from every uncontrolled rock of her hips that they’re as affected as she is.
Aymeric sucks at the swell of her breast, dragging his teeth along the curve of it before taking her peaked nipple into the warmth of his mouth and Aly hisses, attempting to arch into him but his arm around her torso keeps her in place. She squirms between them, desperate to be touched, desperate for a release from the tension wound up in her belly. Estinien chuckles, low and sly, one hand pinching her chin and holding her gaze to his as the other strokes along the inside of her thigh, soft, teasing brushes of skin against skin, getting closer - but never quite touching - that place where she burns with a wet heat. “Eager, aren’t we?” he echoes her taunt from earlier, but his voice is gravelled with lust and the sound of it makes her moan. “How should we begin, then?” His attention flicks to Aymeric. “Do we take turns?” he asks, before dropping his eyes back to her flushed, sweat-beaded skin, lips curling into a devilish smirk. “Or do you want your pleasure first?” He punctuates the offer with a slow glide of his fingers up her folds, offering her the most feather-like, unsatisfying strokes against her clit.
Aly pants into the air, desperately attempting to shift her hips to seek out more of his touch, but once again she’s thwarted by Aymeric’s hold on her. “Please,” it bursts out of her – she’s not sure what she’s asking for, but she wants – she needs – more.
Estinien’s smile grows wider, near-vulpine. “You beg so prettily,” he praises in a low, elated croon, reinforced by Aymeric’s lips pressed up against her temple. He coaxes her knees  further apart, stroking her thighs, scraping his nails along her thighs and the back of her knees to pull a whine out of her before dipping his fingers into her folds. Aly jerks at the sudden stimulation, a deep moan pushed into the crook of Aymeric’s neck as Estinien eased his fingers into her.
“Fuck,” he groans at the feel of her, both awed and amazed.
“Please,” Alyzen begs again unashamedly, rolling her hips, trying to get him to move, to give her the friction she needs.
Estinien presses deeper, curling his fingers, and she cries out, loud and wanton. Aymeric’s hand trails along her side, his knuckles brushing the sensitive undersides of her breasts, before his long, calloused fingertips land on her clit.
Aly whimpers. It’s so much, too much, being touched by them both; and then Estinien starts to fuck her, a slow, curling push-pull of those combat-honed digits while Aymeric strokes her clit even slower, much, much lighter than she wants, than she needs, and her brain short-circuits and she can’t think of anything except the pleasure building up, turning her blood to syrup, her mind to mush.
She gasps something out - no words, just garbled sounds, her head tipped back to rest on his shoulder, an arm twined about his neck, fingers grabbing onto stray strands of his raven hair, gripping onto them like a lifeline.
Aymeric presses harder, firmer against that sensitive nub and she cries out, making sharp, quick little pants, straining against their hold as her body starts to shake. 
“Look at me,” Estinien demands, hoarse, gruff, desperate, and she’s helpless to do anything but obey, fighting to keep her eyes open and on his face as her nerves, already alit with pleasure, flood with ecstasy as he crooks his fingers against her walls. Aymeric’s free hand moves to wrap around her throat, keeping her head upright, his fingers resting against her hummingbird pulse.
Estinien’s focus on her is absolute, his attention almost tangible with how intense it is, and it is that concentration, that stark desire on those bladed cheekbones and within that honed gaze that breaks her and tips her over, a high-pitched cry falling from her as she climaxes.
Aymeric’s fingers on her clit gentle, drawing out her pleasure; she shudders with oversensitivity when Estinien pulls his digits from her cunt. For several moments it’s all she can do to catch her breath and regain her bearings. 
“All right?” Aymeric asks her, examining her face closely. 
She nods, shifting her release-heavy muscles to face him. He’s propped back against the veritable mass of pillows, his cock, erect and beaded with precome, resting on his stomach. The sight of it fills her with renewed heat - she knows how it feels in her, and she wants it. Wants him. Wants to watch him take his pleasure from her. The core of her starts to ache with that need. “I believe it is my turn, is it not?” she teases, her voice husky, as she crawls over him.
“Are you certain?” he asks. “We do not have to do anything–” he breaks off on a choked gasp as she slides her wet slit against his length, rocking back and forth, coating him in her slick.
“Do you want to stop?” she asks sweetly, relishing the deep, guttural groan he makes.
Estinien grips her hair, tugs gently to tilt her head back. “Stop teasing the poor man,” he murmurs against her lips, “and fuck him.” His face wears an tenebrous smile, his fingertips massaging her scalp as she feels Aymeric position himself against her entrance, and as he hilts himself in her - sure and certain, with a single, fluid thrust - Estinien kisses her, swallowing her moan, taking away the last of her air so she’s breathless.
Aymeric plants his feet on the mattress and thrusts upwards, knocking a cry from her, setting a slow, measured pace; each time he fucks into her, Estinien guides her down so she takes all of Aymeric’s cock, so she feels all of him, so she’s filled with all of him, again and again and again, and then he adds to the exquisite torment by strumming his fingers across her aching clit, pulling a wanton, lewd whine from her that she barely registers over the frantic drumming of her heart.
Bliss burns through her; she climbs inexorably to a peak that she’s then taken past, taken higher, the tension growing till she’s all but feral from it.
“Aly,” Aymeric stutters out in a strained gasp, and she peers at him through sex-drunk lids. His face is a rictor of pleasure, jaw clenched, that plush, clever mouth taut with desperate tension; his fingers, splayed out on her thighs, dig in deeper, harder, keeping her pinned to him. She knows he’s close - she can hear it in his voice, in the urgent, stuttered way he buries himself in her and she whines, wanting to reach her own peak, bending over him to kiss his mouth, to taste his pleasure.
Estinien plants a kiss behind her ear, scrapes his teeth down the length of her neck and circles her clit with a firmer touch, and she comes with a strangled shout as he sucks a mark onto her shoulder, distantly aware of Aymeric pulling out of her a moment before his spend spatters across her stomach as he reaches his own end.
Her body limp post-climax, she’d fall onto Aymeric’s chest if it weren’t for Estinien’s hold on her. Panting, gasping, she lets him guide her off the lord commander, one arm thrown artlessly over her face. She feels the bed shift and ripple as someone climbs off; she peers through her fingers to see Estinien make his way to the chair and pick up the discarded towel. Sensing his intent, she flushes and sits up, suddenly very aware of how sticky she is. She holds out her hand and he gives her the towel; she can’t seem to look at either of them as she cleans herself off.
“Alyzen.” Aymeric’s voice, soft and filled with concern, breaks the suddenly-tense silence. She ignores him, focuses on cleaning a spot below her belly button that’s already clean, but she needs something to do.
“Aly.” Gentle fingers guide her head up to meet Aymeric’s worried expression. Next to him, Estinien is blank-faced, his eyes carefully watching her every move. “Are you all right?” he asks.
She sighs. This is silly, she thinks. We’re all here because we want to be, so why am I embarrassed?
As though reading her mind, Aymeric says, “There’s nothing to be ashamed about,” his thumb gently stroking the curve of her cheek.
“I know,” she sighs again. 
“I did not hurt you?”
“No! Not at all,” she rushes to reassure him. 
“Would you like me to leave?” Estinien asks, gruff but cautious.
“No,” her hand lashes out, whip-quick, and latches onto his wrist. “Give me a moment, will you? I– I’ve not done this before, I don’t know the– etiquette.”
Estinien smiles, if that barest lift of his lips can be called that, but she can see the relief in it. Her chest warms at the sight - he’d thought they’d hurt her. 
“Come here,” she tells Estinien, carelessly casting the towel aside. He moves slowly toward her, giving her plenty of space to pull away if she chose to. “I’m going to kiss you,” she says. “I’m going to kiss you because I want to. I’m going to kiss you because I want you to fuck me,” and she leans in, giving him time to back away if he so desired.
He doesn’t.
This kiss is soft, tender. Slow and hesitant and sweet, each taking the time to let the other get acquainted, get familiar, each better learning the shape and taste of the other. The embers of her earlier need slowly start to glow again, her skin warming with each brush of his lips against hers. Estinien shifts, curls his hand around the back of her neck, and angles her so he can deepen the kiss. She whimpers into his mouth, quiet, needy; behind her, Aymeric shuffles closer to her, trailing his fingers up and down her back, his touch soothing even as it inflames.
Alyzen lets her hands glide downwards, finally exploring the planes of his chest the way she’d wanted to. Estinien bears as many scars as she does, and she gently touches each one, silently acknowledging the ordeals he’s been through, ducking down to press a kiss to the bigger ones. He groans, capturing a hand and guiding it even lower; she takes the hint and wraps her fingers around his cock, giving him a slow, experimental stroke, gratified by the sharp gasp he makes.
Aymeric and Estinien exchange a look over her head; she doesn’t understand the unspoken communication, but the next moment Aymeric is flat on his back and Estinien drags and drapes her over his chest. Still confused, she stares down at Aymeric’s face, a puzzled frown on her face. “Sit on my face,” he says in a low voice that drips with sin, and Aly flushes bright red but does as he asks, her cunt hovering over him until he grips her thighs and yanks her down. At the first touch of his tongue against her slit she whimpers, falling forward onto Estininen, one hand gripping the dragoon’s shoulder for support. Estinien grins at her, his eyes glinting wickedly; he leans in and she thinks he’s going to kiss her, but instead all he does is whisper, “A fine throne you have, ma belle,” just as Aymeric flicks his tongue against her clit, and whatever retort she’d had melts into a strangled, choked moan.
She has her revenge when she curls her hand around his length, her thumb swiping over the moisture gathered at the tip and spreading it down. He kisses her when she starts to stroke him, his moan pressed against her tongue, bucking into her grip when she lightly squeezes. 
It’s all she can do to maintain any semblance of rhythm, especially when Aymeric is systematically taking her apart; his tongue, silvered as it is in matters of diplomacy, is practically a weapon of pleasure as it laps at her. Heat fills her veins, lightning sparks down her nerves, and she can’t help but grind her hips against his face. All too quickly - perhapy alarmingly so - she’s close to her peak, and she gasps out a stuttered, “Wait,” as she tugs on Aymeric’s hair to get him to stop.
He halts instantly, looking up at her with a crease between his brows. “I’m close,” she explains, forestalling his concern, trying to get her weak, shaky knees to cooperate with her as she climbs off him. Aymeric understands, rolling away from her as she settles onto her back, one leg hooked around Estinien’s waist.
Estinien doesn’t waste any time, taking his cock and sliding it through her slick, coating himself  liberally before pressing the tip against her entrance. He lets out a low moan as he slides in slowly, his eyes trained on her face, watching for any signs of discomfort. He stills when he hilts himself fully, waiting for her to adjust, until she grows impatient. “Move,” she demands, rocking against him. He does, setting a pace that’s hard and rough, just as she wants it, and then Aymeric’s mouth is on her breast, his fingers strumming across her clit and Aly cries out, toes curling into the sheets, the layered pleasure taking her past the peak she’d expected into something higher.
“Let go,” Aymeric murmurs into her ear, placing a soft kiss to her cheek; his fingers sharpen their torment, circling the sensitive bundle of nerves the way he knows will break her, and she does - she falls into her climax so intensely she nearly shrieks, her eyes opening just in time to catch Estinien’s blissed-out grimace as he reaches his own end.
Exhausted, her body little better than a puddle of bones, she’s content to lie where she is and catch her breath, only twitching as someone - she doesn’t even bother to see who - cleans her up. Aymeric’s scent, noticeable even through the heavy haze of sex, meets her nose a second before his warm body presses up to her side.
“All right?” he asks as he pulls a soft woolen blanket over her, and she cracks open an eye to give him a tired, but satisfied, smile. “Why wouldn’t I be?” 
The rustle of cloth catches her attention, however, and she lifts herself up on her elbows to find Estinien pulling on his pants. “What are you doing?” she asks, something knotting uncomfortable in her chest.
“I’m getting dressed,” he remarks. “It would not do for me to stay.”
That knot grows bigger. “Don’t,” she says quietly.
He stills and looks at her, something unreadable in that slate gaze. 
“Stay,” It takes every onze of her strength, but she manages to push the word out. “Please.” It comes out so quiet it barely reaches her own ears.
“Are you certain?” Estinien frowns, but his breeches still remain untied. “Were someone to hear of this, it would reflect poorly on the both of you.”
Alyzen tips her gaze away, unsure what to say. She’s been called worse things, but she would never risk Aymeric’s reputation. Any yet, she wants Estinien to stay, to have the comfort of both their presences close as she slumbered. She doesn’t know when she’ll have another chance, given her upcoming journey to the Dravanian hinterlands. She wants the comfort of touch, especially after… this. Estinien leaving, so casually, so carelessly, makes her feel a touch… used.
But she doesn’t want to cause Aymeric a scandal. Ishgard has too great a need for him, whether they know it or not. His image is more important than her petty desires…
“She wants you to stay, Estinien. Surely you cannot mean to deny her? It is a simple enough request.”
Startled, she catches a similar look on the dragoon’s features before her gaze lands on Aymeric. He looks perfectly placid, his features calm and untroubled, a small smile on his mouth.
“No one will know of this, and if they do, well. It would merely be yet another rumor among the dozen or so that relate to my ‘escapades’. You know as well as I do how the nobles talk, Estinien.”
“I don’t know, ‘Meric. Maybe he’s right,” she says, gnawing on her lip. “It’s a risk, staying here. I don’t– there’s too much at stake. I should also go.” She moves to climb out of the bed, but Aymeric’s hand latches onto her forearm and brings her to a halt. 
“Should it not be my choice to decide whether or not this is a risk I wish to gamble on? I know full well what the hazards are, and still I want you to stay. Please, Aly.” He look over to Estinien. “You too, Estinien. Stay the night. It would be inconceivably rude to–” 
“Dramamongers, the both of you,” Estinien interrupts. “Far be it for me to keep you from your flowery speeches, Aymeric, but I’m in no mood for them. There’s still a blizzard outside–”
“You were the one who wanted to leave,” Aly narrows her eyes, her indignation rolling off her in waves.
“Aye, and seeing as I’ve no wish to wander out into the cold, I’ll be staying,” He makes his way to her side of the bed, and nudges her shoulder with his hip. “Move over.”
She rolls her eyes, but shifts to give him space. Estinien climbs in next to her, lying flat on his back, doing his best impression of a wooden plank. Alyzen stares at him incredulously, wondering for a moment just why she’d wanted him to stay as she lets Aymeric coax her back down. She’s not a cuddler - not usually - but it feels nice to rest her head on his shoulder, so she does. Her eyes drift shut to the sounds of their breathing, interspersed with the soft crackle of the fireplace, but it isn’t until she feels Estinien press up against her back that she’s able to fully relax.
“Go to sleep,” he grumbles, placing a foot atop hers.
“I would, if you stop talking,” she mutters against Aymeric’s neck.
Aymeric sighs and kisses the top of her head. “Sleep, cherie,” he says.
There’s something very, very soft in her chest, and it winds, like satin ribbons, around her ribs, soothes the snarls in her heart. Here, now, In this moment, she is warm. Held.
She is safe.
For the first time in months, Alyzen has no nightmares.
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miscelunaaa · 2 years
whispers in the dark | jhs
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pairing: sleep paralysis demon hoseok x gender neutral reader (platonic)
genre: … fluff?? Angst. Post-break up au. Supernatural au.
summary: Hoseok just doesn’t have it in him to make you even more miserable right now, so he tries something a little different.
rating: 18+ because I do what I want
word count: 1.4k
warnings: Swearing. Sleep paralysis. Creepy sleep paralysis demon Hoseok a la the “More” concept photos. Watching people while they’re sleep but not in an erotic way lol. Referenced Jimin x reader; technically a post break-up situation. Some image self-consciousness from Hoseok. Platonic spooning. Lots of talk about feeling or sensing smells and emotions. I know it seems creepy but really this is very soft, I promise.
notes: Ah wow, this is short but there’s so much in here. It started in a group chat with “idk what to do with more hoseok in the best way” and then it turned into me and @bangtanintotheroom​ taking “this hobi is our sleep paralysis demon” and running with it in two wildly different directions sldkjfhaslkdj. I know I’m supposed to be on break but like after finishing stuff last month, I had this whole “will I ever write again” crisis. Without @thatlongspringnight​ and @xjoonchildx​ this wouldn’t be here, and I wouldn’t feel ten million times better now than I did leading up to my meltdown. So, thank you. It means the world to me. I’m just going to yeet this into the void and get out but I miss yall!! Hope you’re having a nice July, wherever you may be :)
my masterlist | my disclaimers | read on ao3
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Hoseok hasn’t gotten the chance to stretch like this in ages. As he steps across the lush carpet, he lets his muscles lengthen and move. It’s dusty and cramped in his little crawlspace, even with his cleaning regime. When was the last time you let him out his literal hellhole? 
He looks at your sleeping form. You’re passed out, that’s for sure, huddled beneath layers of sheets and blankets. The dawn is beginning to trickle through your curtains, your eyelids freely fluttering in deep sleep, unencumbered by the sleep mask that’s somehow slipped off during the night. 
He can feel how frozen you are, how you want to turn over to a more comfortable position but can’t. Ah, it’s been so long since he could feed freely like this. What a wonderful welcome you’ve decided to give him.
Hoseok straightens and adjusts his cap as he glances around the room. It doesn’t seem that much has changed since he was last here. There’s a calendar propped up on your dresser, and he’s surprised to see that it’s been at least a year since he was last freed from the confines of your mind. He’d stopped visiting you shortly after you started keeping that punk around … what was his name? Jim? Tim?? Something like that. It’s not easy haunting folks who co-sleep with others. Finally he’s gone, and Hoseok can resume doing what he does best. Finally he can just lurk and get the energy he needs after his long sequestering. 
Stepping closer, Hoseok leans down to leer at your face. You can’t see him, not really, not in a way that matters. But you can feel him, and he can hear your breath quicken as he draws near. His veins sigh in content as the anxiety leeches from your body into his own. It feels sweet and soft against his senses. You always did taste better than his previous charges. 
If you’d kept him inside much longer, he was going to have to find someone else to feed from. So thank god Timbourine or whatever isn’t here today. He reaches out and brushes the sheets from your face so that he can see more than just your eyes.
Huh. That’s odd. 
Your cheeks are grimy. 
Hoseok, dead inside as he might be, feels his black hole of a heart fall. Fuck. 
Had you cried yourself to sleep?
Hoseok stands and steps away, casting his eyes about the room. It still smells like Jimothy or whatever, just barely. You might smell sweet on your own, but there’s a musty spice that undergirds everything. It doesn’t smell like you, and it’s like it’s faded. You probably don’t even smell it anymore, but that doesn’t mean you don’t somehow feel it.
There’s a box in the corner that smells stronger than the rest of your room. It’s got clothes in it that don’t look like you’d be caught dead wearing them. And there’s a picture frame laying flat on its face right next to your calendar. He feels like an idiot for not noticing it sooner. 
“Aw, darling, did that dickwad break your heart?” he murmurs. His heart goes out to you. He doesn’t really much do desire himself but he imagines that the emotions are torrid and stressful. “That’s so unfair, isn’t it?”
It doesn’t seem right to feed off you now, for some reason. The succulent taste of stress he��d been taking from you now feels bitter. It tastes off, spoiled even. Was he really gone so long that he developed a conscience? This is garbage. This is not a part of the plan at all.  
Hoseok sighs as he sits next to your sleeping form. You don’t move. 
“What am I going to do with you, darling? You kept me tucked away for so long and now I can’t even take what I need.” 
You don’t reply, of course. You can’t. You’re frozen in place, paralyzed and dead to the world. Awake and yet not, all at once. Hoseok has craved being able to take what he wants from you for ages, but now it just feels unfair. 
The demon sighs again, noticing now all the things he’d not noticed before in his eagerness to feed. You’ve got pillows tucked behind you, as if to simulate a person at your back. One of them is even wrapped in a shirt. Ah, how sad. There’s other mementos about the room too: a sock in the corner, discarded undergarments next to the laundry hamper, all sorts of small things that have that unfamiliar scent wreathed around them. Even when he doesn’t think there’s more, there’s always more. He can’t imagine how you must feel, having all this crap around that belongs to someone no longer in your life. The agony of finding still more at every turn must be torture. 
He finds himself pitying you. It’s strange. He knows it is. He’s a demon, a thought form, a parasite even; nothing more or less. He shouldn’t have any feelings not placed within him that didn’t come from his host. 
Is that what this is, then? Is this you looking for comfort?
Hoseok’s not sure how he feels about this. He’s never heard of someone manifesting comfort from their sleep paralysis demon. You’re one of hundreds of people he’s haunted. This shouldn’t be anything new even though it clearly is. 
Maybe he’s just getting soft. Maybe being stuck in your mind made him soft. 
He should have gotten out sooner. 
Suddenly, you whimper. Hoseok about jumps out of his skin. He scrambles away from the bed, his eyes flying to see if you’ve somehow managed to rouse yourself without him noticing. 
No, the paralysis holds, but only just. Your eyelids flutter, your fingertips twitch. Still, you don’t move. The emotions wafting off you shift from fear to yearning. His stomach churns and his head spins as the sensation registers. It’s even stronger than the anxiety. It’s just pure, unadulterated loneliness. 
Hoseok takes a deep breath. 
Damn it, you’re soft. And he’s soft for you. 
He takes his cap off and runs his hand over his face, and then through his hair. He’s not much to cuddle with. As far as demons like him go, he’s kind of scrawny. To make himself look scary he has to lean on makeup and piercings and clothing. There’s only so much a glamour can do to make him look intimidating. And none of it’s easy to shed so … maybe if he just spoons you from behind you won’t notice how wimpy he actually looks? 
Your breathing has picked up again, and you whine into the cool air of the bedroom. How are you doing that? Hoseok puts the question out of his mind as he toes off his shoes. 
“Okay, fine, I’ll give you want, but just this once. Just because I missed you or whatever.” 
He rounds the bed and carefully crawls on top of the sheets on the side opposite you. He tosses the pillows away, even the one wrapped in Jimbert or whatever’s shirt, so that he can come up behind you. He fits his body behind yours, the warmth of your body seeping like a warm tide into his clothes and his flesh. 
He trembles. It’s been a while since he was this close with anyone. He’s a big spoon anyway, this is fine, but fuck, it’s kind of weird too. 
After a few moments, he reaches around your middle and pulls you closer. Might as well really lean into this shit if he’s going to do it in the first place. Thank whatever that this is a solitary job. He’d never hear the end of it if one of his colleagues saw him comforting his hauntee like this. 
For a moment, Hoseok wonders if this is doing anything for you at all. After a few minutes, however, your breathing slows, and you move of your own accord. 
You nestle. 
You nestle back into Hoseok’s chest. As if this shit is natural. As if it’s exactly what you needed. Your hand finds his, and squeezes it. 
His heart drops. 
This is more than he anticipated. And he’s horrified to realize that he kind of likes it. 
The fear is gone from you, and so is the longing; the loneliness that was clouding your heart has been burned away like mist by the sun. Hoseok breathes in the scent of your skin at the nape of your neck. Sweet. Content. Strong. 
Hoseok bites his lip. 
Just a few more minutes like this. And then maybe he’ll leave. Can’t let himself get used to this. And you can’t get used to it either. He’ll let you have this moment together. Tomorrow morning he’ll get back to doing his actual job. 
For now, he’ll let himself enjoy this with you for as long as he can muster. 
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Thank you for reading! Drop me an ask and tell me what you think. Find me in various places at my carrd :)
©miscelunaaa 2022. My work is only found on this blog and under my ao3 pseud. Do not, under any circumstances, copy or repost my work.Thank you.
posted: 7.4.2022
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transmasc-wizard · 3 years
no longer canon tag game
i was not ~technically~ tagged but @akindofmagictoo said "anyone who wants to" so here i am!
you just share some stuff from your WIPs that is no longer canon. As you might know, i've had GFS as a wip for like 3 years, so i have a LOT (but will limit it so as not to clog dashes, lol).
Angel used to have 3 siblings! i yeeted 2 into the void and now she has 1
originally it was a portal fantasy! they were all canadians who came over into fantasyworldplace. Hence, i know a lot of little details about what they'd be like in "real world AU" situations (Angel loves TimBits, Oliver hates candy crush, Hope *properly* edits wikipedia for fun, etc). i got rid of that because... i wanted to
Lucy/Lily/Lana/Rose/whateverthefuck her name is (Rowan's alter ego whomst i call whatever i feel like at any given moment) was originally genuinely a good person! then i killed that
there were, overall, less dragons, which i have changed. However, there was one specific dragon. his name was teacup he was white n blue he was the size of a cup and he had social anxiety. he doesn't exist anymore. rip teacup ilysm and you live on in my dreams
nice!Theophania is gone. I havent even talked about Theophania here but she's old and possibly immortal and an absolute ass and i don't mean that in a "but we still love her" way. originally i made her sweet & kind & a Nice Old Lady! not anymore though
dimitri! the fifth GFW2 narrator! i liked him but ultimately i only invented him because i thought rowan needed a love interest. she's aro now and her arc is much better, it's about self-care and redefining love, she doesn't need an LI, so bye bye dimitri
jade! technically jade still exists but i gently placed her in another WIP (nt21) where her personality and overall vibe made more sense, so she's not a GFS character anymore.
raven! he was a talking raven and also technically a god and i realized that. well. he/his plotline contributed nothing to the overall story so i removed him entirely. he lives on only in the weird amount of bird imagery.
multiple entire plotlines! i've mentioned before that i wrote GFW1 without an outline (baaad idea) and therefore there were many axed plotlines, including: Corey's dead friends, Oliver's dead friend, Raven's stuff, the Angel's-traitor-sister, literally an entire 80k word quest
there's more but my brain is tired and this list is long so here we are
anyone can do the tag! absolutely anyone! specifically i will tag @vellichor-virgo, @polyacery, @ashen-crest and @strawberrie-faerie.
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loversdelusion · 4 years
uldren sov/the crow x reader
a/n: someone had to do it, so this is my first short story/one shot idk lol, I'll get the hang of it, pls be nice but also feel free to give me criticism but not too harsh, ya know? I want to get better but I also don't want to get made cry, sorry for any grammar mistakes
angst to cheesy fluff
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"They call me the Crow"
You burst into your small room, which seemed even smaller at the moment, you slammed the door shut and hastily locked it. You turned, your back against the door as you slid down to your knees, your world just got yeeted upside down and back again, your emotions were scrambled.
Uldren, was alive, well- Crow as he said, when you specifically remember ending him yourself "How..?" You breathed, the memories you tried so hard to repress forcing themselves to the surface.
Ace was in your hand, Uldren was already doubled over on the ground from Petra shooting him, his gaze on you as he gave you the ultimatum of your life- kill him or let it go, each both had their own consequences, killing him and you did, would fulfill the vengeance for Cayde-6 and your love would be with you, but letting him go would've resulted in Petra hating you forever and a massive void of guilt in your conscious.
You killed him, your once romantic partner, and yet he stood right in front of you and Osiris, you both saw him with your own eyes, Uldren-..Crow, in new light flesh. Your heart raced, it raced so hard that your chest ached "Hey" Ghost appeared in a flash of blue "(Y/n), look at me" you could barely hear your little light's voice, your eyes felt and sounded like they were stuffed with cotton.
"I know it's a lot to take in..but maybe Spider will shed some light on this, he was bearing his symbol after all" Ghost said, the little robot hovering eye level with you "I can't do that..I can't face him, I can't.." You shook your head, Ghost's shell seemed to droop sadly as he gently rubbed the tip of his shell against your shoulder in a comforting way.
"I'm with you until the end, remember? I was with you when you wielded the darkness and I'll be with you when you face Uldren".
Your feet gently hit the ground as you arrived in Thieves' Landing, you dreaded facing the Spider and the black haired Awoken "Take your time, there's no rush and if you want, we can leave" Ghost reassured you, but you shook your head "I..I can do this" you stated, trying to convince yourself at the same time.
You stood at the entrance, eyeing the hallway that once seemed so long but now it was the opposite "You got this, (Y/n)" Ghost said in a gentle tone, you took your first steps inside, your feet felt like they weighed a ton but you kept going. You reached the final hall towards where Spider sat, you could see his large figure at the end, he didn't seem to notice you yet as he conversed with his associates "-Tell them I want that loot" his voice came into hearing range.
You mentally cursed as one of his associates noticed you standing halfways away from them, the Eliksni turned its head to Spider, Spider in turn finally found your form "Ah! Just who I expected to see!" he chuckled loudly "Do come in, (Y/n)!" He beckoned you over, his large figure leaned forward in his seat "I was wondering when you were going to show, little girl" he said in a teasing tone, you felt your eyebrows furrow together "I see you've met my little bird" he referred to Crow as his little bird, you frowned slightly.
"I found him, drifting aimlessly through the reef, looking all sad and alone so I took him in" Spider dramatically waved his hand in front of him "You have to admit even this is better than the fate that awaits him in the Last City, your poor little boyfriend" he sneered, you could hear the smirk in his loud voice. "You have him running around as your goony?" Ghost appeared beside you in brief flash of blue "Hello there, little morsel" you could see Spider basically foaming at the mouth over Ghost's appearance.
"So, you keep him around here, doing your dirty work because of what you say awaits him at the Tower?" Ghost ignored the way Spider seemed to hunger over him "He doesn't really have a choice" you rose a brow "What do you mean?" You spoke, Spider's attention averted back to you. "If he ever strays too far from the nest..boom" he said ominously, you felt every muscle in your body tense "I rigged his Ghost with an explosive that could very easily take them both out" your eyes widened, anger and shock flaring within you "You keep him here like a caged animal..?!" Spider scoffed "More like a caged bird".
"I assume you didn't come to converse with me, did you now, girlie?" Spider said in a low voice, you dreaded what came next "Crow!" Spider said in a firm tone, you eyed the open door to your right, you could hear very faint footsteps coming out "You wanted this, now you can have it" Spider chuckled lowly. You wanted to look away but your mind and body said no, Crow stood in the doorway, your chest constricted, your throat felt like something was lodged inside it, your heart seemed to skip two whole beats "Yes?" Your hands formed tight fists at the sound of his voice, his voice sounded a lot softer and quieter, a huge difference compared to the brash and arrogant tone it used to have "I'd like you to meet someone" Spider gestured to you.
"Oh, hello, we met on the Moon" Crow stared straight into your soul "Well, not officially..you ran away before I could ask your name, which isn't really new to me" you wanted to slap yourself, Spider laughed "My apologies if she seems quiet, little bird, she's very shy" Nope, you wanted to slap Spider instead, but that seemed to shove a whole sentence out of your mouth. "My name is (Y/n) (L/n)..I'm a Guardian of the Last City" You could see Crow's brows knit together for a few seconds in confusion, but his expression changed immediately "I'm glad to be in the presence of another lightbearer" he said in a warm tone. You were trying so hard not to throw your helmet off, jump into his arms and kiss him all over "How about you two, go on a little receive and deliver task for me, hm?" You looked to Spider with a glare in your eye "Alright, if..that's okay with you?" This man, still as thoughtful as ever, you hesitantly nodded.
You and Crow walked beside each other in an almost awkward silence, for you anyway "I'm sorry if you noticed my reaction to your name..I just- I just felt like I've heard that before, but I guess that wouldn't make sense because there could be so many other people with the same name but I don't know..yours felt strange to hear" your heart clenched in pain, wanting nothing more than to tell him who you were to him "Guess I just have one of those names" you said in a low voice, almost a whisper "Yeah, I suppose so".
"Do you remember anything about your past life?" Crow asked after a little while of more walking, you glanced at him "A little bit, I think..just my name at least" Crow huffed "You're lucky then, because I can't remember a thing..which is probably good, I guess, what with the way people look at me and treat me, I'm not so sure I want to know who I was at all" Crow seemed to laugh almost sadly.
"It's strange..being rebirthed as a Guardian not knowing who you are when everyone else seems to" you clutched your gun to your chest tighter as you sighed "I can't imagine what you had to go through but..I'm here for you" the words slipped passed your lips before you could process them, Crow smiled warmly at you, your heart leaped. "Thank you, (Y/n)..as am I, it's weird..I feel like I could tell you anything" your mouth opened slightly as if you were about to say something, Crow kept his gaze forward "I think this is it" you and the amnesiac Guardian approached a pile of random cargo, a device Crow was carrying was blinking rapidly "All of this?".
Your hand reached for a box, Crow happened to be reaching for the same one, his large hand covered yours instantly, you tensed as your eyes widened, it was quiet and Crow didn't pull away, neither did you, you glanced at him, but his hair was hiding his face from you, you looked down at your hands as you felt a slight pressure, he seemed to be slowly lacing his fingers with your own "Crow..?" You said, voice barely above a whisper, his hand then firmly held your own.
"Crow" you said again, slightly louder, Crow gasped, his hand and body moving away from yours, Crow held his head between his hands, his eyes tightly shut "Crow..?" Your voice came out in a worried tone, you approached him, you laid your hand on his shoulder and said his name, his eyes burst open and he looked up at you with tear welled amber eyes, he looked so frightened and your heart broke for him.
"Are you alright?" You gently covered his hands with your smaller ones, keeping his gaze on you, his mouth hung open slightly "Cro-" you barely had time to say his name as he lunged forward at you, wrapping his arms around your smaller frame, almost knocking you over- he was hugging you, a surprise but a welcome one, he pulled away after a few moments and stared down at you, your own gaze met his.
"I know why your name sounds so familiar.." He said with a smile on his face "Because it's you, my love.." You froze "You remember..?" You asked in a bewildered tone, Crow pressed his forehead against your helmet "Don't know how I could ever forget you, my forever love" you could feel the biggest smile you ever felt erupt on your lips as you threw yourself at him, Crow laughed and it was music to your ears, tears fell from your eyes as you held him there for what felt like forever but forever was welcome.
"I love you, Uldren.."
"I love you most, (Y/n)".
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lunararcher · 4 years
Seriously though!! ALL the spoilers, up through Wizards!
Because have I got a RANT for you about some FREAKING CONTINUITY! It’s...kinda long. Proceed below the break at your own risk.
So, we have info on the past Trollhunters from the show (mostly Trollhunters and Wizards, though we get a peek in 3Below at Kanjigar as the Trollhunter REALLY early on in the Trollmarket settlement, though no specific date) as well as some comics, which gives us all kinds of good stuff like Trollhunter names and species and personalities and when they served and all that! Trying to make a combination of these coherent, though...kind of ruins a proper timeline, especially because of Wizards. Actually, mostly because of Wizards. THAT tells us that Deya was the FIRST Trollhunter because Merlin had only JUST finished creating the Amulet, right?
Even discounting ANY of the alternate materials and only pulling from the show (which is all I’ve seen, actually. Haven’t read the comics, just heard of them, so my observations are almost purely show-based) this doesn’t really make any sense. AT ALL. See, because Gunmar’s war had been going on for a long long time, right? Before Killahead ended it (sort of). And Trollhunters were there to protect good trolls from just such a thing. A great many died in this service, while none could defeat Gunmar. Kanjigar even SAID that the blade of Daylight has fought Gunmar many times, but has never beaten him. If you look at the Wizards timeline, though, Deya apparently got the Amulet first, fought Gunmar in her very first battle with it, then successfully banished him and all the rest of the Gumm-Gumms (except for dearly departed-by-YEET Bular) into the Darklands via Killahead. So...if Deya really WAS the actual first Trollhunter (which no one SAYS until Wizards, they just say she’s the GREATEST) then it wouldn’t be true that Daylight has fought Gunmar many times; it didn’t even fight him TWICE.
(Also, remember that time or twenty when Draal said he’s waited his whole LIFE to be worthy of the Amulet? But then we see him as a grown-ass adult the first time the Amulet is ever even mentioned?)
I mean, this doesn’t even GO INTO Angor Rot’s origin, in which the war was ravaging his village and people so badly and for so long that he became MADLY desperate for the power to protect them, going to a Morgana who was already well-known as The Pale Lady, Baba Yaga, and all the rest of that jazz, but was NOT YET sealed away by Merlin (or Douxie, as the case may be). Then she goes on to command Angor to kill Merlin’s champions, the Trollhunters. All this while Gumm-Gumms are still on the loose. So...either the Amulet was already made, Trollhunters were a thing, and she’s super salty about Merlin taking her left hand for the project, leading to her vengeance motive to sic Angor on the whole lot of them OR, she, like, knew that was GOING to be a thing and wanted to take really extreme preemptive action? If we are to believe Wizards, even Merlin didn’t know he was gonna need Morgana’s hand to finish the amulet and her self-proclaimed hatred of Trollhunters didn’t crystalize until AFTER that. 
All of that to say, look, I get why Wizards did what it did. They wanted to put all of that wonderfully juicy backstory stuff into the time frame when our protagonists could be there to see it. The falling out of Merlin and Morgana (and actually seeing THAT gave us the chance to see Morgana pre-Dark Side, opening up a path to redemption for her via Claire), the creation of the Amulet, the Battle of Killahead Bridge, the first Trollhunter, not necessarily in that order. Those are all really cool things and yes, I am kind of glad we got to see them because they WERE all very cool. I just kind of wish they had been more creative with, like, visions of the past and such to make it happen, instead of trying to cram all of those historically significant events into the period of only, what? A few days? Doing that just massively screwed up their own established timeline. Dropping four modern-day people into the middle of all that is NOT excuse enough to say they messed it all up.
Holy crap, I just wondered if the way to fix all of this would have been to throw different characters into different parts of the past. Douxie WAY the heck back to when Merlin first creates the amulet (using non-show material now, it’s mentioned that Spar the Spiteful was Trollhunter 5200 years before Jim, so that puts him at something like 3180-ish BCE. That’s, like, *brief messy Google search* just before the *squints* first dynasty of Egypt? Apparently? Okay, that’s a little...MUCH, but you get what I mean) and then jumping forward until he meets up with Claire, who is in the past of Camelot for that meeting with not-evil Morgana, but then Jim and Steve not quite so far back being set in the time leading up to Killahead, making the two mages present for the fall of Morgana, then Douxie having to sacrifice himself or something to throw Claire forward in time to meet up with the other boys, Douxie just having to catch up by living his immortal wizard life or something. Meanwhile, Jim and Steve have their own adventure (how cool would it be to introduce Angor HERE and give Jim the chance to keep him away from his super tragic fate? Maybe doesn’t fit great, though) and Jim STILL gets to know Calysta before she becomes a Trollhunter (she’s just not the first; that milestone wouldn’t change anything about her story, really) and in the end everyone STILL participates in the Battle of Killahead. Because as far as I can remember, there isn’t anything that dates that battle, right? Nothing said it HAD to be in the 12th century, unlike the Morgana nonsense, because THAT’S all part of the Arthurian legend and is pretty well fixed in history.
So why do I even care? Because I wanna write a fic from the perspective of the Trollhunters in the Void giving commentary on the events of the show. Because I think it would be funny. ESPECIALLY from the perspective of Deya having already met Jim, but not necessarily recognizing him right away, so writing her ah-HA moment is gonna be a highlight, lol! This is NOT helped by canon firmly ignoring the question of what kind of time-altering path they were gonna take, but I’m ignoring that for the sake of light-hearted fic writing. 
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lgbtqpixelart · 4 years
if you want this url for non-pokemon pixelart lmk
also if i use a flag by an asshole absolutely let me know, especially if you requested it
hi ^^
i make those for fun while listening to uni stuff, so just take them and use them for whatever tbh
i do take requests ^^
you could request a flag to be done, or a pokemon to be done, or other pixel art (tho i’d appreciate a blank form of the latter or even better one with colours so i know what im working with ^^ )
update: tag system
(oh btw if you see an error or mistake in something like a shading not being the darker colour or me forgetting to change one colour or something just lmk, my eyes are kinda shit lmao)
i make sprites now instead of pixelart, yeet (can still do pixelart tho if you want)
pixel art i’ve already done or am currently doing or have planned would be too much for the pinned post, but i might do separate posts and link them later, so i'll just keep the cut and the category names but there's nothing there
(well now i moved old portions of this post there so there's not a huge pinned post cause oof)
already done
am currently working on: (okay honestly lmao if i start working on them i either finish them immediately or they got lost in the void that is my mind and never will be finished so why bother listing them kdsfjg)
requests: (okay honestly i do these like the moment i get them lmao i love requests i don't get too many)
i am
far too lazy to make these lists rn sorry dskfjlg
old portions of this post i wanna cut but don't wanna cut lmao:
if you need a single charmander or whatever i did lmk i can copy it from my file it'll probably be better than cropping the image i upload (edit: this only goes for like the first four or five i did cause those were all in one file, now i upload them individually anyways, hence why i moved it below the cut lol)
UPDATE: i can now make transparent ones and it has gotten way easier and faster to do them for me cause i found a neat af site and i can make basically any existing pokemon sprite (i can also make them be pixel art like the first charmanders, but im going to work with sprites much more from now on i think cause now i can do those and they're easier than the pixel art rn)
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I was tagged by @yuuri-katsucky-blog rules: answer these 85 statements & tag 20 people (I think it’s cute you think I know that many) the last: 1. drink: Tea 2. phone call: mah sweet beb hoo dusnt leik mah speelin 3. text message: he is my son and I shall name him Samantha to keep him humble (sent to –bleep-) 4. song you listened to: Whatever the weather is in episode 58 of Welcome to Night Vale 5. time you cried: lol when aren’t I crying? have you ever: 6. dated someone twice: No 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Bitch you have no idea (yes, and I could write a full post about why I regretted it) 8. been cheated on: Nope 9. lost someone special: I’ve been to twelve whole funerals since I was born 10. been depressed: Yes 11. gotten drunk & thrown up: (Yeah but I had a great time so like) No underage drinking as bad, don’t do it kids favorite colors: 12. Most shades of green 13. Purple 14.Void BlackTM/ blue in the last year have you: 15. made new friends: Heck yeet 16. fallen out of love: No 17. laughed until you cried: yeah, at that really great shitpost of a chat 18. found out someone was talking about you: Not in the last year 19. met someone who changed you: Yes, quite a few, some good, some bad 20. found out who your friends are: Yes -_- 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: What is this book of faces? (no) general: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Please see previous question. 23. do you have any pets: Yes and they are fluffy and precious and judgmental 24. do you want to change your name: Too much work for so little reward 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Ate tiramisu for breakfast 26. what time did you wake up: 8:30 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: ^3^ 28. name something you can’t wait for: Less Stress and also –bleep- my girlfriend in –bleep- while we –bleep- a –bleep- 31. what are you listening to right now: The high pitched humming in my right ear. I just hope I don’t ever hear past it. I don’t want to hear the voices. I don’t want to know what they speak about. (a.k.a Welcome to Night Vale, I’m not acutally crazy) 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yup 33. something that is getting on your nerves: Not being able to see my beautiful gf in person 34. most visited website: Youtube 35. hair colour: soon to be blue 36. long or short hair: Long but I might cut it short if I ever grow the balls 39. piercings: lol no I’m a baby 40. blood type: *vague gesturing around* 41. nicknames: Beth, Lamb Chop, Goat girl, Daddy Beth 42. relationship status: Happily taken 43. zodiac: Leo 44. pronouns: She/ her 45. favourite tv show: Rick an Morty 46. tattoos: lol no I’m still a baby 47. right or left handed: Right-handed 48. surgery: Wisdom teeth 49. piercing: I already answered this… 50. sport: Olympic Shitposter in the making 51. vacation: I went to Boston most recently but I’d like to visit Prague and see the Sedlec Ossuary 52. pair of trainers: This means shoes right? My sparkly silver heels that my beloved gf will not shame me out of. more general 53. eating: usually 54. fav drink: root beer 55. what you’re up to: Laundry, talking to people, washing dishes, writing this 56. waiting for: School to start 57. want: Cuddle my girlfriend v v hard 58. get married: Why not? 59. career: Computer Security if everything goes as planned which is better: 60. hugs or kisses: Kisses. With tongue. Hell yeah. 61. lips or eyes: Lips are nice but like eyes are amazing. They’re so deep. I could get lost in some people’s eyes tbh 62. shorter or taller: I like being short cause I can wear my 6 inch sparkle shoes (fight me babe) 63. older or younger: I wanna be in my 20s forever even though I’m not there yet 64. nice arms or nice stomach: yes? 65. hook up or relationship: Why not both? *Mexican music* 66. troublemaker or hesitant: Both? have you ever: 67. kissed a stranger: Kinda 68. drank hard liquor: (Yes) Don’t consume alcohol children 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: No but I broke a pair of glasses wrestling 70. turned someone down: Yeah 71. sex on the first date: No 72. broken someone’s heart: yes but they smelled like salami and never washed their hair or cut their nails so I feel like it was okay to say no 73. had your heart broken: No 74. been arrested: No, but I got kicked out of Wal Mart on false grounds 75. cried when someone died: I’m a crybaby so yes 76. fallen for a friend: Yeah do you believe in 77. yourself: See it’s confusing cause I don’t believe I myself but I have a lot of ambition (fuckin slytherin) 78. miracles: Judging by my current situation I’d say yeah 79. love at first sight: Nah, you should walk by again. 80. santa claus: Yes. He is watching. And judging. Always judging. Where will you be when your judgment comes? 81. kiss on the first date: Why not? 82. angels: Yes but not in the traditional sense other 83. current best friend’s name: Zaria 84. eye colour: Brown 85. favourite movie: *more vague gesturing* Tag: Anyone who reads this. You have been tagged. Complete your mission. Specifically @brendumdum and @spicygayboy
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dixoterin · 8 years
(wowo tagged by @minteaowo!! Thanks man uwu)
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. (I don;t have that many friends so I;m not doing tags er)
🌸 LAST… Drink: Water. 
Last phone call: I don’t remember, but mom probably. 
Last text message: @su-ni-jo. Last song I listened to: FE Fates Sound track :P. 
Last time I cried: again, I don;t remember, but probably one night where I put on my night contacts and it started to scrape my eye
🌸 HAVE YOU EVER… Been cheated on: Boi I hope not 
Kissed someone and regretted it: eh? not really 
Been depressed: hella 
Been drunk and thrown up: no thanks alcohol 
Kissed a stranger: who wha no 
Drank hard liquor: no thanks alcohol Lost glasses/contacts: Almost lost a contact, luckily didn’t Been arrested: nah 
Turned someone down: turned down invitations? yeah? aaa??  
Cried when someone died: hella
🌸 IN THE PAST YEAR, HAVE YOU… Made a new friend: I think lol 
Laughed until you cried: not that intense  
Met someone who changed you: yeet 
Found out who your true friends are: I guess ?! 
Found out someone was talking about you: a couple of times, but it wasn’t lethal
🌸 GENERAL                                                                                                   How many people on Tumblr do you know in real life: A few of my irl friends use tumblr B^)  
Do you have any pets: fishers ‘3′  
Do you want to change your name: I’m cool with mine, thank you very much What time did you wake up this morning: like, 8:30?  
What were you doing last night: Drawing for a contest :3c  
Name something you can not wait for: ndrv3 eng release and other school social events! aaa Have you ever talked to person named Tom: I had a 4th grade teacher named Tom. What’s getting on your nerves rn: ELA project ;; Blood type: A. 
Nicknames: Duckie, Sharone  
Zodiac sign: Libra  
Pronouns: She/Her. 
Favorite TV show: I don’t really watch TV er. Hair Color: the void  
Long or short: Long. 
Crushes: nada Tattoos: skin is clear (except acne;;). Righty or lefty: right bois
🌸 FIRSTS… First surgery: I’ve never had one. 
First piercing: I had my ears pierced, but then the holes closed over. 
First best friend: Lexi whom I’ve known since we were like really little. First sport you joined: Soccer and I was the best stopper my team has ever had uwu. 
First vacation: I think it was to Dutch Wonderland? I was really little so don’t remember exactly.
🌸 RIGHT NOW… Eating: Lunch was a few hours ago,,. 
Drinking: nothing 
I’M ABOUT TO: Work on the ELA project .-.. LISTENING: an fe: heroes summoning video :P WANT KIDS: I’ll think about it;;
🌸 WHICH IS BETTER? Lips or eyes: Eyes. 
Hugs or Kisses: hugs 
Shorter or taller: Taller. 
Older or younger: I don;t really care as long it’s not out of a years range Sensitive or loud: Somewhere in between the two tbh 
Hook up or relationship: Relationship. 
 Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant 
🌸 DO YOU BELIEVE IN… Miracles: nope 
Love at first sight: That’s stupid xd Heaven: ish 
Santa Claus: nope
Tagging no one because I;m lazy haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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