This is how dumb our government thinks you are. They are trying to gas light you once again to make you believe you are the problem.
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arrestdujour · 11 months
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Yellen, Frederick
Boise, ID
JID Number: 01114514 Age: 58 Arresting Agency: Boise City Police Department
Charge Count: 4
 Register for notification on changes to inmate's custody status.
M Trespass (Third or Subsequent Offense within 10 Years) Criminal Charge $10.00
M Failure to Appear for Misdemeanor Citation Warrant $10.00
F Assault or Battery Upon Certain Personnel with Intent to Commit Serious Felony Criminal Charge $1,000.00
This individual will not be released from custody due to a nonbailable charge(s)
Bail Total: $1,020.00
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davidnelsoncfa · 1 year
Running On Empty - Why a debt deal could be bad news for stocks
#Yellen needs to fill up the tank. When we get a deal Treasury will issue debt and add 600-$700B to the General Account. #SPY Stocks aren't going to like that #Trump #Biden #Treasury #SocialSecurity
By David Nelson, CFA  You’ve probably had this conversation with friends and family. It goes something like this. What happens to my 401k and other investments if Democrats and Republicans can’t come to a compromise over the debt ceiling? U.S. debt is a staggering 31.4 trillion and debt to GDP is at the highest levels since World War II. Unfortunately, rhetoric from both sides of the aisle has…
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tomluongo · 2 months
In this episode frequent guest Vince Lanci and I go over a number of major topics, including Yellen's yield curve control, her stupidity (but I repeat myself), the role of the Bank of Japan, where Powell's head is in relation to Trump and Harris. But the theme tying it all together is time, how they use the political and economic cycles to manipulate your perception of reality.  It's embedded in every topic discussed.  If you take anything away from the insanely geeky bond stuff we discuss herein, know that and you'll have leveled up in your perception of poltics. Show Notes: Expat Money Summit 2024 Mises Supporters Summit 2024 Promo Code: GGG2024 GGnG Podcast on Fountain
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rodgermalcolmmitchell · 2 months
What do you get when you blend economic incompetence, laziness, and malevolence? Ignorance of Monetary Sovereignty
Uh, 1 + 1 = uh, gimme a second. Imagine you were in charge of the advanced mathematics department at a university. You would be expected at least to understand arithmetic. Similarly, if you were the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Chair of the Federal Reserve, or President of the United States, you should understand what former Chairs seem to know, i.e., the difference between a Monetarily…
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romios-gr · 2 months
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Yellen (ΥΠΟΙΚ ΗΠΑ): Η αποδολαριοποίηση είναι ο μεγαλύτερος φόβος μου – Το δολάριο κινδυνεύει να χάσει την κυριαρχία του Στη μέση μιας κατά τα άλλα κοσμικής ακρόασης στο Κογκρέσο στις 9 Ιουλίου, η υπουργός Οικονομικών των ΗΠΑ Janet Yellen έκανε μια εξαιρετική παραδοχή: Η αποδολαριοποίηση είναι πλέον ο μεγαλύτερος φόβος της. Αν και μπορεί να ακούγεται αυτονόητο σε πολλούς, είναι ένα έντονο... Περισσότερα εδώ: https://romios.gr/yellen-ypoik-ipa-i-apodolariopoiisi-einai-o-megalyteros-fovos-moy-to-dolario-kindyneyei-na-chasei-tin-kyriarchia-toy/
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mercoglianotrueblog · 5 months
Biden losing and EU right-wing prospects
is #Americans time worth $240 an hr
#NATO bombed #China embassy 25 yrs ago #Belgrade
#Macron fall next #EU vote
#Yellen vs #Trump,#Gallup "trust in #Biden all-time low, banks loans harder to get
#Scholz at #war vs #Russia
US bull #market still intact
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xchief-global · 5 months
The yen chooses a path: opinions and doubts
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The risk of intervention is increasing ahead of the BOJ meeting. The regulator is unlikely to change its calm policy to an overly aggressive one, but the Japanese currency has been in the danger zone for a long time and requires decisive action. ⠀ U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen met with the finance ministers of Japan and South Korea and agreed to the idea of supporting their currencies if necessary. Judging by the joint statement, Japan has managed to justify its currency policy stance to its G7 partners. ⠀ The public sentiment towards the weak yen has sharply deteriorated: another attempt at USD/JPY growth was accompanied by the fall of Japanese shares. In addition, a series of comments from business leaders have followed over the past two weeks, making it already politically costly for the yen to fall further. ⠀ Analysts are confident that the next BOJ rate hike is imminent in June and will be stronger than the market expects. And this time the Japanese monetary regulator will not limit itself to verbal interventions. ⠀ At the moment, the yen against the dollar is trading at the weakest levels since June 1990. The probability of a test of the key resistance at 156.50-157.50 is estimated at 85-90%, which may trigger a series of hidden but regular currency interventions to strengthen the national currency. ⠀ There is also the possibility of one major intervention that would first bring the dollar down to almost ¥150, followed by smaller manipulations to further depreciate the exchange rate. ⠀ So opening new positions in yen and other Japanese assets is not recommended yet - the market should analyze the BOJ comments, especially since large options in the 153.50-150 zone close only tomorrow. Let speculators work out their targets, and we will start selling next week. ⠀ Profits to y’all!
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xchief-cis · 5 months
Иена выбирает путь: мнения и сомнения
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Риск интервенций возрастает перед заседанием BOJ. Вряд ли регулятор сменит свою спокойную политику на слишком агрессивную, но японская валюта уже давно находится в опасной зоне и требует решительных действий. ⠀ Министр финансов США Йеллен встретилась с министрами финансов Японии и Южной Кореи и согласилась с идеей поддержки своих валют в случае необходимости. Судя по совместному заявлению, Японии удалось обосновать перед партнерами по G7 свою позицию в отношении валютной политики. ⠀ Настроения населения в отношении слабой иены резко ухудшились: очередная попытка роста USD/JPY сопровождалась падением японских акций. Кроме того, за последние две недели последовала серия комментариев от лидеров бизнеса, что делает уже политически затратным дальнейшее падение курса иены. ⠀ Аналитики уверены, что следующее повышение ставки BOJ неминуемо произойдет в июне и будет более сильным, чем ожидает рынок. И в этот раз вербальными интервенциями японский монетарный регулятор не ограничится. ⠀ На данный момент иена против доллара торгуется на самых слабых уровнях с июня 1990 года. Вероятность теста ключевого сопротивления 156.50-157.50 оценивается в 85-90%, что может вызвать серию скрытых, но регулярных валютных интервенций для укрепления национальной валюты. ⠀ Существует также возможность проведения одной крупной интервенции, которая сначала опустит курс доллара почти до ¥150, а затем последуют более мелкие манипуляции для дальнейшего снижения курса. ⠀ Так что открытие новых позиций по иене и другим японским активам пока не рекомендуется – рынок должен проанализировать комментарии BOJ, тем более что крупные опционы в зоне 153.50-150 закрываются только завтра. Пусть спекулянты отработают свои цели, а мы начнем продавать на следующей неделе. ⠀ Всем – профитов!
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instaviewpoint · 5 months
News: April 11 2024
Illegal Alien Home loans, Costa Rica Pacts, Chinese Threats and Cultural Genocide April 11 2024 By PK Morgan Now that the Solar Eclipse State of Emergency has ended, or at least we hope it’s not dragging out like COVID, a State of Emergency for our Borders might be in order. Housing market in the USA is in a sad state of affairs. Many citizens are unable to find housing that matches their…
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barkoturktv · 9 months
ABD'li düzenleyiciler finansal istikrara yönelik olası risklere yapay zekayı ekledi
Finansal İstikrar Gözetim Konseyi, ABD Hazine Bakanı Janet Yellen’ın başkanlığında toplandı. ABD Merkez Bankası (Fed) Başkanı Jerome Powell, Para Birimi Kontrol Ofisi (OCC) Başkanı Michael Hsu, ABD Menkul Kıymetler ve Borsa Komisyonu (SEC) Başkanı Gary Gensler ve ABD Federal Mevduat Sigorta Kurumu (FDIC) Başkanı Martin Gruenberg, toplantıya katılan isimler arasında yer aldı. Yellen toplantının…
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arrestdujour · 2 years
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Fredrick Yellen
Boise, ID
Age: 57 Arrest Date: Wed 11/2 Time: 5:18 AM Status: I
 Register for notification on changes to inmate's custody status.
Agency Ada County Sheriff
Severity M
Charge Loitering
Statute M325-4-12-4(C)
TypeCriminal Charge
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davidnelsoncfa · 2 years
Silicon Valley Bank - Did the Fed break it or was it broken already?
$SVB - Obvious failure of management but the bigger question is where were the regulators? #fed $KBWR $JPM $XLF $WFC $ALLY
By David Nelson, CFA The failure of Silicon Valley Bank has sent regulators and the Federal Reserve scrambling for answers on how and why this happened. In some ways little has changed since the dark days of the financial crisis. This was a bank pushing the envelope, growing at break neck speed and seemingly unafraid that rising interest rates could turn their model upside down. While it’s an…
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tomluongo · 4 months
Trader, market analyst, and writer Vince Lanci of VBL's Goldfix joins the show again to give us his perspective on what's happening surrounding the European Central Bank's move to cut interest rates recently.   From the Christine Lagare's neck scarves to Janet Yellen's bowl cut we skewer everyone as we decode the epic, international move to rig global debt markets in the face of Jerome Powell simply telling everyone to "Shut the Fscking door." Show Notes: VBL's Goldfix Vince on Twitter/X
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rodgermalcolmmitchell · 10 months
When facts don't matter. The right wing's refusal to understand Monetary Sovereignty
Libertarians are Republicans in disguise.  Both begin with the tacit (or not-so-tacit) assumption that government is harmful, and that people should be allowed to do what they darn well please. The only significant difference between Libertarians and Republicans is the latter’s belief that only the rich should be allowed to do what they please, the rest of us being too lazy and too ignorant to…
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myresenas · 1 year
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