#housing market crash
Stop hoping for a house price crash, which still only really benefits the rich, and start working towards a society where everyone has stable housing.
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buzz-minds · 8 days
The Deepening Crisis in the Île-de-France Real Estate Market
The real estate market in Île-de-France, once a symbol of stability and growth, is now facing an unprecedented crisis. Sales are plummeting, and prices are following suit. This downturn, previously unthinkable in such a coveted region, highlights both structural and cyclical challenges. Several macroeconomic factors, including rising interest rates and global economic uncertainty, have led to a…
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paulthepoke · 2 months
Michael Douville & John Rubino: The World is about to change! Get Rich or Ignore at Your Peril!
The World is About to change! Pension Funds may not be able to honor their obligations.
Ecclesiastes 7:12 For the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money, and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him who has it. Proverbs 27:12 The prudent sees danger and hides himself, but the simple go on and suffer for it. John Rubino’s newsletter can be accessed at rubino.substack.com. John is an American thought leader, former Wall Street Analyst, and…
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realestateagentus · 4 months
Housing Market Crash: What Happens to Homeowners If It Crashes?
The US real estate market has been quite uncertain in recent years. This has raised serious concerns in the minds of American citizens: Will the market crash? What effect will it have on house prices and mortgage rates? And what's going to occur to homeowners if the housing market collapses? In 2023, over 1.3 million homes faced eviction due to the housing market crash. But beyond the numbers lies the human impact. In this article, we will discuss the implications and explore how buyers and sellers can survive in volatile times.
Warning Signs of a Possible Market Crash
There are a number of indicators that the housing market may be headed for a downturn. 
After a long period of rapid growth, home prices may be in a plateau-like state (or a housing bubble). This can affect both home appreciation and sales market in real estate.
The number of foreclosures is rising. These show the homeowners’ failure to pay their mortgage installments. This may signal an upcoming housing market crash, similar to the massive foreclosures during the 2008 Great Recession.
Lower lending standards are a sign of the market's preponderance of risky mortgages.
In the case that a 20% down payment is not made, the demand for private mortgage insurance (PMI) increases the risk of negative equity. Especially when houses are overvalued. 
Some signs of an approaching shift in the market include rising interest rates, a rise in the number of homes available for sale, a decrease in consumer confidence, and a lack of optimism among mortgage lenders, real estate brokers, and builders.
Impact of Crash on Homeowners
1. Home Values Drop
During a housing market crash, the prices of homes go down all across the nation. This means that if you were thinking of selling your house, you might not get the exact same amount of money for it as you hoped. Imagine your house was worth $300,000 before, but after the crash, it might only sell for $250,000. That's a big difference!
2. Negative Equity
This is a fancy term that means you owe more money on your mortgage than what your home is actually worth. Let's say you bought your house for $200,000 with a mortgage, but because of the crash, its value dropped to $180,000. That means you now owe more money on your mortgage than what your home is valued at. This can make it hard to sell your house or even refinance your mortgage.
3. Trouble with Mortgage Payments
If you have an adjustable-rate mortgage, your monthly payments might go up because of higher interest rates. And if the value of your Homes for Sale in Sammamish WA, drops because of the crash, it can be tough to refinance your mortgage to get a better deal. So you might find it harder to keep up with your mortgage payments.
4. Foreclosure Risk Rises
More people might lose their homes during a housing market crash because they can't keep up with their mortgage payments. This is called foreclosure. When a home is foreclosed, it means the bank takes it back because the owner couldn't pay the mortgage. This not only affects the person losing their home but can also bring down property values in the neighborhood.
5. Financial Stress
A housing crash can lead to job losses and money problems for homeowners. This can make it even harder to pay the mortgage on time. Imagine if you lost your job or had your hours cut because of the housing crash. You might struggle to make ends meet and could risk losing your home.
6. Local Economy Suffers 
It's not just homeowners who feel the impact of a housing crash. Builders, real estate agents, and others in related industries might struggle too. This can hurt the whole community because when people aren't buying or selling houses, it slows down other businesses too.
7. Government Steps In
To help out during a housing market crash, the government might make changes to try to stabilize things. They could offer programs to help homeowners keep their homes or modify their loans so they're easier to pay off. The government might also try other things to help boost the housing market again, like offering incentives for people to buy homes.
Strategies for New Home Buyers in an Unstable Economy
To minimize the risks associated with a market decline, consider the following tips:
Buy a Homes for sale Somerset Bellevue WA or investment property only when your financial position is strong. Otherwise, it’s a smart decision to stay in your current home, either as an owner or as a tenant.  Check compatibility if you are buying with someone else. Think about future developments and their possible effects on property management, such as a partner moving for work. Understand that real estate lacks liquidity. Selling takes time, and not every buyer is available at all times.  Create financial support as a safety net. Savings can protect you from future financial setbacks by preventing the need to sell unexpectedly. Develop a game plan. Keep your eyes on the long term, and steer clear of impulsive purchases.
Key Takeaways
In short, when the housing market crashes, it hits homeowners hard. Values drop, debts rise, and it's tough to make ends meet. But there's hope! Homeowners can take charge by saving money, seeking help from the government, and leaning on friends and family. By staying strong and planning ahead, we can weather any storm.
Reference link: https://www.georgemoorhead.com/blog/2024/04/02/Housing-Market-Crash-What-Happens-to-Homeowners-If-It-Crashes
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brainn-r0ttt · 5 months
doinf group project rn abr garfild and i was gifted control over the project i am frighted i have gone off track
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idfk how the crash of 2007 happened lowkey i jst gotta connect garfild with american history somehow 😭
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instaviewpoint · 6 months
News: April 11 2024
Illegal Alien Home loans, Costa Rica Pacts, Chinese Threats and Cultural Genocide April 11 2024 By PK Morgan Now that the Solar Eclipse State of Emergency has ended, or at least we hope it’s not dragging out like COVID, a State of Emergency for our Borders might be in order. Housing market in the USA is in a sad state of affairs. Many citizens are unable to find housing that matches their…
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alliumdykes · 1 year
The fact that when I came back from the cinema wanting to see some cool art and people talking about interesting stuff after something so flipin awesome and the first thing i see was the dream team being so fucking rude during a CHARITY EVENT for their DEAD FRIEND is honestly so disheartening.
My grandfather was so lucky to get cancer twice and survive both times, I knew someone who lost her dad to cancer. I know someone who survived childhood cancer. One of my great grandparents died of cancer, my family on both sides is extremely family oriented if he never died I would have met him. The fucking disrespect that they showed should not be laughed at, it shouldn’t be encouraged.
The fact they were playing airhorns during Technodad’s speech, one that should have been respected and really quiet durning and no one interrupting is the fucking worse. I don’t care if dteam fans say that it’s funny and Techno would have laughed because it’s not the fucking point!!!
The whole festival was a charity event in honour of their friend, and for Technodad his fucking son. No one should have gone though this. I don’t care if this comes across as rude or overreacting because the dteam need to grow the fuck up and learn that their actions have fucking consequences for once.
This isn’t supporting a brand that’s actually a scam, this isn’t saying something offensive by accident. This is being rude and disrespectful.
And it even hurts that none of their fans are going to care a single bit because I don’t fucking know maybe they’ll say “but it was a joke” or “dream has ADHD your being ableist” because none of that shit matters when you realise that neither of those things matter when it’s about respect.
These are the same fans who will defend these mother fuckers to the grave but when someone like Niki Niahchu accidentally uses avae because she doesn’t know about American history or what avae is because she lives in Germany(or any non American country because the world doesn’t revolve around you fuckers) and is called overreactive during mcc and having a lot of stress put onto her and BREAKS DOWN ON STREAM it’s ok because they think it is.
I want dteam fans to see this post and be uncomfortable, I don’t care if I’m being mean to your pretty white boys because they have been allowed to do anything with a platform that is way to big for them for too long. I’m allowed to be angry as well, I’m allowed to be mean, I’m not apologising to you if you feel sad that I’m being mean about them because they need to grow up.
Charlie had every right to tell dream to shut up during that stream.
Edit: I’m not going to be answering anymore asks about this post, I want my blog to be a personal space for me. This post wasn’t supposed to get as big as it has and just for me to rant. I’m only going to be accepting art requests and general asks and nothing about this. I’m 14 please leave me alone.
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cuubism · 9 months
my christmas gift to myself is finishing up my 80s wall street stockbroker hob x goth musician morpheus fic, at last. five thousand words and i think we've FINALLY got past the existentialism and onto the smut 😂
“Hmm.” Morpheus rests his cheek on the couch cushion. The tips of his hair brush Hob’s hip. His eyes are so liquid in this light. Hob wonders if he’s hallucinating.
He reaches out, mesmerized, to touch Morpheus’s hair. Morpheus doesn’t stop him. He lets Hob pet his hair, eyes falling shut. His hair is tacky on the ends with hair spray, but soft underneath.
“I’ll tell you a secret,” Hob says, and Morpheus hums. “All those self-important traders trying to impress you with their convoluted financial instruments… they just want to hide that it’s all really a scam.”
“Is it now?” says Morpheus. “I was under the assumption it was legal.”
“Something can be a scam and technically legal. Oh, it’s all very clever. But it’s just building money on top of money with nothing real to support it. Kick out the base of the tower and it’ll all go into free fall.” He makes a whistling, falling sound, and Morpheus smirks.
“And I suppose you are better than all this.”
Hob chuckles. “Oh, no. I’m a money-grubbing little vermin, too. Just letting you in on the game. How it’s not so serious.”
“Hmm. I am a musician,” says Morpheus. As Hob figured, then. “I’m afraid it’s as serious as death.”
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tf2-appreciator · 1 year
I feel like not enough people talk about how pyro managed to become CEO of a company in like six months and made said company have their best quarter ever.
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The fact they were still in pyrovision during all of that leads to a very funny head cannon that pyro does have some sort of attraction to economics (although not nearly as strong as their love of fire) and is very good at it.
I can just imagine engineer walking into a room with a very sad pyro and he’s all like “What’s wrong buddy?” And pyro just turns to him and points to a chart showing that their stocks just went down.
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thoughtportal · 2 years
Solutions to the current housing market problems.
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trexalicious · 6 months
And shit like this is why people hate the French...
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marymekpop · 2 years
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I’d crawl into my bed after a hectic day and it’d always feel like something very important was missing. I also had trouble sleeping. But then I found you. The missing piece.
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r0semultiverse · 2 months
I genuinely don’t know anyone working class whose invested in stocks. I’m so serious. Oh the market crashed? Life goes on. 🤷‍♀️
Also, even if money was plentiful, can’t really trust companies these days to make any good decisions. Why trust any company with your money/investment in the modern world? 👀
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bitchesgetriches · 9 months
A Brief History of the 2008 Crash and Recession: We Were All So Fucked
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vithcy · 8 months
Looked apartments up for rent and
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