kitkat-the-muffin · 2 months
Ok ok ok
Ceroba is Toriel
Chujin is Asgore
Kanako is Asriel (Lucky the Clover)
Clover is Chara
Martlet is Sans
Starlo is Papyrus
Axis is Undyne
Dalv is Alphys
El Bailador is Mettaton
And I’m still working on the rest because there are more side characters in Undertale than in Undertale Yellow so I gotta actually lay them all out and start putting them into squares or somethin idk
For the sake of completion though lets put Decibat in Nabstablook’s role
This also goes vice-versa as in YellowShift all the Undertale characters are now in the Undertale Yellow roles
Though not necessarily the same ones. While I can see Chujin as the king of monsters I can’t really see Asgore as a “mad” scientist. It’d be really funny to see how Papyrus would reshape the Dunes though-
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peachphernalia · 3 months
In your underswap au.
If kanako is the robot like axis.
Das that mean axis is like Ceroba and chujin son ?
sort of ?
biologically, No . but he has a similar relationship to them as martlet and chujin have in canon. he sees chujin as a father figure/mentor and chujin sees him as a son figure or mentee . he didn’t know ceroba Quite as well before she died, but they respected each other and axis was Growing to see her as another mentor .
thank you for the ask :-]
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yellow-adrian · 4 months
love for cars
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wist-eri · 4 months
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welcome to the redswap au, babeyyyyy!
basically: redswap is an AU i’ve been developing for about a month and a half. the premise is that i swap many of the undertale roles with characters from undertale yellow, but there’s some interesting details + differences in setting and storyline that come from these swaps
these are my refs for kanako blossom and frisk! frisk doesn’t swap in this au for. reasons. plus i’m already intending on having another human swap so ;)
lil’ bonus doodle:
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y’all may have seen a bunch of initial concepts and doodles about this au depending on who you are, but i already have many of the designs down so that’s super exciting to reveal over time <3
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archionblu · 7 years
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I was just trying to check if I was missing any other songs from this album, but I'm really digging the way my camera is freaking out over the yellowshift app.
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 months
Ok, YellowShift character swaps that I have so far:
Ceroba is Toriel
Chujin is Asgore
Clover is Chara
Kanako is Asriel
Flowey is probably a four-leaf clover and also female now, maybe going by “Lucky the Clover” which is sooooo ironic but don’t worry about it (or six-leaf if I wanna make a Photoshop Lucky kind of boss concept which requires six leaves, one for each soul)
Omg now I have to consider how soullessness would affect someone like Kanako. A lot of Flowey’s mindset was affected by Chara’s but Clover is very different as a Justice soul so would Lucky behave differently? Still soulless but, idk… I’ll have to reread Asriel’s monologue later, it’ll be fun to flesh out
Martlet is Sans and Starlo is Papyrus
I just think Martlet fits the role of “hurt anyone and I hurt you but otherwise we’re besties and I’ll show u around” vibes while Starlo fits Papyrus’s whole roleplay of being a proper Royal Guard but this time it’s cowboys
El Bailador is Mettaton. Please. Let me have this
Still need to think of Undyne and Alphys as well as who Axis swaps with. Axis would make a very interesting Undyne actually… hmm but so would Red… HMMMMMMMMMM…
I’ll think about it :p
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 months
Has anyone made an UT/UTY role swap au where Clover is Chara, Kanako is Asriel, Ceroba is Toriel, Chujin is Asgore, etc etc?
Edit: I have now. It's called YellowShift. Check the tag :3
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 months
Aight here are all the YellowShift swaps I have so far!
You are free to comment more possible role swaps as there are many characters I don’t have roles for yet!
Ceroba is Toriel
Kanako is Asriel
Flowey is renamed to Lucky The Clover and is now female for the sake of the role swap
Clover is Chara
Chujin is Asgore
Martlet is Sans
Starlo is Papyrus
Axis is Undyne
Dalv is Alphys
El Bailador is Mettaton
Ed is Greater Dog
Moray is Lesser Dog
Red is Doggo
Ace and Mooch are Dogamy and Dogaressa
I do not yet have a role for Gardener and Decibat, though I was thinking of making the latter Napstablook
I don’t necessarily have to fill in every miniboss like Guards 01 and 02 but I would like to find characters to fill the roles of Mad Dummy and Muffet
If I make Decibat Napstablook then I could make Gardener Muffet 🤔 but I’m still on the fence about it
I also feel like I’m forgetting other possible characters since I’m only considering bosses right now. This is why I love when other fans pitch me more role swap ideas! Helps me remember stuff hahah
Omg what about the froggits???
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 months
Oh my gosh how could I forget about the Feisty Four?!!!!!!!!
I was sitting here trying to think of who replaces the dogs!!!!!!! It’s so obvious now omg thank you XD
Ed is now Greater Dog
Mooch is now Lesser Dog
Ace can be Doggo
And Moray can be both Dogamy and Dogaressa at the same time I guess •<•
Unless u have any more ideas heh I’m kinda drained atm 😅
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 months
What if Moray parents are Dogamy and Dogaressa and Moray is part of Endogeny?
Just an idea.
I love that idea but also I hate doing that to Moray ����
The amalgamates are special in how they’re kept to the end and you get a sense of familiarity with them but you can’t quite tell why until you see them with their families again
I kinda wanna reserve that for something more significant than just saying “oop Moray you have nothing to do here have some eternal suffering” /j
In this AU I’m already making Asriel one of the amalgamates for character-swap consistency. I imagine the others would be mixes of npcs from UTY (the names of which all escape me rn for some reason except Sweet Corn and Penilla)
Actually, Red technically isn’t in Undertale… I could put Moray and Red in place of Dogamy and Dogaressa. Of course, their relationship would probably be different hahah
Tho now I gotta think about the changing significance of Endogeny. Like, what if Moray’s parents replace the dogs in this situation?
The extent of this extended universe is extending. I keep trying to have it all make sense and be nuanced while also completely ignoring the big question of “what kind of big event would change the timeline this much?”
I’m hurting my brain trying to make sense of it all rn so lets just stick to character swaps and we can flesh out the lore and narrative later-
Every ask helps tho! Now we know where Red is!
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 months
Dalv as alphys. Look I know that sounds bad, but hear me out-
shy, soft spoken characters that live mostly in solitude, have acquaintance with robots
but also if Dalv was entrusted with monsters that are about to DIE and he has a human soul in his possession. Wouldn't he wonder to use it? To save them? Because. Beachheads of some fuckery shit
idk I haven't gotten too far in UTY
Dalv doesn’t get to do much in UTY apart from regret his past mistakes and unwillingly hurt those around him
I do think that putting him in Alphys’s role would be SO INTERESTING. He would carry out the experiments of course and then panic when things go wrong, but he’d also suppress the hell out of that angst and believe himself to be unforgivable
Quite similar to Alphys now that I think about it. I’d have to figure out how he got the job of course as well as what his dynamic would be with the other characters I swapped around in this new role, but I think we’ve really got somethin here!!!
I’ll try and figure out who’s left once finals are over but feel free to keep sending suggestions!!!
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 months
Starlo as sans reasons:
I want to inflict existential crisis upon him
reasons why starlo and papyrus swap:
both wish to achieve a dream they can never reach
They both have the same impact (making people quit their genocides)
both tall and dress for the part they want to play
funny silly lil guys
they are both younger brothers
both immediately friendly to their respective human
I also raise Orion as sans if this happens
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You’re all good!
I totally forgot Starlo has a brother. Is that who Orion is? Neat name
I do ultimately wanna go with Starlo as Papyrus because it makes sense in the role swap. My idea for the role swaps are first “who are they the most similar to” followed by “how would they react in this character’s situation” and I think Starlo is more likely to go the Papyrus route than the Sans route in Undertale’s story
If you have any ideas for other character swaps tho lemmie know! I need a role for Dalv and Decibat 🤔 and I’m still considering Axis for the role of Undyne
Figuring out who’d be Alphys is hard because I’d need a very good reason for a character to do all she did…
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 months
Oooooh I gotta make a masterpost of all the character swaps soon, what do ya’ll think of El Bailador as Mettaton?
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 months
I was gonna make a new list of all the YellowShift character swaps I have so far but man am I tired
Uhhh remind me in 8 hours kthxbye
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peachphernalia · 4 months
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hey i made another silly au thing . welcome tooooo yellowshift ? ketsukane edition
(i Think . based on my Research the concept resembles storyshift more than it does underswap)
star martlet and dalv should be next on the roster :-]
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