#yep still unearthing gems from January
shesailsships · 6 years
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And I will love you...till the end of time...
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psychicmedium14 · 7 years
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On Monday, December 18, we will have the final new moon of the year. Since 2017 has been a complex year for many, you can almost feel a collective unclenching of jaws, the taking of a universal deep belly breath as the year draws to a close. We can also sense—dare we say it?—some optimism beginning to brew that a new time is upon us in 2018. At the same time, we are hovering around the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere, an occasion when the days are the shortest and the nights the longest. Though we still have a little ways to go, the light will soon be returning, and some relief will come with spring's rebirth. The themes of this next moon cycle. If 2017 has reminded us of anything, it’s that the future is never certain, but the cosmic signature of the upcoming Sagittarius new moon does suggest a much-needed shift in the coming weeks. The world is as it is, but our ability to remain hopeful and find faith is about to get a boost. Yes! Saturn, a planet of harsh lessons and hard-won wisdom, has been traveling through the sign of Sagittarius since December 2014. This has meant three years of challenges in all the areas of life ruled by Sag—challenges to our beliefs and ethics, to our freedoms, our optimism, and to our faith that the truth will basically prevail. We can see how this has played out in world events. And, when we turn inward, we'll likely see that we've faced similar challenges in our personal lives. Maybe you launched a business and kept your nose to the grindstone nonstop, when you expected more freedom as an entrepreneur. Perhaps becoming a parent made you question everything about who you are as a person, or you faced situations that proved good does not always trump evil and made you see beyond the duality of life. Yep, it’s been REAL! As Saturn moves out of Sagittarius on the 19th, right after the Sagittarius new moon, it's an invitation to press reset in any places you’ve been feeling the Saturnian burn. Freedom-loving Sag is about to get its mojo back! Since Mercury is also retrograde in Sag right now, this weekend is the perfect time for a mega end-of-year review. Actually, make that an end-of-three-years-of-Saturn-in-Sag review. The gift of a Saturn transit? Rock solid diamonds of wisdom from the lessons we’ve lived. Use the following ritual to unearth these gems, and get ready to greet 2018 secure in the knowledge that you've got this. A new moon and solstice ritual for introspection. This is the best time of year to go mega quiet. Whether you live in a cold or hot place, you will be feeling the hibernation vibes on some level. Don't fight the feeling. Go with it. Even as you approach holiday parties galore, keep coming back home to your den and making sure you are taking that quiet time. 1. First and foremost create a playlist for this time of year, complete with whatever jams take you inside. 2. Then, during this new moon cycle, you can begin to write daily in your journal about the things you are shedding from 2017. This gives you two weeks until the new year to collect these insights. Use the new moon’s energy to pull these artifacts out of you. 3. If journaling isn't your style, write one thing you are leaving behind on a piece of paper every night, and place them in a bowl next to your bed or on your meditation altar, if you have one. If you do one daily, as the moon gets full on January 1, you will be ready to let it all go. 4. On December 31, take all of the paper from the bowl and burn it or bury it. Keep your playlist going, burn some incense, light a candle, drink a warming tea, or do whatever else makes you feel quiet in your heart. Don’t rush the moment. If you have cedar oil or any wintry herbs, place them in your hands post-release and inhale to feel cleansed and renewed. 5. Indulge in a salt bath or some room smudging to clear the energy and voilà, your ritual is complete!
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