#yer not goin' anywhere dollface...
aka-indulgence · 5 years
In AMitS sans caching reader escaping. Happy late birthday.
Of fuck (also, thank you for that! ^^)
So… I made a little scene for you to read…
(Warning: Heavy Possessiveness)
You were so close.
You had tried everything in the basement- the books, the bathroom supplies, everything you could think off. You were just hitting and hitting the handle over and over again now with your shoe- already your hand was getting red and a hint of blood had broken out- but you were almost done.
You could see the the handle breaking, slowly yet surely getting loser with every hit you gave it- You were so close-!
… You dropped what you were doing, your shoe clacking onto the floor, the sound making you flinch and feel all the more helpless all of a sudden- your hand on the handle, still red and burning. You couldn’t move- frozen stiff.
Sans had appeared in the living room, out of a puff of red smoke, the crimson smog drifting down from the towering skeleton himself like a lazy waterfall. You didn’t even have to look back at him to know the pure anger that was just radiating off of him- His sockets were devoid of light, his smile wide and sharp- and he stood there, stiff- like if he moved just an inch, he’d break.
You could hear him breathing.
You couldn’t move.
Slowly… You heard his heavy footsteps approach you, tapping against the floor, like the ticking of a clock to the wrath that was about to be unleashed on you. You stared at the handle, already starting to come off, you could see inside- And you just stood there, not daring to look back at your captor, slowly closing in on you.
The closer he got, the stronger the scent of his magic, smoke, and something else… Curled up into your nose, making you squeak a cough out- eliciting a deep rumbling chuckle out of the murderer, who was now standing directly behind you.
You were shaking, when he placed two of his hands right next to you- one on the wall and one on the door- keeping it shut.
“what’re we doin’ ova here, dollface?” He purred, his head above yours and making you feel small.
Sans. Felt. Angry.
He came home worried if you were going to be ok, if you were hungry, if you were panicking- and this is what you give to him?! Trying to run away from him?!
You were starting to shake, and he couldn’t help but feel pity for you. poor little thing has always been scared fer her life, ain’t she? He thought- but she knew what was coming for her, trying to run away from him like that…
“now now now, that ain’t a good thing is it?” He put his skull next to your head, squeezing you between it and his shoulder, making you squeak- he could feel the heat of your plump, smooth cheek heating up from his contact- despite the terrified chill you must have running through… Your sweet little body… From being caught by him.
He rubbed his face on your cheeks as you tried to stay quiet- smart girl you were, you know you were in… trouble…
The hand on the side of the wall snaked around your waist, another adorable little pipe coming out of you as he squeezed you to his side, still pressing his nasal cavity to your cheek, wanting to just… take a bite out of you, as his other hand started to glow red- the door handle glowing too, as he did his best to repair the damage you put on it- which is impressive, he had to admit, coming from such a small little human. He didn’t do too bad himself, the handle quickly put in place, and his magic causing a jam in it that honestly wasn’t the best way to ‘fix’ the door- but he didn’t need to use it anyways. The most important thing is that you couldn’t leave him… ‘Was a good thing he came when he did… He could’ve… lost you…
Too goddamn close for his taste.
“wouldn’t want… anyone hurtin’ themselves, do we…?” He whispered into your ear, seeing you squeeze your eyes shut and your breath shake.
aw… poor thing…
shouldn’t have done that, baby girl…
You were so close…
He gave your neck, slow, warm little kisses, making you squirm in his hold as he carried you like a toy in his arms, kicking and trying to get out of his hold- like a cute little kitten.
You screamed when he threw you on the bed, scrambling to get over you and pinning you by your shoulders, still struggling and… writhing underneath him…
“so doll… since ya seemed ta forget why you’re down here… why don’t i remind you who owns ya?” His voice sounded as venomous as a snake, smacking his teeth and his red lights eyeing the space between your shoulder and your neck, fully prepared to make sure you belong to him- you’ll never run away from him again.
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punchyline · 4 years
Catfight || Discord
Summary: Punchline crashes the party and a fight ensues. Trigger Warnings: Abuse mentions, violence, death, blood, Joker Written By: @harleenqueenzel, @antidyingantihero, @ofpowerfulmortal, @poisoned-kisses
Harley: Harley pressed a kiss to her adopted son's cheek, and scratched Bruce behind the ear. She felt eyes on her, turning her head to see a woman wearing clown makeup. Oh great. "Hey, Mike..." she said, looking away. "Is that clown still watching me?" she asked, feeling anxious.
Mike: Mike's smile turned genuine. Harley always made him feel better. He glanced behind her, looking at the clown. "Kind of. Who is she." he said as he looked back at the bar. "You want me to get her out of here?"
Harley: Harley let out a soft sigh. "I have no idea. But she looks like she works fer my ex," she commented, turning to look at the woman again. Her presence was making her uncomfortable. And if Pam saw her, she'd probably end up strangling her. "I'm not sure. Do I give her a chance first, or d'ya think I should go straight ta the throwin' her out?"
Punchline: "William." She mused, scrunching up her nose and giving him a cheeky smile. "I like that. I think that's what I'll call you." She decided and he wasn't about to change her mind. She liked the sound of it, the way it shaped on her tongue. She had another sip of her drink. She may be playing with him, but she was loyal to the Clown Prince of Gotham.
Mike straightened up. "Joker? If you didn't invite her get her the hell out of here. I  can do it if you want Ma'" he answered. No one was going to make her uncomfortable.
Harley: Harley bit down on her lower lip, nodding as she ran her fingers through Bruce's fur. She didn't want Mike to get hurt -- not that he could, really. "Could ya go an' ask her what her business here is or somethin' like that? If she starts bein' aggressive, I'll come over an' help. I've got a gun concealed beneath this dress," she shrugged.
Mike: "Of course." he said standing up and kissing Harley's head. He went over to the woman, not carrying about interrupting her conversation. "What's your business here?"  he asked serious. "Because I know you weren't invited."
Billy: Billy crinkled his nose, he was not used to having someone calling him by William. He felt as if he was in trouble when people did it and remind him too much about his mom, which hurt him. Even if he was extremely young when she left him at the park, he still remembered that she called him by his full name all the time, "I don't have a choice, do I?"
Punchline: "It's cute. You don't like it?" She asked Billy. She glanced Harley's way just then, catching the kiss. Half of Gotham hated her... but the other half. It praised her for leaving him. Idolized her for it. "I heard it was open for all." Punchline replied, taking a few steps from Billy towards the boy. "Did Pumpkin over there ask you to talk to me?" She said, glancing over towards Harley with an icy stare. "I'm here to paint eggs."
Harley: Harley watched as Mike approached the woman, and she heard her say 'pumpkin'. Her stomach churned and she started to walk towards Punchline, Bruce next to her, watching her closely. He'd attack if he had to. She stayed a few steps away, but was close enough to help Mike if he needed her.
Mike: "Well that was a misprint, you see it's open to everyone who don't work for a that piece of shit clown" he answered back. "I don't care what you came to do. The only thing you're going to do now is leave, and I'd rather not make a scene but I will."
Billy: Billy knew from the start that going to a villain part was a bad idea, now he was more sure, he didn't know what to do, he wasn't turned into Shazam, he had no powers, "Okay, now, let's not fight, we don't want things to end badly," he knew if they fought, more than one person could get hurt.
Punchline: Punchline eyed Harley as she came a little closer. This was who she was here for. Not her odd little bodyguard, not William. she was here for Harley Quinn. She wanted to see her. To know what she was dealing with. "I don't work for him." She corrected. She sort of did but she wanted to make it feel more intimate. More special. "We're partners." She took out her knife from her boot pocket and in one swift, cruel movement sliced open Mike's neck. Feeling the blood splatter on her face before she turned to Harley and Billy. "Oops... my bad."
Harley: Harley ran forward as soon as the woman pulled out a knife, but she was too late. She grabbed the woman by her ponytail, slamming her head against the top of the bar a couple of times. "Get the fuck outta my mansion," she hissed into her ear. She knew that Mike would wake up soon, but that didn't mean this bitch could come into her home and pull an attempted murder. "Don't make me pull out my gun, honey. I won't miss if I do."
Punchline: Punchline felt the woman tug her by her hair and smash her head against the table, not fighting against it. When she was done, she let out a small chuckle. Glancing up at her face from where she was holding her. "You liked him, didn't you? The little brat?" She whispered back. "Shoot me, dollface. I'm sure Pudding would just love that." She replied with a hiss before using her leg to kick Harley off of her. Immediately jumping on her so she could pin her to the floor. Pulling her face in close to the other woman's. "That's what you called him, wasn't it?" She said, ignoring the shouting all around her. All that mattered was Harley.
Harley: Harley slammed her head against the table again when the other asked about Mike. "Who I do an' don't like doesn't concern ya, toots. But I can tell ya one thing... I definitely don't like you." The use of the nickname she had for Joker caught her off-guard, and suddenly she was being kicked backwards. Her body pushed forward as the woman pinned her to the floor, and she headbutted her in the nose. "Yeah, 'cause that's what he was. My Puddin'. Jealousy is an ugly colour on you, sweetie!" she yelled, using all of her slightly enhanced strength to flip them over, now on top of Joker's new toy, her fingers wrapped tightly around her wrists as she pinned her down. "Tell me what ya want. Is it me? 'Cause I ain't goin' anywhere with you."
Punchline: Punchline's teeth grind together and her eyes bore into the other woman's. Anger clear on her face. She reached down to grab at Harley's neck and choke her when she felt the woman smash her head into her nose and she gasped. Blood dripping from her nose onto her snow white skin. She was as pale as he was and they'd never have that intimate connection because Harley blew up the Chemical Plant. "Say that again and I'll rip your tongue from your mouth." She snarled before Harley managed to get her down on the ground with her now straddling Punchline. "Oh... honey... I just wanted to meet you." She said before rearing up herself and smashing her own head against Harley's.
Harley: Harley could feel the woman's blood dripping onto her. It was disgusting, and she wanted to throw herself into a bath filled with sanitizer. "Rip my tongue from my mouth? Nice threat, Hannah Montana. I was with him fer years, d'ya really think a lil' threat like that is gonna scare me?" she growled. She stared down at the other, her grip on her growing tighter as she didn't get the answer she wanted. Before she could say anything in response, she was being headbutted. Their fighting styles were too similar. Had Joker trained her to fight like this? Her lip throbbed, and she felt blood dripping down her chin. "You fuckin' psycho," she screamed, letting go of one of her wrists to grab her gun from beneath her dress. "I'm gonna paint these walls with yer brains. It'll be the most beautiful thing anyone's ever seen," she warned. "I'll make sure ta invite Mistah J ta look at my new work of art. He loves it when I go feral."
Punchline: Punchline let out a deep chuckle and struggled to break free of the blonde's grip. "Hannah Montana? You're the one with the awful blonde weave." She retorted. She smacked their heads together and when she pulled back down, Harley was pulling for a gun and her wrist was freed. She could have easily grabbed a knife. She had two after all but... it was more fun to do something else. She grabbed a hold of the other's neck and forced her face closer to her own. Reaching her head back up and with her teeth biting down into her shoulder. "How's that for feral?" She spit out the blood to the side of them before moving her legs to wrap around Harley's waist and keep her still on top of her. "Go ahead, shoot me. Impress him. That is why you're doing this right. Because that's what you just said... and here I thought you were over him. My Prince."
Harley: Harley was ready to kill her. "Awful blonde weave? At least I ain't tryin' ta channel Ariana Grande with that high ponytail. Or is it just a cheap facelift?" she asked, a smirk on her face. Feeling a hand on her throat, she tried to stay as calm as possible. This was fine, she was into it. But when this stranger was doing it... It was a little scary. Her other hand reached up, grabbing the other woman's and trying to prize it away from her neck. A hiss left her lips as teeth sunk into her shoulder, and she pressed the barrel of the gun against the other's forehead. "Ya need ta keep those teeth where I can see 'em, Hannibal." As she listened to the other speak, she shook her head, feeling herself start to panic. It had taken her years to get to where she was today -- happily married, adopted kids... "He ain't yer nothin'. You think you mean somethin' ta a guy like him? Yer nothin' but a toy that he can mess with. That's why yer here now, right? He pitted you against me. Pathetic," she spat, lowering her gun and pressing a hand to the bleeding bite mark on her shoulder. "An' if ya ever bite me again, I'll pull yer fuckin' teeth out with pliers," she threatened, before sinking her own into the woman's arm. If she was going to have a scar on her shoulder, the other woman was getting one too. Fair was fair. She didn't stop, not until she was satisfied that she was causing pain. Pulling back, she grinned.
Punchline: She felt herself smile when Harley held the barrel of the gun pressed against her forehead. Tilting her head slightly back, Harley's blood bloomed at the edges of her lips and slowly dripped their way down her cheeks, like it was drawing a smile on the woman's face. She let out another chuckle at Harley's words and watched as she reacted to what she said. "You know... you kinda taste like he does." She commented, her voice low and her eyes wide. She was trying to make her jealous. Sure... Harley had been there for much longer then she had but she was his new thing now. She was there for him when Harley wasn't. She didn't run away, she took it. The bad, the good, the really ugly. Because she loved him. Harley didn't. Harley didn't know what that felt like and yet Joker never shut up about her. She was the one there everyday by his side and she kept having to hear him yammer on about how she used to call him Puddin'. How she used to smile better. Fuck that, she'd be smiling no longer. Not when Punchline had her way. "He loves me!" Punchline screamed at her when she tried to tell her that he didn't. "I'm no toy! I'm his right hand woman. He respects me. He cares for me. He didn't care for you!" She lied with a growl. Then Harley moved down and bit her back and she used her one free hand to grab at the back of her neck, at her baby hairs. Trying to force her off. When she finally was, Punchline glared ad her and used the way her legs were positioned as a way to force Harley down to the side. She then rolled them so she was on top and got up to her feet placing her foot on Harley's chest to keep her there.
Harley: Harley felt repulsed when she said that she tasted like Joker. They were nothing alike. Not anymore, at least. "Look, I'm inta some kinky stuff myself.... but that? That's just fucked up." She stared into the woman's eyes, seeing nothing but anger. Her own eyes used to be like that whenever she looked in a mirror. It was what being with a man like him did to you -- it gave you a hunger for violence and pain that you could never satiate. Eventually, his new plaything would see the light. After years of pain and abuse, mental torture. Harley didn't want that for her, even if she hated her right now and wanted to kill her. She was a puppet, just like she had been. But there was no way to make her see that. Being under his spell lasted for years. "He loves ya? Are ya sure about that? Does he love ya when he's leavin' bruises? Does he love ya when he's sendin' you out ta get hurt so he doesn't," she said, her voice low and angry. It was making her remember things she'd rather forget. This was supposed to be a fun night with her family and friends, and now it was a nightmare. "He doesn't care fer anybody!" she screamed back. "Nobody but himself!" The pain of the woman pulling her hair didn't really bother her. She'd been through so much worse, so she didn't even flinch. Once again, she was being put on her back, and she choked out a breath as the other put a foot on her chest. Reaching up, she dug her nails into her leg. "Did he teach ya this? Make yer victim feel small?" she asked, laughing as she lay there, looking up at the stranger. "Do ya feel powerful now? Like yer in charge? 'Cause you'll never be in charge of me. I'm in charge of me. Now get yer foot off me, an' go back ta kissin' his. This is yer last chance."
Punchline: Punchline: She hated her. Everything she said, she hated it. He didn't love her? Then how did she explain the good moments? Those days then he was good to her. When they'd dance together for no good reason. To no music. He'd say he just felt like dancing with her, when she asked him. How did Harley explain the times when they were alone and he'd actually let her kiss him? She felt Joker's love. She wasn't delusional or stupid. She knew it was there and the angry outbursts. That meant nothing. "Yes, he loves me then, too." She argued. Harley was screaming at her and Punchline just glared at her, watching her with a stone-cold face. She held the woman down and slowly pushed her weight against her leaning down to get a bit closer to Harley. "Maybe he did." She said. "He taught you it too, didn't he?" She said, her voice getting quieter. "I'm leaving, and not because you told me to. I could end you right now if I want." she said, taking the knife from her other boot and gesturing it towards her. "But I'd like to do it in front of him." She decided. "So he knows you're gone." She gave her one last kick before removing her foot from the other. Just noticing now the wave of dizziness in her head. She shook it, trying to get it back to normal. Taking a few steps away from her.
Pamela: Pamela had just walked into the ballroom as a woman, covered in blood, kicked Harley as she stood above her. She had been out and told Harley that she would be late to their party. She hadn't told her that she had began the process of creating more children. She would need a bette lab for that. Pamela quickly glanced around the room, noticing the blood all over their new ballroom. The shock of the scene wore off and rage bubbled up in her chest instead. The woman was thankful for the vines that grew on the outside of the house, because now she willed them to burst in through the windows. "Get the fuck away from my wife, you sad excuse for a clown! Who the fuck do you think you are? Did that bastard clown send you?" She screamed as she power-walked towards the woman, arms raised. Pamela didn't wait for an answer and she willed the vines to wrap the woman up tightly, squeezing her enough to hurt. She ran over to Harley and dropped to her knees. "Oh darling, flower, are you  alright?" she asked, panicked now, searching Harley for lie-threatening wounds.
Punchline: When the green woman burst in, Punchline frowned. She was on her way out but now she had to deal with the woman that Harley married. She didn't intend to fight Harley at all during this party. She just wanted to watch her, but ah, well. When in Rome.  The vines shot from the windows and came right towards her. She could get out of this but Poison Ivy would just wrap her up with what remains of the vines she would cut. Oh- She was rushing over to Harley now thinking that she had detained the problem. Focused on her wife. Her love. Oh, how week it was. Knife in hand she poked it through the vines. (They were pretty tough due to Spring but not actually that bad). Ignoring the pain from the squeezing in one jerk of a movement she sliced all the way through the plants and was able to release herself. Jumping down nimbly before quickly using the chance to leap out the broken window and out of the party. Hows that for an exit?
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emberwolves69 · 5 years
New Territory Chapter 2: The Start of the War
The silence that came was deafening and in a way Frisk was even more worried now then she had been before. Surely someone should have come in saying what had happened, saying which side had one. Frisk moved farther back into the room and hid behind some shelves just waiting for her boss to tell her that it was safe to come out.
Frisk jumped when she began to hear shouting from the bar, she couldn’t make out any of the words but it didn’t sound good at all. She hated not knowing what was going on. But just like the fight outside the shouting stopped all at once and Frisk felt true fear take over. She also said a small prayer that her boss was alright. He was a decent man overall and it would be sad if something happened to him.
A moment later Frisk heard as someone was trying to open the door to the room that she was in. Moving back farther she heard as something hit the door with what seemed like a decent amount of force. Frisk could only assume that whoever it was was attempting to break the door down. She was grateful that her boss was a bit paranoid when it came to his stock so the door was reinforced pretty well. She had never heard of anyone being able to come close to even damaging the door.
‘Its ok they cant get in here. Its safe.’ she tried to remind herself.
As soon as she felt the slight relief from that thought there was a flash of red light from beside the door. Frisk slowly, and silently moved so that she might peak around the corner of the shelf that she was hiding behind.
She wished that she hadn’t.
Standing near the door was a huge figure. Male from the looks of it. Frisk was pretty sure that the male would have had to duck to get into the room if they had used the door, he was that tall. Frisk could think of less than a handful of men who would even come close to matching this figure in height.
She heard a thoughtful hum from the male before hearing as the door was unlocked and then opened allowing more light to pour into the room. Frisk let out a silent sigh of relief at not being noticed so far before she silently moved farther back into her hiding spot using the shadows to the best of her advantage. “alright start grabbin’ what ya can.” Frisk heard a deep male voice say and not long after she heard as more figures entered the room and it sounded like they were taking some of the alcohol and other supplies that were stored there.
‘If I stay here they will find me. If they find me in here I wont have anywhere to go… I need to get out of here before that… Maybe if I can surprise them and get out of the bar I can get away.’ Frisk thought to herself. She was fairly sure that they didn’t know she was there and she was also pretty sure that they would kill her or worse should they find her. After all they must have killed everyone else so far, otherwise she would have heard someone, right?
Frisk made up her mind, she silently moved to where she could see where the others monsters were in the room. The moment she saw a clear opening Frisk took a breath and then sprinted as fast as she could out of the room and headed towards the exit of the bar. She heard as startled monsters began to shout and give alarmed warnings about her. But thankfully she was able to avoid being grabbed by anyone.
Frisk was close to the door allowing herself to hope that she was going to make it but what felt like just inches from being outside she felt a sudden weight on her chest before she went flying backwards. Frisk let out a terrified scream as she flew and moments later she was back on her feet once more, not far from the bar.
Frisk had no idea what had just happened, she tried to take a step but found that her body wouldn’t listen to her, it wouldn't move at all. Frisk’s heart was beating rapidly as she watched as a large variety of monsters began to approach her, she wasn’t sure what they were going to do and that terrified her.
“whats wrong dollface? don’t like us monsters?”
Frisk felt chills run down her spine at the deep voice that came from behind her. The same voice that had somehow gotten into the storage room with her and unlocked the door. Frisk turned her head to look at the large figure and thanks to the light she was able to see a lot more about him. For starters he was a skeleton, one with razor sharp teeth and in his left eye socket there was a glowing deep red orb that seemed to glow brightly even in the well lit area.
As the monster moved around to stand in front of her Frisk noticed that he had a single gold tooth on the right side. His shark like smile seemed to only widen as if he knew just how terrified she was, as if he enjoyed it too.
“what’s wrong? skeleton got yer tongue?” he asked with a chuckle that didn’t help Frisk’s fears at all. There was humor in his voice but there was an air about him that screamed death.
“Look mister what ever is goin on here, I ain’t got nothin to do with it, so just let me go.” she tried to hide the fear in her voice though she didn’t think that she was too successful at it.
The skeleton chuckled seeming to become even more amused by her words. “Sorry dollface, I cant do that. Ya’see I ain’t supposed to leave anyone here. Which means that I cant just let ya go.”
Frisk felt a new fear cling to her heart as she was sure she was going to die, the only question was what would happen to her before they killed her. Her thoughts of what might happen were cut off as another monster, a large dog came running in. “We got another group of humans on their way.” Frisk was pretty sure that the dog was female, if the voice was anything to go off of.
“they got here sooner than expected.” the skeleton said glancing towards the messenger. After a second he sighed and looked over his shoulder at Frisk “sorry doll our conversation will have to continue in just a minute.”
With that the large skeleton turned and started to walk away. Frisk felt a brief moment of relief as this should allow her time to figure out a way to escape, that is until she felt that same pull from earlier that forced her across the room once more. It seemed that the skeleton was taking her with him, probably to make sure that he could keep and eye on her.
Frisk soon got used to the feeling of being carried by whatever magical force that he was using. Did she like it? No. But at least she wasn’t freaking out over it at the moment. On the list of things, this wasn’t too bad. There could have been a lot worse happening to her, so she wasn’t going to complain at the moment.
As soon as they were outside Frisk felt sick. She could see several bodies of people who obviously hadn’t survived this little fight. It felt like everywhere she looked there was some poor, dead, soul. Frisk turned her gaze away from all of that and focused on the skull of the skeleton in front of her. It was better to look at that than the bodies.
“This ain’t your territory monster!”
Frisk looked up instantly at a voice that she knew well.
As kids Frisk and Chara had grown up together, they had lived on the same street. Chara was always a bit more forceful than Frisk and really they always seemed to balanced each other out. Frisk took more risks because of Chara, and Chara was probably still alive from Frisk talking him out of some stupid situation or another.
But the biggest thing was that Chara had always looked after Frisk. While Frisk had never been able to stomach the violence that came with the mob and gangs in this city, Chara went looking for it. And in the end Chara was able to get in good with the right people who ran their part of the city. He was able to move up in rank pretty fast too thanks to his skills and the fact that he never had a problem with hurting others, something that Frisk had always tried to stop. And it worked, as long as she was around to do it but now, Frisk knew that there would be violence and worse of all, she would be right in the middle of it with no way to talk both sides down. The monsters had declared war with their actions this night and from experience Frisk knew that it wasn’t going to be pretty.
The skeleton rocked back on his heels for a moment seeming like he was thinking about what Chara had said and then he gave a short laugh. “ya see kiddo, this is our territory now. And we wont be leaving it anytime soon.” He said and that told Frisk all she needed to know. The monsters were determined to expand their territory into the land of the human mob that ran this part of the city. There was nothing that could stop the fights that would come. Countless humans and monsters alike would be slaughtered in the streets. She had seen it enough times to know that would be the outcome. It was a bold move for the monsters, one that she really wished she wasn’t in the middle of at the moment.
Frisk noticed then that she didn’t feel that weight on her chest and she tried to sneak away while the skeleton was distracted but she didn't get more than a few steps before she found herself held in place, once again by that familiar and unwelcomed weight on her chest. Frisk wanted to curse but didn’t dare at the moment. She didn’t need any more attention on her than there already was. In a time like this it was best to just be forgotten.
“If you think you can just come here and do whatever you like monster ya got another thing comin.” Frisk didn’t know who the man who shouted that was but as he did he had started raise his gun. Frisk had no idea how, but before he got the gun even half way up large, sharp, red bones erupted from the ground and impaled him multiple times.
Frisk let out a startled shout absolutely horrified by the sight. She had never seen nor heard of anything like that happening. Sure she knew that monsters had magic that they used to attack and what not but it was completely different to know that and to actually see what one of them could do. If all the monsters could do things like that then Frisk was even more worried and slightly curious as to how they hadn’t taken over everything yet.
It was then that Chara seemed to actually notice Frisk. She was able to see as Chara’s expression darkened and Frisk only got more concerned this wasn’t going to end well. She knew what Chara was capable of and it had always been something that had scared her, but now she also had to worry about the monster with the strange hold over her. She didn’t know what all he was capable of and she feared that unknown even more than she feared what she knew that Chara was capable of.
“Let the gal go monster, she ain’t got no part in this fight.” Chara demanded and Frisk felt a slight tug before she was being pulled by that unknown force to stand right beside the skeleton. She really hated not have any control over her own body especially now when she felt like nothing more than some rag doll that could be tossed around with no effort at all.
“who this little one? I figured that I would keep her for a while. Might have some fun with her.” the skeleton said as he wrapped an arm around her. Frisk was tense and terrified of what was about what would happen and just what this monster was planning but no matter how much she fought against that strange weight she wasn’t able to do anything. Frisk felt her heart beat began to race faster than it had been even just moments ago.
Chara’s eyes narrowed right before Frisk heard three gunshots go off. She had no idea who had shot but out of pure instinct she closed her eyes waiting for something to happen and some kind of pain. But what happened instead wasn’t anything that she could have expected. She felt as the ground seem to disappear from under her feet and instantly she was falling. It was terrifying and felt like it went on forever even though it couldn’t have lasted anymore than a few seconds before she felt the ground gently appear once again under her feet as if it had never vanished.
Frisk thought that she was crazy before she opened her eyes and she had no idea where they were. She was in some kind of an alleyway, that much she could tell but other than that she had no idea. “Where are we?” she asked doing her best to keep the fear out of her voice. Not that it was particularly easy given what just happened but she still tried.
“Don’t worry doll we ain't that far right now.” The skeleton said as he looked around as if he were waiting for something, or someone.
“That doesn’t answer my question. I demand that you…” Frisk didn’t get to finish that sentence as she felt as the weight pulled her once more but this time it was right into a wall. Thankfully there wasn’t enough speed for any serious damage to be done but it still hurt and Frisk was sure there would be a few new bruises.
“You demand?” the skeleton chuckled as he turned to look at Frisk “That's funny dollface, especially since ya ain't in a position to be makin any demands.” His sockets were completely empty now.. If Frisk wasn’t already pinned to a wall she might have take a step back in fear of the sight. She didn’t fully understand why that look terrified her so much but it did.
The skeleton stepped towards her towering over her by at least a couple feet. Whatever he had been planning Frisk would likely never know since at that exact moment a loud voice rang through the air.
Frisk looked around and it didn’t take long to spot the one who had shouted and her eyes widened at the sight. Another skeleton, not that she was too concerned with that. What surprised her was the fact that this one was extremely tall. And unlike the skeleton that was directly in front of her he wasn’t wide, which was probably a good thing. If he had been Frisk was sure that he would never be able to get around a lot of places, especially in the human city. Not with his height of at least 12 feet tall and could very likely have been taller than that. His voice was higher pitched and unlike Sans’ it didn’t hold any humor in it when he spoke.
“hey boss, ya done with yer stuff already?” Sans asked and Frisk could have sworn that she saw the taller skeleton flinch a little at being called boss. She was probably imagining it.
“OF COURSE I AM. WHAT DID YOU EXPECT…” he paused as he seemed to notice Frisk for the first time and he frowned. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT HUMAN SANS?”
She wasn’t sure if she liked the tone in his voice, one that said that he probably wouldn’t approve no matter what the answer was, or not. If it stopped anything bad from happening then she would be happy but with how the night was going she wasn’t too hopeful.
“That is simple.” Frisk jumped at the sound of a third voice from the opposite direction and she wanted to just shrink away and be anywhere but here. Another skeleton entered the alleyway and was slowly walking towards them.
“Sans realizes that this human could be a good source of information for us. After all she seems to have some connections to some members of the human mob who have a decent standing in it.”
The skeleton stopped just a few few away. He was taller than Sans but still much shorter than the other one. When Frisk looked at this one she felt cold as his eyes seemed to look through her causing a shiver to run down her spine.
“Look I don’t know what you fellas are thinkin’ but I don’t…” Frisk stopped when the newest Skeleton stepped closer to her causing her to shrink back, or at least attempt to.
“Now then miss. I am going to ask you a few questions and you will answer. Fail to do so, or lie to me and you wont like what happens.” He said and Frisk said a small prayer, to whoever or whatever might be listening, that she would make it out of this alive and with all her body parts still attached.
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