#yes!!!! mojang PLEASE!!!
great-axepectations · 2 years
What must it be like to be on a server with Doc? Every time he posts in the Hermitcraft Discord server must be absolutely insane.
Is anyone available to help me kill 3 wardens that got loose on the nether roof? Sorry actually it might be more like 20
Hey if it's not too much trouble, could no one log on for the next 30 minutes? I'm trying to transport an ender dragon I pulled into the overworld and loading chunks could mess it up
Anyone want to play a children's card game? I outsourced my deck building to a think tank made of hundreds of people and I want to absolutely destroy someone in a match
Does someone know a good rap artist to collab with? I want to make an anthem for the nation I founded in my massive hole of a base and Snoop Dog never got back to me
So we're not having a team meeting, just an informal brainstorming session? Cool, can I invite Christopher Paolini? Yeah the guy who wrote the Eragon books
If you see any ghasts flying over spawn town, I released like 30 of them as a prank. There should be like 2 left so don't kill them, they're an endangered species
Just a heads up guys, I'm inviting some Mojang devs on to the server so I can show them the cannon I made that can shoot an arrow through 3000 solid blocks in one tick and immediately destroys a full set of netherite armor
Grian was annoying me so I built a cannon that shoots charged creepers at his base with startling accuracy. Then he used it for his own gain so I build a goat mech that poops explosives to guard my base. What do you mean that's not how normal people handle disputes? He's clearly the unhinged one!
Be careful going into my base, I have a pet warden at the bottom of the perimeter. No, a PET. Yes it's there on purpose, his name is King
No one touch the chunk loader at spawn, I'm using it to transport items thousands of blocks instantly. No, of course it's not an intended feature but I still managed to pull it off in vanilla, didn't I?
How did the world eater go? Well I needed to use 3 minecraft accounts so it would run properly and at one point it was disrupted by solar flares, which I think might have been God trying to strike me down for my hubris. But other than that, yeah it went well!
Please note that these examples are ONLY FROM SEASON 9
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yall wanna know how badly they fucked up my minecraft migration?
while moving some files around to unfuck my storage issues i have discovered that my minecraft authentication lives SOMEWHERE in my local files. on my pc.
as in
if i log in to literally ANY OTHER DEVICE
if I utilize ANY other minecraft launcher (for modded minecraft presets, for example)
it's missing whatever MYSTERIOUS authentication file is in here:
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that tells microsoft that yes, I DO have the game key, I DID purchase the game in 2020 legitimately, PLEASE let me play the game as my established fockinorb handle
because if I dont, it logs me in as my default microsoft xbox account and asks me to buy the game.
'mia why don't you just go to your settings when you're logged in as fockinorb and fix that'
oh you mean this???
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yeah that takes me to the exact same default ass microsoft xbox account that thinks I don't own the game
that mojang fockinorb account goes nowhere
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charred-angel-ribs · 11 months
I love Minecraft Live, and the whole chat being spammed with “Stop The Mob Vote” is really ruining things. The Mojang team work really hard to bring players so many things, and it takes a long time to do all of this, so to take on all three (3) mobs is just unrealistic and putting way too much pressure on the Mojang team. Yes, it is a shame when we don’t get the mob we want, but it’s unfair to take that out on the Mojang team and try to force them to do so much more for us in a way that just isn’t possible.
Please can we just enjoy Minecraft Live without the spam in chat for something that is completely unreasonable? Thanks.
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blockgamepirate · 1 year
Since Mojang fulfilled my number one Minecraft wish (customisable armour), time to voice my number two Minecraft wish, which is pastel coloured wood.
I mean we already got the pastelly pink one which is AWESOME, but I’ve been wishing for a pastelly blue wood since I started playing this game, because I want to build my childhood home which is an old wooden house painted pastel blue.
(Genuinely the closest thing I’ve got is white concrete, which isn’t really blue or wood, but it’s at least vaguely similar I guess.)
Also I keep wanting to build a quintessentially Finnish village but again, I’m just missing those pastel colours. (Mangrove wood at least is pretty close to the iconic rural Nordic punamulta colour and I guess I can use yellow terracotta for the keltamulta variant. But that’s a completely different vibe from the pastels)
I would also accept a pastel terracotta set too though. Something like what white terracotta is now, but other colours as well. Sandstone kinda works for the yellow but again I’m just stuck with only reddish and yellowish options. idk, I just want more pastel colours in Minecraft pls... Mainly pastel blue and pastel green, if I only got those two I would be just so unbelievably happy.
(Please don’t tell me to just download a texture pack, I already know I can do that. It’s fine for single player but I like to play in multiplayer and I don’t want my builds to look weird for other people. Also yes prismarine brick exists but the texture is weird. Look, I know I’m being greedy and all, but I’m allowed to dream, aren’t I?)
Actually I think what would be a perfect way to introduce these would be to add End biomes with some sort of alien plants that could be crafted into planks with pastel colours, similar to the nether fungi but even more bizarre. That would be really cool IMO
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hccn-overseer · 1 year
Issue 3, 4/29/2023 - The Overseer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
This week's news is once again accompanied by a PDF version of your latest news brought to us once again by the lovely Cheer! Pick it up right here for your viewing pleasure!
The Hermitcitizen Hub seems to have tapered off growth right around 640 citizens, but we may have jinxed it, please keep us up to date. This week, a new set of roles has been added so you can let your fellow citizens know if you can be pinged! New rules have been added for your comfort, safety, and pleasure, so ensure you go check those out! Mod applications are still open, and ModMail has been added so you can contact existing Mods easier. On to the news!
We are gathered here today due to the passing of Sirius_Buisness. It led a long and wonderful life. The cause of death was Geminislay. While it was surprising, it was not shocking. While it worked for The Overseer it was fought over, with many of the Newspaper Club declaring their love and fighting for who was Sirius’ favourite. Sirius  mentioned that its list of favourite people were in order: People who bribed it, Newspaper Club, and then everyone else. It started after the fall of the court, a Gardening Club in which it grew Anemone and Sampaguita. The deceased is survived by The Overseer and the Gardening Club. The Overseer asks the readers to please give Sirius’s family and friends some peace at the moment. 
The deceased asks for you to bring 12 shulker boxes of Sampaguita to The Crastle. Donations of customised socks with its face printed on them and one pair with a photo of King Ren when he was asleep and looked silly would be greatly appreciated. The more socks, the merrier. Donations of clicky pens and diamonds would be greatly appreciated at The Overseer. Sirius’ debt collector has been told to go to the Gardening Club and ask for Tulips. 
The readers are reminded that at Sirius’ funeral, there will be jousting to determine who will get to marry Sirius once it decides to make its return. Please remember to bring your anvil protection gear and/or your anvils. To remember it, we ask that you wear neon colours. 
Written by Winter
Now onto other news below the cut!
Affiliate Happenings
By Roo
The affiliate guilds of the Hermitcitizen Hub have been busy, discussing important things, pranking anyone who crosses their path, and just plain chilling and drinking tea! So, without further ado, let’s take a look at what they’re up to!
Bdoubleo: He's just a little guy!! They’ve been discussing their favorite silly moments (as they should).
Cubfan135: Apparently it’s 1,508 days since fletching table functionality was promised. Mojang, for your safety and ours, please listen to the Cub affiliates. They are right.
Docm77: I think we should be concerned. They’ve decided that instead of making a union or merch, they’re just going to replace all redstone diamonds with magenta glazed terracotta. Please steer clear of the perimeter if you’re the sort to blindly follow directions.
EthosLab: The only reason anyone goes to his area is to check on the dolphins.
FalseSymmetry: They're excited for False, Ren, Scar X, and Joe Hills to be playin some No Man's Sky together! Sounds like a blast. (Please tell us we're funny. We're unpaid interns, we take anything we can get.)
GoodTimesWithScar: Someone hired a charged creeper. Please. Again, for your safety and ours, a charged creeper is not a good employee.
Grian: The Rift tastes like grape juice, battery acid, wasabi peas, and has the texture of stale Cheerios. No, don’t ask how they found that out. Yes, The Rift is right down there if you want to pop down a medical services tent. The Fixer team is also experimenting with ways to play Just Dance and DDR on Grumbot’s monitor! Bribes are in order, including the promise of letting Grumbot control the difficulty of dance. Join in at your own risk.
ImpulseSv: They had a lovely stream watch party!! And discussed falling off of walkways?? Hi, Minecraft, OSHA called, they’d like to schedule a  tour for no reason whatsoever.
Iskall85: Hallo.
Joehills: Affirmative nodding. Yes. Joe Hills indeed.
Keralis: Keralis has a hype squad now! That’s awesome, ngl. :) 
Mumbo Jumbo: Mango Jumbo. The sus has returned. They’re still talking about redstone. I got scared even looking in the channel.
Pearlescentmoon: She <3!!!! (got squished in a hydraulic press)
Rendog: I can see the founding of the King’s court. This will surely lead to good and not suing the former king. Surely.
Vintagebeef: They’re just chilling! Chillin’ ‘n chatting, how lovely.
Welsknight: They’re going to make a Wels scrapbook! Drawings, anything he’s dropped in the past week, screenshots of the man himself, the hydraulic press that squished him (yes he got squished too).
Xisumavoid: Frenchsumavoid. Need we say more.
Zedaph: According to a scientist, there is a 31% chance that the reason you randomly think of Zedaph out of nowhere is because of a phenomenon known as mind control. 
Zombiecleo: They’re discussing Cleo’s TCG tournaments. All is well.
Recap affiliates: How’d they get into reporting?? Oh, that sounds right up our alley. Maybe the newspaper should hire more recap reporters. We already have a couple, but hey, what’s a couple more?
Other affiliates: Most are homeless or live in the shopping district. Living in the shopping district, I must say, is a horrible idea. Warden attacks are many and days without accidents are zero.
If you do not see an affiliate channel on here, it is simply because nobody was active in the past two weeks, or that activity was simply claiming the first message.
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Weekly Weather Report
By Virtual Note: Rainy has been kidnapped for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately, we don’t have the funding to pay their ransom. We wish them the best of luck on escaping.
Thursday - SUNNY, 25% chance of being challenged to a TCG match in the shopping district. Citizens are advised to bring their best decks.
Friday - WINDY, Citizens working in high areas should be wary of strong gusts. Elytra flight may be difficult to control.
Saturday - CLOUDY, GeminiTay sightings expected around Spawn Town between 1PM - 3PM (GMT). Duels are sure to follow.
Sunday - RAIN, Light showers anticipated across the server, followed by periods of clear skies. Carrying an umbrella is recommended.
Monday - STORMS, 95% chance of Bdubs sleeping before the storm gets serious. Expect clear skies by 10AM (GMT).
Tuesday - SUNNY, Fireworks expected around the Crastle between 6PM - 9PM (GMT). Avoid flying directly above the area during this time.
Wednesday - CLOUDY, 45% chance of HotGuy strikes. Note that clouds may make it more difficult to spot the vigilante from a distance.
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Astrology Corner
By Winter
Have you been feeling without guidance? Do you look at your birthday and look up your star sign and wonder, “Will I get challenged by Geminitay?????” “Will I get to choose whether my horoscope will be weird?” Don’t worry, here at The Overseer, we can help you.*
Aries: You will attend a very sirius funeral :) Flip a TCG token to decide whether you will attend in a clown costume. 
Taurus: You will attend to a Red Carnation which was sent to you.
Gemini: You will start a successful business. That business teaches first aid.
Cancer: Understand that once upon reading this you will be challenged by GeminiSlay to a battle. Send regrets to loved ones and respond in two-three business days. 
Leo: You will become mortal enemies with the Decked Out Crew.
Virgo: You will follow a Joe Hills Tutorial on how to win a beauty contest. 
Libra: You will learn how to become a babysitter. 
Scorpio: On Thursday at 3:21 PM you will run into a new friend or foe, only time will tell
Sagittarius: You will provide a meditation class to combat Etho’s washed up allegations. 
Capricorn: Congrats. You get to do Bungee Jumping in the Spaghetti IF you are born on the odd days of the month. 
Aquarius: You will adopt something. Ask a friend for advice and whether they consent to being adopted. 
Pisces: Someone you used to know will meet you in the most unexpected place. Whether it is a good or bad thing will be up to you.
All star signs: Don’t worry, you are not being watched… yet. 
*Ignore how blatantly specific these are. Nothing bad will happen to you.
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By Arsène
After covering the top of the top, we move into a deck that (in my opinion) is just as strong, but hasn’t gone around too much. The Booming Boomers, as I’ve decided to call them, is a high-paced aggro deck focused around getting your hermits on the board and setting up a strong sweeping Impulse ® to Boomer his way through the competition! The deck certainly has other options, with the amount of extra cards it runs to mill* quickly. 
*For people who do not play card games a lot, I will sometimes use terms common in other games. Milling refers to the act of quickly drawing through your deck through cards that discard cards and let you draw more. In the case of this deck, our mill cards are Fishing Rod and Flint & Steel.
DECK LIST ( ® denotes a rare version of the card in the case of hermits) 
Tango ® x2
Tango x3
Impulse ® x3
Milk Bucket x1
Water Bucket x1
Diamond Armor x3
Looting x1
Bow x1
Flint & Steel x3
Fishing Rod x3
Instant Health II x3
Double Farm x1
Farm x7
Double Redstone x2
Redstone x8
Like stated above, this deck is aggro and looks to set up Impulse ® with a double redstone and two Tangos on board to start using Boomer, dealing 70 damage baseline and +40 for each of the Tangos with him, up to a bonus of 80 damage. 150 damage a turn is enough to two-shot every single Hermit in the game currently. Enabling this strategy is the copies of Flnit & Steel and Fishing Rod letting you look through your deck quickly. Fishing Rod is fairly straight forward to use, with the two cards being put in without any downsides, but Flint & Steel is a bit harder, so let’s talk about using this optimally.
Flint & Steel discards your hand and allows you to draw three cards to replace this. Using this is a last case scenario, so be smart with how you use it. Do NOT use Flint & Steel if you’re going to discard Hermits while you do not have your setup on board. Once you have an Impulse ® plus any two Tangos on board, make sure you have enough items to stock up Impulse to get to Boomer. If you do not have any of the Hermits you need to set up on board, Flint & Steel becomes a priority card, as milling your hand to find them allows you to set up and sweep. 
As usual, this deck has a few floater cards that can easily be swapped out for others. Both Buckets, Bow, and Looting can all be swapped out for any other active effects. Try not to grab anymore equipment cards, since your goal is to keep Impulse ® on board doing damage as much as he can, and the Diamond Armors do a great job of this. Alongside well-timed Instant Health Potions, Impulse can stay on the board for a long time with a Diamond Armor. I like holding onto one copy of the Bow because very often, an enemy can switch if a Hermit is in kill-range of a Boomer, and Bow is very often enough to kill most Hermits after one or two attacks. It also synergizes very well with the back-up plan of this deck, Tango ® and Extra Flee. 
The big thing to keep in mind with this deck are your win conditions. Find Impulse ®, find any Tangos possible, equip Impulse ® to Boomer and start swinging. Start slamming items on Tango ® as a backup just in case. With the right draw and a strong start, you can quickly end a game by knocking out all Hermits on your opponent’s board before they can draw any more. 
Play fast, play quick, play deadly.
That’s all for the Booming Boomers! As always, good luck players, and may you forever draw your Impulses on turn one!
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Lost and Found
By Virtual
To the representative interested in claiming “Peekaboo” from last week’s Lost and Found, please meet Paint by Wings & Things in the shopping district. They will be carrying a purple shulker box and three diamonds. We will happily provide any necessary assistance to get “Peekaboo” off our hands. 
The following items were collected from across the server over the past week. If you would like to report an item missing, or if you recognize any of the below items as your own, please contact us at [email protected]*
*not a real email address
Item 1:  A pufferfish in a bucket named “Charles,” found in the bushes behind Twinkly Trash. Though several people have expressed interest in adopting Charles, we are making an effort to find his original owner. The fish has been temporarily relocated to an impromptu fish tank inside the Overseer offices. The tank is already being used as a desk. If Charles belongs to you, please come pick him up. He misses you.
Item 2: A piece of bedrock, found in the screeching crevice. The item was delivered to the Overseer offices late last week after a resident of Grumbot’s cave found it in the screeching crevice. The item appears to be bedrock, aside from the fact that it can be held in the palm of a player without incident. Though the bedrock is most likely fake, the implications of its existence have sparked more than one crisis in the citizens who beheld it. If it belongs to you, please collect it, and consider destroying it. 
Item 3: A dusty book written in galactic, found within the bowels of Joe Hills’ pinball machine. Joe Hills, when confronted with the book, denied any ownership of the item. When translated, the book appeared to contain a list of horoscopes stretching for the next several years. Each horoscope was highly specific, to the point of being disturbing for our translator, who refused to interpret past a prediction for Libra set three weeks from the writing of this article. If the book is yours, please reach out to collect it. If you do not own the book, but can translate galactic, we encourage you to try reading a few passages for scientific purposes.
Item 4: A collection of fourteen chests in minecarts, found abandoned in the woods surrounding Scarland. The minecart chests were found when a Scarland employee tripped over them on their way to work. Despite this area of the woods being clear the previous day, the minecarts were sunk half into the ground and covered in vegetation, as though they had been slowly buried over the course of several years. Within the chests were three clocks, a diamond hoe, thirteen stacks of cobblestone, and four blocks of red concrete powder.  All efforts to remove the minecarts from their half-sunken state have failed. If this chest monster belongs to you, please collect it in the woods behind Scarland Castle.
Item 5: A red shulker box stained with a rusty brown substance, found washed up on the shore near Grian’s base. The box appeared two Fridays ago and was dropped at our office door by someone claiming to be one of Grian’s employees. The player vehemently insisted it not be thrown out before vanishing as quickly as they appeared. When opened, the box smelled faintly of seawater and contained several red corals, all stained with the same brown substance as the shulker’s exterior. The stain spreads to anything the box is placed on and smells faintly of rust. When collecting this item, we suggest bringing a pair of thick gloves and perhaps a face mask.  
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Ask the Seers
By Seers Jester, S, Vi, and Nes
Has your favourite little guy been put into a situation they can’t get out of? Do you have questions about how a mountain appeared on top of your house last night? Question no more, for The Seers are here to help! Questions can be submitted through the ask box and are collected throughout the week.
Dear Seers, Hello! I keep finding myself waking up from a daze in random places and almost exploding! Is there any possible way to stop this from happening? - :D 
Hello, dear smiley face.  It seems I have the honour of answering your question today. Tying yourself in your bed is a highly recommended idea, as is simply finding someone who will accompany you at all times of the day. Looking for wither roses in a tavern will let you meet many who are interested in such jobs, as long as there is payment on the table. You may, also, simply try not being in a daze. I have heard that a well-timed swim in a cold river could wake up even the sleepiest of beasts. - The Seers
Dear Seers, How do you fill up someone's walls with TNT and make the said TNT not explode their house just give them a little scare? - Avoiding Property Damage
Hi, Avoiding Property Damage! You have three options here! First and foremost, have the TNT explode in a block of water so it doesn’t cause any damage to the blocks around it. This can be down in many different ways, but I suggest the ol’ single block stream of water method. Downside is unless if you’re present you can only realistically do 1 piece of TNT this way, due to all TNT having to be lit at once. Option two, ignore the walls go down under! By digging 5-7 blocks below the persons base and placing TNT you can get the full effect of how ever many TNT you want with minimal damage. However, it is possible for the TNT to push one another up into the floor causing a lot of damage. Option 3, ditch the TNT! Shriekers are your safest bet, as they cause just as loud of a noise with zero risk of property damage. However, they do cause a risk to your safety due to the method of collecting them.  For legal reasons The Seers would like to clarify that it is not responsible for any property damage caused due to someone following our advice. Have fun! - The Seers
Dear Seers, I had the most AWFUL day at spawn :(((( somebody set glitter traps EVERYWHERE and I got caught in what feels like at least twelve of them!!!! Do any of the Seer have advice to get rid of glitter? The glue is making it really hard to get rid of! And any idea whose fault this is? - The Very Sparkley, Not Vampire
Hello Not Vampire, hopefully I can be if some assistance, Hmm, I wonder if there’s a glitter related Zedvancement somewhere in the archives that could be of use… I’ll have to get back to you on that. In the meantime, step one is to figure out what type of glitter and glue is in use. I’m talking metallic, plastic, or biodegradable glitter, glue of the washable, super, or hot variety? Step two is to then design a contraption to remove both the glitter and the glue. I personally would suggest a shower or either water or acetone (depending on the type of adhesive) alongside an apparatus for removing the particles. Perhaps some sort of full body lint roller? Now that I think about it, this would be quite the useful device, I’ll look through some records and workshop some blueprints and get back to you ok?  - The Seers
Dear Seers, I’m stuck in someones walls. How do I get out? - Does This Count As Breaking And Entering
Hello Does This Count As Breaking And Entering! I hope you like the walls you’ve become trapped in, because like Grian in S7 and S8, you now live in them! Can you get out? Yes, you can. Is if funnier if you just live there until you’re discovered? Also yes. I hope you’ve enjoyed this non-help! - The Seers
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By Jamie
Are you struggling with something and don't know what to do? Don't worry! Nika is here to help! From Potions to Decoration to Farms, any and all types of services are available. The price is up to negotiation! Nika Helps services are not responsible for any injuries that occur during or after the help process.
UNLIKE the Scar Unsafe Services, we will help out around your base! The Scar Safety Service is here for all of our fellow citizens, and will ensure your home is safe from various mobs! All damages or scares committed by pranks and unknown vigilantes cannot currently be remedied by the Scar Safety Service, but experiments are ongoing.
Do you have a name that can be shortened to Cal? What about Kal? Are you willing to grab one or perhaps pretend a little? The Cal-ition - a Coalition of Cals - is reaching out to any and all potential members among our cal-low citizens! If you'd like more information, simply contact your lo-Cal representatives. Regard-cal-ess of your interest, though, have a wonder-cal day!
Bring your daisies and coriander to the Crastle this Friday to join in a brief mourning session for RenTheKing. He may have messed up our currency system, but he shall be missed.
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Fun and Games
This weeks fun and games are brought to you once again by Sirius, Morph, Virtual, and Azure! Unclear if Sirius created these before or after succumbing to the grave, but please remember to attend its funeral to honor its passing.
Word Search - By Sirius
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Crossword - By Sirius
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Coloring page - By Morph
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Comic - By Virtual
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Brain Teasers - By Azure In this game, there are four images of some sort and you need to figure out what each Brain Teaser is trying to say! For example, a brain teaser could be the word READ with lines above and below, and it would mean 'read between the lines'. Have fun!
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And that’s all for this issue folks! Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful week!
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mysticalibra1994 · 9 months
Trolls (new Trollstice) T-Bone x Floyd HCs
[TW: mentions of therapy, S.A.D., masking true emotions]
Since losing his mom, T-Bone's colors would drain during the holidays.
Since he's been living with the Rock Trolls, they hardly notice due to the saturation of their hue.
But now that he's with Floyd, he's been covering up his grayscales by using vibrant hair dye, colored contacts, clothing, and makeup so he wouldn't have to cause his boyfriend to worry about him.
Unfortunately, Queen Poppy wasn't fooled (her boyfriend has been grayscaled since they met). "Okay, I can't lie to you. Please, don't tell Floyd and his brothers. I've been grayscaling, this only happens during the holidays, and my therapist says it's natural for it to happen when a sudden and traumatic event happens during one's childhood."
Poppy, of course, understands the situation. So, she tries not to force him to be happy and smiling.
Eventually, T-Bone would tell him when they were alone. "T, Queen Poppy said that you've been meaning to talk to me and you were acting funny. The last part was from me. What's going on?" "I know, we've said no to secrets. But, I've kept a big one from you guys." "Oh, babe. We already knew that. We love and accept you!" "Thanks, hon. But, it's not that. You know how Branch is grayscaled a bit?" "Yeah, but he does light up nearby Queen Poppy." "Well, I've been using these vibrant colors to cover up my grayscale. Physically, I'm okay. Plus, Queen Barb recommended me to a therapist; Dr. Notch Mojang from 2009 Mattel St." "And you're okay? I-I mean..." "Physically, yes. Emotionally, I'm trying. But, as long as I'm with you, I'm feeling better." "Well, I do enjoy your shimmering eyeshadow." T-Bone thanks him as he wells up in tears of relief while his true colors slowly come to..
Since it happened to Branch, I would assume that "grayscaling" is a Trolls version of depression. Some sources state how challenging it can be during the holidays.
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nineparlor69 · 5 months
Oh, my! A new YouTube show?? With a box for a host? Yes please!
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Press here for the details:
"Episode 1, Mine-chaos!" Is currently being worked on, and will be posted to YouTube on my channel NineParlor! Follow here and Subscribe on YouTube for more updates!
Mine-chaos will focus on the drama following the Minecraft mob vote, and how Mojang have been fighting for their lives against Minecraft's community. We'll also be talking about some previous controversy with the silly game made of cubes! Check out by blog to ask some questions that you may have about the vote.
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spookyvance · 2 years
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I posted 16,482 times in 2022
That's 3,126 more posts than 2021!
40 posts created (0%)
16,442 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,769 of my posts in 2022
#<3 - 301 posts
#deltarune - 146 posts
#for later -> baking - 57 posts
#fnaf sb - 40 posts
#portal 2 - 37 posts
#Astro chats - 34 posts
#a monster in paris - 34 posts
#batdr - 32 posts
#oc inspo - 29 posts
#pkmn - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#sorry i get really involved with pokemon like you have no idea. i feel bad when i switch out pokemon for my teams. i just love them so much
My Top Posts in 2022:
52 notes - Posted June 15, 2022
deltarune community why is there no unfair undyne but for deltarune. like jevil and spamton's fights are SO fun. i WANT to inflict myself with that pain. yes there's the boxing ring in chapter 2 bUT THERE'S NO JEVIL OR SNEO. OR QUEEN. OR KING. LIKE TOBY. YOU GIVE US THE FUNNEST FIGHTS AND REFUSE TO LET US PLAY THEM AGAIN EVER. in conclusion: please i want an endless mode of jevil's fight with different difficulties. please please please for the love of god-
67 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
blah blah sammy surviving og ink demon sttack this then he got killed in later chapters that then he gets shot point blank. whatever. if you had any idea what kind of clues jds was dropping you'd realize sammy lawrence is a final girl
71 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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where are yall getting this from. why is he a fuckboy.
80 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
no fucking way that was an innocent mistake of trying to make bowser intimidating. jack black was INTO that shit.
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307 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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untitled-smp · 2 years
Meet the Players! [Untitled SMP]
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Salmon (Sam) / Prince - PrinceofBlood - they/them - @ithymedit​
Joined: Season 3
Faction: Malfaction
tumblr: ithymedit
youtube: PrinceParker / @PrinceParkerYT
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The previous SMP I was in fizzled out since none of us were playing on it anymore, so I wanted to join Untitled so I have a new server to play on when I have time.
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How long have you been playing Minecraft? If you only recently got back into it, what made you want to?
2013-2014, was playing since 1.6.4. watched so much modded content
What's your favorite block in Minecraft?
Warped Planks
What is your favorite Minecraft mob?
What is your unpopular Minecraft opinion?
People should be less mean to Mojang, not for like, terribly problematic stuff, but for bashing the people or teams when something is not to their liking. YES THE MARKETPLACE IS SHITTY BUT THEYRE NOT GONNA REMOVE IT SO PLEASE STOP BULLYING THEM. Another opinion is that the moobloom sucks
What style of building do you most enjoy working in?
I usually create normalish looking houses but I really like making really cool landscapes. I never have enough time for them though.
What builds are you the most proud of and why?
A gothic looking victorian mansion that i built like a year ago. It has warped-crimson gradients and looks fucking badass.
What is the most challenging part of the game to you?
Resource gathering and villagers
What do you enjoy outside of Untitled and Minecraft?
STRATEGY AND ROGUE-LIKES. hades, enter the gungeon, FTL are my Jams. im getting into some sims (stardew and wobbledogs) and I just finished Tunic. I want to get into Xcom type stuff next though.
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therealstara · 1 year
Call me controversial, but I'm gonna say it: The modding community has done more for Minecraft in a few months than Mojang ever could in 10 years.
You’re free to speak as you please! In fact, go on! Are you referring to a specific mod?
In terms of overall impact on Minecraft community, yes, I say modders do so much more! But that’s because modding shapes and molds the game to whatever each person wants specifically. For example, my brother can create a mod pack that’s all about adding more industrial elements, like Tinker’s Construct and Create. He knows what he wants to add. But for updates, we usually don’t know what’s getting added. Plus, Mojang has to appeal to everyone. A modded world can be highly specific for each player, and therefore always appeals to them, because they’re in control!
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exiledelle · 8 months
this posts gonna be very different from what ive usually posted (as in not undertale or homestuck), bear with me. its also a kind of long but not super long minecraft rant,
normally i enjoy phoenixsc videos but honestly his latest video just kinda...spilled some stuff over for me. specifically when he and fundy were talking about the armadillo and said "wolves arent useful so why did people vote for them"
and like...can we. as a minecraft community. PLEASE stop saying that because the answers RIGHT there. wolf armor. people voted for armadillo for the wolf armor so that wolves can start to BE useful. genuinely how can people say that and still be blind to it. (plus its a cute mob which honestly is all the reason some people need, and thats fine)
quick opinion: NONE of the mobs in last years vote were really "useful" which is fine. penguins speeding up boats is fun in niche scenarios but not widely useful. increased block reach is actually way less requested or necessary than people claim, itd also only really show up in niche situations realistically. wolf armor, though, sure, not a lot of people use wolves for combat, and its not gonna convince people, but out of all 3 options, wolf armor has actually been a long requested feature (not super loudly but still been around) and really does feel like a long time coming. its STILL only good in the niche situations people bring their wolves to combat, but to me it was that long time coming aspect that sold me on them (i wouldve been fine with any of them winning though. yes even penguins.)
as for the shark thing, yes i agree mojang absolutely has a weird double standard with realism, and thats a good point of criticism when not being hostile about it but with fireflies i still think what happened with them is they were way too built around frogs to be added without the interaction. maybe they were entities that depended on frogs to keep the count in check, maybe mojang wanted to give them a new use and havent thought of anything, but either way i dont think theyre gone forever, mojang just needed to reconsider what theyre there for and are waiting for a good thematic opportunity (extra disclaimer that i dont know this for sure, im only speculating)
idk just in general ive been fed up with minecraft negativity for years, and i hate seeing a youtuber i normally enjoy end up causing that to overflow just a little bit more. i could make an entire separate rant post about people unfairly treating glowsquids, theres videos that talk about the "mojang is lazy" stuff far better than i ever could, etc etc
but just...can we love this game again. please. can people stop claiming to love this game only to immediately turn around and tear the game to shreds at the earliest opportunity. the game is still fun (even if i dont play it nearly as often as id like) but discussion about the game outside of friend groups seems to NEVER be enjoyable anymore and that sucks.
"minecraft is dying" and its loud parts of the community thats causing it, not mojang. thats the best way i can sum up my thoughts on all of this.
anyway you can go back to your regularly scheduled timeline i just needed to scream at the void about this, i dont care whether or not anyone sees this just as long as its off my chest
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mildlylesbian · 9 months
5,10,19 for the ask game :D
5. How do you translate the world of Minecraft to fit into your fanfics when you keep the original setting?
I have SO MANY posts about this, so many ideas, I am feral about the world of Minecraft. Some of the basics:
Each Realm is its own individual location with a ruling god/goddess
The void is alive
Mojang is a physical thing
Servers exist as realms within the overworld realm that players can freely hop between (to an extent)
I have so many other things, like void beings, cave stuff, etc. please ask me more about specific minecraft stuff-
10. How do you do character arcs?
I like to make them realistic. Typically, I do short term arcs, where the character doesn't change a ton during the arc but a select part of them does. I find these easier and more natural to do over 'this character starts as a pathetic wet cat and turns into a god of war' (no shade to those arcs, I just prefer smaller more contained ones in my writing)
19.Do you tend to take into account hybrid characteristics (avian, enderman hybrid, dragon hybrid, etc) when you are writing cubitos?
Yes! A characters hybrid status plays a large part in how I write my characters. I write hybrids as normal players who have a few quirks from their animal side, for example my avians tend to be a bit skittish and care a bit more about their appearance on average.
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rhimorechill · 1 year
being a glowsquid stan who dislikes the mob vote is so hard. yes i think mojang fucked up with the glowsquid. but on god can we please stop needlessly attacking them (the squids) ??? theyre cute and i like them 😭😭😭 like i can acknowledge that streamers had undue influence on the vote and that people are sad about the lack of moobloom/iceologer but i voted for them because i think theyre fun. why do you need to shit on MY fave mob for nooooo reason
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chipstertool · 1 year
I don't know if anyone is feeling this take but no matter what Mojang does to attempt to please people, it's never enough.
You could apply every thing the community wants but people might not like it and say, "I miss when everything was simplistic."
You could apply minimal things that works within the main game but people might say, "Why isn't there a lot of stuff?"
I'm no bootlicker but some of ya'll be agreeing with the whole "I want game designers to be paid more to work less" meme until it doesn't fit it.
Yes, I want Mojang to communicate with their community on why adding three mobs could lead to longer developmental time.
Yes, I want the updates to have quality over quantity.
Yes, I would want to have previous stuff be added + revamped within the announced updates from the votes just like the swamp biome.
Yes, I also want the devs to take their physical and mental health seriously.
Although, I don't know if there ever be a communication between the company and community since, to me, it'll probably become more divided after this year's Minecraft Live.
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sublime-msc-duo · 1 year
mojang studios, Sunday
"ALRIGHT! the canyon update is almost ready to be released!!"
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Steve looked awful, he'd been starting to notice his dandruff getting worse, he looked dishevelled, and he was hallucinating like crazy. how many times had he seen the hat man again?
"oh jeez- Steve you look awful!"
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"i-im fine! j-just one more day, mkay!? i-ill go get some rest when it releases, alright?"
"steve- please..."
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"Carter...Carter I'll be fine-"
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ohhh no
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dritaautos · 2 years
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Where players interact with a fully modifiable three-dimensional environment made of blocks and entities. Minecraft Dungeons is an action-adventure role-playing video game where up to four players can travel through procedurally generated levels, fight monsters, and face off against the main antagonist of the story, the Arch-Illager. Minecraft is a sandbox construction video game developed by Mojang Studios.
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