#yes I belive in the GregBot theory
beloved-cat-gremlin · 10 months
Don't make me pull out my LN ted talk about the kids not being good or evil but this time apply it to the FNaF community because wow some people really wanna murder a kid for things that he might not even have done.
More in depth spoilers for Security Breach: RUIN from here on.
Like I said with my LN post about Mono and Six, both Gregory and Cassie are children.
Sure there are some major differences between the two worlds of these two franchises. But it doesn't change all too much.
Yes Gregory and Cassie might be older than Six and Mono, but in the end they are still children, or pre-teens if you will in the case of Gregory and Cassie.
Gregory destroyed the animatronics out of self defense. In a way. Yes he may be a little gremlin but even he knows when something would go way too far.
Which then leads to RUIN where we all already assumed that it was gonna be the Mimic who was using Gregory's voice to lure Cassie in. But then everyone assumed, like Cassie, that when Gregory said himself it was actually him that it was in fact the real him.
I will die on the hill that it wasn't Gregory who spoke to Cassie in the Elevator Ending. I'm pretty sure there is more going on with Gregory than we initially assumed.
A lot of things seem to go against it actually being Gregory at the very end. And heck even if it was the actual Gregory who did this, he tried to do what's best.
What would you do if you were in his situation? You know that a close friend of yours is trapped but if you were to free them you would also free a greater evil that could and will potentially hurt many others. Maybe others that you also care about.
So: do you save your close friend but get other loved ones in danger? Or do you sacrifice your friend's life for the sake of others?
Gregory is someone who would go to insane lengths to try and protect the people closest to him. We've seen that with how attached to Freddy he's gotten.
But again, that's assuming it was Gregory who spoke at the end and not the Mimic. Which I don't think it was.
In short: if it was in fact Gregory then yes he did something wrong, but he is a kid and he thought he did the right thing. The same could be said for Cassie. She deactivated Roxy, thinking it was the right course of action. Even if she didn't want to.
These kids have clearly been through something prior to the events of both Security Breach and RUIN, so it makes sense that they would think differently in these situations and think not just in selfish ways, but try to see a bigger picture to the whole situation.
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