#yes I did lose my sanity while drawing said pearls
marcusdoodlesalot · 6 months
Twilight in a dress (again)
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That's all.
(progress pics and the like for nerds (affectionate))
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oh yeah, btw, all the pearls were shaded individually.
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I didn't lose my mind with that at all :D Also, here is the original dress it was based off of
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(Sorry, I’m having a hell of a time finding it, this is the best I can do!)
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed. If you didn’t, blame Wander and Lerik :3
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fushiguromi · 4 years
soundtracks — semi eita
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synopsis: during your college life, semi eita already likes you. He indirectly confessed his feelings by singing a song to you, but you didn’t realize that the song he sang was his feelings for you.
pairing: semi x fem!reader
genre: fluff; college to timeskip; band au
word count: 3.6k
a/n: all songs and lyrics that are used in this story were my own composition, so i’m sorry if it’s not good HAHAHAHHA well, i tried my best hehe
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The sun is up while you grumpily walk around the quadrangle of your school. It’s a hell day for you and you’re exhausted because of the homework, quizzes, and projects that you need to accomplish within a week.
As an honor student, you don’t want to disappoint your parents. You found a bench table beside a tall tree. You sat down and you fixed your hair and wipe your sweats around your face.
This day isn’t going well for you, your favorite sweater almost got ruined by a student that almost spilled a coffee towards you.
You roamed your eyes around. Many students are on the bench tables with their friends laughing and talking.
You took out your books to review for your upcoming quiz tomorrow. You were focusing on studying the book when you heard the strumming of the guitar and a soothing beautiful voice of a man.
Looking annoyed you looked up to see who’s disturbing your study time.
A man with a guitar placed on his elevated thigh singing for his friends. His aura and his looks reminded you of the handsome heartthrob that only knows how to break hearts with just a snap of his fingers.
He was biting his lower lip while his eyes were closed. The way his fingers shifted every time he changed chords and continuously plucking the strings of his guitar amazed you and to think that what his fingers can do to you.
You shook your head immediately because of that thought.
You had seen a lot of people playing with a guitar, but no one looked so passionate and angelic as him. He was like falling in love with music with the way he played each chord to create a melodious sound.
He looked oblivious to his surroundings as he played. Like he has his world just for himself and his guitar.
Music fills the air without effort, the sound rushing in and around every person in the place. Some react to the beat, others continue in chatter.
After his performance, his friends cheered and clapped for him. He just smirked and you didn’t realize that you were smiling widely at him until he looked at you.
“Semi! Your performance was so good!” A girl with short hair said to Semi and clings her arms on his.
Was it double meaning? Wait, what the hell?
You quickly averted your eyes on him and covered your face with the book you were holding earlier.
Until that day, you didn’t see him around the campus. But after he caught your attention, you happened to keep on crossing paths with him.
The next day, you found out that their band is famous around your place because they have gigs every Friday and Saturday at the cafe & bar near your school.
You heard that there is an event that’s happening at the gym tonight, so you went there to watch the battle of the bands. This is your first time to give attention to your school’s event because all you do was to study.
You narrowed your eyes while looking at Semi. They are preparing for the event. He’s holding his guitar while talking to his bandmates.
A lot of people came to the gym to support and watch them. While you stand there, Semi scanned his eyes around and stopped when his eyes met yours.
He looked stunned for a moment but he smiled and quickly averted his eyes.
The event started and you were amazed that a lot of bands participated in this event, but Semi’s band is different than the others.
They were really into it and feels like a concert. They made the stage and crowd theirs, many students cheered for them and the judges even gave them a standing ovation.
You were just smiling and clapping the whole evening, their song covers were on point, so this is what it feels like to watch them play?
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You’re doing your essay at the bench table that you found yesterday. It’s peaceful and cloudy outside so you decided to settle there.
While you were typing on your laptop, someone sits down in front of you. Your eyes caught a glimpse of a cool guitar strap and you looked up to see the man yesterday smiling at you.
“You don’t have to be intimidated,” he assured you.
He placed his guitar on the table and you saw that he was also carrying a notebook and a marker.
You stared at him while he’s writing something in his notebook. He felt your gaze on him so he looked up.
“Sorry, am I disturbing you?” He asked while tapping his foot on the ground.
“Uh, no. I’m almost finished with my essay.” You replied. He smiled and nods.
You quickly finished your essay so you can look at him.
You glanced at his handwriting. It looked pretty neat and somehow understandable. You got curious, so you quickly read what he wrote on the page.
Invisible Line
You immediately recalled the lyrics he sang yesterday to his friends and the words written on the notebook was the same lyrics.
“You wrote that song?” You asked him.
“Yes, I did.” He smiled, then turned his head on you. “Did you like it?” You felt your cheeks blushed because you remembered how wide your smile was.
Biting your lower lip, you nodded.
“I sometimes come here to think about and write songs.” He told you. “But right now, I’m having trouble getting inspiration but then I saw you...”
Your lips slightly parted. You could feel your heart beating against your chest so hard. You had crushes with boys, but you never felt this kind of feeling.
You ignore him because you don’t know what to say. He writes so fast but you had a glimpse of the lyrics he was writing.
He grabbed his guitar and placed it on his thigh. He started strumming and looked at his notebook before singing.
We’re close but never together
I have to find a way, to get her next to me
So can we close the space between us now?
The distance that we don’t need
I kept collecting shooting stars
Just to wish for us
She’s everything I need
My safe haven...
He stares at you while he sings but after a while, he closed his eyes and bobbed his head to the sound.
As you stared at him, you realized that the Creator favored him so much that he was given such an attractive look— he has messy ash blonde hair with dark tips, his eyes are brown, perfect naturally trimmed eyebrows, and chiseled jaw.
He ends the song with a beautiful instrumental sound before he opens his eyes and smiled at you.
“What do you think?” He asked you while he put his head on his arm that was on the guitar.
You’re lost for a moment before replying, “I loved it,” you smiled and gave him a thumbs up. He chuckled and nodded his head, contented.
He picks up something from his bag. He suddenly gave out his guitar pick to you.
You only stared at it. You don’t know if you will get it.
“Here, take it.” He urged you. “It’s a thank you gift.” You stared at him confused.
“For what?”
You had no idea why he was giving out his guitar pick as a thank you gift. When you just met each other!
“Thank you for being my inspiration,” he answered. You could feel your cheeks heating up.
He took your hand, laid out your palm, and put his guitar pick there. It was a white guitar pick and it looked like a pearl or marble. There were small letters written on the edge.
That’s his initials.
“Won’t you be using this?” You asked him, even if you didn’t want to return it.
“Oh, don’t worry. I still have an extra at home.” He replied.
He suddenly holds your hand. Your hand rested on his palm, while he removed the lid of his pen using his mouth. He was drawing something on his guitar pick.
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You felt like losing your sanity as you stared at the pick he gave you three years ago. The small heart he drew beside his initials was still there.
You didn’t see him again after that. You tried to go out again to the bench table a few times, but you didn’t see him at all.
Every time you’re stressed or sad, you would listen to the song inside your head. You engraved it in your memory the way he sings it.
I want to cross the line for her
But fate doesn’t want me to
I’ll just stare at her from afar
Even if it hurts...
“Zero Effect’s new album becomes the new best-selling album for the alternative rock band...”
Your eyes widened and you stopped what you’re doing when you heard a very familiar voice and song. It made you feel so nostalgic.
You looked up to the monitor in front and saw the news with a music video of the song playing through the speakers of the cafe.
It’s him! After three years... you finally saw him. Even through the screen.
Your heart gone wild and beating so loudly that you thought it would break.
“Semi Eita..” You whispered his name, after reading a piece of information about him and his band. “Zero Effect...”
You didn’t know how many times you watched their music video after you got home. You couldn’t stop yourself smiling.
You decided to check their social media accounts. Zero Effect have eight hundred thousand followers and it was following all the band members' accounts.
You followed them all before stalking Semi’s account. He had over five hundred thousand followers already.
His pinned tweet was a tweet that was promoting their latest album and his recent tweet was a picture of him and his bandmates.
The interview video of Zero Effect’s ‘Fading Polaroid’ album is out now!
There was a video link for their interview about the concept of their new album. You clicked on it.
The Zero Effect’s members appeared on the screen with the interviewer.
Your eyes immediately focused on Semi. He was wearing a sweater with like a blazer that’s fuzzy and a cross pendant necklace.
“We have here with us, the rising alternative rock band, Zero Effect!” The interviewer announced, and the members clapped their hands while smiling widely.
“Introduced yourselves first before we start our interview.”
“Hello, I’m Eita, the lead vocalist and guitarist of Zero Effect.”
You clapped your hands so hard after he was done with his introduction. You felt so proud. He was just a teenage boy before making music at school and make gigs on the weekends.
“Hi everyone! I’m Ryo, the bass guitarist.” He smiled at the camera and wink.
“What’s up? Hi! I’m Eiji, the leader, and keyboardist of Zero Effect.” Among the four of them, he’s the more serious and uptight one.
“Hellooo!! I’m Shiro, the drummer of the band.” He waved at the camera and smiled.
You laughed. The drummer always had that different effect than the others.
Whenever Semi smiles, you would pause the video to screenshot it. He looked so dashing.
After their introduction, the interviewer asked them questions about their album and personal life.
“So Eiji, how did you four meet?”
“We met during our college days,” Eiji answered. “We play as a band since then and we also had our gigs on the weekends.”
“Oh, okay so well, let’s talk about your new album!” The interviewer shifted the topic, “can you say something about that, Eita?”
Nodding his head, Semi looked at the interviewer. “Well, our first mini album is entitled Fading Polaroid. It contains five songs, and it is about lost love. It is an alternative rock ballad, which is composed and arranged by all of us.” He explained the concept of their album.
“There’s this one song called Invisible Line on the album that makes the fangirls, you know, like mixed emotions because of its lyrics. What is it about?” The interviewer got curious as she looked at Semi.
“Uh, okay..” he said awkwardly, “I wrote it three years ago.”
Your lips parted. You recalled that song because he sang it to you before.
“It’s about liking someone but the two of you can’t be together because there’s this invisible line between you two, but the guy wants to be with the girl.” He said, then smiled slightly.
“What inspires you to write that song? If there is?” She asked.
“Uhmm.. Yes, there is..” he said hesitantly.
Realizations hit you and your lips parted.
“I met this girl at our school where we used to study before,” he started talking about that day. “I always see her but I don’t have enough courage to walk up and talk to her, but one day I saw her smiled while I sing and that’s when I tried to open up to her.”
You stared at him while he talked about that day. You didn’t even know that the song he sang was for you.
“Oh.. So, you wrote that song for a girl, huh?” She teased Semi and made it sound scandalous.
“Yes, you can say that.” Semi answered and shifted on his seat.
“Did this girl get to hear the song?” She asked more.
“Yeah, she did.” Semi nodded his head a bit. “But only the chorus part.”
“Semi... I heard it now.” You told him through the screen. “I love it so much that it makes my heart hurt.”
“Do you still have contact with the girl?”
Semi shook his head, “I... I tried to but I don’t know how.” He explained and it made your eyes widened.
“Oh, then why don’t you use this chance to send a message to her?” The interviewer looked so excited as she looked at Semi.
His bandmates laughed, teasing him. They were urging him to look at the camera and do what the interviewer asked him to.
You don’t know what to do now as you looked at him on the screen. Your heart just doesn’t stop racing.
“Uhmm.. Hello?” His bandmates snickered beside him.
Semi already stared at the camera and spoke, “If you’re watching this, thank you for inspiring me to write songs,” he said and you felt your eyes are burning.
“Wherever you are right now, I hope you’re doing well and happy and I hope the song that I wrote for you can make you feel what I’m trying to say for you.” His bandmates clapped so hard and they were cheering for him.
Your lips curled upwards and nodded. The interview continued but you couldn’t focus because of Semi.
You had never idolized someone so much in your life. But at that moment, you were determined to support the band in any way.
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Your hands trembled as you looked at the screen of your laptop. You just purchased a VIP ticket for Zero Effect’s meet and greet that will be happening today.
It was a surprise announcement for the fans. You’re glad that you immediately saw the announcement and instantly got a ticket.
There were only ten people that will occupy the VIP seats. Your lucky to be the one who got the last ticket.
As time passes by, you’re feeling nervous. What if he will not recognize you?
He’s an artist now, and you’re just his fan.
You’re driving towards the venue and you feel your heart beating so loud. You parked outside and showed your ticket to the guard.
When you got inside, you sat down on the chair for the VIPs and the stage is now fixed. There are guitars, mic stands, a piano, and a drum set.
The venue immediately filled up with Zero Effect’s fans and the chattering was so loud until a woman announced that the meet and greet will begin shortly.
“Okay! Let’s welcome, Zero Effect!” The woman said.
“We’ll be singing our second song from our album called Miss Sweater.” Ryo, their bass guitarist said and suddenly there’s a loud sound coming from the drums.
She said she likes my song
With a smile on her face
Oh, the way her bright eyes looks at me
Makes my heart shakes
The smiles she gives are so contagious
Now, she’s moving close (moving close)
My heart is racing
Head to toe, you know she’s dressed to kill
Semi looked over the crowd. There must have been at least two hundred people watching him, bathing in the dim different colors of lights of the venue, as he clutched tightly to his guitar. Pumping the music through his veins as he lost himself in the performance.
Nerves were trying to take over your body, as you stared at him up close. Eventually, he lost all sense of everything except for the music, it flows through his veins and swirls in his head. It makes his fingers strums and his foot tap.
His velvet voice brings the lyrics, the music is his external heartbeat and the lyrics are your soul in sweet vibrations.
It’s her mouth and those lips
I want to taste ‘em
It’s her eyes and her face
I want to stare ‘em
Can’t tame my heart alone
When she’s this close
Can we stop the time?
Where are we leading now?
The feelings, all of it is right there, when in that momentary exchange of glances when your eyes met and you smiled to him.
He seemed lost for a moment looking at you but he returned the smile, not leaving his eyes on you. So though the world may love their music, their words and their songs, music really only lives in those intense moments of love.
After the short performance, you lined up for the meet and greet. You became nervous as the line moves. And after nine people, it’s your turn now.
You walked to the other members, the first one is Ryo, the bass guitarist. He looked up to look so surprised.
“Hi! Your name is?” He asked while he took your hand to shake. You gave out the album for him to sign.
“Y/n. I really love your music.” While he signs the album he can’t stop stealing glances from you.
“Really? Well, someone is always inspired to compose,” he smirked. “Anyway, thank you for attending here today, I appreciated it.” He smiled and his eyes disappeared and you chuckled.
He stopped smiling as you smiled, “you look pretty while smiling.” Your eyebrows were raised because of what he said.
“Thank you..” that’s the only thing you said and moved on to their keyboardist, Eiji.
“Hello! Wow, that shirt is so cute! Nice choice.” He pointed at your shirt and laughed. You looked at your shirt with their chibi faces. You chuckled and give him the album.
“Yeah, you looked cute here.” You teased him. He immediately coughed, “thank you..” he looked carefully to the side where Semi was.
One more and then you will finally talk to Semi.
“Good Afternoon! How are you?” Shiro, the band’s drummer asked you while signing their album.
“Hello! I’m fine.” He finally looked up and his eyes widened. He quickly looked at Semi but averted his eyes.
“Uhm... Thank you for coming. Hope to see you, uh, soon, Y/n..” He blabbered and you looked at him surprised because he knows your name.
You suddenly got pushed by a woman who excitedly greets the band’s drummer. The guard blocked the girl’s way and kicked her outside because she came back again after her turn.
Your eyes met with Semi who instantly stand up, eyes widened, and looked so lost for a moment. You stared at him and feel the rush of blood to your cheeks.
“Y/n...” He whispered, but you quickly heard it and smiled at him.
“Uh, hello? Long time no see, Semi.” You said nervously. He shook his head to come back to his senses.
He pulled your hand but stopped when he felt something there. He looked at your palm and saw his guitar pick that he gave you.
“You still have it,” he mumbled. You nodded at him. He pulled your hand to go to their tent. You looked at his muscled back and broad shoulders.
“Do you still remember me?” He asked you while he sat down on the chair. He pulled one on his side and tapped it for you to sit down.
“Of course, Semi. You’re the one who liked me back in college..” you chuckled because he looked so shy when you said that.
“Well, yeah. I indirectly confessed to you buy singing the song I wrote for you.” You pursed your lips to prevent smiling.
“I’m so stupid for not realizing it.” He smiled and pouted before averting his eyes when you looked at him.
“So, what will happen to us now?” You asked. He turned his head at you fast.
“What do you mean us? Do you even like me?” He narrowed his eyes at you.
You looked at him straight in the eyes, “I started liking you when we were in college, right when you sang that song for me. But after that, you left.” You explained and he bit his lower lip before standing up.
“I left because I need to fix something first before proving to you that you deserve me. But fate has different plans for me so...” he said and pulled your elbow. He carefully put his chin on top of your head while he wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m sorry that we never happened before,” he sadly said, “but we can start all over again. Right this time.” You pushed him away to look at him.
Your heart was pounding so loudly as you stare at him. Slowly, you nodded. He smiled and hugs you.
“You are the soundtrack of my life, keeps me moving and passionate, and whenever our song plays, you are there, reminding me that you’re whispering in my ears...” You hugged him tightly and felt your eyes tearing up.
You only keep humming while he sings the song he wrote for you. He gently placed his hands on your waist, stared at you before he kissed your forehead.
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