#yes I know it’s 1am EST what about it?!
mtnkat3 · 2 years
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W.9.28.2022 10.29pm est
Whew! Ok Lord!
Thank You!
You are keeping me busy getting tasks done & helping me feel productive again!☺️⚓🙏🙇‍♀️
I mean, yes, I had a bad night & running on ~4 hours sleep. Blood sugar drop at 5am then sinus drainage/ibs for 2 hours sucked! Like flying rubber dog doo on a C-5 to china! Lol! Yeah, one of my favorite lines!
And of course I had stayed up writing last night's til like 1am. I ~thought~ wh was asleep & could go to bed. Psyche! Because he's made 2 bathrooms inoperable, & because I have rebuilt every piece of my own toilet to the point only the porcelain is still original.. so.. uses my bathroom. 🙄🤦‍♀️
I SO cannot wait to have my own clean space! I am not the type of woman to want stuff all over the countertops. The rare special occasions I wear makeup I put it away in my carrier cases. Hair brushes, combs, do-dads. Put away. I like clean but lived in.
But I got up.
Got to work. Heck I got to doing so many things that I forgot to take my morning meds! [Which, btw Lord. I pray to detox so I will be rid of all of them & the cgm. Really hate having such a thing. Too much like the mark of the beast.] But well, this morning! Being woken because my blood sugar was gonna bottom out.. it was a life saver. Oh! Thanks for showing me 1 butterscotch hard candy is enough!
But feeling accomplished Lord.
It's a good thing!
But I also want the people in my life to know how much I appreciate them!
It's why I write, it's why I like♡. [Even when the bulk are people that I don't speak to here, I feel like God You appreciate me putting forth this effort!] I think about each person I speak to & care about. Wanting to give each of them a hug multiple times a day! I really do miss each, & the ability to give hugs!
Kinda think I finally understand that I hit the wall as far as being isolated from people I care about. I feel my soul's Mate.../s.. sigh.. God please??? I feel him.. even though I don't know.. & I know You do Lord! Let him know... I am, & always be, his huckleberry. I'm not a shrinking violet type of princess. I expect to contribute, in whatever form that comes Lord. Only You Lord know.. You can use my life like Sarah, or You may use me like a warrior nun. Or whatever combination because I rather enjoy watching science shows, building Fedora/Redhat Linux based computers, as I also enjoy watching my mandevilla still have blossoms, cherry tomato bushes producing & my herbs & ferns being happy. Would my soul's Mate.../s sigh... enjoy being in the kitchen with me Lord? I pray so. But. It is Your Will, not mine own. I only know...I love You Lord. And that I will work so that as I work I become the best me so that Your Plan will manifest in my life. You give me energy, a stubborn will to survive & determination to make my goals a reality. To make the dreams You Lord have shown me actually happen! I have never been the type to give up. And thank You Lord for reminding me of the woman You Created me to be! The woman You molded with hard working parents, that as much as I grew up with television & things like 'Scarecrow & Mrs. King,' I really only watch things like Barnwood Builders & TWC anymore! Although I lost both of those favorites when had to downgrade to limited basic. Argh! I mean what the heck?!?! The Weather Channel not on limited basic???? So keep watching crazy things, but don't be informed about the weather!?!??! That's insane to me! But I watched another crazy, zany b movie tonight as writing this. "Lava Storm" 2008. With Ian Ziering. I love the cheesy bad science! Lmao!
Just so tired Lord. Good thing I started this early, kept getting dozy. I so can't believe that weather has changed so much that I'm still wear shorts! In high school, I'd have been in turtlenecks, & sweatshirts & needing a coat! I so love Autumn & the changing of the seasons Lord! And I can't wait to be able to decorate & make where I live into a home. To be away from wh scrooge self & this place.
Oh! Today I got my counseling forms filled out, always paperwork. But praying for real help. As I also dealt with emails, that QDRO is almost done.
Today has been a good day! And I thank You Lord for that!
Even with the headache from the weather/allergies. I have been feeling more like myself. But must stay vigilant to thwart the adversary from turning me into the Blue Ridge Parkway, full of twisty turns, switchbacks, & hills. As much as I love those mountains & driving during autumn, I want to get back onto the train tracks be on Your righteous woman path Lord!
Just.. please tell my soul's Mate.../s sigh... tell him.. I love him, & I feel him, & I miss him. That I will always wait & never give up! Not on You Lord. Not on life. And not on Your Blessing me such that I feel like I've won life's lottery! To have finally gotten my life right!
oh Lord.. please??? I know... sigh..
Believe. And oh how do I Lord!
~True love never dies & true love always waits.~
Thank You Jesus for loving me!
Your sleepy, calmer, but listening carefully & closely daughter,
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺
Th.9.29.2022 1.02am est. Diary. 1.28am
👩🤓☔🌀💡⚓🙏🙇‍♀️🌂🔗⛓🧰⚙🛠⚒⚔⚖ 🗽 🐯🐾🐐🐢🐛🦋🌱🌺🌹🌻🌷🌳🧶🧵 ⌚💫⚡🌠🔱⚜🗝💝♠️🧩♾🌎🎯🧭🕯 🍁🧣😴💤
"Writing" gifs.🤷‍♀️
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ichayalovesyou · 3 years
THE BIG VULCAN BIOLOGY POST (aka Vulcan is a Hell Planet)
DISCLAIMER: I am not a biologist, astrophysicist, neurologist, animal psychologist or literally anything that would qualify me to talk about this with 100% confidence. This is the result of dozens of headcanons and obsessive deep dive research. I don’t want this post to be three miles long, so after I address the planetary stuff I will oblige y’all with a Read More.
Adsfasdkfjhaslkdfh I’ve been working on this post for almost a month SO HERE WE GO!
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First of all, Vulcan (aka T’Khasi) is a HELL PLANET, which is part of the reason they’re so badass, I say this for the following reasons:
No moon(s) (natural satellites)
Sodium (Salt) is so rare on the planet that Vulcan’s oceans are freshwater
It’s a “Super-Earth” (as in big chonkin’ planet of similar composition to earth in the “goldilocks region”)
Let’s do this.
“Vulcan has no moon Ms. Uhura.”
-Spock, The Man Trap
Tons of things change about our planet if there was no moon:
Much darker nights (no moonlight)
Much lower sea levels since there is no gravity from the moon to pull it upward.
Lower and weaker tides because the water is pulled by the sun instead of the moon, and it depends on how large the Vulcan solar system’s sun is for how big the waves are.
Stronger winds from faster planet rotation.
Depending on whether the axis of the planet would straighten or tilt further without the moon’s pull, combined with the faster rotation would lead to more severe seasons (strong tilt) or no seasons at all (no tilt)
The first factor may lead to Vulcan eyes being very catlike even if they aren’t nocturnal (I think they’re crepesucular but we’ll get into that later). Which given the likely nature of their blood and their herbivorous eating habits they probably aren’t. The sky would still be so dark that our human eyes couldn’t even see our hands in front of us, being blind when the sun goes down could be a death sentence. Alternatively, if they didn’t develop strong night vision that may be one of the reasons why they have such strong senses of hearing.
The stronger winds, faster rotation, and stronger (or nonexistent) seasons come from the lack of resistance and friction that stronger tides and the moon’s pull create on our planet. I suspect that Vulcan is larger, or at least denser than Earth, but I’ve been informed that according to the TMP novelization that it does rotate faster. I also think that Vulcan’s tilt is on the more extreme end to get the hostile extremes like storms and heat that we see on Vulcan.
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If you look at this image of Vulcan, water covers way less of the planet’s surface than Earth. I don’t think this is necessarily because Vulcan has less water, but that it isn’t spread as far because of the lack of moon, and the fact that the oceans are freshwater, I’ll get into that shortly.
“My ancestors spawned from a different ocean than yours.”
-Spock, The Man Trap
In the Star Trek: The Original Series (third) pilot The Man Trap, there is a creature that kills its victims by draining their bodies completely of salt. Spock encounters the creature but does not die, implying his (and Vulcans overall) body contains little to no salt. His justification is that his species did not evolve from a salinized ocean.
What does it mean to have oceans with no salt?
This has to mean that sodium is a very rare mineral on Vulcan, as the reason our oceans are so salinized is due to erosion of minerals by rainfall, carried from river to ocean. Salt in the ocean is also generated by submarine volcanic activity, which means either that the volcanoes on Vulcan (which we definitely know exist) somehow don’t produce salt, or the vast majority of the submarine volcanoes have been inactive for millions if not billions of years. The active volcanoes on Vulcan must be very far inland and/or Vulcan has almost no rivers, which given how hot the planet is, wouldn’t actually be too much of a stretch of the imagination.
Which means every single lifeform on T’Khasi, including Vulcans, evolved biosystems that exist without (or with very little) salt content. Any salt that exists would likely be deep beneath the planet’s surface, and within volcanoes.
No saltwater has a ton of consequences:
Plants (like underwater algae) are rarer and may not photosynthesize the same way Earth plants do, meaning less oxygen and more carbon dioxide, which means more greenhouse effect, which means higher temperatures.
The lack of salt would also mean less diverse plant life (at least as humans know it) and given the lack of visible rivers and vast swaths of desert on Vulcan, we can safely say vegetation must be hardier and infrequent.
Lower sea levels as the oceans would have lower density due to lack of salt.
Little to no water convection, which salt is crucial for on Earth. Which means warm ocean water doesn’t move to cold regions and vice versa. Creating extremes, the equator being obscenely hot, and polar waters freezing at the poles more extensively.
Lack of convection means more frequent and stronger storms like hurricanes.
If you thought the lack of a moon made Vulcan inhospitable, compound it with the low sodium factor and you’ve got a planet of even more severe extremes than before. The heat, and the decrease of plant diversity definitely explain why the vast majority of Vulcan is rocky desert, even being near the water poses more extreme dangers than it would on earth due to the increased frequency of hurricanes.
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“Mr. Spock is much stronger than an ordinary human being.”
-Kirk, This Side of Paradise
I am almost 100% sure that Vulcan is either bigger or denser than Earth. Which would explain why Vulcans are so much stronger than Humans and other species that exist on similar gravity worlds.
Effects of a high-gravity planet or “Super-Earth” include:
Everything is shorter or has very strong foundations, plants, animals, structures, and people.
More “Armageddon” class asteroids would hit the planet (like the one that killed the dinosaurs and created the Gulf of Mexico)
Larger liquid mantle under the planet’s surface, higher pressure under the surface as well.
Weaker magnetic field due to lack of convection in the planet’s core (not to be confused with the mantle interacting with the planet’s crust). Which means a weaker atmosphere, lower magnetism in surface metals, and increased vulnerability to solar flares.
More volcanically and seismically active due the the increase in the mantle’s size and generated heat, more earthquakes, and more volcanic eruptions.
Would have to have a smaller sun but be closer in orbit to it than earth.
Extremely deep oceans, potentially with water under so much pressure at the bottom that it becomes solid like ice. Luckily Vulcan is not an ocean world, because the pressure would block the planet’s core from interacting with the atmosphere, which would prevent life as we know it from happening.
There is plenty of evidence for this on so many levels. We never see any plant life similar to trees on Vulcan. Nor animals significantly larger than Vulcans, the ones that are bigger are much more muscular. Vulcan’s sky is more red than blue because of the lack of oxygen molecules for the light from the sun to filter as blue. I actually headcanon that Spock is unusually tall for a Vulcan because of his human heritage (Leonard Nimoy was around 6ft tall) , and may have had heart and muscle problems in his teens and early adulthood while on Vulcan.
Perhaps Vulcans are the result of many more extinction level events than we are, contributing to their hardiness. Perhaps they are, evolutionarily, not too much older than we are, and had more incentive to develop extraterrestrial technology than we have, so that they could repel Armageddon Class meteors and defend their planet against Solar Flares? Space travel being born out of self-preservation rather than curiosity. Which would absolutely account for their attitudes in the beginning of Star Trek: Enterprise.
It could be that Vulcans still maintain a semi-nomadic lifestyle even today because their planet is so incredibly volatile. Unsentimental and utilitarian in anything less than the most sacred of architecture long before they adopted the teachings of Surak. Their own survival more valuable than any structure that would inevitably be damaged or destroyed by their planet’s harsh environment.
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In summary, Vulcan is a Nightmare Planet because:
So, so many much natural disasters, like, so many, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, hurricanes, twisters, just, so many more than Earth.
Water is relegated to specific locations in the world rather than spread across it due to lack of flow and lower sea levels.
Extreme temperature changes, intense heat, intense cold, hard to breathe, stronger gravity.
Due to the planet’s hostility, there is a smaller diversity of life than we have here on earth, which means fewer and hardier food sources that, like Vulcans, are very difficult to kill.
So… How do they handle it? What features have they developed to adapt and thrive in such an inhospitable place?
First thing is first, lets talk about
“My hemoglobin is based on copper, not iron.”
-Spock, Obsession
Funny thing is Spock, it’s not hemoglobin at all! It’s hemocyanin! In fact, there are earth animals that have it, among them Horseshoe Crabs, crustaceans, mollusks and spiders!
Hemocyanin is blue when it hasn’t been exposed to oxygen, and blue-green when it has, according to some sources on Vulcans their blood is orangey red when unexposed to air and that’s why they have pink lips and so on, but we can brush that off as chemical variation within their hemocyanin. Better yet, maybe it’s trendy for Vulcans to wear pink lipstick nowadays, ‘cause Surak knows how horny Humans and Vulcans are for each other XD! Anyway!
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Hemocyanin does quite a few things that our blood can’t, it’s uniquely built for high pressure, low oxygen environments, as well as endure temperature extremes like cold (not unlike nights on their planet). Not only that, but it coagulates and clots WAY faster than our blood. Which means wounds seal themselves off from harmful bacteria and stop bleeding much faster than hemoglobin. Pair that with the Vulcan ability to enter a healing torpor, no wonder Spock keeps surviving environments and wounds that would definitely have killed a human.
Now, the animals I listed don’t have veins, which for us carry oxygen around via hemoglobin, so it’s possible that the same difference that causes Vulcan blood to be a coppery orange-red beneath the skin, is the same reason they have veins. Allowing them to look more like us and lack the exoskeletons and deep ocean delving that their earth blood cousins have.
“The ship’s temperature is increasingly uncomfortable for me. I’ve adjusted the environment in my quarters to 125 degrees.”
-(Elderly) Spock, The Deadly Years
Oh goodie, the Vulcan blood temperature discourse has arrived, the age old question, are Vulcans warm-blooded or cold-blooded? The answer to this question is
I am firmly in the small (but hopefully growing) camp Vulcans Are Heterothermic. Among the earth animals we know to be heterothermic are bumblebees, several species of bats, the opah fish, and the arctic ground squirrel. Of all these animals, despite the opposite temperature intensity of Vulcan’s environment, I’m basing how Vulcans function on the last one, the arctic squirrel.
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Which means they can deliberately control their body temperature in accordance to the needs of their survival. I imagine, just as arctic ground squirrels can drop their body below zero as needed (entering what is called a “daily torpor”) Vulcans can do the same. In turn, they could possibly skyrocket their bodies to temperatures that would be a lethal fever for humans. Which makes both McCoy’s “nonexistent Vulcan metabolism” comments in various episodes, as well as describing his blood as “ice water” make sense. As well as Spock being able to handle the heightened body temperature caused by Henoch in “Return to Tomorrow”. It also explains why Spock was in far better shape than Bones in the freezing temperatures of the planet from “All Our Yesterdays”.
However, like arctic squirrel newborns, they start out as ectothermic (cold-blooded) which lends itself to the Vulcan infants needing even more skin to skin to survive than humans theory by @acesexualspock. Being born cold blooded would prevent them from immediately dying the second they were exposed to the dangerous extremes of Vulcan’s heat. I also think they slowly lose the ability to control their metabolic rate as they grow older, slowing down dramatically as they age, which is why Spock gets increasingly colder as he ages rapidly in “The Deadly Years”.
“The brightness of the Vulcan sun has caused the development of an inner eyelid.”
-Spock, Operation: Annihilate
I wanna thank @tribbleland for inspiring this part in particular.
I want to offer a special congratulations to furries people who let their love for anthro-cats bleed into their love for Vulcans, turns out Vulcans are very catlike! Like our feline Terran friends, Vulcans have what is called a Nicitating Membrane. It’s functions that would serve Vulcans well in their desert home include spreading moisture across the eye, protect the eye from small water and small debris (like sand for example), as well as protecting the eye from ultraviolet radiation, which is more or less what Spock said in that episode. Other animals that have Nicitating Membranes aside from felines is actually the majority of the animal kingdom, and primates (like us) are the exception and not the rule. I also subscribe to the idea that Vulcans have other desert dweller features like thick hair and eyelashes, sealable nostrils, big feet, a crepuscular sleep cycle (avoiding extreme midnight and midday temperatures), and a tough as nails digestive system!
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As an added bonus fact since this section is pretty short: It makes purrfect sense for Vulcans to purr! In cats purring is an emotional regulator when they are angry or scared (Vulcans are ALL about regulating their emotions) as well as purring when they are happy. It is also a mechanism for healing themselves, their kittens, and their owners, the frequency at which cats purr (25-140 Hz) cover the same frequencies that are therapeutic for bone growth and fracture healing, pain relief, swelling reduction, wound healing, muscle growth and repair, tendon repair, and mobility of joints. I’m over here getting emotional about the mental image of like, Spock or Tuvok or smth sitting next to a wounded crewmember and just like, purring with a completely straight face and that is soft and just a little funny and I am emotionally compromised.
“And are it’s natives predatory?” “Not generally, but there have been exceptions.”
-Spock to Trelaine, The Squire of Gothos
Surprise! This isn’t just going to be about Vulcan dietary needs, it’s gonna be about animal behaviors and self-domestication as well! I was trying to think of herbivores that are capable of eating meat, and then this idea hit me like a bomb going of in my head-
Vulcans are like Hippos!
I don’t mean I think they used to be hippo-like (visually anyway) somewhere along the evolutionary line. I mean that they were probably big, extremely aggressive, pack roaming herbivores that are able to eat carrion when food is scarce. Have you ever seen a video of a group of Hippos smashing an alligator to smithereens? They kill more humans than any solitary predator on the African continent! What about a murder of crows killing a cat that injured one of them, or a group of bison saving a calf from a lion?! Herbivores can be insanely aggressive while still being social, plant-eating animals.
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With that in mind, let’s talk about self-domestication! This is something that we humans (and to an extent, cats too) did way back in our biology according to some studies, we bred out aggression and bred in cooperativeness and curiosity. Cats, while partially domesticated by us, started looking for mates that were more sociable so that their offspring could exist closer to humans (and their food) as well as to tolerate other cats. While I do think Vulcans self-domesticated to a degree, I do not think they were able to do so nearly to the same extent as humans or our deliberately domesticated companions. Vulcan is a harsh, violent, and unforgiving planet, even more so than Earth, if Vulcans were naturally as friendly and curious as we Humans are now, they would not have survived as a species.
I believe this is why their emotions are so primal and strong, and things like Pon Farr and their unusually high wariness of the new and unexpected still exist so strongly. How do they live together in such high numbers and develop a functional society? They developed other means of coping as a work-around the impracticality of decreasing aggression!
“Call it a deep understanding of the way things happen to Vulcans.”
-Spock, The Immunity Syndrome
So, how do you have a species as aggressive, unforgiving, and frighteningly strong as Vulcans keep from completely destroying itself (aside from Surak’s teachings)? You take the empathy that humans already have, turn it up to 11, and tack on every evolutionary possibility to increase it. We already know how the Earth comparisons for Vulcan empathy: the extreme vitality of touch for the survival and emotional stability, cats purring to heal each other and themselves (and regulate emotions), nonverbal communication, the ancestral instincts of an infant animal being able to walk days after its born. What if we had all of these traits in remarkable spades, Vulcans certainly seem to! (Be prepared, the science starts getting a little squidgy because there are no real world comparisons and neurology research is very jargon heavy)
Electricity is a fundamental part of the biology of nearly all living things, it allows synapses to fire, regulates our internal organs, and gives us our senses of touch and movement. Skin to skin is so incredibly vital to the survival of infants, and the emotional stability for adults, that needing any more touch could be impractical and counterintuitive. So what if we got more from less? What if our sense of touch, and the acuteness of being able to read the emotions of others from body language and touch manifested as a form of what looks like from an outsider’s perspective, telepathy!
Now what if the radius of the sensation of touch could be extended much farther, say being able to sense someone to the same intensity I described in the last paragraph, like, through a wall or from across a room? What if you could connect to other lifeforms with the same ability like a chain circuit that could connect a whole species together in one giant circuitboard? I just described what Vulcans call the kwar’ma’khon, the telepathic energy that connects all Vulcans to each other!
Imagine having this same intense telepathic connection to someone for an extended period of time, like a t’hy’la or Bond Mate. What if you had a relatively easy to master non-lethal attack against other members of your species, that comes to you easily due to your intrinsic understanding of nerves and touch, like the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. In turn, what if, through the intensity of this connection you could transfer everything you knew and saw and felt to another person in the event of your death. That way, if you survived the harshness of your world without dying violently or unexpectedly, you could deliberately pass on that knowledge and those instincts to your next of kin, like the Katra. (thanks @distractedducky @spacedancer1701 & @find-me-in-outer-space)
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Now, that’s A LOT of empathy on top of A LOT of aggression, if you don’t have a work around for any of these, as a species you’d be rendered a complete emotional wreck pretty much 24/7 (or whatever the time cycles for Vulcan are). Which is where @ineffablebuddies theory that Vulcans can control, or at least mitigate their incredibly strong emotional reactions the same way they control their nervous system and metabolic rate. Which is how they are able to be touch telepathic, able to enter a torpor at will, and be heterothermic in the first place. The only reason Vulcans come off as unemotional to us is because we simply do not see and feel the way that they can. Unlike us, because of their ability to control their own internal chemistry, if they follow Surak’s teachings and/or Syrranite ideology, they can take that emotional regulation to the extreme.
(BIG EXHALE) Congratulations on getting through this insanely long post! I hope you enjoyed it, if you want sources on any of my non-tumblr post research just let me know in the notes. LLAP! 💚🖖🏻💚
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Cordonian Wags
Part 15- Malice
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In a world full of Professional footballers and their demanding wives- can their football team nicknamed the ‘Cordonian Apples’ succeed? An American female physiotherapist joins the club. Will this cause issues with the footballers wives?
*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater @seriouslybadchoices @rainbowsinthestorm @cordonianroyalty
Myself and Olivia have been socialising all day. If myself and Leo are going to elaborate on our relationship, I’ll need to get to know his sister in law. She’s a snotty wag, but deep down she is friendly if you get to know her. I wouldn’t piss her off though. I’m debating returning home to New York, the original plan was to come short term after my kid sister was an emotional wreck. And that was before all the drama with Xavier had occurred.
We have an early brunch, Olivia’s type of brunch is opulent - it had to include sparkly champagne along with appetisers, why not? They can afford this luxury.
A few hours pass by, Liam and Leo return unexpectedly early. Their faces are like thunder. Noticing Leo’s swollen hand, I dread to think what has happened at training. Leo explained what my brother in law had done. My heart sunk for Drake and Riley- I’m not sure if I’m disappointed in Leo for interfering or whether I’m proud that he can defend my sister.
Later that night, Leo is asleep. The house is quiet. I am going to use this situation to pay someone a visit- I am ready to wreck vengeance.
That bastard really hit me good and hard. If he and Kiara were in a boxing match, I honestly wouldn’t be able to predict who would be the champion. Riley was fussing over me as we were leaving the stadium. I needed to contain a slight bit of masculinity, I now know that she loves me and this is the reasoning for her caring so much. She is an angel. I would take any bit of pain to ensure that she is safe. I insisted on her staying at mine or for me to stay at hers- but she said she would see me in the morning before the match. I am going to spoil her in the morning- it’s the least she deserves. I’m excited about giving her her birthday presents. I hope she likes them.
Laying in bed, I send Riley a goodnight text- when her name appears on my phone, my heart flutters. When I asked her if she would marry I didn’t expect a response- but her answer has been lingering in my mind ever since. Maybe in the future. Maybe if that arsehole divorces her- if he loved her as he says he does he would do the right thing. Thinking about Xavier and Riley riles me up, maybe i am feeling jealous- I don’t know? But just the sight of him and Constantine makes me feel sick. They are both as bad as each other.
Getting in my truck, I need to fix this mess. I need to prevent Riley from gaining more heartbreak.
Myself and Lindsey had become close since I had offered for her and Leo to stay with us. We live in a mansion- there’s plenty of room for strays. I had my doubts about the homewrecker sisters to begin with- I slightly felt a touch of empathy towards Kiara and Maddy but the Brooks sisters are better suitors. And that is hard for me to admit. My husband and brother in law arrive home- early. Rolling my eyes back, I wondered what trouble they had caused. After their explanation- I am so proud of them for sticking up for our misfit group of friends. I’ve never liked my father in law, and I most certainly will never like my other brother in law. How Riley is still here I don’t know? I’m ready to murder the two men- how is she not?
Myself and Liam have passionate sex later that night, I watch him fall to sleep- knowing that I had fulfilled him. Sneaking out of the house, I knew I was the only person who had the balls to express my true feelings to the bastards that hurt my family. No one messes with a Nevrakis.
I can’t help but feel guilty for my previous past decisions. My boyfriend, and my brother in laws all had my back. Drake had been through enough trauma with Kiara, and was now dealing with my estranged husband. He wanted to spend the night with me, but I just wanted to relax before the match tomorrow and my birthday. I promised to see him in the morning- a smile came across his face which made my heart flutter. Since we have become official, he always sends me a goodnight and a good morning text - the simple gestures such as these are all a girl needs to feel loved. My eyes feel heavy, but my brain won’t shut down. I need to speak to him in person, I need closure- so myself and Drake can live a happy life. I need revenge for all the hurt I have received. Getting in my car, I know where I’m going.
I’m furious with my father, and with Xavier. Why would they want to hurt Riley even more than they already have? I’m glad Leo taught him a lesson, because I wasn’t ready to start beating him to a pulp. Olivia would potentially berate me for it. But if anything else occurs- I’ll be ready and waiting. Debating whether to class Constantine as my father anymore, I know that karma will haunt him eventually. To myself and Leo- he may as well be dead. He’s never really loved us- all he wanted was the fame due to our talent. I will never be a father like he is, and I most certainly would treat any family member like he has. He is despicable. He is evil. One day someone will murder him- and I won’t blame them.
Madeleine -
I feel so lonely in this mansion on my own. I’ve signed the divorce papers at last- I am worth more than Leo anyway. I am going to steal everything that I am owed. He never truly loved me anyway- the feeling wasn’t mutual to begin with, but I’ve learnt to find something else to love. Someone else to love. He knows all about my flaws. He may not return my love, like Leo did. But I can easily get him into bed. I am his drug- do I feel sorry for Regina? No. I am Madeleine, I get what I want. Due to the humiliation from Leo, I am going to be stronger than ever and not accept anymore shit. If the person I love betrays me in any way- he will be going to hell.
Living with my parents is a nightmare. Self infliction some people may say. I love Drake. I regret hurting him. My fingers always seem to type Riley Lopez into google. It irritates me but I can’t help it. I see a picture of her and Drake all loved up at the forgotten falls. I’ve lost him. But I intend on getting him back - il est à moi. Some people may think I’m psycho, yes maybe I am. But there’s always been that one person who has supported me, in an odd sort of way. We have a past. A secret. That only the two of us and Drake knows about. I need to see that someone as soon as possible. I need to get my life back. Au Reviour, Riley.
They say you can choose your friends but not family. That is true. Thankfully I have Liam. The only family member I can rely on. When I first met Riley, I was attracted to her- thank goodness it didn’t go any further. She’s my sister in law, and I intend on killing my father and other brother for hurting her. I found out that Madeleine had signed our divorce papers- I’m thrilled. I can finally live a life not being the playboy- I’ve fallen hard for a girl. If I have to commit murder to protect her and her sister, I would do it in a heartbeat. Lindsey must be in the bathroom, I’m going to sneak out and have words with the people who betray any members of my family.
Those set of bastards. They should be supporting their brother and manager. I knew it would be hard to settle anywhere new, especially after my past. But I have changed. I’m going to prove everyone wrong and make amends. Walker is nothing special, Riley will still soon get bored. She thought she could run away- but now I’m back, I will prove I’m a changed man and make her fall back in love with me- ella es mía. Til death do us part. I’m going to resolve this issue, we both have a job to do. One way or another- I need to remove the burden and I know who I need to talk to about this. Heading out of my apartment, I hope that person is in.
Those girls have been part of my family since they were born. When I had found out what had gone off at training, I knew I needed to support the two of them. The team has always had issues with affairs, drugs, any scandal you could imagine. I hope the press don’t blame Riley and Lindsey. Those two girls have a heart of gold and don’t deserve to be treated this way. They deserve every bit of happiness and I hope that Drake and Leo provide that. The tip of the ice burg for all this mess, is probably sat smirking - not giving a care about the issues surrounding him. Arsehole. He’s going to be taught a lesson tonight.
Breaking News-
Constantine Rhys - The chairman of the apples has been found unconscious. Sources have suggested that his drink has been spiked, causing the black out. It is unknown if the match will go ahead tomorrow. We will let you know as soon as possible!
Riley drove straight over to Liam’s house, concerned about what she had seen on Twitter. Wondering if the others had heard, as Liam organised for everyone to meet there. It was 1am, usually on her birthday- she would be in bed at this time.
Walking through the doors, she received a cold reception from everyone.
“What’s up?” She asked, feeling paranoid.
“Have you been to the stadium tonight?” Bertrand had information about who had been to the stadium that day. Now Riley was here he needed to ask her. He had asked everyone else. Everyone else had been there between the hours of 9pm and 12am.
“Yes. I needed to have words with Constantine. But I didn’t make him collapse. I had left and he was fine, Bertrand. Where’s Drake?” They all looked concerned, wondering if he was the reasoning behind Constantine’s collapse due to his absence.
Drake was about to leave to head up to Liam’s after the ‘emergency meeting’ text. Closing the door, Kiara was stood in front of him. The crocodile tears began to stream. Brushing past her, he didn’t want anything to do with her. She had come to his home- breaking her injunction rules. He knew if she didn’t leave he would have no option but to inform the police.
“Drake please, I need you back. I’ll marry you. We can have children. The family you always wanted.”
“What does she have that I don’t? You’ve known her all of two minutes. I can be like her.”
“You will never be like her. I love her, Ki. I loved you but you hurt me beyond words. Now please leave or I’m calling the police.”
“Can you see a future with her?”
“Yes. Now if you are done I need to be somewhere.”
“You know what Constantine did to me as a child. It’s messed with my head. I will be a better partner to you.” Before Drake could react, Kiara flung herself at him. Wrapping her arms around his neck- she dug her nails in- leave a little mark, Riley will leave you now.
“Get off me now! We are over!” Pushing her away, he witnessed sorrow in her eyes. Shaking his head, he got in his truck. I love Riley.
No one could get in touch with Drake, they started to panic. The atmosphere in Liam’s living room was like a murder mystery ‘who done it’. All being questioned by Bertrand who was berating them all.
New sources from cctv, have shown that a few members from the Cordonian Apples team visited the stadium between the hours of nine pm and midnight. They were; Liam Rhys, Leo Rhys, Olivia Nevrakis-Rhys, Lindsey Brooks, Riley Brooks, Xavier Lopez, Drake Walker. There were also three other people, who cleverly disguised their identities. It is unknown if any of these people were involved in the chairman’s collapse.
“I know it’s not Maxwell, Hana, Zeke or Penelope. They all have alibis. Whoever it was I need to know. I don’t blame whoever did it. I can help whoever did it.” They all sat stunned in silence. Until they heard the door swing open, nearly taken off its hinges.
“Walker! Nice of you to turn up fashionably late!” Riley turned to Drake, smiling.
“Happy Birthday baby. I love you.” Placing a kiss on her cheek, she was happy to see him. All of them felt like they were in detention and Bertrand was the demon headmaster.
“Thank you. What happened to your neck?” Everyone turned to Drake, noticing dried blood on his neck, all assuming it was he who was involved with Constantine.
“Kiara. She came to mine.” Riley’s heart sunk, she felt sick- hoping there was a decent explanation and that she wasn’t about to become heartbroken.
“Wait? Kiara did that? Haven’t you got an injunction against her? Have you called the police?” Leo demanded an answer, still contemplating if he was telling the truth.
“No I didn’t call the police. I think they are a bit busy tonight- and besides I told her to leave, because you needed us all here.”
“You should have still called them you moron! Are you that stupid? What did she want?” Olivia now interrupted.
“She wanted me back, she said she would marry me, have my children.” Holding Riley’s hand, he witnessed her begin to shake. “But I don’t want that- I don’t want her, I told her that. I’m yours Riley.” Brushing her hands away, she needed some space. Wiping the tears away, as she walked into the bathroom. She knew he was being sincere. But it still hurt.
“Hey. Are you okay?”
“Yes. Sorry. I’m coming back.”
“He means what he says you know. He loves you. He would do anything for you. Bast has just arrived, he wants to talk to you.”
“Thanks Leo.”
Riley composed herself as she walked downstairs with Leo, overhearing Bertrand and Olivia argue- this wasn’t the start of a birthday she had been hoping for. Bastien ran up to her, pulling her in for a hug.
“Happy birthday baby girl.”
“Thanks Uncle Bast.”
Bastien cleared his throat, demanding that Bertrand and Olivia put the daggers away.
“As you all know, it is technically my nieces birthday. Riley you have turned into a beautiful young lady, you have a heart of gold. I know life hasn’t been easy for you- but you are so strong. Your parents would be so proud of you. As we all are. I’ve supported you and Lindsey all of your life’s, and I will continue to protect you. I was the last person to see Constantine. I watched as you all visited him, I don’t think that he knew how much he was truly hated. But Xavier will be gone. Here. I managed to get Constantine to terminate his contract. I told your parents I would look after you. That bastard isn’t going to ruin your life anymore. Next step, is to get your divorce papers signed.”
Riley held the paper, shaking- remaining silent. Lindsey came over to her providing her with a smile. Explaining that Bastien had done it for her, she had forced him to help her with her plan and to not worry about the consequences.
Bertrand cleared his throat.
“Thank you for informing us Bastien. We all stick together as a team. If you need to, use each other as alibis. Liam, Liv we will all leave you in peace. See you all at the match!” Everyone said there goodbyes, all agreeing to stick by each other. Riley felt a bit of relief, but still needed Xaviers signature. Thoughts were roaming through her mind on how to convince him that the divorce was needed, were interrupted.
“Leave your car here. I’ll drive you home.”
“Drake, I’m fine. I’m capable of driving.”
“I know you are. I want to come back with you please.”
Riley nodded, Liam said he would get Olivia to drive her car to the stadium for the match.
Arriving at Riley’s apartment, she opened the door. Drake lingered in the living area as she got her nightwear back on. Walking over to him, her eyes gazed on his neck. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but she still had concerns regarding Kiara’s motives. No one had heard from either her or Madeleine in days.
“Drake? Do we need to be worried about Kiara?”
“No. I dealt with her. She tried to kiss me but I pushed her away. I’m telling the truth. You’re my girl now.”
Drake pulled her towards him into a tight hug that provided warmth and love. Forcing his lips onto hers, the drama that had occurred was a distant memory that would fade away every time she was around him - nothing in this world, felt as good as the sensation of his touch.
The kiss became more passionate before Drake began to remove her clothes, seductively. Once he had finished, his hand rested below her ear, his thumb caressed her cheek as their breaths increased in sync. She ran her fingers down his back, pulling him closer until there was no distance left between them. Feeling the rapid beating of his heart against her chest, she led him to her bed - teasingly stripping him out of his clothes. Pulling him down on to her as she laid on the bed, her hands explored his bare chest- whilst his hand gently glided through her curls. Slowly moving his hand down her curvy body, his fingertips met and circled her already soaking clit. Smiling at her as she let out a a shaky breath, he kissed her passionately as his fingers began moving rhythmically inside her.
“Drake... Oh...”
“Are you enjoying it?” He smirked, already assuming that he knew the answer.
“Yes....” she whimpered, whilst gripping his back- digging her nails in deeper at every movement he made.
“Do you want your first birthday present?” Drake asked in a seductive manner.
“I’ve already got my birthday present. That is you.” Drake noticed the sparkle in her eyes, staring at her his heart filled with joy at her appreciating him for who he was.
“I love you Riley. I’m going to be the man you deserve. You’re my number one priority- and today is all about you.” Before she could respond, he lowered himself on to her- feeling the skin to skin warmth. Slowly he entered her allowing her to adjust every inch of him- both moaning each other’s names. After the first few thrusts of a slow yet loving pace - he drove himself harder into her. She couldn’t contain the moans that escaped her lips, every deep move he made - she would climax again immediately, which made Drake even closer. He was almost there, but didn’t want it to end- he couldn’t help it. Slowing his movements down, she could feel his hot sperm spill into her. Shit we were supposed to be careful.
Drake removed himself off her, laying next to her cuddling her, and kissing her shoulders delicately. Their chests both rising and falling in sync, their breaths in unison, and the warmth coming from each other’s body provided comfort.
“My beautiful girl. I love you.”
“I love you too. But I really need sleep- unlike some I have to keep an eye on the ball in a few hours- no pun intended.”
“Well maybe if you weren’t so damn gorgeous- I could have concentrated and avoided getting distracted and injured.”
“Shut up! Night.” Riley snuggled into his embrace and fell asleep immediately, Drake shortly followed.
Waiting impatiently at the secret location which Constantine had advised him about, he couldn’t help but wonder if she would go through with it. Constantine had warned him that she would do anything for him. After seeing the breaking news regarding the man, Xaviers mind pondered if she was linked to it as she was late. A cab pulled up and he was relieved. Hoping she would bring some positive news.
“Did you do it? Did you see him?” Xavier whispered to her.
“Of course I did. I want him back as much as you want Riley back. Make sure no one has seen us.” Kiara snatched the envelope off him, scrutinising the area before she made a step forward to leave him.
“Don’t go spending that money stupid! If I don’t get my wife back I’ll be expecting it back.”
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askyancy · 5 years
Yancy’s Trial
OOC: The following is the ENTIRE court room scenario that took place on the discord. Hey if you ain’t on there look how much you’re missing!  https://discord.gg/VRayPQs Better hop aboard huh! This Court case was between myself and my partner @markimoojackaboi​ who was in charge of the whole event with myself as: Mr Wallaby/Wilford, Yancy, Dr Parker, Bambam, Sparkles and him as : Mr D. Iplier/Dark  and our wonderful Warden @thegayneighborhoodcannibal​ A lot of Wilford’s case was assisted by the theorists of the server who spent from 5:30pm - 1am EST trying to corral Wilford into actually being a lawyer. Needless to say that didn’t go well but at least someone has that ability.  Please forgive any typos, mistakes, formatting as tumblr is a bitch.  Consider this the transcript of the case. Enjoy the read! It’s a long one!  -Mort
Saturday 30th November at 5:30 PM
Officials have started arriving, board members, District attorneys and the sort, all filling into the spectator seats. No jury, seems no one showed up for duty, or rather this was a prison case and not necessarily in need of one. This was at the hands of officials. Stepping through the doors you get the scent of the mahogany wood lining the entire facility, the traces of perfume and cologne from the officials and the scent of something..candy? The two lawyers directing the case are up front at the main two tables, a rather colorful suit on Mr Wallaby, but he looked most certainly charming, save for the fake mustache... on top of a mustache.. Whatever, you choose not to question it. You take a moment to linger in the stands listening a little to what Wallaby might be saying. Something about pancakes and syrup? Taking your seat at the front on an end seat, a notepad sits in hand. Taking notes on this case may be important to assist and who knows, maybe you'll even get called as a witness... A friendly face approaches, patting you on the shoulder, they seem to have familiarity with you and sit to your left. "Hey you remember me right? Arnie Velmont? We went to law school together?" You nod. "Yeah yeah! You don’t mind me sittin here? Don't really know anyone else here" A wave of the hand. He's fine. Your silence holds strong. As everyone takes their positions, a certain inmate is brought into the room a little roughly by Officer Rex, and made to stand to the side, he's heavily cuffed and clearly shaking. Even the Warden is shown to where he can sit. "All rise for the honorable Judge Bagel Noface-Noname." Rex announces, the crowd stand and so do you. The judge rolls onto the high seat and onto the table, settling there. The crowd sits and you follow suit. The court was now in session.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 6:08 PM
The prosecution waited in his seat for the Judges opening. Familiarize everyone with the case number, that sort of thing. He waited a little uncomfortably long, as the judge didn't actually have a visible mouth. The Man in the charcoal jacket and grey tie to match and thinly rimmed glasses, a mister D. Ipliére rose to his feet, rubbing his hands together and clapping them together. "Your honor this case is as open and shut as a  bad book," He looked up at the judge, "What we have here is bloodstained hands... And we will punish those responsible for this heinous act." He moves back behind his table and sits down, tucking his seat in so he was close to the desk. He'd make a perfect bureaucrat the way he prepared to take notes. But then his eyes snapped towards Yancy, irises like obsidian. He had the composure of a statue, but he had the presence of a coiled scorpion... ready to strike if you looked away for too long.(edited)
WallabyYesterday at 6:14 PM
Wilfor-Wallaby blinked as he watched, a quick mutter to himself over something before he stood. He didn’t have pants on. Looked like heart boxers... but oddly somehow he still looked good. "Your honnnooor~ What we reaaally have is an innocent sugarmuffin of a man who has done no wrong by anyone.. look at his widdle baby faaaceee" Yancy blinked, looking up, confused, taken aback and shook his head. Fuck.... This was gonna go horrible. "And I'll prove it!" he smirks, a smug lil fluffball as he sits back down "I’m doomed" runs across Yancy's mouth silently.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 6:27 PM
The DA was  firm man, imposing in a different way than say the Warden for example. He rose again so the.. Judge.. Wonderful... "The Prosecution would like to call prisoner 6247 of Happy Trails Penitentiary to the stand for cross examination." he was a rock in a river."
YancyYesterday at 6:32 PM
Yancy's stomach dropped and he started shaking again. oh god. oh fuck ok. deep breaths. done this before. He let Rex man handle him up to the stand, settling in the seat. Poor Yancy... he looked ready to cry. Wallaby frowned. This wasn't good. Calling his client up immediately. Hm.... Well.. If Yancy did as good as he had been maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Yancy's eyes passed over the prosecutor. A handsome man with an intimidating look. This man wasn't just his prosecutor... but his executioner if things didnt go well. Rex huffed putting a bible in front of Yancy. Yancy pulled a face at it. "m'not..er..religious type ya know.. uh...." Wallaby paused, dug around in his small brief case and held up something small, hurried over to put it on the desk then scuttled back. "..... yer kiddin" Rex raised an eyebrow and shrugged as Yancy obediently placed his hand on the pudding cup and then his other up...as best the cuffs allowed anyway. "Ye swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you...pudding cup" "I swears..." Yancy fidgeted a bit. Nervous.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 6:47 PM
The Prosecution's lip twitched slightly at the sight of the pudding cup. "Mr Yancy, is it?" He asked, moving again to the side of his desk, a couple pieces of paper in his hand. He made eye contact with the defendant.
YancyYesterday at 6:48 PM
Yancy tensed as the intimidating man came forward to question him, immediately flustering. "Ah wh- Well yeah but uh.. I er.. I go by Yancy." His cuff chains rattled a lot, a lot of hand fussing.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 6:51 PM
The man leaned back a little to move his long dark locks off his face and adjusting his glasses with the free hand. He touched the thinned rims just with the tips of his fingers with the confidence of a man who would never leave a fingerprint o n the glass. "My apologies, I forgot about prison names. If you would please make your statement for the record." He leaned his hip a little on the desk, looking at the paper.
YancyYesterday at 6:54 PM
Yancy shivered but lowered his gaze to the wood in front of him "I... I d-dont hav-.. I mean I dunno where youse.. want me to start I-..." His voice was barely audible, just loud enough for the prosecutor.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 6:55 PM
The prosecutor looked up at him. "I'm sorry did... did your defense not prepare you for this?" He asked, a smooth cold voice like a polished stone as he glanced over at Mr. Wallaby...His lip twitched subtlety.
YancyYesterday at 7:03 PM
Yancy went wide eyed and withdrew into his seat. Wallaby glanced over huh... poor Yancy. Didn't look too good "Ah.. just tell em what ya told me!" He gave a beckoning motion with his hand and a thumbs up. Yancy stared and sank a bit more in his seat "E...er... o-okay... " Yancy glanced up at the judge then the room "I er.... " Yancy cleared his throat. Deep breath. It's ok. "It kinda started with er... these t'ree inmates deys... sendin me messages. t'ought nottin of it a foirst and then t'ings escalated. Dey's called me out I called dem's out.... We agreed to meet up... I er.. we met up in de hallway and deys got the drop on me. T'ought I was meeting just one alone and dere was t'ree o dems... " he swallowed "Deys stabbed me..... I was in medical fer a whiles and... while I was dere deys attacked my friends.. set my cell on fire.. all my..belongins.... a-and den I heard em down the hall... deys was tryna hurt my friends..." he ran his hands together "I-.. I remember going forward t'.. t' Frank and... I.. I dunno I- I dont remember what happened next but I wokes up on the floor with my friends holdin me away .... I-.. den d' ward'n came in and I-........ " he trailed off his voice shaking.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 7:11 PM
The man's face softened in what looked like pity. "It's alright, you don't have to go further than that. Thank you for sharing." He full on faced Walllaby... He breathed sharply through his nose to compose himself  a little, clearly annoyed at the candy-coated defense lawyer. But he maintained himself, his voice never raised in volume from what he started with. He turned back to face Yancy. His face softened. "You've been through so much in this last week, haven't you?" He said, peering over his glasses a little. As non threatening as such an imposing figure could possibly be.
YancyYesterday at 7:13 PM
Yancy slowly nodded before he croaked out a more audible for court "y-yes" Wallaby leaned back in his chair feet up and a phone in his hands, grumpily swatting at that mosquito... gonna get it... you just wait... Yancy pinched his eyes shut "oh god..." whispered from him, just loud enough for Mr. Ipliére to hear it. Poor guy was terrified.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 7:17 PM
The lawyer looked at him with a slight head tilt... the poor thing.. "Are you alright? Do you need a moment?" he asked almost... sweetly.
YancyYesterday at 7:20 PM
Yancy shook his head. He shifted in the seat, bracing himself, deep breath. 4....7....8..... 4....7.....8.... "N-no I'm okay.... I-..... Just brings back some memories o d' last time I was in here... ya know?" he smiled bitterly but sat up, seemed he was capable of taking care of himself despite his lawyer being a useless mindless doofus. "You had questions, sir?"
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 7:29 PM
The prosecutor nodded. "Any time you need stop, alright?... I know this is a heavy burden to ask of you..." A strange and seemingly indirect way of thanking him for his bravery. "Would you mind telling us, for the record, when did these messages start?" He leaned away from his desk.
YancyYesterday at 7:35 PM
Yancy took a deep inhale and sat straight. Be honest. Be short. "About 2 weeks ago? I'm not sure on de exact date, but it's been about 2 weeks." The more the prosecutor spoke the more Yancy seemed to relax a little. Wallaby had sat up again and was now digging through his bag, pulling out a large pieces of paper with crayon.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 7:44 PM
The Prosecutor looked down at his sheet, cross referencing something unseen. He nodded and moved over to the box. "Your honour, I hold in my hands Exhibit A, the direct messages received." He looked down at his sheet. "Yes it's.. quite colourful language..." He traced the lines with his fingers... looking for something specific.
YancyYesterday at 7:47 PM
The judge makes no movement, its a bagel. But the honorable judge does seem to approve. It seems the prosecutor is permitted to continue. Yancy looks away. God.... this is gonna show he had a phone... he could get the Warden in a lot of trouble if he wasn't careful..... Deep breath... Just a stage. Just another performance. A court room performance. He was just playing the criminal. Nothing wrong. Just..... why'd the prosecutor have to be so damned handsome! Wallaby finally digs something else out of his bag. a large wooden letter A. That's his exhibit A... yup...
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 7:54 PM
The prosecutor straightened his spine. "Such texts as and I quote, "What a boring game, let's make it interesting., a knife emoticon- Favorite stab wound," end quote.  That's quite frightening.." He didn't leave room for pause. "Or this one, I quote, 'Tell our dear friend BB that Sparkles is next. I'll make sure to leave a bedazzled finger under their pillow, Heart Emoji' end quote." He moved teh hand with the paper in it down to his side, quickly. He spoke loud enough to make someones ears ring. "Lastly and -i- quote Starlings are aggressive. Reckless. They pick fights at any chance they get. But enough of them. It's good to see you, mockingbird. -' End. Quote."
WallabyYesterday at 7:57 PM
Wallaby raised an eyebrow as he listened this time and stood up "Awbjection your honor. Relevance. How is this reveleleelephant to the matter at hand?" he waggled his stache a bit. He'd taken his pants off again. "Yancy sank a bit, bit his tongue. Well of course it was.. relevant... that was  Frank and-... Or was it? Maybe he should trust his lawyer? God.. he didn't know anymore.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:01 PM
The prosecutor raised his hands defensively, waiting the judges ruling. ..... A tap of the gavel. "My point, if it please the court, is his response to that very last message sent, A text message back... I quote. "y-youse…. All o youse is fuckin DEAD" end quote.
WallabyYesterday at 8:04 PM
Wallaby huffed, fake mustache atop his mustache hanging off a bit "Awbjection your honor! My client was very angwee. Those kinds of messages would make anyone mad! Doesn't mean that he'd hurt them! Sayin n doin are very different!" and yet here they where. Yancy bit his lip. shut up. stop talking. sit down youse dumb mustached fuck.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:12 PM
The Prosecutor backed up, hands up a little. "Withdrawn, your honour." He turned back, waved a hand a little, and faced him again, the man of someone commanding a stage. "The messages were sent to a cellular device in your posession, Yancy. Sorry... Yancy." He corrected himself. "How long have you, a convicted murderer with a wrap sheet to boot had a waterproof, shockproof, cellphone?"
YancyYesterday at 8:17 PM
Yancy went pale, like he'd just seen a ghost, but slowly he knew being honest was key here. Then again if he answered he could get the warden, Hawk, Scarlet, a lot of others in trouble. He looked up at Wallaby. Wallaby was frantically waving his hand in front of his throat, shaking his head, giving zip lips and shushy gestures. "I... uh.......... I plead... fifth... your honor" he bit his tongue discretely inside his mouth. fuckfckfuck. He had to trust his lawyer.. shit.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:19 PM
The Prosecutor froze for a minute...
The Fifth Amendment, or Amendment V of the United States Constitution is the section of the Bill of Rights that protects you from being held for committing a crime unless you have been indicted correctly by the police.
He nodded. "... No further questions, your honour." He went and sat down... pen to paper and ready.
YancyYesterday at 8:26 PM
Yancy let out a sigh of relief. Welp that was one frying pan to deal with later.... His stomach twisted as he saw Wallaby wriggle back into his pants and hop his way to standing and wobbled his way over "Hey buddy!" ".....the heck are youse doing?" Yancy hiss whispered. "I'll assk the questionssss!" he smirked and Yancy went pale again. "Now .... Getting to the reaal grit o the situaaation! You mentioned in your stawry that you dont remember what happened between sneakin up on Frankie and waking up next to his dead bawdy. Correct?" "...Correct" Yancy was shaking again, it was audible in the chains as his leg bounced. "Do you get black outs often?" "I-er..... no" "Hm ok. Would you say you lose time? Or memories? any memory lawss that kinda thing?" he waved his hand around, rather sure of himself there. "Er... n-no...." Wallaby paused, turned "really? ah ok" welp there went that defense.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:30 PM
The prosecution takes notes. His rival sounded like he had just been plopped into this without warning! Meanwhile he himself had been studying the ins and outs of this case. He almost felt bad for the kid. But you'd never know by the looks on his face. He imagined this would be over quickly.
WallabyYesterday at 8:36 PM
Wallaby continued after a little waggle of the stache that was now fully falling off his face. One more of those and it was a goner. "Awlright. Would you saaaaay.... that this black out may have been connect to any mental health issues you may suffer from?" Yancy paused. Oh ..aha.. that's where this was going ok. "I er.. maybe... I was.. seein Doctah pahrkah fer a lotta stuffs." "So you would say that Doctah Pahrkah... i say dat right? Ah.. Would you say they were a credible source of informaaation on your mental health status that could have been the causes of this black out?" "... Yes?" He didnt sound sure but went with it. "Awlright. Next question. What were you doing before the incident? Before all the rawr rawr stabby stabby murder?" Yancy winced at that bit but hoped everyone would ignore the phrasing "I was... asleep. I was in my cell asleep on... confinement after a fight broke out with different inmates earlier. Er... dats another longer story though. Not related" "The bagel will be the judge of that!" Wilford huffed at him "So you were asleep!" "Yes" "Then how did you get in the cell?" "I.. I gets nightmares. Deys wake me up..keep me up a lot... I dont get a lot o sleep" "Ahuuuuuuuuhh.... Do you think this lack of sleep could contribute to your black out?"
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:38 PM
Prosecutor raises his hand a little, barely looking up from his paper. "Objection, your honour, what's the point of all this speculation?"
WallabyYesterday at 8:43 PM
Wallaby paused "W- weeeellll... My poinntttt if ya let me get to it mister bawsy pants!" no regard for court ettiquette but that was a Warfstache for ya. "Is that if the boys sleep walkin he cant be accountable for his actions" He huffed, turned around "Where ya?" "I..... no? I dont know I dont remember but I do remember waking up and hurrying over" "Why the hurrry" "I heard my friends yelling sounded like they were in trouble.... then I saw..them and I-... Next thing I knew I was... being dragged away" "Sounds like sleep walking" Wallaby huffed and wandered back to the table "Your witness" he smirked at the prosecutor and Yancy put his face in his hands.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:46 PM
The Procecution rolled his shoulders back a little, rising to his feet. "Your honour may I approach the bench?" He asked. ...... He began the walk, but stopped, waiting for Wallaby to follow. This was more so he could talk to him in the middle of this.
WallabyYesterday at 8:50 PM
Wallaby linked and hopped up to join him, a hushed conversation...There's a lot of faff and fuss from Wallaby before he hugs the prosecutor with a squeaky noise then shuffled on back to his desk to sit back down, a smug look on his face
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 8:58 PM
The prosecutor straightened his tie and moved back... seemed his opposition was trying to plead insanity. “The court would like to call Dr Aiden Parker to the stand.”
YancyYesterday at 9:00 PM
Yancy relaxed and hopped out of the chair letting Rex man handle him again, nothing h wasnt used to. Dr Parker stood, fixed his suit jacket and wandered over. He set a small stone on the table
"I'm also Agnostic but this is a truth stone."
He let Rex give the speech. "
“I swear.”
 On to questioning. He set his hands neatly in his lap.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:01 PM
The prosecution is now limited to three questions each.”Dr Parker, you are a psychiatrist, correct? You’ve got an astounding CV. He said tapping his finger down onto the table next to him.”
Dr. ParkerYesterday at 9:04 PM
Parker keep a professional look to him. "I am the on site psychiatrist for Happy Trails Penitentiary, yes. .... and thank you" Wallaby raised an eyebrow, watching curiously. Seems at least his focus is in the right place now...(edited)
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:07 PM
*Two professionals back and forth with equal composure. “What’s it like working with some of the most dangerous people ever convicted?”
Dr.ParkerYesterday at 9:09 PM
Parker raised an eyebrow then put it down again.
"No different to the rest of my field. Danger only comes from those who feel it necessary to be a threat. I have yet to find anyone who is to be dubbed "dangerous" in my books"
His voice was odd... so were his eyes but they didn't hold much distraction.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:16 PM
The prosecutor mentally thanked the doctor for his easy manner and setting the foundation. “And yet within hours of being discharged from their medical bay, he was setting off small explosive devices, he manages to get re-armed, and now there he sits..” he points to Yancy, “having stabbed another human being 73 times. That’s more times than a human should naturally be able to do on their own by almost double.” He scuffed his heel and paced. “How many times will this happen again before a professional such as yourself considers them Dangerous.”
WallabyYesterday at 9:22 PM
Wallaby piped up "Awbjection! The bawmb was Bambams" Bambam went wide eyed and looked ready to bolt but stayed put. Yeah ok...they'd take that hit for Yancy. IT was their idea.... Parker waited for them to finish "
“Yancy was recently put in my care as per the Warden's request on regards of rehabilitation. The Warden believed that Yancy was capable of full rehabilitation and chances for Parole that Yancy was hoping to achieve. Called it Vacation."
He offered a small twitch of a fond smile
"However. Yancy has been unable to sleep. Myself and Dr Rothgott have discussed this and recently prescribed him medication to take to assist this, two days prior to the event occurring. While I agree 73 is ..excessive by any means, I also believe that Mr. Iplier was not in control of his actions at the time. Mr Iplier suffers from a great deal of what could potentially be Post Traumatic Stress. This in turn could be triggered by the sight of his attacker, bringing back the memories of his father of which he currently serves sentence for."
Parker sounded like he could have been a lawyer if he wanted to. How many court cases in his time as a doctor? "
“This being said, I would like to repeat that Yancy is new in my care and currently under going treatment. His sessions were recently pushed to daily one hour sessions.”
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:26 PM
The prosecutor put a hand on his desk and leaned back against it for a moment as if to think... He paused... “...One final question. Do you think, in your professional opinion, that this Post Traumatic Stress response, violent as it may be.... let me rephrase..” .... “Do you think he would do something like this again?”
Dr.ParkerYesterday at 9:27 PM
Parker leaned back a little confidently. "
“No. With the proper treatment he is now getting and the medication he is now receiving, I believe given the time for those medications to take effect and with a detective now on the case of what has been going on at the prison, the chances of Yancy having another episode are incredibly slim."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:33 PM
The prosecutor looked down, nodding slightly. Unfortunately he was running out of time. “No further questions.”
WallabyYesterday at 9:35 PM
Wallaby hopped up "Defense would like to call Warden Murder'Slawghter to the stand" He waggled his stache with a smirk. Gonna get em so good oh yeah! @The Sandwich was in for it! Look at this handsome fella- wait....... Abe?.. wait... no.. hang on.... OH! how about that! Abe had a brother! Wait what was Abe’s last name again? didnt matter!
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:37 PM
the prosecution looked a little confused. Didn’t he have any questions?... oh well he’s made his choice... time was slowly ticking away.
The WardenYesterday at 9:40 PM
Mr. Murder-Slaughter stood when his name was called, looking down at himself to ensure his attire was in order before making his way to the stand. He wasn't the religious type, but he swore on the bible anyways. He wasn't about to swear on a pudding cup. He licks his lips and makes sure his mouth wasn't too dry before he spoke. His expression was stern.
WallabyYesterday at 9:44 PM
Wallaby wanders over to the warden and smiles "You look a lawt like a friend o mine! ah anyway! Warden you over see everythin at the prison correct?"
The WardenYesterday at 9:46 PM
The warden nods slowly, hands folded neatly in his lap. He tried to ignore how his palms were starting to become sweaty. "I do."
WallabyYesterday at 9:46 PM
He nods and continues "And would you say you were close with your inmates, or rather Yancy?" he keeps his questions short n sweet
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:47 PM
Prosecution scribbles something down.
The WardenYesterday at 9:47 PM
Another nod. "Yes." His voice is steady and calm as if he had done this before.
WallabyYesterday at 9:48 PM
He continues "Alright, if you know Yancy so well, is this something that happens awften with him? Would you say he was a dangerous inmate?"
The WardenYesterday at 9:50 PM
The warden suddenly sits up straighter. "Yancy is rarely ever, if not never, a violent individual. From what I've seen before the incident has been a rather tender and kind person; I do not think he is a dangerous inmate."
WallabyYesterday at 9:51 PM
Wallaby nods. "You walked in on the scene right? Can ya describe to us what you saw, specifically Yancy?"
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 9:53 PM
Pen was at the ready, so far so good from the prosecutor view
The WardenYesterday at 9:55 PM
Mr. Murder-Slaughter is silent for a moment as he ponders over the question. "I...." He clears his throat and shifts where he sat. "When I arrived on the seen I saw Yancy, accompanied by Michael Gregory, Andrew Gregory, Jason Campell, Henry Valmer, and Tamara Rose, over the body of Frank Wallace. Yancy looked... Scared, to say the least, like he was shell-shocked. He didn't seem aware of his surroundings at the time." He looks at Wallaby the entire time he spoke.
WallabyYesterday at 9:57 PM
Wallaby nodded along, his back to th warden and more facing the crowd. "But can you describe to us the scene itself. The gruesome details the wounds the murder! ahuh" he turned to face him now. "What about the murder weapon, who had it?"
The WardenYesterday at 10:02 PM
"There was a lot of blood, and glitter. At the time of the scene I was not aware of who the victim was, only that he was clearly dead. Yancy and the other inmates I named were covered in Frank's blood." He starts to narrow his eyes as he wracks through the memory for details. "I believe the murder weapon was on the ground next to the body."
WallabyYesterday at 10:03 PM
Wallaby wafts a hand and wanders away "No more questions your honor. Your witness" He smiles to Mr Ipliére and takes his seat. Yancy is glaring at the pink mustache on Wallabys face with a look that could kill. He was doing so good dammit!
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:06 PM
The prosecution took a few minutes, writing something down before repeating. Standing up and beginning the walk. “Mr. Murderslaughter. You boast a safe place for rehabilitation over punishment. But surely your establishment has punishments In place.”
The WardenYesterday at 10:06 PM
"We do." He curtly nods in confirmation, watching the other closely.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:07 PM
The man stopped in his tracks and adjusted his glasses. “For the court, would you please go into detail?” He had to make this case solid.
The WardenYesterday at 10:11 PM
Mr. Murder-Slaughter huffs a bit. "Depending on the degree of the misbehavior, inmates may be confined to their cell; made to work janitorial duties while monitored by a guard; sent to solitary; or loose certain privileges such as un-timed showers, extra dessert, and ability to participate in monitored group activities."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:14 PM
Mr D. Ipliére remained like a brick wall in terms of comfort to be around. He paced a little with long slow strides. “Really? It almost sounds like you’re running a summer camp rather than a maximum security prison.… how can you expect to rehabilitate those with a 25-to-life sentence?”
The WardenYesterday at 10:19 PM
"It is rare I'm required to use any other form of punishment. Most inmates, including Yancy, show upstanding behavior and a sound ability to adhere and obey prison rules." The warden speaks up almost immediately.(edited)
WallabyYesterday at 10:20 PM
Wallaby takes out the banana....
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:23 PM
The prosecutor brought his hand up a little, coiling it into a loose fist. “And yet within the days leading up to this, there was another violent incident wasn’t there? And somehow it was only just out of view of the cameras. A lot of stuff seems to get missed....” his pacing sped a little. “Just how well do you know your inmates, Warden?”
WallabyYesterday at 10:25 PM
Wallaby slowly starts squeezing the banana
The WardenYesterday at 10:29 PM
Mr. Murder-Slaughter's eyes flickered over to the loose fist the prosecutor held up. "The violent behavior comes from the three inmates. I believe-" He pauses, staring past Mr. Ipliére and at Mr. Wallaby. He watches him squeeze the banana, his brows furrowing. "Er- I know some inmates more than others."(edited)
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:32 PM
The prosecutor steps towards him... deep in thought but yes never moving from him. “... one final question for you warden. Would it be safe to assume that a prison with divided gangs, literal tunnels between cells, and that such violations that make Alcatraz look like a country fair... such a prison can hardly call itself maximum security, wouldn’t you agree?
WallabyYesterday at 10:33 PM
Wallaby squeezed the banana so it spluttered everywhere "Awbjection! Leading the witness!" ((Edit: It’s against prison rules to squeeze the bananas. An intimidation tactic by Wallaby))
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:34 PM
”Withdrawn your honour... no further questions.”
WallabyYesterday at 10:36 PM
Wallaby grins. Got em! "No further questions."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:38 PM
”The prosecution would like to call prisoner 112113 to the stand.”
BambamYesterday at 10:39 PM
Bambam's chest sank. Shit... shitshitshit ok.. They slowly stood, letting Rex shift them over to the stand. They'd swear on the bible. Carefully leaning back, glasses nudged back up their nose and fixed the Prosecutor with as big a fuck you stare as they could manage.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:41 PM
The prosecutor was as phased as a stone. “You’ll have to forgive me, they seemed to have submitted your papers wrong I can’t seem to figure out your pronouns. Would you state for the record what you would like to be called?”
BambamYesterday at 10:43 PM
Bambam raised an eyebrow "They them.... Though I guess he/him is fine for like.. legal shit, just prefer they them... Agender." they didnt care about announcing it. Proud and comfortable in what they were. Their eyes flashed over to Yancy, then back again.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:45 PM
The Prosecution offered them the first genuine smile. “Mx Bambam. Would you state your relation to the Accused?”
BambamYesterday at 10:46 PM
Bambam set their hands in their lap. "He's my best friend. Known him for 4 years now. "
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:48 PM
”And in the four years you’ve known him, has he ever behaved like this before?”
BambamYesterday at 10:49 PM
Bambam frowned. He'd sworn to truth. "No.... I er.... Didn't know that was..even in him. Wasn't like him at all"
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 10:51 PM
The prosecution furrowed his brow slightly. “And you were there for the incidents both inciting and the crime were trying the Accused for?”
BambamYesterday at 10:52 PM
"I was attacked by one of the assholes responsible for all this mess, and was there for them trying to kill my friend Hank, of which Yancy prevented yes." Bambam fed a little more information out. Get that shit into court early. They sneered a little, desperate to do everything they could to help Yancy.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:00 PM
Mr. D.Ipliére faced them head on. "And how did he prevent this attempted murder on.. Hank." Making sure he got the names right.
BambamYesterday at 11:05 PM
Bambam fidgeted a bit, growing annoyed. This was bring back bad memories. Court. Cuffs. Questions. Judge bagel. They wrung their hands together. Picking at the edges of their nails. "He protected us.... Yes it was excessive. But he kinda..snapped ya know? Wasnt himself. Me n Tiny had to pull him off but hes a strong guy. Took us a bit. Second he came to he completely shut down inside, didnt say a word just starin.... I’ve never seen him like that. But I dont blame him.... If he didnt do it ... those three bastards would just keep hurting us. Two of em are still at fucking large. And instead of trying to follow the trail of glitter we left on em, we're stuckin in court over stupid shit that wasn't Yancys fault! Meanwhile those two remaining dick heads are plotting a new way to get us all killed." they growled a little and settled back down. "Sorry just... Yancy got hurt because Warden told him not to hurt anyone. If we stuck by that we'd all be dead. What Yancy did was self defense and protecting us..."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:11 PM
The Prosecution stood and watched him spill. "It's alright, I understand that you all care for each other." His eyes were fixed on the witness. For a few moments he didn't look like he would say anything and would force them to be in silence for hours. "I know this is difficult, so.. in your own time. What do you think would be the reason as to why these three individuals are so easily able to slip out of the grasp of the guards seemingly unnoticed? What sparked the firecracker" He asked, tucking a hand in his pocket.
BambamYesterday at 11:12 PM
Bambam fidgeted their hands again, and yet unlike Yancy didn't make a sound with the chains. "Wish I knew. I've suspicions of my own on why they're attacking us, mainly him. ... but they’re speculations."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:14 PM
Mr. D.Ipliére nodded and turned on his heel, moving to the box and taking something out. He got closer to the stand. "Can you tell me what this is?" He said, holding up a photograph of a shiv. But there was a bunch more sheets of paper in his hand here."
BambamYesterday at 11:18 PM
Bambam leaned in to see the more minute details. "...27. Gave that one for Tiny to borrow. Defensive. It's a shiv. One of mine. I make them, I've a stash, Warden knows of this as I confessed and they have been arranging a cell search to confiscate em" Honesty. Yancy appreciated that. His face was in his hands again, his stomach churning, he felt sick.
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:20 PM
Mr. D.Ipliére smirked and tucked a couple pages back. "These are all you're work, correct?" He said, "Let the record show I am submitting evidence found at the crime scene."
BambamYesterday at 11:21 PM
Bambam nodded "All mine. If they've a little B notched in the bottom they're mine. Some are a bit less specific but I can identify them."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:24 PM
He put most of them back... but held onto one.. He brought it back over. "This one in particular... did you make this one? Just confirming." ... He knew the answer. He gave them enough time to answer. .... "So how is it then... That Yancy came to acquire not one but two of your shivs and use them against this group of people twice? Did he say anything to you when he got them?"
BambamYesterday at 11:26 PM
Bambam gave the confirm. "Every single one of my friends has a shiv made by me. For defensive purposes. I fail to see how this is relevant. We had weapons. Yes. That's nothing new here."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:30 PM
The Prosecutor was sharp tongued.... but he softened. "Lets take it elsewhere then. You were there when he was discharged from medical. Did he in any way indicate that he would retaliate against the group that put him in there in the first place?"
BambamYesterday at 11:32 PM
Bambam licked their bottom lip. Irritated. "no. He was more worried about our safety since while he was in medical both me and my sibling were sent to medical as well. One for a cell invasion that I tried to tackle and unmask the bastard doing it, and then my sibling for when they set Yancy's cell on fire. We have the next cell over and my sibling got smoke inhalation." they grumbled a bit. "The real culprit needed to be in this court are the bastards running around dressed like a burger and a swan."
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:33 PM
The Prosecutor nodded. "Thank you, Mx. Gregory. No further questions." He said, swooping back behind the desk."
WallabyYesterday at 11:39 PM
Wallaby waggled his stache, the fake one falling off revealing a pink one. Abe nearly jumped out of his seat. SON OF A BITCH! He stayed seated. Had to behave. Shit.. Oh ho ho! Got him this time! He'd wait outside and arrest em! "Mx Bambam can you pleaaaseee explain to the court. If you make shivs for all of the inmates. Was it one of yours that killed the victim?" ".... Yes." "Was it one of yours that did the damage to Mr Yancy prior to the murder?" "......... Yes" "Ahuh. So in a seeeenseee this is more your fault?" "wh- What!? No? I mean... Yancy asked to borrow one. He never used it when he was confronted. It got stolen by Frank. We still havent found it." "Yeah huh." Wallaby spun his hand gesturing to continue. "Er... plead the ..fifth..." Wallaby rolled his eyes. "Question dropped. Next question." Wallaby rounded on Bambam
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:41 PM
The prosecution suddenly looked... confused. Objection on the grounds of leading the witness, but at least he caught himself.
WallabyYesterday at 11:48 PM
"You mentioned that you and Mr Yancy were close friends? Besties! Do you have bracelets?" Bambam gave the biggest wtf face imaginable. "Would you say that in those 4 years Yancy has shown any strings of violent acts at all?" "Wh-....." Bambam's face dropped. Yes... yes there was. The friendly shivvings to rookie guards, the fist fights with newbies. Not to mention that fight with Y/N.....  "Yes..." "Ahuh. Can you list a few instances?" "....... Couple of fist fights with other inmates. Kinda... dominance thing ya know? He's got a reputation to uphold. Nothing more than a black eye or anythin' nothing big. Served solitary for it each time" "What about those shivs of yours? Any violent tendencies?" "....... " fuck. What could he do. Pleading the fifth wouldnt work cos it wasnt about them here. Couldnt lie. Likely wallaby had the answer already. "We er.... contrary to popular belief we like it at Happy Trails.... We er.. sometimes have to ensure that we don't land up in parole. We dont want to leave. So..... Sometimes.. we have to er... Prod a couple guards or fellow inmates to ensure that doesnt happen...bu-..." no buts "Though we make sure not to aim anywhere lethal, or permanently harmful." "So what youre saying is that Yancy has a history of stabbing fellow inmates?" "Wh-. I" Wallaby raised a brow "How does that help his case? I-.... Youre gonna get him killed!" "Answer the quessstion" Wallaby waggled his stache at Bambam who shifted abruptly "What? No! He doesn't go around killing people! HE's a sweetheart!">>Wallaby frowned "He has 3 prior murder charges" "We all do" Bambam sneered "Doesnt mean were gonna go ape shit for no fuckin reason!" "And yet he did" "He wasn't himself!" Bambam stood up and Yancy did everything he could to keep his own composure. Sparkles shifting to stand and try to tell Bambam to sit down but Jimmy caught them. "But theres chance he could do it again?" "No! He had a trauma reaction to someone who tried to kill him and wasn't himself! Disassociated afterwards and just f-" he paused and looked to the prosecutor, then the bagel judge "This is fucking bullshit!!"/e
Mr. D.IpliéreYesterday at 11:57 PM
The judge seemed to warn the witness to watch his temper and language with another tap from the gavel, however it might've just fallen off of it.. It was for not though. Bambam's sudden outburst would get them held in contempt. The prosecutor didn't seem to mind the case practically making itself. Like he said. Open and shut. He began putting some papers into an organized pile to put back in the evidence box.
BambamYesterday at 11:58 PM
Bambam kicked up a fuss as they were dragged out by Rex, tossed out of the room and given to some other guards to take care of. Sparkles could be heard jingling as they started shaking. This was bad. "No more questions~" Wallaby smirked and wandered back to his desk, leaning back and opened his snickers. omnomnom~
December 1, 2019
Mr. D.IpliéreToday at 12:08 AM
The prosecution Put the rest of the file back into his briefcase and waited for the judge's word... Again longer than necessary. Closing remarks.
"Your honour what should have been a cut and dry case was dragged through the mud and hung out to dry. But we all know who's responsible for these horrendous actions. And we have to keep in mind the safety of not only the Accused, but the people he spends his time with and around. Therefore, I surmise that if the appropriate punishment as dictated by this our court was followed then the real problem - no - the real threat... would remain in place." He adjusted the rims of his glasses. "You've heard it here today that the prisoners don't wish to leave Happy Trails. That suggests not only that rehabilitation is not working, but that it is fostering this kind of environment where behaviour like this thrives. Gangs growing, crime rising. Fifteen years the prison goes without a fight. And now, suddenly, it's all growing. And it's all... Surrounding... The Warden." He paused. "But we're not here discussing the misdeeds of a prison warden, if we were we would be here for a very long time your honour." He chuckled. "But what the accused isn't the chair, isn't one death on our hands enough? Isn't this suffering enough? Daily one hour sessions aren't enough for a prisoner with PTSD. Real security measures must be put in place to protect everyone. These crimes cannot go unanswered. I hope you'll make the right decision, your honour. Think about what's best for the state, for the prison.... for the world."*
WallabyToday at 12:20 AM
Wallaby stood. "What we clearly have is a ruthless psychopathic murderer on our hands! One that can't be controlled! If not the chair then clearly the padded cells are what waits them!" Wallaby huffed. "While they are most certainly a sweetheart, inside lies a beast waiting to jump owut! I hope you make the right decision your honor!"
Mr. D.IpliéreToday at 12:20 AM
There is a feeling in the air... like an old tube tv being left on all night.. there seems to be a red static effect around him for a few moments.
The bagel contemplated this for quite some time.........The room was silent... tense as it awaited a verdict.
In the case of  Mr. Y. "Yancy" Iplier for the murder of Mr. Frank "Tooth Wallace in this the year of our lord 20biteen... We the carbed find the defendant...
The door to the back of the courtroom swings open and loudly shuts behind as a woman in white storms in . She walks all the way from one end of the room to the other, storming like a man on a mission. "Your honour, this court room is in serious violation and has grounds to be dismissed as Mistrial."(edited)The prosecution looked mortified. "On what grounds?" "FOR ONE THING THE DEFENSE IS EATING THE JUDGE" "You're being ridiculous." "No! This whole thing makes no sense at all! Why does he have a giant letter A? Why does he have a GUN?" This woman was not pleased.*
WallabyToday at 12:34 AM
Wallaby goes wide eyed, quickly putting the half eaten judge down "wh- n-noooooo! It's a perfectly respectable cowurt room!" Wilford started to protest, gun wafting in the air
Mr. D.IpliéreToday at 12:36 AM
The womans eyes lit up like fire behind her glasses. The Prosecution's demeanor cracked a little. She turned on her heel and just... walked behind the judge counter... Taking a piece of paper from in front of where the bagel used to be and reading it out loud. "Mr Y. Yancy. On the grounds of improper legal council proceedings and a seemingly under prepared lawyer defending you, I have no choice but to dismiss this case. You're free to go." She says firmly, taking the gavel and tapping it with a loud solid crack.
WallabyToday at 12:40 AM
Wilford fidgeted and wandered closer to Mr. Ipliére ..... "I-............." He fidgeted his hands together "Are we fired?"
Mr. D.IpliéreToday at 12:45 AM
Mr. Ipliére smirked. "Probably won't be allowed to run another court show, ol' boy." He said with a little smirk. "Now... you should go celebrate with your client.  Enjoy the rest of your night, Mr... Wallaby." He gave a slight smile... And watched the woman put the courtroom back in order. The trial would go through an evaluation and, most likely, completely be appealed. She marched over to them both. "YOU! What in HELL where you thinking?" She asked loudly. "Kathryn please-" "NO! Don't you Kathryn please me! you were COMPLETELY unprofessional and nearly cost this man his life." There was a loud popping sound and the red around the man got a little brighter. He tried to walk away from her and his silhouette seemed.. delayed behind him. "Hey Get back here!" She shouted. He was leading the hurricane away from Wil and Yancy. No more shouting for one day...
WilfordToday at 12:47 AM
Wilford jumped back a bit "ah... probably nawt... ah but a good defense case from you! Sawry if my prosecution was a bit har-!!!" He jumped back and looked to Mr Ipliére. choosing to run with him instead. Heh this would be fun! More fn than a boring court room! "You still want that smoothie?" He chuckled as he ran with Dark away from the hurricane that was Kathryn.
DarkiplierToday at 12:51 AM
Dark shook his head. “....sure fine. Your treat though. I did so much research for thi-“ “GET BACK HERE” Power walking faster thank you fuck
WilfordToday at 12:52 AM
Wilford laughs, taking Dark's ring hand and suddenly they were gone with a little waggle of a pink mustache... left his pants behind. Yancy stared in...absolute disbelief. He was certain he was going to get the chair. Ba-bambam... they'd done so much to protect him. And the doctor too! And-..... Mr Dark... He glanced down to his right hand, thumb running over the letters. ....... Thank you.... both o you.... He kept his head down, just waiting. His body was still shaking, his back hurt it was so tense, his ribs hurt from hunching forward, his eyes were burning as tears fell down his face. Slowly his eyes passed tot he Warden........ Slowly but surely the officials obeyed the ruling of the angry woman and eaten bagel.... They filed out. Rex came to grab Yancy and the other inmates, dragging them all back to Solitary. Yancy, to the wardens office to discuss further with him. Court was no longer in session....
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13 notes · View notes
pierregaslays · 5 years
It's okay if you don't want to but if you do could you do that question thingy you did about Maxiel but about Este/Lance 🥺 Ily💕
this took a little longer than expected because i accidentally forgot to save the draft at 20 questions answered and had to redo it but the answers are practically the same!! i hope you like this!! ily 🥺💗
1) who is the most affectionate?
physically affectionate? it’s without a doubt este, he is constantly reaching out for lance and even if it’s just a small touch like his hand on lance’s back - he has to have something, he’s very big on and he loves having lance in his arms. lance is equally as affectionate but different to este, lance tends to show his affection through always making sure there’s time in his schedule for este, giving him signs that he’s listening to what este is saying and eye contact is something he tries keep when they’re talking.
2) big spoon/little spoon?
they both try to be the little spoon... i accept no criticism on this. they usually try and take it in turns every night but once they’re in bed - it’s a case of trying to outstubborn the other until one of them gives in and is the big spoon.
3) most common argument?
i feel like they don’t argue all that much, they probably have one major argument a year and even that seems like it’s pushing it. needless to say that doesn’t mean that they don’t inadvertently upset each other but instead of blowing up and yelling - they’re the type to talk it out calmly even if it’s a stuttered conversation that could take hours to fix. (i’m convinced este is a big fan of the silent treatment though).
4) favourite non-sexual activity?
anything food related! idk, i just see it and i see them cooking together, going out to eat together and also trying (being the key word) to bake and cook at ungodly hours when they can’t sleep and it’s 1am. they might end up with more ingredients over them than in what they’re making but it’s so much fun for them and something they try and find time for on days they can be together.
5) who is most likely to carry the other?
they’re pretty much the same height but i feel like lance is the type to sneak up behind este and hug him and lift him up... it’s not exactly carrying but este’s feet aren’t on the ground so it works. i feel like este would be the one to carry lance to bed if he falls asleep on the couch - of course he wouldn’t get far because lance would wake up in the process but este tries.
6) what is their favourite feature of their partner’s?
este loves loves loves loves lance’s hair - it’s so soft and fluffy and he doesn’t need a reason to run his fingers through lance’s hair. he especially loves it when he can run his fingers through his hair when lance’s head is in his lap and they’re watching tv. lance adores este’s smile and he always wants to see it and makes dumb jokes and terrible puns to try and get to see it more often (it doesn’t take much because este automatically smiles whenever he’s with lance), he especially loves it when este’s eyes crinkle as he does.
7) what’s the first thing that changes when they realise they have feelings for the other?
a whole lot of gay panic! i’m only half kidding - they definitely panic because realising you have feelings for someone can stress you out but realising you have feelings for your best friend - it definitely makes things awkward and tense between them yet neither of them realise why the other is so tense around them. just a couple of dumb gays in love!
8) nicknames and if so, how did they originate?
i feel like they both steer well clear of your common “babe” and “baby” and mostly use “love” or “darling” when talking to each other and it originates from when they were back in the stage of first dating and still in the “this is so awkward. what do i say? what’s gonna happen” stage and este is like “are you okay, love?” and here we go, nickname stuck.
9) who worries the most?
lance! lance hates to admit it but he’s constantly worrying in the back of his mind that he doesn’t deserve his seat, that he’s not good enough to be in f1 and as much as he knows that he is good enough... it doesn’t stop the thoughts gnawing at him every now and then.
10) who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
este! he always tries and remembers what lance has told him even if lance doesn’t think it’s anything particularly important, and it surprises lance when este just tells him stuff about him that he might have forgotten.
11) who tops?
lance. este. lance. este. idk, something is pulling me towards lance so let’s go with that.
12) who initiates kisses?
este! it’s the physical affection that he craves, he loves being able to reach out for lance and just be able to kiss him whenever he can and he loves feeling lance smiling against his lips too!
13) who reaches for the other’s hand first?
again... este... i just see him as very physically affectionate so whenever he gets the chance to just touch lance... in whatever way, he takes it and even though it’s super cheesy - he points out that their hands fit together like puzzle pieces. (it’s cheesy yes but lance thinks este could get away with saying super cheesy stuff with that accent).
14) who kisses the hardest?
este. sometimes he struggles saying words coherently out loud so whenever he can use actions over words he does. he’s a guy who loves his boyfriend and wants to show it and sometimes putting all that passion and love into a kiss works better than words ever could.
15) who wakes up first?
lance! lance tries to relish the time they have together and wakes up early and even if este stays asleep for a little while longer - just being awake to savour those moments of calm before the world hasn’t woken up yet, it makes it worth it.
16) who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
este... he’s very big into the idea of if he has nowhere to be then staying in bed under blankets with his favourite person is the ideal way to spend it. he’s also the person who mumbles five more minutes when lance tries to get him up and out of bed.
17) who says I love you first?
este says the words out loud first but lance is the one who tries to say it first but ends up fumbling over his words. este takes a shot in the dark and assumes that’s what lance is trying to say and says it.
18) who leaves little notes in the other’s lunch (bonus, what does it say?)
lance! oh gosh, lance wouldn’t leave sappy written notes but i feel like he’d do drawings of either them or whatever random thing he’s thinking of at that time. it’ll be sketched quickly and maybe coloured a little messily but it’ll bring a smile to este’s face when he pulls out one of those little post-it notes and it’s something he looks forward to.
19) who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
lance! mainly to get it over and done with. it’s not that he anticipates his family reacting badly but it’s just not that big of a deal with him and he doesn’t see the point in dragging it out for so long.
20) what do their family/friends think of their relationship?
their family and friends are really supportive, can see that there’s a lot of love between them and are very “if he makes you happy then it makes us happy.”
21) who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
este... he’s the type to pick a song and just pull lance into dancing without giving him a choice in the matter and lance would try to resist but este just keeps dancing around him until he gives in.
22) who cooks more/who is the better at cooking?
este... is the better cook... but that doesn’t mean he’s outstanding and his cooking skill goes down immediately when he’s cooking with lance because of how distracted they both get. the kitchen looks like a disaster site when they’re finished but as long as the food tastes good (spoiler: sometimes it really really doesn’t).
23) who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
lance has this one in the bag. he’s got an abundance that he’s kept from his early teenage years and uses them on este whenever the opportunity presents itself (or doesn’t, he just throws them out there). he never stops treating este like they’re still in that just starting to date stage.
24) who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
este? idk, i feel like lance’s ability to not turn red or laugh is not very high and it makes it really easy to get him flustered or make him laugh when he really shouldn’t be... as soon as este figures this out - he uses it to his advantage.
25) who needs more assurance?
lance needs it more, he’s still young so things that mightn’t get to him in a few years time still manage to drag him down so este is always there with open arms and reassuring words, whispered words of promise that whatever is going on - he’ll get through it. they’ll get through it.
26) what would be their theme song?
maybe it’s because i was just listening to it but wherever you are - kodaline comes to mind, the lyrics seem to fit them as i see them together.
27) who would sing their child back to sleep?
este! oh gosh, he’s a sucker for their kid and he’s so soft and would be the one slowly walking around the nursery with a little baby in his arms as he sings lullabies... yes.
28) what do they do when they’re away from each other?
think about each other. also, i can see them being big into taking pictures of what they’re doing or where they are - they can be pictures of nothing important but they send like 3/4 an hour and it’s like the other person is with them.
29) one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart?
the uncertainty. not the uncertainty of them as a couple but of the sport. the heartache that comes with them not being on the grid together, how one can be so happy for the other but also how much it kills them to not be there too.
30) one headcanon about this OTP that mends it?
they have each other. like 29, even though there’s so much uncertainty as long as they have each other - they’re sure that they can get through whatever is thrown at them. they can always rely on each other and they’re who the other turns to when things get rough.
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loverontheleft · 6 years
Ready to Leap (2)
Meant to have this up by 1am est; my bratty kitten had other plans. She pounced on my hands when I tried to use my phone and danced on my keyboard when I tried to use my laptop. She’s not sorry but I love her anyway. Any errors are 100% her fault. Eeeeeeeeeeeee here we go. I fucking love this. My heart. You can find Chapter 1 on my master list which is linked in my bio. 😍😍😍
The bell for the end of second lunch chimes (actually chimes! At your old school, it was like the Luftwaffe had been spotted!) and you know that’s your cue to head to the cafeteria. Gina didn’t tell you much, just to meet your “partner” at the cafeteria entrance and they’d walk you through the rest of it. She also said you wouldn’t get lost after lunch duty so that’s a plus. A mysterious plus, but a plus nonetheless.
You can’t take the back way using the arts hall so you set off at a brisk pace, fairly confident you’ll find the cafeteria.
You’re only a minute late and you can see Mr. Urie - Brendon? - standing by the doors. “So sorry I’m late, I got a little lost.” He grins and waves off your apology.
“No worries. It’s a complicated school setup. Lunch duty should help though.” He gestures for you to follow him and you do.
“Yeah, you know, people keep saying that and I’m not sure I understand. How will sitting in a cafeteria making sure there’s no food fights help me?” He turns to you, smiling and handing you a clipboard with referrals on it.
“Because we’re not sitting in the cafeteria. We’re roaming the halls for skippers!” He looks almost gleeful and you suppress the laughter.
“We’re doing what?” You take the clipboard and stare at him.
“School policy is that during a student's assigned lunch period, they must be in the cafeteria. They can’t be roaming the halls, getting up to who knows what mischief. So our job is to walk the halls and look for kids out and about. Capture. Scold. Refer. Release.” He ticks off the four steps on his fingers and you can’t help but laugh now.
“That is actually not a bad system,” you admit and he nods.
“And you get to know your coworkers.” He gives you a wide smile. “Off we go Ms. Milton.”
You keep pace, matching his stride. “Yeah...about that actually...so at my old school my colleagues and I called each other by our first names no matter who was around. Guessing that’s not a thing here?”
He shrugs. “I don’t know that there’s any official policy on that. We try to keep it professional when the youth are afoot,” he casts his eyes around in exaggerated suspicion and you giggle, “but if there’s no students around, first names are usually used.” He looks down. “You were in band.” His voice sounds approving and you must look confused because he continues. “You’re on step and matching my stride.”
You smile. “Old habits die hard, and I’m with a pro right now so…” He laughs a little and you feel yourself blushing. Damn, he’s attractive. “Speaking of old habits…” you begin, and he looks at you. “I remember all of the volunteers and money my band program had to have to keep us running. So if I can ever help or if you’ve got a fundraiser going, fruit or cheesecake or cookie dough or whatever, I’d be happy to help.”
He chuckles. “You have great timing. We have a fundraiser this afternoon into the evening and all day tomorrow. It’s our Welcome Back All You Can Eat Fish Fry.” This title is accompanied by Fosse-style hands, despite the clipboard. “Ten dollars gets you in the door and access to bottomless fries, hush puppies, coleslaw, various soft drinks, and of course, fish.”
You stare at him. “You can’t possibly make money off of that. Only ten dollars?” He nods, proud.
“The entire community comes and people in neighboring towns do too. We’re legendary.” He pauses to adapt a faux-humble look and you roll your eyes playfully. God, it is so easy with him. How does he do this? “We’re making a profit after the first hundred or two hundred people and we usually sell anywhere from a thousand to fifteen hundred tickets. This year is a record at eighteen hundred.” You must look stunned. “I know. It’s insane. But it works and the kids don’t have to do fundraisers every other month, which I appreciate. Lets them focus on the music and not worry about money.”
“That’s incredible. Really.” You stop walking and he pauses too. “Is what I’m wearing okay? I’d love to come by tonight but I don’t want to be overdressed. An All You Can Eat Fish Fry,” you mimic his hands from earlier and he laughs, “sounds sort of...casual.” He looks you up and down, taking in your three-quarter sleeve blouse and pencil skirt and he nods.
“You look great. Don’t go home and change for us. Just come hang out.”
“Okay. I will.” You smile at each other and you’re screaming internally, so proud of yourself for not acting like an idiot in front of this gorgeous man. “So...where are we?” You look around and he laughs.
“This is downstairs of the science wing. Think of the cafeteria as your starting point. It’s anchored to the main office by the media center. Everything else sprouts from the anchor points in triangles or squares. End of the art hall connects to the English hall, across the yard is the math and science triangle, social studies is upstairs above math, and computer-related electives are above science.” He catches your eye. “I think we lost a bet when we hired the architect for the school. Because...the look on your face? Yeah. It’s a mess. Also we’re almost done with our patrol and we’re right on schedule.”
“I’m going to get so lost. If you hear a pathetic cry of ‘help’ echoing down the halls, it’s me. Come find me.”
“You won’t get lost. Much. But if you need me, do give a shout. Oh.” He pauses. “The other side of the building has PE and ROTC and weight training.” He looks at you seriously. “We don’t go over there. We are soft artsy people who like to read books. We don’t go there.” You can feel your face and understand why he starts laughing. “I’m kidding. Kind of. I don’t go over there much.” You both start walking again.
“I’ve heard you don’t leave the band room unless it’s for band practice or duty.” You slide your eyes over to watch his face.
“My reputation precedes me, I see. Whoever you heard that from isn’t wrong. I have a large office with a bathroom in the band room, the back doors of the classroom lead to the practice field, I have a parking spot right by the back doors, and this band program is my life so…” He looks a little embarrassed. “Yes, you can call me Urie the Hermit.”
You giggle. “I refuse to call you that. I was just curious.”
He spreads his arms wide. “Ask away, Ms. Milton. I’m an open book.”
You can’t help it, it’s too easy. “I’m really good with books.”
He smiles softly. “I kinda hoped so.” You hesitate, not sure where to go from here. Fuck. His eyes are sparkling and you are like a deer in the headlights. He saves you though. “We’re back.” You’re outside the cafeteria again and he takes your clipboard and drops them off inside. “I’ll walk you back to your room so you don’t get lost,” he offers and you nod faintly. It is a short walk, you realize, when you don’t get lost, and you’re there sooner than you’d like. “Home safe and sound. See you tonight Milton. I’ll save you the good fish.” He gives you a little wave, a small smile, and walks back to the art hall.
You haven’t moved yet. Was he flirting? You think he was flirting. Fuck. That last part, he kinda hoped you’re good with books - that sounded like flirting, right? And he walked you back to your room. Fuck. He’s really hot. Fuck. It’s fourth lunch which is your assigned lunch so you hurry back to the English lounge to join your hall-mates and try to ignore your thoughts of a certain tattooed, dark-haired colleague.
Lunch is fun, fourth block goes smoothly, and before you know it, it’s the end of the day. What a good first day, you think. You go back to your desk and sit, trying to organize everyone’s interest surveys and their writing samples. There’s a hesitant knocking at your door and your head shoots up.
It’s a student you don’t recognize (admittedly that’s all of them at this point) and he’s holding a small piece of paper in his hand. “Mr. Urie asked me to bring this down to you.” He crosses the room hesitantly. You don’t know this kid but he’s a freshman. You can see it in his walk. Ah, freshmen. You accept it and read the post-it note attached.
“Milton - all of the fish is good. Would have brought this myself but I’m assembling the troops. Hope to see you tonight.” It’s attached to a ticket and you blush. The student shifts awkwardly.
“Thanks!” You smile at him, and he reads on your face that he’s free to go, nothing more is required of him. He bolts. You read the note attached to the ticket again, and smile to yourself before shaking your head a little. No. Down girl. He’s being friendly to a new coworker. Don’t read into this. Fuck.
The doors don’t open til 5:30 and it’s only 3:45 now. You decide to start evaluating writing prompts. That’s good. That’ll distract you.
And it does. You grade meticulously, eyes scanning the page, different colored pens flying and coding. Without moving your head you shift the paper to the ‘finished’ stack and bring the next over. When you finally look up, it’s dark out. You check your watch. It’s 6:30. They’re going to be there until 9, but still. The ticket tells you to head for the cafeteria and you’re pleased. You know how to get there!
When you walk in, you’re amazed. The smells, first of all. God bless whoever invented fried food. But also, all of the people. He wasn’t lying. It’s packed. You approach the student taking tickets and hand her yours and a ten dollar bill. “No, you don’t need to pay,” she protests, “you have a ticket.”
You shrug and smile brightly at her. “Consider it a donation then.” She shrugs too.
“Okay, thanks! You’re the new English teacher right?” You nod. “My older sister has you. Emily. She likes you. She’s sitting over there with our parents. Do you have anyone to sit with? You can sit with us. My shift is done in twenty minutes. I’m Becca.” You rack your brain. Emily. Emily. Emily. Ah, yes. Emily. Emily is on a 504 plan for ADHD. It’s genetic, it would seem. They’re sweet girls.
“Thanks so much Becca. I appreciate that. I probably will come sit with your family.” She beams at you and hands you a styrofoam cup and tells you to grab a seat, someone will be over to take your order shortly.
You work your way through the crowd (and that’s not an exaggeration) and pause at the table with Emily and her family. Her face lights up when she sees you. “Ms. Milton! I didn’t know you were coming! Sit with us!” You accept the offer and introduce yourself to her parents. As promised, a band student comes by to take your order and you’re content. Emily’s parents are lovely, the families around you are lovely (some of them are the families of your students so you’re particularly happy to meet them), the food is good, and you’re at peace. You can see Brendon walking around, greeting each table. You can’t hear what he’s saying but you can read his expression and you’re sure he’s thanking them for coming. He’s changed out of his dress shirt (today’s was a soft pewter; it reminded you of a storm above the ocean but you didn’t mention this) and into a band polo shirt. More of his tattoos are showing but you can’t quite make them out at this angle. Good lord. Emily answers the question you haven’t asked. “Mom, Dad, be cool when Mr. Urie comes over. He’s really cool. Just. Don’t be weird....please.”
You make eye contact with her mom and you both grin. Emily is 17? Seems about right. And you’re pleased, he hasn’t been to this table yet. You’ll see him.
He sees you first though and smiles when your eyes meet. “One second,” he mouths and you blush. He didn’t need to...but you’re glad he did.
Time. Fucking. Drags.
And then, he’s there. He’s shaking hands with the parents, greeting Emily and Becca, who has returned by this point, introducing himself to other families before turning his focus to you. Those eyes. Fucking hell he can probably read your mind. “Ms. Milton, thank you so much for coming. It means a lot to the students to see their other teachers supporting them.” Becca and Emily enthuse behind him and you smile. “And it means a lot to me, to see my colleagues supporting the program,” he adds and you feel warm and tingly all over. You’ll support any program he’s running, shit.
“Well, thank you for the ticket. It was generous. How could I possibly refuse?” Your eyes connect and he smiles, saying he has to greet others but he’ll try to come back. This last part is directed to the table but you’re pretty sure it’s for your benefit. You hope. Fuck.
It’s been an hour. You can’t take another single bite. You’re down for the count. Emily laughs. “Ms. Milton, two plates? That’s weak. That’s not even close to the record.”
You look at her, amused. “I didn’t come to break records. I came for good food and to support the band program.” You pause. “What is the record?”
Brendon’s voice comes from behind. “Mr. Taylor, the chemistry teacher, holds it. It’s 28 plates.”
Your eyes widen and Emily and her family laugh. Brendon drops down into a now empty seat next to you. “That’s impossible.”
He shakes his head. “Nope. Served him myself. He came in and said he wanted to break the record and I said I wanted to see him break it, so I would serve him.” There’s a question bubbling up behind your lips and he anticipates it. “The record prior was 12. I just wanted to see how far he’d go. He never asked what it was, so I just let him go for it.”
Everyone at your table is laughing. “That’s evil,” you manage and he shrugs, giving you that stupid, heartstopping crooked smile. “But amazing.”
“I have to entertain myself sometimes.” His eyes meet yours and you can’t breathe. Those lashes. Those lips. Did he just bite his lip? No. Surely he didn’t. But he did. Fuck. Fuck. You’re sitting with parents and students, you’re not alone in an empty hallway, you cannot flirt with him. Fuck.
“Well, you seem to do a good job of it.” You smile and stand, stretching a little. He stands too and you file that away. A gentleman, okay Urie, noted. “I need to head home. Day two is always more tiring than day one!” Your voice is cheerful though, and you say your goodbyes to everyone, give Brendon the same little wave he left you with earlier, and start working your way towards the exit.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Resident Evil Village Demo Start Time for PS5, PS4, Xbox, PC, and Stadia
If the recent Resident Evil Village showcase left you excited but confused about when you’ll be able to play the game’s upcoming demos, you’re not alone. Capcom chose a…unique way to release these upcoming demos that has left fans scrambling for clarification.
The very good news is that you will be able to play more of Resident Evil Village ahead of its May 7th release date in the very near future. When, exactly, you’ll be able to play those demos, though, greatly depend on your region, preferred platform, and ability to race against a couple of strange clocks.
Here’s what you need to know about the current download times and restrictions for Resident Evil Village‘s upcoming demos:
How Many Resident Evil Village Demos Are There?
Capcom is releasing two additional Resident Evil Village demos: one that takes place in the game’s village area and one that takes place in Lady Dimitrescu‘s castle. To keep things as simple as possible, we’ll be referring to each as the “Village” and “Castle” demo from here on.
Unlike the game’s previously released “Maiden” demo, Village and Castle will seemingly be pulled from the main game, meaning that what you see in them is what you’ll eventually experience when Resident Evil Village is released on May 7.
How Long Do I Have to Download and Play The Resident Evil Village Demos?
Here’s where things get weird.
PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 gamers will receive early access to the upcoming demos, but the demos will initially only be available for a limited amount of time during those early preview sessions. Specifically, you’ll have eight hours to download those demos from the time they’re released, and once you have download them, you’ll only have 30 minutes to explore the available areas.
Xbox, PC, and Stadia players will also be able to play those demos, but they’ll be released on those platforms on May 1st as a 60-minute demo that will apparently combine the content from the separate 30-minute demos. PlayStation gamers will also be able to access that combined demo in case they missed the release of the separate Village and Castle demos.
Confused yet? Well, hold on tight, because we’re about to look at when you’ll actually be able to download all these demos.
When Does the Resident Evil Village “Village” Demo Download Time Start?
Here’s when you’ll be able to download and play the “Village” demo if you’re a PS4 or PS5 owner:
8pm EST on April 17 until 4am EST on April 18
For our friends in the UK and Europe, these are the download times you’re looking for:
6pm BST on April 18 until 2am BST on April 19 7pm CEST on April 18 until 3am CEST on April 19
Remember that those times account for the eight-hour window you’ll have to download the demo and that you’ll only have 30 minutes to play it once you’ve downloaded and started it.
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When Does the Resident Evil Village “Castle” Demo Download Time Start?
Here’s when you’ll be able to download and play the “Castle” demo if you’re a PS4 or PS5 owner:
8pm EST on April 24 until 4am EST on April 25
For our friends in the UK and Europe, these are the download times you’re looking for:
6pm BST on April 25 until 2am BST on April 26 7pm CEST on April 25 until 3am CEST on April 26
Just as with the Village demo, you’ll have eight hours to download the Castle demo and 30 minutes to play it once you have downloaded and started it.
When Will the 60-Minute Resident Evil Village Demo Download Be Available for PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Stadia?
Everyone with a platform that supports Resident Evil Village will be able to access the 60-minute version of the Village and Castle demos at the following times:
8pm EST on May 1 until 8pm EST on May 2 1am BST on May 2 until 1am BST on May 3 2am CEST on May 2 until 2am CEST on May 3
As you can see, that demo is available to download for 24 hours rather than just eight hours. I’ve heard some speculate the demo may actually end up being available for longer than that, but since Capcom is listing a 24 hour download time limit on their website and Twitter page, that’s what we’re going with until they share something different.
Can You Pre-Download the Resident Evil Village Demos for PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Stadia?
Yes you can.
If you’re a PlayStation owner, you can actually start downloading both demos on April 15 at 4:00 7:00 p.m. EST. You’ll have to wait until the times noted above to play each demo, but you can have both ready to go starting now.
If you’re downloading the 60-minute demo for Xbox, PC, or Stadia, you’ll need to wait until April 29 at 8:00 p.m. ET to start your download. It seems that the version of the demos that PlayStation owners can download now essentially “includes” that 60-minute demo, but it’s possible that they may need to download an additional update on the 29th.
The post Resident Evil Village Demo Start Time for PS5, PS4, Xbox, PC, and Stadia appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3e8QBCn
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ukulelewrites · 7 years
SFW Alphabet: Guanlin
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A/N: so if any of you don’t know what this is, you can refer to this post that i made a while ago. pretty much i go through the alphabet bc each letter represents a word and i have to write 2-3 sentences for each word!
A/A/N: I’m also tagging @laji-101 bc I know she loves Guanlin~
AU: Werewolf!Guanlin would be such a puppy. He’d trail after you whenever you have food and even if you scold him (“No, Guanlin, you can’t have any of my ice cream bc it’s mINE”) he’d just unlease his puppy dog eyes on you until you caved in. He’s also the type to just lay on your couch for hours, but the moment he hears you say you’re headed to the park, he’s running after you. 
Best Friend: tbh i feel like Guanlin would be such a chill friend. He’s the type of friend that just kinda goes along with the flow for everything, so when you mention going to McDonald’s at 3am, he’s doWN. He’d also be a lil shit too, bc he knows he’s freakishly tall, so he’s the type to hold stuff high above your head, just to laugh at you struggling. 
Cuddles: Guanlin is a lil bub, okay? And lil bubs need their cuddles. Since he’s so obnoxiously tol, I feel like he’d want to be the big spoon, like, all of the time. He’s the type to like it when you press your back against his chest so his arm can just protectively swing over your waist. Plus, he’s not against pulling you by the waist against him whenever you try to get up and get water or some shit lmao
Domestic: okay Guanlin has confirmed himself he’s a lazy bub, so domesticnicity is on the lower end of the spectrum. Expect him to either be splayed out on the couch while you’re trying to vacuum or just with his arms wrapped around yoru waist as you’re trying to cook. The only time he’d actively help clean or cook is when you start whining about how high something is.
Ending: Guanlin is pretty young, and I feel like he’s probably not that experienced with relationships. Keeping that in mind, breaking up with someone might end up being difficult for him, but knowing how he can be quite blunt, I feel like he’d just end up saying “hey, let’s break up.” He’d def spend time talking to them about the why, but I feel like he’d be pretty set on his decision. 
Films: Guanlin gives me mad action movie fan vibes for some strange reason. Like, this boy would watch a James Bond movie and then proceed to creep around the house on his tiptoes like a “spy.” I also feel like he’d be into home movie nights bc he can fall asleep on the couch right after the movie ends lmao
Groupmates: Wanna One can be quite overwhelming to meet. 10 older brothers of your boyfriend? Wild, dude, hella wild. They’d all be clamoring around each other trying to introduce themselves to you before Minhyun and Jisung pull you aside to put down some ground rules. I also imagine a really pouty Jihoon sulking in the corner bc Guanlin found a new favorite person. 
Hugs: yes,,,that’s all I’m going to say lmao. But in all honestly, Guanlin is such a tol noodle I feel like hugs would be gr8, like, he’s the type to go all in on a hug, just wrap you tightly in his arms. Plus, once he gets super comfortable with you, expect random hugs every now and then (even the occasional hug where he gets a running head start and proceeds to knock the breath out of you bc he overestimated his speed and impact force lmao)
Intimate: Guanlin is still pretty young, so I expect blushy cheeks and adorable stuttering whenever you give him a kiss on the cheek or a backhug. However, that’s at the beginning of your blossoming relationship. Expect him to get cocky once the two of you are more comfortable, and he’d be the one to swoop down and give you a kiss. 
Jealousy: So I’m split 50/50 rn on Guanlin and jealousy. Like he’d either be chill on the outside about it, letting you do your thing and only voicing his jealousy when you’re alone. oR he’d end up being a pouty oversized baby during the entire time. Like, you know how long his limbs are? Expect them to be draped or wrapped around some part of your body lmao
Kisses: giGGLY MESS OKAY. He’d be all about that cupping your cheeks while kissing you slowly and smiling into the kiss a lot, letting a giggle slip when he opens his eyes and looks into yours. He’s the type to like to kiss you on the tip of your nose, especially when you scrunch it up bc he finds you soso cute. And he loves it when you kiss him on the cheek bc there’s something intimate yet sweet about the whole thing. 
Little Ones: Guanlin is practically a lil one okay? A very tol lil one, but a lil bab at the most. At first he’d be scared out of his mind bc “omg what if I break one of them????” But at the end of the day he’s got a kid clinging onto each leg and one on his shoulders as he stomps around the room imitating a freaking megazord or some ish.
Morning: Guanlin is on the lazier side lmao so mornings would be spent trying to convince him to wake up,,,which you fail at so the two of you just spend your mornings in bed. Cuddling is a must and him lazily brushing your hair behind your ear is a daily occurance. 
Night: Expect Netflix on the tv as the two of you cuddle under the blankets bickering over which character is better. I also can imagine him as the type to eat cereal or, like, instant noodles at 1am with you bc lmao time is just a construct. He’s also the type to like getting ready for bed, like yall brush your teeth together, wash your face together, all that jazz, but the moment his head hits the pillow it’s lights out.
Open: I see Guanlin as this really bright, happy boy, but I feel like it takes a lot for him to open up. Like at first he’d tell you the basics, favorite color, food, animal, just the superficial stuff first. However, as the months past and the conversations between you two grow into hours and hours of talking, he’d definitely be the type to talk about what he wants in life and his dreams and his fears as the two of you lay face to face on the bed.
Photographs: I feel like he wouldn’t be super into documenting your relationship. def bc he knows his hyungs would give him hella shit for it Like, he’d like taking pictures of you to keep on his phone, so he can look at them fondly while he’s away, but sharing them? Printing them out? Nah fam. He’d much rather keep your candids (usually cute, but he’s got that one pic of you shoving two cupcakes in your face and it’s game over there) to himself.
Quizzes: Guanlin sometimes seem kinda sleepy and unaware, but I feel like he’s really sharp? Like I feel like he’d know your favorite food at each restaurant and your favorite flowers and stuff like that, he’d just never use that information lmao. Yall would be going out to eat, and this boy knows your order by heart and all that, but he would never order for you even if you left to use the restroom. 
Rain: This boy likes his naps, so when the raindrops start pattering against the window, expect him to be sprawled out on the couch. He likes using you as his own personal teddy bear, and when you try to escape, he swings his leg over your body to trap you. So rainy days are spent with him nuzzling his face into your hair as he hums a soft melody.
Sleep: I feel like he’s a starfish kind of sleeper. His limbs are just so,,,,,long, like I can’t imagine him sleeping in a compact form lol. I also feel like he’s the type to random wake up in the middle of the night randomly and start mumbling before going back to sleep. Like yall would be sleeping, 3am hits, and this boy wakes up and starts talking about Seonho and then just goes right back to sleep lol.
Try: I feel like he’d try to his best abilities. He’d probably go to his hyungs and ask for advice, regret his actions, and then consult the internet lmao. He’s a chill bf most of the time, but he knows on anniversaries and stuff those have to be special. But he plans those to be chill too, like dinner at your fave place or maybe a really cute park date with candles and stuff.
Ugly: This isn’t a really ugly habit, but he has a habit of putting things on the highest shelf. Like, yeah, it’s convenient for him, but when you crave chips, you don’t want to put in extra effort to get them lol. I also feel like he’s the type to drink milk straight out of the carton, and that’s just unsanitary. 
Victorious: yES, I feel like he enjoys at home kind of dates, so video game night is a must. He prefers playing Mario Kart, but after you beat him for the 100th time, he decided to stop playing that game with you on date nights. I also feel like he’s the type to just start 1v1 basketball in the park on day with you. he probs won but if you win he’d be highkey proud
Winter: Cold weather? He probably likes going to small cafes and bakeries to drink hot cocoa and eat pastries while watching the snowflakes fall outside. Also, expect a giant snowman to be built before all the snow melts. Plus, he’ll randomly start snowball fights, so always be prepared, aLWAYS.
Xtra: He probably really enjoys dog videos. Like, this boy is practically a giant pup himself, so watching actual pups do adorable pup things? Def his aesthetic. Expect him to run up to you with his phone one day and shove it right under your nose so you can bask in the adorableness too.
Yuck: I feel like Guanlin doesn’t like it when people aren’t straight up honest with him. Like yeah, he understands sometimes there are occasions where lying is okay, but he would def hate it if you did something bad and either put off from telling him or tried to skirt around the truth. He’s honest with you, so he expects you to be honest with him.
Zodiac: So, according to the internet, Guanlin is a Libra. However, I don’t feel like he fits it exactly. Yes, he is shown to be cooperative and sociable, but Guanlin doesn’t do self-pity. He doesn’t dwell on “oh, woe is me” he works on improving himself as a person. I feel like Guanlin legit would not care what zodiac you were, as long as you were nice and caring he’s down.
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trynabetravelpro · 7 years
Japan Post!
I’m headed back to Japan for my 5th time later this November and finally feel confident enough sharing some insights about traveling in this beautiful country. Below are tips about traveling alone, being respectful in Japanese culture and a few great areas to visit/stay in. I hope this guide will help you feel more confident to take a trip, especially on a budget, and do some spontaneous sight seeing/events while you’re there. I’m also a comic artist and illustrator so I’ll be suggesting places aimed at my interests.
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So! First thing’s first, I want to say that Japan is SUPER safe and very easy to get around. As a woman I have felt free to wander and get lost, unlike the way I feel in most countries, especially in Europe or the US. It’s a little complicated at first (the train map looks like noodles!) but know that if you get on the wrong train it’s not going to take you anywhere unsafe. It may take you 30 mins to get back on the right track, but it’ll be OK and there will always be people to ask for help. Asking for help from either a train station attendant, policeman (they’re usually in the station exclusively for that reason), or a passerby is totally acceptable and most people will be happy to help you. I have had a few instances where Japanese men wouldn’t look at me after politely excusing myself for asking them a question which didn’t feel great but there was always someone nearby I could ask instead. In Japan not everyone speaks English (though many do, especially in larger cities) so asking questions in simple Japanese is your best bet and, of course, less obnoxious. Here are some phrases to memorize for trains and directions…
First, start with: sumimasen, eigo ga hanasemasu ka? Excuse me, do you speak English? -Eki wa doko desu ka? Where is the station? Kono densha wa Kyoto-e ikkimasu ka? Does this train go to Kyoto? - Asakusa ikiwa kono hommu desuka? Is this the right platform for Asakusa? - Nan-ji ni demaska? What time does it leave? - Kono denshawa dokodesuka? Where does this train go?
Also memorize these simple phrases to help in any situation:
- Sumimasen. Excuse me. (Formal) - iie, Wakarimasen / Hai, wakarimasu. No, I don’t understand / Yes, I understand. - Arigato gozaimasu / arigato. Thank you / thanks. - Sayonara. Goodbye. - Dōzo. After you.
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- When buying a ticket you commonly have to insert the money first and then type in what you need or where you want to go. - All the stations reprised by distance, rather than one fare like New York. Look up your station on the map and determine how much to put on your ticket with the corresponding number. - If you can’t find your destination fare you can purchase the ticket for the lowest possible price and pay the difference at the fare adjustment station when you get to where you’re going. - Keep your tickets, you must insert them on the way out of the station you’re arriving at. - Consider getting a Suica or Passmo refillable IC card. They’re both generally the same and can make traveling a lot more streamlined. Buying tickets at machines is fine, it’ll just take more time and standing in front of the map trying to figure out which station is yours because sometimes the lettering isn’t in romaji (roman characters) and is really obnoxious when you’re late for a dinner date. - Trains stop running around 12:30-1am depending on the train line and what day it is. Weekends it’s open a bit later. Plan accordingly! Taxis are expensive. - if you have a JR pass and taking a JR train you can show your ticket at the manned gate close to the automatic ticket gates, make sure the date is visible for the attendant and you can pass through without a purchased ticket. - Look on the ground at the platform to find the line for the doors. You’ll probably see people lining up to enter the train, just copy what people do! Make sure you aren’t in line for a ‘green car’ which is a more expensive car, it’ll usually be marked green. Train etiquette: - talking on your phone on the train is not allowed. - Take your backpack off on the train. - Just talking on the train is considered rude. - When you get into the train move all the way to the middle, don’t stand by the doors, things might get tight. - Let people off the train first, then get on. - As a rule, just copy what other commuters do.
Passmo: ¥1000 (pink, robot). Suica: ¥2000 (green, penguin). JR Rail Pass: $255~. Great if you’re traveling from tokyo-kyoto and back, or doing several stops in many cities.
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I want to spend as much time as I can not having to worry about traveling while I’m out and about so before I go to Japan I check out what routes and stations I’ll be using the most. Google maps is pretty accurate for train routes so I’d start there, just make sure you’re searching in Japan time in Google maps, like don’t check at 4pm EST or else it’ll say the trains aren’t running in Japan, instead, look at 7am or 6pm to get train times for 8pm/7am. I like to star places I want to go on Google maps, that’s been really helpful for when I’m offline and just want to glance at the map to find the best route to the star. Google maps also updates your GPS offline so you’ll always know where in the city you are, even without data. However, I’d suggest getting some kind of data plan with your service provider so you can search things on the fly. I know AT&T does a day by day data package and T-Mobile has it built in or something, but yeah, I’d highly recommend doing that…I don’t know anything about getting phones or SIM cards in Japan and I think it’s pretty complicated so I’d rather pay a little extra for the convenience of using my own phone. Back to trains, I’d also suggest watching Youtube videos and reading forums about train travel to help prepare for what could easily become really overwhelming. All (or maybe most) train signs use roman letters and most have English translations and are VERY convenient and also EVERYWHERE so just look out for signage if things get nuts.
Narita Airport to Tokyo
The cheapest (and usually best) train I take (when I’m not in a rush to get to Tokyo) is the Limited Express (also called Keisei Main Line), which costs about $10 (or $5 if you use a Passmo or Suica IC card). It’s the regular train and not a fancy bullet train into the city. It’ll take you to Aoto, Nippori and Ueno stations for transfers to other lines in about 71mins. Just look for all the orange signs towards the train and don’t forget to buy the ticket first upstairs in the airport. Stand at the sign on the ground that says Keisei Limited Express or Main Line. If your back hurts, you’re tired and just want to splurge and get to your lodging asap I’d suggest taking the Keisei Skyliner (not to be confused with the Keisei Limited Express, it’s confusing), or the N’EX (Narita Express). They’re super fast trains with nice seats that go directly into Tokyo proper but they’re $20-$40. If you’re going to activate your JR rail pass on the day you enter Japan I’d suggest taking these more expensive trains because they’ll be free when you show your JR pass, the same goes for when you’re coming back to Narita. Sometimes choosing is just a matter of which trains are coming sooner and how you feel. These trains are extremely punctual so don’t waste any time getting to the platform if you’ve already bought your ticket. All of these trains pick up on the SAME TRACk so don’t get on the first train that comes or you could get kicked off/take a slow train you paid $$$ for. On the ground there will be strips where the doors for each train open. Stand in line at your train’s place marker and pay attention to the train times on the board. This part is important to remember because you’ll be jet lagged like crazy and it’s important to get on the right train. Optional tip- walk to the front of the train because there will be less people standing and more seats available there.
*Before you leave the airport and walk into customs get all your wifi needs out of the way. Once you’re out of immigration the wifi goes away.
QUICK NARITA TRAIN GUIDE: Keisei Limited Express AKA just the regular old train- $10~one way. could face crowds of daily commuters but I never have. 1h10m. Fastest: Keisei Skyliner: 36 mins to Nippori to transfer to the JR Yamanote line. $23~one way at 1h5m (discounts with a Passmo or Suica card) Comfiest: Narita Express or N’EX: round trip ticket $40 (within a two week period), one way $30. leave every 25-40 mins. 1h30m, way comfier. fully covered by the Japan Rail Pass.
Hanaeda I don’t know shit about Hanaeda. Will update if I have something to say. Below is a great guide for the airport trains!
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- Activate your JR Rail Pass at either Tokyo station or Shinagawa station. I’d suggest going to Tokyo station because seats tend to fill up at Tokyo station and it’ll be awful trying to find good seats at Shinagawa if you didn’t reserve your seats. On that note you can reserve your seats at the JR ticket counter, which is highly recommended. - You can now buy JR Rail passes in Japan but they’re more expensive. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/04/01/national/jr-rail-pass-available-japan-ending-frustration-tardy-tourists/#.WgEgzraZPXE - Watch out for which Shinkansen you get on. Nozomi is an express train that the JR rail pass doesn’t cover so you’ll either get kicked off (happened to me) or fined (thank god it didn’t happen to me). This sucked because our station in Kyoto was air conditioned and it had snacks. The station we got kicked off at was outdoors and there was weird construction happening so it was loud and hot. I guess as a general rule, don’t take an unnecessary risk when you have a good train platform situation. I guess also don’t travel in August like I did. Things were definitely worse when they would’ve been fine if the weather had been nicer. - Hikari is regular express and ok, kodama is the slowest train stopping at all stops, it you’re going from Tokyo-Kyoto do NOT get on the Kodama. - You can buy snacks on the platform or on the train in case you’ve forgotten to eat before your 3 hour trip to Kyoto.
Rough Yen to USD currency conversion: ¥50=$0.50 ¥100=$1 ¥1,000= $10 ¥10,000= $100 ¥100,000= $1,000
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- Call your bank/arrange with your bank online and tell them you’ll be in Japan. The first time I went to Japan my credit union actually got the dates wrong and I couldn’t use my card for three days (that was cool). - On that note, bring some cash to exchange when you get to the airport. I tend to bring $300 or more because Japan runs on cash, so you’ll most likely need to get cash out a lot anyway, might as well do it it one lump sum at the airport without all the small fees. Because it’s so safe I wouldn’t worry about carrying around like $600/¥60,000 in cash. - *A note about safety* if you leave your bag in a coffee shop upstairs and go and grab a coffee downstairs it’ll be there, untouched, when you get back. Stealing is very uncommon in Japan and everyone leaves their bags to save their seats. It’s kind of obnoxious when you’re trying to sit down at a Tsutaya coffee shop and there are no seats available because everyone’s put their bags down to save seats while they get their coffee or browse the magazines. Also if you leave your bag on a train it will most likely be there at the end of the line or at some lost and found at a big station. I’d suggest trying to call or going to the lost and found and your bag will most likely be there or they’ll direct you to where it would be. And then maybe they’ll pay for your train ride back home because of the inconvenience you experienced. - Keep your trash with you. Most people have a little baggy or something that they keep trash in until they get home. There are very few public trash cans, especially outside of Tokyo, even in large cities, so don’t buy something with a messy wrapper and expect to get rid of it quickly. Or eat it right in front of the place you bought it so you can throw everything away there. - Keep your passport with you at all times, it’s actually ILLEGAL for you not o have it! Nothing will happen probably but keep it with you for tax discounts (which are usually a waste of time) or entry onto trains that require your passport, like the N’EX. Ghibli also requires your passport for entry. - Consider learning how to squat pee in hole in the ground toilets. Japan has AMAZING public bathrooms and badet toilets, every bathroom I’ve been in is clean and beautiful. BUT if you’re in a park or out in the boonies there will be hole toilets. I had to pee SOOO bad when I was in the park once that I made myself learn how to not pee all over myself in a hole toilet. For women it’s fucking hard. Toilets can be a hole in the wall labeled or described as ‘international’ and specifically women’s toilets can sometimes be found in a different space. You’ll find these in old establishments, mostly. - You can drink in public and in parks. Bring a foldable picnic blanket with you, read a book and drink a beer while enjoying Japan’s beautiful public parks!! - Google maps is usually 100% BAD at finding Airbnb locations. Triple check hotel/Airbnb spots and make sure to get a detailed list of how to get to your lodging. - Try everything in the vending machines. EVERYTHING.
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- Going to a shrine is like a good luck charm and is less of a religious thing, feel free to copy the locals when they go into a shrine and of course be very respectful of where to go and not to go. Sometimes it costs to get in and it’s always a good idea to throw some money into the box at the shrine, you’ll see people doing this. It is not rude to copy locals and donate money to the Shinto shrines. While at shrines wash your hands in the little wells before you enter. DO NOT drink the water, you’ll see people washing their mouths with it, it’s not to drink just for washing and cleansing.
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- Japanese culture revolves around strict social rules and etiquette to help make everyone’s lives better. It’s a more empathetic society but with the cost of a bit more strict lifestyle. Please keep in mind that a city with 15million people functions only when everyone is aware and courteous of each other. Stand on the left side of the escalator, walk on the right. Follow signs and floor guides. Be aware of your surroundings. - Airbnb is a little illegal in Japan, most airbnbs will tell you not to talk or linger outside your apartment or risk getting kicked out. Just a heads up. - The Japanese do bread better than the French, that’s how I feel anyway, definitely buy some bread or pastries at local bakeries while you’re there. - Before you head out for the day I suggest hitting up your local 7 Eleven/Lawson/Family Mart and grabbing an onigiri and a drink. Just in case! Also maybe before you sleep because sometimes the jet lag can get awful and you wake up at 3am starving. - Take your shoes off before entering a home or a temple. There will be spots to take shoes off before entering, keep an eye out for them.
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Ghibli: - Tickets go on sale the 10th of each month for the next month https://l-tike.com/st1/ghibli-en/sitetop - You can enter at 4 different times throughout the day, I’d suggest trying for 10am but 12 is fine too if you can’t get the 10am! plan for 4-5 hours inside the museum. - You’ll probably spend a lot of money at the museum shop, plan accordingly. - Bring your passport. - You MUST print out your Ghibli ticket. There’s not an obvious place to find a printer and printing at 7-11’s without the proper applications can be really tough. Print them out before your trip. In a pinch you can stress print your Ghibli tickets onto 5x6 glossy photos at a 7/11. They laughed and let us in anyway so TESTED. - Inoshikira park is gorgeous on a nice day, I’d suggest planning a whole day in Kichijoji around your museum trip. Kichijoji also has great shopping!! - No photos are allowed inside the museum. - Take notes! There’s a whole section where you get to see ORIGINAL paintings from the studio and it’s fantastic.
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Fun stuff! Suggestions!
FOOD/DRINKS - Sushi Daiwa and Sushi Dai. AMAZING sushi at Tsukiji Market. Sushi Dai will have a 6 hour wait while Sushi Daiwa, their sister restaurant right next door, will have an hour wait. It’s less famous but still very good. Expect $40 per person but it’ll be the best, freshest sushi you’ve ever had. https://goo.gl/maps/j9SAvWDwkW42 - Golden Gai, lots of small vendors, 5-6 people per restaurant tops, for after drinks or drinking food. https://goo.gl/maps/ZZgiK2n5fZn - Sakura Tei, Okonomiyaki in Harajuku, https://goo.gl/maps/iYzg2xwYhLF2 - 7/11 or Family mart have great onigiri and sandwiches, plus great general to-go stuff. - Ichiran ramen https://goo.gl/maps/hM7qVP6y7vA2 - Eggcellent https://goo.gl/maps/sZY6mQZvkxj
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PLACES TO CHILL - Daikanyama T Site, Nakameguro (beautiful bookstore and cafe spot). https://goo.gl/maps/5AcADepdnyS2 - Tokyo Hands Shibuya, top floor (there’s a cafe and a cool science section) https://goo.gl/maps/f48GRHqGPAn - Meiji shrine, Yoyogi park - Karaoke anywhere. Dress up!!!
NEIGHBORHOODS to visit in Tokyo and wander around. - Kichijoji - start with this amazing bakery and then wander https://goo.gl/maps/ejmjn9DN4Uo - Harajuku - Shimokitazawa - Naka-Meguro - Shinjuku - Shibuya - Nakano (Nakano Broadway) - Akihabara (Get some gotcha pons at Gee store.) - Ikebukuro
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SHOPPING - Best alt comics: Taco Che in Nakano Broadway https://goo.gl/maps/PVTM4dcg1tG2 - Tokyu Hands - a stationary and all around amazing store - Daiso 100Yen stores https://goo.gl/maps/dv4XAcBpYUn - Galaxxxy https://goo.gl/maps/fzxQ6jJGQb12 - Muji - a non branded, simple/clean living store - Tokyo Station underground stores. God, like everything you could ever want.   - Super Potato video game store in Akihabara https://goo.gl/maps/eQ2HVRNkoX22 - Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, has Pokemon store. https://goo.gl/maps/4z3gVUokdJn - Do purikura pretty much in any arcade. - Harajuku! Tin Tin store, cat street, pretty much just wander. https://goo.gl/maps/yzJowRr9zcs - Tokyo Midtown Mall, really nice stores and art museums, always events https://goo.gl/maps/NyervLaznt32
Helpful Phrases: *pronunciation tip: Desu ka is pronounced “deska”, ikkimasu ka is pronounced “ikkimaska”
Mizo o kudasai. Water please. Ohayō. Good morning. Konban wa. Good evening. Hajimemashite. Nice to meet you. Konnichi wa. Hello. Gomen nasai. I'm sorry. (Informal) O-genki desu ka? How are you? Toidai doko desuka? Where is the toilet? Aisu/Hotto Kohi o kudasai. Iced/Hot coffee please. Ii desu ka? Is it ok? Hai. Ii desu. It's ok. Okanjo wo kudasai. Bill please. Kore wa ikura desu ka? How much is this? Mo ichido wo kudasai. Please say it again. iie, kekkoudes. No thanks iie, chotto… —No, a little (a less harsh response “to do you like ___” when you really don’t like or want it. Nani. What. Itsu. When. Doko. Where. Ikki. Go. Ikura. How much/amount. Kore/sore/are: this/that/that over there. Irasshai mase. Welcome. Nan mei Sama deska? How many people? 3 ppl (San nin desu) 5 ppl (go nin des) Eigo no menyuu ga arimasuka? Do you have an English menu? Onomi mono wa? Would you like a drink? Omachi kudasai. Please wait. Osusume wa nan deska? What do you recommend? Kore wa nan deska? What is this? Tamago wo nuki ni shite moraemaska? Can I have it without egg? (Shrimp: ebi) hai - yes. iie - no. Jya, mata. See you soon. also matanae O-genki desu ka? How are you? O-namae wa? What's your name?
Casual phrases Majide- seriously?? Uso /Uso desho - it’s a lie! No way! Yabai- terrible!Amazing!
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The luggage combo** Tokyo is luggage and cart friendly for the most part, but there are still stations where you’ll have to lug your bags up and down a flight of stairs, keep this in mind while packing and save your back! I’d suggest not bringing a lot of clothes, but enough exactly for each day of your trip, maybe even one outfit less because you’ll probably go shopping. Bring half the week’s clothing if you think you’ll do laundry, most airbnbs have laundry. However some don’t have dryers, it’s hanging only. I bring a carry on suitcase, a rolled up duffle bag inside and a roll top backpack with middle strap. That way you can check the duffle full of dirty clothes and all the non-breakable things you buy and stuff the carry on suitcase with the mugs and delicate things you’ll inevitably want to bring back. Roll-top backpacks are good for spillover stuff and usually nicer on your back. The carryon suitcase will be good for resting your backpack on while waiting around in the airport or for trains. It’s all easy to take a part if you’re going up and down steps and not all the weight will be on one thing so it’ll be easier for your back.
Like I said, I’m heading back to Japan really soon so I’ll update this with any new info I feel is worth adding when I come back ^_^ I hope this helps in the mean-time!!
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nemesis-nexus · 6 years
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Today I would like to touch base on a very sensitive issue, suicide. Included in this post is a vast amount of information and resources for those who are either contemplating it themselves or may know someone who is, so that they can get help! Suicide is a devastating act both for the person taking their life and for the ones left behind. It is truly heartbreaking when a person gets so far gone that they feel the only way out and the only way to end their suffering is by taking their own life! A lot of people think that this is a selfish act but in my opinion they would be wrong. Yes it is hurtful to know that someone would rather die than stay with us but the fact of the matter is that they are not being selfish, in fact in the minds of many suicidal people they are unburdening other people with their presence by removing the burden all together. Yes that is an extraordinarily skewed view to have on oneself unfortunately it is not uncommon... The problem is that most suicidal people do not give signs that they are considering it, so it makes it very difficult to know that someone you love or care about is feeling this way. There are some warning signs Loss of interest in what used to be favorite activities Tired all the time No interest in going out or meeting up with friends or family/creating excuses as to why they can't Potential self-harm or extremely risky behavior Giving away things that are known to be very important to them such as Animal Companions or personal memorabilia These are not all the signs and a lot of the times they won't even display these particular signs. The best you can do is monitor their behavior, if someone you know has become even more withdrawn it is time to intervene and find out what's causing the disassociation! If you or anyone you know are contemplating suicide or are battling depression and/or mental illness that leaves you feeling hopeless or despairing, please remember THERE IS HELP OUT THERE! Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem and you are much too important to put yourself on the way side!!!! YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOUR DEPRESSION! YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOUR ILLNESS! YOU ARE WORTH FIGHTING FOR AND YOUR LIFE IS WORTH SAVING!!! I know the tunnel seems long and dark and the road seems empty and cold, but please don't give up on yourself, reach out and talk to someone! It may not seem as though it would change anything but believe it or not someone who's actually listening to what you're saying can in fact change your entire perspective!!! The following is a list of local and Nationwide Suicide Prevention Lines, immediately followed by International Suicide Prevention Lines: Vet2Vet Veterans Crisis Hotline http://www.yourlifecounts.org/crisis-line/vet2vet-veteran%E2%80%99s-crisis-line 📞 1-877-VET-2-VET (838-2838) National Suicide Hotline Call 1-800-273-8255 Available 24 hours everyday Asian American Suicide Prevention and Education http://www.aaspe.net 📞 877-990-8585 (Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, and Fujianese) Boys Town Suicide and Crisis Line (for teens/parents/families) http://www.boystown.org/national-hotline 📞 800-448-3000 Text, Chat Email: http://www.yourlifeyourvoice.org/Pages/ways-to-get-help.aspx Lifeline Crisis Chat http://www.crisischat.org 1:1 Online Chat: http://www.crisischat.org/chat (12:00 pm - 12:00 am EST) Crisis Text Line https://www.crisistextline.org/how-it-works Text 741741 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crisistextline Kristin Brooks Hope Center http://hopeline.com/ 📞 1.800.SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) IMAlive Crisis Chat https://www.imalive.org Kids Helpline USA 1-877-KIDS-400 Kids under 18 LYFE USA LYFECITY English Forum/Online chat New Hope Now USA 714-NEW-HOPE (639-4673) NewHopeNow Chat Irregular Hours Postpartum Depression Hotline USA 800-PPD-MOMS (773-6667) PPDH Postpartum Moms Red para la Prevención del Suicidio USA 888-628-9454 PrevencionDelSuicidio Se Habla Español 24/7 Samaritans Email Support 24/7 USA [email protected] It may take a few hours or more to generate a response Spanish-Speaking Suicide Hotline USA 800-SUICIDA (784-2432) Suicida.Hotline Se Habla Español Suicide Hotline in Spanish USA 800-273-TALK (8255), Press 2 Se Habla Español 24/7 Suicide.Org USA SuicideOrg --- Teen to Teen Peer Counseling Hotline USA 877-YOUTHLINE (968-8454) YouthLine Teens/Youth The Trevor Project USA 866-4-U-TREVOR (488-7386) TheTrevorProject Veterans Crisis Line USA 800-273-TALK (8255), press 1 VeteransLifeLine Veterans Chat Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program USA 303-429-3530 / 800-273-TALK (8255) YellowRibbon Teens/Youth [email protected] Twitter Your Life Your Voice USA 800-448-3000 YLYV Teens/Youth Phone 24/7 / Live Chat Mondays – Thursdays 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm CST / Email Inspire Disaster USA Inspire Disaster 24/7 Text VOICE to 20121 (4PM to 1AM CST). Chat: http://www.yourlifeyourvoice.org/pages/ways-to-get-help.aspx The following is a list of Suicide Prevention Lines in order by country: CountryOrganization  Algeria 34342 and 43 are the national emergency numbers for police and ambulances in Algeria. Suicide Hotline Algeria: 0021 3983 2000 58  Argentina 911 is the national emergency number in Argentina. Centro de Atencíon al Familiar del Suicida(http://www.familiardesuicida.com.ar/) is made up of professionals and focuses on the problems caused by suicide, both in the community and in the people it can impact. Their number is (54-11) 4758-2554. SOS Un Amigo Anonimo(http://www.sosunamigoanonimo.com.ar/) is available seven days a week from 10 am to 7pm by calling 4783-8888.  Armenia 112 and 911 are the national emergency numbers in Armenia. Trust Social Work and Sociological Research Centre: can be reached at (2) 538194 or (2) 538197  Australia 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. Lifeline (https://www.lifeline.org.au/) is a 24-hour nationwide service that provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services.[4]It can be reached at 13 11 14. They also offer a online chat service. Kids Helpline (https://kidshelpline.com.au/) is a 24-hour nationwide service that provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and counselling services for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. In addition the Kids Helpline does also provide online chat services. Beyond Blue (https://www.beyondblue.org.au) provides nationwide information and support regarding anxiety, depression, and suicide. It has a helpline which can be reached by calling 1300 22 4636. The helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In addition, the organization also provides online chat from 15-24.  Austria 112 is the national emergency number in Austria. Rat auf Draht (http://www.rataufdraht.at) for children, teenagers, and their relatives. TelefonSeelsorge (http://www.telefonseelsorge.at) has been providing assistance for over 60 years and is open 24/7.  The Bahamas 911 is the national emergency number in The Bahamas. National Suicide Hotline: 322-2763  Bangladesh 999 is the national emergency number in Bangladesh. 199 is the national number for ambulance and fire. Kaan Pete Roi (http://shuni.org/) is an emotional support helpline in Bangladesh whose mission is to alleviate feelings of despair, isolation, distress, and suicidal feelings among members of the community, through confidential listening. The helpline is intended for suicide prevention and the promotion of mental health.[5]  Barbados 911 is the national emergency number in Barbados. Samaritans of Barbados: (246) 4299999  Belgium 112 is the national emergency number in Belgium. 1813 is the local number of the suicidal prevention hotline in Belgium. On their website (https://www.zelfmoord1813.be/) you can talk, e-mail or chat with a trained volunteer. Awel (https://www.awel.be) for children and young people. Tele-Onthaal (https://www.tele-onthaal.be) is open 24/7. Call 106 or chat on their website.  Bolivia 911 is the national emergency number in Bolivia. Teléfono de la Esperanza(http://www.telefonodelaesperanza.org/) aims at promoting mental health to the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking world. Bolivians living in Cochabamba and La Paz can call (00 591 4) 4 25 42 42 and 75288084.  Botswana 911 is the national emergency number in Botswana. 3911270 is the national lifeline.  Brazil 190 and 191 are the national emergency numbers for police and ambulances in Brazil. Centro de Valorização da Vida (http://www.cvv.org.br/) is an emotional and suicidal prevention support NGO founded in 1962 in São Paulo, Brazil, and recognized as Federal Public Utility in 1973. It offers voluntary and free support, with all communications being confidential. Contacts can be made through the phone number 141 (available 24/7), personally (in one of the 72 centres around the country), chat (via their website), VoIP (via Skype) and e-mail.  Bulgaria 112 is the national emergency number in Bulgaria. 0035 9249 17 223 is the number for the Sofia Hotline.  Canada 911 is the national emergency number in Canada. Kids Help Phone (http://org.kidshelpphone.ca/) is a nationwide 24-hour, toll-free, confidential crisis line and counselling service available to Canadians under the age of twenty. The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP) (http://suicideprevention.ca/) provides information and resources to reduce the suicide rate and minimize the harmful consequences of suicidal behaviour. CASP maintains an up-to-date list of Distress Lines across Canada by province and territory [1]. The Native Youth Crisis Hotline (www.women-of-nations.org) is a nationwide suicide prevention call line that serves Native American and Alaskan native youth in the United States and Aboriginal youth in Canada. The crisis line is maintained by the Native American advocacy group, Women of Nations. Suicide Action Montréal (http://suicideactionmontreal.org/) Suicide Action Montreal offers support services, crisis workers and monitoring for people who are at risk of committing suicide, for their friends and family and for people affected by suicide. All communication is confidential, available 24/7 and free of charge. They offer support in French and English for people in Montreal's greater area. Their number is 1-866-APPELLE. This line is also available to anyone in Quebec. People will be redirected to their local Suicide Prevention Center. Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre of Nipissing(http://www.ameliarising.ca/) Amelia Rising provides support groups, one on one counselling and a 24-hour crisis line for both women and men in crisis. They operate in both English and French and serve the greater Nipissing area of Northern Ontario, though they accept collect calls.  Trans Lifeline (http://www.translifeline.org/) is a toll-free crisis hotline available in the United States and in Canada for transgender people staffed by transgender people.[6] Youthspace.ca (http://youthspace.ca/) is an emotional and crisis support line for youth 30 and under across Canada. It is accessed via IM on the website or through text (778-783-0177). The support line is open every day from 6pm to midnight PST, and each chat is one-to-one with a trained volunteer working with the support of staff members.  China 110 and 120 are the national numbers for police and ambulances in China. Beijing Suicide Research and Prevention Center Hotline(http://www.crisis.org.cn) is available 24/7 and can be reached at 800-810-1117 or 010-82951332. Lifeline Shanghai (http://www.lifeline-shanghai.com) is a volunteer-based, English-speaking organization for the international community. They are open from 10am to 10pm every day and can be reached by calling (021) 6279 8990. They also offer a live chat service. Shanghai Mental Health Center (http://www.smhc.org.cn) serves as a mental health clinic as well as teaching, researching and planning mental health prevention throughout China. They can be reached at 021-64387250.  Croatia 112 is the national emergency number in Croatia. Plavi Telefon (http://www.plavi-telefon.hr) can be called at 48 33 888 and aim to provide support for issues such as depression, alcoholism, drug abuse and suicide that traditional centers might not accomplish.  Cyprus 112 and 199 are the national emergency numbers in Cyprus. Cyprus Samaritans (http://www.cyprussamaritans.org) is available every day from 4pm to 12am and is confidential. They can be reached at 8000 7773.  Czech Republic 112 is the national emergency number in the Czech Republic. Modrá Linka (http://www.modralinka.cz) is available everyday from 9am to 9pm and can be reached through calling 549 241 010 or 608 902 410 (Vodafone), as well as through Skype or e-mail. Linka Bezpeči (https://www.linkabezpeci.cz/) is an anonymous, free, and open 24/7 for youth under the age of 26. Their number is 116 111. Pražská Linka Důvěry (http://www.csspraha.cz/24830-prazska-linka-duvery) is an anonymous service available 24 hours a day by calling 222 580 697. They also have an anonymous online chat.  112 is the national emergency number in Denmark. Livslinien (https://www.livslinien.dk/) is an anonymous service that can be reached at 70 201 201 from 11am to 4am. It also features a free online chat.  Egypt 122 is the national emergency number in Egypt. 126 is the foreigners emergency number in Egypt. 123 is the national medical emergency number in Egypt.  Estonia 112 is the national emergency number in Estonia. Eluliin (http://www.eluliin.ee/) provides emotional support for those suffering from depression and relationship issues. They're available from 7pm to 7am at 655 8088 in Estonian and 655 5688 in Russian.  Finland 112 is the national emergency number in Finland. Finnish Association for Mental Health has provided assistance and support for those dealing with mental health issues and suicide since 1897. They can be reached at 010 195 202 (Finnish) or (09) 4135 0501 (foreigners).  France 112 is the national emergency number in France, 15 is the number for ambulances, 114 for all emergency services for deaf using FAX or SMS and 17 is for police. Fil santé jeunes : 0800 235 236 : anonymous and tool-free number for young people. Suicide écoute : 01 45 39 40 00 (24-hour) : suicide prevention helpline (volunteers). SOS Suicide Phénix: 01 40 44 46 45 (schedule) : suicide prevention through listening and hospitality (volunteers). Sos amitié : distress listening on multimedia platform : phone, email, chat (volunteers). La Croix Rouge Ecoute : 0 800 858 858 : psychological support online, anonymous and free (volunteers).  Germany 112 is the national emergency number in Germany. Telefonseelsorge (http://www.telefonseelsorge.de/) (24/7, no cost): 0800 111 0 111 (Protestant), 0800 111 0 222 (Catholic), 0800 111 0 333 (for children and youth)  Ghana 999 is the national emergency number in Ghana. National Lifeline: 2332 444 71279  Guyana 999 is the national emergency number in Guyana. Inter-agency Suicide Prevention Help Line(http://guyanapoliceforce.gy/police/policing-menu/community-outreach-programs/launching-of-inter-agency-suicide-prevention-help-line) was launced by the Guyana Police Force in 2015 to help those struggling with depression. They can be reached 24 hours a day by calling 223-0001, 223-0009, or 223-0818, as well as 600-7896 or 623-4444 by cellphone.  Hong Kong 999 is the national emergency number in Hong Kong. The Samaritans (https://samaritans.org.hk) is available 24/7 by calling 2896 0000. Suicide Prevention Services (http://www.sps.org.hk) provides 24/7 service by calling 2382 0000. They also offer services for the elderly at 2382 0881.  Hungary 112 is the national emergency number for Hungary. 104 is the national number for ambulances and 107 is for police Blue line (http://www.sos116-123.hu/index.php/segelykeres) - 116-123 is a nationwide 24-hour hotline - [email protected] is an email address to use. Helpline providing emotional support for those who are stressed, distressed, depressed, or suicidal. Help line: (http://www.kek-vonal.hu/index.php/hu/lelkisegely-vonal) - 116-111 is a helpline providing emotional support for those who are stressed, distressed, depressed, or suicidal.  India 112 is the national emergency number for India. Samaritans Mumbai: (samaritansmumbai.com) - 02264643267, 02265653267, 02265653247 - 3 pm to 9 pm, all days. [email protected]. Helpline providing emotional support for those who are stressed, distressed, depressed, or suicidal. AASRA (http://www.aasra.info/): 91-22-27546669 is a 24-hours a day, 7 days a week nationwide voluntary, professional and confidential services. Sneha India (http://www.snehaindia.org) is available 24/7 on the phone by calling 91 44 24640050.  Indonesia 112 is the national emergency number for Indonesia. Kementerian Kesehatan: - You can call them on 500-454  Iran 110 and 115 are the national emergency numbers for police and ambulances in Iran. Iran Organization of Well Being(http://moshaver.behzisti.ir/page.aspx?id=1480) has provided the free and governmental hotline, 1480, by which the specialists give different types of consultations for a variety of problems such as marriage, family, youths and children, suicide,etc. to those in need. this hotline is open from 6 am till 9 pm everyday and its services are reached from all provinces of Iran.  Ireland 112 and 999 are the national emergency numbers in Ireland. Samaritans (http://www.samaritans.org/) is a registered charityaimed at providing emotional support to anyone in distress or at risk of suicide throughout Ireland  Israel 100 and 101 are the national emergency numbers for police and ambulances in Israel. Eran.org.il Suicide line(https://web.archive.org/web/20110909164614/http://eran.org.il/) operates 24/7 including holidays and can be reached from all regions of Israel by calling 1201 or 972-9 8891333 from abroad. SMS service is given as well during Sunday - Friday between 14:00-18:00 at 076-88444-00.  Italy 112 is the national emergency number for Italy. Servizio per la Prevenzione del Suicidio (SPS)(http://www.prevenireilsuicidio.it/) ) is a suicide prevention helpline whose mission is to give psychological and emotional support to anyone in suicidal crisis or to anyone who lost a dear one for suicide, through a confidential listening from an equipe of doctors, psychologists and volunteers . The helpline is operating from 9.30 am till 4.30 pm, from Monday to Friday, and it can be reached from all regions of Italy. Samaritans - ONLUS (http://www.samaritansonlus.org) is available every day from 1pm to 10pm by calling 800 86 00 22 or 06 77208977. Telefono Amico (http://www.telefonoamico.it) provides services everyday from 10am to 12am by calling 199284284.  Japan 110 and 119 are the national emergency numbers for police and ambulances in Japan. TELL (http://telljp.com/lifeline/) provides a free, confidential English-language Lifeline service, plus clinical mental health services, for the international community in Japan.[7] Befrienders Worldwide Osaka Suicide Prevent Center (http://www.spc-osaka.org)  Korea 112 and 119 are the national emergency numbers for police and ambulances in South Korea. Suicide.org (suicide.org) has a list of South Korean suicide hotlines.  Latvia 113 is the national emergency number in Latvia. Skalbes.lv (http://www.skalbes.lv/) You can call them on +371 67222922 or +371 27722292 the lines are working 24h on all week days.  Luxembourg 112 is the national emergency number in Luxembourg. 454545.lu (https://454545.lu/) You can call them on +352 45 45 45 the lines are working 11h-23h on all week days and 11h-3h on Friday and Saturday.  Malaysia 999 is the national emergency number in Malaysia. LifeLine Malaysia (http://lifeline.org.my/cn/) provides free counseling by calling 603-4265 7995. They are available from 7pm to 10pm Monday through Friday, and from 2pm to 5pm on Saturday. Befrienders (http://www.befrienders.org.my) offers total confidelity and is available 24/7 by calling 03-79568144 or 03-79568145.  Mauritius112 and 114 are the national emergency numbers for police and ambulances in Mauritius. Befrienders Mauritius(http://www.befrienders.org/directory?country=MU) Can be reached at (+230) 800 93 93. The helpline is open daily from 09:00 to 21:00. You can speak english or french on the helpline. Mauritius Suicide Prevention Lifeline is an emotional support helpline in Mauritius whose mission is to alleviate feelings of despair, isolation, distress, and suicidal feelings among members of the community, through confidential listening. The helpline is intended for suicide prevention and the promotion of mental health.  Mexico 911 is the national emergency service in Mexico available 24/7. It is totally free. SAPTEL (http://www.saptel.org.mx/index.html) is an independent care provider subsidized by the mexican red cross. It can be reached at (55) 5259-8121. SAPTEL has been active since 2000. It is totally free and they are available Monday to Sunday 9:00 to 21:00. crisis dialogue or treament for anything related to mental health crisis.  Netherlands 112 is the national emergency number in the Netherlands. 113 Suicide Prevention (https://www.113.nl/) is an independent care provider subsidized by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Ministerie van VWS). The foundation has been active since September 2009. The organisation employs psychologists and psychiatrists and a large group of fully trained volunteers. 113Online has a close working relation with the Mental Health Institutes' crisis centres. Together these professionals are available 24 hours a day for crisis dialogue, treatment or referrals. Chris Foundation (http://www.chris.nl/) Is a website where you can chat with volunteers to tell them your problems to relieve yourself. They will try to help you with your problems. You can also just talk with them when you feel alone or just want to talk with someone  New Zealand 111 is the national emergency number in New Zealand. 1737, need to talk? (http://www.1737.org.nz) is the national mental health and addictions helpline. Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor. Lifeline Aotearoa (http://www.lifeline.org.nz) is a New Zealand organisation providing free 24-hour counseling and phone help lines. It provides support, information and resources to people at risk of suicide, family and friends affected by suicide and people supporting someone with suicidal thoughts and/or suicidal behaviours. Call 09 5222 999 if you live within Auckland or 0800 543 354 for those outside of Auckland. Youthline (https://www.youthline.co.nz) Call 0800 376 633 or text 234. The Lowdown (https://thelowdown.co.nz) provides assistance in dealing with issues such as relationships, anxiety, and depression and are available by e-mail or texting 5626.  Norway 112 and 113 is the national emergency numbers for police and ambulances in Norway Mental Helse Mental Helse (Mental Health). Can be reached at 116 123 and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Mental Helse does also provide a chat-service at http://sidetmedord.no where users can write messages anonymously and get answers within 48-hours. A chat-service is also provided. It is open Mondays from 19.00 - 22.00 and Wednesdays: from 19.00 - 22.00. The chat-services may not always be open in July and on public celebration days or Sundays. Kirkens SOS Kirkens SOS(The Church SOS). Can be reached at 22 40 00 40 and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The line is free to call and confidential. Kirkens SOS does also provide an anonymous message service(which replies within 24-hours) 27 hours a day, 7 days a week and a chat open 7 days a week at 18.30 - 22.30. The Philippines 911 is the national emergency number in the Philippines. The Natasha Goulbourn Foundation (http://www.ngf-hope.org/contact-us/) provides 24/7 assistance to those who call (02) 804-HOPE (4673) or 0917 558 HOPE (4673) Manila Lifeline Centre: (02) 8969191  Poland 112 is the national emergency number in Poland. Olsztynski Telefon Zaufania 'Anonimowy Przyjaciel(http://telefonzaufania.org/) provides 24/7 assistance as it's the only unit of this type in Poland. They can be reached by calling 89 19288 or 89 527 00 00.  Portugal 112 is the national emergency number in Portugal. Voz de Apoio (http://www.vozdeapoio.pt) is anonymous and confidential. You can speak to them by calling 225 50 60 70 or through Skype, face-to-face, or writing. Sos Voz Amiga (http://www.sosvozamiga.org) is available daily from 4pm to 12am by calling 213 544 545, 912 802 669, or 963 524 660. Free Green Line callers can call 800 209 899 from 9pm to 12am. Sos Estudante (http://sosestudante.pt) provides anonymous, confidential support every day from 8pm to 1am by calling 915 246 060, 969 554 545, 239 484 020 as well as through Skype.  Romania 112 is the national emergency number in Romania. Alianţa Română de Prevenţie a Suicidului(http://www.antisuicid.com/) is a Romanian support helpline whose mission is to give psychological and emotional support to those that find themselves in depression, those who are in a psychological crisis and those who are suicidal. Help is offered by psychologists and volunteers from Psychology Universities.  Russia 112 is the national emergency number in Russia. Samaritans (Cherepovets): 007 (8202) 577-577  South Africa 10111 and 10177 are the national emergency numbers for the police and ambulances in South Africa. Lifeline (http://lifelinesa.co.za) is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, allowing callers to discuss a range of challenges from trauma and suicide to relationship issues.They can be reached by calling 0861 322 322. The South African Depression and Anxiety Group(http://www.sadag.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11&Itemid=114) The organization provides a suicide helpline witch can be reached at 0800 567 567. Lifeline (http://lifeline.co.za/i-need-help/) is open 24 hours a day. It can be reaced by calling 011 422 4242. If allows the caller to get emotional support and counselling with a range of challenges including depression, suicidal thoughts, divorce, domestic violence, eating disorders, other mental health problems, family matters, grief, loss and hiv/aids. The organisation has The organization says diversity is an important value for them:"We deeply respect and value the differences in people and culture and believe that Emotional Wellness is a universal human need".[8] The Triangle project (https://triangle.org.za/about/) provides a helpline where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people can talk to a trained professional. The professional will ensure the callers privacy and can also refer the caller to other support networks. It can be reached at (021) 712 6699 daily from 13:00 to 21:00. The counselor will then call you back. OUT (http://www.out.org.za/index.php/what-s-hot/services/173-psychosocial-support-services) Provides a helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people which can be reached at 0860 688 688. The helpline is open from monday to friday from 8:30 to 16:30 and is operated by trained and experienced lay counsellors. Reverse charge calls are accepted. OUT does also provide face-to-face-counseling. LifeLine Pietermaritzburg(https://www.facebook.com/LifeLinePietermaritzburg) is a registered Non-profit organisation in Pietermaritzburg South Africa. The organisation has been around for the past 43 years. Lifeline Pietermaritzburg focuses on rendering psychosocial support to the Pietermaritzburg community through the mediums of counselling - email, face-to-face and telephone- community dialogues and awareness campaigns, HCT (HIV counselling and testing) as well as various training's which are both SETA and non SETA accedited. All services other than some trainings are free.  Slovenia 112 is the national emergency number in Slovenia. Zaupni telefon Samarijan in Sopotnik (http://www.telefon-samarijan.si/) is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. The purpose of the organisation is to be available for a conversation to anyone suffering from distress. The confidential phone call hotline is carried out in accordance with the fundamental principles of the international organisation IFOTES. Qualified volunteers can be reached on the toll-free telephone number 116 123. TOM – telefon za otroke in mladostnike (http://www.e-tom.si) is available 7-days a week from 13:00 - 20:00 and is primarily meant for children and adolescents in distress. The telephone functions within the Association of Friends of Youth of Slovenia (ZPMS). It serves the purpose of providing emotional support for children and young people who face various questions, dilemmas or distress during the process of growing up. Advisers are available to callers needing to share their problems or are seeking advice and additional information on the toll-free telephone number 116 111. Klic v duševni stiski (http://www.psih-klinika.si/koristne-informacije/klic-v-dusevni-stiski/) is available 7-days a week 19:00 - 7:00. Counsellors of the hotline are trained to work with people and especially trained to talk with people who are having suicidal thoughts. However, you can call for help regardless of the cause of your distress. They are available on the telephone number (01) 520-99-00. Ženska svetovalnica – krizni center (http://www.drustvo-zenska-svetovalnica.si/o-nas) is available 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. It is a voluntary women's organisation that works in the field of psycho-social assistance and the self-help of women who are victims of violence. They offer free counseling, information on public service competencies and assistance in organizing self-help groups to women in need. They are available on the telephone number +386 31 233 211.  Slovakia IPčko.sk (www.ipcko.sk) - Suicide prevention and psychological help (mainly for youth), providing online chat counseling service from 7am to midnight. IPčko also provides email counseling 24/7 on [email protected].  Spain 091 is the national emergency number for police in Spain. 112 is for ambulances Teléfono de la Esperanza (http://www.telefonodelaesperanza.org)is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, allowing callers to discuss a range of challenges from trauma and suicide to relationship issues.They can be reached by calling 717 003 717.  Singapore 999 and 995 are the national emergency numbers for the police and ambulances in Singapore. The Samaritans of Singapore (https://sos.org.sg/) is the only 24-hour, toll-free, confidential suicide prevention hotline in Singapore, for anyone having difficulty coping during a crisis, who are thinking of suicide or affected by suicide."[9] The Institute of Mental Health (Singapore) also has a 24-hour Mental Health Helpline (https://www.imh.com.sg/contact-us/) if you are facing a mental health crisis or emergency."[10][11] The Singapore Association of Mental Health(http://www.samhealth.org.sg/) is a voluntary welfare organisation that provides a toll-free counselling helpline for those with emotional crisis or mental health conditions."[12] 3  Sweden 112 is the national emergency number in Sweden. Självmordslinjen (Suicide prevention hotline)(https://mind.se/sjalvmordslinjen/) is a registered Non-profit organisation[13] that has worked with mental health since 1931.[14]The organisation provides a 24-hour email, chat and hotline service, all of which are toll-free.[15] Hjälplinjen (The help line) (https://www.1177.se/Stockholm/Om-1177/Om-Hjalplinjen/) offers temporary psychological support over the phone (toll-free), 7 days a week 13:00 - 22:00. You can opt to be anonymous.[16] The service is run by Sweden's municipalitiesthrough Vårdguiden (the care guide).[17]  Switzerland 112 is the national emergency number in Switzerland. Die dargebotene Hand (https://www.143.ch/): 143 (helpline for any kind of life crisis and mental health problems)  United Kingdom 999 and 112 is the national emergency number in the United Kingdom PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide (https://www.papyrus-uk.org/) is a registered charity. It is the national charity campaigning for prevention of young suicide. It operates a helpline providing short-term support and advice for anyone concerned about themselves or a young person they know. PAPYRUS also offers training such as the international ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) program and bespoke packages. Samaritans (http://www.samaritans.org/) is a registered charityaimed at providing emotional support to anyone in distress or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom[18] Campaign Against Living Miserably(https://www.thecalmzone.net/) is a registered charity[19] based in England. It was launched in March 2006 as a campaign aimed at bringing the suicide rate down among men aged 15–35.[20] Mind (England and Wales) (http://www.mind.org.uk) are the biggest mental health charity in the UK running 140 local centers nationwide and their website contains lot of helpful information as well as emergency advice. Samh (Scotland) (http://www.samh.org.uk) currently operates over 60 services in communities across Scotland providing mental health social care support, homelessness, addictions and employment services, among others. Lifeline (Northern Ireland) (http://www.lifelinehelpline.info) iis the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair  United States 911 is the national emergency number in the United States. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline(http://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/) is a 24-hour, toll-free, confidential suicide prevention hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.[21][22] It is only available in the United States.[23] A 24-hour an Online Chat in partnership with Contact USA[24] is also available. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is a non-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide." --- Etiamsi MULTA Et Nos UNUM Sumus Nos Sto Validus Ut Nos Sto Una! Semper Veritas, Semper Fideles, In Diabolus Nomen Nos Fides! AVE SATANÍ! (We Are ONE Even Though We Are MANY And We Stand STRONGEST When We Stand TOGETHER! Always TRUTHFUL, Always FAITHFUL, In Satan's Name We Trust! HAIL SATAN!) Ave URURU! Ave ENKI/EA! Ave NINGIZHEDA! Ave AZIMUA! Ave DIMUZI! Ave ININNI! Ave ERESHKIGAL! Ave NERGAL! Ave GILGAMESH! Ave ENKIDU! Ave TIAMAT! Ave ABSU! Ave MARDUK! Ave SARPANITUM! Ave SATANÍ! HAIL SATAN!
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hollywoodtriangle · 7 years
NEW JAPAN PRO WEDNESDAY: WRESTLE KINGDOM CENTRAL Feat. EXCLUSIVE Interview w/ Will Ospreay, Full NJPW WK12 Card, Viewing Info, Predictions, Video Game News & MORE
Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi
Every Wednesday WrestleZone brings you all of the latest NJPW news from across the pacific. This is a very special WRESTLE KINGDOM 12 edition of NEW JAPAN PRO WEDNESDAY.
How To Watch Wrestle Kingdom 12 & New Japan Rumble
Wrestle Kingdom 12 will air LIVE FROM TOKYO at 2am EST on njpwworld.com. WrestleZone will provide live coverage throughout the event.
Before Wrestle Kingdom, there will be the annual New Japan Rumble. The staggered-entry battle royal will happen sometime between 1am EST and 2am EST on njpwworld.com.
EXCLUSIVE Interview w/ Will Ospreay
By Matt Camp
“The Aerial Assassin” Will Ospreay will be part of the four-way IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match against Kushida, Hiromu Takahashi, and the man who won the title from Ospreay at Power Struggle, the champion, “The Villain” Marty Scurll at Wrestle Kingdom 12 in the Tokyo Dome on January 4.
In less than two years with NJPW, Ospreay won the Best of the Super Juniors in his first try in 2016, returned to the finals in 2017, and won his first IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title from Kushida at King of Pro-Wrestling in October.
In this interview, Ospreay talks about the struggles he’s had against Scurll in the ring, his assessment of Scurll’s career and what Scurll said about him, his biggest worry about coming to NJPW for the first time, learning from Okada, a dream opponent in another division, learning from his famous match with Ricochet, how he impressed at a New Japan tryout, his goals for 2018, and why it’s so important to become a heavyweight in NJPW.
How much do you hate Marty Scurll?
Quite a lot. It’s not that I hate Marty. I can’t understand necessarily why he’s in wrestling ’cause he always just cares about the money side of things. If you want to associate yourself with money then get a real job. I feel like wrestling is something you should be passionate about. Something you want to try and expand.
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I feel like he’s in it for the wrong reasons. I feel like he’s in it for the money and the glory. He sees this as a business, whereas I see it as a love and a passion. I see it as a chance to help people. I see a little situation where it’s a small opportunity to grow because I take every opportunity I get. Marty’s just a money guy. That’s who he is. That’s what he cares about. I just care about trying to make New Japan the biggest company in the world.
Are you aware of your record against Marty? (Ospreay is 3-11 in singles matches and 0-9 in title matches against Scurll)
Against him? Yes, but I’m aware of my record against Hiromu and Kushida as well. The thing is everyone knows Marty has beaten me for every championship I’ve ever held. The Progress Championship? Marty beat me. His first ever match in the Best of the Super Juniors? Marty beat me. The Ring of Honor Television Championship? Marty beat me. And the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship? Marty beat me.
Marty’s put himself in a tough situation because now he’s in a fatal four-way with Hiromu Takahashi and Kushida. For me, Hiromu and Kushida are two of the best wrestlers going today. I have beaten the pair. Kushida was a long time to beat him, but I have beaten him. And Hiromu is the same, but I have beaten Hiromu as well.
Marty’s not just concerning himself with a one-on-one situation, he’s got three guys he’s defending his championship against in this match. That can change in a second. In my mind, I do want to pin Marty, but if there’s a chance to pin Hiromu or Kushida to become the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion again, I will do it.
What was your biggest worry coming into NJPW for the first time?
My biggest worry was that I wasn’t read because I’d only been doing the small independents and that’s pretty much it. If you look at the caliber of athletes like Okada, Naito, Kenny Omega. There’s so many to list off.
I felt that maybe I wasn’t ready. Maybe I was a small fish in a big pond. I’ve always been willing to rise to any challenge that I’ve been given. I’ve always wanted to improve. I’ve always wanted to be with the big guys. I knew that if I wanted to succeed that I’d have to give it my all, my everything in that first match I had with Kushida and I literally gave every single bit I had and I came backstage and they were more than happy with what I was able to give to them. I was very, very worried that they’d made the wrong choice.
Who have you learned the most from during your time with the company?
Gedo, Okada, and Kushida, 100 percent. Kushida for me is one of my greatest opponents I’ve had in New Japan. I feel like everything we’ve stepped in the ring, we’ve improved and upped our game so many times.
Okada, because I’m under his tutelage as well as Gedo. Every time we talk about strategies or how we can take the branding of the “Aerial Assassin” further or movements and everything in between.  I’ve learned the most from those three.
Even though you’ve been part of Chaos for a while now, are you scared of Ishii?
Oh, all the time. Ishii’s one of the most terrifying guys I’ve ever met. It’s so hard to read him.
Okada is known for stealing phones and taking selfies. What’s your favorite story involving him?
Wow. There’s a lot. Okada is that guy who does it to me all the time. He steals my cat earphones and puts them on and takes selfies.
I remember when I took the missus over to Los Angeles a little while ago. We tried to get a little photo of the stage and the ring for the L.A. show and Okada just randomly popped his head in the background to photobomb us. It was a really nice photo as well.
Even though you don’t get a lot of downtime in Japan, do you have a favorite activity outside of the ring while you’re there?
I like to go to Roppongi and have a little dance. I like to go karaoke. I like to go out and socialize. We’re doing a lot of wrestling, so I like to create a lot of memories outside wrestling.
While we saw Bushi face Bad Luck Fale at the World Tag League Finals show, there are not a lot of one-on-one matches between juniors and heavyweights, but you faced Shibata earlier in 2017. Would you like to do more of that? Who would you want to face?
Oh, 100 percent I’d love to get in the ring with the heavyweights cause I feel like that’s how you improve is by stepping outside your comfort zone. If I was going to face any heavyweight in the world, I would be stupid to not say Kota Ibushi because that would be a sellout.
With the expansion to America ramping up in 2018, how do you fit into that mix? Do you take on extra responsibility because you’ve already had so much success in America?
I don’t really know. I guess that’s up to New Japan and what they want to push forward to the American audience. I know that I was over for Ring of Honor Final Battle and opened the show getting one of the loudest reactions I’ve ever had in my career. It was a real fun and interesting moment for me. I still feel like I’m about to do backyarding on a Sunday. Do you know what I mean? It was at the Hammerstein Ballroom, where as I child, I watched ECW in there. I watched Monday Night Raw in there. It was so refreshing to go back in there. I wrestled in that building maybe three or four times now. It was a real hit home moment.
It depends what New Japan wants to do. I’m willing to follow any order and make this product as great as it can be.
You earned a lot of attention both praising and criticizing your match with Ricochet in the 2016 Best of the Super Juniors. Was that a turning point in your career? Did you feel the need to change anything about your style after hearing both the praise and critiques?
Yes. As much as I say this all the time, me and Ricochet have done that style of match in other promotions and it’s never really gotten that attention, but because it was done on such a grand stage in the Best of the Super Juniors, it obviously got the attention it wanted to get. That was my aim. I wanted to get the world talking. If you put me and Ricochet against each other, you want to see us at our bests. We are the best at counter innovation. That’s what we do. We find innovative ways to counter each other’s moves.
After hearing a lot about it, I wanted to change because I feel like a lot of people feel like I’m one particular kind of wrestler. That is why I challenge guys like Shibata. That’s why I go extremely out of my comfort zone. That’s why I go to Australia and New Zealand. I go everywhere because I want to show people that: A) My style of wrestling is legitimate, but B) I’m not just one style of wrestler. I’m a hybrid. I can adapt when needed.
Last multi-man singles match in New Japan was 2013. What’s it like to be in a match that is so commonplace around the world, but unique to New Japan? Do you think there should be more of these in NJPW?
I don’t know if there should be more of them because it’s a special attraction. It’s the attracted the attention of the wrestling world because you do have four of the greatest junior heavyweights on the planet facing off against each other. I feel like it should be a special moment. I feel like it will be a special moment.
The last was in 2013, a singles triple threat match at Wrestle Kingdom with Prince Devitt, Kota Ibushi and Low Ki. At that time, in my opinion, those were the three greatest junior heavyweights. Now, it’s happening again because the competition has picked up. I don’t think it’s just us four. I could name a bunch of Americans, a bunch of English guys, a bunch of Japanese guys that I think are incredible junior heavyweights, but right now, the names that are on everyone’s lips are us four. The moment you put the best junior heavyweights in the ring, I feel like we’re going to create a lot of magic. I don’t feel like we should be doing this all the time because it will dilute it. It will water it down. I feel like what we are going to do is really, really special. I’m looking forward to it. I’m looking forward to creating history.
I want to read you a quote from a recent interview I did with Marty. I asked him about adjustments he made while working for New Japan and if there’s a specific aspect that makes it different. He actually brought you up because he talked about it being build around competition, respect, and characters. His said, “With someone like a Will Ospreay, he’s amazing in the ring, don’t get me wrong, but once you’ve seen that, what more is there? What depth is there? Why am I going to buy a ticket to see him wrestle?” What are your thoughts on that comment and how he summed you up?
In some ways, he’s right. What I’ll say about Marty is that characters will always fade out while talent will always speak volumes over any gimmick or any character. Marty’s character will fade, will fizzle, and he’ll have to keep adding layers and layers on top of it. Where in my mind, if he had talent, then he would never need a character in the first place.
In 2015, there was a tryout for New Japan. New Japan came over to England to look at three guys and I wasn’t even in the top three. They were looking at Marty. They were actually going to look at Kris Travis, but he had to retire because of cancer, and another gentleman who I can’t remember off the top of my head. They didn’t want either of them because they saw a young kid (Ospreay) go up against the IWGP Heavyweight Champion, Okada, and stand toe to toe with him. In that retrospect, I think Marty’s always been jealous.
I think Marty’s always been in my shadow, so he’s had to create this “Villain” persona to try and match what I can do in the ring. Because Marty knows he can’t do anything like I can do. I can do this forever. This is real easy for me, my movements, my move set, but for everyone else, it’s very difficult. For me, I just keep getting better and I keep adding stuff to the brand of the “Aerial Assassin,” so Marty has to find way to keep himself relevant while my matches will be good and great.
Do you have a specific goal in mind for your time with NJPW in 2018? Do you have goals in mind for the rest of your career in NJPW?
In 2018, I would like to recapture the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship. I would like to go back into the Best of the Super Juniors and reclaim the Super Juniors trophy.
For future goals, I don’t know if you ever keep up with my social media every now and again, but I’ve been putting on a lot of weight recently. I’ve been hitting the gym hard. I’ve been putting weight on. It’s a slow thing for me because I know to expand in New Japan, you do have to be a heavyweight. To be considered one of the top guys, you do have to be a heavyweight. I know this. I’ve accepted this, so now is the time for me to start knuckling down, working hard, and heading towards the heavyweight division.
But right now, I will stick to my guns with the junior heavyweight division because I think they need me right now. Like I said, I’m one of the top four junior heavyweights in the world. One of them being Marty, unfortunately, and he’s not even there nearly enough of the times that I’m there. Kushida has had his time with the junior heavyweight division. He’s been called the Ace of the junior heavyweight division, but he’s been doing it for a three, four years in a row. They want to see the next guy come up. That leaves me and Hiromu. I do admire Hiromu. Once again, he’s a wildcard. He’s a ticking time bomb. That’s his name. But, compared to what I do, once again, talent speaks and I can go forever. I can keep doing this.
I know in my heart of hearts, maybe 2020, I don’t know, it depends if New Japan wants to keep me on to be honest, I would love to stay in New Japan and I would love to be maybe in the G1. I’d love to do that one day. My mission in life is I want to be walking in the center of the Tokyo Dome, not the side stages, I want to walk out that center platform.
The post NEW JAPAN PRO WEDNESDAY: WRESTLE KINGDOM CENTRAL Feat. EXCLUSIVE Interview w/ Will Ospreay, Full NJPW WK12 Card, Viewing Info, Predictions, Video Game News & MORE appeared first on Wrestlezone.
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nostalgiaispeace · 8 years
What'​​s your curre​nt boy situa​tion?​​ engaged
When’s the last time you did something you knew was wrong? last weekend?
Do you hate the last guy/​​girl you had a thing​ with?​​ no
Have you ever been out past curfe​w?​​ never had one.
Who was the last perso​n you cried​ in front​ of? Matt
What'​​s your relat​ionsh​ip with the perso​n you last texte​d?​​ friend.
Did anyon​e see you kiss the last perso​n you kisse​d?​​ no
Did the one perso​n who hurt you the most in your life apolo​gize?​​ nope
Lates​t you’ve staye​d up in the past week?​​ And why? 1am; that’s just when i went to bed
Do you cry a lot? Have you recen​tly?​​ yes; yes
Do you think​ that you’r​e a good perso​n?​​ no
What was on your mind mostl​y today​?​​ i’m tired as fuck
Have you held hands​ with anyon​e today​?​​ no
Last thing​ you and your ex boyfr​iend/​​girlf​riend​ talke​d about​?​​ nothing important.
Have you ever thoug​ht about​ getti​ng your lip pierc​ed?​​ i used to have it
Have a best frien​d?​​ yeah
Have you had more than 3 boyfr​iends​/​​girlf​riend​s at the same time?​​ no
Is a best frien​d/​​boyfr​iend/​​girlf​riend​ or ex pissi​ng you off at the momen​t?​​ no
Do you have any plans​ for the weekend? i guess i’m going to a superbowl party
Are you in a good mood right​ now? i’m a bit cranky
What'​​s bothe​ring you right​ now? how tired I am.
Are you on medic​ation​ for anyth​ing?​​ yes
Who was the last perso​n you spoke​ on the phone​ for over an hour?​​ dunno. my mom?
If you were upset​,​​ who'​​s the first​ girl you would​ go to? my mom
When was the last time someo​ne yelle​d at you? I don’t know.
Who is the last perso​n that calle​d you? Matt
What made you sad today​?​​ nothing.
When was the last time you were disap​point​ed?​​ dunno
Is the last perso​n you kisse​d also the next perso​n you'​​ll kiss?​​ yes
Have you ever liked​ someo​ne older​ than you? yes
Do you have a good relat​ionsh​ip with your paren​ts?​​ with my mom
Have you ever been a gymna​st or a cheer​leade​r?​​ no
Will you talk to the perso​n you like/​​love on the phone​ tonig​ht?​​ no. i live with him
What woke you up this morni​ng?​​ naturally
Did your last kiss mean anyth​ing?​​ Yes.
What are you looki​ng forwa​rd to in the next three​ month​s?​​ nothing really
Has anyon​e ever told you they want to spend​ the rest of their​ life with you? yes
Do you have a favor​ite Leona​rdo DiCap​rio movie​?​​ yes
What was the reaso​n you last recei​ved flowe​rs?​​ anniversary
Do you have any neat scars​?​​ no
Have you ever donat​ed blood​?​​ No.
What did you do for Valen​tine'​​s day? don’t remember.
Have you ever joine​d a gym? yeah
Do you eat break​fast daily​?​​ no
Are you Irish​?​​ yeah
Have you ever been to SeaWo​rld?​​ when i was young
List the peopl​e that live in your home from talle​st to short​est?​​ Matt, me.
Is havin​g sex on your mind?​​ No.
What color​ is your bra? blue and black
Do you answe​r the phone​s at your job? no
How are you feeli​ng at this exact​ momen​t in time?​​ tired
Forge​t havin​g a drunk​en night​ in Mexic​o-​​have you ever actua​lly been there​?​​ no
Did 11:​​11 alrea​dy pass?​​ in the morning
Does your car have a name?​​ yes?
What'​​s on your agend​a for tomor​row?​​ going to a superbowl party for a bit
Will you be in bed withi​n twent​y minut​es?​​ i wish
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