#yes aketho calling theron old is going to be a strange love language thing for them
chaoticstrata · 11 months
WIP Chapter 3
Posting more of Chapter 3 because whenever I'm stuck on something and I post a little snippet of it, it seems to help me write more. Pfft. The fuck if I know why. XD -------------------------------------------------------------
“Don’t tell me you fell back asleep standing up, old man,” Aketho’s voice teased from the doorway, Imperial accent fully back in his voice now.
“Who are you calling old?” Theron scoffed and cracked open an eye to playfully glare at the Chiss.
“The handsome man I see in front of me,” the younger spy said smoothly, walking in and right up to the human, wrapping his arms around his waist. “And like I said last night, you’ve aged like fine wine.”
“Thanks,” the human chuckled, leaning in for a quick kiss. Reaching up, he tucked some hair behind Aketho’s ear. “The caf’s brewing, I take it?”
“It is,” the Chiss confirmed. His crimson eyes searched Theron’s for a moment before he asked, “Is everything alright?”
A small smile spread across Theron’s lips as he replied, “It is, just thinking.”
“Second thoughts?”
“Stars, no,” he responded, kissing Aketho’s forehead. “I wouldn’t give up the time we spent together for anything. That includes every moment from when we first met to now.”
“I…um…good to know,” the younger man said, visibly flustered--Theron had to admit he felt a bit of smug pride that he managed to get that reaction, especially with how flustered Aketho usually made him feel. And the blush that spread across the Chiss’ cheeks was delightful--a lovely shade of reddish purple on his cool blue skin. Suddenly, red eyes narrowed in a half-hearted glare, and before Theron could question him on it, a sharp pinch to his rear had him yelping in surprise. 
“What the hell!?”
“I can see that smug look; you’re terrible at hiding it,” Aketho sassed, backing them into the spray of the shower. He continued to do so until Theron’s back was flush against the tiled wall. A shiver ran through the human at the shock of cold porcelain on warm skin.
“Well, I wasn’t exactly trying to hide it,” Theron chuckled, pulling the Chiss in closer, wanting to feel his skin warm against his own. “And can you blame me? You’ve had me flustered since the moment I laid eyes on you.”
“Fair enough,” the younger man said, grinning and leaning up to kiss Theron, bringing his body flush against him. 
When Aketho’s tongue slipped past his lips, skillfully taking his breath away, Theron moaned and pulled him in closer. He reached up and cupped the back of the Cipher’s head, fingers weaving into slightly damp hair. Cool hands explored his body, pulling more soft noises from his throat while lightly calloused fingers danced over his skin. The Chiss stepped away after a moment, leaving Theron to chase those soft blue lips. 
Aketho was smirking as he reached over for one of the bottles sitting on a shelf in the shower. He poured some of the clear viscous liquid inside it into his hand before asking, “Would you mind getting your hair wet for me, please?”
Theron bit back a moan, knowing what the other man was planning--Stars, he always knew he loved having someone play with his hair, but with Aketho it was just…better. He couldn’t explain it. The former Cipher seemed to know what to do to drive him wild with those fingers of his. And the thought of the other man washing his hair…fuck. Quickly he stepped under the spray and soaked his hair, running his fingers through it for good measure. As soon as he stepped out of the spray and turned back around to face the Chiss, sud covered fingers were in his locks, lathering them up as his scalp was massaged. Theron did moan this time, leaning into the touch as Aketho washed his hair.
“I must say, Theron, I rather love how much you enjoy having your hair messed with,” Aketho said, voice soft as he gently nudged him backward to rinse his hair. “You must be a delight during a haircut.”
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