#enjoy the snip!
chaoticstrata · 11 months
WIP Chapter 3
Posting more of Chapter 3 because whenever I'm stuck on something and I post a little snippet of it, it seems to help me write more. Pfft. The fuck if I know why. XD -------------------------------------------------------------
“Don’t tell me you fell back asleep standing up, old man,” Aketho’s voice teased from the doorway, Imperial accent fully back in his voice now.
“Who are you calling old?” Theron scoffed and cracked open an eye to playfully glare at the Chiss.
“The handsome man I see in front of me,” the younger spy said smoothly, walking in and right up to the human, wrapping his arms around his waist. “And like I said last night, you’ve aged like fine wine.”
“Thanks,” the human chuckled, leaning in for a quick kiss. Reaching up, he tucked some hair behind Aketho’s ear. “The caf’s brewing, I take it?”
“It is,” the Chiss confirmed. His crimson eyes searched Theron’s for a moment before he asked, “Is everything alright?”
A small smile spread across Theron’s lips as he replied, “It is, just thinking.”
“Second thoughts?”
“Stars, no,” he responded, kissing Aketho’s forehead. “I wouldn’t give up the time we spent together for anything. That includes every moment from when we first met to now.”
“I…um…good to know,” the younger man said, visibly flustered--Theron had to admit he felt a bit of smug pride that he managed to get that reaction, especially with how flustered Aketho usually made him feel. And the blush that spread across the Chiss’ cheeks was delightful--a lovely shade of reddish purple on his cool blue skin. Suddenly, red eyes narrowed in a half-hearted glare, and before Theron could question him on it, a sharp pinch to his rear had him yelping in surprise. 
“What the hell!?”
“I can see that smug look; you’re terrible at hiding it,” Aketho sassed, backing them into the spray of the shower. He continued to do so until Theron’s back was flush against the tiled wall. A shiver ran through the human at the shock of cold porcelain on warm skin.
“Well, I wasn’t exactly trying to hide it,” Theron chuckled, pulling the Chiss in closer, wanting to feel his skin warm against his own. “And can you blame me? You’ve had me flustered since the moment I laid eyes on you.”
“Fair enough,” the younger man said, grinning and leaning up to kiss Theron, bringing his body flush against him. 
When Aketho’s tongue slipped past his lips, skillfully taking his breath away, Theron moaned and pulled him in closer. He reached up and cupped the back of the Cipher’s head, fingers weaving into slightly damp hair. Cool hands explored his body, pulling more soft noises from his throat while lightly calloused fingers danced over his skin. The Chiss stepped away after a moment, leaving Theron to chase those soft blue lips. 
Aketho was smirking as he reached over for one of the bottles sitting on a shelf in the shower. He poured some of the clear viscous liquid inside it into his hand before asking, “Would you mind getting your hair wet for me, please?”
Theron bit back a moan, knowing what the other man was planning--Stars, he always knew he loved having someone play with his hair, but with Aketho it was just…better. He couldn’t explain it. The former Cipher seemed to know what to do to drive him wild with those fingers of his. And the thought of the other man washing his hair…fuck. Quickly he stepped under the spray and soaked his hair, running his fingers through it for good measure. As soon as he stepped out of the spray and turned back around to face the Chiss, sud covered fingers were in his locks, lathering them up as his scalp was massaged. Theron did moan this time, leaning into the touch as Aketho washed his hair.
“I must say, Theron, I rather love how much you enjoy having your hair messed with,” Aketho said, voice soft as he gently nudged him backward to rinse his hair. “You must be a delight during a haircut.”
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These Clone Wars headcanons are long overdue
I saw someone say Anakin couldn’t have taught Ashoka everything cause that man’s stiff as a damn board and I laughed my ass off cause they were right but then it got me thinking that this would be a perfect moment for Ahsoka to teach Anakin something
So she gently persuades him and by that I mean she forces him to do some simple stretches in the morning nothing too bad just stuff you’d probably do before gym class and after a while it kinda becomes a pseudo-joined meditation for them
After a while when Anakin started becoming more comfortable with the stretches she started teaching him yoga which he quickly fell in love with cause he found it was one of the few things that calmed him down as traditional meditation should
When Ahsoka stopped being Anakin’s padawan in the cannon timeline or in my delusional timeline where they both left the order and everyone’s happy he had to find something else to call her and for the first couple of months he would always introduce her starting with “my”
The nicknames would usually fall into one of two categories the first being the unhinged nicknames like “my little hell-raiser” or “my little desert storm” and then there are the cute and sappy ones like “my little Soka” or his personal favorite “my little sister”
And with the last one people would ask “Oh is she adopted” and while Anakin could go the normal route and say yes he would instead go his route and look at the person like they’re crazy and say “No why do you ask?”
Which leads me to my next headcanon of you know when people say “If you spend enough time with something you’ll start to resemble it” Well that kinda happens with Obi-Wan Anakin and Ahsoka
In the beginning they all looked as different as a group could look but after a while people started to notice their eyes looked weirdly similar and they held themselves in the same way and their facial expressions mimicked each other and oh my force when did they start looking related?
And this works in their favor later on when they leave cause remember yall they all left and lived happily ever after… 
Anyway it works out for them cause when Anakin reiterates “No we’re all siblings” people don’t even think about it they just kinda accept it and move on cause the galaxies in shambles and weirder shit has happened
Even though Ahsoka blames Anakin for crashing everything he’s ever flown it doesn’t truly bother her the risky moves and “fancy flying” become predictable after a while and weirdly comforting 
It should concern her that barrel rolls and 90-degree drops are more soothing to her than a trained pilot who flies by the book cause yeah sure the flight is smooth but will the pilot make jokes while they’re being shot down
It is a truly hilarious show of fate that Anakin Skywalker got put in charge of the biggest adrenaline junkie this side of the galaxy and even though they both know this fact neither one of them will mention it 
Ahsoka’s just grateful to experience the feeling of a rollercoaster without ever being on one and Anakin’s grateful to finally find someone who just nags him when they freefall instead of screaming at the top of their lungs or puking when they land
Ahsoka will jokingly rat out Anakin to Obi-Wan when he picks on her it’s not uncommon for the older Jedi to hear things like “Master, Anakin keeps floating my sabers to the ceiling” or “Master, I can’t find my headwrap and Anakin’s hiding again can you help me look”
Just funny little tidbits throughout the day and sometimes council members will hear those anecdotes and for some reason they think “Oh she’s willing to rat him out for real” which has led to some council members asking her the bigger questions 
Like “Where was your master last night we tried hailing him but he didn’t answer?” and when Ahsoka responds with “Oh he’s been in his room all night tinkering with his arm” they correct her and say that the guards never reported him returning from a late-night excursion
She’ll come up with something like “Oh he left? Well I’m sorry masters I never saw him go and I could have sworn I heard him” which is a lie she told him to say hi to Padme as he left and the only thing she heard that night was her music 
But for some strange reason the council decides to believe her cause even though she’s Anakin’s padawan she has a strangely trustworthy face and has a wrap sheet of throwing him under the bus in the past 
Little do they know she wouldn’t sell him out for real and Anakin pays loyal people generously and by that I mean baked goods and boba and her favorite movie being played while they eat dinner
I don't know what it is about Anakin that gives me morning-person vibes but he just does now I’m not saying he’s like super bubbly in the morning but being up at five am when no one else is around just soothes him for some reason 
This however doesn’t stop him from staying up late to work on some projects or having a movie marathon with Ahsoka it just means those things are infrequent 
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka on the other hand feel like night owls to me the duo has so much going on throughout the day and while they’re both extroverts at heart nighttime is when they really unwind and get to relax 
All this to say it’s very funny imagining the normally broody Anakin smiling serenely at six in the morning barely needing a cup of caf while the normally happy duo of Ahsoka and Obi-Wan are reduced to grumbling grumpy messes that are death-gripping their cups of caf 
The Jedi don’t say “I love you” at least not in the normal way that everyone else does instead he makes snacks for his padawan while she frantically studies for a test that she forgot about or they say things like “Hey master I think I figured out why your prosthetic keeps locking up”  
Or one of them discovers his favorite tea in his cupboard after the younger two come back from a mission but he knows they were stationed three star systems away from where the tea is normally sold
Or the younger coming home from the same mission to find that all the chores they couldn’t do were taken care of 
You know the minuscule things that most people wouldn’t bat an eye at but to each other mean the world
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rexscanonwife · 6 months
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Kepler and Ahsoka haven't always...gotten along, to say the least. As initiates, Ahsoka was always very clearly miles ahead of everyone while he fell behind. Even if she didn't mean to, subconsciously she always considered him the lowest bar, she's obviously very talented cause she's nothing LIKE him.
Of course they grow to resent each other for this and butt heads, especially with their masters being best friends which means they're forced to be around each other a lot more 😅 but they don't realize how similar they really are! Eventually they're able to reconcile and become genuine friends, though! 💖
Taglist♡: @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @star-whores69 @sunstar-of-the-north @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @me-myself-and-my-fos @squips-ship @in-true-blue-love @cassmeeks @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus @cherry-bomb-ships
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@lilbeanz thanks for tagging me in Wip Snip!
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… something i’ve never finished ?
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autumn816 · 1 month
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can’t believe this is what life has come up to. i have to proof my loyalty to gewis
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assaily · 2 years
Been a while since I’ve posted anything fic related, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever talked about this fic before. 
The basic premise is the Handler/Commission put some kind of kill switch in Five that would slowly destroy his body planned obsolescence style in the event that he ever successfully defected. It’s essentially a sickfic and another one of those no sparrow, no season 3 au’s bc i wrote this a year and a half ago and the season wasn’t even out yet. I found it again this morning bc I finally had some thoughts for it after all this time. 
Anyway, here is some gratuitous angst and Diego cuddling Five. CW for mild suicidal ideation.
Five looked miserable. Pale and shivering, he looked so frail and small, so old and young at the same time. Diego wasn’t a fan, he didn’t want to be in the room any longer than he had to. The space heater next to the bed was blasting like a Mojave wind, and still Five shivered quietly on his bed.
Five didn’t complain, not even to inform them he was cold. He hadn’t complained this whole time, and maybe that’s what was getting to Diego. Five was miserable, it was obvious he was hurting, it was obvious he was struggling just to stay conscious enough to mechanically munch on his peanut butter crackers. But he didn’t say a thing. 
A cracker was left half-eaten between two fingers, his head drooped and his eyes slipped shut. He slumped into himself, still shivering. Diego frowned, slapping his knees as he stood from the armchair. “Alright.”
His voice startled Five, likely having forgotten he was there again. He flinched, head popping up, bloodshot eyes confused and darting before landing on Diego’s face. The relief was palpable, his shoulders slumping, something relaxing in the pinch of his expression.
“Diego,” he croaked.
“Yeah, just me bud.”
“Are you leaving?” He tried to make it sound like an innocent question, tried his damndest to keep his inflection flat, Diego could tell. But he could also hear the quiet fear burbling beneath it.
“No,” he lied, and almost sat back down again. 
Five nodded and seemed to remember his cracker. He nibbled on the corner of it again, his arm shaking with that little effort. “It’s not stale,” he remarked, hardly above a whisper. It was the third time he’d said that about the cracker and every time it struck at something soft in Diego’s chest.
“Fresh crackers, just for you.”
“Fresh…” he rolled the word around in his mouth like he was tasting it. “Where’d you find them?”
“The store on fifth.”
Five nodded slowly, processing. The last two times that was the end of the conversation. Diego hoped it would be the end of this one too, but then Five looked over at him, a stark confusion breaking through the dead-eyed exhaustion. “Isn’t the roof…?” he made a fluttery motion with his hand, dropping crumbs into his lap.
“Roof is fine, Five.”
He shook his head, brow pinching. “No, I remember it collapsed.” He paused, Diego at a loss for how to answer. “There’s a pharmacy on tenth, it still has stuff. There might be medicine there.”
“We have medicine for you,” Diego said, gesturing at the table with the small battery of bottles atop it.
Five looked over at it, expression falling blank as he failed to process something. He stared for too long, unblinking and unmoving, that Diego figured he’d lost him again. Lights on, but no one was home. 
“I hurt,” Five sighed at long last, breaking the silence and his stillness with another shiver.
Diego chuffed a surprised laugh. “I bet you do.”
“I’m done,” he said softly. “I don’t want to be here anymore.”
Diego swallowed down the lump that jumped into his throat. Five didn’t complain, not about the pain, the confusion, the exhaustion.
Five shivered again, cracker forgotten.
Diego couldn’t stand it anymore. “Okay, okay.” He needed to do something, anything to help. He couldn’t just stand there watching Five in misery, watching over him as he got worse and worse, as even the pills and syrups and whatever pain meds Mom tried to give him failed to do a goddamn thing.
“Are you still cold?”
Five looked up at the question, considering him for a solid ten seconds before nodding clumsily. “It’s winter,” he said as if that explained everything.
Diego didn’t have the heart to tell him it was the dead of August. “I’m cold too,” he said, reaching down to turn the heater off. Diego was sure Five didn’t even know what the damn thing was but his shivering took on a new ferocity the moment the coils darkened. He looked confused, lost and as Diego approached the bedside, suddenly defensive. His arms curled over his chest, jaw clenching, pulling himself back as if he could get away from Diego.
“You’re not--” he started, aborted with his mouth open, eyes darting around the room. “Wait, I don’t--”
Diego crouched at the bedside, realizing he was looming a little. “You’re okay, it’s just me.” He reached out, careful to keep his palm up and gesture slow. Five watched his hand, pulling back from him as he tried to touch his arm. “It’s just me,” he repeated.
Five didn’t complain, and he never talked about why he was so damn untrusting of them in his confused state. Diego didn’t want to think about who could have planted that mistrust and why. He knew why. He’d spent enough time with Lila. He’d met her mother. The first person Five interacted with in decades. Diego would have trust issues too.
“Diego,” Five said flatly, more an affirmation than anything else.
“What are you doing here?”
He almost wanted to know where ‘here’ was for Five. Somewhere cold, somewhere beyond the end of the world, somewhere lost in his own past. “I’m here to save you.” It sounded stupid coming out of his mouth, feeling it burn in his eyes.
Five paused for half a second, something in his eyes growing sharper than it had in days. Then he laughed, a single mournful guffaw that threw his head back and nearly toppled him back into his pillows. “Save me?” he asked, incredulous. “How? You’re dead, remember?” He smiled wide, shoulders shaking with more than just cold. “You’re dead.” His mirth turned to grief in a second, his expression twisting into honest fury if he’d had the strength. “You can’t save me,” he spat. “I have to save you.”
Diego reached across the bed and put his hand over Five’s arm. His skin was cold as ice, his wrist sharp and bony under Diego’s palm. “You already saved us.”
Five’s anger was smothered by the touch on his arm, his entire attention drawn to it. He opened his mouth, but only a half-aborted burst of air made it out.
Diego didn’t waste time. With the heater off, Five had nothing keeping him warm and Diego didn’t dare let him go now. “I’m cold, too.” Diego said again, catching Five’s attention back to his face and voice.
“I’m cold,” Five said, and Diego couldn’t tell if he was saying a truth or just repeating the last thing he heard.
“Let me in there, then.”
Diego didn’t wait for him to figure it out. He half-stood, slipping his shoes off and dragging back the covers in one move. He pulled himself under the blankets, one arm around Five’s shoulders, the other making sure his brother was still covered.
“What are you--” Five realized half-way through the sentence that Diego was warm. The question forgotten, Five pressed himself into Diego’s side, shivering fiercely. “Oh,” he sighed, hands finding warm places to shove themselves into.
“Yeah, thought you might like this better.” Even though the old man would never admit it in his entire life. Neither would Diego. No one was home to see this blatant display of affection, so Diego could deal. He was pretty sure Five wasn’t going to remember a thing about this later.
He flicked the half-cracker to the floor, got himself comfortable, Five slumping more and more of his weight against him. His shivering was easy to feel, his whole body so cold. This wasn’t normal, and it settled uncomfortably in Diego’s gut. He wrapped his tiny older brother in his arms, tucking him against his chest to lay on the pillows together.
It took a while for the shivering to subside, took even longer for Five’s breathing to ease and his body to relax. “Diego,” he whispered, so quietly Diego nearly missed it.
He hummed, letting it rumble in his chest so Five could hear it where his ear was pressed against him.
“Diego,” he said again, and that was all. Nothing else to it, but Diego understood this time. An affirmation of gratitude in a whispered little tone, hidden every time he said their names. He’d fought so hard for them, and now Diego couldn’t stop imagining him when he was actually thirteen, alone and starving and whispering their names, putting everything into surviving so he could see them again. So he could come home.
It wasn’t fair that he couldn’t even have that.
Diego held him a little tighter, frail and bony and so, so cold. “You’re gonna be alright.” He was going to get better.
“I won’t tell anyone,” Five said softly, still below that careful whisper.
A laugh burst from Diego, surprised and a little wet. He swallowed the burning lump in his throat and closed his eyes so the tears would roll away and get lost on the pillow. “Thanks.”
“Don’t cry over me.”
Diego couldn’t answer that, couldn’t hold him any tighter, he could already feel his bones creaking. “You’ll be okay.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“Go to sleep.”
“I’ll wake up,” he promised.
Diego let out the breath he was holding like a balloon, eyes clouding. “Shut up and go to sleep.” It wasn’t even a fear, he refused to acknowledge it.
“I’m not worth… all this.”
“Shut up.” Diego gripped the back of his neck, too hard at first, making Five tense. He softened his hold, kneading his thumb into the muscle, feeling Five’s heart fluttering that awful off-rhythm beat against his fingertips. “Were we ever worth all that?”
“Yes,” he answered without hesitation. “You were.”
Diego shook his head, his chest aching, scratching gently into Five’s scalp. “You’re a part of this family, too.”
Five didn’t answer. He didn’t rebuke, didn’t affirm. Diego could feel him thinking about it, and hoped somewhere in that muddled little head of his that he’d at least internalize that. How could someone who loved so hard think he deserved so little in return. It wasn’t fair.
No more fair than how hard Five had to fight, only to die a few months after achieving it all. No, Diego refused. Five wasn’t going to die. Not yet, not this year or this decade. Five did everything in his power to protect them. It was time someone stepped up and did the same for him.
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jiyoos · 2 years
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turtleneck jiu @ vision jacket making
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snipbenders · 9 months
Can I um.. Can I be friends with Matt..?
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“Friends? Yeah sure. You any good at hiding mysterious black bags?”
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ryllen · 1 year
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picking up
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Spritz who loves splatting despite winning or losing. Just purely, having fun ♪
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myfandomistingling · 1 year
Hayden Christensen every time they want him to play Anakin-
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quinnthebard · 1 year
typical pre-vampire reveal Astarion and Sarynna interaction tbh
“You bit me!” Astarion shook his hand as if that would rid him of the wound. “Hells, if you’re into that kind of thing, you only had to tell me.” Licking his lips, he smiled devilishly as if he savored her savagery. His eyes were sharp as they peered down at her, all sharp angles and blood red. Her heart pounded. “Trust me, I’m not. Not unless I’m the one biting.” “Oh, don’t knock it ‘til you try it, darling.”
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thislittlekumquat · 6 months
Every time someone says "ciel phantomhive is going to say the f slur", I personally grab an angel and clip its wings
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dyrewrites · 27 days
I was supposed to queue that snip...
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leviiackrman · 1 year
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MARGOT DURAND [Attack on Titan] - Season 4 Style
more art || character page || commissions
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geesenoises · 2 years
wip snip
i've been kind of protective of letting bits of my ex-wireless fic out into the world, a little because it was supposed to be secret for wireless and a little because it's my baby. but! i got tagged for a wip snip by @tackytigerfic @sorrybutblog and @saintgarbanzo and i really can't say no to their combined powers. also, i think it's time to get back to writing this after an extended break, and some gentle peer pressure/enthusiasm might be exactly what i need.
And that’s how Draco finds himself getting ready to go out the night before his actual birthday—”We’ll still be out at midnight, obviously,” Potter had explained. He’s just finished when Potter knocks on his door. Draco opens it to find him dressed not in his usual ill-fitting t-shirt and joggers uniform, but in a pair of dark jeans with a t-shirt that actually fits. His hair is still a mess, so it’s not a complete transformation, but it’s a welcome step up—especially if Draco is going to be seen with him in public.
“I didn’t even know you owned clothes that fit properly,” Draco remarks while they head to the entrance of the house.
“It was the weirdest thing. That night you made me clean my glasses, I looked in the wardrobe and there were all these new clothes I hadn’t been able to see before,” Potter says, grinning over his shoulder at Draco.
It occurs to Draco that he has his answer. This is what it’s like to be friends with Harry Potter, having him cook you dinner and take you out for your birthday and smile at you while he makes jokes. “You know, I thought being friends with you would involve more danger and sneaking about.”
Beside him, Potter flinches slightly but remarks in a light tone, “It’s still early. We have all night to get to that.”
They squeeze through the rush of people coming out of the West 4th Street subway station to descend down the stairs for their train. Draco can hear the train arriving and hurriedly swipes his card and pushes through the turnstile. He hears Potter get stuck, banging into the unyielding bar when the reader refuses to take his card. “Come on, Potter. We’re going to miss the train.”
“This isn’t the Hogwarts Express. We’ll just wait for the next one.”
“I’m not spending any more time on that disgusting platform than I have to.” Draco peers down the stairs. The train is coming to a stop and if Draco doesn’t want to have to navigate through a crowd of people climbing the stairs out of the station, he has to move now.. “Figure out your card situation or jump the turnstile or something, Potter.” Draco runs down the stairs to the train platform with Potter cursing behind him.
He just makes it, the doors of the train opening while he takes the last few steps. A fast moving crowd soon starts to swarm up the steps while Draco stands halfway through the closest set of doors, angling his body to block the doors from closing. They push against him twice before Potter finally appears, barreling down the stairs, spotting Draco, and running into the train car. 
“What was that you said about danger?” Potter murmurs, with a little nod to the rest of the train. Draco looks around to see several baleful glares briefly levelled at the two of them before they turn back to their phones and books. Draco can’t help himself. He laughs, causing a couple of the glares to jerk back up to roll their eyes at him. Even Potter’s suppressing a laugh when the train jerks into motion, throwing him off balance and knocking him right into Draco, pinning him against the closed doors. For a second, they’re startled, still smiling at each other until Potter rights himself and grabs on to a metal pole for support with a muttered apology while the train speeds through the tunnel.
can you tell where they are? 😉
no pressure tagging @sweet-s0rr0w @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm @basicallyahedgehog @makeitp1nk all of whom either have already read this or knew of this thing's existence
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thelastattempt · 1 year
Wow that audience video from Lodz looks like a school concert. It really is all teenage girls.
Even though there’s myriad ways I fundamentally disagree with the point you’re trying to make here - I have to ask you why teenage girls are so much less valid in your head? I have to ask you why you thought that was a drag?
But I guess teenage girls aren’t allowed to like music.. And if they do, it’s super embarrassing for everyone involved and oh… wait - Could that just be your unchecked and blatant ✨misogyny✨? No, course not.
Fuck off.
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