#yes even more so than Naksu
tansu-bomb · 1 year
Musings on the most important and least explained pivotal conflict between Jin Seol-Ran & Choi mage + parallels 200 years ago vs now
1. A severe drought dried up Lake Gyeongcheondaeho.
2. Jin Seol-Ran performed a sacred dance & used her divine energy so the energy from the skies flows down to earth as rain; and with the rain came ice-stones (plural).
3. Choi mage extracts ice-stone(s) from the lake, and experiments with it - thus documenting the Alchemy of Souls book that much later, Shaman Choi (likely his grand-daughter), attempts to save during Jang Gang’s raid & gets burnt in the process.
4. All across Daeho, folks kill each other to obtain the ice-stone(s) and use it primarily for soul-shifting as they please, thereby creating the great chaos.
5. Jin Seol-Ran cannot end the chaos by herself so she chooses to partner with Seo Gyeong - the one with King’s Star energy - and puts an ice-stone into his body (just like she much later does with Jang Uk, the next King’s Star) thus turning him into the most powerful weapon.
6. Jin Seol-Ran and Seo Gyeong use their complementary powers to end the chaos — she by using her divine power to track down ice-stones and he by using his muscle power to single-handlely squash armies (like Cho Yeong & Jang Uk do towards the end).
7. Up until then, folks likely physically possessed the ice-stone but not anatomically like Seo Gyeong (courtesy: Seol-Ran), but Choi mage - the mastermind behind AOS - probably figured out a way to do so as well. (Even Shaman Choi and Jin Mu were unable to accomplish this)
8. As it would’ve been difficult to kill Choi mage who also possessed the ice-stone, Jin Seol-Ran must’ve trapped his soul in the Gwido barrier (along with others). Much later, when Seol-Ran/Cho Yeong enter Gwido again, all soul-wraiths fear her but one chases her with vengeance.
9. In one of the flashbacks, Jin Seol-Ran and Seo Gyeong are shown standing shoulder-to-shoulder and extracting the power of the ice-stone that Choi mage possessed. Seol-Ran most likely turned that ice-stone into one that seeks (not gives) energy and left him to die a painful death in Gwido (like Cho Yeong does Jin Mu).
10. In return, the Choi mage must’ve cursed Jin Seol-Ran and Seo Gyeong that they too will turn into soul-shifters - in this life or the next. This curse is most likely what plays out 200 years later for both Jang Uk & Cho Yeong both of whom are Seo Gyeong and Jin Seol-Ran’s supposed reincarnations.
11. Seo Gyeong falls in love with Jin Seol-Ran; but most likely Seol-Ran is already a married woman with a heir in tow (likely Jin HoGyeong’s mother) coz, by the time great chaos ends, Seol-Ran is injured and about to die — most likely due to overusing her divine powers that accelerated her aging —and we know the Jin family line continues. That makes theirs an impossible, forbidden romance on multiple fronts (which comes full circle with Jang Uk & Cho Yeong finally defying fate and falling in love twice)?
11. After the great chaos ended, Jin Seol-Ran likely removed the power of ice-stone from Seo Gyeong as well (but unlike Jang Uk who died and had his soul resurrected only due to the ice-stone), Seo Gyeong lives on even without it.
12. At this point, only one final ice-stone remains which Seo Gyeong wished to use to protect Seol-Ran but Seol Ran, who sees future, about the fire bird and the Choi mage’s curse, chooses to attach her soul to the ice-stone itself (which Jang Gang & Jin HoGyeong think resurrected a dead baby Jin BuYeon)
The Choi mage’s curse, I think, is critical for what follows.
13. When Jin Seol-Ran’s memories & divine powers start to come back (likely around ages 8-10) while she is resurrected in dead Jin BuYeon’s body, she likely figures out that A) Choi U-tak (the grand-son of Choi mage) is her father (the blasphemy this is; ties perfectly to Chois wanting revenge against Jins above all), B) Jang Uk, the King’s star, was born through AOS, and C) Jin Mu destroyed Cho Yeong’s family.
14. While Jin HoGyeong and Jang Gang engineered BuYeon’s birth star, Cho Yeong was likely naturally born under that same birth star - the one that’s destined to accompany the King’s star. The King’s Star and the accompanying star are likely binary stars — stars whose gravitational fields are interconnected (example: Alcor/Mizar or Vasishta/Arundathi binary stars in Ursa Major).
14. Seol-ran attempts to fight fate & masterminds the attempt to find the ice-stone with Jin Mu and Choi U-tak — to once and for all destroy the ice-stone and the greedy men — in one ago. Despite her supreme divine powers, she fails given how weak she physically is having been reincarnated in a baby who’s been dead in the womb for atleast few hours if not few days (plus she’s only 10 years old and has overestimated herself).
15. There is no way Seol-ran can now go back to Jinyowon coz she has gambled and revelaed her supreme divine powers — and if she goes back, she’ll certainly meet death at the hands of her own family (Jin Mu) and Choi family (Jin U-tak). So she bides time in Sari village to let future unfold so she can interject at a more optimal time. (Seol-Ran says this at the end; that seeing into the future, one can cleverly interject. While one may not change the pre-fated outcome as she painfully learns, she knows optimal points to interject at to tightly control the flow of events & minimize damage)
16. The Choi mage’s curse of her turning into a soul-shifter is also likely the biggest reason why Seol-Ran lures in and traps Cho Yeong’s soul in the first palce coz Yeong’s compatible and immense energy would be useful for their survival when they’d both run wild (at end of S1)
17. All along S1, Jin SeolRan keeps on protecting Jang Uk & Cho Yeong. She orchestrates it all — a) allowing Yeong her power back in the lake very early on so that these two don’t drift apart, b) the exposure of ice-stone so she can inject the ice-stone into Jang Uk knowing that he’ll be hunted for his King’s star fate (she probably also knows that his death would happen at Naksu’s hands), and c) she doesn’t stop Jin Mu from causing her to run wild coz she very likely calculates that she’d be saved by the King’s star or Jinyowon or both.
17. Ultimately, Choi mage’s curse comes true — both the King’s Star Jang Uk & Seol-Ran/Cho Yeong eventually become soul-shifters — the last two that will continue to live on.
18. Seol-Ran stayed true to her purpose for 200 years and must’ve been very happy to witness that the King’s Star and his accompanying star’s love saga. An unrequited love story finally becomes requited through their reincarnations.
19. Seol-Ran’s restorative justice was to leave everything to Cho Yeong — all of her divine powers, all of the burden of protecting Jinyowon, all of her blessings to protect & live happily with the King’s star, and the responsibility to carry on the lineage of girls with unparalleled divine powers. Of course, Cho Yeong, with all the choices she makes through S1 and S2 proves herself more than worthy of this role.
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leventar · 16 days
it's hard to say because i don't necessarily have otps from a writing standpoint, they kind of evolve depending on the pairing and who i'm writing with, and sometimes my otps become notps depending on the dynamic / plot. tl;dr i just don't default - ship. i write waaaaay too many muses to list them all but from a die - hard, canon brainrot perspective, most of my otps include: naksu / jang uk, katherine / stefan, chuuya / dazai, gojo / geto, katara / zuko, juliette / roma, orion / rosalind, zoya / nikolai, inej / kaz, zero two / hiro, raven / bellamy, catra / adora, malia / stiles, harrowhark / gideon.
i think i'm down for most things so long as it isn't obviously something that's atrocious ( adult / minor ) or like, a poorly executed oppressor / oppressed. i genuinely like exploring toxic dynamics when it's detached from a romanticized lens, and it's for that reason why i ensure it's a topic i can trust my wps with. this may be an unpopular opinion, but i'm fine with writing cheating. i'm fine with writing unequal distributions of power ( to a certain extent ), i'm fine exploring variations of abuse. it's just that if it's toxic, i tend to keep it toxic. if it veers into actual abuse ( best example i can think of is alina / darkling, i don't write nor ship it but sklsdkldskldskl ), it's not so much a ship but just a subset of an complex one, and won't be resolved to a point of genuine romanticism.
uhhhhhhh, if they're under 18, i think two years? the age gap widens the older the muses are in a bracket, but i'm generally not an age - gap fan. + / - five - 10 years feels accurate? maximum five if it's like, a muse that's under 25. immortal muses are different and vary based on circumstances.
yeaaaahhhh. yeah. i usually figure out through writing or plotting if there's chemistry to even think about shipping, and i tend to ship with my circle of friends / exclusive shipping partners just because it's always been easier that way. doesn't mean i'm not open! just very chemistry - oriented. we could plot the best thing but if we're not vibing as writing partners when we chat, it won't work.
anything past like a full make - out session or questionable touching. i don't smut on dash across any of my blogs, and if i do venture into that territory, it's always suggestive and with my utmost closest wp. but as it stands, i typically don't write anything further than making out or allusions.
refer to the first question, but i really like cross - fandom shipping. i think it's fun and forces people to think outside of the box. i also looooove oc / canon. i'll use this opportunity to say i'm always intrigued with these dynamics: chuuya / yosano, atsushi / lucy, yosano / dazai, lottie / nat, gin / higuchi, malia / kira, nobara / megumi, nobara / yuuji, higuchi / akutagawa. there's more but i'm blanking.
yes and no! sometimes it happens naturally, but you can alwayyyyysssss ask to ship. just need to approach with an open mind and understand that i will likely ask that we write first or sus out vibes! if we chat a lot or obviously get along, that makes it a little easier for me to envision a romantic ship!
yes! unless stated otherwise, i'm multi - ship by default.
ship more - or - less by default sdlkfjgsdlgkdskl. with my partner and close friends, i tend to be more ship - obsessed because we rot more consistently. but i don't really look to ship romantically at first! i've become more preferential to non - romantic dynamics over the years just because i feel like they get pushed aside or under - appreciated in favor of romantic shipping.
for canons, it's naksu / jang uk, chuuya / dazai, gojo / geto, juliette / roma, orion / rosalind, yosano / dazai, gin / tachihara. for ocs, it's less favoritism but just what occupies my brain currently, fallon / noemi, ushi / mizaru, fumi / seiko, tommy / jay.
you need to be insane <3
tagging. @qismet , @memuntos , @ephamerel , @starspurn , @omonzuru , @ownlore , @rottedfigs , @ategod , @fatedriven , @yaburnae , and whoeverrrrrrr wants to <3
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meenawrites · 11 months
Seo Yul Deep Dive–Part 2
SO I am back while in class but the professor's not here yet so whatever.
I've clearly been browsing the Seo Yul tag here and I've seen some opinions that really shock me so I hope I can address them here and in future posts.
First of all, we start Part 2 with Yul finally returning from Seoho Fortress after having been forced to leave three years ago.
Guys, he has been SUFFERING from this blood parasite FOR THREE YEARS! So of course, he looks kind of sickly when he arrives. I honestly don't know how he's been holding in there this long.
We also find out that So-I, despite being able to escape now that the blood parasite is no longer in her, is actually opting to stay Jin Mu's little puppet or pawn and let him believe she still has the blood parasite all so she can continue to receive medicine for said parasite and send it to Yul, which is kind of heartbreaking actually and kind of redeeming for her character. (I have a lot to say about her but that may be for another post, we'll see).
So Seo Yul comes back to Daeho Fortress, reunites with his friends, and it's like something clicks back into place for our favorite trio.
We know that Danggu was feeling kind of uncomfortable with Uk not because of the ice stone exactly but he just doesn't know how to talk to him with everything that happened three years ago weighing on their shoulders; which is fair, it was A LOT. But as soon as Yul comes back, it's like they all know how to act together once again.
I really wanted to point this out because I think traditionally a lot of people might find Yul's character kind of boring because of how quiet and strict he is with himself AND HE'S NOT. And we can see that by how his mere presence brings the trio back together, that they start to talk and joke around again as soon as he just makes an appearance. It really highlights how core he is to their friendship, not just an accessory. Yes, his two friends are louder and more lively than him, but because Seo Yul is so quiet and reserved, when he does choose to make a joke or tease it has that much more impact. To top it off you can just FEEL how much he loves his friends and I really think these are two main factors in why Uk and Danggu love him so much. Seo Yul is central to their group, always has been, and he has been looking out for Danggu and Uk his entire life.
Moving on though, we have Seo Yul meeting Jin Buyeon/Naksu, and all of their interactions in the show (prior to him finding out she's Naksu) are ADORABLE! I think they really highlighted once more that Yul and Naksu would always gravitate towards each other in some way because their relationship/bond goes way deeper than anything romantic.
Like yes Yul's care for Naksu has always had a romantic connotation, but his regard for her went way deeper than that. I don't quite know how to articulate it but I think overall he really respected and cared about her as a PERSON just with romantic undertones, not necessarily an all consuming romance. And I think Naksu feels the same way. There is something in Yul that brings her comfort and she likes spending time with him, but it's also never been precisely defined that she loves him romantically. Again, I think there are definitely romantic undertones, even on Naksu's side (made clear by how often she emphasizes how handsome he is) but I think above all her regard for Yul is a lot deeper and purer than that. He is someone who gave her shiny and happy memories in the midst of a life that was anything but happy. This kid showed her that people CAN be unconditionally kind, that people could still be good at a time I think was very important for her, and I think frankly Seo Yul does that for a lot of people. He just constantly reminds people in his attitude and actions that unconditional kindness and care does still exist and he's a prime example of that.
So yes they gravitate towards each other again without remembering the other for a while and it's precious to watch. They frankly just enjoy each other's company, and I absolutely love the scene of them agreeing to be "foolish friends". Might do a whole other post on that scene but yeah.
Let's move on to the agony of Yul's character arc this season.
As we know, the aftermath of the tragedy of season 1 DEEPLY affected Yul. He has no idea that Naksu/Mudeok was controlled into going wild and killing so many people. All he knows is that she went wild, killed Jang Uk and ruined Danggu and Choyeon's happiness. It's his ultimate failure in his point of view. It's been drilled into him that soul shifters are unnatural, that they will inevitably cause great harm, but he elected to ignore that not only for Naksu's sake but also for Jang Uk's sake. He had been watching over her actions all of season 1 both because he cannot stay away from her but also probably to ascertain whether she would really be a threat.
And right when he'd made the decision to leave her alone, to let her and Jang Uk be happy, that maybe the absolute rules he's been taught to believe in unconditionally can be broken, everything he'd feared in letting Naksu/Mudeok continue to live came true.
So OBVIOUSLY he's consumed with guilt. Because he knew exactly who she was for so long, knew that she was a soul shifter, knew the risks and his duties that weigh so heavily upon him, but elected to ignore them for his own feelings, his own moral compass that for once was disagreeing with this set of absolute rules he abides by. And in his view, everyone he loves has paid for his inaction and his decision to let her be.
Like just think about it from his POV, he feels like it's all his fault, especially more so because we know that Yul (and literally every adult around him) holds himself to a very high standard, so his guilt is just that much more intense.
This is why he's letting himself die silently by the blood parasite. This is why he never took the medication even though his pain throughout the last three years must have been so so bad. Because he feels like he deserves it. He's punishing himself, and he thinks he should die for the role he played in the tragedy of season 1.
Yul is someone who feels everything very deeply, and from the way he takes everything upon himself, we can infer that Yul's never had anyone who actually takes care of HIS inner world and HIS feelings. We don't know much about his parents, but from the few family members we have seen –his aunt and uncle – no one seems to care much for him and his feelings. Reinforced by the fact that he's the only heir and the way all the adults treat him, I have to believe that Yul grew up largely having to take care of himself in the emotional aspect. An he grew up, emphasis was heavily put on responsibility and duty as the next head of the Seo family. Combine that with what usually happens with children who act more mature and are more obedient than others -> adults LOVE you. And for someone like Yul who I have to believe didn't really have that emotional support that any child should have from their parents and adults in their life, I think that was just more incentive to cling to this good boy title of his, to foster his absolutist sense of morality that he was being taught, and striving to be as responsible as possible.
That's where his self-flagelating attitude comes from, and that's the kind of background we can infer from the way he acts and reasons through his feelings.
So yes, he was going to let himself die no matter how stupid that is because he thought it was only right.
When he discovers that Jin Buyeon is really Naksu but without her memories, he's in moral agony once again. Because on the one hand he is so so happy she is still alive, but on the other, all that trauma from what happened when she went wild last season is brought right back to the surface (as if he isn't constantly thinking about it already).
And we can see that in the scene where upon discovering it, he just hugs her and asks to stay like that for a while. He cannot believe she is standing in front of him but he is also deeply sad because he feels like she and Uk are destined for tragedy once again (especially with him again not knowing that Mudeok/Naksu was hypnotized last season into going wild, it now feels like an inevitability, a certified truth that the tragedy will repeat itself eventually).
And this time, Uk DOESN'T KNOW. So in Yul's mind, he thinks that that's better, that this is an opportunity afforded him to correct his mistake from last season, and again take care of everyone else's happiness aside from his own.
This combined with how sick he is from the blood parasite I believe largely contribute to his plan to kill Jin Buyeon/Naksu in Danhyangeok. But he also cannot live knowing he did that to her and also Jang Uk. He feels like this is the right choice for everyone's future happiness in the long term, but it will destroy him. So instead of killing her and then just waiting to die, he plans to kill both of them. Infuriating from the viewer's side but totally understandable from his perspective and disposition.
But then we have So-I who is ready to do anything to save Yul, and he ends up being not only discovered but on the verge of death. And So-I dies trying to protect him. Once again, he's just in moral agony because someone has died for him when he was resolute on killing himself. He thought that would be the best course of action for everyone, was convinced, but then someone new dies specifically for him and he's in distress again. What is the right choice? What should I have done?
And when Uk comes to his rescue and grabs him by the back of his neck, we can see just how in despair he is. His "I'm sorry" to Uk is an apology not for dying here and needing to be rescued but for so many other things. For his inaction last season, for having run like a coward to Seoho Fortress for 3 years (in his opinion), for knowing that Jin Buyeon is Naksu and not being able to tell him, for knowing who she is and not being able to protect Uk from pain at her side. For so many things and it's so so heartbreaking.
When Yul is healed and saved, he honestly just doesn't even know what to do anymore, what the right thing to do is. Jin Buyeon/Naksu has saved him, which then makes him feel guilty for planning to kill her in the first place. But he also can't see any way out of a repeat tragedy. Basically his moral compass is going haywire.
Side note: we were totally robbed of the trio reuniting with Seo Yul and then scolding him for being an idiot. Might fuck around and write another Missing Scene oneshot for that.
But then he finds out that Naksu's soul is going to disappear anyway. And he's again conflicted (I swear my man can never catch a break). On the one hand, he's very sad that Naksu is going to disappear out of this world, just gone without ever having been happy. On the other hand, he's relieved because he thinks that with her disappearance no tragedy will occur. Furthermore, the body will be returning to the soul of its original owner which is morally correct by all standards.
So all he can hope for now is for Naksu to be happy with the time she has left with the person she loves. He even goes and threatens Jin Hogyeong (which is not something he would ever normally do) just to give her the chance to be happy with the time she has left. (I'm sobbing yall, I love him).
But then, thanks to Heo Yunok (was very upset with her this season), that all goes to shit because she exposes Naksu right when Uk is finally admitting he's fallen for Jin Buyeon/Naksu, that she's finally going to be happy. And now she remembers everything and how she essentially screwed up the happiness of not only the love of her life Jang Uk (who she LITERALLY KILLED like I can't imagine having to deal with that) but also everyone else she cared about. So she decides to distance herself.
And Seo Yul is just there talking to both of them like won't you use your disappearance as an excuse to be together? Even for a little while? Because damn it they deserve to be happy and they're both so dear to him. And he's just sad once again because the world seems intent on hurting these two people he loves so much.
Now lowkey this is where I feel like the writers kind of failed Seo Yul. Take this with a grain of salt though because they had a limited amount of episodes, so all things considered, they did a great job.
But after all his suffering, Seo Yul didn't really get an emotional payoff. Like yes we see him become in charge of the training center in Songrim and he's going to institute a new and fairer system for training mages. But what really would have been good for him and his character would be for it to be pounded into his head how much his friends care about him, how he doesn't have to suffer alone, how he's not guilty of everything he feels guilty of. For someone to recognize finally how much of a burden he has on his shoulders and show him that he doesn't have to shoulder it alone.
I don't think I'm articulating this properly, but I wanted and needed everyone important to Yul to step up after him almost dying to knock some sense into him, to realize how truly fucked up it is for someone to feel so responsible and guilty and self-sacrificing as to just be willing to die in silence. That's why a scene where Danggu and Uk scold the shit out of him would have been necessary, should definitely have happened. He needs some emotional healing and to realize that people in his life are ready to be aggressively there for him.
Just after this incident, his friends constantly coming to check up on him. Like are you good? Your feelings aren't going crazy, right? You don't feel irrationally guilty for something out of your control, right?
I lowkey have way more to say about Yul and his relationship with other people but that's for a different post.
All in all, I'm super glad that Seo Yul found his own path at the end of the season. I think reforming Jeojjingak (if that's what it's called) is his own way of paving the future so that people like Cho Yeon and So-I who had unlucky lots in life have more of a fair chance in the future.
I clearly love this character A LOT.
Congrats to anyone who actually made it this far.
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gillianthecat · 10 months
omg Alchemy of Souls is really good?! who knew? i mean yes, everyone knew but i try to keep myself as ignorant as possible if it's a show i think i might watch. anyway, I was not expecting a romcom/straight up comedy (i had the impression of grand romantic tragedy), and it's a delight. the leads are both sooo hot and ooh boy yes there is the chemistry everyone was talking about (really the only piece of news that made it through my embargo). and i'm still only half an hour into episode two.
it manages to successfully pull off the comedy of a powerful woman losing her powers without (so far falling at least) falling into the misogyny trap. i think because naksu/mu-deok really does feel like a powerful person temporarily disabled, and she's not put in situations any more ridiculous than any of the men. and because jang-uk does seem to genuinely look up to her and her power (even if he does also get turned on anytime she says she's going to kill him).
i'm confused about what happened to jang gang and to the king, but presumably that's a Mystery that will be revealed later. and i'm very appreciative of our favorite socially oblivious sunshine boy, mr. exposition himself, park dang-gu, because i would be even more lost without him.
i also watched the first two episodes of Perfect Marriage Revenge and My Lovely Liar, but then ran into viki's paywall. i was intrigued by people's comments and gifs on my dash about Perfect Marriage Revenge, and looking for distraction i checked it out. it is... extremely soapy and melodramatic. and v. low budget, the cheapest looking korean production i've seen yet. i kinda gritted my teeth through the first episode, figuring i would enjoy it more once she went back in the past to get revenge, and i did! i rather liked her and her anger, and the marriage of convenience trope has some appeal. but i'm not huge on the whole rich ceo shows his attraction by bullying the woman thing, and while this wasn't a very egregious example, it did toe the line at moments. (also his acting was rather wooden.) i can see them having some lovely moments and chemistry, and i wouldn't avoid watching it, but i certainly wasn't going to pay viki for the privilege. i'm rather picky about how my damsel-in-distress plots are depicted, and again, this is kinda on the edge.
My Lovely Liar on the other is shaping up to be really excellent. it seems to be doing something similar to Into the Ring, where the heroine has her own full self sufficient life already, and is simply intrigued by this guy she keeps encountering. if anything, it seems like he will be the one in distress and she will be the one doing the rescuing. i mean, just compare the episode two drunk scene in MLL and PMR—look at who is passed out drunk and who is looking at them fondly and stealing a caress. i need my heterosexual romances to do something interesting with their gendered tropes to really grab me.
there was a moment when they were both about to watch the soccer game on separate sides of their shared wall, and i thought "i hope they're rooting for opposing teams" (which i might have already figured out if i knew what team jerseys looked like but all i could tell is they were both red). and then they were! and the scene was perfect. and i was like, of course i should trust this show to get this right. the whole thing just feels well crafted so far. (and the production values felt positively luxurious coming straight from PMR).
that is a show i would want to return to someday.
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meherya · 2 years
ppl throwing around the terms like masculine and feminine energy desperately trying to defend the ending of alchemy of souls when like the true crime is the fact that the girl we knew in s1 was wholly unique in character and often a female lead you don’t find in dramas... and s2 was a watered down girlie that emulates every other bubbly/charismatic female lead in kdramaland....
like I understand you guys being like u can be feminine and strong!! and like no one is refuting that, but trying to claim that people are secretly sexist for wanting more for the female lead is ridiculous
Yes, there’s nothing wrong with being bubbly/cute for female leads but the whole reason the first season was so brainrot inducing was the fact that Yeong was like that, she was a bitch/cunning/willing to do whatever... and matter of the fact is they completely erased that part of her character... even when Jang Uk has flashbacks of her... it’s only s2 Yeong... the OG, mu deok, doesn’t even make an appearance
The arguments of “s1 Naksu?? that was her under abuse.. this is the real Yeong!!”... okay but at the end of s1 when she’s happy with jang uk and powerless... she’s still the same person, but she’s happy and herself and she’s content... dismissing her personality in s1 like that is insane!! Not to mention they’re also ignoring the fact that she was also abused in s2?? Lady Jin was not pampering her... and even in the end she has her memories of what’s happened to her s1 and before... like mu deok/naksu is just as much of yeong as whatever the hell she was in s2....
Also, s1 Yeong is strong without doing “traditionally masculine” things as well? she’s not fighting off people, she’s not a powerful mage but she’s still strong and intelligent and quick-witted... very little of that comes through in this season, which is disappointing... even near the end she’s giving bu yeon more than anything I’m sorry to say... like not MY Yeong
Overall... viewers wanting more from Yeong’s ending aren’t sexist??... none of you bitches find it crazy how the ending is Jang Uk the guy is most celebrated mage while Yeong the woman is there to help him fight off nightmares essentially??? the divine powers aren’t even hers??? she’s spent 95% of the show being controlled by the owner of the divine powers??? Like that isn’t groundbreaking writing... it’s just stereotypes and overdone like can we please be serious... the true enemies here are the Hong sisters
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iamacolor · 2 years
the annoying thing about the "buyeon's soul is actually still alive, master lee lied so that lady jin would take naksu in, but now naksu's soul is at risk" is that when we were told there'd be a second season after naksu was turned to stone and forced to go on a killing and jang uk died and resurrected, i thought the season would be about them painfully reuniting, dealing with their past together and apart, naksu gaining her own powers back (the thing she was fighting for all of s1) and gaining the control of her own life back from the people who took it from her, gaining her freedom with the help of jang uk, that it would be about the people she'd befriended in s1 getting to see her as what she really is and not just the assassin they knew and killed but it seems that we're back to s1 as, once again, she's not even in control of her own body and rather than wondering if she's going to be able to get justice for herself we have to wonder if she's even able to live at all because, once again, her body isn't her own and she has no power of her own against buyeon (who obviously wants her body back - no surprise here) and all she can do is, once again, try to fit into another person's identity and put herself in some more danger and stay away from uk because she knows she won't last long enough to mend his heart (and this season he's gotten plenty of time to deal with his grief over her, and yes only to lose the person he opened up to as soon as they actually got together, but still he was given time to process what had happened to him last season and since then but naksu hasn't been granted that, as soon as she regained her memories she's had to be in survival mode knowing her chances of survival are almost non existent + she's dealing with several identities at once and she doesn't have the luxury of taking time to deal with it)
and now most of what I was expecting for this season is happening over like 2 weeks instead of 5 (last season finale was a lot of things at once and it was so intense that it worked after all so I'm sure they can fit it all in this time again but I wish they wouldn't drag and circle things so much just to make a memorable season finale, the journey there could've been intense and memorable too)
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starmist · 11 months
A lowkey follow up on my last post on s2:
I also don't buy the justification of her personality change is attributed to her amnesic years or the choice of letting go of her revenge (she already did that, it was a very big plot point in s1). Its true to the story, but in terms of writing, it doesn't make sense.
Like YES i GET IT, she had amnesia and lived as a different person but when characters get amnesia in dramas, (bc we have to remember these were conscious choices made by writers) they always retain some traits and hallmarks of they're original personalities. The point of that is to make the character familiar but different.
In the first three episodes of s2 we definitely had that with JBY; she schemes, can never not be doing something, even is a bit manipulative, most of all she does not ever take things lying down. Constantly breaking out, trying to find a new groom, the wraith attack, and even the events at the Unanimous Assembly are good examples of this (and there are definitely more).
Unfortunately, these traits almost entirely disappear from episode 4 forward. I can still see a few, like her keeping busy with Songrim and her tendency to glare and threaten. But these traits are so significantly played down that they are barely even there whereas her new personality is front and centre. She doesn't really do much either, while she was reasonable for 80% of the plot in s1 (but honestly nothing much actually happens in terms of plot so i'll let this slide.)
Now this is where people are going to tell me I don't understand the show. I GENUINELY believe that Mudeok/Naksu are not the same character as JBY. It's the same soul and the same person, I'm not disagreeing with that. What I mean is narratively, contextually, these are separate characters.
What is leading me to this conclusion? Episode 4. The entire episode is about Mudeok's/Nasku's ghost, ends with her figuratively dying and Jang Uk stating that Naksu is gone from the world.
The audience and Jang Uk are in the same place, missing Mudeok/Naksu, unable to let go of her and focus her new character bc we (Uk and the audience) are waiting for her to comeback. So when Uk "kills" her, the narrative is telling us that the character we had in s1 is dead and won't be coming back.
I also think this is reinforced by Jang Uk stating that the reason he like her was not bc of the memories confusing them (i.e. it was never about who she was in past) it's simply that he likes her so much. Of course I know about the whole thing with the jade, but like i said it’s the same person/soul as a brand new character.
A good explicit example of this is Mudeok and Yul's goodbye in episode 19, where she states that she is not who he met all those years ago, that girl no longer exists in this world, only in his memories now. Even Yul says in episode 20 that the person he like was not Mudeok. It is the same soul but a different person.
Just like JBY is the same person but a different character. These are not mutually exclusive things in fiction.
I also want to add that she doesn’t actually get her og body back, she’s still much shorter. So if this is the same character, then the “natural progression of the story” would have resulted in a body more similar to her og one rather than Naksu and Mudeok Frankensteined together. And while I understand that part of the reason they kept her short is bc of GYJ height, but a throwaway line saying something like as time goes on the body would look more and more like her og one. That takes into account the height problem and a decent enough explanation as to why her physique is different.
But we don’t get that. We get a character that has a polar opposite personality, few recognizable traits, and a body that’s neither here nor there. Everything about this is screaming that we are meant to take her as a different character altogether.
(I don’t want to hear jack about she’s happy/gave up revenge/without Jin mu’s damage. That’s not a good enough explanation for the major changes in her character. And again I want to emphasize this that this is fiction and these are conscious choices the writers made. There is a reason why her body, personality, and story is like this.)
All media has emotional and informational cues. Things that are not directly stated but are used as a subtle way of conveying information, directing the audiences emotions, and foreshadowing plot points. Cues can be explicit, (are relatively obvious and direct no room to doubt, the audience is told/shown something) or implicit (suggested or hinted at; mostly through camera angles, music, and dialogue). Implicit cues are all about reading in between the lines, used to convey deeper meanings and themes; implying but never stating.
So when we apply that to when Jang Uk "kills her", mourns her, and moves on to JBY it is a cue for the audience to do the same and a narrative statement that this is different story from what we are used to, that we will not be getting the same things from her as we did is S1.
There is no more Naksu or Mudeok, that character died at the bottom of the lake. Not even her memories turn her back to the character from s1. She’s dead and Jin Buyeon/Cho Yeong is the new FL)
(Side note: I think part of the reason they did this was bc of the change in actress. GYJ trying to emulate JSM as Mudeok/Naksu would constantly be compared and probably hated on. The solution: make a new character with a completely different personality and figuratively kill off the original one therefore there are different expectations, in terms of acting. This is not at all a dig at GYJ, she’s the only reason I watched to the end even, it’s simply that the showrunners & actors were in a difficult position and this lessened the flame war & allowed a rookie to transition into/take over a veteran actress’ character.)
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Alchemy of souls season 2
Okay, I've only reached the middle part of episode 2 but something about this second season seems off. Many things make sense but many also seem like a stretch.
For example, Lady Jin is acting out. Yes, she was highly manipulated by Jin Mu the first season and kept on acting agaist Songrim but she stayed true to some boundaries. So, locking her long lost daughter up in a room with one window only, seems a bit too harsh even for her. I thought she loved her daughter so much, she couldn't let go. Yes, I know, Bu-yeon looks like Naksu but that doesn't mean she's not her daughter, that doesn't mean she can't interact with her. Like she doesn't treat her like a human being which confuses me a bit tbh.
I love, love, love Jang Uk's dark era. Everybody longed for the ice stone, a whole war has risen and in the end, it's in Jang Uk's "posession" but we see how it would have been way better to let it stay at Jinyowon. It's a great power, it brings back the dead, it's something very unnatural, made by nature. It's too much to bear. Jang Uk is very strong, he was born under the King's Star, but he desperatly wishes to get rid of it. He gave up his powers, he was more than ready to live without anything and then he came back to life with too much going on. It must be hard and he's suffering.
But we don't get to see much of him. He is not the protagonist any more. It was Naksu and Jang Uk and now it's just Naksu. Jang Uk is a relict of the past, kind of like a shadow to remind us the first season existed but he's not talking, he's not seen, he's not there. I don't like that at all.
What really stocked me is Bu-yeon living in Naksu's body because it makes so, so much sense since both their souls and energies were extremely strong. It was Bu-yeon's body keeping Naksu in check and now it's the other way around. It's a balance and I absolutely love it. Still, the chemistry is not the same, the pacing of their love story is a bit weird. It's rushed and slow at the same time. Why does Jang Uk take her with him, why does he agree to marry her, why do they bring their faces so close together after 5mins? The overall start of their encounter is not very good since it doesn't seem to be thought-through and like they just looked for a way to make the two characters meet and fall for each other as fast as possible.
I don't like how Dang-gu and So-yeon did not marry. Like why? A bit unnecessary, I would say. At the same time, I like to see these two heartbroken, I don't know. They have always been cute and they are still cute when they're sadly looking at each other.
Don't get me started on Park Jin and Maidservant Kim...I despise what they're trying to do. Park Jin and farming. I know, it's supposed to be the comedic part of this show but it absolutely doesn't work for me.
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adelledelacruz · 1 year
Alchemy of Souls
♡ Naksu x Jang-uk ♡
OST: Love letter by Big Naughty
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Synopsis: A powerful sorceress in a blind woman's body encounters a man from a prestigious family, who wants her help to change his destiny.
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Period Drama, and Action
No. of episodes: 20
Original Network: tvN
Release Date: June 18, 2022 - August 28, 2022
Rating: 7/10
Would Recommend: Yes! a 100%
The drama was magical with the top-tier cinematography and the actors and actresses that delivered their roles so well. Each episode got me hooked and I for real was losing my sanity at the time it was airing because of the sequenced plot twists. However, I wasn't satisfied with how this season ended. I expected more, I guess? Maybe a happy ending that was impossible to deliver? Anyhow, I think the plot at the end kind of just got dragged. It seems like they've shifted their focus more on the production of season 2 rather than season 1. Still, it's a great watch. The chemistry of the leads was oozing and I would definitely rewatch this again, though I might cry a river, considering its heart-wrenching ending.
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Synopsis: Jang-uk returns from death, and three years later, the story of the mages unfolds anew. Jang-uk becomes a hunter of the soul shifter when a young woman, a prisoner in her own home seeks his help to reclaim her freedom.
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Period Drama, and Action
No. of episodes: 10
Original Network: tvN
Release Date: December 10, 2022 - January 8, 2023
Rating: 10/10
Would Recommend: Definitely!
THIS IS IT! Personally, everything that was lacking in season 1, they have here. The changing of the female lead was so complicated at first, however, it was such a great twist that they've managed to incorporate! In this season, everything in the storyline was well-written and exceptional. From this season, everything was made clear and refreshing. Considering Naksu's traumatic past, I was glad that she somehow temporarily got to forget her past and has had to enjoy the sweetness of life (even though, not necessarily since she was mostly locked up). Having a look at the drama's reviews, the majority of the viewers were flabbergasted by the change of the female lead. However, for me it's thrilling and epic. I just love how the fierce and dominant Naksu suddenly switched to the cute and charming Jin Bu-yeon. In terms of romance, just like season 1, this did not disappoint! The overflowing dose of chemistry from the casts still got me giggling tightly hugging my plushies.
Overall, both seasons were phenomenal masterpieces that deserve recognition!
Credits ♡
Courtesy to Ukieyeongiee from Tiktok for the AOS edit
Series info: https://asianwiki.com/Alchemy_of_Souls
Courtesy to Pinterest for all the photos used
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liliyawnas · 2 years
Jdkjalkhg am i happy with how the finale was written for aos??? FUCK No it was all over the place, the plot twist with the three deaths came out of nowhere and was ridiculous, Cho Yeong’s character was… generously only half of what she could have been… The chronology of the final showdown makes Zero sense, like when did the soft kiss scene in the hut take place? Before or after they gathered chestnuts? And I hate not seeing UK’s reactions to meeting the actual Bu Yeon\Seol Ran, and his reaction to Cho Yeong coming back like that must be fucking intense????
But god fucking dammit i ENJOYED IT. Some parts more than others, but what can you do. Jang Uk fighting on the ice of lake Gyonchangdaeho??? Fuck yes, it paralleled Naksu’s fight with Songrim in the beginning of the show and he was so sexy for doing that. The scene with Cho Yeong’s soul leaving the body??? Actual tears were in my eyes. The happy ending for Yeong and Uk??? The bickering on top of the tree? All the magical fighting? Niceee
Like my gripes are mostly with how they handled Cho Yeong’s arc, like Seol Ran giving her the body as some sort of prize for Uk wtf was that? And also the fact that she was such a lovable character who was a bit of an asshole, flaws et al, and became sort of flat in s2?
BUT ill leave those for another day fuck neither of them was supposed to be born or alive and yet they chose each other and chose to live and to love??? Screaming crying throwing up. If i dont experience love like that what is even the point???
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venussaidso · 2 years
Vedic Astrology Observation (based on shows/films part 1-ish)
Alchemy Of Souls kdrama
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The main character, in Alchemy Of Souls, Naksu, gives me deep Uttara Bhadrapada/Pisces energy.
Uttara Bhadrapada is the Warrior Star, and as she said and I quote, "They call me Naksu. For wherever I go, heads fall to the ground."
And also, her water dragon form?? As she enters scene to her character intro? Yes, Ruler of Uttara Bhadrapada is Ahir Budhnya – the atmospheric serpent dragon, also known as the water dragon.
[Sorry for quality of the gifs]
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She has the ability to gather energy from water and control it in a way to make spells or fight her opponents.
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The character also bragged once that she can run on water like she's flying. Sis said she can make it rain. Uttara Bhadrapada has Varshodyamana Shakti, the ability to bring rain. As the nakshatra is known for 'The Bringer Of Cosmic Rain'.
The actress playing her - Go Yoon Jung - has an unknown Ascendant, unfortunately. So I can only speculate and say she is an Uttara Bhadrapada Ascendant. She looks so much like a Saturn nakshatra.
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But then she has Saturn in Uttara Bhadrapada. We can also speculate that Saturn can be her Chart Ruler. She's got a Pisces stellium in her entire chart, still. Saturn Uttara Bhadrapada is conjuct her Ketu, and her Atmakaraka planet (Mars) – the last two in Revati. Though in the drama I see more Uttara Bhadrapada themes than Revati. She couldn't be anymore Pisces. Which makes a lot of sense, because Naksu works a lot with water and lakes (Uttara Bhadrapada represents the darkest depths of the sea, as the serpent lies under deep pressures of water. A scene in episode 2, she falls into a lake in which she sinks deep under and suddenly regains some of her strength & powers). Her character is very watery. She's unhinged, sneaky and very calculating, which is Uttara Bhadrapada.
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The actress playing another incarnation of her, Jung So-min, is also a Pisces Sun (in Purva Bhadrapada). This is where our great powerful mage, Naksu, loses her powers and abilities in this weak body she switched to; like going backwards literally from Uttara Bhadrapada to Purva Bhadrapada. Jung So-min has an Ardra Moon, which is interesting. Since Uttara Bhadrapada, Purva Bhadrapada, and Ardra are all Rudra nakshatras. Which makes me curious how the story will play into that. I'm only on episode 3.
Whether the story declines in quality or not, I'm literally in love. She is so, so Pisces. Her stoicism hiding all the passion, grief and trauma brewing beneath her. The fact that, even though she has weakened and can no longer be the assassin she was with her inability to access her powers now, she's still very fierce and stubborn. Babe literally be making death threats in her head to those that slight her lmaoo. Both actresses did a terrific job of her.
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Dude, her mischevious smile couldn't be anymore Pisces.
Sidereal Pisces women thoughh ♓😩👌
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rughydrangea · 2 years
Okay, so, should the last half hour have started in like episode 19 at least? Yes. Did the fake Boo Yeon story bore me to tears? Yes. Did the meandering plot drive me to distraction many a time? Yes. Did two straight episodes of Daddy Jang wandering around the city, making sure he got in his 20,000 steps before finally showing up to join the drama and promptly anti-climactically dying have me pulling my hair out? Yes. Did the fitful doling-out of backstory and exposition make me seriously fear that the Hong sisters were making it all up as they went along? Yes. Did the show frequently veer towards wacky comedy when I wanted it to be a plot-focused emotional fantasy drama? Yes. Did spending 19 full episodes following a kick-ass assassin who couldn’t use any of her powers get old at a certain point? Yes.
Did I really love this show? Yes! Am I deeply psyched for December? Yes. Did I love the dynamic between Mu Deok/Naksu and Wook, the fearsome assassin made humble and the arrogant young lord who served his maid as his master? Hell yeah. Did my heart kind of break for Yul, the quiet loner who was condemned to nurse a secret love and could never share his pain with anybody? Even though Minhyun doesn’t have a ton of emotional range? Surprisingly, yes. Did I enjoy most of the side characters and the worldbuilding? Yes. Am I genuinely invested in this story of mixed-up births and bodies and mysterious destinies written in the stars and honestly pretty cool-looking water magic? Yes.
I love dramas that take chances. I think Alchemy took some chances--it’s full-on fantasy, with no built-in frame of reference for the audience and it heavily relies on CGI, which isn’t an easy combination on a TV budget. And I acknowledge that it was far from perfect--I can only imagine how much more powerfully the ending of this episode would have landed if the potential of Jin Mu controlling Naksu could have been established early on, so that the dread could build as we were led towards this loss of her autonomy, which in a horrible twist of irony was also the moment in which she regained her power. If her rampage could have lasted longer, we could have seen more clearly how each character reacted to her violence and her true identity, and then we could have sat in the aftermath, really felt the moment of absolute loss that was Wook’s death. With better pacing, this could have all hit so much harder. But I did enjoy the journey, and I loved where we ended up. Wook walking out of his own funeral pyre? Incredible! Naksu losing everything in the cruelest way possible? I was compelled! Jin Cho Yeon having the worst month imaginable? I actually felt pretty bad for her! And most importantly, I really want to see what happens next.
I know there’s been a lot of chatter about the female lead for part two. I have really enjoyed Jung So Min’s performance, and would be happy to continue watching her. And I am a little confused about whether she truly won’t be in part 2 at all, since the fact that she is playing Jin Boo Yeon’s body would imply to me that she’s still a player in this story. But I’m also excited to get Naksu’s true form back, for a few reasons: 1) I really liked Go Yoon Jung in the first episode and am eager to see her get to perform the role again; 2) As I mentioned, I found it frustrating to watch a character who was initially defined by her immense power continuously have no access to that power. I’m hoping that with Naksu back in her own body, she can truly be Naksu, rather than Mu Deok; 3) If we’re hoping for a happy ending between Naksu and Wook (and I for one am!), then it could never be with her having hijacked someone else’s body. She did it to survive, sure, but every second she spent in Boo Yeon’s body was a theft. Boo Yeon deserves her body and her life back.
Okay, that was way longer than I planned! But yeah, I get people losing patience with this drama; I can’t deny that I myself did on occasion. But I’m so excited for part 2 (everyone got a haircut!) and overall I had a great time!
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mindmeltonabun-blog · 2 years
Alchemy of Souls: Theories and Analyses for Eps 5-6
I'm usually highly accurate at predicting what will happen next based off clues or evidence, but in this week’s episodes, some of my theories were proven wrong. I guess in the past I was able to accurately predict things because most or nearly all of the info was given in the first 4 episodes. However, I’d forgotten that those were 16 eps drama and not 20 eps drama like AOS. This means the time frame in which a sufficient information is given can be longer and span across more than just 4 episodes. Regardless, I will try to provide you all with the most precise theories! Now let’s get started! 
The Queen/Seo Yul’s Aunt
In the latest eps of AOS, there were a few more surprises including the one that completely shocked me which was the relationship between Jin Mu and the Queen who is also Seo Yul's aunt.
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This leads to me question whether the Queen is the real puppet master behind everything? At first I'd thought that maybe Jin Mu had shifted the soul of one of his minions into the Queen, but then when he said he had to serve her, it made me think otherwise. I am very curious to see what's inside the chest. My best guess is that it's an elixir or something which must be taken monthly. Maybe it's like the polyjuice potion from Harry Potter which must be taken regularly to maintain the physical appearance of another person. What if the Queen is not really the Queen, but is actually Jin Mu's boss who uses the elixir to look like the Queen. Since she is in a high position, she can't risk her identity by siphoning the life force out of people which might raise suspicion.
Master Lee's Age
Yo he is old af. 100 years old?! WTF! Guess my previous theory of Jang Gang's inhabiting's Master Lee's body just went out the window. Anyways I was so surprised that he was so old!! What is his anti aging secret?! The chaste/anti Viagra tea??? Or maybe was it because he was so focused on developing his mage skills, he was able to developed a philosophers stone like the one in Harry Potter?
So many questions!! Is he immortal? In Taoism, one is able to attain immorality through channeling all of one's energy to reach harmony with the Tao, but who the hell knows if that was the case with Master Lee. All I got to say is Jang Uk was a fool for not being Master Lee's pupil. I'm not even a guy, but if I were I would totally remain celibate just to be able to learn from Master Lee. An opportunity like this does not come by every day! Just think of all the knowledge this guy holds!! He's like Yoda or something. If there's one person to help Naksu regain her powers I feel like its going to be Master Lee rather than Jang Uk.
Naksu and Mu Deok
The "Sleepwalking" Incident
In the most recent episodes, new evidence was introduced to the theory that Mu Deok's soul is currently dormant in her body. In Ep 5, we see Naksu having a dream in which she sees Mu Deok. Subsequently, Naksu became unaware of the fight that had ensued between Master Lee and Jang Uk.
It would seem that she did not sleepwalk, but had temporarily lost control of her body to Mu Deok's soul. Yes.. yes... I know some are like hooray this must mean it's true that Mu Deok soul still exists in her own body. Well it is a possibility, but it is still not definitive. Again, there are a lot of mysteries surrounding Naksu and Mu Deok.
Something else that was strange during this scene was what Master Lee had said which was "her soul has no malice". Was he was referring to Mu Deok's or Naksu's soul? It could be either. However, I believe he was referring to Naksu's soul because he also said, "a great soul has shifted into this body". I can't remember which interview it was from, but there was one when Lee Jae Wook had said, "she has a pure heart", when asked what he thought of Naksu's character. So maybe Master Lee was referring to Naksu's soul after all.
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The Night Naksu's Father Was Murdered
In the beginning of Ep 5, we were shown more of the night in which Naksu's father was killed. There was something very odd about what Naksu's maid had told her.
Naksu's Maid: If you see your father, run away. Do not let him catch you.
This was odd because if Naksu's father had really been the kind father she had so fondly remembered then why would she need to run away from him? There's probably more to this story than meets the eye! Plus it was interesting to see Naksu crying over her maid's dead body instead of her father's. Why was she crying over her maid's body. Could it be that his body was taken back to Songrim for examination?
Previously, I'd mentioned how I thought that Naksu's father was not her father, but her kidnapper. My thoughts were that he was working for Jin Mu. Given Jin Mu's habit of shifting souls of his minions into the bodies of astronomers at Cheonbugwan, this theory could be possible. Maybe on the night the four families had killed Naksu's dad, it wasn't because he saw the king star prophecy but because he was a soul swifter that had ran wild. Maybe this is the reason Naksu's maid had told her to stay away from her "dad" and to not let him catch her. Furthermore, during the conversion between Heo Yeom, Park Jin, and Seo Yul, it was implied that the four families only killed her father and not everyone else that day. This was confirmed when Seo Yul said something like, "So our families were involved in her father's death". If the four families had killed her entire father including the servants, Seo Yul would've said something like, "So our families were involved in the deaths of her entire family and servants". The big question is what made Naksu's dad go ballistic and crazy? One possibility is that he ran wild, but there could be others.
Naksu's Constellation
Something else I’m dying to know is Naksu’s prophecy. Her father had told her that the astronomers at Cheonbugwan kept records of constellation readings for any particular day including her birthday. I am thinking that Naksu’s constellation is Aquarius since it is the only one that represents falling water like her namesake. According to Chinese astronomy, the stars within the Aquarius constellation has several meanings such as: girl, maidservant, emptiness, desolation and depression (relating to funerals and mourning, and axe (relating to executions). Describes her perfectly right?!
Side note, the AOS stone tablets which contain the constellation readings/prophecies reminded me of the prophecy orbs in Harry Potter.
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Timeline of Bu Yeon's Disappearance
In Ep 6, we were given some new information about the lost daughter of the Jin family, Bu Yeon. Specifically, it was revealed she disappeared over a decade ago. What does that even mean?? Are we talking about 15, 20, 24, years ago or what?? I need specifics to accurately predict if Naksu or Mu Deok is the lost daughter of the Jin family! For example, if Bu Yeon was a baby when she was taken then it could fit the Naksu is the lost daughter of the Jin family narrative. I am estimating that Naksu is currently 25 years old because she was around 5 years old when she witnessed her father being killed which occurred 20 years ago. If Bu Yeon was taken when she was much older then it could mean that it is Mu Deok who is the lost daughter of Jin family.
Naksu's New Found Ability: Seeing Through Objects
Near the end of Ep 6, it was shown that Naksu had gained ability: the power to see through objects. Naksu became disoriented after touching the box that housed the Yin and Yang jade. Following this, she was able to see through the box that the jade had been broken. So was this new ability a result of Naksu’s soul swapping or was it a result of an ability that Mu Deok’s body previously had? I’m still unsure. 
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Naksu became disoriented again after she stepped onto the Jin family residence. One could say that this was a result of Mu Deok’s body reacting to her family’s heirloom as well as her former home, but the same argument could be made for Naksu’s soul. It could be that Naksu had not experienced this sensation before because she had never visited the Jin residence until now. When she arrived at the Jin residence, Mama Jin’s birds went crazy and well you know how Naksu feels about birds….she’s crazy about them. It could also be that Mu Deok loved birds too. Again, there's not enough information about both Naksu and Mu Deok's past.
Magic Mirror On The Wall, Who's The Fairest One of All?
During Cho Yeon's time in Jinwoyon, a creepy mirror was seen. Later, Naksu was in there when the mirror started talking to her. It said, "It has been a long time" as if it had recognized a Jin family member. My first thoughts were was the mirror referring to Naksu's soul or Mu Deok's body? This is something I think should be given ASAP! We know the doors of Jinwoyon only open for Jin family members, but what does that even mean? Is the enchantment that is place on Jinwoyon's doors able to differentiate between the body and soul? The same goes for the magical objects within Jinwoyon. In Harry Potter, the members of each house are given a password to enter their rooms. What is the "password" for entering Jinwoyon? One's soul or body? That is the question I have.
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Another part of me thinks that the reason Naksu was able to get into Jinwoyon was because Cho Yeon opened it. Given Cho Yeon's jealousy of Naksu, she probably told Naksu to take the Yin and Yang jade down there and then decided framed Naksu for "theft" by shutting her in there or something.
Okay now back to the mirror. Does this mirror remind anyone of the Mirror of Erised from Harry Potter (yes yes another Harry Potter reference)? The mirror in Harry Potter was a magical object that showed what one's heart had desperately desire. I think the mirror in Jinwoyon works the same way. In next week's preview, we see Naksu and Seo Yul being romantic, but I think it's all fake. What's really happening is that when Seo Yul enters the mirror, he sees what his heart truly desires which is the girl he loved from Danhyaggok aka Naksu. After escaping from there and learning the mirror only shows what one's heart desires, Seo Yul will put two and two together and realize that the girl he once loved and Naksu in Mu Deok's body are one and the same. Hence why he says, "So Mu Deok was Naksu" in Ep 7 preview. I also wouldn't be surprised if the Prince and Gang Uk also see fake Naksu when they enter the mirror world. For Naksu, what she desires could be one of two things. It's either successfully killing the people who murdered her father or it could be regaining her powers.
Revisiting Why Naksu/Mu Deok's Body Did Not Run Wild
It would seem that Naksu was even more powerful than Jang Gang because she was able to cast the Alchemy of Souls spell without running wild because she had mastered Hwansu. As you recalled in Ep 1, Jang Gang was lamenting to Jin Mu about not casting the Alchemy of Souls spell anymore because his subjects kept running wild which meant that he had not mastered Hwansu.
Something worth noting is the color difference between Jang Gang and Naksu's casting of the spell. When Jang Gang casted the spell the color was red/orange like fire while Naksu's was blue like water. I believe that if the spell was casted correctly the color would've been blue, indicating that one had successfully mastered Hwansu which is the conversion of water to fire and vice versa. In Jang Gang's case, his was only red/orange which meant he was only able to convert water to fire, but not the other way around.
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Other Important Things
The Danhyaggot Tree/Mt Seongheungsan Love Tree
The tree in AOS (known as the Mt Seongheungsan Love Tree) was also featured in another Hong Sister drama, Hotel Del Luna. In that drama, the tree's significance was that it was where Yeon Woo had promised to build Manwol a house before he tragically died. For the most part that tree had held happy memories for Jang Manwol. The same could be said for Naksu. It was where she had finally mastered Chisu and was able to climb high enough to see the moon.
Unlike Yeon Woo who was unable to fulfill his promise to Manwol, I hope Jang Uk will be able to fulfill his promise to Naksu. If there’s some sort of scene where Jang Uk takes Naksu to the top, but she’s like nearly dead or whatever, I’m going to be so mad! That tree seems to be symbolize both happy and sad times in Hotel Del Luna, but I hope that tree will only represent happy times in AOS!
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Yin and Yang
Now let’s discuss some common themes present in AOS. I had previously mentioned that it would be a good idea to conduct some research about Chinese Alchemy and Taoism. Anyways, in this week’s episodes, several of concepts stemming from Chinese Alchemy and Taoism were briefly touched upon. In particular the idea of Yin and Yang.
Yin and Yang is a philosophical concept that states opposite or contrary forces are complementary, interconnected, and interdependent. It’s all about duality! Evil vs good, dark vs light, fire vs water, night vs day, winter vs summer, cold vs hot. You get my drift. It is believed that within each of us, there are both Yin and Yang. Usually Yin and Yang are represented by the colors black and white respectively.
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Even though I had said this on my Twitter, I felt it would be beneficial to you all that I talk about the importance of the character profile pictures. Most characters have a light and dark side picture with a few exceptions. Jin Mu, Mama Jin, and Heo Yeom are the only ones that have just one picture which symbolizes they are predominately ruled by only one side. The half siblings, Jin Mu and Mama Jin, only have dark side pictures while Heo Yeom’s picture is only in white. Jin Mu's picture is completely black because he is an evil person. There's no yang or goodness in him. However, Mama Jin's picture may be black because she is a depressed person. After all, her daughter has been missing all these years which has basically left a dark hole in her heart. She has no source of happiness in her life. With Heo Yeom's white picture, it's a given. He's like the happiest person alive!
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Neidan: Internal Alchemy
Let’s discuss some concepts that are important in the world of AOS. Part of Chinese Alchemy is Neidan or internal alchemy. Central to Neidan is the idea of “The Three Treasures” or essential energies that are important for human life. They are as follows:
Jing: Nutritive essence, essence, sperm, seed
Example: What the chaste/anti viagra tea is used to prevent from being lost; if you have sex, you lose jing
Subcategories of Jing : Prenatal and Postnatal
Prenatal Jing is acquired at birth from parents and postnatal Jing is acquired after birth through food, water, oxygen, and the environment
2. Qi (pronounced as Chi): Vitality, life force, vigor
Example: Called core energy or energy in AOS; Naksu has none; Jang Uk’s has too much in his right hand; "The Force" in Star Wars
Linked to the flow of energy around and through the body
In Tradional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is believed that symptoms from illnesses are a byproduct of Qi being blocked, disrupted, or unbalanced
There are different types of Qi; Qi (gained through one's life), Primordial Qi (inherited from parents), Grain Qi (gained through foods)
3. Shen: Soul, spirit
Example: Naksu’s soul
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When the "Three Treasures" are properly maintained along with balance of Yin and Yang, one can achieve a healthy body and a prolonged life which are the goals of Neidan.
Given all of this, I want us to take a closer look at Naksu/Mu Deok's Qi. Master Lee had said he was not able to detect any Qi or energy in her. Why? It could be one of two things. The first being that Mu Deok's had her core energy sealed much like Jang Uk's. As I mentioned in my other post, I do not know who could've sealed Mu Deok's core energy. If we go with the whole Mu Deok is the daughter of the Jin daughter then one could say it was Jin Mu who sealed it (remember that Jin Mu is vengeful against the family who kicked him out). Another possibility is that maybe Naksu had inadvertently sealed it when she swapped her soul into Mu Deok's body. If Mu Deok's core energy was indeed sealed, it could explain why her body was so weak and unhealthy. Furthermore, maybe Mu Deok became blind because she could not handle sunlight. When Jang Uk had his core energy sealed, he was incredibly weak. He could not withstand cold or hot temperatures.
The second reason for why Mu Deok's body may not have any energy could be linked to her mood. It is believed that when one is depressed or sad, it can deplete one's Qi. I'd mentioned how Mu Deok's life seemed pretty bleak and depressing.
That moment between Master Lee, Heo Yeom, and Park Jin was absolutely hilarious!! He dissed Heo Yeom, but praised Park Jin.
Love the budding romance between Dang Gu and Cho Yeon!!
All the moments between Seo Yul and Naksu just made my heart ache!!! The lines Seo Yul said in front of the tree where him and Naksu spent time simply destroyed me ("The moment she sliced my sincerity in half, I could no longer cherish our memories together. It was a secret that I had to bury in my heart."). I was a Jang Uk and Naksu shipper, but I'm beginning to be a Seo Yul and Naksu shipper...ekkk! I blame the Hong Sisters for giving us so many lovey dovey scenes between Seo Yul and Naksu!!
All of the bird references!! I especially loved Maidservant Kim saying how she would give Jang Uk's love interest a silk pouch filled with money so that this girl could flap away...HAHA! Then there was also Jang Uk's saying how he was like the Mama bird who was sitting on the egg...I can't even!!!
Under the character information section on the TvN website, it shows two characters which we have not seen yet. The first character is a girl named Soy. Her character picture shows her wearing some sort of blindfold similar to the one Mu Deok had. The only information given about her is that she had helped Mu Deok in Sari village and has now been recruited by Jin Mu to run a scheme. The second character that has yet to appear is Cho Yeon's dad, Jin Woo Tak. Again there's not a lot of information given about him other than he been out and about searching for Bu Yeon.
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cardboardclaymore · 2 years
What if, instead of seo yul making mudeok promise unknowingly to come with him back to the seo family fortress, he was asking for her help to bring jang wook back instead?
No less manipulative, but it would be significant in terms of plot. i think even he knows better than to intrude on naksu’s agency like that. I think in his point of view, he needs to protect jang uk FROM naksu as his friend (you put his life in danger, and he got what he wanted, is something he repeats often). And as long as he’s been alive, hes seen all the authority figures basically cage jang uk into a helpless box. To him, this is the accepted “way” to deal with the “problem” and protect his friend. Like everyone else, he underestimates jang uk.
As for naksu, i think hes still undecided on how to approach her dilemma. He’s panicking because he sees two people he cares about going down the “wrong path” according to everything he’s been taught. I think at the end of the day he’s afraid that naksu will steal jang uk’s soul, just like naksu herself fears. Worst case scenario, one kills the other and he loses both of them.
And i dont think he’s ever faced that kind of fear before. Jang uk and naksu have been through a lot individually, so they are ready to take their life into their own hands. to them, living freely is most inportant, because they already know what it means to suffer in helplessness while alive. For yul, he has no such understanding, although he probably considers himself “sympathetic”.
To seo yul, naksu is manipulating jang uk towards her own end. She is a murderous assasin capable of deceit. In his eyes, jang uk is still an innocent, still oblivious to his own capability. Jang uk can still be “saved”. Naksu, although she has become a sympathetic person who has suffered in her own life as well, is continuing to be shady even after her second chance and who, if not stopped, must and will eventually face “justice”.
Im not a yul apologist. Does jealousy play into this? Yes, probably moreso than seo yul himself is willing to admit. I just think he knows better than to try and cage naksu of all people in his own family’s fortress. And after thr mirror episode, i think he is very on guard against the idea of being emotionally played by naksu. He wouldnt put himself in that position of vulnerability.
Do i agree with his actions? Not as all. I believe he cares for naksu and jang uk. But he sees himself as some important, impartial arbiter of fate who must protect people from each other and themselves. He thinks he knows better, in other words. Every description of him points to that - the so-called “genius” of the seo family, “someone who is raised to believd they’ll do something grand.” Not only that, he’s basically everybody’s most well-behaved, golden child. To songrim at large, He’s an example of morality, not just ability. And That’s his blind spot. He basically is walking down the path set by park jin - not just in terms of alchemy, but also in terms of his role as watchdog in society. There’s a reason nobody likes songrim and park jin. He thinks he knows it all!
Somewhere in this story, seo yul will eventually have to make a choice between following the path of his elder and teacher park jin, or learning to trust his friends. Im not that invested in his storyline, but i suspect its more compelling than it appears at first glance. We’ll see everyone’s side of the story soon enough. Let’s stay tuned…
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