#yes hello my name is Emma and welcome to my crib
emmagail-brainrot · 1 year
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tfw you ask the small Weird Girl over to your dorm to Hang Out and she actually says yes
yes that’s Dana’s dorm from LiS cause I couldn’t find anything better and Dana’s aésthëtīqûę gave me galaxy brain ideas
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deadnightcoffeetime · 11 months
The Man In Black (page 10) (COPY RIGHT)
Michael takes a last sip of water, before knocking out on the couch. He places the cup on the coffee table, then lies on the couch, falling asleep.
Michael awakens at a nursery/bedroom, along with Mr. Black holding a fake baby, rocking it. “Is this my old nursery?”, said Michael. “Yes, it is. What a very small room.”, said Mr. Black. Michael replies, as he walks around, looking at the nursery/bedroom. “Yeah, talk about memory lane.”. He turns around to see Mr. Black. “Anyways, what the? Is that a real baby?”, said Michael. Mr. Black chuckles. “No. This is just a doll.”, said Mr. Black. Mr. Black places the doll in the crib. “Please, continues what you were saying.”, said Mr. Black. “This is place was my parents room back In the day. My mother told me she and…my father got this place, when they were really young.”, said Michael. “The way how you said your father, I’m guessing you have a negative, dislike, towards him.”, said Mr. Black. “I do, actually. Because what he did, I can care less about him.”, said Michael. “Mind if I ask, what did he do?”, said Mr. Black. Michael replies, as both of them sits on the bed. “He did what most fathers do, ran out on us. After my sister was born, he was becoming less of a father, and more of an asshole. More going out, leaving my mom to do everything, getting into trouble and such.”. “How old was your mom, when she had you?”, Mr. Black. Michael sighs. “She was 15, when she had me. And she was 18, when she had my sister.”, said Michael. “Wow, really young.”, said Mr. Black. “Wait, I thought you knew everything?”, said Michael. “Just because I’m everywhere, doesn’t mean I know everything. I’m there only to escort the souls to the higher power.”, said Mr. Black. “I see…Anyway, after my mom left my father, she decided to go back to get her G.E.D., after having my sister. During tat time my grandparents took care of us, while she was studying. I guess you can say, my grandfather was the only father figure that my sister and I, had. Yeah, he was hard on us, but he was there for us. He was a better father to be honest.”, said Michael. “What does your mom do?“, said Mr. Black. “She’s a nurse at a clinic.”, said Michael. Mr. Black speaks out, a he gets up and walks to the crib, then turns around to face Michael. “Let me ask you this, would you be happy to have kids of your own?”. “I don’t know honestly. If I do wind up having children, I can tell you this, I will not be like my father. I’ll be in their lives, and always ther for them. I wouldn’t want them to go through what I went through.”, said Michael. “Fair enough. Let’s watch.”, said Mr. Black. He snaps his fingers for the fourth time.
It’s the year 2026, Michael is now 33 years old, and Emma is 32 years old. He awakens at a park, seeing a bunch of young kids playing in the jungle gym, on the swings, etc. A young 4-1/2 girl comes up to Michael. The young girl is Michael’s first born, and her name is Samantha, a name after Emma’s mother. “Hey, dad,can I have some ice cream?”, said Samantha. Michael is shocked to see that, he has a beautiful young girl. “Yes, sweetie. What flavor?”, said Michael. “I want vanilla.”, said Samantha. “Let’s go get it!”, said Michael. He gets up from the bench, then grabs his daughter and placing her on his shoulders. He takes her to the ice cream truck. Both arrive at the truck, Samantha speaks. “Hello!”. “Why, hello there! What can I get for you today?”, said the ice cream man. “Can I have a vanilla ice cream?”, said Samantha. “Certainly.”, said the ice cream man. The ice cream man goes on to fix her soft serve ice cream cone, then gives it to her. “Here you go.”, said the ice cream man. “What do you say, sweetie?”, said Michael. “Thank you.”, said Samantha. “You’re welcome. Take care.”, said the ice cream man. “Thanks. You too.”, said Michael. Samantha enjoys her ice cream, as they leave the presence of the truck. “Honey, we’re going have to leave now. We have to check on mommy. Okay?”, said Michael. “Okay.”, said Samantha. The two are heading back home on foot.
10 minutes later, they arrive home. In the living room, Emma is sitting on the couch, and is 9 months pregnant. She’s due at any time this week. Next to Emma, is her mother, Samantha Jacobs. Samantha burst out in happiness. “Grandma!”, said Samantha. “Hey honey. Hello, Mrs. Jacobs.”, said Michael. Both of the ladies wave at him. Samantha ran towards to her grandmother. Mrs. Jacobs speaks out, as Michael kisses his wife on her head. “Hi, my little angel. What did you do today?”. “Daddy took me to the park, and I played.on the swings, and the slides, and the horsey, and the sand, and daddy got me ice cream.”, said Samantha. “That’s nice dear. It sounds like you had a lot of fun today.”, said Mrs. Jacobs. Mrs. Jacobs checks the time on her watch. “Oh, gees is that the time? I have to go. I don’t want to be late for my appointment.”, said Mrs. Jacobs. She gets up, as Michael helps Emma to get up, both giving each other a hug. “I’ll keep you posted on the baby, mom.”, said Emma. “Here, I’ll walk you out.”, said Michael. “Thank you, dear.”, said Mrs. Jacobs. Emma sits down on the couch slowly, as Michael took Samantha’s grandmother out the house and to her car. Samantha approaches towards her mother. “Can I see t.v., mom?”, said Samantha. “Of course, honey.”, said Emma. She grabs the t.v. remote and turns it on, putting it to the cartoon channel. Michael enters back into the house, then closes the door. “How are you feeling?”, said Michael. “In pain, and tired.”, said Emma. “Do you need anything?”, said Michael. “No. I’m okay.”, said Emma. “Okay. I’ll be in my office, working on my script. Shout if you need anything.”, said Michael. “I know.”, said Emma. Michael goes on to his office to work, as the girls are watching t.v. An hour later, Emma gets up from the couch to go use the bathroom. Ten minutes later, she finishes, but suddenly her water broke. Looking at the liquid on the floor, she screams. “MICHAEL!!”. On the background, he replies. “WHAT?!?!”. “MY WATER BROKE!!!”, said Emma. The door opens, Michael exits out with two bags that are filled with clothes. Samantha and Emma exits out the house. “Wait here, I’m going to get the car. The two wait for Michael, as Emma is in unpleasant pain. Michael arrives with the car, then exits and rushes to put his wife and daughter, in the car. He gets in the car and drives off to a hospital. Sometime later, they arrive at Cedars Sinai, and is parking the car. “Sammy, honey, come on, let’s get out the car.”, said Michael. Both are getting out of the car, Michael is hurrying up as fast as he can. He opens the door, getting Emma out of the car. Emma drastically breathes fast and in more pain. Michael screams, as he is walking with his pregnant wife and daughter. “CAN WE GET A WHEELCHAIR?!?!”. A male patient who is discharged offers them his chair. “Here, take mine!”, said the discharged patient. “Oh thank you, sir! Here, sit.”, said Michael. Emma slowly sits on the wheelchair, then is pushed inside the hospital. Arriving at the nurse station, Michael barges in front of the nurse receptionist. “Yes, what’s the problem?”, said the nurse. “Yes, hello, we need a doctor! My wife is going into labor!”, said Michael. “Okay, just sign these papers, and I’ll quickly find a doctor!”, said the nurse. As the nurse goes to find a doctor, Michael signs the papers. Now waiting for a doctor, Michael takes the opportunity to call Andrea. The phone rings, Andrea answers. “Hey, what’s wrong?”, said Andrea. “Hey, Andy, I’m at the hospital with my wife, she’s about to give birth soon. Can you come please?”, said Michael. “Sure! What hospital?”, saint Andrea “Cedar Sinai!”, said Michael. “Okay. I’ll be there soon.”, said Andrea. Both hung up the phone. They’re in a room now, Emma is in bed and in a hospital gown, still in pain. Michael walks back and forth, Samantha sits on a chair. “Daddy, can I play with my doll?”, said Samantha. “Sure.”, said Michael. He grabs a bag, then opens it up to give her the doll. Samantha grabs it and plays with it. Andrea arrives along with their mother.
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everything-person · 4 years
CS January Joy Day 7: The Rescue
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A/N: So this fic idea spawned from a Wander Over Yonder short called The Hero. Its really funny highly suggest you watch it. This has been an idea of mine for a while and has been in the draft graveyard for maybe 3 years. Point is its been a long time idea and I’m super excited about finally being able to post it especially for an amazing event such as @csjanuaryjoy​. Special thanks to @profdanglaisstuff​ who hoped on as my beta last minute. 
Summary: Princess Emma has gone missing and with the kings promise of a special reward for the one to bring her home safely her friends plan to be the ones to do just that.
Once upon a time the princess turned bandit met the shepherd turned prince. They fell in love and together they defeated the Evil Queen. They became the rulers of a grand land best known as The Enchanted Forest. Under the rule of Queen Snow White and King James the Enchanted Forest came a time of peace and prosperity. 
One fortunate day Queen Snow White and King James announced the birth of a beautiful baby girl, a new princess for the kingdom, and she was given the name Emma. The princess was the product of True Love and would wield the most powerful light magic in all the realms. She would be known as the Savior. The kingdom rejoiced, days of celebration were held in honor of the princess. Nobility and Royalty from all over came to pay their respects and welcome the new princess.
Though the princess’s birth was a happy and welcome one, a great danger lay hidden. For with great light there must be great darkness. A prophecy told of a day when the Savior would be stolen away by darkness. Only to be rescued by one true hero, with the help of his sidekick-
“Whoa,” Pinocchio interrupted, “which one of us is the sidekick?”
Baelfire froze, looking at his friend. Even in the dim light of the tavern he could make out Pinocchio’s confused and slightly agitated glare.“Well I don't mean to be rude, my friend, but you're the sidekick.”
“Oh,” Pinocchio leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. “And how do we know you're not the sidekick?” 
“It says that the hero is Emma's True Love.” Baelfire stated, gesturing to the book open in front of him. 
“That proves nothing.”
Baelfire let out a frustrated sigh, slamming the book closed. “Okay well I guess whoever saves her is the hero and her true love.”
Pinocchio’s eyebrows furrowed, “Allow me understand you. Are you suggesting when we go retrieve Her Royal Highness, Rightful Heir to Misthaven’s Throne, The Savior, most powerful light magic wielder in this and any known realm, that whoever gets to her first will be the one she marries? Am I understanding you correctly?”
Baelfire shrugged his shoulders. “Do you have a better idea?” 
Pinocchio stared at the man across from him. The buzz of the tavern surrounded them. 
The two men had grown up with Princess Emma. For a time she wasn’t Her Royal Highness Princess Emma, she was just Emma, their friend. They were all playmates but as they grew Baelfire and Pinocchio saw her as Princess Emma and perhaps a bit more. They both wished to court her but before they had a chance to make a request she was stolen away from her 21st birthday ball. She's been missing for months and in their Majesties’ desperation they decreed that ‘the one who saves Princess Emma and brings her home will be the one to take her hand in marriage.’ Many have already tried but no one has even caught a glimpse of the princess. After hearing the news, Baelfire and Pinocchio decided they would save the princess and they would have a better chance of that together. Baelfire was in charge of finding out information on where the princess might be, hence the tavern they’ve been sitting in for nearly two hours. Pinocchio was in charge of transportation both getting to where the princess was and their escape route.
“I'm taking your silence as a no. So whoever gets to Emma first is the one who marries her, agreed?” Baelfire stuck his hand across the table.
Pinocchio stared at the offensive hand for a moment. Baelfire was right, he didn't have a better idea and Emma's father did say whoever saved Emma had her hand. So technically whichever one of them got to her first is the one to save her. Pinocchio grabbed his friend's hand and gave it a firm shake, “Agreed.”
“Good, because I think our man just showed up.” Baelfire nodded towards the man entering the tavern as he stuffed the book holding the prophecy in his satchel.
The tricorn hat on his head, long hair draped over the shoulders of his long coat hiding the sword and pistol at his hip all gave him away. 
Pinocchio made to stand but a kick to the leg made him fall back in his chair. “Ow,” he exaggerated, glaring at his friend.
“What are you doing?” Baelfire questioned him.
“I'm going -”
Baelfire interrupted, “That's not how you deal with pirates. You make them” he holds up a purse of coins, “come to you.” He finalized his statement by slamming down the coins on the table.
Though Pinocchio doubted him at first once the pirate saw the gold he knew they had him. The man sauntered over to them. “That’s quite a bit of coin you have there mate.” He stood over their table with his thumb in his belt. He wore a smirk that was anything but friendly.
“More than a bit and I was hoping to win some more.” Baelfire leaned back in his seat meeting the man's gaze.
The man's smirk turned into a smile, “Well you're in luck, we were just about to set up a game. Perhaps you'd like to join us.”
His father beckoned him over. “Pinocchio come meet the new princess.” 
The little boy cautiously walked to where his father was standing next to the King and Queen. They smiled kindly at the boy as he approached. Once he was at the side of the crib he stood on the tips of his toes in order to see. 
There laying in the crib was a small baby. She was wrapped in a white knitted blanket lined with a purple ribbon and in the corner read a name. “Pinocchio this is Emma.” the queen introduced him with a quiet voice.
“Hello Emma.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She looked back at him with big soft eyes, her mouth forming a little ‘o’ shape. He couldn’t help but reach into the crib and pet her head lightly . “She is so soft and so small.” 
The adults chuckled at his observation. “Yes she is.”
“Pinocchio,” His father's voice caught his attention. He turned to see his father had knelt down. “Princess Emma is going to need a friend. Someone to help her and teach her things. Someone she can rely on. Can you do that? Can you be Princess Emma's friend?”
Pinocchio smiled and nodded. “Yes father. I will try to be the best friend I can to Princess Emma.”
“Good boy.” His father said and gave him a pat on his head.
A small whine came from the crib. Emma was rubbing her face letting out more noise. Pinocchio looked over the side. “Oh no Emma don’t cry. Look.” He pulled on his ears, sticking his tongue out and made silly noises until the princess calmed down. “See it’s okay.”
“Thank you Pinocchio. You are sure to be a very good friend for the princess.” the king assured him.
Baelfire had the pirates in the palm of his hand. With each hand he would buy another round for the table. He had now gotten the table thoroughly drunk, with all the men laughing jovially and ready to spill their guts at the right question. This is why he's sure he is the hero the prophecy spoke of, only the hero would be clever enough to persuade pirates into giving him the information he required.
“So Captain I hear you’re quite the fearsome pirate,” Baelfire started.
“Aye the most fearsome on the seas. No one dares cross Blackbeard's sword.”
“Having that kind of reputation I’m sure you pass through many ports and hear many different tales.”
“Aye I keep my ear to the ground for the best treasure to pillage and plunder. Are you in the market for some jewels or magical trinket?”
“None actually. I was hoping to hear what the best gossip pirates have to offer. Who’s picked up what?”
“Sorry to disappoint mate but I can’t think of anything worth telling.” 
A drunken crew member piped up at this, “Capt’n what about that blonde woman? She was certainly interesting to look at.”
Baelfire's eyes darted from the crew member to his captain. Hoping he was right, he asked “What blonde woman?”
(A couple hours later)
“I know where Emma is!” Baelfire burst through the door of Pinocchio's workshop. Pinocchio jumped at the noise, dropping his tools. His glare at his intruder morphed into a curious gaze.
“Well where is she?”
Baelfire strode up to the workshop table pulling out a map. “The pirates said they came across a ship that held a beautiful blonde woman aboard.”
Pinocchio’s face pinched together as he stared at the man before him, “You do realize Emma isn't the only blonde woman in all the realms.”
“They said she wields a sword like a warrior, has the tongue of a sailor, fought like a man, backed down to no one all while looking as if she'd come down from heaven.” Baelfire cocked his head to the side, “You know as well as I do how fiery Emma can be.”
The former puppet nodded, “Alright where did he say she was?”
“Here.” Baelfire pointed to the map.
“So how are you getting us there?” Baelfire asked as Pinnochio looked to where they were going, plotting the fastest path they must take. Pinnochio smirked at the question, “Well what's a hero without a noble steed?”
Baelfire’s feet pounded against the earth beneath him as he weaved through the trees. His rage and frustrations fueling him forward. It'd been two days since Pan tricked him and sent him back to the realm he detested. Back to the father that chose power over him. 
He found his papa stood by his word and got a castle for him. The castle was filled with all kinds of magical items but that wasn't all. There was a woman there as well. His papa found a new love. He was making a new family. 
Baelfire rubbed at his eyes, fighting the tears that desperately wanted to fall. He didn't care about his papa or this new family he wanted to make. All he wanted was out of the realm and away from all things magical. 
The further he ran the more his vision blurred. He began bumping into trees, swatting away branches that crossed his path. The more obstacles in his path the more determined he was to run faster. A root caught his foot, causing him to tumble forward, landing face first into the dirt below. He rubbed his head as he took in his new surroundings. He was in a small clearing filled with tall grass and flowers swaying in the breeze. He pushed up onto his hands and knees, feeling the pressure mounting inside him. He felt as if he was going to burst. He clutched at the dirt beneath him, squeezing his eyes shut. Just as he was about to let it all out he heard something. 
Something that made him freeze. 
He heard laughter.
He lifted up his head to see a girl running into the clearing, looking behind her. Since she was looking behind and not where she was going she tripped, tumbling forward and landing face first a few feet away from him. She pushed up into the same position he was in, shaking her head before lifting it and noticing him for the first time. They looked at each other for a moment, neither sure what to say or make of the other. 
The girl cocked her head to the side before asking, “What are you doing?”
Baelfire scrunched up his face and asked, “What are you doing?”
“Playing,” she answered simply.
Baelfire scoffed, “Little girls shouldn’t be playing in the forest.”
Before he knew it Baelfire was being knocked back in the dirt. He looked up to see the girl now standing over him.
“I’m not a little girl. I can take care of myself.” 
Baelfire looked up at this strange girl standing there with her arms crossed. “Who are you?”
She dropped her arms, looking him over before offering her hand to him, “I’m Emma.”
Baelfire thought fondly of when he met Emma in that clearing all those years ago. They continued to meet in that clearing a few more times, both curious about the other. She would allow him to air his grievances about his father, about magic, about all that's happened to him. He told her about his plan to leave this realm and he asked if she would want to join him. That was when he found out who she was and what she was. Her Royal Highness Emma, Crown Princess of Misthaven. When he found out who she was he was afraid that her parents wouldn’t let him see her anymore because of who his father was. So he made a deal with his father to make a deal with the King and Queen. 
Baelfire promised to forgive his father if his father went to the King and Queen with a deal. Rumplestiltskin promised to never harm anyone in their kingdom if his son could continue to be friends with the princess. But she wasn’t just a princess. She was also the Savior, product of True Love, wielder of the most powerful light magic. Though she had light magic he asked that she didn’t use it in front of him. He saw what magic did to his father and the magic of Neverland. No matter what kind of magic it was Baelfire didn’t trust it. 
“Hey! You awake back there?” Pinocchio called out to him from his seat at the front of the wagon. 
Blackbeard said the ship that held the blonde woman was heading south. Baelfire suspected that they would need to make port within the next couple days before they headed back onto open water, so they are heading to a port town known to harbor pirates. With any luck they’ll find the ship Emma is on.
“No one could fall asleep with the way you're steering,” Baelfire grumbled. “This uncomfortable wagon wasn't what I had in mind when you said ‘noble steed.’”
“Well what do you expect the sidekick to ride in? Besides, a wagon any bigger would slow us down. You might want to try getting some rest while you can. By the map you gave me, we will be there by sundown.”
“The hero doesn’t need rest and is always prepared to leap into action.”
Pinocchio was right. They arrived in the small seaside village by the time the sun had fallen past the horizon. They were able to find a place to rest their horse and hide their wagon until they can determine whether or not Emma is here. 
“So You head to the tavern and I’ll head to the docks-”
“No,” Baelfire cut off his friend.
“What? That was our plan. You go see if you can get any information from the tavern. While I go see if I can spot Emma on any of the ships in the dock.”
“There's no need for that plan anymore.”
Pinocchio pinched the bridge of his nose, getting annoyed with Baelfire’s know it all attitude. “And why the hell not?”
Baelfire rolled his eyes, grabbing his companion’s arm, turning him around. He stretched his arm out, pointing towards a porky little man wearing a red cap, “That is why.” Baelfire dropped his arm, “We’ll follow him.”
Pinocchio looked between the man they are now apparently following and his accomplice in this quest. “Okay I give up, who is he?”
“He is the first mate of the pirate that will lead us to Emma.”
“How could you possibly know that?” asked Pinocchio, exasperated.
“Look just trust me. If they don’t have Emma, they will know where she is.”
Pinocchio eyed Baelfire, not really believing him until he saw the look in his eye. It was a look of conviction. Baelfire fully believed that this man would lead them to Emma.
Pinocchio slowly began to nod. “Okay let's go.” 
The pair followed this man as he, along with three others, went from shop to shop. When the group of men seemed to be finished they carried three barrels, four sacks, and two crates between the four of them. The men walked down towards the docks.
“Where's their ship? I don’t see it,” Pinocchio inquired, looking up and down the pier. 
Baelfire watched as the men they were following walked down to a row boat. He then cast his eyes on the water. “The pier was too small for them to dock.”
Pinocchio followed Baelfire's gaze and saw the men in a row boat rowing towards a ship in the distance. Baelfire, frustrated, began to rub the back of his neck, trying to come up with a new plan. “Okay good news this allows us to sneak onto the ship easier. Charging up the gangplank wasn’t the best idea in hindsight. Bad news is you need to build a boat right now.”
“Just because I was wood once doesn’t make me a miracle worker.” Pinocchio looked up and down the docks until he saw something that could help them. “Look there.”
Pinocchio pointed to a small sailboat haphazardly tied to a post. They waited until the row boat was halfway to the vessel when they made their move. Baelfire threw the rope off its post, while Pinocchio pushed the boat in the water. They both jumped in before it got too far from the dock.
They laid low so as not to be seen. Pinocchio was able to steer which way their boat drifted with the rudder.
“Oi Smee look,” a crew man called out when they made it back to the ship, pointing back towards the docks. “Some poor bloke lost ‘is sail.”
The man laughed as they raised their boat, unaware of the floating vessel's intent. Because they were unable to use the available oars, over fear of being spotted, they simply drifted hoping the rudder would be enough to lead them close enough to climb aboard. After a while of just drifting Baelfire began lightly drumming his fingers against the wood beneath them. 
“Stop that.”
“Can’t you make this thing go faster?” Baelfire growled at his companion.
“Unless you think I can control the waves and wind we are at the mercy of both,” Pinocchio huffed.
“We wouldn’t be if we were able to row-”
“That’s a great idea if part of your plan is to get caught. With an idea like that you must be the hero from the prophecy,” Pinocchio drawled, his voice dripping in sarcasm.
“Listen. The possibility of being caught is better than aimlessly drifting.”
“You just have to be patient.”
“Translation: I’m a sidekick and wait for stuff to happen.” 
Pinocchio punched Baelfire's leg, tired of his arrogant attitude. Baelfire glared at him, thrusting his leg forward, kicking Pinocchio in the shoulder. Pinocchio grunted then grabbed hold of Baelfire's foot, twisting it in an unnatural way. Baelfire gasped, yanking his foot out of the other man's grip. Before Baelfire could retaliate they both were jostled as the boat bumped into something. They looked up to see that while they were busy arguing they had drifted right next to the ship. They both looked at each other before Pinocchio dropped anchor and they prepared to board the ship.
“Alright let's go.”
Pinocchio grabbed Baelfire's arm, pulling him back down in his seat. “Wait,” he aggressively whispered.
“Do you hear that?”
Underneath the sound of the wind and the waves crashing against the hull of the ship, was the sound of cheers. They could just make out the sounds of cups clashing, laughter, and music floating down from the deck above. 
Baelfire's brows furrowed, “Why are they celebrating?”
“It doesn’t matter. What matters is they are drinking. We both know how pirates like their drink.”
“So?” Baelfire said through gritted teeth, wanting him to get to the point.
 “So we wait until they are too drunk to stand then board the ship, grab Emma, then row back to shore. By the time they gather themselves we will be headed for home.”
Baelfire turned his head back up, contemplating this new plan. “If we go now with half, if not all the crew on deck, we risk a better chance of being captured if not killed. Then who will save Emma?”
Baelfire closed his eyes and balled his fist, “Fine. We wait.” 
So they waited and waited. Though their plan was smart they did not count on the waves rocking their small boat, effectively putting them to sleep. The sun cresting over the horizon woke Baelfire. Once he was fully awake it dawned on him what had happened. He bolted upright, jostling the boat as he did. He turned to his side to see Pinocchio sprawled out asleep, and he gave him a quick kick to rouse him. 
“Wake up, we fell asleep.”
Pinocchio's head rolled as a groan escaped his mouth. Baelfire sighed before bending down, running his hand across the water's surface and flicking his wrist, causing the water to hit Pinocchio in the face. Pinocchio sputtered, now wide awake. He turned to shout at his attacker but his anger quickly vanished when he saw the sun. Both men jumped to action. Pinocchio attached his short sword to his hip as Baelfire threw his cutlass onto his back.
“They say you can truly measure a man by his sword,” Baelfire commented, eyeing his companion’s choice of weapon.
“The size of the sword doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to use it.”
As they prepared to board, Pinocchio turned to his friend, “Hey.”
Baelfire turned to see a sincere and serious look in his eye. 
“No matter what happens up there, Emma's safety and happiness comes first.”
Baelfire nodded, reaching out his hand. Pinocchio accepted it, giving it a firm shake.
“May the best man win,” Baelfire said as they both turned to the next part of their journey. They prepared themselves for a moment before grabbing hold and ascending the ship.
“Come on. Let’s go,” Emma encouraged her friends as she entered the tavern.
“I still don’t think this is a good idea,” Pinocchio warned warily.
“Yeah Ems we can get better drinks and food back at the castle.”
Emma turned facing her supposed friends, fixing them with a look. “You both promised me a drink so I suggest you stop your squawking and accept that we are here.”
Baelfire huffed as Pinocchio gestured for Emma to lead the way. The three of them settled on a table in the corner near the exit at Pinocchio's insistence. A bar maid came over and distributed three mugs of grog. Baelfire paid the wench and the three friends cheered their glasses together. Baelfire begrudgingly took a sip of his drink, grimacing as he swallowed the foul beverage. Pinocchio put his drink back on the table, wanting to have a clear mind in case any problems arose. Emma finished her drink in record time.
“Okay you've had your drink, can we leave now?”
“Come on Pinocchio lighten up.” Emma nudged his shoulder with her own, “This is supposed to be fun.”
“And what is so fun about spending a night in a dirty tavern, drinking gross grog, and being surrounded by drunkards?”
Emma glared at Baelfire. “It’s freeing. No one knows who we are, no guards, no one telling you what to do, being able to see how people really live.”
“Yes because who wouldn’t want to be a part of the adultery, lying, and thievery part of everyday people's lives.”
“Look, if you're going to act like this all night you can just leave.” 
There was an awkward pause as the two friends stared each other down. Without breaking eye contact, Baelfire rose out of his chair, turned and left the tavern without another word. Emma huffed, leaning her elbows on the table, looking into her glass. This wasn’t her first time sneaking out of the castle but it was the first time she asked her friends to join her. She was excited to spend the night with them without having to be the proper princess everyone expected her to be. But it seemed her friends didn’t understand that.
“Come on Emma. Let's go, I'll walk you back to the castle.”
“Pinocchio if you're so eager to leave why don't you just go too.”
Emma slammed her hands on the table, fixing him with a look, “Look if you don’t want to have a drink then just go.” 
A burst of laughter turned her attention to the back of the bar. Emma smiled, “If you guys don’t want to have fun then I’ll go find my own.”
Emma pushed off the table, walking toward the table that caught her attention just moments before. Coming up to the group she placed her hands on their table, leaning forward addressing the man that seemed to be the center of attention. “So what are you boys playing?”
The sound of swords clashing filled the air. The night's rest was all the pirates needed to sober up enough to fight the invaders. Pinocchio and Baelfire weren’t making it easy on them. 
“What the bloody hell is going on up here?!”
The outburst distracted Pinocchio and Baelfire just enough for the crew to disarm them of their weapons. They grabbed the men, forcing their arms behind their backs and them onto their knees. 
A man dressed in only leather pants descended the stairs onto the main deck. He wore chains around his neck, at the end of one arm was a brace holding a hook in place of a hand, and at the end of the other he clutched a sword in his grip, prepared for battle.
“Well?” The man paused, looking around waiting for someone to speak up, “Your Captain asked you a question, I expect an answer.”
“Cap’n these two snuck on board at day break.”
The captain looked over these two men, “Let me guess, more heroes come to take on the great Captain Hook.”
“There is nothing great about you. You filthy pirate,” Baelfire spat.
“You know I’ve grown rather tired of boys still wet behind their ears thinking they can come aboard my ship,” The captain spoke louder. “Why don’t we make an example out of these two? To remind everyone why they don’t cross Captain Hook and the crew of the Jolly Roger.”
The crew cheered as Baelfire and Pinocchio began to struggle out of their ropes, but two crew men firmly held them down.
“Now,” Hook raised his sword towards the men on their knees. “What shall we do with you?”
The crew erupted with suggestions but just as soon as the shouting started it stopped.
“What is with all the yelling this morning?” 
Everyone's attention turned to the stairs, where stood the woman they were looking for. She made her way down the stairs dressed only in a black shirt that came down mid thigh on her, her blonde tresses falling in gentle waves over her shoulders. Her face scrunched up, as if she were in pain, her hand rubbing circles onto her head. 
“Emma.” Hook dropped his sword, running over to meet her at the bottom of the stairs. He made it just in time as she tripped on the last step, falling into his arms. Hook opened his mouth to speak again but Emma held her hand to stop him.
“Caspian,” Emma pointed to the crewman, “what was that devil juice you gave me last night?”
“Tequila ma’am.”
Emma waved her hand, “Never. Never again is that allowed aboard this ship.”
“Love, what are you doing up?”
Emma snaked her hand that was resting on his bicep around his neck while the other began playing with the chain hanging from his neck. “Well, I got cold and had the unpleasant experience of waking up alone.” She paused, looking up at the captain through her lashes, “Then I got a splitting headache from all the shouting so I decided to find out what pulled my captain from my bed.”
“It wasn’t by choice, love. But it seems we have some unexpected visitors.” Hook nodded his head toward the middle of the deck.
Emma finally turned her head to see her two childhood friends being held on their knees, bound and gagged. “What the hell,” she whispered to herself. 
Disentangling herself from Hook she moved to stand in front of the two men. She waved her hand, removing their gags. “What are you guys doing here?” Emma crossed her arms waiting for an answer.
“We came to rescue you and bring you home.”
Emma brows furrowed in confusion, “What?”
“You were kidnapped-” Pinocchio was cut off by the crew bursting with laughter.
“I wasn’t kidnapped, I left willingly.”
“But the prophecy-”
A crew member came forward holding a book, “They had this with them ma’am.”
Emma took the book, offering a smile as thanks. She looked down and realized what she was holding in her hands, “You mean the storybook you made for me when I was ten?”
“But your father offered your hand to anyone who could bring you home safely,” Baelfire informed her.
“EXCUSE ME!? He did what?!”
“I thought you said you left your parents a note, lass,” Hook piped up from the railing he was leaning against. 
“I did, they either didn’t read it or didn't believe it. Fuck! We’ve been gone for months now. They must be worried sick.” Emma began pacing. While she never wanted to cause her parents and distress she just wanted some space. In the midst of her pacing a thought occurred to her and she stopped. 
“Wait,” she turned back to the men on their knees, “There are two of you. So if this was a “rescue mission” and the prize was my hand how was that going to work, huh?”
The men stayed silent.
“What? Was it whoever got to me first cause I know for damn sure neither of you are keen on sharing.”
Baelfire and Pinocchio hung their heads in shame.
“Really? I can’t believe you two.”
Hook approached her from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her back to his chest, resting his chin on her shoulder, “What do you wish to do, love?”
Emma relaxed in his embrace, her gaze still fixed on the men before her. “Take them to the brig for now.”
As the crew stood them up they struggled against their restraints, pleading with Emma to listen to them. Their pleas fell on deaf ears as Emma and Hook retreated to the captain's quarters. Hook closed the door behind them, looking wearily at Emma, who had her back to him, her hands placed on his desk with her head hanging down. 
“Emma? Love? Are you alright?”
Emma sighed, turning around, “I’m just in shock I guess. What were they thinking? What was my father thinking?”
“I would assume your father was desperate to have his daughter back safe at home. And as for your friends, they saw this as an opportunity for you to view them more than just your friends.”
Emma huffed, rolling her eyes.
“Did you ever have feelings for them as they do you?”
Emma turned to see him inspecting his hook. At the sight of his uncertainty her shoulders dropped and her face softened. She walked over to where he leaned against his bookcase, moving to stand before him. She gently cupped his face, making him look at her. “Never. I would be lying if I said I never thought about being with one of them but I never felt for them the way I do you.”
Killian smiled, turning his head to give her palm a tender kiss.
“I do care for them. Pinocchio has been there for me ever since I could remember, and he is great.”
“But he has it in his mind that he has to take care of me.”
“Ah and we both know you are a lass that can take care of herself.”
Emma hummed in agreement before continuing, “And Baelfire hates magic because of his father. So he would always hate a part of me. And I know he still plans to find a way out of this realm, never to return. I would love to explore other realms, hell it’s why I ran off with you, but the Enchanted Forest is my home.”
Emma looked up to see Hook's eyes had gone wide and his jaw set. “Killian, what’s wrong?”
“That man was Baelfire? The Dark One’s son?”
“Yeah why?”
A look of pain crossed his face as he moved away from Emma. 
“Killian what is it?”
“You remember the woman I told you about? The reason for my revenge against the Dark One?”
“Yes, Milah wh-” then it dawned on her, “Milah was Baelfire's mother.”
“Aye,” he tried to force a laugh, “The dark humor of the gods I suppose. I not only took his mother from him but the woman he’s in love with.”
“Hey stop that.” Emma placed a hand on his shoulder, “You didn’t take anyone. We both left on our own.”
Killian looked at Emma, still feeling the weight of guilt on his shoulders. 
“Do you regret meeting me?”
“Never. Meeting you was the best thing that could’ve happened to me.”
Killian leaned down, capturing her lips in a soft reassuring kiss. When the kiss ended they pressed their foreheads together.
“I’m sorry for what happened with Baelfire, Milah and you. But I refuse to feel bad about falling in love with you,” Emma whispered.
Killian sighed contentedly, “So what do we do now?”
A week later
King James sat on his throne in the council room with his head in his hands. His heart was heavy with grief. A gentle hand laid on his shoulder, he looked up to see his wife wearing a sad smile.
“I just want her home.”
“So do I. We just have to have hope-”
His wife was cut off by the sound of the doors bursting open, a dwarf running into the room.
“Grumpy what is it? What's wrong?”
The dwarf in question was out of breath, leaning forward on his knees. “It’s...It's Emma,” he panted.
The king stood with a force that sent his chair to the floor. “What? What about Emma? Has she been found?”
“She *inhale* She..*cough cough*”
“She’s what?” Charming demanded.
“She’s home.”
They heard a small voice coming from the entryway. Snow and Charming’s eyes both snapped to the door behind the dwarf to see their daughter standing there in a pair of black boots, brown trousers, and a white long sleeved shirt underneath a blue vest. 
“Emma!” The couple gasped before they made their way around the table, past the still out of breath dwarf, engulfing their daughter in an embrace.
After a couple minutes they pulled back slightly, looking over their daughter.
“Emma we were so worried about you,” Snow said.
“Are you alright? How did you get back?” Charming inquired. That's when he noticed there were three men standing in the room. All of them stood straight shoulder to shoulder, with their hands behind their backs. He recognized two of them as being Baelfire and Pinocchio, the third man he’s never seen before but by the sight of him dressed head to toe in leather he assumed this was the man that stole his daughter away.
“I see.” The King let go of his family, stepping towards the men. “So who was it? Which one of you brought my daughter home to me,” he asked, smiling brightly, overjoyed that his daughter was home.
He waited for Baelfire or Pinocchio to step forward. For one of them to take credit for the rescue. He was taken aback when the pirate stepped forward, revealing his arms weren’t in restraints.
“Actually, Your Majesty, it was I that captained the vessel that brought your daughter home.”
Charming’s brows furrowed, he approached Baelfire and Pinocchio, turning them to see their hands tied. Charming turned back to his daughter and saw her holding the pirate's hand.
“What's going on?” Charming asked.
“Emma?” Snow looked between her husband and their daughter.
“I wasn’t kidnapped, I left willingly. I love you both and this kingdom, but it’s suffocating being the Savior and Princess of Misthaven. I wanted to explore, have adventures, like the ones you used to tell me about.”
“So you ran away with this pirate?”
“Killian Jones, at your service Your Majesty.” Killian bowed, hoping the show of respect would give him some brownie points.
“I met Killian about a year ago-”
“And where exactly was that?” Charming now stood with his arms crossed.
“At a tavern in the village.”
“You’ve been sneaking out of the castle!”
“Charming,” Snow chided her husband. “We’re listening, Emma, go on.”
“We met about a year ago and he would tell me about all the places he’s gone and things he’s seen. Then he offered to take me with him. And we fell in love.”
“A simplified version of events but the truth.”
“Why did you come back now? After all these months?”
Emma gestured to the men next to them, “These two tried a dashing rescue, and informed me you offered my hand as a prize to whoever could get to me first.”
The frustration and confusion that once captured his features melted away and shame replaced them, “Emma you must understand. We didn’t know where you went, what happened to you, if you were even alive. We grew desperate.”
Emma sighed, “I know. That is why we are here.”
Confusion once again crossed the King and Queen’s face.
“Ahem. I suppose it’s my turn to speak. Your Majesties, as the one to bring the princess home, I humbly ask for your blessing to marry your daughter.”
“Captain on deck!”
Killian boarded the ship that he’d called home for over 300 years.
“How’d it go Captain?” Mr. Smee asked as he approached him.
“It went as expected.”
“So, Mistress Emma?”
Killian smiled, “She just saying her goodbyes.”
Emma stood on the docks with her friends who were now unbound. The king and queen had given them their blessing. So while the King and Queen were busy planning their wedding, that will take place a year from now, Emma and Killian were free to travel and have adventures. Emma said goodbye to her parents this time around now all there was left was the unfinished business between the three friends.
Emma shuffled from foot to foot, unsure what to say, “Guys I-”
“Are you happy?”
Emma looked at Pinocchio. “What?”
“Does this, traveling on a pirate ship, being with Hook, make you happy?”
Emma smiled. “Yeah. It makes me really happy.”
“Then go.” Pinocchio nodded towards the ship. “Be happy.”
Emma embraced her long time friend, before letting go, turning to Baelfire.
“I know one day you’ll find whatever it is you're looking for.”
Baelfire stayed silent as he embraced her. Once he let her go she made her way up the gangplank onto the ship. She approached the man that won her heart.
“You ready for that adventure I promised you, love?”
Emma wrapped her arms around Killian’s neck as his looped around her waist, “I believe we were headed to Agrabah before we were rudely interrupted.”
Killian chuckled, “You heard her lads. Set course to Agrabah.”
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letterfromtrenwith · 6 years
The Perfect Gift
Poldark Advent Calendar - 7th Dec 
A modern AU George/Elizabeth fic
A special delivery at Christmas
"What do you reckon? Best Christmas present ever?" George glanced over his shoulder to find Elizabeth smiling gently at him from the bed.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." He came away from the window - it was already getting dark outside - to come and sit beside her.
"You didn't. These things aren't the most comfortable." She shifted, pulling her pashmina a bit more tightly around her shoulders. "So?"
"Hmmm...Oh." George looked down at the carefully swaddled bundle in his arms. His newborn baby daughter - delivered just a few hours ago, early on Christmas morning. "Yeah, I can't think of a better gift. Thank you."
"You're welcome." She laughed softly and he leant forward to kiss her temple.
"I can't imagine you wanted to spend Christmas day in hospital, though."
"Hmmm, it's not so bad..." She glanced around the room, its minimalist decor a mixture of cool blue and soothing off-white. "Could be a bit more festive, though."
"Would you really want some big plastic Santa leering down at you while you were in labour?"
"No, I suppose not. But a bit of tinsel might be nice...Although, the nurse did say they'd bring me a Christmas cracker with lunch."
"Considering what I'm paying for this room, it better be a good one." Elizabeth chuckled, reaching out to gently touch the baby's downy head, already covered in a light dusting of fair hair.
"Well, then, little...Holly? Noelle?...Santa?"
"No!" George laughed. "I think anything Christmas themed might be a bit much, what with us already having a Valentine."
"We really know how to time it, don't we?" Elizabeth smiled, and then frowned a little to herself. "Do you think we could still go with my other idea?"
"Well, let's ask her: What do you say...Ursula?" The baby cooed softly, tiny lips parting, as George rocked her gently. "I think she likes it....and I think it's perfect for her."
"Oh, George..." Elizabeth eyes welled with tears, and George kissed her on the forehead again as she reached out as best she could to take hold of his arm. Ursula had been the name of Elizabeth's beloved great aunt, who had passed away shortly after Elizabeth had learned she was expecting another baby. As much as she'd worried it was old-fashioned, George knew Elizabeth hadn't been able to let go of the idea of naming the baby after her if it was a girl. He bent his head to gently kiss a soft little cheek.  
"Welcome the world, Ursula."
"Mummy! Daddy!" The door was barely open a crack before Valentine was wriggling his way in and scampering towards the bed.
"Shhhhhh, remember I said to be quiet." Morwenna entered with a bit more decorum, closing the door behind her with a soft click.
"Sorry 'Wenna." Valentine had been brought to a standstill by finding that the bed was too tall for him to clamber onto - unlike his parents' bed at home. He was trying to stand on his tiptoes to see Elizabeth, pouting in that way he did which suggested a tantrum might be on the horizon.
"It's all right, you can lift him up." Elizabeth held out her arms as her cousin hauled the little boy up onto the bed - half to embrace him, half to stop him from clambering all over her when she was in no condition for it. "How's my little man, hmm? Did Santa bring you lots of presents?"
"Yes!" He looked back at Morwenna, who gave a put-upon sigh and fished in the rather large bag she was carrying, coming up with a stuffed seal which George himself had - with some difficulty - wrapped a few days previously. "Squish!"
"That's his name." Morwenna explained, handing the toy over with a smile. Valentine immediately hugged it tightly to him, cuddling into Elizabeth's side as she wrapped them both in her pashmina.
"Thank you for looking after him, Morwenna." George smiled at his cousin-in-law, who shook her head modestly, even though she'd given up her own Christmas for it. She had been spending it with her boyfriend, Drake, and his family, until Elizabeth had unexpectedly gone into labour on Christmas Eve, having been due on New Year's Eve. "I'm sorry you had to miss out on your plans."
"Oh, but I didn't! I didn't tell you over the phone when you rang before because you had other things to worry about, but Drake and Sam  - " She paused, looking at Valentine. "Drake and Sam arranged for Santa to come to Sam's house so we could still stay there....I hope you don't mind?"
"No, of course not." Elizabeth smiled. "That was so lovely of them, Morwenna. Please thank them for us."
"Oh, and I have something for you." Morwenna reached into the bag again, pulling out two tupperware boxes. "It's from Emma - her special Christmas sausage rolls with bacon and stuffing and her own homemade mince pies."
"That's so kind. She didn't need to do that." Although, even as George said it, he could feel his mouth watering at the thought. The hospital Christmas dinner they'd been given hadn't been too bad all things considered, but nothing like real Christmas food.
"Oh, you know what she's like." Emma was Drake's sister-in-law, married to his elder brother Sam. George had met her a few times - firstly at Francis wedding to Drake's sister, Demelza. While she was the unlikeliest vicar's wife he'd ever encountered - then again, Sam was a fairly unlikely vicar - he'd always found her warm and charming.
"Baby?" Valentine said suddenly, pointing at the crib at the end of the bed.
"Yes, Valentine, that's the baby. Your sister." Elizabeth stroked his dark curls gently, smiling. Morwenna stood up from her seat and made her way carefully over.
"Oh, hello, there...Aren't you beautiful?" She glanced up, making to reach into the cradle. "Can I?"
"Yes, of course." Morwenna picked the baby up, rocking her gently from side to side, talking nonsense at her.
"She's so perfect. Hello...Yes, hello. I'm your Aunt Wenna, and I'm going to spoil you rotten. Just like I do your big brother." She carried Ursula over slowly, sitting back down next to the bed. Elizabeth held onto Valentine as he shuffled over to look.
"Her name's Ursula. Can you say that? Ur-su-la?"
"Close enough."
"Careful." Morwenna cautioned. "She's only tiny. You know, I held you when you were this small."
Valentine looked enraptured, both by Morwenna's words and by his baby sister, staring at her with a look of wonder. Although he was only three - and therefore not really old enough to understand - he'd been fascinated by Elizabeth's growing belly. The look on his face when Elizabeth held his small hand to her stomach so he could feel the baby kick was a sight George would treasure forever.
"Aunt Ursula would be so pleased." Morwenna smiled, and George saw wetness glistening at the corner of her eyes, just as it had in Elizabeth's earlier. While Morwenna murmured away to the baby, Valentine looking on, Elizabeth turned to look at George, reaching out with her free hand to take hold of his.
"Merry Christmas, George," she whispered. He lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles.
"Merry Christmas, Elizabeth."  
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