#yes i counted all of those people on imbd
crucif1x · 7 years
Blindspot + LGBT/minority representation
I got bored and decided to make a list of all the LGBT characters and how it's representative of all sorts of People on the show.
Canon LBGT characters:
- Cade, Gay
- Rich Dotcom, Pansexual.
- Boston Arliss Crab, Bisexual
- Sanjay Bonthala, Gay
- Eric Vance, Gay
- Julian Vance, Gay
- Sophia Varma, Lesbian
- Bethany Mayfair, Lesbian
- Alexandra, Lesbian
Other mentionable characters:
- Afreen, wears a Hijab
- Nas Kamal, grew up Hindu.
- Sam Kadkhoda. Played by Michelle Hendley, a trans woman. (Her gender was not mentioned, nor is it important but it's just nice to have a trans actress)
- Tasha Zapata has a book on Marriage Equality in her apartment
There have been over 80 POC actors and actresses over the 3 seasons, as well as Hispanic and Latino actors and actresses. Many that have been lead characters/still are.
So basically. Blindspot could do better but it's still pretty good on the representation front.
Go watch it
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asroarke · 7 years
The 100 Ask
Tagged by @sly2o who I love so dearly and deserves all the lovely gift baskets in the world for being a delightful human
rules: answer as many as you want if tagged and then tag three more people OR just reblog it and treat it as a regular ask meme!! have fun xoxo
1. What would you get arrested for on the Ark? Pretty sure I would jokingly kick or throw something to dramatically show that I was angry with someone (because that’s the kind of diva I am) and actually break something important in the process, potentially one of the basic things that the rest of the Ark needs to survive.
2. Would you take off your wristband when you landed on the ground? I’d probably resist as long as it was convenient but as soon as they started saying I had to take off my wrist band to get food, I’d give in.
3. What would the necklace Finn would make for you look like? (Clarke: deer/Raven: a raven duh..) the corpse of Finn Collins Pauna
4. If you could resurrect any MINOR character who would it be? SHAWN MENDES
5. Create a squad of 5 characters to go on missions with. Who are they? Okay, well Bellamy can’t go or else I’ll be distracted. In that same logic, Clarke can’t go either. My bisexual heart flutters at the sight of both of them. Raven would drive the rover. Jasper would DJ. Monty would explain smart things to me and I would just awkwardly nod. I’m gonna throw Miller in there so I can try to set them up for fucks sake. And Murphy will have to be there, for commentary purposes.
6. Minty or Briller? Minty. But really, I’m totally here for the Miller x Jackson train.
7. What would your name be in Trigedasleng? (example: Octavia=Okteivia…just make it up!): Aleks?
8. Thoughts on Finn? Just casually annoyed about the fact that homie didn’t even have to try to get two of the most fascinating, smart, and beautiful women in the 100 universe. Like how fair is that? I try really hard and just last week I blew it by stuttering when a girl said something nice to me and then told her I needed to go see what the weather was like and then hid in the bathroom for five minutes as I gave myself a pep talk. I want like 10% of the confidence Finn Collins had for literally no reason.
9. Be honest. How willing would you have been to take the chip without knowing all the horrible things it does? It would have been soooo easy to get me to take the chip. Someone would just have to say my mental health problems would leave me alone and I would give the fuck in.
10. What character do you relate to most & What character do you like the least not including the obvious ones like Pike, etc… I relate the most to Clarke in the way that she isolates herself, her bisexuality, her communication patterns... I relate with Raven because I’m quite familiar with chronic pain. The character I like the least is Thelonious Jaha. I find him to be quite preachy and arrogant, but don’t really see why he gets to be that way considering how many bad decisions he has made.
11. Describe your delinquent outfit: Okay, I want Jasper’s earth day t-shirt, Raven’s red jacket or Clarke’s blue jacket, steal a beanie from Miller, some tight pants that don’t look practical but magically never hinder my ability to run through the forest for plot reasons, AND THEM COMBAT BOOTS.
12. Favorite type of mutant animal? does Cage Wallace count Pauna
13. What would your job be on the Ark? A really terrible mechanic that Raven roasts constantly but secretly likes because I start my day by telling her she’s a genius and she replies with “I know”
14. Would you have willingly pumped Ontari’s heart if Abby asked it? There is no way in hell I would have been in that room when that decision took place because I would literally still be chipped and no one would bother to take the time to fix me like they did with Raven and Abby because I am a soft lazy soul not made for this survival world, but if I was there and it had to be done, probably (and I’d have a panic attack while doing it)
15. If Lexa wasn’t Heda, then who would make the best commander? Indra (season 4 Indra, not early Indra)
16. If you were a grounder, then where would you live and who would be your mentor? Oh God there are no good options here in my opinion. I’m gonna say Azgeda just so Roan could be my mentor (I love him) but like I’m not crazy about Azgeda for all the crazy plot reasons.
17. How would you act if you ate the hallucinogenic nuts like Jasper and Monty? You would find me having very intense, intellectual debates with... absolutely no one. I’m talking to someone I hallucinated, likely an ex boyfriend from years ago who still deserves to be put in his place.
18. How would you have dealt with Charlotte’s crime? I mean, I don’t think there was a right way to deal with it. Rehabilitation, maybe if they lived in a world without insane war and had actual guidance from actual adults (who weren’t raised on the Ark and ingrained with the death penalty for all crimes mentality)
19. Who should be the Chancellor, if anyone? Who should be? Probably Bellamy, but I don’t want him to be because I don’t think it would be good for him. I’m actually gonna go with Monty because I think he would take counsel from Bellamy and Clarke, keep a level head, and be able to separate personal feelings from what has to be done... but not to the level that Clarke would. I think he would be a nice in between.
20. Mount Weather had a lot of modern commodities. (example: Maya’s Ipod)What is the one thing you would snatch while there? There’s not a lot that I can think of that I would want for my own personal entertainment, but like maybe a water filtration system? Feel like that would come in clutch.
21. Do you think you’d have caught the virus spread through camp or would you have been immune like Octavia? I am the kind of person who goes to a doctor for one illness and catches another one while I’m in the waiting room. I WILL BE PATIENT ZERO, NO DOUBT.
22. What would your grounder tattoos look like? Hairstyle? War paint? Norse symbol for where there’s a will there’s a way kind of look for my tattooes, want that Octavia ponytail (because fuck that was a good look), and no war paint. My face looks like it melted at the end of the day with my makeup, there’s no telling how messy and tragic my war paint will look after a war. If I’m gonna be a grounder, I’m gonna look damn good doing it.
23. Favorite quote? Whatever the hell we want
24. Can you forgive Murphy for his actions? How about Bellamy? Yes and yes.
25. If one of the characters was in the Hunger Games, who would have the best shot at winning? I know Octavia is probably the right choice (but she did not win on her own, and I highly doubt she would get as lucky in the real hunger games) so I’m going to say Raven because she’ll be like those tech nerds who made the arena go boom. I think people would team up with her, not really thinking of her as a threat so they could kill her later on, and then she makes everything go boom and wins the damn thing.
26. Least favorite ship? Favorite ship? NOT INCLUDING CLEXA OR BELLARKE. Uh Octavia and Illian for least favorite? Like I don’t really think about ships that I do not ship, but their little storyline really freaked me out. Favorite, princess mechanic, forever and always.
27. A song that should be included in the next season, like when Radioactive was? Ummm, obviously it is an accoustic cover of Radioactive done by Shawn Mendes as he emerges from the bunker with everyone else (the accoustic cover he spent the last six years working on, by the way)
28. What would you do if you were stuck in the bunker with Murphy for all that time? Omg we would have the snarkiest time as we try to out-asshole each other. We’d be quick buds.
30. Would you want to be an extra that is killed off in a brutal way? No, I want to be an extra that keeps randomly doing unimportant tasks in the background and when you look me up on IMBD you get a “random teenager who once was seen having a conversation with David Miller” next to my name.
31. A character you’d like to learn more about and get flashbacks of? Uh, Roan. Like why was he banished? What’s going on with him and his mother? What kind of history does he have with Echo? Where was he during the first two seasons of the show? HAS HE EVER GOTTEN LAID BECAUSE THE FACT THAT HE DIDN’T GET WITH ANYONE AFTER GIVING SEX EYES TO LITERALLY EVERYONE MAKES NO DAMN SENSE JROTH?
32. A character you’d bang? Roan. Y’all know I’m Roan trash.
Tagging: @isla1975 @bellamyblakesfreckles @bellamyblake-kru (ignore if you’ve already been tagged. I’m too tired to check.)
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Here’s another handy-dandy Kate vs. Meghan comparison for @keepingupwiththebananadrama
We’ve hit the six-month mark so we can do a work tally! To celebrate this milestone I hit the court circular and all the articles we’ve seen so far and counted up the work days. 
Here they are. These are the total days worked by Kate and Meghan since October 1, 2016. 
It’s actually a bit more than that since I gave Meg credit for two extra days of the One Young World conference (September 29 and 30) so she could at least reach double digits. I also credited the Create and Cultivate conference, two days at the Suits set, and all five days of the India trip (even though two were actually travel days). Don’t say I’m not wildly generous to the nutMeg!
I did not give anyone credit for makeup, hair, and dress-picking (even though I know those wiglets don’t untangle themselves!), or for social media or behind-the-scenes work (including planning and practicing). They both do it and they both have teams of helpers. I also didn’t credit any writing or editing time (including Meghan’s sushi chef interview). Again, they both do it and they also supposedly have teams of helpers. Same for pursuing “work” opportunities and pitching and whatever. They both should be doing that (Kate is supposedly doing a song for a charity but I’m not crediting that). I also didn’t give any double credit for multiple appearances in one day or for the endless pap-walking. That would just be silly.
Just keep in mind that with less actual appearances, Meg has a lot less behind-the-scenes work than Kate. I should also note that Kate has two young toddlers she’s taking care of during her “down” time. Yes, she has nannies, but it’s still work. Megs, on the other hand, has been vacationing in England, Scandinavia and the Caribbean and going to yoga class.
I also didn’t give them credit for the endless pr recycling of past work. Yes, it’s a tried and true technique for appearing to work when you’re actually just hanging out, and, yes, they both do it. Just keep in mind that a lot of Meghan’s work actually took place as far back as 2015 (when her pr firms started her “humanitarian” makeover), and mostly consisted of a few days here and there. She just keeps telling us about it over and over again so it seems as if she’s always working. Heck, today she’s touting the September 2016 conference. She should get an environmental award for all this recycling. This all makes it look like she’s breaking her back working.
She's not.
The stuff I counted is just plain have-to-show-up-and-do-stuff work days. You know, like the ones everyone else in the world has to put in. And, no, I’m not excusing Kate execrable work ethic. Thirty-two days of work in six months is ridiculously low, even if you have kids. 
But you know what’s even more pathetic than thirty-two days of work?
So there you have it. The people who expect Meghan to “put Kate in the shade” and “outwork the Cambridges” are out of their minds. 
Guys, it’s hard work to be lazier than Kate--it takes natural talent and dedication--but Meghan actually managed to do it.
Congratulations, Sparkles, you out-lazied the Duchess of Cambridge. Brava.
One final note, don’t give me any bs about how Meghan can’t work because of her princess-in-waiting status. That didn’t work for Kate and it doesn’t work for Sparkles either. Look through Meghan’s Instagram and pull up her old press releases on IMbd. She’s on vacation ALL THE TIME. Her Suits work barely takes a couple of weeks here and there, and the rest of the time she’s on a beach somewhere. She’s hardly EVER worked. Even her Tig stuff is phoned in (five question interviews with one word answers!).
Corrections and comments are welcome, just put them in the notes. I particularly want to hear from anyone that knows of any additional workdays for Meg. Those are harder to find that Bigfoot
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