#yes i ripped all the songs from the jj albums
protect-namine · 5 months
I could be vibing with any song from the jj playlist until faded color comes up and then there are tears in my eyes. mitsukisa you will always be precious to me
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
Invisible String: JJ Maybank
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word count: 9.9k
summary: based off the lyrics from Taylor Swift’s song “Invisible String”, this story follows an original character named Charlotte “Charlie” Summers, a hopeless romantic who unfortunately falls in love with JJ Maybank. At first, he wants nothing to do with her but after one night, he realizes that maybe he was wrong about love after all. 
a/n: I was writing this while I wasn’t feeling myself and because of that, it’s not like my usual stories. The ending is hopeful but open ended and it’s very angsty. I know some people don’t like Taylor Swift but this song off her new album is seriously so amazing. Try to be open minded while you listen to the album and I promise it won’t disappoint. have fun reading :)
Green was the color of the grass
Where I used to read at Centennial Park
I used to think I would meet somebody there
She had enjoyed sitting in parks and reading the Feminine Mystique while the only time he sat to read was when he was in school, if he ever showed. She was a hopeless romantic, pining and obsessing after every long haired, rebel without a cause she saw. There was a new boy every week. Not that she ever dated them. No, she only watched them from afar, wondering what shampoo they used or how their eyes would crinkle when they laughed. There was something beautifully innocent about these attractions and so, for a very long time, she just sat on the same park bench from afar and watched a number of beautiful people pass her; they were completely oblivious to the fact a girl was admiring them only a few feet away.
He was the polar opposite. It was not that he didn’t believe in love because he loved his friends but JJ never wanted anyone to love him. And, unlike many teenagers, he was okay with not being loved. Love was for the weak, for people who needed validation from others. He needed none of that. If a girl ever liked him, he would use and lose them quickly, making sure they hated him by the end of it. Love weakened him and he didn’t have the time to be weak when everyone around him expected him to be strong.
Teal was the color of your shirt
When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop
You used to work at to make a little money
She had asked him when they first met if he liked the colour teal. Random yes, but it wasn’t a meaningless question. Men associated teal with feminine activities, such as braiding hair and dressing dolls and any man who recoiled at that answer meant that they would not be compatible. When he didn’t recoil and instead vigorously nodded his head, she knew he was the one. JJ thought of how the waves felt between his fingers and his mother’s eyes when he thought of teal. Subsequently, the colour teal would rear its head in their relationship many times. For it was the colour of his favourite shirt and the colour of the ocean where they met.
His answer, although enthusiastic, was about the only interesting thing he thought she had said. When JJ first met her, there was no undeniable pull. Unlike her, he just saw a plain girl. Pretty, yes, but plain. She was the type of girl he could learn to love in time, but he was not interested in waiting a few months to feel something for her. Instead, he wanted carnal and immediate affection. He wanted to feel the pull instantly. Realistically, the relationship with instant attraction lasted only a few weeks until it wore off but JJ was not looking for a realistic love. Not at first anyways.
Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn’t see?
He wondered, later on, if his instant distaste for her was the reason the universe made them stumble in and out of each other’s lives for so long. He thought it was the universe trying to teach him a lesson. The lesson being a person that you think is insignificant, could actually turn out to be the most important person in your life.
They saw each other for the second time at his job. To try and get some extra money, JJ decided to get a job. Unfortunately the only job he seemed he could find was one at an ice cream parlor. It was embarrassing for him but he had to wear a teal shirt (his favourite colour), so he swallowed his pride and started at Figure 8’s only ice cream parlor. Unfortunately for him, JJ hated Kooks. This hate only grew when every customer he served was a Kook. They were all obnoxious and rude, two qualities he suspected they would have. But he bit his tongue and served even the people with the worst attitudes. Two weeks after she and JJ met at the beach, she entered the same ice cream parlor with her friends. Sarah Cameron, along with her boyfriend Topper and her brother Rafe, were all too preoccupied with their difficult decision on what to order to notice that their friend was acting oddly.
Oddly would be an understatement. She was mortified. Not only was her hair matted because she was surfing all day, but she was also wearing no makeup. These two things, along with the fact she was completely caught off guard that JJ was an employee at this parlor made her disastrously nervous. As they waited in line, she asked Sarah for her mirror.
“Mirror? Why the hell do you need a mirror?” Sarah questioned, a confused look written over her face. When her friends didn’t answer (or was too embarrassed to do so), she followed her eye line to the blonde boy who was scooping ice cream. “JJ? Really Charlie?”
Charlie frowned, her face hot. “He’s nice.” She said this so casually, it almost seemed as if she had known JJ her entire life.
But Sarah, although spending a limited amount of time with JJ, knew more about him than Charlie did. “No, he’s not.”
“Who’s nice?” Rafe butted in, only hearing Sarah’s last words to Charlie and trying to catch up on the conversation he missed.
“No one!” Charlie rushed, glancing at Sarah for her to play along.
The last thing Charlie wanted was for Rafe or Topper to know about her crush on JJ. Although she hung out with these boys, it was only to be polite. If Charlie had to choose, she would rather solely spend her time with Sarah. Although weary on why this already weird girl was acting even more so, Rafe was too tired to press for more and instead gave Charlie a puzzled look and turned back to face Topper, who was too busy deciding on what to order.
“Charlie’s gonna order for us.” Sarah announced, watching in amusement as her friend’s face contorted in fear.
“Hm?” Charlie gulped, glancing at the line that was coming dangerously close to JJ.
Sarah grinned. “We’ll pay for it as long as you order for us.” Sarah paused for a moment, a mischievous grin on her lips. “Or are you too scared?”
Charlie shook her head, indignant. “I am not.”
Sarah nudged Charlie forward, watching as the girl came face to face with JJ Maybank.
JJ was surprised to see her here. Of course, he knew he would have to see her eventually. He worked in the only ice cream parlor for miles and it was only a matter of time before the pretty girl with a name he did not remember finally stumbled across this parlor. As he watched her stumble over her words as she ordered, his heartbeat picked up speed. He swallowed harshly, wondering why a girl who only a few weeks ago he could care less about was now making him feel nervous.
“I’ll have t-two, um, rocky r-roads…” Charlie scrambled to remember the order her friends listed off to her, her mind running faster than her brain.
JJ nodded, looking up every so often to indirectly tell her he was listening. Her wet hair stuck to her cheeks, clearly drying in a matted way. He had a strong urge to reach out and push the hair behind her ears, something he never wanted to do before now. So what changed? JJ shook his head, trying to clear his mind as he wrote the order properly. Nothing changed, he convinced himself. He was only caught off guard by her presence.
“That’s it?” JJ calmly said, thanking an omniscient being that he had not acted as nervous as she was. He had a growing suspicion that this girl had a crush on him which only made him embarrassed since he didn’t want to believe he felt anything for her.
Y//N nodded, wanting to pinch herself just so she could calm down. “Yep.”
“Okay,” JJ ripped off the note from his pad and stuck it on the board where a bunch of his co-workers were ready to scoop. “Your order will be ready soon.”
Charlie nodded, forcing her head to move smoothly as to draw attention away from her shaky hands. “Thanks.”
Before she had time to move farther down the line, JJ spoke again. He wanted to put these feelings down to rest, proving to himself that he did not feel anything towards a girl he barely knew. “I think I’ve met you before. What’s your name?”
JJ knew this would hurt her feelings because they had met quite recently. Although it did hurt her feelings, she knew not to take it too personally because she was a girl hardly anyone noticed. “It’s Charlie.”
JJ nodded, smirking as he remembered the name. His heartbeat finally slowed down. Maybe he really felt nothing and it was only the embarrassment of seeing her again that made his heartbeat pick up. “I’m -”
“JJ. I know.” She interrupted him, watching as her friends slowly started to move farther down the line. Before she held up the line any more, she sweetly smiled at JJ and said, “I remember because you’re named after the producer of Lost.”
With that last comment, she walked farther down the line and closer to her friends. As Sarah asked her what happened and Charlie soaked up the embarrassment she felt, JJ wanted to laugh. She had just confirmed his suspicions; she had a crush on JJ. This did not seem to matter to JJ all that much since numerous girls in OBX had fallen victim to his blue eyes and cocky smirk. Although she wasn’t the first girl to ever have a crush on him, she was the first he could care less about. Usually he would use these infatuations to his advantage but this time he had no interest in Charlie. Although this was true, he was also bored out of his mind. He hadn’t been laid in a week or so and that was a long time when you were JJ Maybank. He knew how easy it would be to invite a girl that acted like that back to his home and, against his better judgement, he decided to do it.
This was mostly against his better judgement for two reasons. One, she was a Kook and JJ hated Kooks. He rarely slept with any of them, annoyed by their very presence. He usually went for Pogues or tourists, two kinds of girls he got along with better. Two, she seemed to have some type of infatuation with him which was dangerous territory. The girls that JJ slept with liked him, but it never went past the surface. Those girls didn’t give him the heart eyes she was giving him and that’s why he spent time with them. He knew it was cruel to sleep with a girl that felt so strongly towards him, especially when he felt nothing towards them, and that’s why he rarely slept with those types of girls. But he was willing to break that rule for some fun.
You might be thinking right about now that JJ Maybank is a miscreant and for that, you would be correct.
As he watched her pay for her order and get her ice cream, he seemed to be in a daze. As he watched her talk to her friends, her mind elsewhere, he thought of how he would ask her out and inevitably sleep with her. I’m warning you now, you won’t like JJ for most of this story. He’s greedy and selfish. Like a hurricane, he sweeps up whatever is around him and destroys it. And he has a fun time doing it.
Just as Charlie and her friends exited the parlor, his boss told him it was time for his break since he seemed ‘a little out of it.’ Without so much as a nod, JJ made his way past the line of customers, watching as Charlie closed the door behind her.
“Charlie!” JJ raised his voice, catching the girl’s attention.
“What does he want?” Rafe asked, stepping forward and trying to grab onto Charlie’s hand and pull her away from a Pogue he hated. Although Rafe would only admit it if there was a gun to his head, he had feelings for Charlie that he knew she would never reciprocate. Seeing JJ chase after her and seeing her stop, only added to his heartbreak.
“Let’s give them some privacy…” Sarah whispered as JJ approached them, confidently staring at Charlie who was averting her gaze. She was too embarrassed to watch JJ step closer and closer to her.
Just as Sarah pulled her boyfriend and brother away from Charlie, JJ finally stood in front of Charlie. He never asked girls out. It usually was implied that he wanted to spend time with them because if he didn’t, he would just avoid them like the plague.
He would admit to himself, as he approached Charlie, he felt guilty. She seemed like a sweet girl but should be with someone who could give her everything. That also begged the question in JJ’s mind; what did she want from him? She was a Kook after all and if she genuinely just liked him, that would be the first time a Kook was ever genuine about anything. Surprisingly, it made JJ feel better about using her if she was a Kook. He hated Kooks, especially Rafe, and sleeping with this Kook Princess was definitely going to piss off some Kooks.
“I have the first season on DVD at my house. Wanna come over some time and watch it?” JJ looked at his hand, watching as he loosened his grip on the ends of his teal shirt.
Charlie was surprised but did her best to hide it. She thought she was successful but JJ could see right through and it only added to his ego when he saw her bewilderment. Slowly but surely, Charlie finally answered with a nod. JJ nodded back, waiting for her to say something and when he realized she wouldn’t, he spoke again.
“What about tomorrow night?”
She only nodded again, her heart thumping in her chest. She was afraid JJ could hear the beat of her heart because it was so loud in her ears. Fortunately JJ did not and instead turned around and made his way back to the parlor. He felt a slight squeeze around his heart but ignored it, thinking it was because he had just asked a girl out and was feeling guilty about it. Charlie felt the same squeeze but did not dismiss it as JJ had. Instead, she saw it as an invisible string finally tying around her heart and connecting to JJ’s.
And isn’t it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
For her, that night couldn’t come fast enough. For JJ, he could care less. Not that he wasn’t excited to get laid but that seemed to be it for him. It was nothing more than a hookup and he promised he would explain that to her when she got to his house. Thankfully his father was gone for the weekend, leaving JJ to be at his house for as long as he wanted to.
As Charlie sat at Sarah’s vanity, letting her friend pluck her eyebrows and blend her makeup, JJ was sitting on his couch and watching tv. He was less than nervous. Yes, he was nervous when he first was speaking to her but her adorableness had caught him off guard. Now, he was ready for her. He would always be ready for her now.
As the time came closer and closer to their ‘date’, Sarah felt obligated to inform her friend on who she was about to go on a date with. She loved Charlie like a sister and wasn’t about to let a boy she knew to be a troublemaker and a womanizer destroy her friend’s perception of love. Her friend had never been in a  relationship and had a limited experience with boys which meant she didn’t understand how cruel some of them could be. To settle the arguments in her mind, she decided to just advise her friend to be careful. Although Charlie understood her friend’s apprehensiveness, she thought she understood JJ like the back of her hand. He had a tough exterior but on the inside, he was just as fragile as any other person. She was willing to meet the real JJ. Unfortunately, what she didn’t know yet was that her heart had to break first before she met the real JJ.
Although JJ had a number of girls come over at his house, he rarely asked them out days before. Usually they would come home with him the same night he met them. To say JJ was underprepared was an understatement. He only realized he had a date that night when she rang the doorbell. In a hurried mess, he threw on the cleanest shirt he had and rushed to open the door. Tripping only once, he successfully made it to the door. When he opened the door, all his worries melted away. And no, it was not because she was breathtaking but because he remembered it was only Charlie. Plain Charlie.
She was considerably more nervous than him, being as it was only her first date. But she took a deep breath and took everything one step at a time. She felt pretty, her hair done in a nice braid and wearing her favourite shorts, and pretended as if she was one of those girls who carried themselves as if they were an angel that graced everyone’s presence. She saw her walk as dainty but JJ barely noticed, distracted by her bare legs. They were virtually smooth (meaning she shaved) and tan.
“Where’s your tv?” Charlie asked, watching as JJ looked up from her legs and to her eyes.
JJ’s house, although not anything like hers, was cozy and she liked it. There were beer cans thrown everywhere and she knew JJ had made no effort to clean anything up but still, his house looked as if someone lived in it. Granted, it was a messy individual but nonetheless, it was a home. Her house was always too clean and looked deserted.
“In my room.” JJ stated, walking in front of her and opening the door to his room. He looked behind him, watching as she did not make any movement towards him. Just as he began to get confused he remembered that she was deathly awkward and might not be okay with being in his room. Showing an ounce of concern for someone other than himself for the first time in weeks, he said, “Is that okay?”
Charlie cleared her throat, nodding quickly before picking up her feet and walking through the threshold of JJ’s door. She wanted to seem nonchalant about being in his room but JJ saw right through her. Either she was just nervous or she had never been in a boy’s bedroom. The latter was true. If JJ had known that, he would have never let her in his room. He had always believed he was not good enough to be anyone’s first for anything, including a small thing like that.
Charlie softly sat on the edge of JJ’s bed, watching as the boy bent down and put the DVD through the DVD player. When his back was to her, her eyes finally drifted to his right wall where a small picture of him as a child, hugging a woman who shared the same features as he did. She had stuck two fingers, which were supposed to be bunny ears, behind his head and plastered on a huge grin. JJ, oblivious to the fingers behind his head, only gave a toothy grin as he looked into the camera.
When JJ finally got up from his seat on the floor, he sat right next to Charlie. She was right on the edge of his bed, sitting very close to the tv. She seemed a little stiff and JJ hoped she would relax soon. Although her body was in front of the tv, her head was turned elsewhere. When he realized what picture she was looking at, he immediately felt embarrassed. That picture was usually never hung but JJ had felt nostalgic last night and hung it up to look at but never took it down.
Before he could speak, she did first. “Is that your mother?” This was the first clear and confident sentence she had spoken since they met and JJ was almost surprised to see that her regular voice was lower than he first thought.
JJ nodded for a second, grasping to find a subject he could change to. He looked at the tv screen and handed the remote to Charlie, finally knowing what to say. “What episode?”
Charlie scrolled down, through the first season before deciding to pick the first episode. As the opening scene started to play, JJ chuckled to himself, scooting closer to the edge of the bed to get closer to Charlie. He saw that this movement made her nervous but he only scooted closer.
“Why’d you laugh?” Charlie asks, her voice once again softer. She seemed to be nervous again and JJ only found it adorable. “You don’t like the first episode.”
JJ knew it was going to be more difficult to get this girl to kiss him since he doubted she’d ever make the first move. Indulging her, he answered her question. “It just tells me a lot about your personality.”
Charlie’s face contorted in confusion, her eyes off the screen and on JJ now. “What does this tell you exactly?”
JJ smirked. “That you’re a real neat freak. You need things to have a beginning, middle and end. Probably a hopeless romantic. You love the stories of girl meets guy, they fall in love and get married. The end.”
Charlie, a little upset he read her so precisely, only rolled her eyes and tried not to be too offended. “And what episode would you have chosen?”
JJ shrugged, thinking for a moment before answering. “Probably the last one.”
Charlie nodded, scratching her chin. “Probably means you hate to follow the norm. You hate beginnings and middles and the end. You don’t like structure and you probably think love is a little dumb.” When she sees JJ’s smirk falter, she continues. “How right was I?”
JJ was slightly surprised at how accurate she had been. Yet again, he found himself trying to remain calm. “Pretty right.”
Charlie smirked, bowing her head. “Thank you.” Her eyes turned back to the screen, watching as a scene unfolded in front of her.
JJ wasn’t done with the conversation though, upset that a girl he thought he had figured out turned out to be not what he expected. She was shy, he thought. In some ways she was, but at the same time she wasn’t going to let JJ shamelessly make fun of her. She had some type of backbone, however small. He watched her instead of the screen, so confused how he had gotten her personality so wrong. Eventually, she saw he was not paying attention and she looked back to him, sheepishly making eye contact. JJ was confused again. How could she be outwardly intelligent one second and shy the next? This girl was more complicated than he thought.
On your first trip to LA
Bad was the blood of the song in the cab
You ate at my favorite spot for dinner
“Is there something else you wanted to add?” Charlie innocently asked, embarrassed that JJ was watching her so intently.
JJ shrugged, glancing at the screen before looking back at her. “Wondering if the rest of my profile is correct about you.”
He watched as Charlie chuckled at the word profile. He suddenly felt embarrassed, realizing it wasn’t the coolest thing to say in the moment. She shrugged and said, “I don’t know. What is it?”
JJ wanted to say so much but he couldn’t. She wasn’t what he thought she was. She was multifaceted, shy and confident. Meek and talkative. Instead, he felt himself more interested in what she thought about him. This had never happened before. JJ never thought they would do this much talking. He never thought their conversations would get this deep this fast. Especially with a Kook.
“I don’t know. What about me?”
Charlie smiled, glancing at that picture on the wall before speaking. “Definitely a mama’s boy. She probably taught you how to surf.” As she talked, JJ’s heart rate picked up pace. She was getting close to dangerous waters. No one talked about his mother. Not even his closest friends. “That photo tells me two things. One, that she was the heart of the family because she knew how to be goofy. Two, she left because there’s no other pictures of her in the house. Your dad -”
JJ had heard enough. It was too much. She was right about too much. He rarely spoke about his mom, too many buried memories. Without allowing her to speak any longer, JJ got up from his seat beside her and stood by the door. His hand was on the knob, watching as she stopped talking and a concerned expression crossed her face. JJ rolled his eyes, her fake sympathy only angering him. The last thing he needed was an empathetic Kook going around telling everyone his sob story. He didn’t care how needy he was, he was not going to sleep with her now.
“I want you to leave.” JJ said hoarsely, his throat closing as he tried to hold back tears.
As he said this, Charlie’s heart thumped in her ears. She quickly got up from her seat and slowly moved towards an angry JJ. With his hand still clutched around the knob, she slowly approached him. “JJ… I didn’t mean -”
“No,” JJ tensed up again as he saw her approach him. “You Kooks never do.”
Charlie stops in her tracks, soaking in his last words. “Kooks?”
JJ rolled his eyes. “Yeah, you Kooks. You wanna hear a real profile? All you Kooks are so fucking unhappy with your shitty lives you have to bother us with your bullshit. Well, I’m not gonna sit here and let you make me seem like a little poor boy who misses his mom.”
Charlie stays still and waits for JJ to finish before she speaks. “I’m sorry if I hit a nerve, I didn’t know I would be right.”
JJ cackled sarcastically, the door still not open. “Whatever.”
Charlie frowned. “JJ, I’m sorry. You’re right. I am a Kook and I couldn’t possibly understand -”
“Shut up.” JJ hisses, finally taking his hand off the door knob.
He does not move it again and for a minute, Charlie thinks he might not let her go. Then she sees why he’s moved his hand. His hand moves to his chest where she realizes he is having a panic attack. JJ falls to his knees, clutching his chest and heaving. Charlie rushes forward and wraps her arms around him, trying to get him to calm down. She feels like this is completely her fault. She opened a wound that hasn’t fully healed. It was all a joke but she took it too far.
“JJ,” Charlie said as she grasped onto each of his shoulder blades. He made eye contact with her, his face beat red from lack of oxygen. “Try and breathe.”
This had never happened to JJ before, let alone with a girl in his room. Yes, he would have a couple of panic attacks every couple of weeks but never in public and never in front of a girl he wanted to sleep with. The embarrassment only added to the inability to breathe. His mind raced a mile a minute, screaming for him to just breathe. But it was easier said than done. His chest rose and fell rapidly, his breath coming out in large heaves. His chest was hurting and he honestly believed he was going to die. In front of a Kook, nonetheless.
JJ shook his head at Charlie, trying to tell her he couldn’t. Charlie nodded, holding eye contact. “Yes you can.” Her hands moved from his shoulders to his face, gently cupping both sides of his face. “Breathe in.” Charlie instructed for JJ to copy her as she took a deep breath. “Breathe out.”
At first, it was so difficult for him to do but Charlie was not about to give up on him. As minutes passed, she continued to breathe with JJ and help him through his panic attack. Soon, his breaths became even again and only when she was sure he was okay, she let go of the sides of his face. They didn’t speak for many minutes, the both of them not finding the right words to say. They were only fighting ten minutes ago and just now, she had helped JJ through a difficult time where he couldn’t breathe.
Finally, Charlie was the first to speak. She stood up first, reaching out to help JJ up. When he got to his feet, his mind still a little foggy, she spoke. “JJ, I’m -”
“Shh.” JJ quieted her by shushing her.
Charlie instantly stopped speaking, looking directly at JJ. She was mortified because of what had happened and wanted nothing more than to apologize profusely. When JJ wouldn’t let her, she instead waited until he said his peace. She knew some bad words were going to be exchanged but she accepted that. After all, she had basically given him a panic attack. Instead, JJ did the exact opposite. He said nothing for a while. It seemed like he was debating something in his mind and when he finally had made his decision, he looked at Charlie. She was about to try and speak again but she never got the chance; JJ’s hands quieting her. He reached forward for her and cupped her face in his hands before pulling her forward into a heated kiss. This kiss had caught her off guard and she barely had time to react and kiss him back before his lips were off hers again.
JJ felt how hot his cheeks were becoming as he watched Charlie look at him in awe. He had never felt so embarrassed to kiss a girl before but now, he was. He tried to convince himself it was because of his most recent episode, his whole body was weak and was mistaking weakness for nervousness.
As if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, JJ finally spoke. “Sorry.” JJ wanted to slap himself. Why in the hell did he say sorry? He watched as Charlie shook her head, a smile on her face.
“It’s okay.” She whispered, her lips tingling. That was her first kiss and it felt wonderful. And this time, the feeling was mutual.
With a huge surge of confidence, Charlie grabbed JJ by the collar and pulled his forward. When he was only inches away, she leaned in close and kissed him. JJ reacted quicker than her, kissing her back almost instantly. Although this was only the first time she was kissing a boy, JJ would have never guessed that was so. She kissed very passionately, even knowing when to break for air. Slowly, as their kisses deepened, JJ guided her to his bed where he wanted her. This time, he had no ill intentions.
Bold was the waitress on our three-year trip
Getting lunch down by the Lakes
She said I looked like an American singer
JJ never lay on his back when girls kissed him. Instead, he always took charge, hovering over them. His hands would be on their belt in no time and the rest was easy. This time, however, he lay on his back and allowed for Charlie to hover over him as they kissed.
This part was supposed to be easy for him. This was his specialty but, as he kissed Charlie with his hands still not moving from her face, he seemed to forget. It was as if the last years of sexual escapades had never happened and he was a virgin again. This only annoyed him. He wanted to impress her. He wanted to show her how skilled he was but his arms seemed to be limp as Charlie’s hands dropped lower and lower, caressing his body. JJ almost felt embarrassed. He had been waiting to sleep with Charlie ever since that day at the parlor and now, he seemed like an innocent virgin who was scared to make the first move.
Charlie lay on JJ, her legs entangled in his. “JJ, you can touch me, if you want.” She felt slightly embarrassed by what she said but she had a feeling JJ was too nervous to notice. He seemed to be frozen in place, an awkward boy who she knew was experienced.
JJ nodded, glancing at her lips before connecting them once again and kissing her. He felt even more embarrassed now. A girl, who he knew to not be as nearly as experienced as he was, was now telling him how to make out. The world had obviously turned on its axis. There was no way he wasn’t in an alternate universe. Still, he nodded his head and finally moved his hands from her face to the end of her back. As they continued to kiss, his hands lay there and he made a point to softly caress them back and forth.
JJ had never felt as embarrassed as he did then. Not only was he acting if he never touched a girl before, but his heart beat was thumping so loudly in his head, he thought he might faint. This had never happened and he wondered why, out of all the girls, was it happening with Charlie? He had hooked up with girls hotter than Charlie and they never scared him but now, this plain brunette had changed something. As their kissing developed into more, clothes thrown haphazardly all over the floor, JJ asked himself if maybe it was different because he had never met a girl like Charlie ever. Finally, he felt the same string Charlie had felt before and it knotted around his heart, pulling him closer to Charlie.
Time, mystical time
Cutting me open, then healing me fine
Were there clues I didn’t see?
When it was all said and done and Charlie lay beside him, tired and naked, JJ knew he’d never be the same. Everything was different. The kisses had become more intense. The heat of adoration radiated from her body, and for the very first time, JJ made love to someone. It was so overwhelming, particularly for someone who had never been handled like this before. As Charlie snuggled closer to JJ, her eyes ready to close any minute, JJ started to get scared. 
“You okay?” Charlie asked, even though she was in more pain than he was. She had just lost her virginity to JJ and he didn’t even know. She decided against telling him for now, scared to ruin the mood.
Although still in a lot of pain, she couldn’t be happier. She had always wanted to feel loved when she lost her virginity and she finally had. Charlie never took sex too seriously, even though she was a hopeless romantic because most of the time, it was never how you imagined it. She had been warned that it would be dull but that was not her experience at all. She felt safe and protected. JJ had barely said more than a word or two to her during but she could tell how nervous he was, which only made this experience more lovely to her. She was utterly happy beyond belief in that moment.
JJ couldn’t speak, his throat rough. Instead, he nodded slowly and mustered up enough strength to say only one word. “Sleep.” And so she did.
You have to understand where JJ is coming from before I tell you the rest of the story. He grew up with an abusive father, one that would hurt more than he loved. His mother was his shining light, taking any bad situation and turning it into a good one. She loved JJ but was mentally ill herself and the more violent his father got, the more her mind would deteriorate. Sometimes, his mother would be so depressed, she would forget to feed him and JJ had to make his only lunch at six years old. Although his mother tried her best, JJ spent most of his childhood alone until he met John B., Kiara and Pope. And he only met them after his mother left when he was six. JJ grew up in an unstable home where the people that were supposed to love each other, didn’t. He grew up not believing in love and in turn, never experienced love. Of course, he loved his friends but that was a different kind of love. Every girl he was with was just another way to fill the void where he knew romantic love was supposed to be. That’s why he never felt guilty about inviting Charlie over; he was sure nothing would come out of it. But here he was, feeling the emotion he had thought never existed. So, in order to protect himself from what he knew to be the scariest thing to happen to him, he decided to never talk to Charlie again. 
She was the only girl to ever change his mind about love so, instead of facing his feelings head on, he hid from her. After that day, she tried to call him but he never answered. Everytime her number appeared on his phone, he felt the string connecting him to her tug a little but he never answered the phone. He was scared and people who are scared do stupid things.
Charlie had no experience with boys before JJ so at first, she had no idea he was avoiding her. At first, she suspected he was busy. He did have a job and it took up most of his time. Although she tried to be positive, as the days progressed into weeks, she soon realized he was not busy but in fact avoiding her. It came to her after two weeks of leaving messages on his phone and silence. She was with Sarah and Rafe, watching the sun set as they made s’mores. It came to her all at once as she watched the sky get darker and when it sunk in, she burst into tears. At first, they were silent tears but the second Sarah noticed and asked her if she was okay, she started blubbering like an idiot. Sarah had suspected something was wrong but wanted Charlie to come to her organically, not forcing her to tell her what was bothering her. Rafe wanted to stay, due to his feelings for Charlie. Sarah would not allow him to be around and only when he left, did she finally ask Charlie to tell her the entire story.
And when she did, all Sarah saw was red. Charlie was the sweetest person she knew. When they were eight years old, Charlie had introduced herself to Sarah by kissing the paper cut on her thumb and praying for a speedy recovery. Everyone loved Charlie; it was hard not to. She was good to every person she met and to see JJ disregard her like this upset Sarah in so many ways. 
“You should just march right up to his steps and give him a piece of your mind.” Sarah frowned, wrapping her arms around her crying friend.
“Y-you know I c-can’t.” Charlie sobbed, hiccups interrupting her words.
Sarah leaned back, making eye contact with her friend. “And why not?”
Charlie shrugged, wiping the tears from her cheeks. Her cheeks were stained black from her running mascara. “I’m embarrassed.”
Sarah stood up from her seat beside Charlie and scoffed loud enough for Rafe to hear on the other side of the door. Although he had left the room, he wanted to eavesdrop and find out what was wrong with Charlie. The more that was revealed, the angrier he got.
“Charlotte!” Sarah sang, only using her first name when she was upset with Charlie. “You are not the embarrassment in this situation. That Pogue is.”
“I just don’t think I can. I’m not that type of girl.” Charlie shrugged, sifting through her bag to find the makeup wipes and extra tube of mascara she keeps in there. “I’m not a confrontational girl.” She started wiping the black stains off her cheeks, glancing up at Sarah who was pacing the room back and forth.
Sarah crossed the room once more, kneeling in front of Charlie. “You can be.” She grabbed the wipe from Charlie’s hand and started to help her clean off the black stains. “You should be.”
And so, with a little extra mascara and confidence thanks to Sarah, Charlie decided that for at least today she would be that kind of girl. The girl that stands up for herself. She had hated confrontation but she knew Sarah was right. This was the type of situation where anyone should stand up for themself. JJ couldn’t use her anymore than he already had. She wouldn’t allow it. She was stronger. 
As Sarah drove to JJ’s house, Charlie in the passenger seat, Charlie kept trying to convince herself to be mean. Being mean never came naturally to Charlie but JJ had broken her and he deserved a little rudeness. It was hard though, for a particular reason. Everything had seemed so real. He really seemed nervous and it seemed like he truly cared for her. He had acted cocky at the beach when they first met and even when he was asking her out but never when they were alone. He was way more vulnerable with her. Sarah had said that maybe that was his plan and how he got so many girls to sleep with him but Charlie didn’t believe it. Not only because she loved JJ, but because if he was acting the entire time, he had to be the greatest actor in the world.
As Sarah parked in JJ’s driveway, the nerves finally set in for Charlie. She finally realized that this was actually happening and soon she would be confronting the boy that had hurt her so deeply. With a deep breath, she turned to Sarah and gave her a weary look.
“What do I even say?” Charlie asked, holding onto the door for balance. She felt light headed. 
Sarah shrugged. “What you feel.”
Although vague, Charlie understood what message her friend was trying to convey. Charlie had to speak from her heart and let JJ know how much he had hurt her, She didn’t know if he would try to apologize for his actions but she didn’t care. She was not looking for an apology. She loved JJ, she was not afraid to admit it, but she was not going to be dragged around like a lost puppy and made to look foolish. She had more dignity than that. She wasn’t sure why JJ did what he did. Maybe he was scared, or maybe he did it for fun but that wasn’t why she was upset. She was upset because he had not let her know what his true intentions were. Charlie believed in honesty before anything else and if JJ wasn’t going to be honest with her from the beginning, maybe he wasn’t the type of guy she thought he was. 
As she climbed the steps to his house, she thought back to when she first saw him. She had known the rumours about him before and she was warned by many people, Sarah included, but there had been something about him that was so magnetic. It was as if there was a small string connected to him that was pulling her forward. Looking back to their first encounter at the beach, she could see how uninterested he was in her. Hindsight is 20-20 though because in the moment she didn’t realize. She blamed herself in some ways . Maybe if she hadn’t been such a hopeless romantic, none of this would have happened. 
She stopped in front of his door, making no effort to knock on the door. Suddenly, relief washed over Charlie and she realized something. She was better than this. She didn’t need or want an explanation. The people that are nice to her, loved her. The people that went out of their way to help her are the people that love her. She was so in love with the idea of love that she forgot to remember what the reality was sometimes. The reality was that although everyone should be loved, some people don’t want that. Maybe JJ was one of those types of people or maybe not. It didn’t matter. She knew she deserved love and she didn’t need to yell at JJ or give him a piece of her mind to remind herself that she was worthy of love. She knew she was already. She took some comfort in knowing that she would not feel like this forever and soon, that string that had tied them together would break.
Without knocking on his door, Charlie turned right back around and made her way back to Sarah’s car. As she got in, she smiled for the first time in weeks. She felt better and she didn’t even need to talk to JJ.
“What happened?” Sarah questioned, watching as her friend who was now smiling buckled in.
“I just decided I’m better than that.” Charlie explained, finally looking to her friend. She was scared to see her friend’s reaction to this sudden realization but Sarah only smiled. 
As Sarah put her car in reverse, slowly moving farther and farther away from JJ’s house, she felt the invisible string around her heart loosen.
And isn’t it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
Sarah had not been looking as she was pulling out of JJ’s driveway. She was too focused on her friend’s newfound confidence that she almost completely disregarded the blonde boy riding a skateboard behind her car. When she finally registered JJ in her rearview camera, she slammed her foot against the break and let out a loud gasp. JJ, who had been thinking of Charlie ever since he saw her last, looked up and, to his surprise, saw a red caravan two inches from him. He frowned, thinking it was one of those loudy child services social workers coming again unannounced. He got off his skateboard and trudged up to the drivers side of the car to tell them off. When he saw Sarah Cameron instead, his eyes widened. What the hell was she doing here? When his eyes shifted to the passenger’s seat, he gasped. 
Charlie, who was gripping onto her seat at the abrupt stop Sarah had made, had not looked up to see JJ on the outside of the car until Sarah called her name.
“Charlie?” Sarah squeaked out, looking to her friend who was trying to catch her breath.
“Hm?” She looked up, her eyes already wide with fear but when she saw JJ, she let a small gasp out as well. 
When her and JJ made eye contact, she knew she couldn’t avoid him any longer. She had to end this; she had to close this awful chapter out her life. So, with her hands shaking, she grabbed onto the ledge of the door and opened it. She swung her legs over the seat and shakingly placed them back on the ground. With a deep breath, she walked to the front of Sarah’s car, where JJ was waiting for her. 
“Charlie…” JJ sighed, seeing the girl he hadn’t stopped thinking about since he first met her. He had been lying to himself for too long. He had loved her the second she had asked him if he liked teal.
Teal. The colour of the shirt she was wearing now. Teal. The colour of his newly painted nails.
“I was gonna yell at you.” She said calmly, her eyes watering as she watched the boy that had caused her so much pain. It seemed that his eyes were watering too now but she wasn’t going to fall for it again. She couldn’t let herself fall again. “But I can’t be anyone but myself. We have to be who we are in this world. And if you wanna be like this for the rest of your life, please leave me out of it.”
“I’m sorry.” JJ blinked fast, not wanting to cry in front of her. He had caused her too much pain, his own pain seemed miniscule now. “I don’t even know who I am. People expect me to be so many things, I don’t know.”
Charlie shook her head. “Forget about what everyone else wants, figure out what you want.”
JJ shrugs. “I don’t know yet.”
“When you know, find me.” Charlie raises her hand to cup one of his cheeks. He rests his head against her hand for a moment but she pulls away too quickly. 
She starts to back away from him but before she can enter Sarah’s car again, JJ speaks. “I hope I haven’t changed your mind about love, Charlotte.”
The way he says her full name tells her everything. She gives him a small smile, shrugging. “Don’t worry, Maybank, I’m still a hopeless romantic.”
A string that pulled me
Out of all the wrong arms, right into that dive bar
Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
Chains around my demons
Wool to brave the seasons
One single thread of gold
Tied me to you
Days turned into months and before they were both ready, JJ and Charlie graduated. They had seen each other on a few more occasions, such as at his work or at a party, but it was only ever a passing glance. People say time is the best healer and that much was true. For Charlie and JJ, they both felt better as time passed. Although time had passed and somewhat healed, they were not the same.
JJ, for one, had not slept with a single girl since he was with Charlie. He was utterly broken and for months, he refused to even go out to parties. But, with the persistence of his friends, he finally tried to get back into his old rhythm. And, with his old rhythm, came a slew of girls at his disposal. Surprisingly, JJ actually dated a few of them and decided against sleeping with them. Charlie had changed him in the best way. He no longer was fulfilled by one night stands and instead dated girls for weeks. This might not seem like much but for JJ, it was progress. None of them were like Charlie but, with each relationship, it taught him how to be a better person. For one of the first times in his life, he felt whole being by himself. He even got a scholarship to a college on the mainland for the Coast Guard Academy. JJ was beginning to find himself.
Charlie was different too. She grew more confident. She now could recognize when people were taking advantage of her and, instead of ignoring it like she usually would, she would face them head on. She also confronted Rafe with his infatuation with her, something she inadvertently knew about for a while now. They remained friends through it all and she actually respected Rafe even more after it. She also joined the debate team and found her calling; law. She loved debating and began her interest in law by reading tons and tons of textbooks for law school. After months and months of trying to get over JJ, she finally felt herself start to move on. That’s when she finally went out with David, a guy on her debate team. They went out for a couple of weeks and when it ended, it was amicable. Her love for David was nothing like JJ’s but he made her feel secure in her feelings and she appreciated his support. Towards the end of the school year, she had got accepted to Yale, the ivy league school of her choice. She would be away from her friends and family for four years or more but she was excited to start studying law. 
At their graduation, they both saw each other and, for the first time since they spoke, they smiled at each other. This smile was bittersweet considering they both still loved each other, but they were glad that life was going well for the both of them. They had grown and found themselves.
Cold was the steel of my axe to grind
For the boys who broke my heart
Now I send their babies presents
One night, after classes in their respective schools had started, JJ had a revelation. He had returned to OBX for the weekend and found this revelation in his enemy; Rafe Cameron. 
JJ and his friends had promised each other to always meet for the weekend in OBX so they never lost touch but Pope and Kiara had been accepted in schools on the west coast so they were hours and hours away. John B and JJ kept their promises while Kiara and Pope skyped them and spoke all night. They were all still close, maybe even closer, since high school. One night, after Pope and Kiara had signed off, John B and JJ were still not tired and wanted to go out. Sarah had started dating John B only a few months before their graduation and although she was rude to JJ at first, he had grown on her. She wasn’t here this weekend so the boys were bored without her rambunctious ideas. John B had proposed they went out for late night ice cream and since JJ had no other ideas, he agreed to go.
As they waited in line, speaking amongst themselves, Rafe was waiting in line behind them. They had not seen him for months and, at first, they did not recognize him. Only when he tapped JJ’s shoulder, did their eyes widen at the sight of their old enemy. The first thing JJ saw was his teal shirt. His mind went to Charlie.
“What do you want?” John B was very aggressive when he first made eye contact with Rafe but JJ could see what John B didn’t. He wasn’t here to fight. His eyes were soft, almost said to see JJ and John B again.
“I wanna talk to JJ.” His voice is just above a whisper and somehow, JJ trusts him.
Before John B can defend his friend, JJ puts a hand on his friends shoulder. John B looks to him in confusion but says nothing and waits for JJ to speak. “Let’s step outside.”
Gold was the color of the leaves
When I showed you around Centennial Park
Hell was the journey but it brought me heaven
Rafe and JJ had never had a heart to heart. The only choice words they ever spoke to each other was when they were beating eachother up. Now, as they stood outside the ice cream parlour where JJ had previously worked, they seemed to be standing in a comfortable silence.
“What’s up man?” JJ asked, looking to the window where he saw John B ordering his and JJ’s ice cream.
“I want to let you know you’re a complete idiot.” Rafe swallows harshly and steps closer towards JJ. 
For a moment, JJ thinks he might punch him by the anger in his eyes and how his fists are clenched tightly together. But the moment passes and Rafe remains quiet until JJ speaks. “Why?”
“She’s completely in love with you and you’re still here, ordering fucking ice cream.” Rafe spits, unclenching and then clenching his fists.
JJ’s shoulders slump. He wondered how the hell Rafe knew but he didn’t want to dwell on that. “Rafe, it’s complicated.”
Rafe shakes his head, a little calmer now. “No, it’s not. I loved her so much and when I told her, you know what she said?” He paused and only when JJ shrugged, did Rafe continue. “She told me she was waiting for a guy to find himself. So, have you found yourself?”
JJ nodded. “Yeah, but it’s been too long. She probably told you that months ago. My windows closed. Besides, she’s at Yale.”
Rafe shook his head incredulously. “She told me that last week dude.”
JJ felt like he might faint right there at this news. He felt light headed and he held onto Rafe’s shoulder and he tried to find his balance. After all this time, it wasn’t too late. After all this time, she still loved him. He looked back up to Rafe with a smile on his face. He stood straight back up, knowing what he had to do next. 
“Rafe, if John B asks where I’ve gone, tell him sorry, but I have to go see about a girl.”
Time, wondrous time
Gave me the blues and then purple-pink skies
And it’s cool
Baby, with me
Charlie had begun a running regimen when she started at Yale. They had a beautiful track on campus and before every class every morning, she would run for two hours, shower, and then go to whatever class she had that day. On days she had off, she would take her time and on Saturday mornings, when no one had classes, she took extra time. She would sprint for a couple moments, then jog and walk and start all over again. Since she started this exercise, she could see an improvement in her health and stress. Whenever her mind brought her to places she didn’t want to be, she would run. Running had begun to become her therapy, along with her actual therapy.
On that particular Saturday, she was running late; figuratively of course. She had slept through her 6am alarm and, by 7am, she was rushing out her dorm to get to the track. She had tried to always get there extra because after 8am, it got too crowded. But, as she rushed down the steps on her campus dorm and out into the crisp autumn air, she came face to face with a certain blonde boy.
When she finally recognized him, a gasp left her lips. He looked disheveled from his journey and while half of her wondered what he could possibly want from her, the other half was crying with joy because she knew.
JJ walked up one step of the stairs, the closest he’s been to her since all those months ago. “Charlie, I -”
“No speeches.” She cuts him off, wanting to know his answer but too impatient. “Just tell me if you know.” She can’t wait any longer. All of these months of waiting and praying and now he’s here. She forgives him. She forgave him months ago. But now, she needs to know if she’s wasting her time all over again.
“I know now.” JJ looks at her, breathless.
The smile on her face tells him everything he needs to know. She knows too.
And isn’t it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?
taglist: @dolanfivsosxox @obxrush @belledutchess @sexualparkour @lueurglow @maries110911 @ebonyyyy-e @teamnick @tangledinsparkles @91912512 @shawnssongs @ssjiara @amarachoren @under-a-canyon-moon​ @blog-hannahnicole​ @xlittlemissydjx​
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jaceyourself · 6 years
End of Year Wrap-Up 24/12/2018
Happy Merry to all you readers!
I’ve had a great year but all us music fans have had an even better one! Streaming services mean that now more than ever we can experience the musical output from all corners of the globe (though overwhelmingly the English-speaking parts of it) to understand different points of view, learn of the goings on in other parts of the world and most importantly indulge ourselves in a bit of a boogie. All the moods, genres and feels you could think of are out there, so over the holiday period perhaps try and listen to something new. Who knows it might break the tension with that younger/older relative round the xmas table when you find they also happen to like k-pop/jazz-funk/grindcore or at the very least you can bicker about the tragedy of the current album charts (Greatest Showman: 21 weeks!). To aid you in your quest for knowledge/excitement/small-talk I have spent almost 30 minutes curating a best-of for both albums and singles in the year of 2018. 
(NB even with my album-a-day policy, there’s no way I can get through everything I want to within the 365, so if your fave appears ignored, let it be known that I probably haven’t heard it yet. The full list of everything I’ve listened to this year is at the bottom)
So in no particular order:
Jinx Lennon- Grow A Pair!!!
The Beths- Future Me Hates Me
The Pistol Annies- Interstate Gospel
Travis Scott- ASTROWORLD
Mount Eerie- Now Only
Cardi B- Invasion of Privacy
The 1975- A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships
The Aces- When My Heart Felt Volcanic
Confidence Man- Out The Window
Cardi B- I Like It
Janelle Monae ft. Grimes- Pynk
Lori McKenna- People Get Old
SOPHIE- Immaterial
Marie Davidson- Work It
Car Seat Headrest- Stop Smoking (We Love You)
The 1975- It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)
Have a great festive period and I’ll see you in 2019 :D
2018 Albums what I listened to
Floating Points- Reflections – Mojave Desert
James Elkington- Wintres Woma
Miguel- War & Leisure
Ride- Weather Diaries
Sidney Gish- No Dogs Allowed
Emperor X- The Orlando Sentinel, Oversleepers International
Broken Social Scene- Hug of Thunder
MC5- Kick Out The Jams (Live)
Public Service Broadcasting- Every Valley
JJ Doom- Key to the Kuffs
HAIM- Something To Tell You
Camila Cabello- Camila
Sheer Mag- Need To Feel Your Love
Taylor Swift- reputation
Shabazz Palaces- Quazarz vs The Jealous Machines
This Is The Kit- Moonshine Freeze
Japanese Breakfast- Soft Sounds From Another Planet
Tune-Yards- I can feel you creep into my private life
Jupiter & Okwess- Kin Sonic
Various Artists- The Passion Of Charlie Parker
Waxahatchee- Out In The Storm, Great Thunder
Offa Rex- The Queen Of Hearts
Dizzee Rascal- Raskit
Alvvays- Antisocialites
Childhood- Universal High
Marmozets- Knowing What You Know Now
Declan McKenna- What Do You Think About the Car?
Paul Heaton- Crooked Calypso
Lana Del Rey- Lust For Life
Charles Lloyd New Quartet- Passin’ Thru (Live)
Rip Rig & Panic- Circa Rip Rig + Panic
Avey Tare- Eucalyptus
Justin Timberlake- Man Of The Woods
Rio Mira- Marimba del Pacifico
Oddisee- The Iceberg
Aimee Mann- Mental Illness
Katie Von Schleicher- Shitty Hits
Arcade Fire- Everything Now
Girl Ray- Earl Grey
Ezra Furman- Transangelic Exodus
Randy Newman- Dark Matter
Dead Cross- Dead Cross
Chronixx- Chronology
Mondo Cozmo- Plastic Soul
Kesha- Rainbow
Lal & Mike Waterson- Bright Phoebus
Steve Reich- Pulse / Quartet
Orchestra Baobab- Tribute to Ndiouga Dieng
Ratboy- SCUM
Prince- Dirty Mind, Controversy, 1999, Purple Rain, Parade, Sign ‘O’ The Times
Stanley Cowell- No Illusions
Oneohtrix Point Never- Good Time Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Downtown Boys- Cost Of Living
Screaming Females- All At Once
Rob Luft- Riser
Sibusile Xaba- Open Letter To Adoniah
Jen Cloher- Jen Cloher
Everything Everything- Fever Dream
Grizzly Bear- Painted Ruins
Bob’s Burgers- The Bob’s Burgers Music Album
Superorganism- Superorganism
Maren Morris- HERO
Courtney Marie Andrews- Honest Life, May Your Kindness Remain
Stefflon Don- Real Ting Mixtape
Ghostpoet- Dark Days + Canapés
Young Fathers- White Men Are Black Men Too, Cocoa Sugar
Queens Of The Stone Age- Songs For The Deaf
Thurst- Cut to the Chafe
John Moreland- Big Bad Luv
Aruan Ortiz- Cub(an)ism [Piano Solo]
Mount Eerie- Now Only
The War On Drugs- A Deeper Understanding
Various Artists- Pop Makossa
Liane Carroll- The Right to Love
Fickle Friends- You Are Someone Else
Nadine Shah- Holiday Destination
Various Artists- Howsla
George Ezra- Staying at Tamara’s
The Doors- The Doors
Filthy Friends- Invitation
Susanne Sundfør- Music For People In Trouble
LCD Soundsystem- LCD Soundsystem, Sound of Silver, American Dream
Mogwai- Every Country’s Sun
Kacey Musgraves- Golden Hour
The National- High Violet, Sleep Well Beast
The Klezmatics- Wonder Wheel
Hercules & Love Affair- Omnion
Mount Kimbie- Love What Survives
The Aces- When My Heart Felt Volcanic
Matthew Bourne- Isotach
Finished- Cum Inside Me Bro
Forced Into Femininity- I’m Making Progress
Heron Oblivion- Heron Oblivion
Hamell On Trial- TACKLE BOX
Confidence Man- Confident Music For Confident People
Swet Shop Boys- Cashmere
Princess Nokia- 1992 Deluxe, A Girl Cried Red
Steely Dan- The Royal Scam, Aja
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard- Nonagon Infinity
Sparks- Hippopotamus
J. Cole- KOD
Fat Tony- Macgregor Park
L’Orange and Jeremiah Jae- The Night Took Us In Like Family
Little Simz- Stillness In Wonderland
Lady Leshurr- Queen’s Speech
Brand New- Science Fiction
Janelle Monae- Dirty Computer
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever- Talk Tight
Fred Thomas- Changer
Myra Davies- Sirens
Laraaji- Sun Gong
The Killers- Wonderful Wonderful
Descendents- Milo Goes To College
Frank Turner- Be More Kind
The Horrors- V
Moses Sumney- Aromanticism
Arctic Monkeys- Whatever People…, AM, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino
Oxbow- Thin Black Duke
Dee Byrne’s Entropi- Moment Frozen
Mike Stern- Trip
The Vampires- The Vampires Meet Lionel Loueke
Gogol Bordello- Gypsy Punks: Underdog World Strike, Super Taranta!, Seekers And Finders
Umphrey’s McGee- Zonkey
Hard Working Americans- We’re All in This Together
Courtney Barnett- Tell Me How You Really Feel
Jllin- Black Origami
Various Artists- Rough Guide to the Music of West Africa
Wolf Alice- Visions Of A Life
The Young’uns- Strangers
Fever Ray- Fever Ray, Plunge
CHVRCHES- Love Is Dead
Oumou Sangaré- Oumou, Mogoya
Charlotte Gainsbourg- Rest
Daniel Avery- Song For Alpha
Daphni- Joli Mai
Kanye West- ye
Cécile McLorin Salvant- Dreams and Daggers
Trio Da Kali, Kronos Quartet- Ladilikan
Kelela- Take Me Apart
Bob Dylan- The Times.., Another.., Bringing.., Highway.., Blond.., John.., Nashville.., New.., Blood..
Lily Allen- Alright(,) Still, It’s Not Me(,) It’s You, Sheezus, No Shame
Fanfare Ciocarlia- 20
Wolf Parade- Cry Cry Cry
Zara McFarlane- Arise
Margo Price- All American Made
Bebe Rexha- Expectations
Motörhead- Under Cöver
Orchestre Les Mangelepa- Last Band Standing
Drake- Scorpion
Various Artists- Gentle Giants: The Songs Of Don Williams
Noga Erez- Off The Radar
Baxter Dury- Prince of Tears
John Maus- Screen Memories
Lankum- Between the Earth and Sky
Shamir- Revelations
Years & Years- Palo Santo
Converge- The Dusk In Us
Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino- Canzoniere
Fred Hersch- Open Book
A. Savage- Thawing Dawn
Big Thief- Capacity
Kelly Clarkson- Meaning Of Life
Dirty Projectors- Lamp Lit Prose
Robt Sarazin Blake- Recitative
Shed Seven- Instant Pleasures
Spinning Coin- Permo
Call Super- Arpo
Laura Perrudin- Poisons & antidotes
Ellen Andrea Wang- Blank Out
Lori McKenna- The Tree
Wu-Tang Clan- Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Lee Ronaldo- Electric Trim
Deer Tick- Vol. 2
The Paranoid Style- Underworld U.S.A.
Youssou N’Dour- Set, Joko- From Village To Town, Nothing’s In Vain, Seeni Valeurs
Kasai Allstars- Around Felicite
Carly Rae Jepsen- Emotion
Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds- Who Built The Moon?
Anna Ternheim- All the Way to Rio
U2- Songs of Experience
Mônica Vasconcelos- The São Paulo Tapes
Travis Scott- ASTROWORLD
Nabihah Iqbal- Weighing of the Heart
Van Morrison- Versatile
Jim James- Tribute to 2
Criolo- Espiral de Ilusão
Maciej Obara Quartet- Unloved
The Beths- Future Me Hates Me
Maryam Saleh- Lekhfa
Naomi Bedford- Songs My Ruiner Gave to Me
Jens Lekman- Night Over Kortedala
The Spirit of the Beehive- pleasure suck
Tom Rogerson- Finding Shore
Paul Jacobs- Pictures(,) Movies and Apartments
Ariana Grande- sweetener
Rina Sawayama- RINA
Marcel Khalife- Andalusia of Love
Gunter Hampel- Bounce (Live at Theater Gütersloh)
BAYNK- Someone’s EP
Omar Souleyman- To Syria(,) With Love
Blood Orange- Negro Swan
Open Mike Eagle- Brick Body Kids Still Daydream
First Aid Kit- Ruins
Shame- Songs of Praise
Homeboy Sandman- Veins
Playboi Carti- Playboi Carti
Eminem- Kamikaze
Troye Sivan- Blue Neighbourhood, BLOOM
Priests- Nothing Feels Natural
Rhiannon Giddens- Freedom Highway
King Krule- The OOZ
Django Django- Marble Skies
Bon Iver- For Emma(,) Forever Ago
Calexico- The Thread That Keeps Us
Mary Gauthier- Rifles & Rosary Beads
Hookworms- Microshift
Aphex Twin- Collapse EP
Rae Morris- Someone Out There
Field Music- Open Here
Rhye- Blood
Shopping- The Official Body
MGMT- Little Dark Age
Christine and the Queens- Chris
Alela Diane- Cusp
Sonic Youth- Sister
Brigid Mae Power- The Two Worlds
Deafheaven- Sunbather
Various Artists- American Epic: The Collection Disc 1, 2, 3
Rich Krueger- Life Ain’t That Long
Lil Wayne- Tha Carter V
Modern Mal- The Misanthrope Family Album
Rejjie Snow- Dear Annie
U.S. Girls- In a Poem Unlimited
The Orielles- Silver Dollar Moment
Tal National- Tantabara
Marie Davidson- Working Class Woman
Superchunk- What a Time to Be Alive
Brandi Carlile- By The Way(,) I Forgive You
Car Seat Headrest- Twin Fantasy
Loma- Loma
Marlon Williams- Make Way For Love
Nipsey Hussle- Victory Lap
Insecure Men- Insecure Men
Kendrick Lamar- Black Panther
Rapsody- Lalia’s Wisdom
Khalid- Suncity
Tracey Thorn- Record
Anna von Hausswolff- Dead Magic
Jinx Lennon- Grow a Pair!!!
Gwenno- Le Kov
Judas Priest- Stained Class, FIREPOWER
Robyn- Robyn, Body Talk, Honey
The Magic Gang- The Magic Gang
Essaie Pas- New Path
Bob Dylan and The Band- The Basement Tapes
The Decemberists- I’ll Be Your Girl
Pistol Annies- Interstate Gospel
BCUC- Emakhosini (Bantu Continua Uhuru Consciousness)
Jack White- Boarding House Reach
Yo La Tengo- There’s A Riot Going On
Sidi Touré- Toubalbero
Lil Peep- Come Over When You’re Sober(,) Pt. 2
The Breeders- All Nerve
The Vaccines- Combat Sports
CZARFACE- Czarface Meets Metal Face
Laurence Pike- Distant Early Warning
Chopteeth Afrofunk Big Band- Bone Reader
Leo Kalyan- The Edge
Hayley Kyoko- Expectations
Tristen- Sneaker Waves
Thelonious Monk- Les Liaisons Dangereuses
Brad Mehldau & Mark Guiliana- Mehliana: Taming The Dragon
Amy Rigby- Til The Wheels Fall Off, Little Fugitive, The Old Guys
Rose Cousins- Natural Conclusion
Nora Jane Struthers- Champion
Lilly Hiatt- Trinity Lane
The Rolling Stones- The Rolling Stones, The Rolling Stones No. 2, Out of Our Heads, Aftermath
MAST- Thelonious Sphere Monk
The 1975- A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships
Jhene Aiko- Trip
Don Bryant- Don’t Give up on Love
EMA- Exile in the Outer Ring
Small Believer- Anna Tivel
Vera Sola- Shades
Cardi B- Invasion of Privacy
Darkthrone- A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Sarah Shook & the Disarmers- Years
Goat Girl- Goat Girl
Unknown Mortal Orchestra- Sex & Food
Alasdair Roberts, Amble Scuse & David McGuiness- What News
Kali Uchis- Isolation
Wye Oak- The Louder I Call, the Faster It Runs
Migos- Culture II
Hinds- I Don’t Run
DRINKS- Hippo Lite
Alexis Taylor- Beautiful Thing
Jenny Wilson- EXORCISM
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defdaily · 4 years
[TRANSLATION] Singles Magazine August 2014 issue x GOT7
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Q. You showed off fancy performances with martial arts tricking for your debut track ‘Girls, Girls, Girls’, but this song ‘A’ is more cute and lively. And it’s more appealing to the public. Jr: Last time, we had to look cool, but this time we paid a lot of attention to our facial expressions. Did I and Jaebum-hyung give help to our members since we’ve acted before? Not at all. They all have lots of talent. Especially Youngjae upgraded a lot. Youngjae: I think my facial expressions are awkward so I don’t monitor my performances lazily. I also worked hard to lose weight. Instead of paying attention to the numerical amount of weight I lost, I lost weight until my face had a V-line shape. I always ate lunch, and when eating lunch and dinner, if I got the feeling of ‘I’ll gain weight if I eat more’, I stopped right there. Q. In both tracks, the lyrics show you as men that are full of confidence in front of women. How are you in real life? Yugyeom. I’m really shy. Someone has rarely expressed that they like me. There have been lots of times when I’ve liked someone though… BamBam. I haven’t ever really felt that a girl likes me. Jackson. The lyrics and performances are all just acting. Q. You seem to have a lot of skinship with fans at events such as fansigns. Do you have any instances when you were flustered? Mark. A fan asked me to kiss her on the cheek but I didn’t (laughs). Yugyeom. They ask me to pat their head. JB. That happens often. But if I pat a fan’s head, it’s as if I’m a higher being so I think that action isn’t very courteous to them. Jr. I think women feel like they’re being protected by that. When I was promoting with JJ Project, we had a small fanmeeting in Vietnam. A fan suddenly kissed me and left. I was taken aback for a moment and just said ‘Thank you~’. My emotions were complicated and I felt restless. Ah… Q. Mark, Jackson, BamBam, do you have any incidents that occurred because of your Korean skills? BamBam. Sometimes I get words confused. We have to go to Paju (a city) but I get confused and say ‘Should we go to Pajeon (green onion pancakes)?’ or call Choongchungdo (a province) ‘Chungchoongdo’. Jackson. When I was a trainee, I saw Park Jinyoung PD-nim at the company building. As soon as I saw him, I said “Hey~ What’s up~ I’m your trainee” and PD-nim looked like he didn’t know how to react then just said “Congratulations” and left (laughs). Yugyeom. Mark-hyung must’ve been the first trainee that treated PD-nim so comfortably. Now when he sees PD-nim, he says “Oh~ Hyung!”.Note: Mistake in the printed interview. Probably should be Jackson. Q. Before and after debut, what has changed in the advice that Park Jinyoung PD gives to the members? Jr. It’s the same that he emphasizes ‘half air half sound’. But this time, he told us to sing while imagining that a girl that we like is in front of us. That a singer is also an actor when on stage. Q. He must be most harsh to the lead vocal. Youngjae. Yes. When I sing, I have the habits of raising my eyebrows or opening my mouth widely. But PD-nim said that raising eyebrows while singing is not a good habit, and if I do it again, he’ll put tape on my eyebrows (laughs). Q. Yugyeom and BamBam that were born in 97 are the maknaes in the team but seem like they have very different characters. Jackson. Unlike Yugyeom’s manly appearance, he is very tenderhearted and innocent. BamBam has cute behavior but his personality is manly. Jr. Yugyeom grew 2~3cm while promoting. Sometimes it’s embarrassing when he comes near me when we’re taking pictures because of the height difference. Jackson. BamBam is still the shortest member. But I think I’ll be the shortest in a year. Jinyoung. Jackson has a height insecurity. Q. Doesn’t Jackson have the best body from being an athlete though? JB. Once, Jackson asked a staff noona which member has the best body. That noona said ‘Jaebeom’ so he became sulky. Jr. Since some time, whenever our bodies are brought up, Jackson just says “Yeah. Jaebeom has a better body” then gets sulky. Jackson. Well, I said I wanted to shoot for Men's Health and that noona said “You? GOT7’s body is obviously Jaebeom”. So my mood was just! JB. If I come out of the shower and am just wearing underwear, Jackson looks up and down at my body (laughs). Jackson. Jaebeom has wide shoulders and not very much body fat. I just have a large body and large muscles and a thick torso. I just accept it now. Lim Jaebeom-ssi, I will accept it now! (laughs) Jr. We can talk about this topic for an hour. Jackson. But lower body is still me. Q. JB and Jr. debuted as ‘JJ Project’ first and later joined GOT7 and debuted again. You must’ve had more worry or pressure compared to other members. JB. We were preparing for JJ Project’s second album and suddenly ended up preparing for GOT7. Before this album came out, we worried that if we don’t do well, the same thing would happen that happened then. Jr. JB-hyung and I are on our 4th year since debut. But we felt like we still haven’t really done much so it hurt a little. After GOT7’s first album promotions ended, it was our 2 year anniversary since debut. I felt a little gloomy for no reason. But since GOT7 has debuted, I am firmly determined that we will succeed. Jackson. JJ Project doesn’t have to be just two people. Jackson is also ‘J’ so we can be Triple J. Youngjae is also ‘J’ and can do it together too (laughs). Q. If you have a duet or unit group like JJ Project, which member do you want to do it with? BamBam. Answer well. JB. Mm… Jackson? Jackson. Because the two of us have nice bodies and can rip our clothes? Yugyeom. Ah! Then Jackson-hyung that has a strong lower body can rip his pants! (laughs) Q. We heard you receive character education and sex education at your company, so what do you learn about? JB. Well for sex education… This is embarrassing to talk about (laughs). They teach us proper knowledge. For character education, they provide us mental care. We are able to relieve stress through one-on-one talks. When we were trainees, we did it once a week but now we’re rarely able to. Jr. Both sex education and character education should be learned not as celebrities, but as humans. Q. You always say in interviews ‘We want to go farther than being idols and become artists’. What do you think is the difference? Jr. We are not belittling the title of an idol. But I think an artist needs to have their individual musical color, even if they are an idol. Q. Do you all have a clear preference in music that you want to do? Mark. I like slow hip hop. Jr. I’ve enjoyed choreographing since I was young. I also think it would be fun to be a producer that also performs. It’s a different area but I also want to do theatre. Jackson. I want to do hip hop and R&B. Youngjae. I want to do R&B ballads but want to both compose and write lyrics. I like music that demands for lots of singing ability. JB. I like R&B and soul. I want to do lots of different genres of music like indie music or James Morrison style. I also want to write a movie scenario if the opportunity comes. BamBam. I like Korean hip hop. I also like designing homes, clothes, etc. Yugyeom. I like hip hop and R&B, and also want to do them well. Q. You chose 2PM and Shinhwa as your role models. Jr. g.o.d sunbaes also came back recently, but Shinhwa sunbaes did not break up even once and are the longest running group. Seeing that, we want to be an idol group that lasts a long time by doing our individual activities, living our own lives, but are able to come together and do music whenever our feelings match up. Q. Do you spend free time with members, too? Jr. We usually sleep. We also play games on Play Station, or make music in our own rooms. We also watch movies together. We watched Miracle in Cell No. 7 together and bawled. Mark. When our schedule allows, we want to go watch transformers! Q. While the average training time for the other members was 3-4 years, Youngjae debuted 7 months after entering the company. What kind of effort did you put in to become closer with the members quickly? Youngjae. None. Because they all have lively personalities. Jr. We’re very easy guys. So it’s easy to become close with us (laughs).
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Translated by shmesm @ fyjypnation.tumblr.com Please take out with full credits Winterboy jrjyp 
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