#yes i see the irony in these banners but shush
bunnelbaby · 1 year
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✨ Resident Evil Village Banners (please reblog if you save)! ✨
(Yes I realize the irony in requesting child safe interactions only with banners featuring characters from a not so kid friendly game, but these are purely self indulgent 😌)
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spideyspoods · 5 years
Pairing: Steve Rogers X F!Stark!Reader
Requested By: @justmewoo i hope you like it! :)
A/N: we back in business! i don’t have much to say tbh? this one just took me a while and i think it ended out alright?
Warnings: Cursing, Angst, Fluff :)
Word Count: 2.3k
The Avengers just landed back at the compound after a fairly simple mission. As the door to the hovercraft opened, Steve was the first one out. Natasha looked behind to find Tony, silently asking for an answer. “Hey Cap, what’s the rush? Gonna yell at some kids to get off your lawn?” Normally, he’d reply with a snarky remark but this time he remained silent. Something was definitely going on and they were going to get to the bottom of it.
Steve didn’t even bother checking into the medical ward, he had super strength anyways, and practically jumped into his car to race home. It’s been a week since he was last home and he couldn’t wait to bask in the comfort and safety it provided. Normally it took him a solid half hour to get home, but he booked it in fifteen minutes. He turned the key to find his apartment just as he left it, give or take a few blankets draped over the plush couch. “Y/N?” he whispered, knowing there was a great possibility she was asleep by now seeing as if it was midnight. He set down his shield by the front door, before turning into the hallway to find her.
He creaked open the door to the spare bedroom, having a gut feeling that she was there. Ever since she had moved in with him a few months ago, she slowly turned Steve’s guest room into her office; but he didn’t mind. Under a yellow lamp, Y/N focused on the laptop in front of her. The room was silent aside from the clacking on the keyboard. She looked to her side, glancing at the stack of papers before typing again. Y/N hesitated for a moment, huffing before whispering to herself “Come on, focus.”
Steve chuckled, not at all surprised to see her working. It wasn’t any different from when he was around, but whenever he was on a mission she’d purposefully busy herself in work to forget that he wasn’t home. He approached her, placing his hands on her shoulders and kissing the top of her head. “All work and no play?”
She looked up, tired eyes glimmering at the sight of his charming smile. Y/N stood, taking him into a warm hug. “I missed you.”
“Missed you more.” She pulled away, gazing into his ocean blue eyes. Her hands snaked up his arms, feeling a sticky substance as he hissed. She squinted, finding her fingertips wet with scarlet liquid. “Steve, you’re hurt!”
“Nothing that can’t heal over time.” Y/N shot back with a glare, taking his hand into hers and into the bathroom.
Steve sat down on the ledge of the tub while his girlfriend doused a cotton round in rubbing alcohol. “I’m just saying that you should probably take advantage of your state of the art medical ward.”
“I wanted to see you,” he smiled “besides, you’re the only one that can kiss it better.”
Her heart melted, but she didn’t want to give in just yet. “You’re such a baby.”
“Love you too.” Moments after, the two crawled into bed. Both of them drifted to sleep, safe in each other's presence.
Sunlight spilled into the room, Y/N squinting from the brightness. She rolled over, finding her boyfriend fast asleep. She cherished quiet mornings like these, his arms wrapped around her waist; almost as if he was afraid of her leaving. It was peaceful, only the two of them existed and the world drifted away.
Neither of them dared to tell a soul about their relationship for the past two years. They had agreed that it was best for their safety, in terms of Steve’s job and the harsh opinions from the public. Both of them wanted nothing more than to publicly declare each other as their own, but their age gap held them back. Y/N was only 21 and in comparison to Steve, let’s just say that’s quite a difference. She didn’t mind, but knew that Steve feared the reaction from his own co-workers. She’d always reassure him, letting him know that he can take his time.
Steve’s eyes fluttered, finding her angelic face mere inches away from him. “Morning, sunshine,” he whispered.
“Hey,” Y/N croaked “we should get something for breakfast. Maybe a little date?” He chuckled and wrapped her into his arms, drifting back to sleep. “Five more minutes.”
By the time they woke up, it was brunch time. Y/N had just discovered a hole in the wall cafe not more than eight minutes away. The car ride was filled with little stories and memories they had with each other. Steve cleared his throat, signaling a topic change. “You know, Tony has an opening for some assistants at the compound.” He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, seeing her sigh. “Steve, you know I can’t do that.”
“I’m just saying, you got your masters degree at 21 and you’re the smartest person I know.” She chuckled, “You know Bruce Banner and Tony.”
“Y/N I know you and I don’t think you want to waste your days away at an office space that you complain about all the time. Plus it won’t hurt to see a friendly face.” Y/N looked out the window, seeing the buildings whirl away. He was right, yet again. “I’ll consider it, but that doesn’t mean yes.”
“That’s all I ask.”
The door to the cafe creaked open, a bell above chiming. There were only a few people, but it seemed that they would be too busy to notice who stood among them. The walls were light and the furniture made it seem like a home away from home. Smooth instrumentals reverberated between the tables and Steve knew why she chose this spot in the first place. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, “I’ll save us a table.” She nodded and he chose the seats by the window.
Tony looked at the small cafe and back to his phone. This was the place, he thought to himself. He had stayed up all night, finishing one of his various projects and drinking nothing but coffee for the past two days. Pepper, in efforts of getting sense back into her husband, sent him out to buy something for them to eat. He recognized the logo, remembering just how much Morgan loved their pancakes. He looked down, seeing Morgan jump. With a smile, Tony swung the door open and stopped in his tracks when he saw his friend from work. “Steve? What are you doing here all broody and handsome?” The blond man’s head perked up, brows knitting in confusion. “Just enjoying some time off. What about you?” He shrugged before placing his hands in his pockets. “Picking up some grub for Morguna and Pep,” Tony looked at the two cups of coffee at Steve’s table “Now unless that cup is for me, I’m guessing that you didn’t come alone.”
“Maybe I’m just trying to stay extra caffeinated.” He spoke in a frenzied panic.
“I’ve known you for ages, Cap. You’d go on a run instead. Now, who’s the lucky girl?” Steve weighed his options, but realized there was no use hiding it. He pointed towards the woman waiting to the side of the counter, who didn’t notice what was going on. However, Tony shook his head. “Have I met her before? She looks a little familiar.” Her name was on the tip of his tongue. Morgan tugged on her Father’s sleeve, “Is that Auntie Y/N?” The men’s hearts stopped.
“Aunt? I don’t think Y/N has a brother.”
“Her name is Y/N wait- I didn’t know that you’ve been dating my sister for months!” Steve rubbed his neck, “Actually two years- but you don’t have a sister? Besides, her last name is L/N, not Stark.” Tony snapped, “That’s Mom’s maiden name, oh my god. How did you not know?”
“She never told me!”
Y/N took the two plates towards the table and froze when she saw her boyfriend and brother shooting daggers back at her. “See, I told you it was Auntie!” Morgan exclaimed proudly. She gulped and set them down on the table. “I think we’ll need to take this to go.”
The ride home was silent and the air was thick with tension. Once they reached their apartment, Steve shut the front door and crossed his arms. “You have a lot to catch me up on.” Y/N huffed, picking at her food. “What do you want to hear?”
“Why didn’t you tell me any of this?”
“I didn’t want you to know! You’d treat me differently because of it, I didn’t want to risk anything that we had.”
“Is that not what’s happening right now?”
“I told Tony that I didn’t want anyone to know who I am-”
“So you’re ashamed of being privileged?” His words began to cut deep, as she held back tears. “I didn’t want to live in my brother’s shadow! He’s fucking Iron Man, and no one can compete with that! I’m sorry that I wanted to live a normal life.”
“I thought you trusted me.” His voice grew louder, intensity building in his eyes. Y/N stepped closer to him, squaring her shoulders. “Don’t act like you’re an open book, Rogers. It’s been two years and I still don’t know shit about you. In fact, I didn’t know that you could be such an asshole.” That’s where he drew the line. His jaw clenched, “You can’t change yourself into someone you’re not, that’s not how it works.”
“When did you become Captain Irony?” Steve pinched the bridge of his nose as she continued to spit venom, “You know, Dad would always tell us these stories about the fantastic Steve Rogers. Now that I actually see it, there’s not much there.”
“Then maybe there shouldn’t be anything between us!” His phone buzzed, a text from Natasha. Suit up. Debriefing in 20. With that, Steve walked right out the door and left her alone with a shattered heart.
The mission itself only took two days, but they haven’t spoken in a week. Steve had been crashing in his room at the compound, a breeze of cold air towards everyone he passed by. The group sat around the living quarters, everyone noticing how Tony and Steve sat on polar opposite sides of the room. Nobody knew what happened except for both of them. Nat stood up, tired of the shitty attitudes. “If no one is going to catch us up on what happened, I’ll force it out of your thick heads.”
“Steve’s been dating my sister.” Tony declared. To that, questions erupted from the crowd. Tony has a sister? Steve has a girlfriend? Nat shushed everyone to let the blond speak. “Dated. Past tense.” It hurt him to say it. Hell, even he didn’t believe it. That earned an even louder commotion. 
“Woah, rewind! You hurt my sister?!” Tony yelled, pointing at the sorrow man across from him. “Believe me, I didn’t want to-”
“But you did! You better fix this immediately, Rogers or I swear on my life-” Nat held back Tony, while shooting a look towards Steve. He sighed, massaging his temples. Tony called Y/N, only to be sent to voicemail. “You messed up big time.”
Y/N saw her phone vibrate on the nightstand, not bothering to pick it up. She pulled out a suitcase from the closet before filling it up with her clothes. The doorbell rang, and she had hoped to ignore it before it rang five more times. Furiously, she opened the door to reveal a broken Steve. It hurt too much to look at him, tears welling up in her eyes. She went to close the door, but he held it open. “If you’re here to make me apologize-”
“I’m not. You did nothing wrong, I’m sorry.” Steve panted. He ran here as soon as he could, wanting to catch her before anything happened. “It’s going to take a lot more than that.”
“I was too caught up in myself that I didn’t stop to think about how you felt.” He took her hands into his tentatively, “I can't even begin to imagine what it feels like to feel as if you’re being overshadowed but I can assure you that you’re the best Stark. You’re super smart and beautiful,” he paused “you’re always there for me and I hope that you’ll continue to be there for me if you can take me back.” Y/N let out a shaky breath, “I’m sorry for not telling you anything-” He moved his hand to cup her cheek, “You don’t need to apologize, okay?”
They stood there, letting their actions speak for themselves. After a few minutes, Steve pulled away and pressed a kiss to her temple. “I think I’m ready to let the team know about us.”
“Are you sure? You don’t have to do this-”
“I want to, Y/N.” Both of them laughed, ready to start a new chapter of their lives. “I forgot to tell you that I quit my job.” His eyes sparkled and a smile danced upon his face, “Does that mean what I think it means?” She nods, “Try not to get sick of me.”
“Doll, I could never.”
Steve gathered everyone into a conference room, much to everyone’s confusion. “So you may be wondering why I called everyone in. That’s because I wanted to introduce you to a new member of our team.” He nodded at her, motioning to enter. Y/N stood proudly in front of the Avengers, reaching for Steve’s hand. 
“This is Y/N Stark, my girlfriend and new resident specialist.” Both of them beamed with pride, excited to do this for the rest of their lives together.
Thank you for reading! Feedback is appreciated, but not required! My requests and taglist are open as well! :)
Steve Taglist: @editsbyjenny @fashionlive15 @straightforwardly
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anika-ann · 5 years
Think Again (When You Stop Freaking Out) - Pt.3
The New Level of Crazy
Pairing: None                   Word count: 2642
Warnings: language, hella lot confusion, attemp at science talk… irony and sass? ;)
Summary: Steve and Foggy go for a trip and Matt has to deal with Avengers’ own science bros. Oh boy.
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Story Masterlist
After a bit awkward process of dressing up, for which Steve kept apologizing profusely – ‘just stop apologizing, Murdock, I heard you the first time’ – they managed to get to the street (which made Steve want to take a beeline back to the apartment, blind or not, because the assault on his senses was brutal) and hailed a cab.
Steve dutifully recited the right address, not allowing Mr. Nelson to speak, only to be questioned by both Nelson – silently –  and the cabbie.
“Are you sure? ‘cause I’m pretty confident that it’s the Aven-“
If Steve didn’t know better, he would think he could hear the moment Matt’s friend resigned.
“Yeah, he’s sure. Don’t you know it, even that kind of building needs to be ADA compliant and my friend here is going to test it, so if you would be so kind…” Mr. Nelson interjected, sounding a bit different than before and Steve wondered if this was his business voice or he was just losing his nerve. Either way, it probably worked.
Also, Steve was one hundred percent positive he heard Mr. Nelson’s pulse falter, which was impossible, but ‘impossible’ was just another Thursday for him.
His train of thoughts was cut off by a dialling tone from the lawyer’s phone, soon followed by a female voice.
“Hey, Foggy! Did you reach him? Is he okay?” the woman asked, sounding a bit worried if Steve could take a guess.
A pang of guilt twisted his stomach for making her worry – and while Steve didn’t feel good about it, he wouldn’t have such a strong reaction, not normally. Weird. Maybe it was about the woman’s and Matt’s relationship and the body reacted on its own? This thing was getting stranger with each minute.
“Yeah, Karen. He’s… I don’t know what he is…” Nelson admitted with a twitch.
“What does that mean? Is he… is he hurt? You know, because he’s… uhm… night activities?”
Steve blinked, his eyelashes brushing the lenses of his glasses – dark ones, he assumed, because Matt was blind –, glad no one could see how alarmed he was.
Night activities? What kind of night activities? Steve would like to think they were talking about an… intimate way of spending nights, but he was sure he was not that kind of sore. Blood rushed into his cheeks at thinking about the body he was occupying this way, but he needed to figure this out dammit!
How could a blind lawyer spend his nights in an unusual way, in a way that would get him hurt?
Steve’s money would be on alcohol, but for some reason, he didn’t believe it. There was just something about the way Foggy and Karen spoke about the topic that made him wonder and his hair stood on ends.
And unwittingly, his thoughts once again wandered to a movie he had been forced to watch recently, because it was a classic.
So, logically, his first question back in his role of (apparently) delusional Matt Murdock pretending to be Steve Rogers, after Mr. Nelson hang up, was: “Foggy, am I... am I in a fight club?”
“Are you in a— Matt, if this is a prank, you're really taking it too far,” he hissed back, and ouch, not a good question then. And his heart started racing again – like, unhealthy fast, Steve thought.
“Matt. Do you have amnesia? Do you even know who I am?”
“Foggy Nelson,” Steve shot back immediately, happy he had stocked this information and could answer correctly without making the man beside him angry again.
“Yeah, okay. And who's that? How did we meet? What fruit or vegetable we are – yes, I know you insisted it was a fruit, but…?”
Steve just stared. Or, not stared, but he would stare if he could, perfectly confused. Was this a twenty-first century thing? Did friends name themselves after a fruit or vegetable? That didn’t make any sense, right? So, naturally, Steve asked the only questing that did make sense.
“Uhm... is this a test?”
“YES, you duffus!”
“Look, I would really appreciate if you just took me to the Tower-“ Steve gave up, only to be interrupted.
“Yeah and what are we gonna do? You have the sudden urge to reveal your identity to the world’s mightiest heroes? Because if you do-“
“My identity?” Steve cried out, Nelson’s hand covering his mouth right after to shush him.
What the hell? What identity? Was Matt secretly a criminal, hiding behind an act of a lawyer? That wasn’t right. Right?!
“Oh god... you need to stop talking, Matt.”
Steve murmured against the other man’s palm, trying not to think about everything he smelled on it.
“Keep the volume low, Murdock.” Only then, the palm disappeared.
“I'm begging you, Mr. Nelson- Foggy-“
“Okay. Okay. Let's say hi to the real Captain America,” he muttered, sounding surprised, as if he couldn’t believe what they were about to do and he was agreeing to it. “This will not end well. It better get me an autograph at least.”
The rest of the ride was quiet. Not in the actual sense of the word, because of all the noise that made Steve’s/Matt’s head hurt, but the point was, no one said another word.
Mr. Nelson paid for the cab and before Steve knew it, they were walking into the lobby of the Avengers’ Tower, a walking cane in his hand again and hanging onto the other man’s arm so he wouldn’t walk into anything.
The lobby was nice; Steve had never appreciated it, but it must have been soundproof, because the noise of the city almost faded, which was something he was immensely grateful for.
They approached the reception desk, Mr. Nelson leaning onto the woman behind it before she could speak up.
“Good morning. There’s no easy way to say this-“ he lowered his voice to a whisper, “-alright. So, my friend here claims to be Captain America and he didn't escape the psych ward, I swear, and I know-“
The woman’s heartbeat picked up, her perfume swirling the air as she spun on her chair for a phone. “Oh. I'll inform Mr. Stark. He needs someone to make his day.”
“What? Really?”
Steve’s lips twitched. He never thought Tony would actually ask his employees to take care of making his day. But yeah, it sounded like Tony.
“Mr. Stark, I am sorry to interrupt your work-“
“Trust me, you’re not interrupting, Kelly,” Tony’s half-amused half-bone-tired voice replied to the speaker – Steve guessed he wasn’t supposed to hear it, but with Matt’s exceptional hearing, he had no trouble understanding. “What’s up?”
“There are two gentlemen of which one claims to be Captain America, Sir.”
There was a choking noise on the other end of the line.
“You're joking. Send them to Banner's lab.”
“Will do, Mr. Stark. You can go up,” she announced, smile in her voice.
Nelson’s heart freaked out. “Uhm. Really? Okay. Alright. Matt, buddy, come on. Which way…?”
“You’re weird.”
Matt tilted his head at the voice, before he remembered he needed to look up to that person to actually see them and not to keep staring at his – well, Steve Rogers’s – blood filling the vial; like a tenth one, by the way, this friend of Rogers’ was sure thorough.
A man in a t-shirt and sweats walked in with his eyes glued to Matt while scratching his goatee. Matt’s eyebrows shot up involuntarily at the casual look, so they both examined each other with curious eyes.
“Thanks, T-tony,” Matt said finally, causing the man frown and look at the other scientist.
“Alright, Banner, what’s the word? And don’t repeat my diagnosis, that’s nothing new.”
Aha! Banner! Bruce Banner, Matt remembered. He had heard the name before…
Mr. Stark went to some… flying pictures – holograms, Matt believed they were called –, moving his hands so he could see the data, while Banner stood next to him.
“Not much to tell. My theory is that when he touched the package, it did something to his memories. He said that he— wait, how did you know who Tony was?” Doctor Banner spun to Matt, confused.
“Uhm… you said you would call Tony, so… I guessed we… knew each other.”
“Huh. You guessed we know each other? So you had no clue who I am? Now that’s insulting,” Stark noted, scoffing. Matt fought the urge to roll his eyes at the diva. “Okay, so memories. What else?”
“He says he feels like he’s in a wrong body. That it feels to big – well, he confirmed it when I offered the phrase.”
“What about his brain scans?”
Matt tried to ignore the fact they started talking about him as if he wasn’t in the room.
“Everything seems rather normal, except his brain is… working a lot.”
“Now that’s a new one…”
“Hey!” Matt did jump to defend his/Captain’ honour this time. His protest was thoroughly ignored.
“His cerebellum is going insane, which would make sense – if he doesn’t feel right in his own body, he has to be putting a lot of effort in just walking or sitting upright. Also, it looks like the areas of visual and auditory cortex are misbehaving. He’s using it a lot. Do you have trouble with your hearing? Can you see clearly?”
Matt jumped when being talked to again. Well. A little. I feel like I’m deaf and I can see quite clearly, if that can be described as ‘trouble’.
“Uhm…” Matt fumbled with his fingers, which was an action that didn’t escape Stark’s notice, so he stopped.
“The body language is all wrong.”
Matt gulped at Stark’s note. Yeah, no shit.
“Since when you’re an expert on— no, don’t answer. Just tell me what you mean.”
“What I mean is... if his consciousness returned to the state before the serum, which I guess is your suspicion-“
Huh, Matt thought. Now that was an interesting theory. But maybe he should just tell them? Sure, he had no idea how to explain them that he was somehow in someone else’s body, didn’t know how and why, but… they were the Avengers, for God’s sake. Surely they were used to unexplainable…?
“Nervous ticks should stay the same, right? You think he adopted them after?” Stark questioned.
“Uhm, gentlemen-“
“Well, he might have adopted them later, don’t you think? When I’m… the other guy, I’m not exactly-“ Banner motioned with his hands vaguely and Matt just grimaced at being ignored again.
“Sure, but that’s different, right?”
“Doctor Banner-“
“Well, he could always be just hammered, I mean, Thor’s liquor…”
“Come on, Tony…” Doctor Banner questioned him with what could almost be called disgust, clearly annoyed – which was about the same state Matt was as he was being neglected completely.
“Mr. Stark!“
The man in question snapped his head Matt’s direction, shock all over his face. “You never call me that.”
“Well, that would make sense, we never met.”
“You just said you guessed we knew each other,” Stark remarked, confused but intrigued. Matt made a face. Yeah, about that… He cleared his throat.
“Yes. I changed my mind, because this leads nowhere. Firstly, if I could take a guess, my visual cortex is misbehaving, because I am legally blind for the past two decades-“
Bruce paced to Matt, his hand soothingly reaching out as if he was trying to stop him from Hulking out. “Steve, what are you talking-“
“I’m not Steve.”
There was a beat of silence, only intruded by their breaths and a mask of horror on the scientists’ faces as they turned to each other.
“Split personality?” they asked each other simultaneously and Matt face-palmed at his own stupid move.
He rose to his feet. “Barely. My name is Matt Murdock-“
“Friday, run the name.”
“-and I can tell with absolute certainty that I am in the wrong body. And if my assumptions are right-“ Oh shit, that totally slipped his mind, if he was in Steve Rogers’ body, did that mean that- oh, oh fuck, he was blind- “-then your friend is in mine and let me tell you, he’s definitely freaking out.”
Banner and Stark stared at him, speechless, disbelief all over their faces. The stunned silence was cut by Friday’s voice.
“Matthew Michael Murdock born 3rd May 1982 in Metro General, Hell’s Kitchen. His mother Margaret Grace Murdock, father Jonathan Murdock, also known as Battlin’ Jack Murdock in the area. Matthew was orphaned at the age of ten, eight months after the accident in which he was blinded. He grew up-“
“-in Saint Agnes Orphanage, went to law school in Columbia and after an internship at Landman and Zack opened his own firm with Franklin or Foggy Percy Nelson of Nelson and Murdock, with a secretary Karen Page, who was their first client when being a murder suspect, cleared of all charges,” Matt recited, mimicking the mechanical voice, more feeling than seeing the intense glares Stark and Banner were giving him.
“That… is all correct, Sir.”
Matt fell silent, watching the two men expectantly, waiting for them to get their shit together. They might seem at least partly convinced, but that didn’t mean they didn’t look freaked out. So much for them being used to weird.
Tony Stark was the first to recover, raising a hand directed towards Matt. “Hold on. So you’re able to see after like… twenty years.”
“And you just what? Roll with it? I don’t buy that.”
Matt sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose. “I did throw up as the first thing after I woke up.”
“That’s it true, Mr. Stark,” Friday supplied helpfully and Matt was grateful for the voice for the first time. He smirked in Tony’s direction.
“So… you’re not Steve. Why didn’t you tell us right away?”
“Wait, you actually believe him?” Stark blurted out, incredulous as Banner examined Matt from a whole new angle.
“What? It would explain everything. The visual cortex, his auditory functions – usually, you rely more on your hearing, don’t you? I mean, you have to compensate somehow… the coordination – just imagine, Tony. Even if he would be tall and muscled, becoming a serum-boosted soldier is a whole new level-“
“Well, it doesn’t explain how the hell that would happen! Tell us something lawyery,” Tony challenged Matt and he couldn’t but roll his eyes.
“Do I have to? Isn’t it enough that your building is not ADA compliant? You don’t even have braille in the elevators.”
“They have an AI running them!” the billionaire cried out, wounded. Then he stopped as Matt grinned, realizing Tony just adjusted to his ‘play’. He huffed.  “I don’t like him. He’s sassy.”
“Must be terrible, getting a taste of your own medicine,” Banner remarked, the corners of his lips twitching. “But seriously. If you’re in Steve’s body, it does make sense for him to be in yours-“
“There had to be a better way to phrase that. Thanks for the mental image, Banner.”
The doctor just continued. “We need to find him. He really must be freaking out. I mean… freaking out on Steve’s scale. He is accustomed to a certain level of crazy.”
“I would think so, but you didn’t believe me this was happening. Imagine him living it. It is insane, trust me. I have no clue how-”
“Sir, the reception desk is calling you.”
Stark blew a generous amount of air from his mouth in annoyance, still watching Matt, wary. “Put them through.”
Matt only smiled in relief when there were visitors announced. And one of them claimed to be Captain America. Matt was sure Foggy was having a blast; and yeah, he would definitely had to take him to Josie’s for a glass (or two) of shitty whiskey later.
Matt gulped when he realized that the ‘later’ might come much later then he would like. If ever.
Part 4  
Tags: @igobypoet​ @mermaidxatxheart​
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