#yes i still dont know how hair works shhhhhh
loud-whistling-yes · 2 years
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Hi this is my poor little meow meow she has every disease and a ghost dog soulmate
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nonasidesstuff · 4 years
the dimension travel au
aka Virgil’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week
so this is like half bullet fic half outline half word vomit but here it is!
this is based on a set of art drawn by @greenninjagal-blog that you can find here with the original version of this au
i dont mind if anyone wants to use any of these ideas just tag me/send me a link if you do!
this got SUPER LONG so its going under a cut
ok lets start with
his world is medieval-with-magic
the magic here tends to take on different elemental forms depending on the user
people who use magic are called witches
his is storm based (lightning, rain, wind, etc) and is good for both offense (shooting fucking LIGHTNING at someone is great in a fight) and gardening (the ability to call rain at will is pretty nice)
he can also make potions but in his world ANYONE with magic can make potions
the thing is,,,,, magic is illegal in the kingdom he lives in
so when he found out he had magic at like age 11 he fucked off in the middle of the night
he found another witch (a water witch) fairly soon after he left and they taught him how to control his powers and how to make potions
also how to hunt bc hed planned on living out of cities
5 years later hes 16 and has learned all he could and leaves to go to the woods in the middle of nowhere
his teacher had told him about a cottage they had built in a clearing in the woods and said he could go there bc they were leaving the kingdom
they left behind a lot of books on magic and he learned more reading those
the cottage was actually in pretty good shape? the roof was a little leaky but the furniture inside was fine
the outside was a nightmare though. overgrown plants all over
as the years went on he restored the area around the cottage and found a bunch of neat stuff
like a vegetable garden that had been overgrown and wild but still had healthy plants he could cultivate for food. there were also some spice plants that had gone out of control that he harvested and dried for later use
he found out the woods around his home were full of berries (wild strawberries and blackberries. shhhhhh idc if they dont grow in the same places this is a Magic World) and discovered that one of the trees in the clearing was actually an apple tree so yay fruit!!!!
so he was living the good life
cut to 3 years later
hes 19 now and a full-blown weather witch and potion maker
he has sectioned off his garden into 3 parts: spices, vegetables, and potions ingredients
unfortunately some ingredients just wont grow well in a garden and have to be harvested from the wild
virgil realizes hes running low on a couple of said ingredients and decides to make a run to the patches of potion herbs he knows of
he only gets halfway there
a swirling blue-and-yellow vortex opens up 20 feet in the air to the right of him and something falls out
something human shaped
holy shit its a PERSON
he rushes over to make sure this person is okay and.
they have reddish brown fox ears?????
and a reddish brown and grey tail????????
he pokes one of the ears and it twitches
holy shit theyre REAL????!!!!!!!!!
he gathers up this person and takes them home
he puts the strange person in his bed and tends to the minor injuries they obtained from falling 20 feet
this is when he realizes that this person is dressed,,,,,, very strangely
now, people in virgil’s world have some freedom in what they can wear. they can wear whatever the FUCK they want. virgil is partial to dresses and skirts himself
but what this person is wearing is different. the material was like nothing hed ever seen before and in a strange style
(it suits him. its really cute)
he slept for a little over 9 hours
(virgil slept on the floor)
and when he woke he was disoriented and woozy
so he ate a small meal and drank some water and fell back to sleep for another couple hours
when he wakes again, he feels much better and is able to introduce himself
“I’m Patton Baker! Where am I?”
his world is like if you took every single magical girl/boy anime out there and mashed it into one world.
so its chaotic
theres aliens/demons/monsters attacking every other week
this attracts magical creatures like a magnet and they start giving magical girls/boys powers. these are called magical guardians
these people are public figures and are treated the same way idols are in our world (not allowed boyfriends/girlfriends etc)
its a tough job
patton became a magical boy when he was 14 and has been for the past 3 years
the powers his magical guardian are able to give are based off of endangered or threatened animals (yes im sort of copying tokyo mew mew shhhhhhhhhh)
patton became infused with the dna of the island fox
his transformation is triggered by a small tattoo-like marking given to him by his guardian. it’s on the base of his neck
he Absolutely has a magical girl transformation
when he’s transformed, he has the ears and tail of an island fox as well as claw-like nails. his hair is the reddish-brown of the fox and his eyes are silver
his outfit is light blue with silver and white accents and dark blue sleeves
when detransformed he has blond hair and blue eyes
his magical boy weapon is a bow that he can shoot arrows of light from
his group was based out of florida and has been going strong for about 15 years. magical teens come and go as they gain their powers and retire or, tragically, lose their lives fighting
at the moment there are six people including patton
their most recent foe is a monster that has the ability to make people and things disappear, and they’re not sure what happens to them
theyre fighting this thing at night when it happens. the creature has already taken the streetlights out and the teens are fighting in heavy darkness. patton, who has better night vision due to his fox genes, sees the monster about to grab the leader, and strongest, of their group
and he makes a choice
he pushes her out of the way and gets grabbed by the monster instead.
there’s a single moment of searing pain and then the world dissolves into swirling lights and dizziness
when he wakes he’s in a strange house. he introduces himself and the person who’s taking care of him introduces himself
he’s told he fell out of some sort of portal and virgil tries to help him figure out where he is in relation to his home but. virgil doesnt recognize any of the places patton is talking about. and patton doesnt recognize any of the ones virgil says
virgil asks patton about the fact that He Is Part Fox and patton talks about the magical system back home and thats when they realize theyre dealing with dimension travel
patton stays in bed for the rest of the day and by the next hes feeling much better! so he helps virgil around the house and they get to know each other
the day after that, virgil remembers that he really needs those herbs, so he tells pat hes going out for a bit to gather them
he gets about a quarter of the way there when Another Portal Opens and dumps out a person. this time right in front of him
this person is also wearing odd
clothing, but in a different style than pattons
he checks to make sure theyre not injured (they knocked their head a bit but other than that seem fine) and carries them back home
the person is unconscious in virgil’s bed for a couple of hours longer than patton was, but he wakes up entirely coherent
he introduces himself as “logan croft”
his world is one full of magic
magical creatures of all sorts live there and magic is a welcome part of society
there’s elves, fairies, merfolk, unicorns, any you can think of
magical schools are also big parts of it
people who have mastered their magic to the highest degree are called mages
everyone else are called wizards
the way magic works in this world is with spells (think harry potter but without wands)
some people are born with more magic than others and as such have a harder time controlling it when it manifests at around 10
so theyre sent to magic schools where they learn how to safely do so
if they want to stay at these schools after they learn control then they move on to higher forms of magical education to continue learning
logan is one of these students
he was born with a MASSIVE amount of magic and when it manifested he. accidentally leveled his house
everyone was fine!!!!!!! but the poor boy had absolutely no control
so he stayed at a school for people with high amounts of magic and by the time he was 13 he had enough control to leave if he wanted to
of course this being logan he Absolutely wanted to keep learning so he moved on
he was so good actually that he ended up in the best magic academy in the world
he consistently learned magic at a faster rate than his peers and so by the time he was 18 (people normally didnt until they were like 21/22) he was a mage in all but name
so he was ready to take his mage exam
the mage exam is considered both easy and the hardest and most dangerous thing you could do
its easy in the fact that you only have to cast a spell correctly
its hard and dangerous bc its a spell that NO ONE outside of historians have ever seen before and you only have 10 minutes to memorize it. things go wrong Frequently
needless to say there arent many mages and people tend to either quit before reaching that stage or fail
and failure can be painful
so logan decides to take the mage exam
the spell they are given is a long string of words dug out of an ancient book of spells and historians arent entirely sure what it does
so ofc its given to the best in the academy
logan takes his ten minutes to memorize the spell and begins chanting
now in this world, when spells are used a runic circle made of light appears under the person casting
small spells have small circles and bigger spells have larger and brighter ones
the one this spell called forwards was massive and so bright that it blinded the exam practitioners (i think thats the word?)
when the light died down logan was gone
theyre unsure whether it went right or wrong but unfortunately theres no trace of where logan had gone so theres no way to see
when he wakes hes somewhere he doesnt recognize and is being taken care of by two people
they all introduce themselves and logan gets the story about what happened to him
and he realizes hes in a different dimension with different magical rules
naturally he wants to learn everything
so he and virgil have long discussions about the differences in their magic systems
(with patton chiming in every once in a while with how bonkers magical girl powers are)
after logan gets back on his feet virgil really REALLY needs those herbs and so he decides to go back out
logan tags along this time bc he wants to see the differences between the flora and fauna of this new world
they get about half way there and once again.
a portal opens
its light blue and yellow
virgil goes “jesus christ AGAIN??????? am i a MAGNET for these things??????????”
and a person falls out
theyre another animal person. this time with scales covering the side of their face and down their arms
virgil and logan carry this whole other person back home and as soon as they walk in
patton is like “janus????!!!!!”
turns out
janus is from pat’s world!!!! and the same mg group!!!!!
he became a magical boy about a year before pat did and was merged with the dna of a golden lancehead viper
so hes been a mg for like 4 years
his outfit is white with yellow bows and a black cape thing with a yellow inside. his scales are bright yellow and his eyes are heterochromatic. one is a normal eye (brown) and the other is a bright gold color with a snake-like pupil
his marking is on the inside of his left wrist
his weapon is a set of knives made of light that he can call at will and either slash with or throw
he and patton got along rather well in the current time
in the past, they,,,, didnt
it wasnt violent but they were kinda snippy at each other and janus was aggressively sarcastic which pat Did Not Appreciate
but after working together for a few years they got to know each other better and saw each other through low points in their lives and became close
janus was still a sarcastic little shit but now its more playful
he likes to suggest “pushing it down a flight of stairs” for any problem
“man i have a big math test tomorrow with a mean teacher that i didnt study for im screwed”
“push it down the stairs”
“the teacher or the test?”
he will also aggressively remind you that Self Care Is Good And Needed
(“patton youve been patrolling for hours every night this week. go sleep”
“but i-“
“go 👏 to 👏 sleep 👏”
“go sleep or im going to knock you unconscious and THEN youll sleep”
“ok fine”)
anyways the dimension monster came back and despite the whole group being more careful, it got janus
luckily (to every one else) this time they managed to defeat it
once again, the pain of dimensional travel fucking SUCKED and janus was unconscious for about as long as patton was
he woke and ate a small meal and fell back asleep for like an hour
when he woke up that time he was shocked and happy to see patton
they reunite and everyone gets to know each other over the next couple days
and then virgil remembers that he STILL HASNT GOTTEN HIS HERBS and they all decide to tag along when he leaves to get them
virgil just like sighs and said “nothing better happen this time i swear to god-“
and they make it most of the way there!!!!! virgil feels a little hope!!!!
then another portal opens
its red and green
(virgil: “GODDAMMIT”)
this time TWO people fall out
the group gather up the two portal people and take them home to heal bc
holy shit they are in bad condition
theyre unconscious for a solid 2 days
Roman and remus
their world is BAD yall
the world is very scientifically advanced, and a group if scientists decided that they wanted to prove the existence of alternate universes
and they did!
but they accidentally opened a portal to a hell dimension and they couldnt close it
so the whole world became an apocalyptic nightmare
this happened when the twins were 15
theyve been surviving on their own in an apocalyptic hellscape for just over 4 years now
remus is the close range fighter with a variety of Large Sharp Knives and roman hangs back and snipes the ones going in for remus’ blind spots with a modified rifle. or if he has to fight closer range he has a modified pistol
roman also is the one to carry their medical supplies bc remus did Once and never will again
they travel together bc even though they cant stand each other some days (remus makes gross comments a Lot and roman likes to complain about the lack of conditioner)
(roman once found an old bottle of perfume and dumped it on remus’ head. in retaliation, when they were relatively safe remus found a dead squirrel and chased roman around with it for a solid 15 minutes)
theyre still twins and theyre all each other have left
currently, roman and remus are running from a creature that caught them off guard while they were sleeping
it had managed to get a few good hits on them before they managed to fight back so they both have a couple injuries
roman has a long slice down his arm and remus has some real bad claw marks down his back
the two of them find a building they can hide in while they wait for the creature to move on and discover that its some sort of science lab
they decide to explore for a bit bc they have 0 braincells between the two of them
what they dont realize is that this is one of the labs that the scientists were using to build their dimensional machines
what they do realize is that the monster found them and it starts chasing them through the facility
the two of them are in really bad shape
malnourished after living on just what they can find for 4 years, both bleeding profusely from open wounds and various injuries from other run-ins with the creatures
they arent able to run as fast as they usually are able and so they get cornered in a room with a large machine
they back up to it to stay away as long as they can and
one of them presses a button
the machine behind them whirrs to life and the two are sucked into a portal oh so similar to the one that ruined the lives of everyone on their world
roman wakes first
he wasnt hurt as badly as remus so the portal didnt take as much out of him as remus
everyone introduces themselves and roman has the his first full meal in. a long time
(he might cry a lil bit but shhhhhhh)
and now that hes awake, virgil can give him a potion to help speed up his healing
thats when romans like “holy shit MAGIC?????”
bc there was none on his world
and they all talk and get to know each other
(the other four are Horrified at how awful his world was
bc like, patton and janus’ wasnt very good either but it wasnt an apocalypse
the next day virgil leaves logan in charge and FINALLY goes and gets his GODDAMN HERBS
nothing happens this time :)
and when he gets back remus is awake
hes fed and virgil gets him a potion too
the two heal and just kind of marvel at the fact theyre safe for the first time in years
also that theres GODDAMN MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!
they still can’t believe theres actual magic
the five dimension hoppers eventually meet thomas, virgil’s talking magic cat
(virgil: “he can think and talk like a human hes not my cat”
thomas: “im totally your cat stop denying it”)
he decided to wander around the forest for a while (he does this often) and only got back after all of the portal shit ended
he is the only cat with magic and says he ALSO fell out of a portal but it was a few years before he met virgil
i dont really know what happens after this
maybe they go try to figure out how to get home?
maybe they decide to stay and live in the woods for the rest of their lives
 maybe they decide “you know what? FUCK the government” and stage a coup to make magic legal
 whichever it is definitely has a lot of found family goodness
can you tell i started running out of steam like 3/4 of the way through
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toasti-boi · 4 years
Idk what to name it
Contains~ Words that some might not like, smut, oral (female receiving) fluff
Word count~ take the time and count. There u go.
If u dont know who these people are, scroll down to the post just before this one.
Rain poured through the window as Ava cuddled into her bed covers, the warmth filling her body. Suddenly, as she was drifting into sleep, she felt soft hands on her, pulling the blanket up to her chin. She opened her eyes with a light flutter. “Chan...nie~” she muttered with strong morning voice.
He chuckled, bending down to kiss her forehead. “Yes, kitten?”
Her heart pounded a little faster when she heard his deep voice. He was always so soft and baby to her.
“Lay here with me,” Ava whispered.
She rolled over to make room for Chan who snuggled in next to her. Still, she felt like something was keeping her up. A heavy layer of lust covered them. She turned around to face him only to see his c*** pressing against her, a hand caressing her hip. She gulped.
“baby~” Ava whispers, but he only caresses her more. “Not right now.” Having dating him for years, she knew what this meant.
He purred softly. “Yes now.”
“Why? Can’t we just lay here in peace?”
He pouts. “We do that every morning. Besides, it’s been a while. I need to make up for all the days I was on tour and you had to lie here alone.”
She chuckles. “Fine. I’ll see how good you can do.”
He giggles, kissing her ear and lightly nibbling on it, earning a moan from her. “Hah, you’re moaning already. I see you’re having fun.” She sighed inaudibly. “What can I say? I’m good at pleasuring my kitten.”
He flipped her over and started passionately kissing her neck. Ava found herself continuing to moan, but quietly so it wouldn’t seem desperate. However, inside she wanted him badly. Chan was usually absent in her life - being the boyfriend that would come home after weeks of work and traveling and leaving her alone. He’d only stay for a night and then hit the road again. A continuous and routinely cycle.
Suddenly, she felt a warm touch on her p****. “Chri-“
“Shhh, kitten,” he hummed. “I know you want it too. You always do, right?”
Ashamed, Ava nodded. “Yeah...” Then she felt lips on her breasts, and her nipples went hard. “Baby-“
“Shhhhhh,” he said, extending the end sound so she would know he meant it. “What did I say? You’re going to tell me to drop, aren’t you? But that’s not what you actually want.”
God, he knew her so well.
He licked her chest, dancing between her breasts and kissing them softly. “Isn’t that nice kitten? Aren’t you glad you’re not sleeping.”
Ava blushed, feeling heat rising in every part of her body. Especially... well.... there.
Chan moved down her stomach, kissing every part, making her even more wet. She moaned again, putting her hands on his hair and pulling lightly. “Agh,” he said, his breath against her stomach. It felt strange, like a knot where his hands were. A need to ask permission.
Ava wasn’t too familiar with sex, but she knew one thing - she wanted him right then. “Please, baby~” She said hoarsely, her breath hitched from moans.
He laughed. “You’re so wet, kitten. How did this happen?”
He took off her shorts and panties and bent down. Ava felt his tongue on her clit. “Channie-“
“Hush, kitten.”
That shut her up quick.
But not for long, because when she felt his lips pulsing on her clitoris and his finger entering her slowly, all hell broke loose. She became a mess; her hands on his hair pulling roughly, her breath and words mushed together through moans, her p**** getting wetter by the second.
Then, Chan got faster. She felt her climax nearing as she put a hand on his fingers. “Chr-is~ please~”
“Kit-ten~” he groaned. She felt herself cum into his hands, then she heard a gulping sound. “You taste so sweet, kitten. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, love. I’m glad I pleasured you.”
“I’m glad I pleasured you. Now, shall we go back to bed?” He asked. Ava chuckled and nodded, snuggling with him in the covers. Back to bed they went.
the end~
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7wanderingpaws · 6 years
Home arrest. (Jinyoung)
Another request yay! 
This came quickly so I hope it will still be enjoyable. Please let me know what you think and thank you for reading <3 Have a great Friday and weekend! 
Request: - - - Jinyoung x reader - - - (University AU)
The world was an unfair place - that was a fact you knew for a long time being a university student and seeing all the possible disadvantages, etc. However, you could have sworn this one was the worst one out of your entire student life.
“What do you mean you cannot go?” asked your best friend, Nabi. She had this long, black hair that shined beautifully even in the dull lighting of the student cafeteria. She grabbed her iced americano and took a cute sip.
You took off the lid of your hot americano and straight away took one sip. It burned but who gave a damn?! Nabi was about to say something but she almost choked on her own gulp. You swallowed, momentarily dizzy from the burning coffee going down your throat. “Because I have to go to see grandma in the counryside.”
“But can't you postpone it? Come one day later? And that is literally on the other side of the country, Y/N. Changwon is ages away.”
“You know how my father is,” you said, defeated. Besides, you were in quite the trouble at home, being “locked up”. Your father was a very authoritative person that strongly believed in confucianism, therefore there was nothing you could do against him. Yet, you did come home very drunk and very noisy after you managed to nail some hard exams with high scores two days ago. It was like the end of the world at home, but, oh well, you were here feeling very alive.
Nabi made a grimace but didn't dare to comment anymore once the topic turned your father. 
Anyway, you were so ashamed about this fact (you being drunk and then you being “imprisoned in your own home”) that you ended up avoiding your boyfriend Jinyoung. And it was his graduation that you could not attend which broke your heart.
As you were just about to continue with complaints, your KakaoTalk dinged. Not wanting to take it right away, you ignored it when another ding came in. Then another one, then another one. You frowned and looked at Nabi but she was staring at something behind you. Who was i-
“Oh, there you are!” said Jinyoung cheerfully, pushing his phone into his pocket and appearing in your eye sight next to your chair. Nabi had heart eyes and you were trying to stop your heart from beating too frantically. “I was looking for you everywhere, sweetheart. Hey Nabi,” he sent her a charming smile. Nabi covered her face, all red.
That “sweetheart” nickname made you want to cry. “What are you doing here?”
“I finished my meeting sooner than I thought, so now we can be together as much as possible,” he said, his voice slightly raspy. He leaned in, supporting himself with one hand on the table and the other one on your chair. “And you are free now as well, considering your successful exam season.”
You swallowed and didn't dare to look him in the eye. “I actually have to go now.” Before he could even realise it, you were pushing him aside and trying to get up. “I desparately have to be somewhere right now.”
“Oh, yes, you forgot about your media meeting again, didn't you?” Nabi played along, nodding.
Jinyoung looked quite like the confused puppy. His head was turning once to Nabi, once to you, but you were already packing your bag, throwing it over your head. “Wait, Y/N, what media meeting? You're not a media student... Bye Nabi!” he shouted behind his shoulder as you made your way out of the cafeteria. “We should talk about tomorrow.”
Oh no. “Sorry, babe, maybe later? This is pretty urgent,” you said in a monotone voice, not even looking at him. “Catch you later.” You started to jog.
“Y/N!” he said louder, but didn't follow you anymore. He stayed there, laughing in disbelief at what just happened. Usually, you would throw yourself around his neck, giving him a loving peck on the cheek and never leaving his side. And now you looked so panicked for some strange reason.
Obviously, you did not have any media meeting. You took the metro line 9 to your house in Gimpo. Once safely home, you were met with delicious scents coming from the kitchen but even now you didn't feel like eating.
“Y/N? Are you home?” screamed your mum from the kitchen. 
“Yes, I am.” Taking off your shoes, you almost stumbled over. “Oh, for God's sake,” you murmured, very inrritated.
“What did you say, dear?” 
“Oh, nothing. I am home, continuing my home arrest.”
Your mum appeared from the kitchen, looking down the corridor. A typical house-wife, she had her dress and apron on her. “How was it today?”
“I don't want to talk about it,” you said as you went into your room. Your phone was blowing up but you had no guts to answer Jinyoung.
Your mother sighed, worried. “Alright, get your things ready, we are leaving soon for Changwon.”
Me (05:58am): Jinyoung, I cant make it today, please dont worry and enjoy it to the fullest. I am sorry
Done. He now was informed that you won't make it and you could just lie in this old bed at your grandmother's and think about the meaning of life... Truthfully, you were so unbelievably irritated, so annoyed and disappointed, you just kept shedding unhappy tears. 
Especially the fact that your grandmother lived in Changwon,  yours and Jinyoung's birthplace. A place where your friendship and later love began. It made you feel this silly bittersweet emotions that were useless.
Your phone beeped once again but you just got up, knowing well that you couldn't afford staying in bed. 
Hard work in the farm began.
Three days later, you were back in Seoul. It was very late and you were very tired. You did manage to talk a little bit on the phone with your beloved Jinyoung, but he knew all too well that for some strange reason you were trying to avoid him. He wanted to know why. He wanted to know what happened. It was hurting him so much that you were ignoring him and walking around the issue when he thought you are aware you could tell him anything.
He cared about you so much. He was worried sick you hurt yourself when you fell on that bicycle trip you two took, he hated when he saw you cry for any reason unless it was out of happiness, he was uneasy when he knew you had to face stressful situations and couldn't be there to accompany you. . . He didn't think you were a child or dependent on him, no. He simply, plainly loved you, adored you and wanted to make sure his love is always feeling good and comfortable.
That's why he found himself in the darkness, right in front of your house. It was all silent, your parents probably asleep at this hour. But he knew you would be awake. The tiny light from your nightstand lamp said it all. 
Jinyoung was certainly an athletic type, having competed in a few baseball games and much more football games for the university team. He grasped the ladder that your father put there after working in the little garden you had and pulled himself up, making sure no noise was made.
Back in your room, you were neatly folding your clothes, unpacking your tiny suitcase you brought to Changwon. Silent music was coming from your laptop until you heard your phone beep with a message.
You sighed, knowing well who it was but you still took it, reading the message without unlocking your phone. 
My love (23:46pm): Open your window 
You tried not to panic as your head snapped up looking straight into Jinyoung's eyes. Behind the window. He was balancing, barely managing and you took in a sharp breath immediately dropping the lovely summer dress you had in your hands. You unlocked the window and opened it, grabbing Jinyoung's arm and pulling him forcefully inside, until both of you fell on the floor, him on top of you. Yay, long live the clichés!
You were breathing heavily. “What are you doing here?” you whispered loudly. His eyes bored into you, they seemed so lost and yet so happy to see you after one week of constant avoidance. He pressed his lips to yours hurrily without giving any answer and you immediately gave in, closing your eyes and finally wrapping your arms around his neck. You were trying to pull him as close as it was physically possible.
After a heated three-minute make-out session, you became rather uncomfortable on the floor and squirmed under him. 
“No,” said Jinyoung strictly, making you freeze. “You are not going to escape me this time.”
Your chest was going up and down. “What.”
“Why were you avoiding me? What happened?”
“Jinyoung, if my father finds you here-”
“Answer me.”
“He is going to kil-”
“Goddamit, what is wrong?” he said, a bit louder which made you slap your hand onto his mouth. He grinned cheekily and said, muffled: “I will talk louder to wake your father up if you don't answer me right now, Y/N.”
You closed your eyes again, praying for two seconds. “I can't tell you.”
He frowned. No answer came to his mind.
“I cannot tell you, because I am ashamed about it.”
Now he forgot about his little threat and sat up properly, finally letting you breathe. “Did you do something?”
“You didn't attend my graduation. You were one of the only people I was hoping to share this memory with, are you aware of it?” Jinyoung's face was torn apart and still managed to look authoritative. “Are you?” he asked again.
“Im so, so sorry,” you lowered your head. “I truly am, Jinyoung.”
“I need a reason.”
“There is no-”
“Tell me right now. Or else,” he started to take in a big amount of breath, ready to shout to wake your father up. Ugh, what a freaking savage tease!!!
 “Okay, okay, okay, just shut up,” you said pressing your index finger to his lips. He smirked and gave your finger a kiss. “I am in a home arrest kind of thing and I was ashamed about it so I didn't want to tell you. That last day at uni I was not going to a meeting but home.”
“What? You were in a home arrest?”
“Shhhhhh, don't talk so loudly!” you scream-whispered.
“But you are old enough to take care of yourself now.”
You sighed. “I know, but my father doesn't think that. Anyway, this is the truth, now get out before he discovers you here.”
He shook his head in disbelief. “I don't care. I already spent too much time without you.”
You sighed as he hugged you once again, rocking you from side to side. Suddenly, the entire thing became so absurd for you; you were now ashamed for being ashamed.
“I have an idea,” whispered Jinyoung and pulled away just a little bit so he could see your eyes. “What about spending the summer in Changwon? Your grandmother would be over the moon and so would be your parents. You barely see her anymore, ever since we moved up to Seoul.”
You blinked, stunned at how good that idea sounded. A few seconds of considering, and you both were chuckling. “I'd love that.”
He let out a breathy laugh and leaned in to kiss you, combing your hair out of his way. “Then I guess we have one hell of a great summer coming up.”
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