#yes i used a reference you know what happens when i draw hadns without reference
sincerely-nines · 7 months
“does he always wear the mask?” Well, Tango, maybe you should ask to remove it.
Imagine Tango asks if he can see Jimmy’s face, and Jimmy agrees. Tango takes the mask off slowly, his heart racing!, and when he sees Jimmy’s face, it’s all over for him (it already was, but now Tango is sooo flustered because HE’S GORGEOUS????? OMG???)
i didnt hallucinate this ask good but i'll tell you the first time tango would see his face in this au was. awkward because he wasn't meant to :3 my bro stumbled into the codfather midswim one night and he is not pleased with the audience. (but you're dead right, he is gorgeous and tango is definitely flustered)
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laceymorganwrites · 7 years
The Girl who spoke nerd: Peter´s pov
Word Count: 1,828
Pairing: Peter Parker x female!Reader
Warnings: mentions of bullying
A/N: I love writing pov of a character. And Spiderman. Hope you enjoy :) (Chester is an OC of mine, playing a part in my Deadpool Story)
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„Stark, Parker“ the voice of my science teacher brought me back to reality.
I had been staring at her again, she knew.
Of course she knew, it was as obvious as me blushing at the fact my teacher hadn´t only caught me staring at her, but also decided to put us in a project together.
It was strange, somehow the teachers really liked it when I embarrassed myself in front of her.
We were also always seated next to each other and had to do several projects together.
Sometimes I wondered if they just had a strange sense of humor or were straight-up cruel.
„If you keep staring at me like that, I might explode, Superman“
She said it in an innocent way, but her smile was wicked and herr eyes gleamed mean.
The class had a good laugh at her comment and I just looked down at my failed attempts to draw her.
I could feel the heat in my cheeks and her merry laugh.
„I...I wasn´t...staring“ I tried to defend myself, but ended up stuttering, like always.
„Oh, Pete, I was just kidding!“ (Y/N) laughed even louder.
„Of course you were, creep“
Flash Thompson was the embodiment of a coitus interruptus, always too late and always failing, but everyone seemed to love him, to me he was just trying too hard.
He was afraid of (Y/N) because she was a mutant, which never bothered me, but because of that Flash wanted her to like him, so that she wouldn´t kill him.
Felicia Hardy asked him one day why he tried to impress her so much, which I heard the answer of.
He left and (Y/N) showed up to a Felicia who laughed villainous and told her all about it, to which (Y/N) responded: „You don´t need to be a mutant to be annoyed by Flash Thompson, but why the hell would I want to kill him? His wrong answers already do that“.
I laughed.
Her best friend then grabbed me, because I dared to cross their path on my way to my locker, and took away my sketches of (Y/N) just to show her.
That was about two months ago, in (Y/N)´s first week at high school.
„Ew, that´s creepy!Such a stalker nature“ she reacted.
„Yeah!I bet he does a lot of handwork on them, if you know what I mean!“
They laughed.
„I´m...I´m not that kind of guy!“ I tried to defend myself.
„Sure you aren´t.“
Then Chester, another mutant, came by and punched me, I just proceeded to leave.
It was weird in the first few weeks with (Y/N) in school, she acted like a stereotypical mean girl, desperately trying to find new friends.
One day she casually sat down next to Michelle, an introvert girl who never hid that she hated basically everybody.
So Ned and I were really excited to see what would happen next.
The day started with (Y/N) walking into school without her miniskirt and high heels, instead she wore dark ripped up jeans, a tight black shirt and sneakers, her hair was done up.
Michelle´s look was priceless, a numb expression on her face, eyebrows furrowed.
She put down her book and smiled back at (Y/N), who proudly showed her new outfit.
„Finally, you want to see the sketches?“ they did a secret handshake and Michelle laughed with (Y/N). „Yes, please“ (Y/N) responded and as soon as she saw them, she snorted. I always thought her laugh was like chirping, but this was cute, I couldn´t help, but smile. „What is going on?“ Ned whispered.
„I have no idea“ I was lost in the conversation, (Y/N) laughed at Michelle´s sketches and they talked about dancing and the band, gossiped about the stereotypes and in the end (Y/N) thanked Michelle for being her friend.
Suddenly the `Add sugar spice and everything nice´- attitude changed into the `She´s beauty she´s grace she´ll punch you in the face´- attitude.
And I had the biggest crush on her, and a science project to be done.
„I´ll swing by later“ (Y/N) interrupted me from grieving.
„Er...yeah...cool“ I gave her a quick smile and then packed my things for the next lesson.
It was funny how everyone was so scared of her when she was so awesome, Ned was afraid of her too, so I couldn´t tell him how I felt about (Y/N), that´s why I told him I liked Liz, the sophomore girl he was into.
The bell rang after another day of school which lasted too long and I hurried to get home.
I even spared the drive to the dumpster where I normally go to collect computer items.
„Hey, May, Ben“ I locked the door behind me to greet my aunt and uncle.
„Hey, Peter, how was school?“ asked May through the kitchen.
„It was pretty good actually, (Y/N) will come later, we have a project to do on X rays“ „X rays, huh?“ laughed uncle Ben.
Sometimes it happens that I don´t listen when I´m talking so the words just come out and it´s awkward.
„Is (Y/N) the girl you talk about all the time?“ May asked.
„I thought her name was Liz“ Uncle Ben called from the living room.
„Yes that´s her, Ben, Liz is just an alibi for Ned, he shouldn´t know I like her“ I tried to explain, as I accompanied him on the Couch.
„Why not?” he asked me. „Because she´s a mutant“ I answered and shifted awkwardly, the Topic of mutants was quite controversial. „So what?“ Ben shrugged. „I know you´re really tolerant, I don´t have a problem with that either, I just don´t get why people have, it doesn´t feel right!“ I got defensive again, but I knew I couldn´t Change a Thing.
„You´re just like your dad“ Ben smiled and I had to too.
„Everyone´s afraid of her“ I frowned, still not grasping it.
„Don´t you want to tidy your room?“ May remarked.
I checked the time and ran into my room, bashing the door and hysterically screaming a „Sorry!“.
Then I cleaned my room in ten minutes so it looked like (Y/N) could sit somewhere.
Finally the doorbell rang.
„I´m coming!“ I rushed to the door, passed  laughing May and Ben before I stopped to breathe and opened the door.
„Hey“ I grinned widely.
„Shall I pass?“ she smiled and after laughing at a reference of a movie I was pretty sure she had never seen I stepped back so that she could enter.
„You shall pass“
„So you must be (Y/N)!“ Ben stood up from the couch and shook (Y/N)´s hand.
„Yes, I am. It´s nice to meet you, Mr Parker“ she smiled widely. „Hello (Y/N), Peter has told us so much about you! Dinner´s done, do you want to join us?“ May came out of the kitchen and also shook (Y/N)´s hand.
„That would be really nice, Mrs Parker, thank you“ (Y/N) was very Kind. „You´re welcome“ May smiled and then gave me thumbs up.
„This is delicious, Mrs Parker“ (Y/N) said.
The dinner went on pretty good, as we finished I showed (Y/N) my room.
„Pretty“ she noticed.
„Thanks, so on what aspects should we focus?“ I tried to Focus on the Project rather than our future marriage and children, „Of course how x rays work, how to use them, x ray vision, maybe history, like who found it and how it developed“ she thought out loud. „Okay, I´ll start the presentation“ I offered and took out my Laptop. „Alright“  (Y/N) placed herself on my bed, searching her notes on the topic, staring at me.
I turned around to show her the design, she was smiling.
„What?“ I asked, blushing.
Her smile widened.
„Nothing, it´s just, you´re so nice to me“ she said. „Well, why wouldn´t I be?“ I asked. „Because I was pretty mean to you when I first came into school“  she almost sounded as if she was apologizing. „So what, everyone´s mean to me. I don´t mind“ I tried to Play it off cool. „Yes you do, Penis Parker“ she smirked. „Come on, not you too“ I was annoyed at that stupid nickname. „See it bothers you“ she remarked. „Of course it bothers me, who wouldn´t be bothered?“ I gave in. „Then why don´t you do anything against it?“ she asked, as if doing anything would help. „Cause I can´t, if I did, nothing would change, they would just keep going, only stronger this time. If I ignore it, it might go away“ I confessed. „You know what, Parker?“ she smiled at me. „What?“ I was confused. „I think you´re pretty awesome“ she now grinned and I had a rapid heartbeat. I didn´t respond to that, maybe I should´ve before I lost her, but it was too late, so only the memory remained, I wish I´d done something before she vanished.
Instead we just finished the project and one week later, I became Spiderman and uncle Ben died.
Since that day she wasn´t in school, rumor had it that she returned to the school for gifted youngsters.
I haven´t seen her in six months, neither have I spoken to her.
But Spiderman has, I´ve seen her in Brooklyn and Hell´s Kitchen, so why did she lie?
One day I walked around in the Bronx and I saw Tricity, my hero idol, she just fought King Pin with the Punisher, then they turned into a corner, where she unmasked, it has been (Y/N) all the time, and I watched from the rooftop.
That explained a lot, but it didn´t look like a mission, she left me alone.
So you can see why I am so surprised seeing her sit on my couch with her dad today.
He said I won a scholarship, but I was suspicious about that.
„Hey, Pete, can we talk?“ she looked at me with her (Y/E/C) eyes and stood up.
I said nothing until we were in my room.
„Listen, Peter, I´m sorry. I know the last months were rough for you, maybe you needed me, I don´t know that, I just know that I feel really guilty for just leaving you. I just, your uncle died, I didn´t know how to handle that, I still don´t, maybe you needed space, maybe you didn´t want to see me, and trust me, I understand that you´re angry and I´m so sorry.“ Her voice cracked. How could someone be so perfect? I just looked at her, I couldn´t believe she was really here right now.
„Peter, say something“ she whispered.
„You´re awesome, Tricity“ I smiled slightly and she sat down next to me with a big grin.
„Spiderman“ (Y/N) was so near to me, she looked so beautiful, she cut her hair and got her braces removed, her lips were full and rosy, her lips…
I leaned in without thinking and then I kissed her.
Her hand grabbed mine as she placed her arm around my neck and deepened the kiss, then her dad came in.
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