#yes i'm calling frankenstein's bride a guy
allthegothihopgirls · 4 months
guys with a skunk streak... i'm literally them....
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kitsu-katsu · 6 months
I'm gonna make this post as condenaed and abridged brainrot to explain why Victor Frankenstein is my boy from 200 yr old media prompted by a tag question from @samathekittycat in a post I reblogged because that highjacking would've been too much
So. Basically every adaptation ever is way off, Victor in the og novel is a guy from a rich family, yes, but one that has it's own fucked up occurrences that shape him even though he says his life is the peak of idyllic and that can lead to really good character analysis
He becomes an alchemy fanatic at 13, completely obsesses over it, even harder when his father claims the whole subject to be trash and he's in general somewhat fascinated by natural occurrences as well, so he gets it into his head that he wants to change the world by attaining the alchemist dream of basically defeating death, and this is all exacerbated when he's about to be sent away to study in Ingolstadt at 17 and just days before his mother dies of an illness his cousin-sister-future wife (it's complicated, it's a whole mess with hiw mother's involvement too) contracted first, so his trip is delayed a bit, but he never really processes his grief and is not that interested in actual science at first until a professor he meets there validates the alchemists ambition and he starts to hyperfixate on science so bad he's surpassed his professors in 2 years, and with all this baggage, at 19, he decides he's going to decode the secrets of death basically, because as he sees it at this point, if applied enough in the right direction with a scientific method any mediocre man could change society
So he builds his creatire after 2 years of isolating himself completely to do it, so he finishes it at like 21, and the thing is, the guy basically did all of this in a hyperfocused state he started at 19 and influenced by All That Baggage and grief he has Not Processed, so he wasn't really thinking about the consequences of anything. So his creature opens its eyes and suddenly the weight and terror of everything falls upon him along with a good mix of uncanny valley, and he just. Collapses. He sleeps a bit, his creature's still there, and he's so scared he runs away from his dorm room and by chance meets with his bff who was back in Geneva with the rest of his family he hasn't talked to in 2 whole years, his creature sneaks out while this is happening, and when going back, Victor is so mentally collapsed and strained and also scared he mighr be called crazy that he's just glad that the creature's gone and enters a fragile state where he's just completely physically sick and done for for a Big While, he can't take care of himself anymore and can't even look at anything relatingnto science anymore
When he's getting better, he has to go back to Geneva because his brother died. Whoah-oh, it was the Creature. He confronts it eventually and it asks for a bride and promises to go away with her, this is a Whole Conflict, because Victor can't reveal what he knows or he'll be labelled insane, he also doesn't wanna finish the bride because she'll also be her own person and what if she doesn't wanna run away with og Creature as his bride? While all of this is happening, one family servant is being accused of the murder and trialed, Victor is squealing in a corner
Basically, he's very autistic, he's seen a hysteric, his creation of the Creature can be analyzed from so many different angles, from teenage pregnancy and postpartum depression, trans experiences (both transmasc and transfemme! I've seen excellent analysis from both perspectives, though I have a personal bias towards the transmasc reading), the process of artist in general (like, that point when you start drawing something and you start zooming into every detail for hours and once you zoom out again you realize you don't like how it came out at all even though you put so much time into it), his illnesses and disabilities both mental and physical are really interestingly depicted as well, overall, he's a very meaty character who was FAR from making everything right, in fact, he did a lot wrong, but he's also a victim of his circumstances, a teen/young adult in the whole duration of the thing, and is suffering tons of pressure from everywhere while losing his purpose and selse of self to his opposition to his own creation. They are the definition of "they can make eachother worse" and Victor loses everything. He's a tragedy. A tragedy that a lot of people wanna ignore and just say he's plain evil because the Creature must be plain good and they feel smart if they say the typical "Small brain: Frankenstein was the monster vs Big brain: Frankenstein was the scientist, not the monster vs Galaxy brain: Frankenstein was the monster all along" and they completely skip out on all the depth this character has
I went super aurface level in a lot of parts here, but I hope it's somewhat understandable
I recommend reading the novel though! It's Good
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monstermaster13 · 2 years
TftW: A Most Malignant Microbe.
Corey Covid to Gabriel (Malignant) tf.
Everyone’s favorite duo was a duo that wasn’t afraid of anything, except for maybe the dark but that was just one thing they were terrified of, it wasn’t all that bad for them though they loved learning about monsters and cult cinema and the duo were definitely in for a fun adventure this week, they were in their house at Nile Road with their friend Ratty who was a talking rat, Ratty and Corey were playing out an old school horror movie with Ratty pretending to be Vincent Price and Corey acting as Peter Lorre. In this little roleplay session they were acting out a situation in which as the two horror actors they were trapped in a spooky carnival setting.
That was when Mel came over to them and told them she had a magic surprise for them in the bedroom, Corey and Oats smiled as they followed her to the bedroom, Ratty came along with them as they saw what appeared to be a special passageway which lead to a special effects studio. When they got inside the studio, the duo decided to make some monster designs of their own.
“Oh thank you mommy, this is a dream come true.”
“You’re most welcome, Oatsie.”
Oats made an anthro horse-monster that was a pretty feminine gothic pegasus in a black and pink gown, making it look like a mix of the bride of Frankenstein and Fluttershy, he brought the monster to life and called her…Franklynhooves. The new pony-monster whinnied as she hugged Oats. ‘Thank you for bringing me to life, mommy’, she exclaimed. Meanwhile Corey had found some cool movie monster masks to try on and he looked through all of them, he saw a dark and twisted looking Grinch mask…’Looks like these guys already started on making a mask of Blumhouse’s Grinch movie’, he saw a demon mask, a Freddy Krueger mask - which he tried on and he turned into Freddy Krueger but he remained as himself, he saw a reptilian-man mask resembling the Creeps from the Goosebump episode ‘Calling All Creeps’, he saw a mask that looked like Dr Marty with his face off from the mirror scene in Poltergeist, he even saw a Betelgeuse mask. But then he also saw a mask of Gabriel from Malignant and he decided to put it on, as he did he felt the spirit of Gabriel enter his body as his body slowly began to alter. He felt himself stretching and growing taller but it was not painful and there was no body horror, there was only a little but it wasn’t too bad, his skin turned a deeper shade of red and became bumpy in some places.
He felt himself stretching and growing taller but it was not painful and there was no body horror, there was only a little but it wasn’t too bad, his skin turned a deeper shade of red and became bumpy in some places. This didn't feel bad or painful to him because he was a microbe and he was also used to being tossed around and thrown up and down and treated like a doll, he had been turned into numerous different forms before, even into humanoid forms and he found the process of stretching and growing to be fascinating, and he really loved the idea and he was fascinated by his transformation, he watched as he took on a few demonic traits as he gained some demonic powers as well and his legs, arms, and all over stretched and contorted. He was worried he wasn't going to keep his spikes but luckily he did and he even kept his eye color, he was still the same Corey. 'Woah Corey, what is happening to you?' 'I think i'm turning into that guy from Malignant.' 'You mean Gabe?' 'Yes…' 'Okay, that is seriously awesome, I do love horror tfs.'
"Yeah, they're so underrated."
"Wish people would do more of them."
He examined his outfit as he did so, in the process he slowly sprouted long black hair as his facial features distorted, he looked like he had a bit of a tumor on his face but not much of one as his eyes glowed and his teeth sharpened, his voice shifted a little but he still sounded like himself as his transformation finished. Upon looking in the mirror he had found he had become Gabriel, but he was still the microbe he always was and didn’t inherit any of the real Gabriel’s traits. 'Okay this is awesome, can't wait to go and show this to you, Oatsie.'
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walterdecourceys · 2 years
anyway, MY opinions on frankenstein (aka the correct ones):
victor's actions are bad and he's a rich kid but a) he was like 20 when everything went down, b) he doesn't actually seem to hate or have a bad opinion of the people he's hurt in his life, c) i like pathetic men and mad scientists
victor does seem to care for elizabeth, but definitely not in a romantic way. they are Family
there are many ways you could describe victor and the creature's relationship and i think all of them provide an interesting perspective. lovers is pretty weird though i would only accept that in VERY loose adaptations. the incest undertones are just a bit too weird otherwise lol
i'm more ambivalent on the creature's morality but i think he fully knew what he was doing was Wrong, at least. it really bothers me when people try to make the creature stupider that he actually is to excuse what he did like i promise he's sympathetic enough already
if you genuinely, like, hate either of them die actually
there were a couple "right" answers on the adaptation questions i was mostly just judging you if you liked a stupid one. lots of victor frankenstein (2015) fans on tumblr, i'm learning
i don't necessarily take issue with calling the creature adam (especially in speculative works where he kind of needs a name) i can just tell that you're a Certain Type Of Guy if you do. if you call him a monster die alone
victor did NOT make the creature out of dead bodies i feel SO strongly about this. my proof is a) he was eight feet tall but had normal proportions (iirc) and b) it took victor several months to make him & considering the fact he wasn't doing anything else i think it's more likely he had to start from scratch.
i will admit i like creature designs where he's stitched together i am not immune to good character design
my main purpose behind the bride of frankenstein question was that a lot of people on tvtropes really wanted the bride to be completed/elizabeth to be reanimated, apparently. i don't have super strong feelings about this that question was mostly just a poll
also YES i know i didn't include every possible nuance in the answers. this is a uquiz i made in like an hour get off my back
(also anyone with two braincells can tell it's a Nuanced situation, so i was worried everyone would just pick that answer if i included it and i couldn't Judge them properly.)
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askglenandglenda · 2 years
I came across this blog on accident but Mod's art style is adorable- but unfortunately I know next to nothing about the Chucky franchise so. Would Mod or the twins be willing to give a lil crash course on how they came to be + their backstory (and apparent trauma) ?
Ok first of all thank you so much!!! I can give you a little crash course. So slight warning of spoilers?
First we gotta start off with their parents!
The Chucky franchise all started when serial killer Charles Lee Ray (or Chucky) was shot by the cops and used voodoo (WHICH I DON'T USE IN MY AU! I'm very much white!) to transfer his soul at the last minute into a Good Guy Doll.
10 years and 3 movies later, he's brought back by his girlfriend (or fiance) Tiffany Valentine. See, the night Chucky 'died' Tiffany found a ring on their bedside mantle, and believed Chucky was going to propose.
He was not. In fact, when she brings it up, the fucker laughs at her. Tiffany, fed up with his bullshit, throws him into a crib that she would have used for their future kids, and locks his ass in it, along with a bride doll to put salt in the wound.
He breaks out, kills her, and puts her soul into the bride doll.
Later on they've made up and are so happy that Chucky proposes his love to her and asks her to be his bride. She cries and says yes, and they then proceed to fuck.
See near the end, the movie is very Bride of Frankenstein-ish, so a badly wounded Tiffany realizes they belong dead and stabs Chucky. They fight and Chucky stabs Tiffany in the stomach.
Neither of them know that she's pregnant at the time.
See at the very end, Tiffany GIVES BIRTH to an adorable widdle baby.... And then she dies.
You may be confused by 'baby'. See, in my headcanon, Chucky had been doing the chant to transfer souls, and when he stabbed Tiffany, it didn't affect them... It affected the twins.
Both the twins are in the same body.
A british ventriloquist named Psyches had been visiting New Jersey at the time and came across the doll/baby creature.
He then proceeded to fuck the babies' minds UP. From a young age 'Shitface' (That's what he called them) was not only kept in a rat cage, but they were hardly fed, hardly able to go outside, and were constantly berated.
Mind you, this took place from infanthood to six years old.
One day Shitface saw an ad for a movie on TV of Chucky and Tiffany. Automatically in their eyes (and the 'Made in Japan' mark) they were their parents.
So they escaped Psyches, got the hell outta the UK, and stowawayed on a flight to California to find the movie studio where Chucky and Tiffany would be.
Needless to say by accident, they bring Chucky and Tiffany back to life within their movie doll forms. Chucky makes fun and Tiffany is very gentle until they discover that the child is theirs, to which Chucky faints and Tiffany accepts with open, loving arms.
NOW the gender stuff.
See, the child doesn't really have a 'gendered' look. So (after killing someone to the poor kiddo's shock) they ask them what they are.
The kiddo, being six, has no idea.
So they take the kid's pants off and there's.... nothing. So. Chucky and Tiffany proceed to fight about if their child is a boy or girl, and therefore call them Glen and/or Glenda.
Later on Glen decides that they are both and are genderfluid!
This also ties in to Glen's dislike of killng. They don't like it. They're just a cinnamon roll.
That is until later on when the stress of Chucky and Tiffany constantly fighting on their gender causes them to snap, and Glenda takes over.
She's dressed all prim and proper, makes puns galore, and enjoys slaughter with glee, so much so that it genuinely scares Chucky and Tiffany.
That's really all I can say about the movies until my own headcanon here which leads up to everything now!: https://www.tumblr.com/askglenandglenda/679107848574238720/okay-okay-so-im-a-bit-of-a-noob-to-horror-and?source=share
You should really watch the movies though, or some clips on youtube!
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