#yes im still gonna use the apolo tag cuz yea
scriptistired · 9 months
I know I've said absolutely nothing abt this here but
Good progress w the girls, Arthemis is nearly fully tame, still shy but getting clingy lmao but the others hate me. Like we can coexist but no friendship 😔. They're getting de-caged to be free range like Apolo and so far so good too
Physically going very good tho they all healing great, Gaia's plumage is all good, Psyche's foot is no longer hurting it seems and Arthemis's tail is slowly growing better.
If any bird expert wanna give tips on the taming process here, they're all babies and Arthemis is a cockatiel, Gaia a lovebird and Psyche's a parakeet, here's them under my chair bc they love that spot more than their home lmao
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