#yes jizzie are the muses
bellia-25 · 5 months
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Another Trust Life comic/doodle based on a conversation in the server about "I won't say I'm in love" from Hercules. The idea would not leave my head. I had to draw it.
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zumpietoo · 1 year
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Ummm.....clearly they don’t and even if they do, it’s apparently immaterial, anyway...or only Jug, compliments of Tabs and the beanie....
Plus the most hilarious part here? Once again, relying on “it happened that way cuz I say so”.....and even then? Dude, in no scenario was VD endgame....and Pinkle only in ONE, with wiped memories...(and I’m gonna muse moar on just that, in a bit)....
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A) VD has never held ANY sort of majority, unless it’s that the “majority” of viewers don’t like it....
B) In no way does it remotely sound like/appear to be jizzy/VD “endgame”.....whatsoever....but VD shippers tend to be REALLY dumb, so no surprises there....
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Meaning absolutely NO endgame, other than Pinkle in this version?
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I think you know nothing about any of it and are still fully and freely admitting as much, while pretending to have “insider” info....that’s just your interpretation of public interivews/BTS....(and are now scrambling to save face, no less)....
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Fun fact....Pinkle’s only endgame in this one, iteration....and then love how her fanfic, apparently, will be the show’s ending.....cuz she wants it! Dude, you don’t get to have it both ways....
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Errmmm.....in this version there wasn’t “development” for ANY of them....and there had been two, even 3 seasons of canon “development” for Barfie (much as I hate them, too)....not even counting the emotional affair they had beginning in season TWO.....
And no, very much doubt any of it is remotely “:left up to interpretation”....particularly in the 50s timeline.
You were ded wrong about everything. And have been for several seasons now. So were Barfies, so were jizzystans.
And the difference isn’t that “you won’t see it”, the difference is that you get dick and you’ll only have it in fanfic. Which doesn’t fucking count.
Errrmmm.....no shortage of bullying, racism, lying, misquoting, personally insulting Erinn and Cole, etc from y’all, too....tho I’m perfectly happy for no Barfie endgame, as well.
And you’re not getting YOUR made up/slow burn epic endgame, either....
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A lot worse than nothing in any version, twisted in ANY manner??? Oh yes, cuz Barfie....but still....
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Dude, by definition, fanfic would’ve still been there for you to play pretend....soooo....nope!
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Errmmm....nope.....not a choose your own adventure book and seriously? This is sadddd.....
And, again, so you’re looking forward to bad fanfic?
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