#yes maria will appear soon i just gotta figure out her design
ruleofrosethorns · 1 year
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so um. (1) person wanted more of my silly little au and i am here to deliver (individual doodles under the cut)
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awkward family get together
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james and harry are filled with unfiltered rage
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the girlies <3
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Chapter Three
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Previous Chapter
Paring: Steve Rogers x Reader   |   Word Count: 3769 Warnings: Language
Song: The Snake by Al Wilson
“Nope, not happening!” Clint barked. “We’re swapping teams.”
Gritting your teeth together, hating yourself for what you were about to do, you sucked it up and did what Steve would. “No. We’re leaving them as they are.”
“Brat!” Clint hissed.
Glaring at Garry, his too smug face begging for a fist, you shook your head. “Gotta happen sooner or later. Let’s just get on with it.”
Low key murmurs were coming from the rest of the newbies, and, while you didn’t have Cap or Bucky’s hearing, you weren’t stupid.
Everyone here was a team. If you couldn’t play nice with the agent you most wanted to beat the living shit out of, how were you to expect them to get along with each other? You were a big girl. You could handle Garry.
Turning back to the group, you called out, “Everyone ready?” An affirmative sound ran through them. “Alrighty then. Designated rescuers, you’ll get your Intel from Clint, everyone else… brace yourselves.” With a cheeky grin, you held up your hand.
“Brace? For what?” asked Susan, paired with Maggie.
“Not what, who.” Chuckling, you pointed toward the compound.
Iron Man, War Machine, and Falcon all leapt from the roof at the same time.
“Hang on, ladies,” Tony chuckled, grabbing Susan and Faye around the waist, leaving Maggie and Grant, Faye’s partner, gaping after them.
Rhodey chuckled as he snatched Smitty up by the back of his protective vest, causing the man to squeak out in fear before he was dragged into the air, Marcus looking on in shock.
“Give me a boost, old man!” You laughed, running for Clint.
Linking his fingers together, Clint snapped, “I’m not old, just gently used!” as he tossed you up toward Sam.
“Got you, (Y/N)!”
Laughing, you wrapped an arm around his neck. “Never had a doubt, Sam!”
Glancing toward the ground, he frowned. “Do not tell me you’re paired up with Garry! Cap’s going to flip.”
“I can handle Garry.” You dismissed his concern. “What’s he going to do? Play Steve again? Not if he wants to pass this exercise.” Not if he wanted to keep his balls.
“Still, I don’t like it. He’s a shit.” Dropping to the ground, he set you down before the bunker you were being stashed at. “You want me to hang out? This place gives me the creeps.”
“Nah, I’m good.” You shook your head, heading inside. The old storage facility had been retrofitted but not upgraded. It had the latest technology and would simulate a real combat scenario, in which Garry had to get in, get you out, and not get tagged. Once you were out, then it would be up to Clint, situated on the roof of the compound, to take the two of you down before you could reach the designated extraction zone. “I brought my phone for company.”
Garry only had thirty minutes to get to you before your captors killed you, so you didn’t figure you’d have to wait too terribly long.
“Okay, but if you need anything…” Sam trailed off.
“I’m good, flyboy, thanks.” Smiling, you waved him off and wandered over to settle in the chair in the middle of the room. Once you sat down, all systems would be go, and Garry was on his own.
Clint went through everyone else’s Intel, sent them on their way, and turned to Garry where he dragged the little shit closer by the vest. “You mess with her again, I got a special arrow with your name on it.”
“Chill out, man,” he held up his hands defensively. “I’ve learned my lesson. No one plays with the big guy’s woman.”
Clint swatted him upside the head. “Dumbass. The big guy is Bruce, but no one fucks with this team, period! You’d be getting the same lectures, the same shit chores, and the same hassle if you’d pulled this stunt with Nat or Wanda or Scott. It was cruel, and it was stupid! You’re supposed to be becoming an Avenger. Right now, all I see is a punk. Pull your head out of your ass and grow up!” Shoving him back, Clint handed out the last package of Intel. “She’s in the bunker. Get in, get out. Don’t get caught.”
“Yes, sir!” Garry gave a mocking salute and jogged towards the woods.
Fingers twitching on his bow, Clint muttered, “An accident. I could stage an accident. No one would ever have to know. Just picked the wrong arrowhead. Oops.” Turning towards the compound where he would make his way to the roof, he was plucked from the ground by Sam. “Shit! Warn a guy!”
Dropping Clint on the roof, Sam landed beside him. “Figured you wouldn’t mind the lift,” he chuckled.
“Give me a heart attack, and I might mind,” Clint grumbled.
Sam stood beside Clint, laughing, arms crossed as he stared out at the woods. “You can really see all them? I can pick ‘em up, but only thanks to these.” He tapped his goggles.
“Yeah. But I’m keeping tabs on that one.” Clint pointed in the direction of Garry.
“Can’t believe you let her partner with him. Cap’s going to freak. Him and Bucky.” Shaking his head, Sam sighed. “You tellin’ him, or am I?”
“She said she could handle it. He’s supposed to be part of the team. Let her handle it.” Clint shrugged. “But if you want to hang out in case she loses her shit and kicks his ass again; I wouldn’t mind the company.”
“Honestly? I kinda hope she does!” Sam snickered. “It’s a pleasure to watch her work.”
The wait was boring as hell, but the simulated agents ignored you, allowing you to wait quietly, playing Candy Crush when the text from Laura showed up.
Clint said you’re running an extraction exercise today. FYI? He’s increased his range by about 60 feet.
“What!?” You squeak loudly, sending back a furiously typed text. How!? That’s not possible!
A sheepish looking emoji appeared. I don’t know. He muttered something about paintballs and trajectories, wind somethings and resistance. Um… my bad?
You could almost see her laughing. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll be ready.
Pouting a little, reworking your plan for getting past Clint and his bow, you glanced at the clock. Twenty-two minutes in.
Garry should be coming through the door at any time.
The pairings, other than this one, had worked out quite well.
Susan was a teleporter. She could jump in and out of places as long as she had pictures and was within a hundred feet. But she wasn’t able to bring people with her, only objects.
Already the team was looking at her for missions regarding gathering Intel. It would be cake for her to plant listening devices, or if the need was great, a bomb.
Her partner, Maggie, used a combination of sound and brainwaves. With a thought, she could take out agents, but with a whistle, she could blow electronics, or level a building.
The two of them worked well together as Susan could get in and out undetected, while Maggie played distraction. You liked them as a team.
Faye was different, small and delicate. Her power lay in the swiftness of her brain. It worked so quickly she was nearly clairvoyant, always multiple steps ahead of her opponent. She could put together an op and run the scenarios in her head to such pinpoint accuracy; there was a ridiculously small margin of error.
Hill and Fury had been looking at her for just that purpose. Using her to run numbers, or plan insurgencies because she often made a note of probabilities not even the computers noticed.
Grant in comparison was of average intelligence, but the man was a brutal fighter. Very little stopped him once he got throwing fists. Nat had hit him with her widow’s bite once. He’d barely even flinched.
Going a few rounds with Steve and Bucky had rung his bell, finally dropping him to his knees, but it had both super soldiers sweating by the time they finished.
Grant and Faye had partnered together before, and Faye’s cool, calculating brain kept him contained. She was very good at channelling his effort where it would do the most damage, and for his part, Grant was more than willing to put his nearly invincible self in harm’s way for her.
You figured he was a little smitten, but they weren’t letting it interfere in their training. Just because they’d made it this far didn’t necessarily mean they would become Avengers.
Then there was Smitty and Marcus who were elementals as well as brothers.
The darker of the two, Smitty - born Saturino but nickname Smitty by Tony when the Iron Man was being, well, Tony - was always laughing and joking, often in his native Portuguese so only Marcus understood him. The brothers, originally from Brazil, had grabbed the Avengers attention when working together, they had diverted a mudslide from taking out an entire village.
Smitty could channel water like it was an extension of his body, while Marcus moved air with the simplicity of breathing. The two synced perfectly, and when Marcus had pulled his brother’s name from the bag, it hadn’t surprised you at all.
The only one that perplexed you was Garry. Garry with two Rs. Who the hell spells Garry with two Rs? A self-entitled little prick, that’s who. One day soon you were going to corner Maria and ask what the hell she thought she was doing.
But even here you could see why they were so interested in him. Garry’s power was unique. The man could glamour himself, taking the face and form of anyone he wished. As long as he’d seen a picture of their face, heard their voice, and had a rough estimation of height and weight, he could wave his fingers and become them. When he had the chance to really study his target, he could mimic them with an incredible degree of accuracy.
The man was good, you’d give him that, but he was an asshat. Had been since the moment you’d met. He was sarcastic and rude, petulant and confrontational. What his problem with you was, you had no clue, but he’d been a total dick from day one.
Maybe it was because out of the entire team, you were normal. No special powers, no tragic backstory, no crazy weaponry. You were just a girl who had managed to impress the right people at the right time, ending up placed with the team when they’d needed an extra member.
Barton had been your mentor, and you thanked your lucky stars every day for it. Clint, while you wouldn’t classify him as completely normal, anyone who had that kind of aim and precision was, in your book, damn special, he wasn’t what the others were. He was an agent who’d done his own impressing at the right time and place to get where he was today.
If you’d been paired with anyone else, you might have been too intimidated to really let loose, but Clint… he was just Clint. He kicked your ass, gave you pep talks, and sat at your bedside the first time you’d taken a bullet. He was your mentor, your rock, and your friend. Eventually, he’d become family.
He was the older brother you’d never known was missing. When he’d found out about you and Steve, he’d handed the phone to Laura, who proceeded to rat him out as he’d happy danced his way around their living room.
The door handle turning knocked you from your musings, but you didn’t give up your would be rescuer’s location by looking, just casually tucked your phone away.
When the door opened further, and an agent you’d seen wandering through the halls walked in, you arched a brow. Would the simulated agents know he was faking? Apparently not, for, when Garry stopped, pulled his silenced weapon and fired, he took down the three agents milling around without any alarms going off.
“That was almost impressive,” you quipped, getting to your feet.
“Then I will almost thank you,” he said, motioning toward the door. “Buildings clear. Let’s get the damsel home to her big, strong superhero.”
Rolling your eyes, you ignored him.
“What? No thank you for the rescue?”
“You’re not done yet,” you reminded him.
He snorted, following in your wake. “Barton can’t be that good. He’s got hundreds of acres to search through and eight of us to find.”
Side-eyeing him, you shrugged. “Suit yourself, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Oh, come on! You’ve got to be joking.”
“Ten bucks says he tags everyone from the other teams.”
“Twenty says he tags half of us at best.”
“Fifty, he tags everyone except me.”
“You’re on!” Garry challenged, holding out his hand.
“Put your own damn face on first. It’s weird knowing you’re not you.”
The image around him shimmered, returning him to dark hair and calculating grey eyes. “Better?”
“Much,” you grumbled heading for the exterior doors.
“What? Not going to shake on it?”
“Do I need to?”
“It’s the gentlemanly thing to do.” He almost sounded like he was pouting.
Glancing back, you smirked at him. “Guess it’s a good thing I’m not a gentleman.” You could practically hear his teeth grind together. Pausing before the outer door, you wiped the smirk off your face before turning to face him.
“Ladies first.” He motioned toward the door.
“Nope. That’s not how this works. I’m not an agent in this scenario. I’m a hostage. You lead.”
“So you’re saying I’m in charge?” A wicked grin spread over his face.
“As long as you don’t fuck up.” You shrugged.
He growled at you, a full-on angry snarl, causing you to burst out laughing.
“What are you? An angry puppy?” you snickered, unable to help yourself.
“Fuck you.” Grabbing the handle, he wrenched open the door.
“Awe. Did I strike a nerve?” You pout, batting your lashes.
“Why don’t you shut your mouth until you can wrap those lips back around Cap’s cock like the good whore you are,” he sneered stalking away.
You flinch as if you’d been slapped before all you could see was red. “Alright, that hangs it! What the hell is your problem with me? You’ve been nothing but a stuck-up snot since day one!”
He turned on you sending you swiftly into a defensive stance. “And at what point did you ever give me a chance? Huh? You and your attitude have been leading the charge since the minute we arrived!”
Taken aback, you stared, horrified. “No, I haven’t!”
“Please!” he snorted, striding into the forest.
“Wait, wait, wait! Explain yourself!”
He only scoffed, continuing to walk away.
Darting forward, you grabbed him by the arm. “C’mon! I mean it, Garry! If I did something to offend you, I certainly didn’t mean to. Let me apologize.”
He peered down at you, eyes assessing before he sighed. “The minute you walked in the room it was like you picked out every flaw each of us had. This was wrong, that needed improvement. We were never going to be good enough, but you weren’t special. You’re normal! Not enhanced. Not a mutant. No special skills like Clint or Sam. Just some girl who got lucky and wound up part of the team. You didn’t even give us a chance. And when I tried to call you on it, you turned into a raging bitch.”
Gasping, you stepped back. “No… I… that’s not it at all! I called you out on your flaws because some of you seemed unaware of them. In a combat scenario, they could get you killed. Clint did the same for me. And the only reason I got up in your face that day was that I thought you could do so much better. I was trying to motivate you, not picking on you.”
“I’m not a soldier, (Y/N)! Those tactics may work on Steve and Bucky, but they didn’t with me. I resented it, and you, this whole time!” He threw up his hands in disgust.
Your hands fell to your sides as you sadly shook your head. “Garry… I… I’m sorry. I wish you would have said something sooner.”
“Yeah,” he grumbled, thrusting a hand through his hair. “Maybe before I played that prank and you tried to kick me through reinforced glass.”
Chuckling a little, you shrugged. “You did deserve that.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry too, about what I did.” He looked away, a hint of red rising beneath the bruises.
“Had a slightly more pleasing outcome on my end.” You grinned smugly. “Look, I’ll get the guys to lay off. Tell them you apologized and meant it. We all need to work as a team. We’re on the same side after all.”
“Really? Bucky was going to make me wash out the hanger after this.” His eyes filled with hope.
“Sure,” you laughed. “Come on. We’ve got a ways to go before we are in range of Clint’s arrows. You can tell me your plan for getting my butt out of here unscathed.”
“That would be great!” he smiled, a genuine one that softened his features as he waved you forward.
Heading into the trees, you didn’t see the smile turn cold, nor the hardness come to his grey eyes as he watched you walk away.
Opening the door to the roof, Steve and Bucky walked out into the sun, heading for Clint and Sam, standing at the edge.
“So this is where everyone’s hiding out,” Steve chuckled, taking up position beside Sam and cross his arms. “How’s everyone doing?”
“Down to two,” Clint grumbled.
“Who’s left?” Bucky asked.
“Brat and the bastard,” he quipped, notching another arrow.
Steve instantly stiffened. “I beg your pardon? (Y/N)’s out with Garry?”
Clint gritted his teeth together and let fly, swearing viciously as he did. “Fuck! Yes, damn it! Shut up and let me work!”
Another arrow was between his fingers and flying through the air before either newcomer could comment.
“What the hell?” Bucky grumbled, peering at Clint.
“Our girl’s doing a hell of a job evading Barton’s arrows,” Sam muttered.
“Yeah?” Steve smirked proudly.
“Yeah. But she’s working with Garry. I don’t know what happened out there, but she said they needed to work as a team and damn if she hadn’t taught Garry a few things.”
Landing with a solid clank, Tony made his way toward the group. “Your elf eyes failing you, Legolas?”
“Fuck you, Stark.”
“Ooh. Someone’s pissy,” Tony chuckled.
“What can you see, Tony?” Steve asked.
Opening his hand, Tony played the images back from the cameras placed throughout the woods. “She’s giving Katniss there a run for his money.”
Gathered around the running images, listening as Barton cursed with each miss, the other four watched as (Y/N) and Garry, danced, dashed, and darted their way through the trees.
“Shit. Will you look at her go,” Sam chuckled.
“There’s no rhythm to their actions, no way to guess where they’ll go next.” Bucky nodded, impressed.
“She’s got you pegged, Barton,” Tony fairly cackled.
“Not yet. They’re not to the extraction point yet.”
They all watched as Clint lined up the shot, waiting, waiting, waiting before releasing the arrow with a quiet twang from the bowstring. He lowered his bow, smirk on his face, and nodded.
Watching the cameras again, the four men took a collective inhalation. The arrow zipped past camera after camera, flying toward the two running through the wood.
Steve gasped when (Y/N) bent nearly double, laying over backwards to avoid the projectile. Garry, running a few feet behind her, was not so lucky.
The explosion of vibrant yellow paint along with the force of the arrow hitting at speed, threw him backward through the air and hard onto his back where he lay, gasping and panting, trying to recover the wind Clint had knocked out of him.
“That’s it, brat,” Clint said into his com. “Rescuer is dead; hostage retaken. Mission failed.”
Everyone could hear her shouted fuck snarl through the air.
“You did good, kid. Got farther than anyone else,” he complimented.
Steve frowned as he watched (Y/N) run back to check on Garry, help him to his feet, and make sure he was steady before heading back. “Alright, is it just me, or is that weird?”
“Weird.” Bucky and Sam said together, eyeing each other.
“Let’s go see what’s up with little miss feisty,” Tony quipped, diving off the roof, Sam hot on his heels.
“I swear at times they forget we don’t fly,” Bucky groused, jogging toward the door with Clint and Steve.
By the time the three of them made it to the ground, the newbies were making their way out of the woods.
Striding quickly forward, Steve frowned when he heard his girl laugh.
“So close! Ugh! I told you, you’d picked up a rhythm!” she smirked at Garry.
“I don’t even know how!” he whined throwing up his arms.
“You stopped thinking. The body naturally wants to be in rhythm. You have to force it not to. We’ll work on it.”
“(Y/N)?” Steve muttered.
Looking toward the call of your name, you lit up. “Steve!” You danced forward and jumped knowing he’d catch you, and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Did you see? Man! We were so close!” Glancing around at the paint splattered others, you laughed. “And Garry now owes me fifty bucks!”
“He does, does he?” Steve’s smile slowly appeared on his face.
“Yup!” you said popping the ‘P.’ “I’m the only one not covered in paint!”
“Not for lack of trying,” Clint muttered. “Damn it, woman! Did Laura warn you?”
“Maybe!” you giggled.
“Garry. Get cleaned up. You’ve got a hanger to scrub.” Bucky thrust a thumb at the compound.
“Wait, Bucky.” Looking to Steve, you motioned with your head toward the ground. “Garry and I talked. He apologized, for real. I… we,” sighing you huffed, “We’ve both made some mistakes, but we cleared up the misunderstandings. It’s fixed, guys, so lay off. Okay?”
They all gaped at you before each one glared at Garry.
You slammed your hands to your hips and stepped between them and Garry. “Enough! We’re supposed to be a team. Let’s act like one. From now on, I’ll be Garry’s mentor.”
A chorus of disbelieving voices ran through the men.
“It’s decided!” you snapped, glaring at them. “Now, I’m for the shower. Garry, I’ll see you on the gun range in an hour. Everyone else, get ready to rerun this exercise, switch partners, new locations.” You marched away, Steve hot on your heels.
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