#yes my current pit has been in 2 fights over the course of 8 years.... once he was attacked by another bigger dog and once got in a fight
numbaoneflaya · 2 years
genuinely wish nothing but pain and agony upon those who hate pitbulls and those who go around euthanizing pits trying to weed out the breed. If hell is real I will see you there as I will be holding the pitchfork shoved up your ass
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worddevdealswithml · 5 years
The Prince’s Bride
Chapter 14: ‘She’d be ashamed of you’
After she’d almost passed out on the ground, he’d been forced to carry her under one arm, and managed to get her into one of the houses that had already been searched.
From there, he’d been able to use their cooking fire to make some soup, and had set Alya out on a low bedroll, where she’d been still until the smell of food had presumably awoken her.
“Hey, dude,” he said.
Swaying unsteadily, in a way that could potentially have ended with her going into the fire, Alya sat up.
“Where are we?”
“Haven’t gone far, just a few houses over.”
Alya sighed.  “Any word from Lila?”
He hesitated.
“Actually…”  He passed her the bowl, and a spoon, “Here’s the thing about that; I was actually working with the brute squad, and one of them was actually with what’s-his-name when he was going after Adrien.”
“Gabriel.  His name is Gabriel.”
“Right!  Well, anyway, dude was talking about how the trip, seemed really proud of it, actually…  Ah, anyway, he mentioned that they found Adrien with some pirate woman, and she’d apparently… Well she’d done what she did, y’know?  Beat you, beat me, and, I’m not kidding, turned Lila to dust.”
Alya almost choked on her soup.
“Wait.”  She twisted her nose, with the motion of someone who had gotten something in it, and looked back at him.
She looked at him, and moved her lips silently.
Nino got the impression she wasn’t sure what to ask about first.
“She beat you?”
He shrugged.  “Yeah.”
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised she beat Lila, but… wow.”
“Yeah, there was something about Lila using Adrien as a hostage, and she got poisoned, or something, but…  Yeah, I don’t know.  Oh.”
“Oh…”  Alya frowned.  “So… She drank poison, but…  She must have been tricked into it.”
“Apparently she was really proud of herself when she died.”
Alya whistled.  “So, she outfought both of us, and beat Lila without her even realizing she’d lost before she’s too late.”
“Well,” said Alya, taking another spoon of soup, “that’s impressive.  How’d they catch her?”
“Got her surrounded, and, apparently, the only reason they didn’t have to fight her was because Adrien was willing to come back with them if they let her go.”
Alya’s brow furrowed. “He got kidnapped.  Was he already planning on leaving when we found him?”
“Dunno, dude, but apparently they’re in love.”
“Huh.”  Alya took another spoon of stew.
“Oh, but here’s the kicker; apparently, they didn’t even let her go!  This dude was talking about how they took her to this ‘Pit of Torment.’”
“Well that’s a fun name,” said Alya, through a mouth of stew.
“Yeah…  Don’t think they guy really knew what it was, but it had something to do with…”  Nino stopped.
“Alright, listen, dude, you’re sleep deprived.  I need you to sleep before I tell you anything else.”
She swung to face him, downing the last of the bowl.
“Uh huh. Right.”
Nino frowned.  “C’mon dude, trust me on this.”
“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll sleep after you tell me. I can’t sleep when I’m curious about something.”
Nino stared her down.
The problem was, he remembered the dozens of times she’d woken him up in the middle of the night to ask him about something pointless.
She could easily follow the same pattern this time, which would mean…
“You’re lying down first,” he said.
Smiling, she rolled her eyes, and complied.
There was a long second, and he shifted a bit closer, his hand coming up slightly, ready to move.
“Nino, this is unnecessary, I’m not about to—”
“The guy I was talking to started thinking about all of this after a blue woman showed up to talk to the captain.”
He was almost too slow, as his hand slammed down into Alya’s stomach.  She gasped, but kept struggling to stand, scratching at him.
“No,” he said, voice a bit less relaxed than usual.  “You’re going to sleep.”
“How many blue women are there in the world?  It has to be her.”
“I know,” he said, ignoring her claws scrabbling at his wrist, “and she’s in a castle, which is guarded by 30 men.  That’s not something you can do when you’ve been awake for… How long have you been awake?”
“Only a day or so, and if you think I’m going to let that stop me—”
“I’m not saying you’ll let it, dude, I’m saying it will.”
Alya was out of breath already, but she was still weakly trying to scratch at him.
“I don’t want to wait.”
Nino sighed.
“Neither do I; they say she’s out on missions a lot, but she’s here now, and you can’t afford to pass out in the middle of this.”
“I’m not going to… I’m not going to pass out,” said Alya, “I’m going to…  I’m…”
She was fighting to stay awake, but it wasn’t working.
“Easy, dude…  You’ve still got plenty of time…  Just gotta take a little nap…  It’s gonna be fine…”
She stared up at him, seeming almost betrayed, but…  Finally, her eyes closed.
Nino waited a second, and pulled his hand away.
He leaned up against a wall.
Judging by the angle of the sun… It was a few hours before noon, and the wedding that was presumably keeping the blue woman began only a few hours before sundown which meant…
They still had time, 7, maybe 8 hours at least.
Technically speaking there were still 2, maybe 3 hours for things to go wrong before the wedding started.
Still, the negotiations were theoretically finished, and Chloe hadn’t complained about anything for the last ten minute, which was a good start.
His show of worrying about assassins, meanwhile…
“The Forest is empty, sir, and 30 men guard the gates.”
He looked up.
“Double it.  The occasion demands it.”
The man opened his mouth to respond, hesitated, and then…
“As you’re no doubt aware, there is only one gate key currently in circulation, and I have that.”
“Then for your own protection,” said Gabriel, shrugging, and then, at the sound of the door, he looked up.
“You asked for me, Father?”
“Tonight is the wedding,” he said, unnecessarily, “and tomorrow, the same men who guard the gates tonight will escort you and Chloe to the channel, where you will be accompanied by every ship in my armada to your honeymoon.”
“Except the four fastest.”
For a second, the words didn’t register with him.
“Every ship but the four you sent.”
“Of course.  Not those four.”
The Chief Enforcer, sensing something in the air, took his leave.  Too much to do, too many places to be that weren’t here.
Adrien watched him go, watched the door close.
“You never sent the ships, did you.  Don’t… Don’t answer that, you’d just lie again.”  He sighed, his eyes pained.  Then, he sighed, and seemed to resolve himself.  “It doesn’t matter, though.  Marinette will come for me.”
“I don’t think you understand what you’re talking about.”
“No.  I do understand, Father.  I understand that you’re scared.  You’re scared that your grab for money and power won’t work.”
“I would recommend you don’t presume to know my aims.”
“Why not?  What else would you be trying to do?  I know you’ve been grabbing Miraculouses.  I know you’ve spent too much money, you’ve hurt people.  I know that you’re looking for something to hold on to, since Mom died, but in the process… She’d be ashamed of you, Father.”
For an instant, there was a flash of something behind Gabriel’s eyes, and then his expression went completely blank.
Seconds went by, time stretching out.
Eventually, he spoke.
“The only reason you are alive right now,” he said, voice trembling, “is because you are my son.”
Adrien met his eyes, and found no emotion.  There was only the total restraint of a man who knows that the slightest lapse would result in catastrophic damage.
“Go to your room.  Now.”
Adrien, brave, but not foolish, complied.
How long she’d been down there, Marinette didn’t know; Nathalie had come and gone 10, maybe 15 times, but the intervals seemed irregular, and more to the point, Marinette was losing count.
That worried her; she’d been trying to pay attention, but everything had gotten… fuzzier.
Nathalie was writing something down.
That meant she’d just used her Miraculous again, surely, which made it all the more distressing to Marinette that she didn’t remember it.  It was unpleasant when she used it, right?  That should have stuck with her, then, but there was no memory, and-
She was jolted from her disjointed musings by light in the distance, and a figure moving, as the door to the outside world opened.
A man she was sure she should recognize entered, moving purposefully.
He strode up, and bent down in front of her.
“I remember you.  Did you know that?  I remember Adrien moping for years when you were supposed to have died.”
She stared, almost uncomprehending.
“You should have stayed dead.  And this time…  For the suffering you’ve put me through, I’ll return some taste of it.”
He straightened up, and turned to Nathalie.
“Break her.”
Nathalie seemed almost alarmed.
“Sir?  She’s the most successful subject I’ve ever had, I believe that with only-
“I said…  Break.  Her.”
There was a long, long second as the two of them looked at each other.
Nathalie looked down, and sighed.
“Yes sir.”
Marinette looked up at her as she brought up the fan.
“You should know,” she said, “I truly wish I didn’t have to do this.”
And then—
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enamis1 · 5 years
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it’s that time again where I ramble about stuff only i care about! i got tagged, as always by the lovely @courierspikeee and i'm tagging @worthlesssix if they're still around and wanna do stuff 1. Choose an OC. 2. Answer them as that OC. 3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
[Three months after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam and the declaration of Vegas’s independance a young ‘news courier’ managed to orchestrate an interview with the local courier-turned-leader on the casino floor of the Lucky 38]
1. What is your name? Viva. Or Empress Vivianne if you wanna be fancy.
2. How old are you? [she rubs the back of her head] somewhere in the ‘thirty’ ballpark I’m guessing 
3. What do you look like? You have eyes don’t you? And yes the white hair is natural. No, I don’t really know why it’s like that. Apparently it’s some genetic condition. 
4. Where are you from? Where do you live now? I'm from the West. I've been told. [pause] Maybe. But as far as anyone’s concerned I might as well be a native Mojave-ian. Won't be leaving Vegas or, hell, even the Lucky 38 anytime soon.
5. What was your childhood like? I’m sure it was fine. I mean, I have no memory of it, but I’m sure it was /fine/ 
6. What groups are you friendly with? Are you allied with any factions? [she groans] As you can imagine politics are a bit uhh… tense at the moment, what with me kicking the NCR out of my city and all. Our current alliance consists of the Families, the Kings, Freesiders, the Boomers, and the Followers. Once we get our issues here sorted I'm extending my hand to all the independent settlements in the area and we’ll go from there
7. Tell me about your best friend. Which one exactly? ‘Cuz I have a few. Oh, I know, I can tell you about this guy [she points over her shoulder to a securitron with a static smiley on its screen] This is Yes Man, he’s my second in command. [the robot raises a clawed hand and gives a cheerful ‘howdy’] It's not that i couldn't manage coordinating a brand new, independent nation by myself, but he does make all the busywork and number running and security that much easier. And he yells at me if I forget to eat or sleep for a few nights [Viva proceeds to glare at the robot, its smile unchanging]
8. Do you have a family? Tell me about them!  [Viva glances away for a moment] My friends are my family. [pause] and even if we don't get along entirely, that's just how it is. I wouldn't trade any of those fuckwits for the world.
9. What about a partner or partners?  [she gives a single loud laugh] Do I look like I have time for shit like that? Especially now of all times?
10. Who are your enemies, and why?  I’d hazard a guess and say at this point everyone who’s not my explicit ally [Viva drums her fingers for a moment] Of course the NCR is going to pretend to be nice for now, but politics is like chess. Complex, and annoying and I hate it. Give me a year and i’ll be begging for the Legion and their blunt insanity
11. Have you ever heard of The Brotherhood of Steel? What do you think about them?  Oh I’ve heard of them alright. [she grumbles under her breath] Good people. Bad priorities though. 
12. What about The Enclave? [shrug] no comment 
13. How do you feel about Super Mutants?  What you mean the ones up north? They're great and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I mean, yeah sure they're pretty scary to be around, especially if the nightkin get antsy, but they're decent people. Marcus is… Marcus is a good man.
14. What’s the craziest fight you’ve ever been in? I… [she trails off, thinking] There was… /is/ a man. Who knew me from before. Long before. He challenged me to face him in a grave of ash and… I consider the three weeks it took to track him though the pits of hell as one very, very long and very exhausting fight. [she pauses again] That and all the verbal sparring along the way. And… everything after, too. 
15. Have you ever fought a Deathclaw? I mean… I've shot Deathclaws. And they're about as pants-shittingly terrifying as they've always been. But that's what the .50 cal is for
16. Do you like fighting? [she grins] I like shooting, I’ll tell you that much 
17. What’s your weapon of choice? [Viva holds up her finger to pause and proceeds to heft up an Anti-material Rifle. It’s new with a faint silvery sheen, and only a little scuffed from use, the Gun Runners logo still visible on the side. It is custom made, with every possible attachment, some parts are black carbon fiber. There are three bands of color around the stock and several engravings including six letters -CALBVR] [Viva is gleefully beaming as she wordlessly shows off the gun] 
18. How do you survive? Your wits, your charm, your skills, brute force, some combination? (a.k.a. what’s your S.P.E.C.I.A.L?) You don't get to where I am without a bit of everything. But you could say my speciality is shooting, robotics, and outplaying people in the games they weave. [she tilts her head back and hums] Back when I was still just a mailman i knew how to hide in plain sight. Saved my life more often than not. That and brass knuckles. Very effective. Anything mechanical is child’s play too. Can't figure out how to cook geko without burning it though, so all the money I saved on gear i spent on food. [she rubs the back of her head and mutters through her teeth] and bandages. so. many. bandages. I swear the world really wants me dead and is having better luck at it than I am
19. Have you ever been in a vault? What do you think about them?  Plenty ‘round these parts. Can't say I'm fond of lurking around /in/ them but… Marvels of tech those things, shame most of them failed. There's actually one or two I want to strip for parts in the future. If I can get the wildlife out beforehand that is. 
20. How do you beat all the radiation around here? Has it affected you?  Radiation and I have a… complicated relationship. [she turns to the securitron and mutters something with a slight smirk. Suddenly the lights of the bottom floor wink out. Viva faces forward once more, her already unnaturally green eyes now glowing with a faint, sickly light. The lights flick on just as suddenly with a loud clack and the woman giggles] Honestly if I don't end up as a ghoul by the end of my life I will be /very/ surprised
21. What’s your favorite wasteland critter?  Do… Do the robots count? Because I'm going with the robots anyway.
22. What’s your least favorite wasteland critter?  I’d say it starts with death and ends with claw, but that's not right. At least with those fuckers I know where to aim, no, first place goes to cazadores, the best reason for carrying around a shotgun. 
23. How do you feel about robots? [she gestures to the dozens of securitrons surrounding them with a wide grin] Bliss, home, paradise and then some. 
24. How many caps do you have on you right now? I mean- [she rummages in her pockets] I don't have my bag with me. 23. I can't fit more into these pockets they're too full of specialty ammo.
25. Nuka Cola or Sunset Sarsaparilla?  Nuka. I fucking hate Sarsaparilla and I know it's blasphemy in these parts, but listen, if you're dehydrated and all you have to drink is that mind-meltingly awful shit i'm looking for the nearest cactus to suck on
26. Do you do chems?  Uh. [she rubs her neck and nervously bounces her leg] I mean. Mentats are uh. Pretty… pretty great. [she bites her lip] Next question?
27. Do you ever think about the Pre-War world?  It fascinates me. What a life they lead to have created tech of this calibre [she gestures to the casino once more] I keep on finding parts of the old world that shine though, all the good, all the awful, all the same, always there. [she thinks for a moment] Like the past isn't as distant as people want to believe. But maybe that's just me… I've had more run-ins with old world ghosts that you’d believe. And I don't mean my previous employer either.
28. What’s your deepest regret? What would you do differently?  [her expression darkens] [after a minute of silence she shakes her head] Can't change what was done. No point dwelling. 
29. What’s your biggest achievement? Or what do you hope to achieve? [she exchanges a look with the smiling securitron] Right now? We’re in step four. There's a lot of steps to go. [exhale] And every single step takes more effort than anyone realizes. Because a lot of people don't think. Don't think about food, don't think about water, don't think about safety, don't think about business, don't think about what's next. I have to. And it's hard yaknow? But I've done more than I could ever imagine. I dethroned House, I defeated the Legion, I defanged the NCR. That’s more than most can say…
30. What do you want for the future? For yourself? Your friends? The world? [she sinks into her seat] I didn't do all of this because I thought it’d be fun. [her expression darkens to a cold seriousness] Vegas is something else. Vegas and the Mojave. Everything that's happened here is that much more important than anyone realizes. This place is a crossing point. A bridge. Between the West and the East. And bridges can't belong to either side. I need to make sure it stays that way. I need to make sure this place, everyone who put their faith in me, /my/ people are safe. Are fed. Are… Vegas has to prosper as it stands and everything else’ll be sorted out in time. That's what I want. The Mojave to thrive. And so help me I haven't walked through storms of fire and death to let all of this fall apart. [she raises her eyes, a haunting look with a smile] So tell everyone who’s gonna be listening - I have the shadow of a nation behind me. I won't waste it this time.
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idosurveystovent · 6 years
Adam: Is there a secret you’ve tried to hide from everyone for a long time? 
I have a lot of secrets. A lot of stupid shit that I am ashamed of. But nothing really major at all.
Alex: Have you ever been confused about your sexuality? 
Alli: What are the best and worst things a significant other has ever done to or for you?
Best: Seth literally saved my life. He got me to sober up from several addictions and he has always loved Makena like she was his biological daughter.  Worst: I am torn in between my first husband walking out on me suddenly because his dad paid him to...orrrrr My second husband that was kinda abusive. One time that sticks out is when he tackled me in his living room in front of his parents, his new girlfriend, my mom and seth (my current fiancé) because I took an ornament off the Christmas tree that I thought belonged to me. No one tried to stop him or did shit about it either. lol
Anya: Have you ever tried drugs? yes.
Ashley: Have you ever changed your image? 
I've dyed my hair, gauged my ears. and that's about it
Becky: Have you ever stepped outside of your comfort zone to do something you thought was right? 
I probably have...but its not something I would typically do. The borders of my comfort zone are STRONG
Bianca: Have you ever experienced an intense event that changed your perspective on something? 
Cam: Have you ever had to stay strong and hold on during something that caused you physical, mental, or emotional pain? 
when my son died. who knew that keeping that shit bottled up is harmful
Chantay: Do you like to gossip, or do you prefer to keep your mouth shut? 
I am a terrible gossip. I'm sure its just a matter of time before I lose my job over it. I work with a bunch of dramatic, crybaby 30-40 year olds. its ridiculous 
Clare: Are your parents divorced? 
well not technically yet, I don’t think. they are separated though, since late 2016
Connor: Do you consider yourself intelligent? 
semi intelligent
Craig: Have you ever run away from home?
Dallas: Do you put family first, friends, relationships, school, or something else?
 family (my fiancé and daughter)
Darcy: Have you ever fallen for someone you never thought you’d like?
Dave: Have you ever had a very rough breakup? 
Declan: Do you like to date people casually, or do you prefer long-term and exclusive relationships? long term for sure.
Derek: Have you ever judged someone before getting to know them, or the other way around?
Drew: Are you athletic or do you play any sports? 
I am like the least athletic person in the world, although I did play softball until middle school
Eli: Do you suffer from any mental disorders?
tons. bi polar, add, depression, anxiety, and PTSD
Ellie: Have you ever self-harmed?
yeah. when I was young and thought it was like cool or something
Emma: What’s something you’ve stood up for in the past?
nothing comes to mind
Fiona: Have you ever tried drinking? 
Holly J: What’s something you worked extremely hard to get? 
nothing really.
Imogen: Do you have any beloved pets?
 yes. a pit-chow that I rescued from the pound when I got sober. we have ashihtzu right now that we are babysitting for my dog that we were thinking about keeping but that tard has pissed in my floor like 20 times since sunday night and I am ready to kill him. and then I brought home a solid black kitten two nights ago. his name is Bagheera
Jake: Are you the outdoorsy type, or would you rather stay inside?
Jane: Have you ever cheated on anyone? 
Jay: Have you ever changed yourself permanently for a guy/girl? nope, I don’t think so
J.T.: What’s something you’ve had to step up and take serious responsibility for?
my daughter of course, my rent, car payment, insurance, credit card bills, groceries, electric, internet, water............
Jenna: Have you ever done something drastic to gain the attention of someone you were interested in? no.
Jimmy: Have you ever forgiven someone that may not have deserved it?yeah. I'm way too fuckin nice
Johnny: Have you ever told a serious lie to anyone?
I'm sure I have
Katie: Are you satisfied with your body image?
K.C.: How is your relationship with your parents?
 it’s whatever. I don’t really fuck with them as much as I should but their divorce had me majorly fucked up for a minute
Liberty: What do you want to major in in college, and where do you want to go? 
Luke: What’s your religion? 
Manny: Have you ever been labeled negatively or otherwise been called something extremely derogatory?
 yes lol
Marco: What’s your sexuality? heterosexual
Marisol: Do you look out for others over yourself, or the other way around?
 i usually put others before myself.
Maya: Have you ever had to deal with the loss of a loved one?
Mia: How many kids do you want to have? 
I will only ever have one :( I had a stillborn baby in 2011, had my living daughter in June 2012 and got my tubes tied right after that because they never figured out why Bryson died and also, the pregnancy is extremely rough on me. 8+ months of strict bedrest plus 2 weeks of hospital bedrest, until I have baby. And I have to have surgery with each pregnancy
Miles: What’s the last extravagant purchase you made? 
Mo: Are you scared of any aspect of the future? 
blah...not really. shit happens. there will be good times and bad times. 
Owen: Have you ever been involved in bullying, whether it was the victim or the bully?
 not really. 
Paige: What’s the number one thing about school that overwhelms you?
 i don’t go to school anymore. I’m 28 lol
Peter: Have you ever seriously taken advantage of someone or been taken advantage of?
Riley: Is there anything about yourself that you really want to change?
Sean: Have you ever gotten into a fistfight?
 no. never been in any real fight, if you don’t count the abusive men I liked to date and the time my mother in law tried to beat me up and throw me off of her tall ass porch
Spinner: Have you ever been seriously ill? no. flu is the worst thing I have ever had
Terri: Has anyone close to you ever hurt you, physically or emotionally?
 emotionally. I have been physically abused before but I would much rather be hit than being told how much I am a lazy piece of shit. bruises and shit heal, but those comments and things that are said when we are mad or drunk or whatever....that shit stick in my brain so much and I can’t get it out and it tortures me to the point that I just want to die because if the person who was supposed to love you says that you are all these things, just imagine what everyone else thinks.
Tori: Have you ever befriended a former enemy? 
idk probably
Tristan: Do you consider yourself up-to-date with all the latest gossip, trends, movies, etc.?
 not really
Wesley: Do you drive? yes.
Winston: Do you feel like people notice you?
I would prefer them not to
Zane: Have you ever had to help someone through a very tough time in their life?
Zig: Have you ever liked someone else while you were in a relationship? 
Zoe: Do you dream of being famous and living the high life, or do you prefer living more quietly and not in the spotlight? living quietly. I would HATE the spotlight
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johnchiarello · 7 years
Proverbs 27:1
Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
 1-Corpus- https://youtu.be/ryiep8LkdaU
.Review Acts 21
.People on the move
.Trump speech
.Confederate flag?
.Navy ship crisis?
.The plane story
.The Cross
10 And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judaea a certain prophet, named Agabus.11 And when he was come unto us, he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man that owneth this girdle, and shall deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.
   2-Sandia- https://youtu.be/yApvrBBNHck
.Caller Times [Global warming editorial]
.If sincere young sailors actually believe Trump will destroy all humanity [Global warming article said this] then would it be possible to not report a merchant ship is going to strike a Navy ship?
.For the purpose of crisis in the presidency that will lead to his removal
.In defense of Reality Winner
.What about James Comey?
.Obama opened the door to charge leakers with espionage- the liberal press was silent.
.If we are going to hold a young girl- caught up in this media frenzied political environment- responsible- then surely we should hold FBI directors and others who know better responsible as well
Psalm 82:3
Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to theafflicted and needy.
  3-Bluff- https://youtu.be/w8IguZHgVsk
.Moving? Pack first
.More on Acts 21
.Bible- yes- and real experience with God too
.the demons know
.I shall not want
James 2:19
Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
  4-Lexington- https://youtu.be/ggOYYZWgpew
.Over the bridge- on the way to Rockport
.Lexington- north Beach
.Will I be back here tonight? [on the last video]
Psalm 23:1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
 5-Portland- https://youtu.be/LPj16Ls3ugU
.Pit stop
.You can do this
.Crow nation
24 And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. Cor.
 6-Rockport- https://youtu.be/_ThXwr0nmvQ
.Rockport home group?
.Bishop Outreach?
.The bluff?
.Develop community
.Love feast
.celebrating 30 years of ministry
.Left Behind? [no- not the Rapture]
Proverbs 7:19
For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey:
  7-Snipe- https://youtu.be/cE6Egq1sCUY
.Whats a Snipe?
.At this point of the day- I already made videos on the way to Sandia- then went back to Corpus- and headed out to Rockport.
.I thought I would walk back to Corpus from Rockport.
.I already walked a couple of miles before seeing the sign- Corpus 27 miles.
.So I figured I would give it a try
.I also made a commitment a few years ago- to do this walk
.I talk about it on an upcoming video
.Off we go
 8-Fifteen miles- https://youtu.be/7dZQvp2yyQ4
.Had to buy a phone charger [Aransas Pass]
.Sign says 18 more miles- not sure I can do it to be honest
.I got heat exhaustion earlier- and had to lay down in my own homeless camp!
.Yes- my friends would have been proud of me
.The Whataburger people did think I was homeless [Didn’t eat- but had to buy a drink and use the plug to charge the phone- a normal routine for homeless people]
.Some guy stopped in his car- to talk- I caught it on video at the end
.Christian brother- or just being a ‘friend’?
 9-Meet my friend- https://youtu.be/wShFtL4Xl1w
2 Corinthians 12:7
And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.
 10-Portland 2- https://youtu.be/MxIOYZbMITA
.Almost there
.Vision problems [yes- just like when you drive long trips at night]
.Stop now?
.Why this walk?
.Yes- I’ve been in Rockport before
.Finish well
.Keep the vow
New International Version who despises a vile person but honors those who fear the LORD; who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind;
 11-Corpus Christi- https://youtu.be/04VWMofZYAo
.Made it in
.Over 30 miles at least
.Fire Dept.
.Ride the wave
 Isaiah 40:31
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
In Context | Full Chapter | Other Translations
 NEW- I obviously had no plan to do this walk- but as the day progressed I felt it was the right thing to do.
I do teach some from the bible chapter I taught earlier this same day- ACTS 21.
But I won’t upload that video until next week.
 On these roll outs- I also talk about current issues- news- as well as other stuff.
As I was listening to the news today- sure enough I heard more stuff- that just does not seem to fit into the category of ‘news’.
 Some media people are reporting that Trump has dementia.
Now- maybe you believe that- but the person who said it is not a doctor- yet- when media people ‘report’ people think it’s true.
 An ESPN commentator was removed from covering an event- because his name is Robert Lee.
The commentator is Asian- he has that name because many Asians and oriental people have that name [Remember Bruce Lee?]
 Yet- the name itself was seen as being racist- so they had to act!
I think the rest of the world is looking at us- and laughing.
  Ok- this day was a long day.
 I’ll post a few regular teaching posts the next day or so.
And that should be it for now-
God bless all-
I just watched CNN- the interview with Don Lemon and James Clapper. ‘Is Trump a threat to national security’.
The piece spoke about Trump being a danger because he might launch nukes- and no one can stop him.
They are also reporting how Trump still blames ‘both sides’.
 I can give you many news links- and past reports where those on the left actually were told to beat protesters at ‘right’ rallies.
This has been reported and there are videos on it.
 The media is aware that there have been instances where those on the left actually went to beat protesters at rallies.
Yet the media never hold them accountable.
 Most of the time you find this out by having to research it yourself.
Any honest person would condemn anyone who went to a rally- with orders- to beat [with sticks at times] the other side in order to garner attention.
 When you here Trump say ‘both sides were to blame’ This is what he is referring to.
Now- do the media know this?
Do they tell you that's really what Trump means?
They have an agenda.
 This agenda does not in any way bring a country together.
I am not a quote ‘conservative’ but when you see this non stop game- this is what energizes the radical right.
They have seen it- and know it goes on.
If I walked up to you- and beat you openly- in public- with the intent to start a riot- is that good?
Of course not.
 Yet this has indeed happened in the past- primarily by some who were actually hired to do this at rallies.
The media cover this up.
 Any normal person could say those who instigated a riot also bare some of the blame.
Yet- that statement alone by the president has been reported that Trump backs Nazi’s-
 Yes- as simple and plain as this is- the media will report that if some on the left beat a protester- and even if that protester does not fight back- the media will still report that a Trump rally started a riot.
 The interview with Clapper and Don lemon- lemon was so excited about talking about Trump being an unhinged man- that the free world is in danger of Trump launching Nukes- for personal benefit.
 All of this language- this narrative- all of it has never gone on before with such disdain.
Some in the media have called for Trumps son to face the death penalty over any involvement with Russian collusion.
 Chelsea Clinton just came out to defend Trumps son.
A Democrat from Missouri openly Texted she hopes Trump gets assassinated-.
Yet some in the media and the Democratic party have not even condemned it.
 If you had a Republican dare express their desire for Obama to be assassinated the media would be in an uproar.
What does that tell you?
 The media wants the assassination of Trump?
There silence speaks volumes.
 CBS has a new headline on their 24 hour news site- REAL NEWS.
They do this to fight back against Trump calling them fake news.
But fake news is indeed what I Just told you about.
 Fake news is when someone on the left can express thru a text they hope Trump is killed.
And for their to be no outrage- no media coverage- and then to move on to a story that says Trump will Nuke the world out of personal benefit.
 What does North Korea think when they see this?
The discussion also went along the lines of ‘someone from the inside must stop Trump’-
 This was with a man- James Clapper- who lied to Congress during a hearing about illegal data collection by the NSA-
He lied openly about the program which the courts themselves later ruled to be unconstitutional [Andrew Snowden].
 He than later admitted- to Congress- that he lied to them- because he felt it was the best answer to give at the time.
Though he committed a crime- equal to what we are presently holding other citizens in jail for-
Yet he is on CNN basically calling for someone from inside the government to stop Trump- because he is a dangerous man who might Nuke the world.
 This mantra goes on day after day in the media.
It has fueled the radical right.
As you watch the news- you see the glee in their faces when they talk about this.
There are causes- on the left- that I back.
I have angered many of my conservative friends when I came out as pro immigrant.
I was actually for national health care- yes- I spoke for it in the past.
 I defend Black Lives Matter- those who have followed us for any time know this.
But some on the left- they see part of their cause as also supporting much of the misinformation that the media give.
 I see many on the left reveling in their absolute hatred for Trump.
The same hatred I saw that many on the right had for Obama.
This hatred drives them.
The main stream media are simply not capable of covering the news fairly.
 The public does not need Trump to tell them ‘they are fake news’- The public sees it themselves.
I have watched other world news sources- including Al-Jazeera!
To be honest- they actually cover real world news.
I see more honest and balanced coverage on Al- Jazzera than with the main stream news- that's the truth.
 Many liberals were outraged that a member of congress would say Obama Lied.
Some of those same people believe it is freedom of speech for a Democrat congresswoman to openly express her desire for Trump to be assassinated.
They do not see the double standard.
 Those who hold this view are simply not honest-
We should be for what is good- and against what is evil- regardless of what side of the Political aisle you are on.
 Ok- that should be it for today- unless something else comes up before I post.
If I got you mad- or to re-think some stuff- good.
 Because both sides need to examine what is going on at this time in this country-
 I guess I’ll end with Plato [some ascribe it to Socrates]-
 MORE- Today I have the chance of watching more of the live news then usual.
I actually do not feel tired or sore from the 33 mile walk- to be honest.
I almost was going to go out and yes- do my evening walk- but I guess that would be pushing it.
So- I’m watching CBS live.
 I found it interesting the way they have been reporting Trumps speech to the American Legion and his speech in Phoenix - and I knew they were lying- I’ll include the entire speech below.
For the last hour they were reporting how Trump went back to his old ways- In his speech.
 How he attacked [yes- the headline on the screen for the hour is TRUMP ATTACKS Republicans- Democrats- etc.]
So- for about an hour they said when Trump goes off message- it’s like he is another person- his true feelings are seen.
Then they spoke about the speech- but the short clip they played- was actually good- and in no way contradicted his recent ‘prepared’ speech to the country.
 Yet- they went on in depth about why he would go back to his attacks against all sides- why he would destroy his good speech the other night by attacking everyone.
 Yet- it seemed to me- that they must simply be lying.
They realize few viewers will actually read the text of the speech.
After about hearing them do this for an hour- they gave the narrative that the Trump we saw the other night- was not the real Trump.
 The other night he was forced- by his handlers- to read words from a prepared speech- that he actually did not believe in.
Then they justified this- by their coverage of the speeches to the American Legion and Phoenix.
 They would have you think that he used the N word- attacked not only the minority community but just about every group you could think of.
The coverage made it sound like he went on some racist twitter tirade- how could he do such a thing?
 They had no reasonable explanation to why he would be a totally different man- with such a divisive message- just a few days after his well received speech by the nation-
 They were truly dumbfounded- below is this utterly disgraceful racist speech- read it for yourself-
[I googled for the full text of the presidents speech- to the American Legion- and accidentally copied a speech he gave in 2016- which was fine- a good speech. But I wanted the FULL TEXT of this most recent speech- and have not been able to find it- so I’ll simply add how the media reported it- and a link or 2. He was also criticized for a Phoenix Rally speech- I’ll add that link as well]
  LAST NOTE- Watching CBS news- they played the Don Lemon interview with Clapper where Clapper said the real Trump came out at the Rally speech- and the prepared statements came out at the Legion speech. They also said Trump is unfit to be president- and he is looking for a way out. The average public- by not actually reading the camping type rally speech- will think Trump came out and openly supported the Nazi party. Then they showed Trump reciting part of his message after the Virginia tragedy- and then said ‘this is what he really said’- meaning- he was just lying to us. Actually he left out the part where he said ‘both sides are to blame’- meaning some at the rally- did strike the alt right people- possibly first- I saw the video. But the media said he lied- meaning he defends Nazi's. I guess the worst part of the coverage was to actually say the president is unfit to serve- and he’s looking for a way out [like a Nuclear war?]. I do not defend Trump in all of his statements- but to openly say on the word news that he is unfit to serve- and looking for a way out- is simply not news. As I write- I hear in the background them playing the recent release of Hillary’s book- saying in her voice ‘ Back up you Creep’- talking about Trump. She did say this in her new book- but to have that statement ‘BACK UP YOU CREEP’- To give it top news- and not show a single response from Trump is more of the same. If a critic wrote a book on Obama- and in his words said something like that- would you Play it on world news? Right after the story of how Trump is unfit and unhinged? This simply verifies all of the above-Good job media! Oh- by the way- Harvey is top news- heading our way- Hmm? As I finish up- I just heard ‘up next- cover up in Charlottesville’- what might it be? Trump had Nooses ready and was wearing a white sheet? You know- like the world news just actually played Hillary's voice ‘BACK UP YOU CREEP’. World news- disgrace.
Harvey- I watched this storm- it was not projected to come near us at the start- I just saw the recent tracking- it actually made some what of a turn- and most tracks have it headed directly to Corpus Christi.
 Here is the full text of the rally speech- which if you read it- is in no way some sort of racist speech- Trump even addresses that issue in the speech- which they are now describing in the manner above. If you simply read the headlines on the way the media is reporting it- it’s astounding] http://time.com/4912055/donald-trump-phoenix-arizona-transcript/
 This paper- the Washington Post- has been a critic of Trump- yet if you look at the selected pieces of Trumps speech to the Legion-which would be the worst- they are actually good . If I find the full text- I’ll post it-
 RENO, Nev. — President Trump called for unity in a speech at the American Legion’s 99th National Convention here, just hours after a raucous campaign-style rally in which he lambasted the media and his political rivals and reignited the controversy over his response to a white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville this month.
“It is time to heal the wounds that have divided us, and to seek a new unity based on the common values that unite us,” Trump said, speaking before more than 5,000 members of the largest veterans group. “We are one people, with one home and one flag.”
“We are not defined by the color of our skin, the figure on our paycheck or the party of our politics,” Trump continued.
Trump argued that “shared humanity,” “citizenship” and patriotism could heal the nation’s divides political and racial divides, and he heralded the work of the Legion in promoting American values.
Trump’s remarks come at a time when he is facing continued pressure to stem the divisions exposed by a deadly rally in Charlottesville this month, which was organized by hate groups including the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi sympathizers.
 Play Video 2:50
Trump's turbulent Phoenix rally, in 3 minutes
President Trump gave a contentious speech at a campaign rally in Phoenix on Aug. 22, attacking the media, GOP senators and "obstructionist" Democrats. Here are the highlights.(Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post)
The comments were a sea change from Trump’s posture hours earlier at a rally in Phoenix on Tuesday night, at which he angrily railed against the “dishonest” media for its coverage of his remarks on the Charlottesville gathering. Initially, he had blamed “many sides” for the conflict, rather than criticizing the collection of Ku Klux Klan, white-supremacist and neo-Nazi groups that planned the event.
His first statement was widely condemned, including by lawmakers in his own party, prompting Trump to issue new scripted comments that named the hate groups. But even after correcting his initial remarks, Trump reverted back to his original stance, claiming at a news conference later that week that there were “fine people” among the hate groups who had gathered to protest the removal of a Confederate statue.
In his campaign rally, Trump reread his comments on the Charlottesville remarks, but omitted the words “many sides.”
And he blamed the media for accusing him of being racist.
“I hit them with neo-Nazi. I hit them with everything. I got the white supremacists, the neo-Nazi. I got them all in there. Let’s see: KKK? we have KKK. I got them all,” Trump said in Phoenix. “So what are they saying, right? It should have been sooner. He's a racist. It should have been sooner, okay?”
But in Reno, Trump appeared to stick to his carefully crafted script, focusing on his administration’s efforts to improve services for veterans, a key focus on the nation’s largest veterans organization.
After his speech Wednesday, he signed into law the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act, which reforms the process by which veterans can appeal their claims for disability benefits with Veterans Affairs. 
President Trump gestures as he speaks to supporters at the Phoenix Convention Center during a rally Tuesday in Arizona. (Ralph Freso/Getty Images)
“I promised you that I would make it my priority to fix the broken VA and to deliver to our veterans the care they so richly deserve,” Trump said. “And you see what’s been happening. 
“Now you have a true reformer in Secretary David Shulkin.”
Shulkin served as undersecretary of Veterans Affairs for health under President Barack Obama before he was named secretary by Trump in January. 
But Trump’s response to the racial divisions in the country hung over his appearance here before a group of veterans that included some who fought against Nazism and fascism in World War II. 
The day before Trump’s appearance, the Legion voted to reaffirm a nearly 100-year-old resolution condemning hate groups. 
The resolution states that “the American Legion considers any individual, group of individuals, or organizations, which creates, or fosters racial, religious or class strife among our people, or which takes into their own hands the enforcement of law, determination of guilt, or infliction of punishment, to be un-American, a menace to our liberties, and destructive to our fundamental law.”
Trump was expected to hold up the values espoused by the Legion as an example of how the country can begin to unite.
“We are here to hold you up as an example of the strength, courage and love that our country will need to overcome every challenge that we face,” Trump said. “We are here to draw inspiration from you as we seek to renew the bonds of loyalty that bind us together as one people and one nation.
 The story must be told.
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“If American patriots could secure our Independence, carve out a home in the wilderness, and free millions from oppression around the world, that same sense of patriotism, courage and love can help us create a better future for our people today,” he added.
Despite the controversy, veterans have long been supportive of Trump generally. 
Among those who gathered to hear Trump’s remarks at the convention, some were sympathetic to his approach to the Charlottesville controversy.
“He’s not a very delicate guy. He never says things in a very delicate way,” said Ed Riley, a retired Navy fighter pilot who began serving in 1970. “I never heard him ever endorse any of the far right. 
“It always upsets me when the news says this was a white-supremacist thing. It was not; it was nationalist — a white-nationalist [thing],” Riley added.
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 Abby Phillip is a national political reporter covering the White House for The Washington Post. She can be reached at [email protected].
  Follow @abbydphillip
www.corpuschristioutreachministries.blogspot.com  [Main site]
 Note- Please do me a favor, those who read/like the posts- re-post them on other sites as well as the site you read them on- Thanks- John.#
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