#yes sam wants to be tenderly held and chucked onto his bed
getreadytosmash · 6 months
The door to Sam's room is kicked down unceremoniously.
"Birthday sex, birthday dinner and party, then birthday sex again," David says in that dom tone he knows Sammy loves, striding in already shirtless with the utmost confidence, "I'm eating your ass until you can't form words; bend over,"
Up until David's arrival, Samuel had been busy reading a book and making notes on the worldbuilding. Not for work, but simply because making notes for research was fun.
And then his boyfriend burst in like a lime kool-aid man, making Samuel bounce in place as he squeaked in shock-
-aaaand a fabulous blush grew across his face at the sight of David shirtless. Those large muscles that seemed to bulge with every step he took, the way his top scars seemed to make his chest look even bigger, all that dark hair covering him and making his pooch look oh-so ready to squeeze, that demanding tone...
"Uh, bwuh..." Right. Right. Gotta make real mouth sounds so big bear can hear words. "I- I mean, hngh."
A minute later he finally got his words together, ears flapping away, "....W-well, if it's my birthday, then surely it's not fair for me to be doing so much work, hm?"
Cheekily, he grinned through his blush and raise his hands, "No uppies to my bed for the birthday boy, big man?"
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One Hell of a Hunter
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Summary: Tired of Sam and Dean keeping her away from other hunters and hunting in general, she tries her own hand at it- solo. It was going well- just as she had planned- until it didn’t. Not that it was her fault… Word Count: 2060 Warnings: mild swearing, mild violence A/N: so I wrote this at midnight so not that late but im not totally in one mindset right now also this is so long that’s what she said (sorry) but let me know if you like them long or short so I can cater to your every need
SIDENOTE: holy shit???? 40 fucking followers??? Thank you guys soo much!!!!!!
Y/N tiptoed quietly as she walked up the bunker stairs, bag of hunting supplies on her back. She had found a case nearby- nothing too big, just some vamps the next town over- and decided she could handle it without the boys. They were out in Utah working a case with some other hunter, taking out a small witch coven. They left the other day, and weren’t supposed to be back until two days from now. She had loads of time.
Clambering to the top of the steps, she swung open the bunker door. Y/N decided to take Dorothy’s bike- which was already parked outside, waiting for her- to the nest, which she had already scoped out the night before. She had done her research, went over the police files a hundred times, and even managed to hack into the cameras at the police station while eating Oreos in her bed. Y/N was ready, prepared, and full of adrenaline.
Truly, it wasn’t fair that she was left behind. She was a good hunter- hell, she was a great hunter- but her brothers wanted her staying put in the bunker. Y/N had gone on more dangerous hunts before, worked with other hunters before, and walked away alive. Usually.
When she tried to bring this up to Dean, well… it didn’t go over as smoothly as she imagined. Of course, she knew he’d be tough to crack, but she figured she’d at least have Sam to back her up.
“Dean,” Y/N heave a sigh, irritated. “I’ve gone through worse-”
“Yes,” he grunted, shoving clothes into his bag. “I’m aware. You’ve told me a hundred times. It’s not that I doubt your skills, it’s just- well, you know I don’t like you around other hunters.”
“I know,” she pleaded, passing him his shotgun. “But I can handle myself. Besides, nobody would dare to try anything on ‘Sam and Dean’s little sister.’ You scare them too much.”
“Good,” he grumbled.
“Listen- Sam!” she called through the bunker. He was there in an instant.
“What?” he asked hesitantly. “You okay?”
“Well, there seems to be a thorn in my side,” Y/N gritted out. “And he won’t let me come along.”
“Oh, give me a break, Y/N,” Dean heaved out a breath. “You’re not coming, final.” Y/N heard Sam sigh.
“Sam-” she coaxed. “You know-”
“Yes, I know you can take care of yourself,” he agreed. “But Dean’s got a point. I��m not too eager on you coming along. It’s safer here.”
“Traitor,” she mumbled under her breath.
“Sorry,” he ruffled her hair. Kissing the top of her head, the two of them left. She briefly heard the rumble of the impala before opening her laptop.
“If you won’t let me hunt with you,” she smirked. “Then I guess I’ll just have to go on my own.”
After driving for an hour and breaking every speed limit there was, she arrived. She walked around to the back door. It faced the sun, so she figured if she had to ran- which she wouldn’t, she was certain- she could sprint back out the back door, into the sunlight, and either gank them there or leave them burning in the sun and… well, the plan would work, so it didn’t matter anyways.
Double checking that her machete was stuck in its holster, extra knife in her jacket and boot, she silently crept out back.
I’ll show them, she thought. I’m just as tough, just as smart, just as quick as they are.
“Y/N?” Dean called out into the bunker. “Y/N, we’re back early! Where are you?” He frowned. Usually, she was either in the kitchen or the library when they came back. He felt bad about leaving her, but it was for her safety. He didn’t like her around other hunters, and he already was against her hunting. Of course, though, there wasn’t much he could do. She was a Winchester, through and through.
“Y/N?” Sam called out behind him. “Dean, have you seen-”
“No,” he replied quickly. Looking at his brother, they both pulled out their guns and moved throughout the bunker.
Sam entered the kitchen, checking for Y/N. He was about to turn and leave when something caught his eye.
Y/N’s phone.
“Dean!” he called. Within a couple seconds, his older brother was in the room. He looked pointedly at Sam.
“What?” he asked sharply. “Where is she?”
“No, but look at this.” Sam tucked his gun in his pants before reaching onto the table. He picked up Y/N’s phone. They both frowned. “Dean, Y/N never- and I mean never- leaves her phone alone.”
“Yeah,” he agreed. “The only time she’d even consider it is when-”
“-she’s hunting,” Sam finished for him. Their faces dropped. “Damn it, kid.”
“Didn’t Clark say there was a vamp case around here?” Dean dragged a hand down his face. “Oh, she’s really going to get it.”
“The hunter’s name was Kent,” Sam frowned. “And, yeah. Apparently there’s a case over in Wichita. Vamps, I think-”
“We’re going right now,” Dean grunted, storming out to the impala. Sam sighed heavily, following close in pursuit.
Silently, Y/N walked through the back door. Her blade was held high, body tense as she crept through the warehouse. Peering into the open space, she saw five vamps- all asleep, thank Chuck- and a hostage. Without a sound, she covered her hand over the hostage’s mouth. The girl looked up with frightened eyes, starting to rustle, before Y/N shushed her.
“Woah, hey,” she whispered, keeping one hand on her mouth. She put down the knife. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m getting you out of here, okay? But I need you need to be quiet. Can you do that for me?” The girl nodded, letting out a breath of relief. Y/N made quick work of her bindings, deftly getting her out of the warehouse in less than two minutes. That’s gotta be a personal best, she smirked to herself. Now for the fun part.
She turned around, prepared to take action, when she saw a flicker of movement in the next room. After a moment, she decided to take out the easy targets. Less work for later.
She had just lobbed off the second vampire head when a bucket clattered in the other room. Whipping her head around, she tried to locate the source of the noise. Unfortunately, so did the other vamps.
Within a moment, they were surrounding her, hunger gleaming in their eyes. The first one tried to lunge at her, but she kicked his abdomen, sending him toppling into the next vamp. Y/N turned to brace for the third vampire, but was knocked to the ground.
Then she heard the grunts.
In the corner of her eyes, she saw two others fighting with the remaining vamps. She tried to make out faces, but the vampire sitting on top of her was priority number one at the moment. Y/N writhed under him, making the monster on top of her scowl.
“Hold still, bitch,” he snarled.
“Been told that once or twice,” she smirked, thrusting her hips up. He was thrown off balance for a moment, but that was all Y/N needed. Flipping so that she was on top of him now, she reached for her blade- only to find her holster empty. Trying to buy herself time, she punched him square in the nose.
“Y/N!” the taller figure called out. How does he know my name? she questioned as she sliced the vamp’s head clean off. And why does he sound like…
Wiping the blood off her face, she tenderly touched a cut on her collarbone. She didn’t remember getting cut. Frowning, she stood. Slowly, Y/N turned to the figures.
“Hey,” she said nervously, scuffing her boot on the ground. “So, you’re probably a little upset-”
“I’m a little more than a ‘little upset,’” Dean’s gruff voice half shouted. “Y/N, I told you to stay in the bunker. The whole point was that you’d be safe. Out of harm’s way. Not running half-assed into some vamps nest you stumbled upon! You’re… you’re grounded until… till Sam cuts his hair!”
“Excuse me-” Sam asked, mortified.
“Dean,” Y/N said through clenched teeth. “I am safe. I’ve got all my limbs, I’m alive, and I most certainly did not run into this vamps nest ‘half-assed.’ I did research, I watched interrogations, I snuck into the coroner’s office and examined the corpse. I knew what I was getting into.”
“Y/N,” Sam intervened. “You are not alright. You’re bleeding. “
“I’m fine,” Y/N insisted, heading out towards the back door.
“Damn it, Y/N,” Dean growled as the followed her outside. “You’re so stuck up! You can’t even follow a simple order? This is why we don’t take you hunting with us.”
“Oh,” she laughed coldly. “Right, I’m the stuck up, the one who can’t take an order. Dean, I’m one hell of a hunter. I’ve had the best train me. I know you don’t like the idea of me hunting, but it’s real and it’s happening, so you could at least support me through it so I don’t kick the can sooner rather than later!”
“Y/N,” Sam stated. “That aside, you can’t just go out and hunt on your own. It’s dangerous.”
“I know,” she sighed. “I know, Sam. But you two already had a case lined up, and I was going to give it to another hunter- honest- but then that didn’t pan out and, well… I mean, someone had to stop them. I wasn’t going to wait what was supposed to be a week for you two knuckleheads to show up. So, I decided a couple of vamps weren’t that hard, I’d be in and out in less than 20 minutes. Of course,” she eyed the boys suspiciously. “That plan didn’t turn out well, because someone decided to wake them up!”
“C’mon, Sammy,” Dean shoved his younger brother, holding back a smile. “Way to mess up the hunt.” Sam gave Dean the classic bitchface before returning to Y/N.
“We just want you to be safe,” he reassured her. Dean nodded, sullen.
“I am safe,” Y/N sighed. “I’m just tired of you guys treating me like I can’t handle myself. It’s not like I’m going out to hunt wendigo in the woods by myself. I just… wanted to play ball when you guys benched me.”
“Y/N,” Dean rolled his eyes playfully. “You don’t even watch sports. How the hell do you know what that even means?”
“You don’t get laid; doesn’t mean you don’t know what sex is,” she replied smoothly, walking over to where she stashed Dorothy’s bike. Sam laughed, following a stuttering Dean who was trying to make a witty comeback.
“It’s still dangerous,” he finally responded. Y/N sighed, turning to face them.
“I know it is,” she said softly. “But I’m doing it; whether that be behind your backs or not is up to you. I’d really like your help, though.”
They sighed unanimously, emitting a small giggle from Y/N. They glared, which only made her laugh harder.
“You two are just adorable, you know,” she teased. Dean rolled his eyes as Sam playfully elbowed her.
“You’re still grounded,” Dean sighed. Y/N looked at him with anticipation in her eyes.
“Does this mean you’ll let me hunt?” she asked, hopefully.
“Never on your own, and never if we think it’s too much for any of us,” he conditioned.
“Promise,” Y/N nodded eagerly. “I don’t like hunting without your running commentary, anyways.”
Dean rolled eyes yet again. He pulled her in for a quick hug before pulling back.
“How’d you get here, anyways?” he questioned. “You didn’t hitchhike-”
“What? No!” she assured him. “I’ve got my own ride.” Y/N sauntered over to where she had hidden the motorcycle in some bush, and had just sat on the bike when she heard him.
“Y/N,” Sam hollered as Dean looked at her, a mix of awe and rage in his eyes.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Riding back to the bunker, dumbass,” she retorted as she struck up the kickstand.
“Yes,” he sighed. “But you’re riding Dorothy’s bike! Do you know how dangerous that is?”
“That’s part of the fun,” she winked. “Race you home?”
“You’re on, kid,” Dean grinned. Sam sighed, exasperated.
“You two are a lost cause,” he muttered to nobody in particular.
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