#yes that’s vanquinn
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As a helpful soul showed me (and as I discovered on twt)… They are never beating the allegations.
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are you aware the weirdos are mad that a popular talented hc writer liked your post hehe
Yes I took a look at the post they made and it's sadly not surprising. It's why I said I don't expect anyone to call them out, because they have a nasty habit of singling out anyone who doesn't like them and harassing them. I've gotten a lot of anonymous messages over the year from people who have had to leave the fandom entirely because of their harassment. And for the VanQuinns who have a problem with this blog calling out the awful messages that they have posted, then I will happily point out that I am only emulating the famous account "shitquinniessay". So if you have a problem with me, take it up with whoever runs that account.
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phoenixwrites · 11 months
also If i create a vanquinn blog for us to talk can i share with you so ppl can find me? Idk anything other than we know that's public lol but I would love just to chat with other ppl about It and speculate. I will understand If you don't want to share and thanks for your time 😊
Yes—with a heavy caveat.
I need you to understand that every time I post about VQ I am flooded with hate asks and me sharing your blog will likely paint a target on your back. I have friends with zero interest in VQ who still get hate asks because they’re friends with me. 
I did not stop talking about VQ because I’m a mean Phoenix, I stopped because there was no casual “fun” way to do it without getting death threats or snitching to Grace like we’re in kindergarten.  You guys get the fun dish safely and anonymously, I get the mental health crisis and anon hate. And the more I talk about, it the more entitled and demanding you guys get.
So I wouldn’t recommend it simply for your own peace but if that’s what you wanna do Godspeed.
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deliriumsdelight7 · 10 months
Twenty Questions for Fanfic Writers
I was tagged by the lovely @kelyon. Thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
37. Please don't ask how many are finished lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,126,833. Woof.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Once Upon a Time (and any other Bobby works for Anyelle purposes), Stranger Things.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
One More Time, Steal My Breath
We Could Be Invisible
What You'd Thought Lost
You Think You're Tough (I'll Call Your Bluff)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Ughhhhhh. I've been REALLY BAD about responding to comments for the past year. I wound up marking ALL of my unread comments as read and just starting over with new comments because it was so stressful. Only I would turn the act of responding to compliments into A WHOLE ORDEAL.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Yyyyyeah, see, that implies that I finish my fics, lol. Angstiest ending goes to "A World Gone Very Wrong," which was a gift fic for the amazing @toguchindraws. They wanted an open ending, so that was what they got!
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost all of my fics have (or will have) happy endings. I guess the one with the most nauseatingly happy ending would have to be What You'd Thought Lost.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I mean, a pairing I ship has gotten me accused of being a racist and fatphobic. Which is kind of funny, because 1.) they obviously didn't read the fic, 2.) I drew on my own experiences as a fat woman, and 3.) I had thin people telling me that they hated and failed the Presidential Fitness Test as much as I did! And as for the racist bit... I already addressed that in a rant earlier today.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. Never written smut in my life. I haven't written tentacle smut or Daddy kink or period sex or ritualistic sex based on pagan sabbats.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Anyelle inherently involves crossovers, so yes. I also snuck brief Rumbelle into a Hellcheer fic. What I'm really looking forward to writing is a Once Upon a Time/Stranger Things crossover where Eddie and Chrissy were citizens in the Enchanted Forest and were brought to Storybrooke by Regina's curse. It'll basically be a half-assed season 1 AU featuring Hellcheer and Rumbelle.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope. I don't think I'm popular enough for that to happen. Also, most of my fic is kinda weird so I doubt anybody would steal it. People who steal fic seem like they want the latest popular thing. I'm not saying "wurrrr my fic is SO UNPOPULAR" because I know it's not. Just... it would stand out.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but if someone wanted to, I'd be cool with it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have a stalled fic with @phoenixwrites that would be a Hellcheer/VanQuinn crossover (which is hilarious because I find real people far too boring to ship). I need to get back to that.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Listen. I can't pick just one. You show me someone who struggles to accept that they can be loved for who they are, and I will ship them obsessively.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I plan on finishing MOST of my fics. Even the ones that have been on hiatus for over a year. The one that stands out to me is Masters of Destiny, my Dark One Belle fic. For one thing, the title makes me cringe. And for another, I had too many plans at once for the damn thing, some of which directly contradicted one another. So now the whole damn thing fizzled out.
16. What are your writing strengths?
No clue. I kinda flail at the keyboard and what happens, happens. Atmosphere, maybe?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. I'm not a very visual person, so I just describe a detail or two of the setting and let readers take it from there.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I know for a fact that Google translate is unreliable, and I'm not fluent enough in any other language to attempt it myself. It certainly has its place, but I don't see myself doing it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Sailor Moon. Cringey self-insert fic pairing myself with the creepy mopey white-haired anime boy villain. And I was Sailor Sun and I had my own team of Sailor Senshi and WE WERE ALL IN A ROCK BAND. Very cutting-edge stuff for a sixth grader. (First fanfic I ever conceived was before I could even read. I watched this anime Thumbellina movie and just obsessively thought, "what if Maia plummeted to her death and her frog and sugarplum fairy friend cried?" for like MONTHS)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I don't think I could choose just one. I love and cringe at all my fics in equal yet different ways. And all of them have parts of me in them.
I tag @peacehopeandrats @rogueimperator @astorytotellyourfriends @staceymcgillicuddy and anyone else who wants to play!
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choke-me-joey · 2 years
You bringing up the vanquinns lmao no you’re definitely not as unhinged as them. They’re actually scary with the whole “Grace is incredibly cruel to be dating her bf after they defended her for months” thing. Yes, they actually said that.
I...there are no words. I've been enlightened over the last few days about the VanQuinns and everything surrounding it and I'm honestly terrified but not surprised. In every fandom there are always the delusional ones but in this fandom they seem to be delusional with extra ✨️spice✨️
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shinydixon · 2 years
i love most of you guys, especially you shiny, what you do here is amazing. thank you for letting us pour our hearts out here without judgment. but one thing that really irks me is the fact that some people completely forget that joe and grace ARE friends. maybe they're not best friends, maybe they're not close as they were when they were filming, but they are friends and he cares a lot about her like he does all of his friends. i know when season 4 dropped it looked like everything had been filmed in a week to us but it took two years and during those two years, joe was hanging out with grace and mason a lot. not to mention there was all the table reading and rehearsals that came before the actual filming. mason and grace even said joe would cook for them all the time. they had little adventures, like the aquarium visit, and basically they just had fun. i'm always on the verge of liking grace but then taking a step back because i don't really agree with the shit she pulled in the past, however, she is clearly very loved by the entire cast, even joe jeery calling her the cutest in a bts clip, and jamie loves her take on chrissy's death. so all of this just to say that joe and grace are friends, they probably do talk, maybe not all the time, but they keep in touch and whenever they work together, it's obviously fun for them. and there's no changing that no matter how much we don't like grace or chrissy. the vanquinns take that friendship out of context and turn it into something that they like and i know that is very irritating and frustrating, but i've seen people complaining grace is always at these cons or that she's always trying to be close to joe and like, no. they're friends. she probably has a contract with fanexpo too and she's friends with joe and naturally she feels at ease with him. and we all know how affectionate joe is with his friends, family and fans. and remember, vanquinns can say whatever they want, they'll never have joe saying the best part of his job was to see keery without a shirt because he has a very distracting chest. not saying joe quinn/joe keery is a ship but i just think that quote is very beautiful.
I love you too 🤍
Yes of course they're friends and it's true that sometimes people forget that.
Anyway that line about Joe K. is iconic
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spotlight-critique · 8 months
HELL NO dkdklf
none of them talk about it, they just swipe it under the rug and act like it didn't happen
and they're currently busy with accusing kate to running that weird tiktok account, feeding the rumors and using joe for make it in the film industry
once again, misogyny is only an issue if it's directed at grace
Yeah, they either accuse quinnies, go silent or move the attention to something (or someone else). Usual vanquinn behaviour!
Her Instagram says that she's literally into the BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) circuit, she doesn't need Joseph! 😂
Yes, Grace is the only woman allowed to misogyny, BUT they can be offensive to other women and use it as a weapon to avoid criticism of them or Grace.
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joe-moi · 8 months
do "vanquinn" shippers usually contact you about this topic or are you talking about something else?
I mean yes, but also some people get jealous, names get thrown around, people start asking “who’s the girl?”, like it’s wild
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On the morning of this wonderful day - it’s so funny that Joe attends cons with the one co-star some people claim he hates.
Look at this hatred. Look at it
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shinydixon · 2 years
"open relationship"? whatever makes you all sleep at night.
ash out here wanting to live his best life with someone he has a relationship with. he wants to share with family and friends how he's doing. why are vanquinns taking this personally?
acting like ash needs to cater to their fantasies and ask for permission to post: "hey vanquinn shippers, it's ash! you forgot me? uhm, you still don't remember body shaming me? i'm the guy you all tweet about being a less wealthy and less attractive ed sheerhan or chucky lookalike? no? it's fine! i'm fine! i'm used to doing my own thing quietly in the background unoticed because i have a life but heard you're having online meltdowns again before the end of the year. out of the kindness of my own heart and in the spirit of holiday giving, i want to share a heads up for my plans to post a photo of me and grace on friday. hm, but maybe i shouldn't conflict with any days you're planning to tweet out those life changing vanquinn shipper threads? jus let me know what your twitter posting schedule looks like asap because my irl schedule is jam packed, as you know i'm a professional adult in a relationship that has a life to get back to enjoying. even if you don't care to ask because i'm a figment of your imagination: yes, japan is a whole vibe. cheers and logging off!"
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spotlight-critique · 8 months
vanquinns are literally the ones to sexualize all of Joe and Grace's interactions. Look at doseofvanquinn they read the smallest actions of them being intimate or romantic and make gifs of them.
Anon I think you were looking at an account the loves Joseph but only as half of vanquinn. Because no fan of Joseph would even think of anything crude between Joe and Grace.
Yes, Joseph's fans have no reason to sexualize him and Grace. Vanquinn do that. But I think is a mad vanquinn, because they always deflect their mistakes on Joseph's fans. When you say to a vanquinn what they did something wrong they reply with something bad quinnies did.
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spotlight-critique · 8 months
Me with every vanquinn when they keep screaming about Joe being touchy with Grace when he literally does the same thing to all of his friends.
Yes, but in the case of vanquinn are just delusional and will misunderstand everything to reinforce their own convictions.
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spotlight-critique · 8 months
y'all talk about grace's fandom as if jq's fandom wasn't sexualizing him putting his hand on grace's thigh, god forbid if it was grace putting her hand on his thigh, she would be accused of sexual harassment by all of you....
Come on, they did not!! Why jq's fandom would do that?? They have no reasons. If we are talking about Joseph's fans that ship vanquinn then yes. But are vanquinn, not jq's fandom.
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spotlight-critique · 8 months
Vanquinns are so delusional i feel sorry for them
Yes! I feel the same!
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spotlight-critique · 8 months
Unfortunately, a few Grace fans (the actual fans that love her as an individual and not as one half of a delusional ship) have been tricked into thinking that VanQuinn is a friendship ship name.
Some of them are one of the most popular GVD fan pages and they follow doseofvanquinn.
I hope they will come to their senses that the VanQuinns are not who they claim to be. Because if VanQuinns find out that they openly ship Eddie and Chrissy with another other characters, there's a chance they will be made fun of, just like the platonic hellcheer shippers. https://x.com/namiyouffie/status/1691112418611539968?s=46
First of all the tweet, YIKES!! Inc.st is not funny. Finally someone said it! Yes, vanquinn is NOT a cute friendship name. Most of the people use that as they are together. They really blur the lines between hellcheer and vanquinn, between fiction and reality.
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spotlight-critique · 9 months
Another thing with VQs is that they see every valid evidence against them as an attack on Grace or will deflect evidence of being weird as an act of hating Grace.
Anon just literally pointed out the interaction Grace had with a problematic fan without insulting her.
Not all anti-VQs are anti-Grace. It's possible to be a fan and still acknowledge that the celeb has done questionable things or sayings. No one is perfect.
Yes, you are right!
I want to make clear that I'm not a Grace fan, not a hater, prize her if needed, and call her out if needed. As my header says, criticizing Grace's or anyone else's actions has nothing to do with her being a woman (and nothing whatsoever her being around Joseph). But she wants her fans to believe that everything that is directed at her is misogyny. IT'S NOT. It's a cheap way of discouraging people from calling her out like she can't do anything wrong.
Because it's been a while vanquinn (mostly them but also a few hellcheer) has used this word to silence people and to make them feel bad about raising concerns.
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