#yes this is about the SC decision about affirmative action no i dont know yet what the effect is but yes why not this anyway
You know, with whatever the *gesture wildly at America* is going on, can't help but wonder where are all the fixit fic from political science, social science students and the like? Isn't this what we study for? The bs of politics may prevent things from being real and there are troves of published IPs about a fantasy land somewhere that has things done well for them but what about us?
Maybe, I don't know, what's going on with Florida currently. Yes, we understand that decades of gerrymandering have stripped the power of the people and enabled that ruling interest to extract and exploit to enrich their patrons. And yes, let's not go all "screw Florida" and "they deserve it for all of the shit they've done" because the action of the elite few also harms the population which has tried and failed to change, not they are a monolith that is uniformly ignorant or advocate for the same interest.
And any IR students ever studied economic sanctions can tell you that regardless of its effectiveness in instituting change, sanctions hurt the population more. Taking away federal funding from those states most likely mean the people who need it the most (from disaster, poverty, medical assistance program, even schools) will lose access to it, further worsen their life. Because that local government may not already be interested in funding those programs in the beginning, and yes they have only been taking the federal funding for themselves or other non-social welfare programs.
So how about this? A fixit fic based on the concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) born out of the 1990s where the international community considers the very specific conditions where the need to save a population from genocide or systemic violence override the respect for sovereignty. Yes, we need a distinct concept to basically go into another country to do good because it is the year 1990s and we're not imperialist colonizers anymore haha. But anyway how about that? Federal government just go into those states and do those things, you know, that they have a bunch of practice elsewhere in the world? Safe passage for refugee for instance, for those wishing to get the hell out of those holes. Relief program delivering food, necessities, water during flood or, maybe, preventable-but-happen-anyway power outage done not by the local government because they don't care anyway, but by the feds or an independent third party like the absolute symbolic-and-dubiously-effective UN Peacekeeper Red Cross or Doctors without Borders. Or, even better, satisfying the military industrial complex as well, initiating an armed campaign under the guise of "we installed nuclear weapons there" or "this is a failed state that threatens our security" and just overthrow that local government so that others will accuse you of regime change. And 20 years later, Hollywood will produce a summer blockbuster titled something like "24 Hours: Red vs Blue" by Michael Bay that half the country will not care about.
That is, if the Writer's Strike and the Actor's Strike end by then.
Please recommend me tag or blog to follow for this kind of fic Im desperate
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