#yes this is based off my servant of evil Traveller au
mists-reading-nook · 1 year
Creator!reader who visits the traveller in every universe/reincarnation,from the beginning to the current. They slowly feed them power.
...creator reader who was the twins original parent,all those reincarnations ago.
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panickinganakin · 4 years
A/N An AU in which the Starkiller base runs DNA tests on every member checking for midi-chlorians. I’m thinking of making this a small series (maybe something larger if you guys like). It will be reader finding out she has the force in her, she will learn the dark side first, unlike the Jedi’s who struggle with darkness. Let me know what you guys think! 
word count: 1639
warnings: angst, blood being taken for tests, vomiting, passing out, nothing r rated except the f word
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Your head was spinning, how much more blood could they take from you before you faded away? The people who were taking your DNA in every way possible, were dressed in all red. You couldn’t see a single hint of humanity, your nerves were shot.
“It doesn’t make sense,” one hissed. Definitely a woman. “Try again, Commander is on his way back, a hurried return to check behind us, we mustn’t make a mistake with this, we will lose our lives for delaying a mission,” her voice was a whisper now. 
“No more, no more please,” you said tiredly as they approached you with another set of blood vials. “I haven’t ate a thing, you pulled four times today, please?” Your tone was as urgent as it could be with the lack of life left in you.
You felt the pinch, your arm turning cold for the fifth time today. You chest was warm now, your breath weak. The whole room was fuzzy and it started to spin, you couldn’t hold your eyes open any longer. 
“Impossible,” the voice was cold, you were scared to open your eyes. Where were you again? Oh yes, blood.
You turned your head quickly, eyes still squint shut. The bile in your stomach pressed up and you couldn’t help but throwing up. “How many did you say, again?” the same voice came through your ears again. You could place it now, and you were scared.
“Twenty-six thousand, Commander.” It was the same woman’s voice as before, the one who wouldn’t stop when you begged. 
“Impossible,” he mumbled. His footsteps were growing closer to you. 
Still terrified to open your eyes, you laid perfectly still. As if no one had seen you throw up, you wanted to believe you were dreaming. “We know, we tested five times.”
“Five times?” The commander’s voice sounded angry, “Are you so ignorant? No wonder she is sick. You will clean this mess up and you will bring her to the shuttle, I’m bringing her to Snoke.”
“That isn’t a good idea, she needs to rest and let her blood regenerate. We recommend at least three days. Flying could kill her, Commander.” The voice sounded urgent. You couldn’t pretend anymore, your eyes popped open.
“Don’t touch me!” Your voice was hurried but it was a beg. You didn’t think your stomach could handle moving again. 
“Look at her! If she does- if it is true, and this girl has the force in her... You will have almost killed her! Demoted. Every single one of you. Clean this up, and leave.” 
The bundle of black robes in front of you made you feel sick again. Commander Kylo Ren. This was as close as you two had ever been. He was just as scary as people had depicted him to be. “You’re scared.” His tone was flat, only a slight bit of curiosity. “What section do you come from?”
Did he have to ask? Of course, people didn’t know you, you were just a sanitation staff member. You opened your mouth, afraid of the sound that would escape. You felt very weak, “Sanitation.” To your surprise your voice was almost completely normal. “Living quarters, sir. I clean and make beds. Sir,” you made sure to add. 
“Interesting... What planet were you from?”
“I d-don’t remember. The first order,” you were carefully picking over your words, making sure not to disrespect the First Order, you needed to live, “they rescued me when I was a child. Hardly three.” Rescued? Not even close, but, it was a good lie. 
“Do you know what midi-chlorians are?” his voice returned to a flat tone, echoing off the walls because of his mask. Curious, what face lied beneath the dark metal. “I’m speaking to you.”
You weren’t sure how long you had been silent, long enough for him to notice. “N-no sir. I only know what they have taught us in the education sectors. I’ve lived my whole life on the Starkiller, sir.... Can I by chance.. Have some water? I’m not feeling very we-”
He held up his hand, cutting you off. Jeez, if he wanted to know information he could have been a little more kind. “No. Midi-chlorians are in your cells, the higher the number the more the force is with you- in- you. You have heard of Darth Vader?”
This was one lesson you did have. Sith Lord, power, Vader, power, blah blah blah. You didn’t want to give a vocal response, your throat was burning with terror, a lump welting in the center. Why did any of this matter? “Bring this girl water,” he said sharply to the two were cleaning up your mess off the floor. 
“Darth Vader had over twenty thousand midi-chlorians in a cell. And you? Over twenty-six, how is that possible?”
You were lost. Your whole life had been folding bed sheets and scrubbing toilets. You shook your head, not really following. He sighed, backing away, finally leaving a safe distance between the two of you. 
“We have a lot to talk about... I want her brought to my living quarters. You said three days until travel, she will not leave my sight. Double up on the guards outside of my room. No one in, and no one out. Hux will see to it that all missions are handled appropriately. I will not be bothered.” 
You were finally being given a glass of water, you gulped it down quickly. The commanders living quarters? This was a trap, you would be killed. “I promise sir,” you voice had finally made its way back to you. “I promise... I know nothing of these things, I have been a servant to the Starkiller my whole life, making beds and cleaning bathrooms. I’ve committed no acts of treason.”
“Silence. You will not be killed, you will be a very important piece to our strategy. You will be protected unless our Supreme Leader suggests otherwise. Now, someone get the fluids back into the girl.”
His cape flung behind him as he exited, your head spinning. He promised you safety, but it all felt like a trap. “Don’t let him kill me!” you were scared, sitting up, digging out the fresh IV. You jumped off the bed quickly, slipping on the floor that was still wet. 
“Listen, 8123, sit. You aren’t going to die,” the woman’s voice was now kind, understanding almost. She was pushing you back down on the bed, shoving the IV back in. “I don’t know what you know about all these things. Having that many midi-chlorians makes you valuable. You shut up and do what they say and you’ll live. That’s more than Commander Ren has himself. You can be trained in the force.” 
The force was made up, wasn’t it? They were just scary stores people told of the rebellion, about the Commander and his cruel, handless, punishment. “I don’t want to go with him, he will kill me!” 
“Foolish, that’s exactly what you are. You are being given an opportunity to rise above your ranks. Straighten. Up. Your. Act.” she was wiping a cold wet towel across your forehead. “Now, be calm.” Another nurse crossed the room, handing her a needle with pink liquid in the tube. 
The needle pierced your skin and almost immediately your eyelids shut.
The room you woke up in was white, very sleek, full of different tables and technology. This wasn’t the room you had went to sleep in. Sleep. You hadn’t went to sleep at all. “Those motherfuckers,” you mumbled. That had drugged you, probably afraid you would retaliate. 
To your surprise, there were no longer any tubes hooked up to you. Your wrists were red, had they restrained you too? “What the?” you sighed looking around. 
Even though when you stood up and found your legs to be shaky. you pushed forward. Where had they taken you? You let your hands drag across a clean, smooth white table. Somehow you knew where you were, you could feel something shifting in you. 
The feeling had always been there, why was it now coming to life? Was it because you were told about it?
“It’s the force. The question you asked yourself... That’s the feeling. It keeps our whole world balanced. Why hadn’t they tested you before?” You turned quickly, eyes meeting who you knew to be the Commander. However instead of a helmet, you were met with long black locks and a fair skinned face. The man was beautiful. Had this been their scary Commander?
“What? Oh uhm, I don’t know. Maybe they thought a maid of quarters wouldn’t matter?” You were becoming more confused. Maybe when you passed out, you went in a coma. Maybe this whole situation was in your head. Yes, that would explain it. A comatose dream. 
“Don’t be ridiculous. This is real. What is your name?” He was incredibly still. If his mouth had not been moving you could have bet he was a statue, fake like everything else you had been hoping was imaginative. 
“No, not your number, your name.”
Your name? What was it? You had been given a number at such a young age. You closed your eyes, trying to picture your young self. You were running in sand, your mother behind you, yelling to run faster. The ships were at your heels, they were coming to take you. She screamed your name. You eyes flashed open, “Y/N,” you choked out. 
Commander Ren’s eyes were huge, he shook his head, “Well then, Y/N. We have a lot to talk of before you meet Snoke. You are feeling it now, the force, you need to know good from evil, power from weakness. Follow me.” He turned on his heal and disappeared into the next room. 
Despite every ounce of fear in you, your curiosity was stronger. A chance to rise above your ranks. You repeated in your head, finally following behind the commander. 
chapter two
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Loyalty Comes At a Price (1/4)
Enchanted Forest No Curse AU 
Summary: The King and Queen are dead and the kingdom has fallen to the Evil Queen. Emma and her brother, Leo barely made it out alive and now Emma has to turn to mercenaries to regain her throne and quickly learns everything has a price.  
Note: Hi guys sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, but real life got in the way. I just graduated nursing school, so hopefully I'll have some time again to write. My inspiration has come to a halt on my other stories, but hopefully this one will spark that inspiration. This was supposed to be a one shot, but I kinda just ran with it. Please let me know what you guys think. I hope you like it! 
FF    Ao3 
Chapter One: The King and Queen Are Dead
They had feared this day would come, the day the Evil Queen would break free from the curse Snow and David had put on her all those years ago. The kingdom had enjoyed twenty-four years of blissful peace. Emma had assumed that her parents had put precautions in place for the Evil Queen breaking free. As it turns out they didn't, why they didn't Emma will never know. Her parents paid for that mistake with their lives.
Emma bursts into their chambers with a blood covered sword in hand to find Lancelot kneeling next to her father and mother, both of them dead. Emma can see a gaping hole in her mother's chest right over where her heart should be. Emma has the suspicion that the Evil Queen crushed her heart. Lancelot turns to her, tears in his eyes.
"We need to get you and Leo out of here," he told her. Emma tears her eyes away from her parents’ bodies.
"What?" Emma asks confused.
"I already sent Grumpy to get your brother. The Evil Queen has us surrounded the castle and has taken over the throne room. She will not hesitate to kill you as well. We'll be lucky to make it out alive," Lancelot says and Emma just stares blankly at him, in shock. He sighs in frustration and grabs her mother's traveling cloak throwing it over Emma's shoulders. He grabs her by the arm and drags her out of her parent's chambers. Emma eyes stay on her parent's bodies for as long as possible. They're dead. They're gone. Emma is still trying to wrap her head around it.
Lancelot leads her down an old servant corridor and down a staircase they no longer use anymore. So far, they hadn't spotted any of the Black Knights. However, they hear clamoring of footsteps coming from the bottom of the staircase.
Without a word of warning Lancelot punches in a brick in the staircase wall, which opens revealing a hidden passageway Emma didn't know about it. The fact seems impossible since she thought she had looked over every possible map of the castle. Once inside the corridor Lancelot pushes the door shut behind them.
"There that should keep us safe for a while. Are you prepared to use your sword?" Lance asks her to pull her down the corridor.
Emma finds her voice again, "Yes, I had to kill three Black Knights who came into my chambers."
"Good, you might have to do that again. Remember what your father and I taught you," Lance nods, leading the way down the dusty corridor which lead to another hidden staircase. The ground was disgusting, covered in mud and what can only be assumed to be rat droppings and Emma really wished she had put on more sturdy shoes besides her slippers. Lance kept up their grueling pace, barely giving Emma a chance to catch her breath.
When she mentions this fact Lance snaps at her, "You can breathe when we get you out of the reach of the Evil Queen." Emma doesn't say anything to this, knowing he's right. When they finally get to the bottom of the staircase they almost have to swim out. They nearby river seems to have flooded the exit to the corridor, probably the reason it's not used anymore. When they make it out a good portion of the council is waiting for them, along with Leo. Emma moves toward him relief flooding through her. Lance stops her and places her on top of a horse.
"You can reunite when you're safe. I'm going to save anyone I can. Red is taking you to a hideout. Listen to her, she knows the plan," Lance says to her without another word. The small group of them take off. Red's cloak over Emma. Red is in her wolf form leading them away from the castle. A few times the wolf looks back at her. Emma glowers back at her. This plan had been in place for many years now. Her parents knew this was a possibility and made a plan for this. No one had ever bothered to tell Emma, or it seems her brother, who looked just as confused as she did. He pulls his horse up to hers.
"What the fuck is going on? Grumpy pulled me from my bed, barely let me put on boots. No one will tell me anything," he pleads with her. Her heart breaks, they left her to tell her brother their parents had been murdered. When she notices he has no cloak and is shivering, she throws Red's cloak over his shoulders.
"Leo, they're dead," she says simply, not sure she can get out much more without throwing up.
"Who?" he says, his eyes searching her face.
"Mom and Dad. The Evil Queen killed them," she manages to choke out.
"No, Emma. That can't be true," he voice raises. Red growls at them in warning, Leo looks shocked by his aunt's action.
"Leo, it's true I saw their bodies. She's right, if we want to make it out you need to be quiet," Emma says harshly, lowering her voice.
"How can you say that?" he snaps, keeping his voice low. Emma rolls her eyes, while she loved her brother, he was always more idealistic than she was.
"They had this plan in place to keep us alive, it would be a shame to let their hard work go to waste," Emma hisses back. Leo just scowls at her. He can scowl all he wants; she wants to keep them alive they're all the kingdom has now. With the Evil Queen on the throne they'll have to fight hard to regain it from her.
The group trudge deeper and deeper into the forest surrounding the castle. After traveling all night with dawn on the horizon they come through the forest to only be faced with the beautiful mountains that serve as the border between Misthaven and Camelot. They pause at the ravine at the base of the mountain to collect some water before beginning their ascent. Red is still in wolf form and Emma leads her horse to the ravine.
"Where the hell are we going? It's certainly not Camelot, Mom could never trust King Arthur as far as she could throw him," Emma muses, looking to her aunt for answers. The wolf just releases what Emma can assume is a chuckle. Grumpy comes up to them.
"From here we'll be on foot. I'd leave the horse here if I were you sister. The trial is too narrow," Grumpy tells her. Emma's jaw drops and she looks down at her slipper clad feet.
"How far?" she asks bewildered.
"A couple miles, where we are going is well hidden in the mountain side," he tells her before running off. Well that certainly confirmed her theory of them not going to Camelot, but it left her with more questions. Emma grabs the supplies off her horse and wraps the cloak around her tightly. The wind was picking up and she was only wearing a nightgown beneath it. She looked out on the group and Red trotted next to her. There weren't many of them, they would need more than this to regain the throne. There were four of the seven dwarfs, Red, Leo and herself. Emma prays Lancelot comes back with more reinforcements. Red nudges Emma's shin with her head, signaling they should move out.
Emma rallies the small group and they trudge up the mountain side. Each step killing Emma's feet, though she tries to not let it show. Eventually she gets used to it. It doesn't take them more than a couple hours to reach a large plateau hidden from the mountain face by a grove of large pine trees. Behind this grove lies a cabin. Well perhaps a cabin is an understatement. There are estate houses smaller than this. The house isn't more than one level to remain hidden behind the trees Emma suspects, but the house looks to be large enough to accommodate their group comfortably. The weather is taking a turn for the worse, so they all hurry inside with their few supplies. The door firmly shuts behind them and Grumpy locks the several bolts on the door. There is a small room with a kitchen, another with a dining room, a formal sitting room, and what look to be many rooms beyond that. They all stand in the sitting room.
Leo drapes Red's cloak over her, a minute later she transforms back into herself. At her full height she turns to face Emma.
"I'm sure you have many questions," she starts, but before she can continue Emma cuts her off.
"You're fucking right I have questions. What the fuck was this plan? How come Leo and I didn't know about it? What is this place? How long has everyone been planning for this?" Emma practically shouts at Red her rage finally boiling over.
"Oh, so we can yell now?" Leo asks annoyed and Emma shuts him up with a look.
"You two have every right to be mad. I was only told about the plan after the fact. You know, I was never that active on the council. All I know is this plan was put in place when your mother became pregnant with you, Emma and was revised when Leo was conceived," Red tells them calmly.
"This has been in place our whole lives and none of you thought to tell us!?" Emma yells.
"Yes, it has. Your parents decided to keep it from you. That was their choice. Look Lance was there when the plan was made. You should save your questions for him. He should be here in a few days," Ruby says pointedly, signaling the end of the conversation.
"What do we do now?" Leo asks, looking around the room.
"Prepare to fight to take back what is rightfully ours and kill the bitch on our parent's throne," Emma says with venom in her voice.
"Long live Queen Emma!" Leo shouts and the rest join in, their chants filling the house and Emma stands there in shock.
True to Red's word three days after their arrival Lancelot arrives with Granny and a few knights, including August, her childhood friend. She immediately pulls him into her arms.
"I'm so glad you made it," she tells him pulling back to see his face.
"I am too, but Papa didn't," August says with a shake of his head. Geppetto was the master woodworker in the castle and was close with her family. He was always kind and sweet to the children in the castle.
"Oh August, I'm so sorry," she tells him.
"Me too. Emma, your parents were well loved. I'll do anything to avenge them," he promises her.
"We might have to do just that," she says solemnly. She notices Lance coming their way and she leaves August to meet Lance halfway.
"Is this all we have?" Emma asks gesturing at the people filling the kitchen.
"I am afraid so. Our army wasn't large to begin with especially during peacetime, but the Evil Queen killed most of them first so there wouldn't be anyone to sound the alarm, she lit their barracks ablaze. Those who I couldn't save are now in the dungeons if not dead already," Lancelot explains.
"Why the hell was this even able to happen? How did she break free? I thought she would die before the curse broke," Emma hisses at Lance.
"I have no clue how she broke free of that. It should've stayed in place until she died," he shakes his head.
"Now, how come my parents didn't tell us about this plan?" Emma ask and she sees Leo slide in next to her out of the corner of her eye.
"They didn't want to worry the two of you. That was the plan if anyone tried to take the castle, not just the Evil Queen. It was very unlikely, but there was always the potential this could happen. I thought they should've told you, but they didn't," he tells them, and Emma crosses her arms.
"Lance, four knights plus you and the rest of us won't be enough to take back the throne. Please, please tell me you have a plan," Emma pleads.
"I have an idea, but you won't like it," he says with a mischievous smile. Emma groans whenever he had this look on his face it meant trouble.
"What is it?" she asks, placing her hands on her hips.
"Mercenaries." He states and her jaw drops.
"Over my dead body!" She shouts at him and the kitchen falls silent. Leo just shakes his head, "Maybe you should hear him out, Emma." He shrugs when she sets her death glare on him.
"Fine, hope you like this house then because unless you can rally an army in a hurry no one will help us," Lance points out.
"They are for hire; they have no loyalty. The first chance they have to screw us over they will. Father always said they were no better than pirates," Emma fires back at Lance.
"You have to incentivize them is all. Some men that means honor and glory, to these men its money. Emma, as your advisor I beg you, consider this for the Kingdom," he pleads with her. Emma runs a hand through her hair.
"We'll talk more about this in the morning," Emma says before storming out to her room. Leo runs out after her. Lance turns to Red.
"How is she doing with all of this?" Lance asks her.
"About as well as can be expected," Red shrugs, standing next to Granny.
"That girl has been through her worst nightmare in past couple of days and you brought up something she is morally opposed to, give her a minute Lancelot," Granny snaps at the advisor. When they were all younger, he was a knight and fought the Evil Queen the last time. As they aged, he took place on the council when his last injury prevented him from being on the battlefield once more.
"Fine, but we don't have much time before Regina starts torturing villagers and soldiers in attempt to find them," Lancelot huffs, that cold truth hits everyone in the room with sickening reality. Misthaven could very well crumble under the rule of the Evil Queen.
The next morning after Emma has calmed down, they are able to talk through the situation at hand. Leo taking charge, knowing Lance may just piss her off.
"Emma, there are only thirteen of us. It would take too long to rally people from the countryside to join an army, even longer to train them. As much as all of us detest the idea we need an army fast and our allies will not leave themselves unprotected with the Evil Queen on the throne. Mercenaries are our best option," Leo says quickly. As much as Emma loathes to admit it, he's right and so is Lance.
"Fine. Since you suggested this Lance, I'm sure you have someone in mind," she suggests with a raised eyebrow.
"I do. There is a group led by a man, who is largely successful. He has helped many of the royals we know, and they like him so much that when his initial task is over, they try to hire him on permanently, but he always refuses," Lance tells her.
"Why does he refuse?" she asks curious. Lancelot smirks, knowing she's warming up to the plan.
"I don't know that you'll have to ask him yourself," Lance says with a knowing smile. Emma glares at him, crossing her arms.
"Fine, do you know where to find this man and his army?" she asks annoyed.
"Yes, last I heard he's about three days ride from here," Lance nods.
"Who needs to go with you?" she asks sharply.
"Myself, two knights, and Leo," Lance fires off. Emma blinks a few times looking from her brother to Lancelot.
"Why do you need me?" Leo asks, just as shocked.
"He needs to know we're serious contenders, but bringing Emma would be showing our hand too soon. Bringing you will pique his interest," Lance shrugs.
"Will you go?" Emma asks her brother.
"Of course, I will," Leo says, surprised she'd even feel the need to ask him.
"I'd never assume you'd go just because I order you too," she snaps, knowing what he is thinking.
"Even if I weren't your brother and I didn't want us to succeed, your Queen now. I'd have little choice in the matter. No one in this room will disobey an order you make. Don't worry about bossing people around, you're good at it," he teases her. Emma fights the urge to stick her tongue out at him.
"He's right. Well if that's settled, we should leave now," Lance says and Emma nods.
"Have a safe journey," Emma dismisses them. Lance chooses two of the knights. They all get ready for departure. Lance pulls Emma aside before they leave, however.
"Your brother will pique his interest, but he won't make a deal until he meets you. He'll know you're in charge of us all. You have to be careful what you offer him when we return," Lance says keeping his voice low.
"What can I offer him?"
"The treasury has been less full than your parents would like, but they managed to keep that secret under wraps. I would promise him and his top men gold and jewels and then whatever gold is required to pay his men," Lance tells her.
"Will that be enough? Do we even have enough for that?" she asks him, uneasy.
"It will be more than enough to entice him, and we may not, but that doesn't matter Regina will pool her resources in the treasury. Despite having little now, in the end we will have enough to pay him. Lying isn't always your strong suit work on what you'll say when we come back," Lance says with apologetic look and she blushes. Emma was never the best at lying, when she did her parents would see right through her and she got in trouble more often than not.
"I will. Don't let any harm come to Leo; I've lost enough family this week," she orders him.
"I'll protect him with my life," he tells her before leaving to gather supplies. She looks after her advisor, hoping beyond hope that it won't come to that.
Emma frankly hates standing still and the week Lance and her brother are gone she is a mess. She helps Granny in the kitchen, cleans the house and its numerous rooms, and collects firewood and kindling. Granny draws the line when she offers to hunt down their dinner.
"You're the queen and frankly Red has a better nose than you and can do it in half the time," The ancient woman tells her. Granny then proceeds to make her tea and sit down for longer than a meal. With staying still for so long she falls asleep. When someone asks if they should move her Granny glares at them.
"That girl hasn't slept all week if you move her now, she might wake up," She tells them. When Red comes back with her kill and sees Emma, she ignores Granny's threats and moves Emma to her bed. Emma doesn't wake and successfully sleeps through the night for the first time since her parents’ deaths.
Early the next morning Emma is woken by Red.
"Rise and shine, your mercenaries are almost here. Get ready then we have to trudge down the mountain to meet them," Red tells her before leaving. Emma groans, but makes her way out of bed. She pulls on a simple dress and the boots the climb will require. Emma runs a brush through her hair and clips it back. Emma has found everything she could possibly need in this house. It is surprisingly well stocked. Emma emerges from her room and walks to the kitchen. Granny, Red, and August are waiting for her.
Granny hands her a bowl of porridge, "Eat up girl." Emma accepts the bowl without compliant and eats it quickly. Once finished the trio begin their descent down the mountain side. It doesn't take them longer than an hour to get down, the descent being easier than the ascent. By the ravine Emma spots her brother, Lance, two knights, and three men she doesn't recognize sitting around a fire enjoying breakfast. As the trio approaches the group of men at the ravine stand upon her arrival.
"She doesn't look like any queen I've ever seen," one of them mumbles.
"Seen a lot of queens have you, Scarlet?" the one with sandy blonde hair asks the mumbler. All three are dressed in fighting leathers with weapons strapped to them. One man with jet black hair, stands taller than the rest and has eyes for only her. His piercing blue eyes assessing her. She holds his stare not backing down. Emma had seen her mother do the same thing countless times and her mother always got what she wanted.
"Pardon them, fine warriors they are, but no manners between them," they both protest at this, but fall silent with a single glare, "I'm Commander Killian Jones. This is Captain Robin Locksley and Will Scarlet." The one with blue eyes introduces them.
"A pleasure to meet you all. I'm Emma, this is Lady Red and Knight Booth," she nods toward the two on either side of her. Lance gives her a look and she's sure to get a lecture later. One she'll ignore.
"I've never met a queen who goes by her given name," Commander Jones comments.
"The throne in Misthaven is mine by birthright, but there has been no coronation, and another currently sits on what is mine. I cannot claim the title of queen without the ceremony," she says with all the grace she can muster. Lance makes a noise to disagree, but she silences him with a look.
"To business then what exactly do you require from my men and I?" Jones asks her. They all eagerly await her response.
"The Evil Queen killed my parents and now sits on my throne. I want her dead and my throne back," she states simply. Scarlet releases a whistle.
"That's quite a large request," the commander is surprised. Emma gives him a bemused look.
"If it's out of your depth I'll send my men to bring me someone suited to the task," she challenges him with an eyebrow raised.
"You won't find anyone better than us. A request of that size will require an equal reward," he says challenging her.
"Once the royal treasury is in hand you and your captains here can have all the jewels and gold that will fit in a small chest, one for each of you," she says hoping this will peak their greed, "and of course whatever is required to pay your men."
"You must be more desperate than we originally thought if that's your offer," Jones whistles.
"I'm merely offering you what would've been rewarded to our army if the Evil Queen hadn't killed them all," Emma says, seeing how easily scared off they are. To see if they're ready for this.
Commander Jones smirks, "We'll need a moment to deliberate."
"Of course, but just one last question, Commander. Lancelot said here many of your clients have tried to hire you on after your mission was completed, but you've never accepted. Why is that?" Emma asks with her head held high.
"Let's just say we've never found a cause worthy enough of our permanent services," he states before turning away. His answer satisfies her curiosity on that score. Emma can respect a man who hasn't found a leader good enough in his eyes, no faith is better than blind faith. She doesn't quite like his smugness, but that can be tolerated. The three men take a few steps away from the rest of them, heads huddled together. Lance and Leo approach her. Emma hugs Leo.
"Oh, stop it I'm fine," he says moving out of her arms.
"Emma, you're playing a dangerous game," Lance warns her.
"Are you kidding me? She's playing them like a fiddle. She has that look mom did when she was trying to get something the council didn't want to give her. And…" Leo trails off.
"She always got what she wanted," Red finishes his sentence, "Lance, she's doing fine you old worry wort." Lance doesn't have time to look offended because the mercenaries are ready. Emma's group turns to face the three men.
"Well Commander what will it be?" Emma says with a tone like she's bored of him and his games.
"We agree to your terms," Killian holds his hand out.
"Excellent." Emma closes the few feet between them. She grabs his hand firmly, giving it a strong shake, which seems to have taken the commander by surprise. He hides the surprise with smirk before bringing her hand to his lips, brushing a kiss across the back of her
"Now, we've been in the open for far too long I'm sure there's somewhere private we can discuss strategy," Captain Locksley points out.
"Quite right. Lead the way," Jones motions to the path up the mountain. Leo and Emma walk side by side up the mountain with the group trailing behind them.
"What do you think of them?" Emma whispers to her brother.
"Well they didn't kill us on sight or take us to Regina, so could've gone worse," Leo shrugs.
"Do you trust them?" Emma asks, still uneasy about using mercenaries.
"You're asking this now? After you've agreed to work with them?" he gives her an incredulous look.
"Oh, shut up. It's fair question to ask and frankly Lance is right we don't have time to be snobs, we'll need all the help we can get," she sighs.
"Fair enough, but be cautious until proven otherwise," Leo warns her. Emma nods.
The Commander catches up with Emma, "I'm afraid I don't know what to call you," he admits.
"I told you Emma is just fine, Commander," she tells him and Leo chuckles.
"Well see you're royalty. I cannot go around calling you by your given name it wouldn't be right. My poor mother would be rolling over in her grave if she knew I wasn't addressing royalty properly," Commander Jones rambles on and Emma raises her eyebrow.
"Since I technically have my old title still, you can call me Your Highness or Princess if it bothers you so much, Commander," she says with a smirk.
"Yes, Princess," he smirks, and he has this glimmer in his eyes that tells Emma he will be nothing but trouble. He falls back in line with his men and Leo gives Emma a knowing look.
"Oh, this just got more interesting," he chuckles. Emma gives him a questioning look.
"Why do you say that?" Leo squints at her. Did she really not understand what that interaction with the Commander was? Did she not notice when a man when flirting with her? His sister could be very dense when she wanted to be.
"If you can't see it then it won't do me any good to tell you," he tells her, and Emma just shakes her head. Leo always got like this when he knew something she didn't. Frankly she has too many other things to worry about other than why her brother is being a smug ass.
It doesn't take them much longer to reach the house. Granny has muffins waiting for them claiming they must be hungry after their journey. The mercenaries look surprised by this kindness, but don't refuse Granny somehow already knowing she isn't to be denied.
They all gather around the wooden kitchen table; the mercenaries gather at one end and Emma takes head of the table. Lancelot leans in to whisper to Emma, "we need to talk after." Emma nods acknowledging him.
"Do you have maps of the castle? We need to get a layout of what kind of fight this will be," Jones starts them off. Lancelot turns to Granny who is already retrieving several scrolls of parchment from the kitchen pantry. Jones looks to Emma blinking in surprise. Emma just shrugs, not entirely surprised that the maps have been entrusted to Granny, no one would dare cross her. Leo looks to the old woman in surprise.
"Lancelot was saving men in the castle that night and I had to retrieve some key items to make sure the Evil Queen never got them," Granny says laying the scrolls on the table.
"Are these all the maps of the castle? Widow Lucas, I could kiss you right now," Killian says in awe. Emma swears she can see a slight blush in Granny's cheeks.
"Yes, boy. I didn't leave any map behind," Granny says returning to the kitchen to mind something in a pot on the stove. The group unrolls the scrolls and tells the mercenaries about each map. They work throughout day discussing strategy, weapons, and potential battle situations. The group rarely breaks for more than the occasional cup of tea. With the sun disappearing beneath the horizon Granny finally stops them when she announces dinner will be ready soon and the table better be cleared for it. With the smell of stew in the air the men spring into action clearing the table quickly leaving Emma and Red to set the table. The group eats quickly and quietly. After their long day many of them are sleepy and Leo actually falls asleep at the table. Emma stands placing her hand on Leo's shoulder shaking him gently. He jolts awake rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"It's time to call it a night. We've made good progress today, but I think we'll all be better with fresh, well rested eyes in the morning," Emma tells the room. Those who are awake enough nod their heads in agreement. Granny approaches Emma.
"I'm afraid we only have two beds for the mercenaries," Granny says quietly.
"Oh okay. We'll figure something out. Give me a minute," Emma tells her, searching for Commander Jones. Him and his men are huddled in a corner talking amongst themselves. When Emma approaches, they stop talking immediately.
"I'm afraid there are only two open beds for you and your captains," Emma tells them apologetically.
"No matter, we will make do. Won't be the first time Scarlet here has slept on floor." Jones chuckles at Scarlet's protests.
"You won't want to hear him complain in the morning; do you have some spare blankets for him?" Captain Locksley asks.
"Granny knows more about this house than I do I'm afraid. I'm sure she can wrestle up something for Captain Scarlet here," she smiles before running off to find Granny.
"Killian, this could still be a terrible idea," Locksley mutters to Jones.
"Oh, come now Robin, we have certainly taken worse jobs with this. The last one there was an actual sea monster," Jones reassures him. Emma walks back with Granny catching the end of his sentence.
"No creatures of the deep here, but that's not to say we might not have our own creatures running about," Emma tells them with a faint smile and Granny glares at her before turning to the mercenaries.
"Which one of you needs blankets?" she asks gruffly. Will raises his hand she leads him down the hallway in search of some bedding for him. Not long after Emma sees Lance searching for her and she wants to avoid another lecture from him, so she bids goodnight to the mercenaries and vanishes to her room before Lance can catch her.
The next morning Lancelot is waiting for Emma outside her room. She sighs upon seeing him.
"Hoping I'd forget?" Lancelot asks her with a knowing smile.
"No, I knew that would be impossible. I was hoping you'd wait until after I'd ate at least," she scoffs, and he just shakes his head.
"You should be addressed as Queen or Your Majesty, not Princess or Your Highness. You are the rightful sovereign of Misthaven you cannot be addressed as Princess. You are the Queen and you need to start acting like it," Lance lectures her.
"When we have the throne and a crown is placed upon my head, I'll be queen until then you need to cut it with the bullshit. If I was truly queen, we would not be in this situation. By order of succession and my royal blood, yes, I should on the throne, but I'm not," she says getting angrier and angrier with each word.
"Do you feel better?" Lance asks her with a raised eyebrow and Emma shakes her head, "We're going to spar you need to work this out, go change." Emma nods and turns back into her room. A few minutes later Emma emerges in black leather pants, a white tunic and a blue vest with her sword strapped to her waist. Lance is waiting for her in the small grassy area in front of the house. Emma ties her hair back.
"Are you ready?" he asks sword in hand. Emma smiles before unsheathing her own sword, "Now, I am," she says with that competitive gleam in her eye. They charge at each other and the clang of their swords filling the small enclosure. Fighting they fall into a familiar dance. Lance and her father taught her how to defend herself and wield a sword. At first it was to prepare Emma for a potential attack, but then they found out she actually liked sword fighting and moved on to more advanced techniques. Since then she has had at minimum weekly sparring sessions with either Lance or father. With the raising morning sun, they both work up a sweat their moves becoming more aggressive.
"Feeling better, now?" Lance asks her, as they take a step back, assessing each other trying to determine each other's next move.
"No. If my parents wanted a babysitter, they wouldn't have picked you," she snaps, moving forward their swords clashing once again.
"You need guidance more than you can imagine," he snaps back, both of them breathing hard; faces inches from each other.
"Guidance would be fine. You're supposed to be my advisor not my father," she says managing to maneuver his sword out of his hand and onto the grassy ground. Emma can see the hurt look in his eyes, but he was out of line this morning and he needs to know it. She has a lot of important decisions to make and she cannot be worried about whether or not her advisor is coddling her and worrying about trivial things such as titles in war time.
The front door bursts open revealing a shocked Commander Jones, "what the bloody hell is going on here?" Scarlet's head peeking out behind him from the doorway. The commander in his black tight, fighting leathers. Emma can't help, but to run her eyes over him and his evident physique underneath all that leather.
Emma turns to face him with a smile and triumph in her face, "Come now Commander, you've never seen a woman fight?"
"Certainly not a queen, who can disarm a former knight," he says with a cocky grin, moving closer to them. Lancelot clears his throat and Emma glares at him.
"Lancelot, if you truly believe I'm a queen without a throne then you should follow my orders when I tell you to drop the issue," she practically snarls at him. Lance nods and silently picks up his sword.
"Whatever battle plan are made, Commander. I insist on being included," Emma tells him.
"I have to assess the skills of anyone who intends on being part of my army," he says, his eyes not so subtly racking down her body.
"By all means pick up a sword, Commander," she challenges him and Killian shrugs. Lancelot shakes his head, backing up in order to give them some space.
"Oh, I was hoping you'd say that," he comments before unsheathing his sword. They move slowly in circle, clearly both assessing each other and their movements. Moving closer and closer until Killian makes the first move, Emma deflecting him with a simple flick of her wrist then makes a move of her own. It takes a little effort on Killian's part to ward off her advances. He had definitely underestimated her, and she smirks.
"You're going to have to try hard than that," she scoffs, and he frowns. The clash of their swords begin to fill the grove and a small crowd gathers to watch.
"Looks like we have an audience," Killian says with a jerk of his head and she just smiles.
"They're in for a treat then soon they'll see me defeat you," she teases the competitive edge in her voice
"Oh, is that true, Your Majesty?" he asks before advancing once again. She frowns at what he calls her, but wards off his advances once again.
A bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face. Liam always warned him against not judging a book by their cover and he was right. Even though she was royalty she could fight better than some, if not most of his men. But he had finally spied his opening, her footwork was getting a little sloppy under this unrelenting sun, sweat glistening on her forehead.
He surges ahead quicker than he had in a while causing her to trip over her own feet falling backward, some in the crowd gasping. Emma holds her own against him even flat on her back.
"You know there are much more enjoyable things I prefer to do with a woman on her back," Killian winks at her, keeping his voice low so the crowd doesn't hear him. He's able to flick the sword out of her hand. Killian stands over her, one leg on either side of her.
"I'm sure you do Commander," she purrs, eyeing the sword now pointed at her chest before making eye contact with him.
"Do you surrender?" he asks triumphant. There is a malicious tint in her eyes that he certainly doesn't like.
"Never," she snarls before bringing her legs up forcefully. Killian groans before falling to the ground. Emma snatches his sword that he dropped on his fall and points it at him.
"Surrender?" she asks sweetly.
"Oh, you fight dirty. That was bad form, Your Majesty," he groans, his eyes squeezed shut.
"Commander, I was taught to do whatever it takes to survive, not good form," she smirks.
"Aye, I surrender and anyone who has bested me gets to call me Killian," he says making eye contact with him. Emma stabs his sword into the grass near his head.
"Alright, Killian. You have to call me Emma then," she orders, hands on hips. He props himself on his elbows.
"Not a chance. There have been a lot of changes for your life that may be difficult I'll grant you that and accepting your parents have gone is a terrible burden, but you have the grace and command of a Queen. Title or not, crown or not, so it will be Your Majesty," Emma rolls her eyes at this, "I'll include you in the battle plans it'd be a waste not to use you."
"What a waste indeed," she nods then walks off, leaving Killian on the ground. There are a few claps from the crowd, and she smiles at this, shaking her head. Will gives her a hearty clap on the back, commenting that it had been a while since their commander has been knocked on his ass. Leo catches her gaze and shakes his head.
"What?" she asks when she approaches him.
"Oh nothing, just watching this unfold," he smirks, and she squints at him. Leo just retreats into the house before she can ask another question. Lance finds her, "Even the mercenary agrees with me." Emma is uneasy with the fact that he could see through her so easily, could see that she was avoiding the title because it meant her parents were gone. They barely knew each other, but he could tell all of that.
"Fine, you win," she grumbles before moving into the house. Granny is waiting with refreshments and food for them. Red and Leo share a look when Killian returns Emma's sword to her and she mutters a quick thank you. She glares at them, but before she can say anything, they return to planning their attack on the castle.
"We have a few questions to start," Killian says once they have all settled. Emma nods signaling for him to continue, "Do you know how Regina will have organized her forces?" Killian asks and Emma turns to Lance.
"It was utter chaos at first, but as we were slipping out, she was organizing men on every entrance she knew about. I have no idea about guard changes or just how many men she has," Lance shrugs, wishing they knew more. Killian looks to Will, who knowing what he has to do.
"Captain Scarlet will be leaving today then. He knows many people that can help us get more information on her forces," Killian tells them.
"Your Majesty, you said you want her off the throne. How do you want to do that, imprisonment or perhaps…" Robin trails off, leaving the implication hanging in the air. Emma feels all the eyes in the room on her.
"I'll make this exceptionally clear; I want the Evil Queen dead. I wouldn't mind killing her myself. I'm not that picky though anyone can do it," she says calmly. The room is so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Leo's first to speak, "Emma, you can't mean that."
"Of course, I do! Leo, the whole reason we are in this mess is because our mother and father couldn't kill her the first time around. I won't let her threaten this family anymore," Emma snaps. Leo was sweet, caring, but above all idealistic. Just like their mother. God he even looked like her with his dark, almost black hair. His softer disposition and charm always came from her. He got their father's eyes and jawline, however.
"Mother and Father would've never done this. They wouldn't want you to do even entertain this thought. We should imprison her again," Leo says shocked.
"It's exactly why they're dead. They cursed her instead of killing her. She terrorized them for years. You didn't see their bodies; you didn't see the gaping hole in our mother's chest because that bitch ripped her heart out. I won't go through all of this just to be afraid she might attack again. I won't live with that kind of fear," she says the anger rolling off her in waves. Leo looks like he was slapped in the face. He clenches his jaw and Emma can tell he's trying not to cry. He's young, too young to have to deal with this. He's only nineteen years of age.
"They wouldn't want you to be murderer," he says in almost a whisper.
"It's too late for that. Three black knights entered my chambers that night and I killed each of them. If they didn't want me to be that than they should've done something about her," Emma says cool rage in voice. She loved her parents and as much as she wanted to mourn them, right now she couldn't. She was angry, so angry that they left her in this situation. Leo opens his mouth to say something else, but then shuts it again. Without saying another word, he storms out of the house. Red head snaps to Emma.
"That was a low blow and you know it. He loved your mother," she says sharply.
"And I didn't? He needed to hear that, and you know it. I won't make the same mistakes they did," she says just as harshly. Red shakes her head before running out after Leo. The door shuts and the room falls quiet again. Granny just places a hand on her shoulder and gives it a squeeze.
"Anyone else have a problem with it?" Emma asks looking around the table.
"We have no qualms about killing her. You're paying for our services after all, you should get what you want," Killian says, understanding in his eyes like he knows her. It's unnerving given the short time they've known each other.
"Good, any more questions?" she asks.
"Oh, many more, Your Majesty. Get comfortable we'll be here for a while," Killian tells her. They sit at that table for hours. Will is sent away around midday to get more information. He makes his goodbyes quick. Leo and Red rejoin them after a while. Both of them still angry with Emma. She can deal with their anger.
After dinner that night Leo runs off to his room without a word to anyone, Emma sighs. She should talk to him, to explain herself better. They don't have time for internal conflict. They need to be a united front, but that is problem that will have to wait for tomorrow.
Emma walks out into the grove for some fresh air and to escape all the people in the house. No moon in the sky tonight she walks over to the edge of the mountain cliff, looking out over the kingdom. Small spots of light could be seen far away, and she hoped Regina hasn't truly hurt her people yet.
A twig snaps and her head swivels around, her hand on her sword strapped to her waist to spot none other than Killian who is a holding a flask. She takes her hand off when she realizes who it is.
"I mean no harm I just figured you'd want a drink after today," he says holding out the flask. She smiles, gladly taking it from him.
"I do, you just startled me," she says before taking a swig from the flask. She recognized the liquor as rum as it burned her throat on the way down. They both look over the view and Emma takes another swig before handing the flask back to him. He takes a hearty gulp.
"Regretting taking this job yet?" she asks him.
"No, not at all. In fact, the more I learn the more intrigued I become. There are a lot of factors at play here," he tells her.
"Even though I injured you today," a blush raising in her cheeks.
"Well as unpleasant as that was, I realized you are quite willing and able to fight for your people even if that means fighting dirty. Most royalty pays me to do their dirty work, you're different," he shrugs.
"I've never been one to delegate efficiently. I enjoy the hard work, unlike most royals I'm not content letting people do my work," she says standing straighter.
"You'll make a great queen for that fact alone," he tells her, looking into her jade green eyes. Emma shakes her head.
"Maybe so. Although the people will have to accept a murderer on the throne," she sighs.
"Ah well. You won't be the first or the last. Many have killed their way toward the throne by killing their own family, you haven't done that. Most importantly you were defending yourself. Your brother may have moral objections to our plan, but it's the smartest plan for your family's future. He'll come around," Killian tells her.
"Do you often give such sage advice to all your clients, Commander?" Emma asks before taking a swig from the flask once again.
"No, just the beautiful queens," he smirks, "I thought I told you to call me Killian." He takes another swig from the flask as well.
"Well you won't call me Emma, so really it's only fair," she says holding her head high and he chuckles.
"It would be improper to, you're the queen," he mutters, and Emma can see a slight blush in his cheeks.
"How about I make you a deal? You call me Emma in private and Your Majesty or whatever in front of the others and I will do the same," she offers, hopefully.
"Only if you tell me why this is important to you," he says, looking directly into her eyes.
"It's just that we were always informal in court, much to Lancelot's dismay and the title makes me feel more important than I am, which is ridiculous. Everyone is important in some way or another," she shakes her head.
"Ah I see. You're wrong, you rule your people you do have more value than they do because you will make the hard decisions. It's not a bad thing," he shrugs. The commander has surprised Emma again. It's certainly not what she wants to hear, but the truth. Far more than most royals hear.
"Thank you for your honesty. So, you take the deal?" she asks.
"Certainly not, Your Majesty," a look of shock crosses her face, "I told you about my poor mother rolling in her grave if I would address you improperly. I can't have that now," he smirks, and she rolls her eyes.
"I guess not, Commander," she says with a mischievous smile on her face, one Killian is sure will get him in trouble. There is a moment where she swears, he leans in slightly and he might just kiss her. Emma wouldn't stop him if he did. He's a handsome, strong man who has a set of values despite his less than reputable line of work. Something stops him from kissing her however Killian bids her goodnight before heading inside. Emma spends a few more minutes looking at the view and what might have been before heading inside as well.
The next morning Emma looks for Leo before their strategy meeting. Emma needs to apologize to him. What she said last night was harsh and as his sister she should apologize. She finds him outside with a bow and a sheath of arrows aiming at one of the trees.
"Leo," she greets him, and he ignores her, "I deserve that after yesterday, but just listen." Leo knocks another arrow on his bow and continues practicing.
"I shouldn't have said any of that last night. It was wrong of me and I am sorry," she exhales. Leo fires his arrow and it finds its spot in the middle of the tree across the grove. He turns to look at her, hurt in his eyes.
"It was all true and you're not going to change your plans," he states.
"No, I'm not, but I shouldn't have said it like that. I won't make the same mistakes as our parents. I'm sure I'll make brand new mistakes, but not this one. I won't have it be the reason for my death or leave my future children in this situation," she says calmly.
"They wouldn't like it," he shakes his head.
"No, they wouldn't, but they also aren't here. I understand this is hard for you, but I need you with me," she says, and Leo looks bewildered.
"Emma, I'm your brother, I am always with you. I just think there is a better way to do this. I forgive you by the way, none of this is easy for anyone us," he tells her before dropping the bow and bringing her into a hug.
"I'm so damn angry," she mutters, and he rubs her back.
"I know you are," he tells her. They pull apart and Leo gives her that particular look she hates more than anything else, his all-knowing look.
"Okay what? You need to spit it out," she sighs.
"Was that future children comment in reference with a certain dashing, charming commander?" Leo asks with a teasing look.
"What? No, why would you say that?" Emma says, blinking several times in confusion.
"Oh please. Emma, you cannot be that blind. You have to see the way he looks at you," Leo says exacerbated.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," she brushes off the comment. It's a lie, however. Last night in the grove she thought that they were going to kiss, but they didn't. It was the rum; she blames it on the rum.
"Sure, you don't," Leo says, knowing better than to push his sister on this issue.
Later on, they gather at the dining room table to strategize for most of the day and into the night.
"There are many legends and myths of her powers, do you know the true extent of them?" Killian asks the candlelit table.
"There are many, many things she can do," Red tackles the question, "She can summon fireballs and throw them at you. She can be in one place then transport herself in a purple cloud to another. She is a master of spells, a varied range of them really, but she is famous for the sleeping curse that she used on Snow. She is dangerous and lethal." The room fell silent during her explanation.
"What about her fighting abilities? Will she fight on the battlefield?" Robin asks her.
"She relies solely on her magic, but her fireballs could prove to be an issue if she comes to the battlefield, but that's highly unlikely," Red tells them.
"What makes you say that?" Lance asks her, curious.
"She's not as strong as she used to be, so I don't think she'll be where the fighting is the worst," Red shrugs, before making eye contact with Emma, who is frowning at her. With that look Emma understands all too well how Red knows this.
"How?" Killian asks looking from Red to Emma, understanding there is nonverbal communication going on between the two women.
"You haven't told them?" Red asks, looking at Lance and Emma then Leo, who shrugs.
"That is your story to tell," Emma states. Killian and Robin are waiting for a response.
"I could tell them," Red says with a wolfish grin and Emma laughs.
"Yeah, but you like showing off," Emma grins back at her.
"Ladies, we're waiting," Killian says, slightly strained. Red grins, moving into the kitchen more and nods to Leo, who stands and removes Red's cloak. Red transforms and stands in the kitchen as a wolf with Granny shaking her head, mumbling about how her kitchen was not the place for that. Robin's jaw is on the floor and Killian looks to Emma.
"Didn't think you should have mentioned this before, Your Majesty?" Killian asks her and she smirks.
"As I said before, not my story to tell," she shrugs. Red nods again and Leo covers her with the cloak once more. Red becomes a woman once again the group looks away while she adjusts her clothes.
"As I was saying, she isn't as strong as she once was at the height of her power. With my unusual abilities I can smell things the human nose cannot. Everyone has their own scent and when someone has magic there is a particular smell to it. I don't think she has as much magic as she used to. She smelled different during the night of the siege. That curse must have weakened her," Red explains.
"I trust your nose, Lady Red. I think this will be enough information to actually start moving," Killian says looking to Robin who nods.
"What do you mean, Commander?" Emma asks, unsure.
"I'm saying as soon as tomorrow we can be marching our way back to my forces," Killian says with a smile. Emma nods, but becomes solemn quickly after realizing she could lose some of the people in this room and that thought alone makes her uneasy.
"Then I believe we can adjourn for the night," she commands, and everyone nods before going to their rooms for the night. Emma and Killian walk side by side to their rooms.
"What were you thinking before we adjourned?" Killian asks her. Emma stops walking to look at him and he stops as well.
"That many of us will die and I don't know if I can handle losing anyone else," she says quietly. His gaze feels like something she's never felt before, like he's peeking into her soul.
"That may happen, and it may not. I would be prepared for the worst," he tells her softly. She nods and he walks her to her door before bidding her goodnight. Killian takes her hand in his and brings it to his lips. After dropping her hand, he nods and walks away. It takes Emma a minute or two to gather her thoughts before going into her room. Commander Jones is testing her resolve in more ways than one.
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indigoire · 6 years
Widomauk Beauty and the Beast AU Masterpost
Hey gang! So I have this wonderful AU idea that’s been floating around in my brain since episode two or three of the new campaign, and I have not written a word for it...except for on here via your asks! My tag for this is “Beauty and the Beast AU”, so you can look on my blog if you want to read everything unedited. Here’s basically an outline of what I’ve established so far. 
Town Weirdo
Bookworm (it’s his most Belle-like trait lbr)
parents alive, lives with them
his parents travel, leaving Caleb behind, and end up in Molly-Beast’s home, Caleb makes the trade for them to Molly
about nineteen, a LOT less stinky
Astrid is his Gaston, Eodwulf is LeFou, the only difference is that Caleb has a bit of a romantic interest towards Astrid, nothing serious, but she’s stealthily pressuring him to propose to her. Not the exact dynamic of Gaston and Belle in the movies, but definitely something similar. 
I have a vague idea that while Caleb is Molly-Beast’s prisoner that Astrid and Eodwulf go to the Academy (because Caleb’s imprisonment is at least a year long) so really Caleb avoided a Terrible Fate
Trent is still evil af, the empire is still corrupt af
Molly is a very bird-like Beast
I envision him as this bipedal peacock/swan hybrid, with a lot of inspiration drawn from the swans from the Prisma Visions tarot, pictured here
I find myself torn between him being more humanoid and just straight up a giant bird hybrid, because on one hand the scariest monsters look the most human, but on the other hand it’s FAR more dramatic when he turns back into a tiefling if he’s a giant monster
I think it was @swiftbell​ who I had a convo with where we imagined Molly’s transformation back to normal where he just shrinks down and all his jewelry just starts falling off all around him, and it’s such a hilarious visual to me
because yes Molly absolutely still wears a ton of jewelry. He likes shiny things. He’s (still) incredibly vain. He drapes himself in fancy silks. 
I’m also torn between Molly introducing himself to Caleb or just being called The Beast/Beast by Caleb, hence Molly-Beast whenever I refer to him
Molly as the Beast: dark feathers around terrifyingly pale eyes, peacock like feathers in general, talon-like hands and feet, sharp teeth, voice like the voice Taliesin uses for Vicious Mockery, can get painfully screechy when upset (and sheds feathers when in a tizzy), much bigger than Caleb.
Molly when transformed back has no tattoos EXCEPT for the peacock feathers on his neck, the one lasting mark of the curse
The World/Other Characters
Molly’s servants are comprised of the Mighty Nein, obviously, with perhaps a few of the circus folk and other NPCs as background characters
All of Molly’s servants have been transformed into animals. Fjord is a bullfrog. Jester is a Capuchin monkey (and she likes to spray Caleb with fruity perfumes). Yasha is a big guard dog. Beau is a ferret/weasel. Nott is a raccoon. 
They can all speak
Caleb still has Frumpkin, and Frumpkin is still Caleb’s familiar. Like Belle’s horse, Frumpkin is Caleb’s connection to the outside world (plus he can help him sleuth around and learn about the curse)
The Story
so I had the idea that like the classic tale Caleb begs Molly for three days to visit home and Molly gives Caleb a magic amulet to wear to bring him back (based off of Molly’s Periapt of Wound Closure)
Caleb returns home just as Astrid and Eowulf, having been corrupted by Trent, return home to kill their parents
Caleb has a chance to stop them from doing this and it delays him from getting back to Molly on time
Molly lays dying in the garden by the time Caleb returns
I really want to draw from the classic fairytale a lot more than Disney, though obviously there is a huge influence of both; Walter Crane and Jan Brett’s illustrated versions of the story are also big influences. 
As always, I love taking questions about this AU, as it helps me flesh things out a bit more. I haven’t really had time to actually construct a fic out of this, but I appreciate all the ideas being offered as I slowly worldbuild. Please let me know if I’ve left anything important out. Thank you all! <3
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oqpromptparty · 7 years
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Hi everyone! If you’d like to take part in this year’s Prompt Party Week, just select any of the prompts from the list below and write a fic, make a video or create some art based on it. Please note that more than one person may choose the same prompt.
You may submit new stories or include the prompts in any of your existing verses (though all your entries must be posted for the first time during Prompt Party Week). 
Artists & Video makers may use any of the prompts, but there are some Art/Video specific ones at the bottom of the post.
I have condensed some of the prompts that were a little too long… and feel free to take some liberties with some of the more specific prompts!
If you have any questions, please tweet @OQPromptParty
OQ Prompt Party week will run from 19th - 25th March. Please don’t post anything until then.
Everyone who posts a prompt for all seven days of the OQ Prompt Party week will be sent a limited edition, one of a kind Outlaw Queen button/badge. These will never be available again, so don’t miss out!
Each day there will also be the opportunity to win another prize. You will be entered into a prize draw and the more prompts you write, the more times your name will be entered into the draw. I will announce which prizes will be available on each day soon.
There will also be a separate prize for most prompts included in a single one-shot/chapter (crack!fic encouraged).
And now! Without further ado, here are your prompts:
Regina and Robin are friends who accidentally sleep with one another, except not so accidentally
Roland is grown up and thinks he’s finally discovered how to bring back Robin Hood - but he needs Regina’s help
Regina eventually moved on, but then Robin comes back into her life.
Dark!OQ first kiss.
During the French Revolution, Robin is a  prosecutor who acts like a spy at court for Robespierre.
Robin owes the Queen a debt so she has made him her servant til it is repaid.  
Robin makes three wishes.
Co-Stars falling in love.
Robin and Regina used to date/were married. They’re no longer together but still love one another.
First Curse AU: Robin is in Storybrooke during the first curse and dated Mayor Mills while still cursed.  Then the curse breaks.
Robin catches Regina watching "Bridezilla" & "Say Yes to the Dress" and starts planning a secret wedding based on her commentary.
Regina meeting DarkOQ's baby (with them alive)
Robin or Regina get turned into an animal unbekownst to the other who ends up caring for them for a bit before the curse is broken and then it's all like awkward....you liked me as a fox.
OQ/Belle friendship.
Roland and Robyn meet for the first time.
No one dies and everything ends happy
Robin is there when Regina finds out she’s going to be a  grandmother.
Robin or Regina have a bad habit the other tries to help them break.
Regina is pregnant and she and Robin watch a birthing video together.
Learning how to snapchat.
Robin’s soul didn’t get obliterated when Hades stabbed him and his soul got trapped in Regina’s mirror
Page 23 showing up out of nowhere.
Regina feels burdened by the guilt of all the people she has murdered.  Robin supports her with this.
Cora tries to separate Robin and Regina.
Based on this story https://www.thevintagenews.com/2018/02/20/king-pedro/
Regina and Robin meet at a hospital as they both have to sit in a waiting room waiting for hours on news about some members of their family.
Dark OQ meet Maleficent.
Regina self harming and Robin noticing
During the missing year, Regina sees herself in her mirror with Robin's tattoo tattooed on her.
Regina finds out that she’s actually Zeus or Hera’s daughter and demands that Robin be brought back.
Robin's backstory for any story or as a stand alone for the one we were promised.
Underworld. Regina telling Robin about her father’s death? Some of Robin’s demons.
In season 2, Regina went to the EF through Jefferson’s hat, and meets people who escaped the first curse; her mother, and her soulmate.
Bladerunner AU. As a bladerunner, Robin is sent on a mission to retire a rogue replicant, Regina.
Facilier's magic enables Regina to speak to Robin one last time. (Feel free to include him being semi or fully corporeal if you wish.)
Robin or Regina have to pick up a drunk Henry or Roland.
Henry comes out as ace/bi/etc to Regina and Robin.
Robin gets jealous when Regina and Mal work together a lot on something in secret. (DOQ or OQ)
Vampire AU.
Regina and Robin have a big fight. Robin goes to Mal for help in understanding Regina's reactions and ways to make it up to her. (DOQ or OQ)
Regina has mad PMS (just cause I think Robin figuring this out would be hilarious).
Robin and Regina discover their respective significant others are cheating with each other. They support each other through the fallout and their sons decide to make them realize they should be together.
OQ Body switch.
Robin is thrown through the time portal and meets young teenage Regina.
Robin and Regina in an orgy.
They are rival vigilantes both trying to fight the villain of the town.
Magic spell gone wrong, Robin accidentally turns himself into a fox while fiddling around with one of the vials in Regina's vault.
After Regina experiences sexual harassment, Robin reaches out to comfort her.
Robin refuses to go to the doctor.
Screenwriter/Director falling in love.
Person A keeps having strange dreams that turn out to be OQ in a past/alternate lives and they’re determined to find person B again (for extra angst; person B is already dead in this life).
American Horror Story Murder House AU
Season 3 AU where Robin/Roland/Both find themselves in Neverland and join an unlikely group brought together by their need to find a young boy.
Dark!OQ finding & taking in an abandoned baby.
An AU where there is a terror attack.
One is a killer/Criminal the other one is trying to catch him/her.
OQ friendship as one of the original married couples from Grace and Frankie.
Regina has another adoptive child when Henry brings Emma to Storybrooke.
Why did Robins tattoo match the lion emblems in Camelot? Former knight? Rightful king?
Missing Year and it's Roland's birthday.
The Good Place AU
“I went to the museum to get some inspiration for my art and then I saw you staring at one of the paintings in awe but now you just noticed me drawing you and this is awkward AU”
Regina hires Robin as her stylist. Because of a misunderstanding she thinks he’s gay.
Drunk Regina accidentally admits something really embarrassing.
Robin and Regina in a witness protection programme.
Frozen AU
Regina dies and Robin can see her ghost, together and try to find a solution to bring her back.
Prince Robin has to choose a bride via competition for his heart and Regina is one of the girls competing (or vice versa).
Robin finds Regina after searching for her.
Regina being with young Robyn.
Soldier/Nurse AU.
Their first time together after Robin has been brought back to life.
Robin or Regina are royalty and the other one works for them.
Regina goes to visit Robin’s grave for the first time.
Rival detectives trying to solve a case.
"We have to be quick"
“Would you like to share the blanket?”
Strip Poker
Alzheimer’s - one of them gets it and the other takes care of them.
Regina realises that Wish!Robin was her Robin after all and wants him back. The Evil Queen isn’t happy at all with that notion.
Robin comes back without any memories, Regina has to make him fall in love with her again.
Regina doesn’t get to go to heaven so Robin decides to stay wherever she is.
OQ meet over the death of their children.
Robin proposes to Regina on a bridge.
Regina teaching (or attempting to teach) Robin how to bake something.
Robin is secretly shrunk and kept in Roni’s jeans pocket. She doesn’t tell anyone to protect him.
Robin accidentally ingests viagra
They are both criminals trying to escape.
You’re getting chased by the police and you just jumped in my car and yelled drive, wtf man
OQ go on a double date with D!OQ
Robin comes to bring lunch to Regina but he finds her very sexually frustrated having been interrupted by the children the night before.
Regina thinks Robin is cheating on her but he is actually planning to propose.
OQ Doctor Who AU with Regina as the last of the time lords, The Queen, and Robin as the professor/archaeologist/criminal/time-traveling husband she never meets in the right order.
"This can never happen again"
Robin and Regina realise that Robin’s daughter has magic, they try to teach her how to use it.
After last call at a bar, Robin and Regina find they don’t want to say goodbye
I Dream of Jeannie AU.
You’re the bastard who keeps parking in front of my house and you just caught me drawing a dick on your window… ugh, oops.
Rivals doctors trying to win a famous prize
“Your dog likes me a thousand times better than they like your partner and sorry not sorry I love this dog”
OQ at a strip club
OQ in a Star Trek or Stargate setting
“Maybe we were the mistake"
10th Kingdom AU with Regina as Virginia and Robin as Wolf (but Fox!). Bonus points for bringing Henry and Roland along for the adventure.
Regina covers Robin in tiramisu.
Fantastic 4 AU.
"I'm really angry at you but also really horny so can we press pause on this fight and fuck first?"
Before she leaves for New York, Regina knows that Roland is going to leave so she decides to take him to his father’s grave to say goodbye to both of them.
Robin or Regina almost freeze to death and the other one finds them.
Regina takes Robin Hood on an airplane for the first time.
Regina visits Marian's grave to thank her.
The first time they sleep together after Zelena.
Partners, working on a firm together and lovers/couple off-work.
Robin likes to kiss the exposed parts of skin the EQ reveals (cleavage, back etc)
Robin and Regina's daughter breaking their first curse. Regina doesn't believe her and it tears her down a bit.
“We are trapped in a bank during a robbery, please don’t get yourself killed I’m actually starting to like you” AU.
OQ steal a baby (intentionally, unintentionally, whatever.)
D!OQ/OQ's wedding day.
You’re a sex line operator and I called you because I was curious and wow you have an incredible voice AU.
Regina dealing with menopause (could be brought on early due to magic).
Regina & Robin chaperone Henry's senior prom.
They have the house to themselves but they bet they can keep quiet. They end up losing.
Robin helps Regina see light in the darkness
One of them is caught masturbating.
Regina is overwhelmed and is drowning in her demons. Robin helps her.
OQ at Henry and Cinderella’s wedding.
Canon Robin and Regina talking about Regina and Graham’s past and Robin being jealous.
OQ in Disneyland.
Robin and Henry bond.
I’m a single parent and you’re my son’s coach and holy shit I want to take you out on a date and exercise in an adult way.
Regina planning a full weekend of roughing it in the woods with Robin and the barest of essentials.
Date night.
You seem to have slept with everyone on my block except me, care to explain yourself? (When’s it my turn because I find you very attractive).
Regina gets sun poisoning and Robin has to take care of her.
Barefoot in the rain - all of their “firsts” are in the rain.
Henry worries about his mother and confides in Robin.
Hook thinks something is amiss but accidentally walks in on Regina and Robin having sex he breaks his leg fleeing the scene.
Hades’ dagger splits Robin into 2. His dark and light sides.
Regina and Robin meet speed-dating.
Regina trying to cope with pregnancy hormones.
Regina goes to NYC and sees Robin with Marian(not Zelena) and she's jealous.
Summer camp either as counsellors or as attendees.
Teacher student preferably with Robin as the student
Roland falls ill.
Can't buy me love AU.
“I said i loved you one more time in case it would change your mind"
Two foreign strangers meet under the cherry blossoms in Japan (bonus points if Regina is dressed in a kimono)
Regina finding out she's pregnant and she gets scared of Robin's reaction. But he's very sweet about it and gets super happy.
Jealous Regina and/or Robin.
Roland and/or Henry getting into trouble for fighting and defending Peanut's honor when some kids start badmouthing her.
Regina as a russian spy, Robin the CIA agent who’s trying to capture her.
OQ in a dystopian AU (can be based on Black Mirror episodes).
Regina finds out through her jealousy that she actually likes Robin more than just a friend.
Roland and Regina go shopping.
Regina is a goddess of love. She is responsible to bring people together and help everyone find their true love. However, her fate is to be alone forever. Then she meets Robin and while he’s destined to be with Marian he goes against powers older than life on earth itself in order to be with her.
OQ as IT geeks who work in the same company and they’re so awkward when they flirt with each other.
Peanut's first period & Robin's the only one home.
Bandit!Regina injures Robin, then nurses him back to health
An English man’s heart is stolen by a Flamenco dancer on a visit to Spain.
One of them surprises the other in the shower, it's a really good surprise
Robin finds Regina's sex-toys, and he doesn't know what they are.
Regina attends Dark OQ’s wedding.
Secrets & Lies
Robin tries to put on a sexy costume but Regina laughs at him.
Movie night with the kids.
The queen orders Robin Hood to steal something from Rumple’s castle and gives him a reward.
Regina is the dark one and Robin has the dagger.
Emma ruins everything.
“And for the first time in a long time, I could imagine a future where I was happy"
Regina and Robin see a musical on Broadway together.
Drinking Game with 20 Questions
Robin and Regina have a big fight.
Regina turns home to a very drunk Roland. Turns out Robin thought the ‘Strawberry Woo-Woo’ cans in the refrigerator were a children’s drink. “What kind of alcoholic drink has a picture of _____ on it?!”
Zorro AU
Regina cares for a sick Robin during the missing year.
Regina/Roni has been in a relationship with Facilier when Robin comes back.
Childhood Robin and Regina meeting in the Enchanted Forest.
They almost get caught in any type of sexual situation by any character.
Regina is an artist, Robin is life model who poses nude for each of her life drawing classes.
The Love Punch AU
Season 5 AU: Robin doesn't die and now has two parts of Regina to deal with: Queenie and Regina.
“You can’t just take my child!” “I’m taking what’s rightfully mine.”
Robin gives Regina a ring.
Regina or Robin have physical therapy twice a week but instead of working on the injury they do much more fulfilling exercises.
Regina is an AI Robot owned by a lonely widower Robin.
OQ have sex in a library
Roland climbs up a tree, Regina helps him to get down.
OQ + rimming
Roni and Robin find one another in Hyperion Heights in their cursed identities.  Then one day, the curse is broken and they wake up
Queeny and Locksley bring Robin back for Regina
A visit to the museum.
Roman Holiday AU.
Regina and Robin "just friends" play a drinking game
Robin and Regina skype while he is on an out of town business trip
USA around civil war time. Regina, wife of a confederate slave owner, is on her way further down into the South when the train gets stopped by Yankees (Robin).
Robin tells Regina that she deserves better than her current boyfriend
Robin and Regina get caught getting handsy in public
Regina tells Robin that she saw his girlfriend cheating on him
Regina and Robin attend a ball.
WWI or WWII AU: Regina falls for British solider Robin.
Non-Magical AU - Regina and Robin are on a date when they bump into Regina’s ex: Emma Swan
Regina being selfish in bed.
Roland follows an injured puppy and gets lost, Robin/Regina find them huddled together for warmth.
“You are my future.” “But I’m not sure you’re mine.”
Anastasia AU
“How did my parents meet? Well, my dad was in jail, and called the wrong number accidentally, who happened to be my mom, and he didn’t wanna waste his call so he told her not to hang up. Boom. They’re 24 years married.”
Regina is an assassin hired to kill Robin, but when she realizes he is a good man and has a son, she decides to protect him instead.
A Showmaster falls in love with his new trapeze artist who joined the show with her young son in order to provide a living.
Robin leaves Roland with Regina while out of town and she has to call John when something goes wrong.
Friends with benefits
Regina and Robin get set up on a blind date by their friends but neither of them showed up. Years later they get together and find out about their missed opportunity.
Robin accidentally clones himself whilst playing around with a few things in Regina’s vault. Regina has to try and put things back to normal, though not without having a little fun first.
The Notebook AU
Mulan AU: because her father is too old and weak, she joins the army as her father’s son, trying to save her country from the looming threat of (e.g. ogres)
Castle AU: She’s a detective and he’s a writer.
They meet at a gala, she’s an actress with a wonderful red dress and he’s a musician. They start talking and they fall in love looking at each other’s eyes.
Robin is the royal heir to a fortune but is disillusioned with the customs and pomp of regality so he gets into thievery ... and Cora is out on the look for a new husband for Regina after the first fell through ..... (perhaps bandit Regina and Robin)
Regina makes Robin her famous lasagne.
Roland goes to college.
Roland gets lost in a supermarket and Regina finds him and helps him find his Papa.
Marrying your best-friend eliminates the risk of divorce by 75%
Medical AU.
High School AU - Robin is a new student of one year. Marian schemes to get Robin for herself by dissuading both Regina and Robin who clearly have feelings for each other.
Robin and Regina are not dating. Then Robin accidentally walks in on Regina when she's with a woman.
Regina wearing Robin’s sweater bc she’s cold and that’s all she can find.
Regina being a headmistress and Robin being a billionaire whose son, Roland, goes to the school where Regina is the boss. Usually the nanny drops Roland off at school but one day when Regina is in charge of the arriving children so happens that Robin takes him to school.
Robin and Regina make a pact that if both of them aren’t married by 40 they marry each other. They fall out of contact for a few years but Regina gets a phone call on her 40th birthday from a familiar voice...
A reincarnation AU where one of them is forced to remember the past lives with the other person but the other person doesn’t remember their last life.
Teen OQ's first time in the backseat of a car.
Robin and Regina are both celebrities (doesn't matter in what form)  and they've been secretly dating for a while when they are asked to perform in an episode of Lip Sync Battle and Robin proposes with Bruno Mars' Marry You.
“I only date for the Netflix passwords.”
Robin and Regina bond over their puppies Roland and Henry.
Regina sneaking birth control to her teenage daughter and Robin catching her.
Robin being Regina's personal trainer, because Regina wants to work out before her wedding but we all know that wedding won't happen now that they met.
Upper east side widow: While en route to her husband’s funeral (whom she murdered) Regina gets arrested by Detective Locksley.
In the EF Regina’s hair gets too heavy for liking and she wants to cut it with scissors but Robin has a different idea (cutting it with an axe)
Jealous Regina (when they aren't even together) and she gets all possessive, angry then takes matters into her own hands so they have a get together sex.
Regina takes up archery as a new hobby and Robin is her instructor.
Roland saves a litter of kittens. Regina wants to get rid of them bc she doesn’t want pets. They win her heart over in no time and while outside she acts all indifferent, Robin catches her being all sweet with the kitties when she thinks everyone is sleeping.
Art Prompts
Regina and Robin as Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. Famous ice dancers in love.
Anything silhouetted
Drawing/painting of all of their kisses
The Vault
Regina & Robin's twentieth wedding anniversary.
Regina's box of mementos from Robin (Can be before or after his death)
Dawn's first light on the sleeping lovers
A midnight swim beneath a waterfall
WW2 manip (Robin using the pics of Sean from Timeless)
Arguing in public
OQ at the beach
masquerade ball
Royal Wedding
OQ in Game of Thrones
Art a favourite fic
Song Prompts 
(for music videos but can also be used for fic & art)
Faded - Alan Walker
Rewrite the stars - The Greatest Showman
The night we met - Lord Huron
Sorry - Halsey
So cold - Ben Cocks
Every time we touch - Cascada
Sad song - We the Kings
Because of you - Kelly Clarkson
All I ask - Adele
Hello - Adele
Little do you know - Alex & Sierra
In my veins - Andrew Belle
Just a little bit of your heart - Ariana Grande (Alesia Cara cover)
You are the reason - Calum Scott
The scientist - Coldplay
I will survive - Aretha Franklin (Leopold or Daniel as “you”, Regina as “I”, and Robin as “someone who’s lovin’ me”)
Dangerously - Charlie Puth
I need you love - Calvin Harris (Madlyn Bailey cover)
Paradise - George Ezra
Say you won't let go - James Arthur
Naked - James Arthur
The one that got away - Katy Perry
My life would suck without you - Kelly Clarkson
Angel down - Lady Gaga
Secret love song - Little Mix
You always make me smile - Kyle Andrews
Like i'm gonna lose you - Meghan Trainor
Close your eyes - Michael Buble
Dynasty - MIIA
Classic - MKTO
Latch - Sam Smith (Natalie Taylor cover)
Rich love - One Republic
Just give me a reason - P!nk
What about us - P!nk
Better place - Rachel Platten
War of hearts - Ruelle
The heart wants what it wants - Selena Gomez
To be human - Sia
Dusk till dawn - Zayn
Just a dream - Nelly
Don’t Treat Me Bad - Firehouse
Demons - Imagine Dragons
Outlaws - Alessia Cara
Somebody else - The 1975
Hurts like hell - Ruelle
Too good at goodbyes - Sam Smith
Video games by Lana Del Rey
Goodbye kiss - Kasabian
Stay with me - Sam Smith
Tetris - Madlyn Bailey
Tell me you love me - Demi Lovato
Nobody - Selena Gomez
I want crazy - Hunter Hayes
In the name of love - Martin Garriz & Bebe Rexha
Gives you Hell - The All-American Rejects
Hopeless Romantic - Billy Vera & The Beaters
My Valentine - Paul McCartney
Are You Ready - Mike & The Mechanics
Dark Horse - Katy Perry
I Won’t Give Up - Glee version
Perfect - Ed Sheeran
Into You - Ariana Grande
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
Theme prompts for Videos:
Fanfic Trailers.
Movie trailers.
AU videos.
S7 AU Trailer.
Missing Year
OQ Family
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