#yes this is crane wives propaganda
itsalwaysforyou · 1 month
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there’s blood in the water, there’s blood in the water
kenny ortega, descendants / the crane wives, the crooked, the cradle
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Side A Round 1
I cut myself (shaving) - Talkshow Boy
"And everywhere I look I always find myself aside myself I think I'm all together But I tear myself apart Because I cut myself I cut myself I cut myself I cut myself Shaving"
Curses - The Crane Wives
"Oh ashes, ashes, dust to dust The devil's after both of us Ooh, lay my curses out to rest Make a mercy out of me"
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
I cut myself (shaving) - Talkshow Boy
Awesome so awesome sound, lyrics, animatics .it is a backbone for so many sad characters w/ a front (the artist also is tragicly underrated yes yes)
Listen................... I know the song isn't extremely popular for animatics but they're there... AND I need everyone to know that that one Dave lyricstuck re-wired my brain. It's pretty famous too I think (?)
Animatics with the song:
Homestuck Cronus Animatic
Homestuck Dave
Warrior Cats Ashfur
Curses - The Crane Wives
The crane wives are just the best thing for any fandom. Ashes ashes dust to dust, the devil's after both of us.
A nice little jaunty tune about the BLOOD CURSE
Curses Last Life Animatic changed the fandom dude, everybody has seen it it's so iconic
Animatics with the song:
Last Life Animatic
The Magnus Archive
Curse of Strahd
Ace Attorney
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you.
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I've been seeing a whole lot of enthusiasm for my aquatos playlist so! I will share!
couple of disclaimers before we begin:
some of these songs only a small part of it actually applies, in which case I'll try to specify what part I mean. especially the ones that are from musicals, since they're kinda specific to the context of the musical they're from. also a few of them have been in there for a bit and I don't actually fully remember why I put them there.
if you have any suggestions please lmk! I always love suggestions!
I don't do a background check on every musician I ever listen to, most of these were just things Spotify spit out at me and I went "oh the blorbos!" so if any of these artists are incredibly awful people you can tell me, I probably didnt know
I can't really think of many songs for tala and queepie I'm sorry :(
lastly, if you follow me I know you know this and you know I know you know this. but I figured I'd better say so just in case. yes, some of these song choices touch on the less positive aspects of the relationships between family members. these aspects are definitely there in canon, and not acknowledging them would honestly be a discredit to the complexities of the characters. however, NOTHING I put on this playlist is meant to signify abuse between any of the family members. and, while I can't control what you post on your own time, I ask that you do not imply such in any of the replies, reblogs or tags of this post.
Now let's get into it!
Aquato Family Caravan and The Aquatodome by Peter McConnell, obviously. also I will stand by the fact that the aquatodome is the best version of the meat circus
Becoming the Lastnames by Will Wood--not all of this song works for me tbh because it does kinda feel very "white suburban nuclear family" at times which obviously the aquatos are. none of those. but I feel like the overarching theme of like "I have a complicated relationship with my parents and on the one hand I love them a lot and I want to carry on their legacy but also they have flaws and issues that I'm scared of reproducing" feels like it could be a very realistic trajectory for adult raz
Curses by the Crane Wives--honestly this is one I'm less sure about too. it lives more in my head as a sashamilla song (esp the first verse) but also. I think it could be Dona and Augustus
Father to Son from Falsettos--augustus and raz, obviously. aaaaAAAAAAAAA I'm fine I'm normal
Happy/Sad from the Addams Family musical--another Augustus song. try listening to this while thinking about Augustus and see how long it takes you to start going feral
If I Fail You from Black Friday--look. look you can give me basically any musical theatre dad song and go "Augustus" and I will probably be like "yeah! Augustus!"
Little People from Les Miserables--this gives off Mirtala or queepie energy and I'm not sure which. also I need to alert the world of this song because it's only on the London cast recording that I grew up with and I was horrified to find that it got cut from almost all subsequent productions. which is awful because it's the best song
My Bike by Kimya Dawson--most of it not really, but this specific part:
"I wish my brother could always be happy But because he isn't he is strong just like me He is what I lean on to keep me from collapsing Everyone's relapsing he's the only crutch I need The only god I need twins get in for free"
kinda makes me think of frazie and dion and I can't quite articulate why.
My Mom by Kimya Dawson--yes, I'm putting 2 kimya Dawson songs because this is listen to kimya Dawson right now propaganda. but also I feel like Augustus having to contend with his "mom's" ghosts and the skeletons in her closet, and also I'm sure he's definitely had nightmares about his kids drowning. and also this is such a good song that makes me cry every time I hear it it's so good please listen to kimya Dawson
Pompeii by Bastille--Lucy during the deluge of grulovia, obviously, and like looking back on everything that led her to where she is as she's calling the rain down and the dam breaks. but also I'm kinda thinking of Augustus being. somewhere? and knowing that his parents were at the protests and seeing what was happening from a distance and god I'm sorry for this playlist being so much Augustus I just care about him a lot
Quiet from Matilda--This is another thing that makes me think of Lucy's transformation into maligula but ALSO it makes me think of raz dealing with shit and struggling with his emotions and having kind of a psychic meltdown. like I'm not big on too much angst but also I think he needs to break down a little for his own health. kinda reminds me of this fic which is so good and you should read it
Quit the Circus by They Might Be Giants--Raz. I don't feel like I need to explain this one too much hah
Runs in the Family by Amanda Palmer--I feel like to me this sorta spans across the different generations we see, from Marona and Lucy, to Augustus, to Raz and his siblings and like. The Curse n all
Second Child, Restless Child by the Oh Hellos--YES I am a frazie and dion twins truther, YES this is also a frazie song. I'm saying she's the second child by like 2 minutes so that this song can fit
Siblings by Brian David Gilbert--this is tala and queepie bothering raz when he's doing important psychonauts stuff
Surface Pressure from Encanto--one of the older siblings but to me it's mostly dion
Two Birds by Regina Spektor--makes me think of Raz and Frazie's relationship, i.e. him being more enthusiastic and open about his psychic powers and her being kinda in the closet about it and feeling ashamed. but also for reasons I can't quite explain its also Lucy and marona to me
Unspoken Words by mxmtoon--similar to what I said about Becoming the Lastnames, I think of this as being raz as an adult reflecting on his relationship with his family
Welcome to my Mind by the Hi-Fives--this song will forever be tied for me with the memories of "ok where the FUCK is queepie"
When the World's at Stake from The Trail to Oregon: DONATELLA SONG. obvi the first few verses don't really work but the fucking BRIDGE
"You think that I resent her very being? That maybe I regret her ever needing a mother Is it wrong that I enjoy to right her? I may be rash and overprotecting, not bitter I suppose I could be softer...
I can do better Hold you closer I'm learning that As I grow older I'm the one to forgive"
to the 11% of voters who love Donatella, the 25.3% that like her, and the 13.2% on whom she grew, this song is my gift to you. if you ever see Bad Dona Characterization and want to scream just listen to this song and think about her and aaaaaaaa
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I pick my songs largely based on vibes & lyricism so these won't be very one to one parallels, but I thought I'd share :3 Peacemaker by The Mechanisms has always been very much a Lucio song to me. The song itself exists in the context of its own story (this is also my not-so-subtle "listen to The Mechanisms" propaganda), but its lyricism is just absolutely gorgeous & so reflective of Lucio's approach to violence to me.
On the note of songs that remind me of Lucio, I'm a really big fan of Ceasar by The Oh Hellos (yes those Oh Hellos). I don't have a lot to say about this one but it's the royalty/monarchy imagery that really cements it. The reference to O Sleeper off another one of their albums, Eurus, is really delightful to me because O Sleeper reminds me of Asra.
On the note of The Oh Hellos, Eat You Alive is such a Julian song to me. To me it's just extremely reflective of his own self-destructive nature that shows most prominently in the beginning of his route, but is a consistent throughline in his character. The song to me reads as a warning against his determination to ensure his own destruction: "There is no courage in flirting with fear / To prove you're alive".
I also think The Amazing Devil's Farewell Wanderlust is an artful exploration of guilt & regret while not wholly fitting Julian & his story, definitely captures the broad strokes & is worth the listen. I'd recommend you go into that one blind without reading the lyrics first. It's a little on the edgier, more dramatic side, but it's wonderfully executed & the sheer talent in it is lovely.
I think A Lady by Tally Hall is a really short and sweet Nadia type song. Not necessarily as accurate in terms of lyricism but the delicate harp(?) & background vocals just conjure up the image really well.
Shallow River by The Crane Wives, on top of being (partly) the inspiration for my url, is also a song that reminds me of Nadia in a lot of ways. The ideas of wasted glory and conflict, complex ties to both family and lovers, danger always on the horizon... it's not easy being Countess.
That's all I have for now but if you'd like to hear more I have a lot of thoughts on Shop: A Pop Opera & its little bite-sized character conflicts in relation to the M6, & a few other songs here and there. I apologize for the length & lack of structure; hopefully this ask isn't too much to untangle :3 (this ask also paints a very poor portrait of my music taste... I promise I have better & more varied taste than this) —fool-in-his-wedding-gown
@fool-in-his-wedding-gown don't apologize! All these selections are so thoughtful and insightful, I'm absolutely adding it to the tag ^.^
I don't think there's much more for me to add, you summed it all up so well!
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ok i have reyna and jason songs for u
-welly boots by the amazing devil
-never love an anchor by the crane wives
(both narrated by jason for ouch factor)
-ruin by the amazing devil. yes this is amazing devil propaganda but its so them coded i promise
also for reyna: fearless by malinda and the exit by conan gray
(For context, this ask is from nov 28)
Really shows how long it’s been since I checked my inbox instead of relying on notifications
These are all amazing, thank you anon (hopefully you see this)
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misty-wisp · 10 months
Hehehe crane wives propaganda >:) But I think take me to war by the crane wives could perhaps be an asuka song
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