#yes yesssss >:3
fatuismooches · 15 days
Omg i just got HIT with a thought. Don't really know if this is angst or fluff..
I feel like fragile!reader would have mother tendencies. Maybe in their childhood, their mother was absent. So they tend to mother the segments (no matter youngest to oldest) and prime dottore as well. They would probably unintentionally do it as well. I mother almost all of my friends😭
Considering Dottore's probable severe lack of attentive/loving parents, he would find your mothering confusing and annoying at first, in the Akademiya. What do you mean you want to take care of him? He doesn't need you to fuss over him, you two are barely friends (lies) and he can more than take care of himself. Yet you're insistent on helping him. The more he gets to know you and eventually falls in love, he begins to accept it, but he often lectures you not to do so much.
Especially with your illness sapping your strength now, the segments try to stop your mothering tendencies, but it doesn't work much of the time. You're able to give them all the love in the world, but you also ground them when needed. No one is going to stop you from asking how their day was or reminding them about that research report they need to submit or making them a snack when they've been working too long, even if they sometimes get annoyed at you. (Not Zandy though, he's happy to finally have a parental figure.) On the days when you're unable to do these things, they realize how empty and bland it is without you.
You would also get embarrassed when the tables are turned on you, or rather when the segments treat you the same way. You're probably used to doing things for others without repayment, so when you get treated so sweetly, you get a little bit shy. Dottore finds it adorable, and he wishes you'd be a little more selfish. Actually, a lot more, if he's being honest.
Unrelated thought: Since Arlecchino dropped, I've realized that she probably would not like Reader for obvious reasons. She could never condone Dottore's actions. However, on occasions when you meet her children, she sees how easily you get along with them regardless of their age. How they like talking to you. Despite your fussy nature, you have genuine intent. It's probably what the previous 'Mother' of the House would have been like if she was actually a good mother. You two will probably never see eye to eye, but at the very least, she trusts you more than your husband.
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cheaploafs · 1 year
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late night cuddles
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lovelyminako · 2 months
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just-jammin · 4 months
hey, uh, sry if i disrupt the current supposed mood but
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i squeemsh the goob hehehehehehe… >:3
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yandereforelorn · 1 year
incredibly petty but: otp fic where your notp was previously together/broke up is so. muah
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phvnthom · 10 months
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calumsash · 2 years
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ceaselessbasher · 2 years
rip dream of the endless, you would've loved The Magnus Archives
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robofile · 2 years
Slenderman did so much damage to my poor innocent brain every story I ahve is effected by it
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What an encouraging message to see :)
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bkgml · 5 months
I desperately need a part 2 to the head scratching obsession katsuki has with a few different scenarios preferably MAYBE reader scratches his head w her pretty nails while there hanging out w friends and he’s trying SO HARD not to let them see him fold 😭
car ride
i’m thinking of u and katsuki sitting in the backseat of a car idk who’s driving maybe it’s a bakusquad road trip and everyone else is asleep
(except kiri who has his eyes locked on the road)
and it’s getting super late but youre still a couple hours from the hotel.
i’m thinking it’s like a van situation and u and kats are in the back back bc kats hates having eyes drilling into the back of his skull.
and you can tell he’s getting super sleepy but he keeps saying he’s fine and he can wait until you’re out of the car.
i’m thinking you’re leaning up against the window with your legs in his lap and his body keeps deflating with tiredness and eventually you just tug at his arm and open yours in invitation.
he huffs but flops down onto your lap anyway but he’s still frowning as if it’s the biggest inconvenience in the world.
until he feels your heavenly nails graze his scalp, sending full body chills through him causing him to nuzzle into you and groan lightly.
it doesn’t take long for him to still, falling into a deep sleep.
and just know he’s going to be annoyed to the max when you get to the hotel. grumbles that you should just sleep in the car.
you’ve been at the club for 3 hours now, you’re dancing with mina and you look real sexy. if only it wasn’t so late. katsuki is dead tired and is ready to just flop into bed.
“bro take a shot, you look like you’re gonna fall asleep at the table.” kiri advises before downing three shots with denki.
“bullshit.” katsuki murmurs.
“why not bro? you’re not driving.” sero says with a hint of malice in his tone, stuck being the DD for the night.
“whatever. just order more shots.” katsuki groans.
“katsukiiii!” you cheer, skipping over to him giddily.
“that’s not katsuki anymore, yn. thats BIG KB!” denki cheers, earning a groan from mina.
“what is that stupid ass nickname.” she says, rolling her eyes.
taking a closer look at your boyfriend he does seem a little out of it.
“what’s the matter… big kb?” you tease, grinning.
you’re only a little tipsy. mostly high on life of the dance floor but sober enough to think straight.
“had some drinks.” he murmurs, fingers reaching over to rub against your cheek.
you pause, slightly stunned at his words.
“wow.. did you lose a bet kats?” you question, leaning into his touch.
he shakes his head, frowning at you thinking he would ever lose a bet to the idiots.
“nah he was just a sleepy guy, weren’t ya?” denki teases, pinching katsuki’s arm.
katsuki frowns, shrugging denki off.
you giggle leaning closer to katsuki.
“you a little tired, suki?” you whisper to keep the conversation private.
he frowns, offended.
“no? could stay here all night.” he mumbles, crossing his arms over his chest.
you make a ‘really?’ face at him.
he scoffs. as if you don’t believe him, ridiculous.
“go back out and dance.” he says, nudging you away softly.
you hesitate, wanting to settle down for the night yourself now.
katsuki’s so cute when he’s drunk, you just want to be at home with him.
“guys we’re actually just gonna uber home right now, but this was super fun.” you say smiling and katsuki frowns deeply.
the four had moved onto another conversation while you talked to katsuki, their attention now turning to you and your boyfriends big frown.
“wow, getting lucky tonight bakugou?” denki grins.
katsuki wraps an arm around you as if to protect you from his words.
“we’re not even going home, shut it.” he grunts.
you turn your head to look at your boyfriend.
“yes we are.” you say gently.
“katsuki, yes.” you say firmly.
you feel frustration bubble up in your head but push it down in favour of sneaking your arm behind katsuki’s head, fingers dancing on the very back of his neck.
“no. not this shit.” he groans, but doesn’t move away from your touch.
“shhhh, let’s go home big kb.” you whisper into his ear.
your hand toys with the hairs at the back of his neck before snaking up from his neck to the crown of his head, causing chills to spread throughout katsuki.
he groans deeply.
“fine.” he grits out between his teeth, refusing to look down at you.
“ha! did you see that mina?! did you see-“ denki gets cut off at katsuki shoving him off his place on the booth, making denki tumble onto the floor so you and kats can get out.
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harrysgal · 4 days
harry styles x yn aspiring filmmaker — social media AU
I know I’m just starting and don’t actually have much experience with this, but I’m actually having a lot of fun doing it and already can’t wait to post more.
About the smau: yn starts posting videos on youtube and is trying to build a career as a filmmaker. Things are going pretty well for her and she starts getting more attention when she creates content about shows she goes to. She’s also a fan of Harry’s music and some of his fans start getting suspicious when his team starts interacting with her.
Disclaimer: The story it’s set in 2021 and it will follow their relationship through the LOT leg in the US. Since this is nothing but fiction, I will be following some of the real timeline but also adding my own stuff. On top of that, I won’t be basing myself on Harry’s actual posts.
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liked by bestfriend, yourmom, mollyjane_x and 22,108 others 
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user1 soooo… a new full time job that took you to las vegas? 👀 yourbrother Please behave  bestfriend don’t get (too) drunk without me pls harryfan STOP FIRST LOT SHOW IT’S IN VEGAS 
↳ harryfan2 She’s going to the show right???? I mean it can’t be just a coincidence anymore IT JUST CAN’T ↳ harryfan NO I KNOW THIS IS IT I CAN FEEL IT IN MY BONES
Aug 26, 2021 •
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liked by bestfriend, cuteguy, mollyjane_x and 22,451 others 
yourinstagram you’d think a lady in vegas would be out there getting wild but this one actually has been locked in her hotel room for the last 27 hours overthinking her ideas and freaking out about this new job lol if any of you could send me a pizza or something id appreciate it. thanks. 
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user1 nooooo you’re so talented whatever it is i know you can do it!! bestfriend yn ✋🏻  cuteguy Should I give you a call? 😊 harryfan17 I would too be freaking out if I had to work for THE harry styles lol
↳ harryfan16 we still don’t know if she is tho  ↳ harryfan17 C’mon she’s in vegas and molly and jeff are following her ↳ harryfan16 still 🤷🏻‍♀️ tour doesn’t start for another few days so this could be just about something else  ↳ harryfan16 also maybe she’s there because she wants to be and not bc she’s “working” for him. she’s done videos about several artists and she isn’t working for any of them is she?  ↳ harryfan17 Well yes but she literally just said she was starting a new job so 🤷‍♀️ ↳ harryfan16 so everyone just assumed HARRY, out of all people, hired her? c’mon guys lol she could be working for just anyone and STILL go to a show. one doesn’t have to be related to the other.
Aug 28, 2021 •
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liked by anthonypham, bestfriend, lookitsnyoh and 25,103 others 
yourinstagram fun fact: if you post something on the internet people around you might see it 🫠
guess im lucky this lovely group who still don’t know me at all cared enough to drag me out of my room and show me around the city. sometimes i get so caught up inside my mind that i forget how important human connection is — which is funny if you think most of my videos are exactly about that lol. so plssssss make sure to surround yourself with (nice) people. also get some sleep, drink water and feed yourself. it’ll do wonderful things for you!!!
anyway my mom was worried about my “not leaving the room post” so this is just me saying everythings good!! (i also already called her of course <3)
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bestfriend LOVE YOU harryfan the new followers the new likes 😭 it’s happening i knew it  user1 so true bestie!! this reminded me of your 2nd video i think
↳ yourinstagram omg yesssss!!  ↳ user1 ahh i missed your interactions <3  ↳ yourinstagram i knowww! promise i’ll try my best to keep interacting even if it’s not as much as before 💗
lookitsnyoh my belly still hurts from all the laughing 
↳ yourinstagram and my mind is still rushing from all the talking ↳ anthonypham go to sleep you two 
Aug 29, 2021 •
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liked by anthonypham, mollyjane_x, bestfriend and 27,257 others 
yourinstagram sightseeing left me speechless. but here’s a picture from tonight. 
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user1 omg you’re feeding us this week! i’m so happy you’re being active again <3 harryfan78 POST A PICTURE OF YOURSELF I WANT TO MEET YOU AT THE SHOW BUT I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE 
↳ user4 calm down pls? we like to behave as respectful human beings on this profile
bestfriend ❤️❤️❤️ bestfriend i’m losing my mind but i’m also so excited and proud! user7 I miss your videos :( lookitsnyoh when was this? where was I? bummed that I missed it!
↳ yourinstagram sorryyy just a last minute decision after dinner :( ↳ lookitsnyoh ohhhh makes sense now! Glad it left you speechless ↳ yourinstagram i mean the city is beautiful  ↳ lookitsnyoh sure thing it is 👽
Sep 1, 2021 •
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liked by harryfan, harryfan2 and 15,157 others 
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harryfan64 omg where did you meet him??
↳ fanwhometharry AT THE BELLAGIO  ↳ harryfan64 is he staying there???  ↳ fanwhometharry NO!! I MEAN IDK?? I DONT RHINK SO I JUST MET HIM OUTSIDE AT THE FOUNTAINS  ↳ harryfan74 hmm not tryin to be rude or something but that sounds like a weird place for him to be tbh ↳ fanwhometharry I FUCKKNG KNOW THAT?? I MEAN MY PARENTS WANTED TO SEE THE WATER SHOW SO I TAGGED ALONG BUT NEVER EVER THOUGHT ID BUMP INTO HIM THERE
harryfan62 you’re so lucky!! was he alone???
harryfan15 Hi hun! Don’t listen to people, they're just jealous. It was really sweet of him to sign that for you! Hope you have a great time at the show 💕
Sep 1, 2021 •
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liked by gemmastyles, anthonypham, jefezoff and 35,109 others 
yourinstagram having to keep this secret from the world was the most cruelest thing that anyone has ever done to me. but whatever… it’s fine… i’m okay… i’m just gonna pretend this wasn’t a big deal and i didn’t just watch one of my favorite artists perform my favorite songs… and then i’ll just casually say: pls stay tuned for next wednesday when my new video will be up 😇
(i’ll be back and share more details once my serotonin levels have normalized again)
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bestfriend i love you so much thank you for representing us so well  harryfan I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT OMFG I CANT WAIT I KNEW IT harryfan2 YN KASDHUHHD PLS OMFG YOU CAN’T JUST SAY THIS AND LEAVE user1 😲 i can’t wait for this one! harrystyles soz 
↳ harryfan OMFG HARRY ↳ harryfan5 ?????????????????????????? ↳ harryfan3 AUIDHIAUSHDBAJH WTF ↳ harryfan9 ARE YOU F KIDDING ME WHATS HE DOING HERE
cuteguy Nice! Glad you’re having a good time darling. 
Sep 4, 2021 •
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If you happen to read and enjoy this, pls let me know? 🙏 thanks!! it would be nice to know if this is working, or what else would people would like to see.
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itsmealaiah · 2 months
can you make a smut where 2010 bill eats the reader until she pisses on his face? :3
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pussydrunk bill, who can't seem to get away from your sweet little cunt
"mmngh, bill!" your hands were fisting at his hair as his tongue worked on your clit, his fingers slipping in and out of your needy hole making you moan. He had been at this for a good fifteen minutes, and it didn't seem like he was stopping anytime soon. He ran his tongue up and down your folds, collecting all your leftover juices from your previous orgasm, licking up some of the arousal fluid that was still there. "fuckfuckfuck!" Rehearsals today had been a pain in the ass for poor billy :( so he wanted to release some pent up anger, choosing this way instead of fighting, and you were extremely grateful, at his mercy as he suckled another orgasm from you, your thighs closing in around his head as your body convulsed, releasing your fluid on his tongue. he looked up at you, slick on his chin and lips, his eyes leaving a kiss right above where you needed him most. Your breaths were shaky, but you wanted more. It felt so good, and you didn't want him to stop. "gonna need you to spread your legs for me honey" he said softly, kissing the insides of your thighs, painfully close to your pussy. You nodded, and unclenched your legs, to which he put on his shoulders and began to lick at your soft flesh again, your eyes reeling to the back of your skull as you moaned, his face buried in your pussy as he slid his tongue piercing up and down, the cold metal mixing with the warmness of his mouth as you shivered, trying not to cum just from a simple piece of metal. "feel good honey?" "yes! k-keep going!" you pulled at his hair, making him groan in response, his tongue momentarily sliding into your needy hole, which clenched around his tongue, hinting you were close to bliss once more. "go on honey, cum f'me" a white flash invaded your vision as you came, but it wasn't white, it was clear and covered bill's lower face entirely. "what was that?" he smiled, wiping the cum and other strange fluid off his chin. "you just squirted baby, don't worry, it's normal, just means I made you feel reallyy good :)"
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anothermansjeans · 28 days
Can i rant about yt reader?
Yk how jenna marbles had another boyfriend before julien??
Yea the reader had a bf before spencer but nobody cares about that man.
And when she is making a video cooking for some reason and she calls him like : "what would you say its a reasonable ratio of seasoning on a rack of ribs?" "What are you doing its 3 in the afternoon?" "Spencer its for a video, btw do you want to come over i have an entire rack of ribs i need to get rid of ☺️".
*in a livestream*
Im gonna buy something for spencer😀
Before she revealed his name or face, she has nicknames for him in her videos:
"you know the drill people, the prettiest boy in the world is coming over"
"i can take you to that side of the room because the man i kidnapped is there"
"the boy with the juciest lips and brains is taking me on a date tonight"
Reading comments:
"i need him in me" *cue readers intense stare*
*What did you just said about my husband?* 😶
Love them
1. he who shall not be named is IRRELEVANT! but every once in a while, someone will watch her videos after not seeing them in some time and ask about him and all anyone will say is "we only know spencer 🤨"
2. I LOVE THIS! she's so silly and just loves listening to spencer's voice so she would ask literally any question! also, spencer needs her silliness in his life!
3. AHAHA YES!! and at just the MENTION OF HIS NAME....... the comments go wild (me too tbh)
4. I WOULD LIKE TO OFFER: "the holder of all brain cells is here!", "my boy bander boyfriend is coming over!" (boy band hair reid!! spencer told her about the comment hotch made and she was LIVING FOR IT), and "britannica is attempting to make dinner tonight" (the comments were very confused about that one, she she just smiled brightly and ranted on about how smart he is and how he's her personal encyclopedia 😭🫶)
5. the comments would be in bi-panic (i would know)!! two of the hottest people together??? they'd be in shambles. the comments are also the funniest thing in the world to reader-- they were funny before she started dating spencer but after word got around and when she finally showed his face, the thirst was real
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professorhayforbreath · 5 months
episode 4 thoughts :)
why is this episode ten minutes shorter than the others?
right off the bat i'm sorry but i'm not sold on the necessity of the opening scene. i get it's trying to inject sally into the story more, but it's not as if they're not constantly talking about her. and why would he be scared of swimming?
"are you asleep?" ".................yes" i enjoy
annabeth saying her home life was great until her stepmother... i checked the book to make sure i wasn't misremembering her dad being awful and yeah she's pretty venomous towards him. what's the motivation for this revision? was frederick in the writer's room
pan and searchers mentioned! finally
annabeth rattling off facts about the arch 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
i really like echidna finding them on the train and them escaping to the arch, it makes more sense than "the train's stopped let's go sightseeing"
continuing the themes from the last episode by referring to the trio as monsters from the "monster's" perspective..... that's good stuff ngl
percy and annabeth's banter was top tier this episode
i wasn't sure about it at first but on rewatch i really like the whole "athena got pissed about medusa's head so she let echidna and the chimera into the arch" thing. it's a good follow up to annabeth's blind loyalty to her mother in ep 3. like yesssss it's time for disillusionment it's time to join the side of fuck the gods they don't actually care about us
making the water come up and grab him is a good way to 1. show poseidon helping percy and 2. correct rick's mistake about the location of the mississippi river in relation to the arch. two birds one stone. also the way that part was shot and edited was sick
i know i praised the show's writing but that was about line level stuff. the pacing feels... off. it's slow in some scenes, and then some scenes fly by so quickly. please tell me i'm not the only one who's felt this?
I Am Still Patiently Awaiting Seaweed Brain and Wise Girl
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hwasoup · 5 months
Saw your requests open, and I wondered if you could write anything for a Latina spider reader with Miguel, just them talking Spanish to each other. It could be nsfw or sfw <3
omg Nonnie YESSSSS, im happy to write this :3
miguel can bend me over a desk if he spoke to me in spanish
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Minors DNI
Warnings: breeding kink, bunch of spanish, dom miguel, fingering, bent over the desk, teasing, slightly mean miguel if you squint, mild spanking, lots of begging, AFTERCARE, slightly rushed ending due to wanting to sleep
(1.6k words)
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It was another day at the spider society, Hobie was pranking someone, Lyla spilling tea to other spiders, Peter showing off pictures of Mayday, and missions being done and or completed...but something was just not right….
You recently just joined the society about a good six months ago, after your boss Miguel found you tied up in your own webs in your own universe. He ended up being your mentor and teammate in missions. After a while of being with him, the two of you eventually fell in love and became the spider society’s “it” couple, everyone knew that the two of you were dating.
You noticed that Miguel has been awfully quiet and hasn’t even budged from his office, so you decided to pay him a little visit. After you do arrive, you walk in to see Miguel just briefing a task force before they jump into a mission. You interrupt him with a smile “Oye Miguel, por que no estas gritando como usualmente lo haces ??” (hey miguel, why aren’t you yelling like usual) He looks at you and groans “ay por dios y/n, can’t you interrupt me when i'm not busy” he says
you giggle at his very stern look and you replied with a cheeky smile “awee come on Miguelll, I think they understand what the mission is about, right peters ?” The five peters nod in agreement. With a sigh Miguel dismisses them and puts his full focus on you. Once all the peters have left, he turns to you giving his full attention “Que quieres y/n, no ves que estoy ocupado” (what do you want, can't you see i'm busy ?) he says gruffly.
you smile and give him a quick kiss on his cheek that left him blushing “no, not really…how about if you get busy doing me ?” you say nonchalantly. Miguel whips his head quickly when hearing your words “mi amor…i- you can't just say that aloud ?” You smile again “awww why not, it’s just us two…in your office…” you say cheekily.
Miguel looks at you conflicted, he definitely wants to take up on your offer but he would die of embarrassment if Peter walked in with Mayday. But then again, who is he to deny his precious spider from a bit of intimacy
He then whispers “quieres que te coje chula ?”(You want me to fuck you, pretty ?) You blush at his words, the raspiness of each letter being pronounced, how his Spanish differs from yours due to being from different cultures, it made your insides stir “god yes migs…” he smirks and leans in giving you a tender kiss, after pulling away he looks at his traversal watch and mumbles “Lyla…lock my office for me…and make sure nobody gets in” Lyla locks everything as requested and Miguel goes back to kissing you. Miguel kissed you with his usual passion, his love and lust for you being spread throughout your body. He brings a hand down to your suit and using his claw rips a straight line from the valley between your breasts all the way down to where your heated core would be “so needy for me aren’t you mi vida” you shudder at his words wanting more “please miguel…no teasing”Miguel chuckles as he looks at you, he then suddenly picks you up and places you on his desk with your ass facing him.His calloused hands your ass, giving it a small spank to see the fat ripple. Using the tear that he made in your suit earlier he then grabs the seams by both sides and completely rips your suit off your body, his hands now gliding against your skin, feeling every inch of your body. “Mmm…que bonita…” (how pretty) he murmurs. Miguel then  leans down and kisses your back, peppering it with soft kisses as he whispered how beautiful you look. His hands however were already prodding at your weeping core that ached for attention. “Que quieres mama, donde quieres que te toques?” ( what do you want mama, where do you want me to touch you?”) You grind your hips against his fingers to gain some friction against your clit. “Tocame aqui… touch my p-pussy… please” He smiles and whispers “good girl..” and finally rubs circles against your sensitive nub, he made sure that your pleasure was first and not his, even though his cock was straining against his suit just pleading to be released from its confinements. He eventually then uses another finger to bring to your aching hole and slips one right in. Your pretty moans practically egging him on to keep on going, he slowly starts to thrust his fingers and slips in a second one, his fingers scissoring and curling to find the sweet spot inside of you. “Mi-Miguel please… I.. just put it in…” you whine out. Then, MIguel plunges his fingers deeper and curls the tips of his fingers once more and finds the sweet gummy spot inside of you  “No princesa…that's not how you ask me…say it properly…” (No princess) You blush and look down as your moaning and panting and whisper “please fuck me with your cock…” Miguel chuckles and grabs you by the hair and yanks you up for you to meet eye level with him “Louder” he says “Miguel please fuck me with your cock” you say “With pleasure” he says back. He then deactivates his suit revealing his toned muscular body and his hard cock that's leaking precum from the tip. You look at his throbbing member and think to yourself how delicious it would be to take him from your mouth, but at this moment you’re begging to be fucked. Miguel slaps his tip against your clit a little to remind you what's about to come and in one swift motion pushes his cock inside your pussy. “Cono, que chucha tan rica tienes” (fuck,such a delicious pussy)  he groans out as he can feel your velvety walls squeeze against his cock. 
His cock easily kissed your cervix as it bullied its way through inside of you, the friction between the two of you becoming more electrifying at each thrust and moan. His length stretches you out to fix him snugly. His balls slapped against your clit, making your knees buckle at the little bundle of nerves being touched. He brings a hand to one of your breasts to give them a squeeze as he hits you from behind, His fingers rolling against your nipple, pinching and flicking them to wring out even more moans from you “dios, y/n… me estas chupando, fuckkk.. so tight, its like you want me to fill you up with my cum” (you’re sucking me)
Your eyes have rolled back as you’re riddled with ecstasy, drool came down from your lips as you moaned, your hair is disheveled from all the action, and your words have now become incoherent. Your body shuddered and spasmed at each of his rough thrusts. Your pussy clenched at each word he said. Miguel watches your back arch to fit more of him in, the grin on his face not leaving for a moment. The smell of sex wafted through the room, the sensation between the two of you enhanced due to both of your spider abilities.
“Ay Miguel, Mig- Miguel…I’m close” you say. The squelching noises from your dripping pussy filling the room as Miguel thrusts “shh tranquila mi amor, just a bit more and then I'll let you cum” (calm down my love) You try to hold it in as much as you can, trying to meet up with Miguel’s release. Miguel then brings a hand to your stomach to push it down a little to add some pressure for you to feel his cock ramming inside of you. His mind going hazy as his thrusts become more erratic, his own need for release almost reaching its peak ”i bet you would look so good just filled with my cum, so full with my seed, fuck… imagine you pregnant carrying my child, round and full for me. Cum for me y/n…let me see you scream on my cock” he mumbles out into your ear. His words had you falling into a gutter, Your body finally reaching its sweet release as you scream and squirt all over his cock. Your glistening lips still wrapped around his cock sucking him inside. Miguel groans and with a final thrust cums deep inside of you, coating your walls with his hot cum. He pants heavily and chuckles while looking down at you noticing your sweaty skin and pinkish body from all of the heavy fucking you both did.
 He then finally pulls out, his cock now slowly softening, his cum dripping out from your puffy cunt. You try slowly getting up, but fail due to how sore you are from all the sex “No te pares mi amor… let me handle it..” (don’t get up my love) he says. He then brings a towel and wipes you down quickly. He quickly turns to find his couch and opens it up into a futon and quickly carries you there. Since your body was practically pushed onto a hard wooden surface, he wanted you to lay on something soft. “Miggy…I could have just laid on the desk.” you say softly “No y/n… tu mereces mis caricias...”(you deserve my caressing) He wraps his burly arms around you and kisses your forehead, whispering sweet nothings into your ears. 
Miguel made sure that Lyla would clear out his schedule for the rest of the day to simply just cuddle you.
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annd there you have it, I'm sorry if the direct translation in English doesn't make sense. I mainly focused on the fluidity of both Spanish and Spanglish sentences.
Hope you enjoyed reading! :))
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