sinteez · 3 months
seonghwa x reader
seonghwa  x reader 
Merman x hunter
In a world full of mystical creatures humans and creatures used to live in harmony that was until a creature turned his back on them making them now rivals. You have been raised by your father as unfortunately a creature had killed your mother making you and your father despise the creatures so it turned you into what you are today.HUNTERS.
Today was an fun day for you as every weekend you are always out with your father and you very much enjoyed it because it was the only time he would stop talking about mystical creatures. Yes you hated them but every now and then it got annoying hearing the same things repeated over and over again. However you did enjoy the fishing lake but not as much as the beach… the fishing lake was very deep and there was a tunnel leading to the sea so youve always wondered what things could be living there.
As soon as you got to the lake cabin your father owned you you smiled getting out of the car and started walking towards your room “ hey y/n are you not going to come for lunch with your old father?” your father spoke to you practically pouting making you laugh at him “yesfather ill just get dressed and ill go get lunch with you” you answered back making your dad have a huge smile on his face. You walked upstairs and immediately put your bagon the floor next to your bed and sighed “ill come back for you later my friend” you spoke to your bed wanting nothing more than to just fall asleep from the long car ride. Once you got changed you headed downstairs to your father taping his shoulder making him turn around and smile at you “oh my dear you look beautiful” your father spoke out making you smile from ear to ear and thanking him before you both headed out to the cafe and getting something to eat.
You and your father had the time of your lives catching up on everything and even talking about some old past memories you used to have here. When you got home you immediately walked to your bedroom getting some clothes and went for a shower. Coming out of the shower you did what you do every night and start reading before feeling your eyes getting slightly heavy falling asleep till the next day.
You wake up the sun blinding you as you forgot to close your curtains after reading your book last night. Looking around you getting up out of bed to walk out to the balcony of your room taking in deep breaths and looking at the clear white blue sky. This was one of the reasons you still came here … you enjoyed nature actually you loved nature always wanting to be outside wether or not the weather is good or bad youd always love what the world gives you and you thinking this let a smile creep up on your face.
You stretched and heard your dad calling for you so you hurriedly closed your doors but leaving them slightly open before running downstairs meeting a huge smiling father “good morning father how are you?” you asked before sitting down and started eating what you assume your father had cooked up for you like he did every morning. “Good morning my pumpkin did you sleep well?” your father asked making youtube and nod “ i did father i hope you did too … isnt it beautiful weather outside?” you asked your father knowing he also liked nature he nodded and chucked “ ofc course y/n … i was thinking… why dont we go fishing today?” your father asked you making you stand up excitedly and nod. You loved spending time with your father but sometimes with his work its hard to do so any chance given youd always take it. As soon as you stood up you headed upstairs putting on some comfy clothes and headed back downstairs. “ ok father im ready” you said to your father making him take his things and nod before getting his shoes on and headed over to the late which was only across the little bridge outside of your cabin 
“y/n dont forget to be quiet for me… you never know what i might catch out here.” your father said to you as he started setting up his equipment making you nod and set up two pull out chairs of a bag for you and your father to sit on. You got all of your things ready and relaxed in your seat again feeling your eyes getting heavy. You always fall asleep because no matter how many times your father wont catch anything he still never gives up. You was about to fall asleep but your father shouted and screamed that he saw a huge tail in the lake making you groan as he has done this a couple of times “ father theres nothing there you say this all the time” you said to him but he didnt listen “y/n its a mermaid im sure of it! I shall catch it and kill it they are abominations to this world and no mystical creature should live” your father screamed at the top of his lung making you grit your teeth… this annoyed you because at home all he talks about is mystical creatures and how he saw it kill and drown your mother but you came here because this is a place he never talks about them till now so you stood up and walked back to the cabin, your father watching you “y/n where are you going im sorry!” your father shouted and apologised but you just walked into the cabin and straight to your room changing and laying on the bed closing your eyes 
Your father sighed and tried to look for the mystical creature but not seeing it anywhere he decided to reach in the bag next to him and start eating some food he prepared. Your father was relaxed until he saw another tail he dropped his sandwich before taking his binoculars and seeing it was infact a mermaids take but as he moved to look further along the body he saw it was a merman changing into human making him scoff and grit his teeth “ hey you?!” your father shouted loudly but as he saw the merman run, your father by the time he packed up his things quickly but the merman was out of his sight making him sigh and just sut back on his chair waiting for the merman to come back 
You was laying in bed relaxing and closing your eyes slowly drifting to sleep until you hear the doors to your bedroom open and close…it wasnt just any doors it was the balcony doors you sat up and looked around till you saw someone stood with their back facing you as if they were running from someone you could see the heaviness of their breathing and stood up going behind then and tapping his shoulder “ excuse me what do you thing your doing in my cabin and bedroom?” you said makingthe boy infront of you nearly stopping breathing he turned around slowly and looked at you. You was taken aback… the beauty the man behold was crazy everything about this man infront of you was perfect and you couldnt keep your eyes off of him.
To be continued…….
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dpblack-blog · 6 years
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Bless God for Sunday dinner #yesfather #yeslawd #yeeeees
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turrre3 · 2 years
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tobyjr · 3 years
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Remember, O Lord , thy tender mercies and thy lovingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old. Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to thy mercy remember thou me for thy goodness' sake, O Lord . Psalms 25:6‭-‬7 KJV
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dpblack-blog · 6 years
When its your sisters ( @nicole.your.muse ) birthday but you get the blessing #hallelujah #yesfather #ireceiveit Follow her spam cause i said so @muse.inner.thoughts (at Zio's Italian Kitchen) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmrWlEnhHDD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=87amb854zqnk
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saraiv146 · 8 years
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Yup... This is happening right now. #YesFather #BlessTheeTayaSmith #TransfigurationTuesdayIsNowAThing 😭🙏🏻🙌🏽
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dpblack-blog · 6 years
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Reeses pancakes #yesfather #hallelujah #amenamen
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