#yeti literally just fucked off back inside lmao
spookydingus · 9 months
so this oil company rep has been coming around for years and trying to get us to shuffle off so they can plop a drill down on our land right
mf came back about half an hour ago to interrupt our pizza and mst3k festivities
only he drove up to the rural foothills in a fucking pontiac firebird that is now VERY buried in wet clay
you better believe I stood around holding a lantern and ribbing him about it for ten minutes and not helping whatsoever
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sentient-stove · 4 years
Okay, I know nobody asked, but since that 200k word fanfic for Rise of the Guardians was the first ever fanfic I wrote, I remember the plot, so I’m going to tell you about it.
*buckles you into a chair*
And you’re gonna listen.  *SPOILER WARNINGS, DUH*
Oh, let me tell you her powers first:
Shadow travel like Pitch, she can control the nightmares, but she has to be in constant contact with them, she can create weapons out of pure and corrupted sand, Sandman’s sleep dust doesn’t work on her and she can turn invisible to the Guardians as well.  other than that, she’s pretty low power wise compared to the others.  Like, she has a lot, but they’re all pretty draining.
So, the plot started in a flashback scene in Egypt, around the time that the pyramids were being built.
Our main character, I don’t remember her name, sits up and we see that she’s almost completely covered in sand.  She doesn’t know how she got there, her name or who she is as a person.  So she stumbles to her feet, dusts herself off and starts walking.  People are ignoring her (duh)  and when she finally makes it to a small watering trough, she looks into the water to see that her cornrows are pure white, one of her eyes is gold and the other is a black.  Other than that, she looks like how a 18 or so Egyptian girl would look at the time.  
anyway, she looks up to see the moon and someone walks through while she’s distracted.  The walking through her startles her, she stumbles back, falls through a shadow and is gone.
Then there’s like a montage of all the other guardians becoming guardians, and she’s always either nearby or a slight trigger to it- like with Jack Frost’s, she’s the reason why the ice started cracking, and that’s why he fell in, because there were three people on the ice that day, even though it only looked like two.
Final jump to the events in Rise of the Guardians.  She’s changed outfits by now and is wearing black jeans, a black bomber jacket and lots of gold jewelry.  She’s chasing one of the nightmare’s in the same town that Jack is in (She likes keeping tabs on him and Sandman since those two move around the most and it’s more interesting than constantly fucking with the Yeti).  Anyway, over the course of this time, it’s clear that she doesn’t use her shadow traveling and so the nightmare gets away.  
So she’s upset about the nightmare getting away, but before she can really do anything, she hears a yell, and looks to see that in the alley below her, the Easter Bunny is wig snatching Jack Frost (like how in the movie)  and right before the snow globe portal closes, she slips through invisibly.  She gets out of the way before anyone can see where she is and ends up shadow hopping to sit on the globe and watch shit go down.
Anyway, that scene happens, she accidentally outs herself as being there, it’s implied that she has bad blood with the Sandman, Jack Frost has never met her, Tooth Fairy just knows of her as like a cryptid and she’s halfway friends with Easter Bunny.
Anyway, Santa takes Jack to go have the talk (if you know, you know) and the other three guardians are like: “bitch, you need to go.”   And she’s like: ‘fuck no, im staying, this is the most interesting shit’s been in years.’
they try to subdue her, can’t lmao and so they get stuck with her as like a weird protector of the guardians.
So while this is going down, the Tooth Palace attack happens and she tags along, helping take out a few nightmares and she actually rides one until the Easter Bunny takes it out on accident and she ends up landing on a different level of the palace than the main guardians + Jack.
She hears the whole convo from down there and she also starts to see the crumbling from her vantage point and it looks like the foundation itself of the Tooth Palace is corroding.
That all happens, including the scene where Jack is like: “you shitheads had my memories the whole time?”   
She’s the first one to pipe up and be like:  ‘It’s chill, I don’t have memories either, and look at me, 4000 years strong and I’m still not a Guardian.”
Whoop, there it is.
Teeth collecting montage, not much changes, except for the room scene before Sandman’s death, where it’s her, sandman and jack that are still awake.  She stays behind to wake everyone up, not realizing that the snowglobe slipped out of Santa’s pocket and rolled into the hallway...
She wakes them up, they all go out in time to do that cool fight scene and she watches sandman’s death from a closer point because she was shadow traveling through the nightmares, trying to get there in time.  She doesn’t and she almost gets KO’d by Jack Frost when he kills all the nightmares.
Funeral, once again, not much changes, although she has to take up a temporary role as the Sandman due to her powers being a weird cross of Sandman’s and Pitch’s.
The next part is as the Warren (Easter Bunny’s headquarters)  and she volunteers to go scout the tunnels ahead while everyone else is getting the eggs ready.   She gets mixed up and accidentally runs through a wall, landing in Pitch’s lair.  
She doesn’t see the lil tooth fairies, because of her location, but Pitch taunts her with her fears and shows her a canopic jar made of corrupted sand.  He then explains that she was supposed to be the Sandman, and she was, for many years before she fought him in the desert, got half corrupted and Pitch stole her memories and name as a trophy.  That rightfully pisses her off and she almost KO’s him right then and there if it weren’t for Jack Frost showing up and Pitch going off to torment him while she runs around trying to get out.
She literally runs into Jack Frost, grabs him and shadow travels them out.  It weakens her, and she tells him to go and warn the other’s while she recoups. In reality, she kinda just passes out in the tunnel and by the time she wakes up, Jack Frost is gone, the Big Three thought she got offed like Sandman and so it’s an awkward funeral walk in moment.
She yells at them for being dumbasses, watches Easter Bunny shrink and is like: “Oh fuck, we need to figure something out because I now have personal beef with Pitch and you guys are on the verge of collapse.”
Pitch comes for his big victory, everyone realizes that Jamie won’t give up like the absolute piece of shit he is and so while the Big Three go to go save him, she sticks back and has a brief one on one fight with Pitch to stall, she almost wins, but gets hit by some blowback of her own powers and so Pitch runs and she has to follow, making her show up to the battle a bit after Jamie turns the first nightmare into pure sand.
There’s the fight scene, all the kids can see the Guardians, but not her because there’s no name to believe in, ergo she does not exist.  
There’s this one moment in the film where Pitch rises up behind Jack Frost in the final battle, fully about to take him out with the scythe, but Sandman comes in time and saves him.
Here, our main character pushes Jack out of the way and takes the blow instead.  The second the scythe touches her, she’s gone, destroyed.  The Big Three and Jack Frost are upset and Pitch shows off the canopic jar to them, bragging and THAT’s when Sandman comes back.  Pitch loses control of the jar, Jack catches it and Santa takes it from him to keep it safe.
Once all of that is done and Jack Frost is a Guardian, etc, it goes to the last scene, where they’re having an actual funeral for her with the jar.  The funeral ends, Santa places the jar on a shelf and everyone walks away.  Except for Jack Frost and the Sandman.
Jack turns to Sandman is like: “She was cool.”
Sandman makes like the opening a jar motion and Jack Frost is kinda confused, but he realizes that since the jar is made of corrupted sand, Sandman can’t open it, but for some reason, he wants him to.
So he takes the jar and pops it open.  Inside there’s a single slip of papyrus.  Jack Frost grabs it, looks at the words on it, which have somehow shifted from their original hieroglyphs to English.
He reads the word outloud.
and from behind him and Sandman, a familiar voice says: “Took you long enough.”
I hope you enjoyed lmao, I wrote the original fic when I was a freshman in high school and while all my friends were dating, I was writing fanfic about a character that gave no fucks and was just there for the ride.  She didn’t even have a love interest, just a close platonic relationship with everyone by the end.
and yes the fic was stolen.  I even remember the girl’s name: Clair Deg** (im not trying to doxx her..)
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parabataisarah · 6 years
Masterlist here.
Tag List: @brightpinkpeppercorn​, @roonarific, @sceptilemasterr, @endlessly-searching-for-you, @irrelevanthough, @scgdoeswhat, @likethetailofacomet, @indiacater.
Reactions under the ‘Keep Reading’ cut.
- Alright, I’m back. Let’s do this!
- Welp, we’ve found the MASADA Complex. Lmao, I always go to say MAZDA instead, because at a quick glance, that’s what my brain sees it as.
- Lmao, real quick, I love how my MC is still in the dress from the New Years Eve party 😂 I know I could change it, but honestly? It doesn’t really change much now, does it?
- No, I don’t think you’re a fool for believing IRIS/your mother, but there could be traps there, Lundgren could be in there.
- If we launch an attack, it will fail because they have the higher ground, if we cause a distraction, it will fail because they can see more than we can, so they’d see some of us trying to get in. So I guess that leaves us with hiding in plain sight.
- Sean, I know you’re a tough boi, but Michelle is wanting to become a doctor, she will know this shit, so sit down and shut up. Please?
- “One moment. I seem to recall MC urging Quinn to not touch the Heart, right before she was possessed.” Uh... Whoops?
- Yeah, I knew it was gonna happen. Better to admit the truth now.
- “It must’ve been a hard choice.” So close, Quinn, it was a tough choice... LITERALLY.
- Yeah, she’s not only like that when she touches the Island’s Heart, she was like that when taming the Yeti and a small sprinkle of other times apart from that.
- “But hey, your disease didn’t give you powers to fly and stop bullets. Now look at you!” Craig, honey, you’re trying your best and I love you.
- Awh, you were trying to help people, Jake, the others in your group, probably not so much.
- Can I hug her? Pleeeeeease?
- I would totally put them back together, but like, I’m still saaaaad.
- We have ourselves a Michelle Tough Choice, and thank the lords, I have a 100% chance of this working, so I’m gonna click it! You and Sean need to clear the air!!
- Why do I feel like Jake, Varyyn and Estela are all correct? Like the soldiers split up? Or it could be the Yeti tracks that Varyyn is looking at?
- Don’t tell me I have to choose.
- Uhhhh, which one do I press???? Ahhhh! Maybe the transmission one? See if it’s of any importance?
- “You want Jake McKenzie? Come get him.” That’s from Rourke, isn’t it? Frickity-frick.
- Okay, there’s the warning signal. Either grab your shit and run, or get this Humvee into driving mode!
- ‘...as they careen off the hood!’ Whoops?
- ES MC is a badass.
- So we took the soldier’s outfits? Please, for the love of god, tell me we at least put them inside somewhere so they don’t freeze.
- You dare to have doubted our plan? Well, it’s time to prove you wrong!
- uh, we need Zahra to come with us, game. How dare you give me the option to tell her she doesn’t have to come?
- Wooow, such optimism Sean.
- Ah, Varyyn.
- “Just because something ends tomorrow doesn't mean you shouldn’t enjoy it today.” Damn, MC, all this wisdom!
- “Dammit, you’re always right.” I know.
- ‘Friendship Up! Diego is now close to you!’ HELL FREAKIN’ YEAH, BOIS!
- Raj is seriously a god-send, and I love him so much.
- I wanna take Polaris with us, but I can’t, ‘cause if he’s gonna be the next guardian, I can’t take him away.
- Thank god Sean actually believes Michelle.
- Let’s go with “I TP’d the mayor’s mansion.”
- I know we were shot forward 6 months, but they always say that time is wonky on this island, so I think while we went forward in time on the island, we didn’t go forward in time for the rest of the world.
- “I’m just glad that we survived.” 😂There were many a time we could’ve died.
- Fuckin’ trust Diego to encourage MC to thot it up. 😂
- Well, y'all know I’m gonna spend it with Sean!
- The second you get into his tent, the music changes 😂😂
- Not gonna lie, I always like this sound though, it’s a nice sound.
- Jesus Christ, he’s 6′5? Holy heck.
- These two are utter dorks.
- ...I love them
- Gods, he’s adorable!
- “Can I tell you something?” Just say it outright, but still, go for it, my dude!
- I wanna hug and cuddle and protect Sean at all times! Ahhhh.
- ‘Romance Up! Sean is crazy about you!’ BABY BOI I LOVE YOU!
- I’m crying! Sean just told MC he loves her, and I just... I don’t remember being this happy that two characters said that they loved each other since your LI in HSS said it (Don’t ask lmaooo)
- Uh, of course I’m gonna say it back! I’m not a monster!
- “Me?” MC has the same brain as me, my dudes.
- Oh god 😂 MC looks bulked af in the suit 😂
- “Hell yeah you do! You make that look good!” Why thank you, Craig!
- Zahra and Diego have a great friendship oml
- NOOO! I don’t wanna leave Polaris behind!!
- And who wants to bet that I’ll probably mess up on the whole remembering the fake story?
- Awhhhhh, noooo. At least we got to hug him!
- Yeah, “Ohhhhhh crap.” is right, Craig!
- ROURE. Lemme punch yooooou! Please?
- I’m only able to get this chapter out tonight (Almost 12am and I’m dead tired), I’m sorry you guys! But chapter 13, 14 and 15 will definitely be out tomorrow.
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