savingthrcw · 5 months
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@yformaldehyde meets "Coop"
It wasn't a cry but a growl, a snarl, of pure rage as four men had to drag her in, and a few more followed to aim a gun at the head of the other prisoner so that he wouldn't try to get out of his cell. Janey, on the other hand, had all reasons to keep on trying to fight: they had clearly been ordered not to kill her on the spot, an order Dom Pedro was going to regret, so she had all the freedom to literally rip a piece of face off one of the guys, just as the others shoved her in. She swung around like an angry snake, and managed to reach through the bars, grab one of the other's heads and drop down on her knees while taking him with her, slamming his head onto the ground as hard as she possibly could. He died on the spot, and she grinned, wiping the blood off her lips and chin as the others swore at her and retreated, pulling the body away and helping the injured. "Yeah! Tell Dom Pedro I'll tear his face off his skull!" She spat, because unfortunately the blood was hers, at least for now, and pushed her long hair back, finally looking at the other captive while dropping on the side to sit. "Cowboy," she gave a nod, her voice now neutral, since he was no enemy, and crossed her arms, thinking of how to get out of there and murder the bastard as cruelly as one could be murdered.
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atomiqueen · 5 months
♔ — memes / accepting!
@yformaldehyde said: ❛ working together again, it’s just like old times. ❜
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        “Are you referring to when you put a wire lasso around my neck and dragged me halfway across the desert to try and sell my organs as old times?” Lucy asks, her tone uncharacteristically dry. It's been a long day, and an even longer couple of weeks, and now she's got to track down her dad with the guy who really did try to sell her organs. “Sorry, that's...” She lets out a breath and huddles closer to the fire. It's still light out, so the warmth doesn't come with a side of danger just yet. She purses her lips, then reaches out a hand to scratch Four around the ears. “Just don't try it again. Deal?”
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inncrgold-moved · 4 months
If you don’t protect what belongs to you, then sooner or later, it belongs to someone else.
@yformaldehyde ( calliope )
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"but i don't have anything that belongs to me, not anymore. i lost everything when i left my home and these monsters got to me, but now i'm one too." it's said almost too casually as if the idea of her becoming a bloodthirsty creature is something completely normal and not something that left the girl traumatized. in a way she got over it but there are times when she still thinks about it and the horrors that invade her dreams when she can finally find rest.
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primordialhazbin · 5 months
any fallout fans around? @yformaldehyde
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savingthrcw · 4 months
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"Sorry it took so long to find you." / Janey, post-reveal @yformaldehyde
Janey reached up to touch his cheek; she wasn't an affectionate person because she didn't know how to be, but something about the fact that his skin was completely ruined made it so much easier for her to touch him. She was simply enchanted, recognizing now every sign of her beloved father, of the man who had inspired her to keep going, keep trying, sometimes even to do good, and didn't want to think of what he must have gone through. "Sorry I'm such a dick," she retorted with a snort, "And I'm sorry I said dick 'cause you are my dad and I'm not supposed to swear around you, but I've been doing it twenty years and it ain't going anywhere..." Really, the disappointment he must feel - but it wasn't her fault, she'd fight for the right to be a victim there. it was neither of their faults, it was her mother and Vault Tec's. "I just can't believe you are here, daddy."
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atomiqueen · 4 months
♔ — memes / accepting!
@yformaldehyde said: “why are you so fascinated by that?”
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        “You mean...by you?” Lucy blinked, head canting slightly to the side, curious eyes shining in the afternoon light. “Why wouldn't I be? I'm a history teacher, and you're a walking, talking historical artifact.” A pause, as she reconsidered her phrasing. “I mean, you've been around for so long. You have memories of things I could only read about.” She stretched her arms over her head idly. “Of course I have questions.” 
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savingthrcw · 4 months
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"Here. Drink this. You're dehydrated." / Janey, any verse/au/timeline @yformaldehyde
"I'm always dehydrated..." Janey retorted tiredly, head pounding from it. She had sat under the tree to hide from the sun and had taken a sip of her watered whiskey, dreaming of clean water. "Save it. If I drink now, there won't be any for the journey back, and unless we find more pure drinks I'll have to drink irradiated water and waste a radaway." She knew she was being stubborn, but if they didn't find anything for her to drink between now and getting back to camp, she knew she wouldn't be able to sustain more walking without radaways, and hated having to waste them over it. Even if it meant suffering now. "It's fine, I can take it. I'm used to it." Not a lie, but the scowl on her face said just how much she didn't want to be.
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savingthrcw · 4 months
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"All that matters is I'm here now and we're together." / Janey, post-reveal @yformaldehyde
"But I've been out here twenty years, hiding from my mother, when I could have broadcasted my real name... and you would have found me. You were out there. It doesn't even seem like they have been looking for me in the first place, and being careful... it just made us lose twenty years." Janey looked at her father pleadingly - so many emotions had resourced ever since figuring out it was him, all of those pesky feelings she felt when watching his films, briefly and choking them down as they came, now just coming out of her in waves. "We could have been together. But I didn't think for a second that you may still be alive... I should have hoped."
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atomiqueen · 4 months
♔ — memes / accepting!
@yformaldehyde said: ❝men mock the gods until they need them.❞
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        Lucy looked at him, somewhat surprised. “You believe in gods?” She arched a brow. “I didn't peg you for the type.” She shrugged. “We weren't very religious, down in my Vault. Our dogma was the mission. To survive. To perpetuate America.” It was the only thing they were really taught to care about, above everything else. Except maybe the Golden Rule itself.
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savingthrcw · 4 months
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"No one's going to find us here. We're safe." / Janey, maybe something from her childhood either pre or post bombings? @yformaldehyde
"But what if they do? Daddy..." Little Janey held tighter onto his father's shirt, "People were yelling they wanted to open the Vaults, what if we can't get in? What if they get in?" It was all so scary; they had explained in school how people wouldn't last long after the bombs, and now all those strangers wanted to be saved, and Janey understood that, but she also wanted her dad to take her there before the door closed, because she needed her mom too. She wanted her dad to get back on the horse so he'd be far from the angry people. "We have to go to mom. She's waiting for us," she insisted, expecting people to figure out that they were going to be in the Vaults too any moment now.
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savingthrcw · 4 months
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"I'll be right behind you." / Janey, your call! @yformaldehyde [I pick: he knows, she doesn't know yet]
"Nope. Not a chance, cowboy." She knew it was the obvious choice, the choice everyone would make, including her if he hadn't been a partner in crime. But as long as they were working together, he was part of the team as far as she was concerned, and she had rules about that sort of thing. Janey finished putting the little ammo left into her minigun, "No men left behind. That's the way I do it. We are leaving this place together, or I'm there when you give your last yehaw. Mind your business and reload."
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savingthrcw · 4 months
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"I don't care that I'm in danger. It's you that I'm worried about." / Janey, your call! @yformaldehyde
"Yeah, well, you should be. Because if anyone in this anti-ghoul town tries anything, I'm going to kill everyone and burn it to the ground, even if I went down in flames too." She wasn't even remotely joking, and by now she thought she and her father had experienced enough together, albeit without knowing who the other one was, for him to tell that she'd be capable of it once rage took over. "I was over the anti-ghoul sentiment long before I met you. May not have interfered as much..." Depended on the situation, really, but now that it was her dad, she wasn't about to ditch him if he was in danger, nor let him take fifty bullets just for walking around so she could find some less irradiated food and water. "I say we take 'Janey is a bit peekish' over 'Janey the destroyer' option, huh? I know it runs in the family, but..."
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savingthrcw · 4 months
“That’s a good story. I think you just can’t bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.“ / Lucy from @yformaldehyde
That made Lucy smile against her will, a fleeting look that was gone right after; she had been in the deepest pain, more quiet now than when she had been his captive, reviewing every moment of her life until then. A few Brotherhood knights in armors had showed up, and Lucy had instinctively tried to protect the Ghoul from them, pulling him into an abandoned home, the dog following. And then she hadn't wanted him to go to the next town for supplies alone for that very same reason - she didn't want him to disappear and leave her without knowing what had happened to him, where he had ended up, alive or dead, or how could she help. It was enough to not know Max's whereabouts. And her father's. "Dang it, you caught me. It's the beginning of a beautiful love story." She wasn't sarcastic often, but he seemed to pull that out of her too. A maddening man.
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"Can you just... not start a massive battle? Just this once. See if maybe we can reach town without missing any limbs and with all our supplies and ammo."
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