#yikes just realized how lq this is
papercranium · 2 years
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the song of fatherhood: joel and ellie
the last of us 1x08 / father’s song (gregory orr) / dream song (samia) / the myth of music (rachel m. harper)
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burgardrecords · 8 years
326.4 vs 18.05 Difference
Today is the last day for me to order this.
In order for me to even begin let met state this.
The 326.4 Difference
This is on a magnitude order and the difference here is on an average of over 3k dollars. The 326.4 dollars is for a kaby Lake 4.2 quad core that looks super shiny and could be spending a total package of 3106.5 Which is a really good deal considering that’s a complete package kick butt monitor included.
--As I feel the bass of Kaster’s kick drum the sub pack made listening to old music exciting again it revives music again I can’t tell how big of an impact subpac delivers like being on your own personal concert if you have a deep enough imagination love going to an ice world and meditate with this thing on such a thrill!--
The 18.05 Difference
The other hand can be a bit more difficult when dealing with total packages, there will be some halting decisions along the ways of waiting. However I feel like she might be the princess in the castle I have to work for when she arrives  *refering to she as the mega gaming computer*. This computer is going to be based on the range of an older processor, however it’s ghz can match what games are requiring now adays and have done a comparison between the two, either I can get a 6core liquid cooled system or a custom liquid cooled system that is also 6cores the only comparison here is that it’s only a 18.05$ increase.
I am staying up all day today since it’s going to be a very big decision to make and along the wait I can catch up on a psychology class thats very difficult, but has peeked my interest, while balancing warp academy, Masterclass, and Digitaltutors/grayscalegorilla. 
I just realized today is the 27th and I have missed a webinar, this is why I can’t for the life of me find anyways to stay on a correct sleeping schedule seems like I seriously can’t get things straight even if I set an alarm, it’s cold gaining into bed and cold getting out of bed. Our rooms have heating however that’s a no go in my bed it’s like warming up sheets of ice ugh! NO THANKS I would rather have my 8th chakra make me super warm and fall asleep that way. I am not sure if it’s happened to you, but you are soooooOOOO.... tired and you start feeling really warm like your feet are almost on fire/really warm, with just socks on; you just sort of feel cozy so much so that coldness doesn’t phase you at all! 
With this being said I think it’s really clear to go with the 6core to save myself some struggling with rendering in cinema4d since more core support for those heavy rendering programs like game creating machines need multi-core support a lot. I have been trying to find a 10core infinite warfare gaming machine to see if it’s even possible been coming bone dry on google’s verbatim search. However the cpu kaby lake processor benchmarked was a 5%+ benchmark improvement over the 6core’s at 3.4ghz and 1%+ on a 3.6 ghz 6 core overpowering with just 4x4.20 ghz multicore. I think speed outmatches in time cores however there is one last calculation I haven’t done since I just stated the best and best of lowest cost in each category you know what that means right? It’s a law that no one know about called Kross” Law “Both Parent’s genes crossed within the main magnetic pulse pool causes liked traits from both parents.” Kross” Law is also known as the F1 Phenotype also known in Mendelian’s Law of Random Assortment” I have yet to cross both the low of  each of the systems differences that I have found in price difference so with this: 
LQ= (Liquid Cooled)
LQ i7 4x4.2ghz KabbyLake subtracted LQ i7-6c 4x3.6ghz Ehaswell = 
Custom Brick = CB
CB pc i7k Kabby Lake subtracted CB pc i7-6c 4.3.6ghz Ehaswell = 
It has been decided to go with the 3.6ghz 6core been reading that a lot of programs rely heavily on multi-core support and with overclocking in the group it will help support the gaming aspect as well as the music. Build it for gaming and music will follow since the more cores & ram the more instances of serum you can use thank god I didn’t go with a server computer with 24 cores and 1.7ghz yikes talk about a slow tank! Be seeing you guys in the production room right before feb 7th hopefully let you know what else is up I have basically botched my morning for this order however it’s soooooo! Worth it IMHO now I am gonna get my book for college and get to doing some HW ! it’s been almost a month and I feel so left behind and it’s only been the 4th class day that I have been in. Never the less the better I can get my homework done the faster I can get back to project Z and make soundcloud/bandcamp my new releasing platform :3 See you all on the battlefield hopefully by feb 8th :D
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