Grocery store trips turn into horror
Produce is behind glass
With life size bugs
Digging through the piles
Like monsters
Young girl
Stranded in the middle of the ocean
Bathing suit white one piece
Holding a lock,
That’s anchored to the deep floor
Screaming at myself
Don’t pull it
You don’t know what waits to feel the vibration of that chain
They can smell
The fear
The solitary
Looking around
For the key will be in another
Place entirely
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addictivepsychology · 12 days
Day 29
I think I’m out of ,
I’ll call it an episode
I haven’t been that low in a long time
If ever
That felt crazy
I actually want to leave the house again
I think all the options i can do caused so much excitement and anxiety
I’m taking my iron and multi vitamins now
I ate a full meal
I’m kind of at peace
I need to find myself
I want to hike and go to the zoo
I was to be surrounded by strangers and my music
Surrounded by new things
I hope that dude texts me
But if he doesn’t
I’m not meant for that
I know I can do anything , now
I beat my score in Tetris, that’s a big deal for me
Sometimes I don’t remember who I am without thinking about other people first
I see husbands and wives be unapologetically themselves
But who would love me for who I am on the inside
Without my body
I don’t think anyone would
But I’ll find out I guess
That’s why I try to stay smaller
Who would dare to love me
I’m a liability
Maybe one day
I’ll open up
I could never open up to you
I thought time would help
But it never did
I want to fully open up
And be stupid and tell all my darkest secrets while someone holds me and says it’s okay
It’s okay to be a shitty person sometimes
But nobody knows me like that
Maybe I like it that way
Because if they did, what would happen
Who would leave
I got home from dinner with my roommates girlfriend
Spaghetti factory for the first time was so good
I’m so glad I’m single
And I can find myself again
I wish I could do it with people who know me fully
But that’s a big ask
Cheers to strangers
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addictivepsychology · 12 days
Some days I feel like
I don��t look any different
And that scares me the most
As I’m shrinking
My anxiety is peaking
But confidence is what I’m eating
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addictivepsychology · 13 days
Day 27/28
Surprisingly better days
Been painting more and it’s been a light in my life
Pushing through the anxiety
I talked to bi guy on the phone for two hours last night
It was so peaceful and weightless
Sweet and calm
I missed feeling light and calm
Now it’s quiet and lonely
But it’s nice and haunting
I miss the weight of someone sleeping next to me,
Maybe soon that’ll change
I hope you’re okay, but I hope you’re doing good for yourself
Nobody can do it for you, that’s why we grew apart
I can’t do it for you anymore
I get so excited that I get anxious
And it’s so sad that I
Feel like I can do anything now
And I don’t have to
I can do anything at any time
Like I have freedom
Once again
That I fought so hard for at so many points
I dug myself a hole and
Didn’t even know it
I’m so sorry
I lost myself
And I’m so sorry
You did too
And we didn’t know it too well then
But I do now
And you will too
I’ve been working out a lot
I haven’t been eating enough, getting shakes, but
I’m so happy with my body right now
The happiest I’ve been in a long time
I don’t know how I’ll truly be happy with my body
But I’m starting to think about not losing weight anymore
I feel like I’ve been in a constant state of anxiety
My solo trip sent me into an episode
I’ve been off ever since
I’m excited
I’m scared
I’m happy
I’m lonely
When will this go away
I’m sorry
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addictivepsychology · 15 days
Step two !
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Any suggestions ??
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addictivepsychology · 16 days
Day 25?
It’s been awhile.
I’ve had a horrible day, these feelings
It’s like I went backwards
I’m not sleeping
I’m losing weight
I’m loving the way I look
Hating the way I feel
I don’t know why I’m crying again
I just want to feel safe again
Like everything is okay
But it feels like I can’t relax and I can’t stop and I have so much pressure
I got so used to going on your schedule and not doing much that I forgot how to do things
I always did things on my own, but I always had to think of someone else first
Finding myself takes a lot of tears and blood and fighting
I just wish it would happen faster
I want to be out of the house all the time, but I don’t have energy for that anymore
Sometimes I wish I was on drugs so I didn’t have to worry about anemia or potassium or multivitamins
I just want someone to cuddle with
And to tell me everything will be alright
Will it be alright?
I finally have friends and I love them so much, what could I do without them listening to me
I’ve been crazy for days now
Anxiety I’ve never felt before, how can I
How can I not want to leave the house
I need sleep and rest
But how can I rest without telling me that it’s okay
Because it doesn’t feel okay
And I’m living off fumes and adrenaline from outside sources
But that will kill me
Before long
I feel sick
I want to feel normal again, okay again
I’m so happy being alone and single
I’m so happy being on my own schedule
Doing whatever I want
But now I feel like I have to do years worth of stuff I’ve wanted to because you didn’t want to
I’ve started painting again. Almost done cleaning my room finally .
I’m so excited about the upcoming weeks and months
Almost too excited to sleep
I forgot what this felt like
I can do anything
And I’ll do everything
And it will be okay
Please tell me it’ll be okay.
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addictivepsychology · 16 days
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Step two ❤️
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addictivepsychology · 16 days
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Step one done!
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addictivepsychology · 16 days
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Old ikea art someone threw out. Day one of painting over it!
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addictivepsychology · 21 days
Day 20/21/22
I think
It’s been a long few days
The best trip I’ve ever had
I really like being alone
Just a little boring but that’s good for me
I met some new people in the hostel
I love the interactions with strangers
I really do fall in love so easily
But that’s not real
I went on a date
It was the best one yet
He opened up which made me open up
Without arguing or guilt
For once
We had a drink and walked , found some interesting things
I can’t wait to have a second date
But I’m not over everything and I don’t know how to feel
I won’t for a long time
But I really like this guy and I hope he sticks around
I don’t want to scare him off
I can’t wait for my next trip in a month
I’ll be counting down the days
To another handful of days of no sleep
Rides, food, and whatever I want
I’m learning to love myself
I guess not learning, just knowing I don’t care about anyone else and it’s not about learning
It’s about just feeling at peace with yourself , that this is what you’ll look like and be forever. Mindswell just take advantage.
It’s difficult to know that I’ll never look different in pictures, sometimes I really hate how I look
A lot of the times I really hate how I look
I still feel guilty
While I’m growing more excited for the next days, you’re still so sad
I just wish I could take it away
But it’s not my responsibility
It’s time to grow
I love myself
But I’m so so sorry
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addictivepsychology · 21 days
Day 17/18/19
Tumblr hasn’t worked for days
I slept for two hours on Friday getting to Disneyland
I’m having such a good time
It’s reminding me why our relationship didn’t work
I’m watching all the other couples interact
In better ways
Or hoping
Some girls struggle to get the attention of their person
And I had felt like that
I don’t want my phone
I don��t want the video games
I wanted you
But now I have everything else
I can’t wait for the rest of today, and I miss that
I feel excited again
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addictivepsychology · 26 days
Day seventeen
I stayed out late last night on a date
It was okay, wasn’t you
Movie was really good though
Always funny when someone tries to hit on you when there’s a murder happening on tv
I’m just happy for my trip, I leave tomorrow
I can’t wait to meet people and enjoy alone time
I wouldn’t mind if one of my girls was going though
I stayed up too late on purpose
Hopefully I can pass out when I get home
Benadryl or no Benadryl
I had a dream, the emotions were nauseating
I watched someone get abused
And while saving them
They flirted with the abuser
Betrayed and lonely and angry
I was stuck and you were sick
My next dream was you
You put your hand on my back and told me that it’s okay to sleep
Then we were running around and laughing
But I know that it’s just a dream
We would be arguing in real life
A tragedy really
Two good people who fucked it up
I guess it wasn’t meant to be
Maybe one day
But not now
I love you
I’m so so sorry
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addictivepsychology · 27 days
Day sixteen
I still for horrible
For what I’ve done
I can’t help but feel fully responsible
And I’m sorry
I feel guilty every day
That I’m okay
And you’re not
But I tried
That’s all I can do
I’m pretty much packed
My room is a tornado with you in it, 6 boxes worth
All my stuff, my whole life brought back
I’m excited for Disneyland
Solo quiet trip
Scary nervous trip
But I’ll never be alone
I want to thank you for all I’ve learned from you and all that I’ve gotten from you
I hope you’ve learned from me to
I hope it helps in your future relationships
I haven’t cried again
Every once in awhile it comes in waves
I miss you in my bed
And in my life
But I can’t make a mistake and jeopardize your emotion
You aren’t a casino
You aren’t a gamble
You’re a winning ticket
But not my winning ticket
I just wish you were
Everything would be
I love you
I miss you
I’m so so sorry
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addictivepsychology · 28 days
Day fifteen
I’m meeting someone today
No high hopes
Nothing serious
Because I still miss you
And I still think about you
But I need to leave the house and forget
That’s how I forget
Let time do its thing
It’ll be over before I know it
I’m nervous
For no reason
I hate meeting people
I hate people
Home now and I kept thinking you would come around the corner
I felt I was in our second date
It didn’t feel right
But good and casual conversation
Was enough and all I need
No pressure and fun
I wish I could give that to you right now
I wish you weren’t in pain
But only you can change that
And I’m not responsible
I love you
I miss you
I’m so so sorry
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addictivepsychology · 29 days
@addictivepsychology I could send a million different types of things saying how bad he is and how dumb it is to leave you!!
I am sure you have heard it all tho! Just remember tho! He will be the one that looks back a few years from now and will wish he was still your best friend!!! 🥰🥰
lol I left him
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addictivepsychology · 29 days
Day fourteen
Officially two weeks
I hope you go out
And meet new friends
And new people
That’s what I’m really sad about today
I feel like it’s not fair that I made friends and you didn’t
I made you my boyfriend
But you made me your whole life
I’m unpacking all my stuff from your house and finding more petty things
But whatever
They’ll be in a box for when you’re better
I’m excited for my trip this weekend
I have so much to do this week
Lose weight
Be nervous
And scared
Be sad and lonely
I wish I could talk to you sometimes
But it’s better this way
I miss you
A lot
We were so comfortable, but I wasn’t
I couldn’t be my full self
It would scare you
I keep wishing we could take your pain away
But I can’t
I can just make someone else hurt less
And I hope someone takes your pain away
No matter what that looks like
I love you
And in so so so sorry
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addictivepsychology · 30 days
Day thirteen
Finally in the teens
I cried a little today
Texting your mom
“We will always be here for you sweetie, you know that right?”
I don’t deserve it
You scared me today
You said long night last night and bought fudge
Nobody else knows what that means
So I asked your mom if you’re sober
We can never know
Just hope
But you didn’t leave the house
But you should’ve
You make friends so easy
Everyone loves you
And you’re so naturally caring
But I don’t need a caregiver
I need a partner
Someone who won’t pressure my girls night out
Someone who doesn’t make me anxious
Who I’m confident will take care of anything
Of me
But nobody knows me like that
I ate Taco Bell for a friends birthday today
We were so obnoxious
But it felt nice
Child like
They drank
I didn’t
I like being sober
In control
Still fun
Then karaoke
I’m more confident now
You’d be proud
I couldn’t hold a mic without anxiety before
Now I proudly held it in front of 5 of my girls
It was so fun
We put in the queue, a song you love and we learned together
But ironically it got skipped
For the more important things like
Time and equality
I miss singing so much
You said we would record together
But you never asked
I thought you were annoyed of me
I’m so so sorry
I love you
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